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University  of  California. 

Cill^'l-   f)K 


OF    THE 


OF    THE 

College  jlNew  Jersey, 





The  Cmas.  M.  Green  PRiirrmo  Co^ 

74   AMD   7«   BEEKHAN  STREET, 


The  catalogue  here  presented  differs  from  most  others  in  consisting 
only  of  a  list  of  topics  alphabetically  arranged.  It  is  not  meant  to  show 
whether  we  have  a  given  author's  book,  unless  under  the  topic  upon  which 
the  book  is  written.  The  topic  itself  is  the  direct  object;  and  looking  there 
the  student  may  expect  to  find  titles  of  all  the  books,  and  parts  of  books, 
on  that  subject,  belonging  to  the  library.  This  index,  then,  is  a  sort  of 
dictionary  for  many  topics;  naming  the  books  which  contain  information 
sought;  and  the  figures  printed  at  the  right  of  a  title  show  the  alcove  and 
shelf  where  the  book  is  located. 

The  analysis  of  volumes  with  a  view  to  discover  information  not  no- 
ticed on  the  title-page  has  been  pushed  so  far  (at  least  in  design)  as  to 
include  contributions  not  less  than  ten  pages  in  length.  It  was  meant  that 
a  student,  sitting  in  his  room,  with  this  catalogue  before  him,  may  be 
able  to  determine  what  books  to  borrow,  almost  as  if  he  were  in  the  alcove 
where  they  stand.  The  wearisome,  and  often  ineffectual  search  has  been 
made  for  him;  and  the  time  it  took  may  now  be  regarded  as  added  to  the 
length  of  student-life  at  Princeton. 

In  this  minute  dissection  of  books,  some  things  have  certainly  escaped 
notice,  and  some  have  been  misunderstood,  from  defective  intelligence. 
Specialists  will  miss  much  which  they  expected  from  such  a  plan;  and  even 
the  varying  taste  of  readers  will  sometimes  make  them  regret  what  is 
left  out,  in  comparison  with  what  they  find.  It  must  be  remembered  that 
this  is  a  layman's  catalogue,  while  professors  are  at  home  in  their  province. 
Errors  of  judgment  are  to  be  expected;  but  no  labor  seen  to  be  due  has 
been  shrunk  from.     This,  in  fact,  explains  the  long  delay  in  publication. 

This  analysis,  however,  has  not  been  extended  among  periodicals,  de- 
lightful or  important  as  their  contents  may  be.  Poole's  Index  has  already 
done  this  for  the  literary  serials  of  our  century:  and  the  like  inestimable 
service  for  science  seems  incumbent  on  the  Royal  Society  of  London, 
whose  grand  catalogue  of  matter  found  in  scientific  periodicals  since  1800, 


arranged  under  the  names  of  the  authors,  needs  only  to  be  arranged  un- 
der topics  like  our  own. 

In  executing  the  plan  sketched  above,  some  inconsistencies  may  prob- 
ably be  charged  on  the  librarian.  It  may  be  thought  that  many  interest- 
ing localities  are  omitted  in  this  alphabet,  respecting  which  information 
certainly  exists  in  the  library.  Crosby  Hall,  Lincoln's  Inn,  St.  Paul's,  the 
Tower,  and  the  Abbey  are  spots  of  chief  interest  to  every  American  in 
London.  St  Peter's  and  the  Parthenon  are  names  dear  to  every  cultivated 
mind.  But  as  the  names  of  cities  to  which  these  belong  are  familiar  to 
everybody,  it  seemed  better  to  bring  these  together,  rather  than  to  sepa- 
rate them.  Geographical  localities  alone  are  recognized  in  this  catalogue; 
and  this  may  apologize  to  the  students  for  placing  Harvard  College  under 
Cambridge;   and  Yale  College  under  New  Haven. 

It  will  be  lamented  by  some,  that  when  part  of  a  book  is  referred  to, 
the  title  of  the  volume  from  which  the  extract  was  drawn  should  not  also 
be  given,  instead  of  merely  naming  the  alcove  and  shelf  where  it  stands. 
No  doubt,  that  would  have  made  our  catalogue  useful  in  other  libraries; 
but  it  would  have  materially  increased  the  cost  to  us. 

A  critic  of  part  of  this  book  has  suggested  that  in  the  case  of  com- 
plicated articles  standing  under  geographic  names,  as  England,  France, 
the  United  States,  a  schedule  of  the  sub- topics  should  have  been  given  to 
facilitate  inquiry.  It  is,  indeed,  to  be  regretted  that  such  a  feature  was 
not  introduced  at  the  beginning. 

Inasmuch  as  varying  phraseology  is  used  by  authors  treating  of  the 
same  topic,  embarrassment  was  often  felt  in  determining  the  proper  word 
for  a  heading.  In  general,  the  most  modest  and  familiar  language  has 
been  chosen:  as  Birds,  instead  of  Ornithology,  Fossils,  rather  than  Paleon- 
ology.     Everywhere,  usefulness  has  been  preferred  to  any  other  quality. 

An  appendix  has  been  added,  of  matter  overlooked,  or  acquired  mean- 
while;  and  a  manuscript  appendix  has  been  already  begun,  in  which  new 
matter  will  be  entered  as  it  may  be  received.  Kept  at  the  desk,  this  will 
enable  the  student  to  be  always  informed  of  all  the  library  possesses  on  a 
given  topic. 

The  present  catalogue  represents  the  contents  of  sixty  thousand  bound 
volumes,  beside  pamphlets.  Whatever  advantage  may  flow  from  printing 
it,  is  largely  due  to  the  intelligence  and  fidelity  of  the  assistants  em- 
ployed.    I  could  scarce  have  wished  for  greater. 

Princeton,  June,  i,  1884.  FREDERIC   VINTON. 





Library  of  the  College  of  New  Jersey. 

Aachen.    See  Aix-la-Chapelle. 

Abbeoknta^  {pn  the  Guinea  coast  of  Africa). 

— ^Burton  (R.  F.)  Abeokuta  and  the  Camaroons 
mountains.  An  exploration.  London, 
1863.     2v.     p.  8\  X  1.654.  II 

Abbeys.  See  Aberconway,  Monasteries,  West- 

Ste^  als0^  the  copious  and  elegant  article  (by 
Edmund  Venables?)  in  the  Bncyclopsedia  Brit- 
annica,  ^  ed.,  1875.  To  the  same  magazine  of 
information  the  student  is  referred^  once  for  all, 
for  instruction  additional  to  what  is  found  else- 
where  in  this  library,  on  the  various  topics  named 
in  this  index. 

Abbotsford,  (last  residence  of  Sir  Walter  Scott), 
Set  Scott,  iSir  W.) 

AbbreTiations,  used  by  the  ancients. 

— Manuzio  (A.)  De  veterum  notarum  explana- 
tione  quae  in  antiquis  monumentis  occur- 
runt.    Venetiis,  1566.     16".       17.1027.26 

— Orsato  (S.)  De  notis  Romanorum  commen- 
tarius.  68  pp.  12.778.9 
yin  Prideaux  (H.)    Marmora  oxoniensia     J 

— SiGLARiUM  romanum  sive  explicatio  notarum 
et  literarum  in  marmoribus,  etc.  [Anon.} 
Ex  editione  Johannis  Gerrard.  Londini, 
1792-    75  pp.    4*.  15.978.10 

iBifund  with  Facdolati  (J.)  Totius  launitatis 
lexicon,  v.  a]. 

— ^Walther  (J.  L.)  Lexicon  diplomaticum,  ab- 
breviationes  syllabarum  et  vocum  .  .  a 
seculo  viii  ad  xvi  usque  occurrentes  expo- 
nens.  Gottingae.  1745.  f*.  17. 1048.3 
Abdelkader,  or,  Abd-el-kader  Uled  Mahidd^n. 
— Berndt  (J.  C.)  Abdelkader,  oder  drei  jahre 
einer  deutschen  untcr  den  Mauren.  Ber- 
lin, 1840.  16°.  11.653.25 
AWr.  A  sketch  of  the  military  career  of  Abd-cl- 
kader  mav  be  found  in  Christianas  '^Afrique 
fran^ae,"  and  in  Pulsky's  '*  Tricolor  on  the 

Abelaxd  (Pierre),    b.  1079.    d.  1142. 

— BiTTCHER  {Dr.)    Ueber  das  werk  des  P.  Abae- 
lard:  **  Ethica,  seu  scito  te  ipsum." 
[Goettingen,  1839].     8  pp.     4".     23.1428 

— Cousin  (V.)  Introduction  aux  ouvrages  in- 
6dits  d'Ab^lard.     203  pp.  23.1416. 8 

[In  Ab^lard,  (P.)  Ouvrages  in^dits,  public  par 
V.  Ccmsin.    Pans,  1836.    4«»]. 

— Delepierre(0.)  Abelard  and  Eloisa.  2.61. 11 
ilM  his  Historical  difficulties,  pp.  49-66.    8^]. 

— Gervaise  (F.  a.)  La  vie  de  Pierre  Abeillard, 
et  celle  d'H61oIse  son  spouse.  Paris, 
1720.     2  V.     12°.  8.482.1 

— GuizoT  (F.  P.  G.)  and  (P.  M.)  Abailard  et 
H6IoIse;  essai  historique,  suivi  des  [leursj 
lettres,  trad,  par  M.  Oddoul.  Nouv.  6d. 
Paris,  1853.     8".  8.482.2 

— Lamartine  (A.  M.  L.  P.  de).  H61olse— Ab6- 
lard.     Paris,  1863.     8**.  8.505.1 

[In  his  Hommes  illustres,  v.  3,  pp.  z-43]. 

The  same.     Heloise.     [From  the  French]. 

New  York,  1854.     12*^ 


[In  his  Celebrated  characters,  y.  z,  pp.  103-1^91. 
— RiMUSAT  (C.  F.  M.  de).    Vie,  philosophie  et 

th6ologie  d' Abelard.     Paris,   1845.     2  v. 

8^  23.1416. 19 

— WiLKENS    (C.     A.)      Peter   Abaiard.      Einc 

studie  in  der  kirchengeschichte  des  mittel- 

alters  .  .  .  GSttingen,  1855.     120  pp.     8". 


Eht  in 

Not*.  Further  information  may  be  sought  in  the 
encyclopedias,  the  histories  of  philosophy  (as 
Tennemann's),  and  in  histories  of  the  church  (as 
Milman's  History  of  Latin  Christianity),  and  of 
the  Middle  ages. 

Abenaqui.     See  Abnaqui. 

Aberconway.  (Conway,  or  Conwy,  in  Wales), 
Abbey  of. 

— Register  and  chronicle  of  the  abbey  of  Aber- 
conway. Ed.  by  Sir  Henry  Ellis.  Lon- 
don, 1847.     23  pp.    4*.  6.314.39 

Aberdeen  university. 

— Calendar  for  the  year  1875-76,  and  examina- 
tion papers  in  1874.  Aberdeen,  1875.  p. 
8°.  24.1481. 2 

— Catalogue  of  the  library.  Aberdeen,  1873-74. 
3  V.     1.  8^  16.1016.2 

Aberration  of  light. 

Se*  Astronomy,  Light,  Optics. 

Abessinia.     See  Abyssinia. 

Abingdon.    (Berkshire,  England), 

— Chronicon  monasterii  de  Abingdon  [ad  an- 
num 1 189].  Ed.  by  J.  Stevenson.  Lon- 
don, 1858.     2v.    8'.  5.2284.1 


— Dobrizhoffer  (MO  Account  of  the  Abi- 
pones, an  equestrian  people  of  Paraguay. 
[Tr.  by  Sara  H.  Coleridge].  London, 
1822.     3  V.     8°.  3.133-4 




Abnaqni,  or  Abnaki  Indians. 

— Kidder (F.)  The  Abenaki  Indians.  Treaties 
1713,  and  1717.  3.166.2 

[Mune  hiatoricad  society  collections,  y.  6]. 

—Potter  (C.  E.)  Appendix  to  the  language  of 
the  Abnaquies.  3.166.2 

[Maine  historical  society  collections,  v.  4]. 

— Rasles  (S.)  Dictionary  (in  French)  of  the  Ab- 
naki language.  9.2526 
[American  academy.  Memoirs.  New  series,  v.  x]. 

— ^Vetromile  (E.)  Abnaki  Indians.  3.166.2 
[Maine  historical  society  collections,  y.  6]. 

—Willis  (W.)  The  language  of  the  Abnaquies, 
or  eastern  Indians.  3.166.2 

[Maine  historical  society  collections,  y.  6j7 

Abolition  of  slavery  in  the  United  Sutes. 
Sei  Slavery,  United  Sutes.    iCivil  War), 

Abrnzzi  (The). 

—Craven  (R.  K.)  Excursions  in  the  Abruizi 
and  northern  provinces  of  Naples.  Lon- 
don, 1838.  2  v.  8^  12.713. 1 
Not*.  S*«^  also.  CoiJ-ETTA*s  History  of  NapleSt 
1734-1825,  and  Mac  Farlanb's  Glance  at  Italy. 

Abyssinia,  or  Abessinia,  (Habesh^  ^1^  ^^)' 
— Abbadie  (A.  T.  d*).     G6od6sie  d'Ethiopie  .  . 

[1840-48].     Paris.  1873.     4°.         1 1.668.8 
—Baker  (Sir  S.  W.)    Exploration  of  the  Nile 

tributaries  of  Abyssinia    .     .     [1861-62]. 

Hartford,  1868.     8^  11.665. 12 

— Bruce  (J.)    Travels  to  discover  the  source  of 

the  Nile,  1768-73.    Dublin,  1790-91.    6  v. 

8'.  1 1.663. 10 

-De  Cosson  (E.  A.)    The  cradle  of  the  Blue 

Nile.     A  visit  to  the  court  of  king  John  of 

Ethiopia,    [1873].     London,   1877.     2  v. 

8*.  11.665.23 

— DlTSON    (G.    L.)    Para  papers  on  Ethiopia. 

Paris,  1858.     8*.  11.664. 16 

— GOBAT  (S.)  Journal  of  a  three  years'  residence 

in   Abyssinia,    [1830-33].     Trans,    by  S. 

D.  Clark.     New  York,  1851.     12*. 

— HoTTEN  (J.  C.)    Abyssinia  and  its  people  .  . 

[From  various  authors].     London,  1868. 

16°.  11.663. 15 

— Krapf  (J.  L.)    Journey  to  Abessinia.    pp.  i- 

106.  I  z.  664. 1 2 

{In  hi*  Travels,   researches,   etc.,   in    Eastern 

Africa.    London,  x86o.    S"]. 
— LOBO  (J.)    Voyage   to  Abyssinia,  [1623-34]. 

History,  laws,  customs,   religion  of  the 

Abyssinsfrom  the  French  [by  S.  Johnson]. 

London,  1735.    8*.  ZZ.664.21 

^LUDOLFF  (J.)    Historia  aethiopica    .    .    sive 

descriptio  regni  Habessinorum.     Franco- 

furti  ad  Moenum,  1681.    f**.  zz. 668.10 
The  same.     Ad  suam  historiam  aethiopicam 

.  .  commentarius.       Francofurti  ad   M., 

1691.     V, 

[Bound  with  the  above]. 

The  same.  z  z . 668. 5 

— Markham  (C.  a.)  a  history  of  the  Abys- 
sinian expedition,  1865-66.  London,  1869. 

8°.  zz.664.8 

— Marmol  (L.  C.   de).     De  la  haute  et  basse 

6thiopie.  ZZ.655.1 

{In  kis  Afrique,  Paris,  2667.    4^    voL  3,  pp.  56- 


— Parkyns  (M.)  Life  in  Abyssinia  .  .  three 
years'  residence  and  travels  in  that  coun- 
try, [1843-46].     London,  1852.    2  v.     8". 

zz. 664.11 

•— Rassam  (H.)  Narrative  of  the  British  mis- 
sion to  Theodore,  king  of  Abyssinia    .    . 


[Z864-68].     London,  Z869.    2  v.     8*. 
"•  •  11.664.7 

— Ravenstein  (E.  G.)  Appendix  respecting  .  . 
the  languages  and  literature  of  Abessinia 
and  eastern  Africa,  etc  London,  i860.    8" 

zz. 664.12 
[In  Krapf  Q.  L.)  Travels  in  eastern  Africa,  pp. 

—Russell  (M.)  Nubia  and  Abyssinia.  New 
York,  1833.     i6\  32.2020.14 

— Salt  (H.)  Voyage  to  Abyssinia  and  travels 
in  that  country,  1809-10.  London,  1814. 
4^  zz.668.2 

^The  same.     Philadelphia,  1816.    8°. 


— Wharton  (R.)  Observations  on  Bruce's 
Travels  in  Abyssinia,  in  reply  to  Brown. 
Newcastle,  1800.    4".  z8. 1098.14 

[/»  a  tW.  Mttrtd  Miscellaneous  poems]. 
Stt,  ttiso^  Africa  (Eastern)^  Afncan  Unguages, 
Nile,  Magdala. 

Academies,  royal  or  other.  Set  the  names  of 
cities  where  they  are  located. 

Acadia.     S^f  Nova  Scotia. 

Acalephs,     {Sea^mttUs,  Jelly  fishes,  eU\ 

— Agassiz  (L.  J.  R.)    Acalephs  in  generaL     152 
p.    4°  27. 1667.8 

V*  hi*  Contributions  to  the  natural  history  of 
_  orth  America,  v.  5]. 

^Acalephae  of  America,  (Massachusetts). 

[American  academy.      Memoirs.      New    series, 
V.  4.    1849].  9.9536.x 

See,  also,  Lucemariae. 

Accents.  See  the  grammatical  section,  under 
the  names  of  many  languages. 

Acoustics,  or  the  laws  of  sound.     See  Sound. 

Acropolis.     See  Athens. 

Actors  and  acting. 

—Actors.  \anonA  London,  1834.  p.  8*.  6.348.7 
\In  the  Georgian  era,  v.  4,  pp.  329-464]. 

—Baker  (H.  B.)  English  actors  from  Shake- 
speare to  Macready.  Ne.w  York,  1879. 
2  V.     I2^  z8.ii58^.9 

— Cook  (D.)  Book  of  the  play :  studies  of  his- 
trionic life.     London,  1876.     2  v.     p.  8°. 

z8. 1 1 58^1. 14 

— Engel  (J.  T.)  Id6es  sur  le  geste  et  Taction 
th6atrale.  Traduit  de  TAUemand.  Paris 
(1795).    2v.    8^  z8. 1158^.6 

— GiLLiLAND  (T.)  Dramatic  mirror ;  biograph- 
ical account  of  distinguished  performers. 
London,  1808.     2  v.     I8^        z8.ii58^.2S 

— HuTTON  (L.)  Plays  and  players,  [1852-75]. 
New  York,  1875.     p.  8°.  z8.1158a.15 

— Lewks  (G.  H.)  On  actors  and  the  art  of  act- 
ing.    New  York,  1878.     I2^  z8.ii58^.io 

— Pascoe  (C.  E.)  Dramatic  list  of  living  actors 
and  actresses  of  the  British  stage.  Boston, 
1879.     I6^  z8. 1 1 58^.25 

See,  also.  Drama,  Shakespeare. 

Acts  of  the  apostles.  See  Bible,  (New  Testa- 

Adage.     See  Aphorisms,  Maxims,  Proverbs. 

Adams  (Hannah),     b.  1755.    d,  1832. 

— Memoir,  written  by  herself.  With  additional 
notices,  by  a  friend.  [Mrs.  H.  F.  Lee]. 
Boston,  1832.     12**.  4.201. 18 

Adams  (John).  2d  president  of  the  United 
States,     b,  1735.     d.  1826. 

— ^Autobiography,  with  diary,  and  memoir  by 
C.  F.  Adams.  4-233.1 

[/«  A»>  Works,  V.  x-3]. 

— GiBBS  (G.)  Memoirs  of  the  administrations 
of  Washington  and  Adams.  New  York, 
Z846.    av.    8^  3-i43.J^ 




— Sergeant  (JO  Oration  delivered  in  Indepen- 
dence square,  24th  July,  1826,  in  com- 
'  roemoration  of  Thomas  Jefferson  and 
John  Adams.     Philadelphia,  1832.    8*". 

[/•  a  vol.  Uttered  ''Select  Speeches,  J.  Ser- 

See.  aU0s  Webster  (D.)  Oratioa  on  Adams  and 
Jefleraon,  v.  z.  of  Works,  and  Sanderson  Q.) 
Biofirraphy  of  the  signers,   v.  8. 

Ad«aiS  (John  Quincy).  6M  president  of  the 
United  States,     b.  1767.     d.  1848. 

— Memoirs,  comprising  portions  of  his  diary 
from  1795  to  1848.  Ed.  by  C.  F.  Adams. 
Philadelphia,  1874-77.    12  v.     8^  6.202.1 

— Discourses  on  the  life,  etc.,  of  John  Quincy 
Adams.     Boston,  1848.  O.202.4 

Cottteute:  (i)  Addresses  in  congress,  (s)  Allen 
0.  H.).  (3)  Everett  (E.),  (4)  Farley  (F.  A.).  (5) 
Hanks  (S.  W.).  (6)  Hosmcr  (G.  W.).  17)  King 
(C).  (8)  Livennore  (A.  A.>.  (9)  Lunt  (V".  PJ. 
(10)  Seward  (W.  H.).  (iz)  Sharp  (D.X  (»)  Storrs 

— LoRiKG  (J.  S.)  John  Quincy  Adams.  Bos- 
ton, 1853.  8'.  3.138^.5 
{In  kis  Hundred  Boston  orators,  pp.  033-348]. 

— Quincy  (J.)  Life  of  John  Quincy  Adams. 
Boston,  1859.     ^''*  6.202.3 

Adams  (Samuel),    b.  1722.    d.  1803. 

— Wells,  (W.  V.)  Life  and  public  services  of 
Samuel  Adams.    Boston,  1865.    3  ▼.    8**. 



— Rathkb  (H.)  Entwickeltmgsgeschichte  dcr 
natter  (Coluber  natrix).  KSnigsberg, 
1839.    4'.  27.1687.5 

Addiflgton  (Henry).  Lr/  viscount  Su^nouth,  b. 
1757.    d.  1844. 

— Pellew  (G.)  The  life  and  correspondence 
of  viscount  Sidmouth,  [1774-1844]. 
London,  1847.    3  v.     8"*.  6.372.5 

Addison  (Joseph),    b.  1672.    d.  1719. 

— ^AiKEN  (L)  The  life  of  Joseph  Addison. 
London,  1843.    2  v.     12  .  6.341.2 

— Phillips  {Sir  R.)  Addisoniana.  London, 
1803  (?)    2v.     16°.  6.341. 1 

Adirondack  region,  (northern  New  York). 

— Colvin  (V.)  Report  [to  the  legislature  of  the 
state  of  New  York]  on  a  topographical 
survey  of  the  Adirondack  wilderness  of 
New  York.     Albany.  1873.     8°.     4.185.3 

^The  same,  for  1873.     Albany,  1874.    8**. 


^Thc  same,  seventh  report  [with  an  appen- 
dix, condensing  previous  reports].  Albany, 
1880.     8*.  4.185.3 

— Headlet  (J.  T.)  The  Adirondack ;  or,  life 
in  the  woods.     New  York,  1875.     12**. 

4. 185.21 

— ^Warner  (C.  D.)  In  the  wilderness.  Boston, 
1879.     sm.  sq.  16"*.  2z.1326.26 

Admirals  (British). 

— Campbell  (J.)  Lives  of  the  British  admirals. 
Continued  to  1779,  by  J.  Berkenhout. 
New  ed.,  corrected  to  the  present  time,  by 
H.  R.  Yorke  and  W.  Stevenson.  London, 
1812-17.     8v.     8'.  5.278^.1 

— Lives  of  British  naval  heroes  from  the  reign 
of  Henry  VILto  the  present  tame.  \Anon.] 
Leith,  1809.     12*.  0.367.13 

— Naty  (The).     [Anom.]    London,  1834.    p.  8". 

(/•  the  Geofgian  era,  v.  a,  pp.  145-370]. 

— SOUTHEY  (R.)  Lives  of  the  British  admirals. 
Continued  by  R.  BelL  London,  1833-40. 
5v.     16°.  6.347.15 

— ^The  same.  33.2031.5 

Admirals  (Dutch). 

— LiEFDE  (J.  de).  Great  Dutch  admirals.  Lon- 
don, 1873.  i6'.  10.575.18 
See^  atsoy  Biography  (coUectiTc),  and  the  section 
Historv  (naval),  under  the  names  of  various 

Adrianns  (Publius  Aelius).  Roman  emperor^  a.d. 

I 17-138. 
— Spartianus  (iE.)    Adrianus  imperator. 


\In  Historiae  augustae  scriptores  sex y.  z. 

Lugd.  Batav.,  1671.    a  v.    8*>]. 

See,  aUo,  Caesara  (The). 

Adulteration  of  drugs,  food,  etc.    See  Drugs, 

Food,  etc 

See,  in  Biography,  the  fives  of  maay  enterprising 
persons,  and,  in  Fiction,  the  titles  o/many  novels. 

Advertisements.     5r/ Journalism. 

Advice.     See  Manners,  Maxims,  etc. 

Aelfric,  (archbishop  of  Canterbury),    d.  1006. 

— Mores  (E.  R.)  De  Aelfrico,  •  .  comments- 
rius  .  .  Edidit  et  praefatus  est  G.  J.  Thor- 
kelin,  1789.     4*.  15.2956.11 

[/«  a  vol.  lettered'"'  Alfred's  will,"  etc.] 

— Wharton  (H.)   Utrum  Elfricus  grammaticus. 

\In  a  vol.  lettered  Ancient  history.  A  mm,'] 

Aelianus  Tacticus. 

— KdCHLY  (A.)    De  libris  tacticis,  qui  nomini- 

bus  Arriani  et  Aeliani  feruntur  dissertatio. 

Turid,  185 1-2-3.     3  pts.     pp.f.    4". 

JEmtaidemns,  an  ancient  agnostic,  fust  before 

— Saisset   (E.)     Aen6sid6me.      Etude    sur   le 

sceptisime  ancien.    2e  6d.     Paris,  1865. 

12%  aa.  1395. 17 

Aerolites.     See  Meteors. 
Aeronautics,  or  artificial  flight. 
— Arago  (F.)     Aeronautic  voyages  performed 

with  a  view  to  the  advancement  of  science. 

[Smithsonian  report,  2863]. 

— Pettigrew  (J.  B.)  Dissertation  on  aero^ 
nautics.  27.1671. 31 

\In  hii  Animal  locomotion.    ao&-26o]. 

Aeschines.    b.  b.c.  389.    d.  314. 

— DiNDORF  (W.)    Scholia  graeca  in  Aeschinem. 

Oxonii,  1852.     8".  14.900. 17 

— NiLSON  (N.   J.   A.)     De  rerum  disposition* 

apud  Aeschinem    .    .    commentaria.     i. 

Upsaliae,  1877.     8'.  14. 881. 7 

— SCHOLiEN  2u  des  Aeschines  rede  gegen  den 

Timarchos    .     .    berichtiget  und  vervoU* 

standiget  von  I.  Bekker.     Berlin,  1835. 

26  pp.     4^  14.868 

— Sodenstjerna   (E.    a.)   and    Bergman  (I.) 

Dissertatio    de    ingenio    Aeschinis    ora- 

toris  .  .  Upsaliae,  1814.     12  pp.    s.  4**. 

Aeschylus,    b.  b.c.  525.    d.  456. 

Tragedies,  as  a  whole, 

— BOYES  n.  F.)  Illustrations  of  the  tragedies 
of  Aeschylus,  from  the  poets.  Oxford, 
1842.     8^  14.881.  II 

— CoPLESTON  (R.  S.)  Aeschylus.  [Sketch  of 
the  poet  and  of  his  tragedies].  Philadel- 
phia, 1875.     8'.  x4.881.17 




— F&ANCKEN  (C.  M.)    Disputatio  critica  de  an- 

tiquarum    Aeschyli   interpretationum  ad 

genuinam  lectionem  restituendam  usu  et 

auctoritate  .  .  Trajecti  ad  Rhenum,  1845. 

150  pp.     8^  X4.881 

—Hermann  (T.  G.  J.)     Observationes  criticae 

in  quosdam  locos  Aeschyli.  Upsiae,  1798. 

8°.  z4.2854.11 

— Klausen  (R.  H.)    Theologoumena  Aeschyli 

tragid.  Berolini,  1829.  8^  z4.881.13 
— LowiNSKi  (A.)    De  pristino  ordine  versuum 

quonindam  aeschyliorum.    Conitz,  1857. 

16  pp.  4^  •  14.881 
Emendationes  aeschyleae.      Conitz,   1855. 

8  pp.  4**.  Z4.881 
Divcrbii  aeschylei  secundum  rationem  anti- 

theticam  emendati  specimen  .  .  Konitz, 

1862.  20  pp.  4**.  Z^.88i 
—  'Scholia  graeca  in  Aeschyli  tragedias,  edente 

G.  Dindorfio.    Oxonii,  1851.  8**.    Z4.881.9 
[/«  Diadorfs  edition  of  Aeschylus,    v.  3]. 
— ^Westphal   (R.)     Emendationes  aeschyleae. 
18  pp.    Vratislaviae.  1869.    4**.       Z4.881 

Tragedies^  singly,     Agamemnon. 
— Lenhoff  (T.)    Adnotationes  ad  locos  aliquos 
Agamemnonis  aeschyleae.     Neu-Ruppin, 

1863.  18  pp.    4'.  Z4.881 

— BoRCHARD  (E.)     Commentatio    de   Aeschyli 

Choephororum  parodo.  Berolini,  1862.  16 

pp.     4".  Z4.881 

— Merkel  (R.)    Zur  Aeschylus — ^kritik  und  er- 

kl^rung :    i.  Vier  chdre  der  ChOephoren. 

Gotha,  1863.     17  pp.     4*.  Z2.88I 


— Bellmann  (C.  F.  a.)  De  Aeschyli  ternione 
prometheo  libri  duo  .  .  .  Vratislaviae, 
1839.     8^  14.881. 10 

— Welcker  (F.  G.)  Die  aeschylische  trilogie : 
Prometheus  und  die  kabirenweihe  zu 
Lemnos.    Darmstadt,  1824.   8^    12.881. 16 

The  same.    Nachtrag  zu  die  schrift  tlber  die 

aeschylische  trilogie,  nebst  einer  abhand- 
lung  Uber  das  satyrspiel.  Frankfurt  am 
Main,  1826.     8°.  z4.881.16 

[The  last  two  bound  togetherl. 

— Wieseler  (F.)  Adversaria  m  Aeschyli  Pro- 
metheum  vinctum  et  Aristophanis  aves, 
philolog^ca  atque  archaeologica.  Got- 
tingae,  1843.     vi,  132  pp.     8'*.  14. 881 

Schedae  criticae   in  Aeschyli   Prometheum 

vinctum.     Gottingae,  i860.     25  pp.     4'. 

14. 881 
Seven  against  Thebes, 

— LowiNSKi  (A.  C.)  De  Aeschyli  Septem  con- 
tra Thebas.     Conitz,  1852.     24  pp.     s.  4". 

14. 881 
Sii^  also.  Drama  {Greek), 


'—Boyle  (C.)    Bentley's  dissertation  upon  the 

fables  of  Aesop  examined.  6.2342.4 

[In  Boyle  (C.)    BenUey's  disseruUons  examined, 

pp.  931-390.    8<»]. 
— Planudes    (M.)      Aesopi    fabulatoris    vita. 

[Graece  et  latine].     Londini,  1671.     12*. 


{In  Fabulae  Aesopi.  pp.  106-1991. 

Note.    Neither  the  tables  nor  the  story  of  Aesop 

are  now  re^^arded  as  genuine. 

Aesthetics,  {or,  the  philosophy  of  the  beautiful). 

Scientific  treatment, 

— AusoN  (A.)  Essays  on  the  nature  and  prin- 
ciples of  taste.     Edinburgh,  1790.    4  . 

23. 1456. 1 

The  same.     5th  cd.     Edinburgh,  181 7.     2 

V.     8^  23. 145 1. 1 

The  same.    New  York,  1844.   I2^    23.1452.3 

— Allen  (G.)  Physiological  esthetics.  London, 
1877.    8^  23.1451. 17 

^Thesame.  New  York,  1877.  12°.  23.1451.17 

— Bascoh  (J.)  Aesthetics,  or  the  science  of 
beauty.   New  York,  1874.    12*.   23.1451.19 

— Burke  (E.)  A  philosophical  inquiry  into  the 
origin  of  our  ideas  of  the  sublime  and 
beautiful.  New  York,  1844.  12''.  32.1451.22 

—Cousin  (V.)  Du  vrai,  du  beau,  et  du  bien. 
i6e  6d.     Paris,  1872.     16*.        23.1451.33 

^The  same.  The  philosophy  of  the  beauti- 
ful. Tr.  by  J.  C.  Daniel.  New  York, 
1849.  i6'.  23.1432.23 

The  same.     Lectures  on  the  beautiful.     Tr. 

by  O.  W.  Wight.     New  York,  1854.     8^ 

23.1451. 13 

—Day  (H.  N.)  The  science  of  aesthetics.  New 
Haven,  1872.     12'.  23.1451.27 

— Dick-Lauder  (Sir  T.)  Essay  on  the  origin 
of  taste.  30. 1 891. 4 

\In  Price  iSir  U.)     On  the  picturesque.    Edhi- 
buigh,  1843.    8*]. 

— Diderot  (D.)  Recherches  philosophiques  sur 
Torigine  et  la  nature  du  beau.  8.493.4 
\In  his  Oeuvres  complies.    1876.   v.  xo,  pp.  1-42]. 

— Fechner  (G.  T.)  Vorschule  der  aesthetik, 
Leipzig,  1876.    2pts.  iniv.  8^  23. 145 1.8 

— Gellert  (C.  F.)  Brief e,  nebst  einer  praktU 
schen  abhandlung  von  dem  guten  ge* 
schmacke.     Leipzig,  1763.     8".       19. 3175 

— Gerard  (A.)  An  essay  on  taste,  2d  ed.  .  . 
with  three  dissertations  on  the  same  sub- 
ject by  Voltaire,  Alembert,  Montesquieu. 
Edinburgh,  1764.     12".  23.1450.7 

— GiOBERTi  (V.)  Del  buono,  del  bello  .  . 
Firenze,  1853.     I2%  23.1452.7 


—Goethe  g.  W.  von).  Essays  on  art.  Tr.  by 
S.G.Ward.    Boston,  1845.    12'.   30.1880.6 

—Holmes-Forbes  (A.  W.)  The  science  of 
beauty :  an  analytical  inquiry  into  the 
laws  of  aesthetics.     London,  1881.     8^. 


— HuTCHESON  (F.)    Inquiry  concerning  beauty, 

order,  etc.   London,  1725.    8^  23.1464.24 

— Kedney  (J.  S.)    The  beautiful  and  the  sublime: 

an  analysis.     New  York,  1880.     12'*. 

23.1451. 18 

— KiRCHMANN  (J.  H.  von).     Aesthctik  auf  real- 

istischer  grundlage.     Berlin,  1868.    2  v. 

8'.  23.1451.3 

—Knight  (R.   P.)    Inquiry  into  the  principles 

of  taste.     London,  1805.    8".    23.1451. 14 

The  same.    3d  ed.     London,  1806.     1.  8'. 

— Lessing  (G.   E.)    Laokoon :    oder,  tlber  die 

grenzen  der  mahlerei  und  poesie.    9.553.1 

\ln  his  SImmtliche  schriften.    Leipzig^,  1853-57. 

vol.  6,  pp.  359-5xa]. 

The  same.     Laocoon.     An  essay  upon  the 

limits  of  painting  and  poetry.     Tr.  by  E. 
Frothingham.     Boston.  1874.     16'*. 

«3- 1453.5 




— Mackenzie  (G.  T.)  An  essay  on  some  sub- 
jects connected  with  taste.  Edinburgh, 
1817.     8*.  23.1451. 12 

— Moffat  (J.  C.)  An  introduction  to  5ie  study 
of  aesthetics.     Cincinnati,  1856.     p.  8*". 


— Plotinus.  Concerning  the  beautiful.  Or,  a 
paraphrased  translation  .  .  of  Ennead  i. 
book  VI.  By  T.  Taylor.  London,  1787. 
I6^  23. 145 1. 21 

— QuATREikfERE  DE  QuiNCY  (A.  C.)  Nature, 
end  and  means  of  imitation  in  the  fine  arts. 
Tr.  by  J.  C.  Kent.     London,  1837.     8^ 


— ScHELLiNG  (F.  W.  J,  von).  Philosophie  der 
kunst.  9.555-1 

[/m  kis  Slmmtliche  werkc,  B.  5.  pp.  353-736]. 

— Weber  (W.  E.)  Vorlesungen  zur  aesthetik  .  . 
in  bezug  auf  GOethe  und  Schiller.  Han- 
nover, 1831.     p.  8**.  23.1451.26 

— Greenough  (H.)    Selections  on  art,  etc. 

[Tuckerman  (H.  T.)  Memorial  of  H.  Greenough. 
pp.  61-9 1  a]. 

— Herder  (J.  G.  von).  Kalligone :  Vom  angeneh- 
men  und  schOnen  ;  von  kunst  und  kunst- 
richterei ;  vom  erhabnen  und  vom  ideal. 

[/«  kit  Wcrke,  vol  18.    Berlin,  1875  (?)    x6»]. 

— RiCHTER  (J.  P.  F.)  Vorschule  der  aesthetik. 
2  V.  9.552.2 

yin  kis  Slmmtliche  werke.    Berlin,  1860-63.    vols. 
z8  and  19]. 

The  same.    2e  aufl.     Stuttgart,  1813.     i  v. 

in  3.     16*.  23.1451.35 

— Schiller  (J.  C.  F.  von).    Aesthetic  letters, 

essays,  etc.  .  .  Boston,  1845.    p.  8*". 

— ScHLEGEL  (C.   W.   F.   von).     Aesthetic  and 

miscellaneous  works  .  .  .  London,  1849. 

p.  8*.  23.1451.30 

— VfeRON  (E.)     L'Esthfetique  .  .  .  Paris,  1878. 

16".  23.1451.29 

— Zeising    (  a.  )      Aesthetische     forschungen. 

Frankfurt  a.  M.,  1855.     8'.         23.1451.9 


— Carriere  (M.)  Die  kunst  in  zusammenhang 
der  cultur-entwickelung  und  die  ideale  der 
menschheit  2te  und  3te  aufl.  Leipzig, 
1874-77.     5  V.     8^  30.1884.14 

— LoTZE  (H.)  Geschichte  der  aesthetik  in 
Dentschland.    Mtlnchen,  1868.     8*". 

23. 145 1. 7 
— ScHASLER  (M.)    Aesthetik  als  philosophie  des 
schSnen  und  der  kunsL    B.  i.  Geschichte 
der  aesthetik.     Berlin,  1872.    2  v.     8'. 

23. 145 1. 2 
— ZiMMERMANN  (R.)     Geschichte  der  aesthetik 
als  philosophischer  wissenschaft.     Wien, 
1858.     1.  8\  23.1451.6 

S^e^  alto.  Arts  (Pine),  Beauty,  and  the  names  of  the 
several  nne  arts. 


— Adye  (J.)  Sitana:  a  mountain  campaign  on 
the  borders  of  Afghanistan,  in  1863. 
London,  1867.     8**.  zz.693.12 

—Andrew  (W.  P.)  Our  scientific  frontier.  Lon- 
don, 1880.     8*.  zz.693.9 

—Atkinson  (J.)  Sketches  in  Afghanistan.  Li- 
thographed by  Haghe.  London,  1842. 
25  pi.     f^  ZZ.687.1 

— Bellew  (H.  W.)  Afghanistan  and  the  Af- 
ghans.    London,  1879.     i6\     zz. 691.28 

— Campbell  (G.  D.)  The  Afghan  question 
from  1841  to  1878.  By  the  duke  of  Ar- 
gyll.    London  [1879].     8^  zz.692.16 

— Eyre  (V.)  Journal  of  imprisonment  in  Af- 
ghanistan, 1842.     London,  1843.     8^ 

[/«  kit  Military  operations  at  Cabul,  1843]. 

— Griffi-Ai  (W.)  Journals  of  travels  in  Af- 
ghanistan.    Calcutta,  1847.     8*". 


— Masson  (C.)  Narrative  of  various  journeys 
in  Balochistan,  Afghanistan,  etc.  Lon- 
don, 1844.     4  V.     8\  ZZ.693.6 

—Mohan  lal.  Victory  and  disasters  of  the 
British  army  in  Afghanistan  in  1841. 

{In  kis  Life  of  amir  Dost  Mohammed  khan]. 

— Neamet  Ullah.  History  of  the  Afghans,  tr. 
from  the  Persian  by  B.  Dom.  London, 
1836.    4**.  zz.2698.2 

—Sale  {lady  F.  W.)  A  journal  of  the  disas- 
ters in  Affghanistan,  1 841-2.  London, 
1843.     p.  8%  zz.684.26 

— Thorburn  (S.  S.)  Bannd:  or,  our  Afghan 
frontier.  London,  1876.  8*.  zz.684.16 
Set^  altoy  Cabul. 

Africa,  (as  a  whole). 

— Heeren  (A.  H.  L.)  Researches  into  the  poli- 
tics, intercourse  and  trade  of  the  [Afri- 
can nations].     2d  ed.    London,  1850.   8**. 


— Hofland  (B.  W.  H.)  Africa  described.  New 
ed.     London,  1834.     16°.  ZZ.660.2 

—Jameson  (R.)  Wilson  (J.)  and  Murray  (H.) 
Narrative  of  discovery  and  adventure  in 
Africa.     New  York,  1831.     I8^ 


—Johnston  (K.)  Africa  .  .  With  ethnological 
appendix  by  A.  H.  Keane.  London, 
1878.     16°.  zz.642.3 

— RiTTER  (C.)  Afrika.  (In  v.  i  of  his  Erd- 
kunde).     Berlin,  1822.    8**.  2.40.  z 

The  same.    G^ographie  g^n^rale  compar^e 

.    .    [L'Afrique].     Traduite  par  Buret  et 
Desor.     Paris,  1835-36.     3  v.    8". 


—Baker  (Sir  S.  W.)  Ismailla:  a  narrative 
of  the  expedition  to  central  Africa  for 
the  suppression  of  the  slave  trade  .  . 
1869-73.    New  York,  1875.     8^    zz.665.5 

— Bruce  (J.)  Travels  to  discover  the  source  of 
the  Nile,  1768-1773.  Dublin,  1790-91. 
6  V.     8^  zz.663.10 

[Vol.  z  wanting]. 

—Cameron  (V.  L.)  Across  Africa  [1872-76]. 
New  York,  1877.     8^  zz.665.14 

— Damberger  (C.  F.)  {^pseudonym^  Travels 
through  Africa,  from  the  Cape  of  Good 
Hope  to  Morocco  .  .  and  through  the 
Sahara  .  .  between  the  years  1781  and 
1797.   Charlestown,  1801.   8**.     zz. 664.19 

— Grant  (J.  A.)  Geography,  climate  and  natu- 
ral history  of  the  laice  region  of  equatorial 
Africa.  2.52.  k 

Un  Journal  of  the  royal  geographical  society,    t. 
for  1872]. 




— HoRNEMAN  <F.)  Journal  of  travels  from 
Cairo  to  Mourzouk  in  the  yean  1797-8. 
London,  1802.     4°.  zz.666.19 

— ^Livingstone  (D.)  Last  journals  in  central 
Africa  .  .  From  1865  to  his  death 
[1873].     New  York,  1875.     8'     zz.664.2 

—  -and  (C.)    Narrative  of  an  expedition  to  the 

Zambesi  and  its  tributaries,  and  lakes 
Sherwa  and  Nyassa,  1858-1864.  New 
York.  1866.     8^  z  1.665.4 

— Lux  (A.  E.)  Von  Loanda  nach  Kimbundu. 
.    .  Wien,  i88a     8^  zz.664.14 

— Park  (M.)  Travels  in  the  interior  of  Africa. 
.  .  in  1795-97.  4th  ed.  London,  1800. 
8^  xx.654.5 

—  -The  same.     With  .  .   geographical  illustra- 

tions by  major  Rennell.  Philadelphia, 
1800.     8*.  Z  1.654.6 

—  -The  same.      Life  and  travels   [abridged]  ; 

,  .  with  later  discoveries  relative  to 
the  termination  of  the  Niger.  New  York, 
1847.     12'  32.2030.20 

— Petherich  (J.)  Egypt,  the  Soudan,  and  cen- 
tral Africa  .  .  [1845-1859].  Edinburgh, 
1861.     8°  xz.643.7 

— PoGGE  (P.)  Im  reiche  des  Muata  Jamwo. 
.   .   Beriin,  1880.     8*.  z  1.663.9 

— Stanley  (H.  M.)  How  I  found  Livingstone: 
travels  .  .  in  central  Africa,  [1869-72]. 
New  York,  1872.     8*.  zz.665.8 

^Through  the  dark  continent,  and  down  the 

[Congo]  to  the  Atlantic.  1875-77.  New 
York,  1878.     2  V.     8^  zz.665.9 

— SCKWEINFURTH  (G.  A.)  The  heart  of  Africa. 
Three  years'  travels  and  adventures  .  . 
z868  to  187 1.    New  York,  1874.    2  v.    8*. 

zi. 665.2 

— Taylor  (B.)  A  journey  to  central  Africa 
[1853  <?)]  .  .  loih  ed.  New  York,  1859. 
12".  Zi.643.31 


Sfe^  aUoy  Don^la,  Ngami,  Niger,  Nile,  Okavan- 
go,  Sahara,  Soudan. 


—Elton  (J.  F.)  Travels  and  researdies  .  . 
[in]  eastern  and  central  Africa  .  .  Lon- 
don, 1879.     8^  zz.665.13 

— Krapf  (J.  L.)  Travels,  researches  and  mis- 
sionary labours,  during  an  eighteen  years' 
residence  in  eastern  Africa  .  .  with  an 
appendix  by  E.  G.  Ravenstein.  London, 
i860.     8^  zz.664.12 

—  -The  same.     Boston,  i860.     8*.       z  1.664. 22 

Sety  alsoy  Abyssinia,  Madagascar,  Mauritius, 
Nubia,  Red  Sea,  Slave  trade,  ^oizibar. 


— Abulfeda.  Africa  [arabic^]  excudi  curavit  Jo. 
G.  Eichhom.     Gottingae,  1790.     8". 

z  1.666. 26 

— Barth  [H.]  Travels  and  discoveries  in 
north  and  central  Africa  .  .  1849-185 5. 
New  York,  1857.     3  v.     8**.  zz. 664.1 

— Ehrenberg  (C.  G.)  Beitrag  zur  characteris- 
tik  der  nordafrikanischen  wttsten.  Ber- 
lin, 1827.     20  pp.     4*'.  zi.666.3 

—Hamilton  (J.)  Wanderings  in  north  Africa. 
London.  1856.     12'.  z  1.653. 11 

— Heuglin  (M.  T.  von).  Reise  in  nordOst 
Afrika  [1876]  nebst  zoologischen  skizzen. 
Braunschweig,  1877.     2  v.     8'      zz.663.3 

— Marmol  (L.  C.  de)  L'Afrique.  De  la  tra- 
duction de  Nicolas  Perrot,  sieur  d*AbIan- 
court  .  .  Paris,  1667.     3  v.    s.  4". 


— Riley  (J.)  Authentic  narrative  of  the  loss  of 
the  bri^  Commerce  on  the  west  coast  of 
Africa,  18 1 5.  With  the  sufferings  of  her 
crew,  enslaved  by  the  Arabs.    New  York. 

1817.  8^  xz.653.8 

Sety   alsoy    Algeria,   Barbary  Sutea,  Carthage, 
Egypt,  Mediterranean,  Mococco,  Suex. 


— Andersson  (C.  J.)  Notes  of  travel  in  south- 
western  Africa,  [1867  (?)J.  New  York, 
1875.    8*.  zz.662.22 

— Baines  (T.)  Explorations  in  southwest  Africa 
.  .  1861-62,  from  Walvisch  Bay,  to  Lake 
Ngami  and  the  Victoria  Falls.  London, 
1864.     8^  zz.662.6 

— Barker  (M.  A.)  Life  in  south  Africa.  [1875- 
76].     Philadelphia,  1877.     8*.       ZZ.6e(2.i 

The  same.    A  year's  housekeeping  in  south 

Africa.     London,  1877.     12**.      z  1.662. 27 

— Barrow  (J.)  An  account  of  travels  into  the 
interior  of  southern  Africa  in  1797-98; 
and  sketches  of  the  Cape  of  Good  Hope. 
.  .  1st  Am.  ed.     New  York,  1802.     8". 


The  same,  modified.   Travels  in  the  interior 

of   southern  Africa.      2d  ed.     London. 
1806.     2  V.  in  I.     4-.  Z  1.666.6 

— Bisset  (A.)  Sport  and  war,  or  recollections 
of  fighting  and  hunting  in  south  Africa, 
from  1834  to  1867  .  .  .  London,  1875. 
p.  8*.  z  1.662. 18 

— CuMMiNG  (R.  G.)  Five  years  of  a  hunter's 
life  in  the  interior  of  south  Africa,  [1843- 
48].  New  York,  1850.  2  v.  16°.    zz.662.23 

— CUNYNGHAME  (A.  T.)  My  Command  in  south 
Africa^  1874-78  .  .  London,  1879.     8**- 

z  1.662.8 

— Fritsch  (G.)  Die  eingeborenen  stld-Afrika's 
.  .  Breslau,  1872.    30  pi.    f.    zz.666.14 

— Gillmore  (P.)  The  great  thirst  land  :  a  ride 
through  Natal,  Orange  Free  State,  Trans- 
vaal, and  Kalahari  desert.  [1876].  Lon- 
don, 1878.     8^  ZZ.662.13 

— HoLUB  (E.)  Sieben  jahre  in  sUd-Afrika  .  . 
(1872-79).    V.  I.   Wien,  1881.  8^  z  1.662.5 

— Latrobe  (C.  L)  Journal  of  a  visit  to  south 
Africa  in  18 15-16,  with  account  of  the  set- 
tlements of  the  United  Brethren.  New 
York,  1818.     8".  zz.662.4 

— Napier  (E.  E.)  Excursions  in  southern  Af- 
rica, including  a  history  of  Cape  Colony 
.  .  London,  1849.     2  v.     12'.     ZZ.662.25 

— Noble  (J.)  South  Africa,  past  and  present : 
a  short  history  of  the  European  settle- 
ments at  the  Cape.     London,  1877.     16"*. 


— Payton  (C.  a.)  The  diamond  diggings  of 
south  Africa  (1871).  With  a  brief  account 
of  the  new  gold  fields.  London*  1872. 
8^  zz.662.21 

— Pringle  (T.)  Narrative  of  a  residence  in 
south  Africa,  [1820-26].  London,  1840. 
8\  zz.662.2 

— Sparrman  (A.)  Voyage  to  the  Cape  of  Good 
Hope,  and  travels  in  the  country  of  the 
Hottentots  [1772].  Philadelphia,  1801. 
24*.  zz.662.35 




Hottentots  [1772].    Philadelphia,  1801.    24**. 

X  1.662. 35 

— Steedman  (A.)  Wanderings  and  adventures 
in  the  interior  of  southern  Africa,  [1831]. 
London,  1835.     2  v.     8^  1 1.662.3 

— Theal  (G.  McC.)  Compendium  of  the  his- 
tory and  geography  of  south  Africa  .  .  . 
London,  1878.     2  v.  in  i.     8^      xx.662.7 

— Trollope  (A.)  South  Africa,  [1877].  Lon- 
don, 1878.     2  V.     p.  8*.  1x.662.19 

— Wilson  (E.)  Reminiscences  of  a  frontier 
police  officer  in  south  Africa.  Grahams- 
town,  1866.  8°.  ix.662.26 
.W,  aiso^  Cape  Colony,  Natal,  Transvaal,  Zulus. 


— BowDiCH  (T.  E.)  Mission  to  Ashantee,  with 
a  statistical  account  of  that  kingdom 
[1817].    London,  1819.    4*.        11.666. 17 

— Castiuio  (A.  M.)     Descrip9&o  e  roteiro  da 

costa  occidental  de  Africa  desde  o  Cabo 

•      de  Espartel  at6  o  das  Agulhas.     Lisboa, 

1866.     2v.    8^  xx.666.20 

— Du  Chaillu  (P.  B.)  Explorations  and  ad- 
ventures in  equatorial  Africa,  [1856-59]. 
New  York,  1861.     8*.  xx.664.13 

Wild    life    under  the  equator  .  .  London, 

1869.     i6\  xx.664.27 

— GoRRiNGB  (H.  H.)  The  west  coast  of  Africa. 
Washington,  1873.    8**.  2.42.6 

— Hubbe-Scheiden( — ^)Ethiopien:  Studien  ilber 
west- Africa.  Hamburg,  1879.  8°,  xx.663.2 

— Mereiam  <M.  B.)  Home  life  in  Africa, 
[1866  (?)]  ;  or,  a  new  glimpse  into  an  old 
comer  of  the  world,  [anon.l  Boston, 
1868.     16°.  xx.654.22 

— Reade  (W.  W.)  Savage  Africa:  being  the 
narrative  of  a  tour  in  equatorial,  south- 
western and  north-western  Africa.  New 
York,  1864.     8^  xx.665.7 

— Valdez  (F.  T.)  Africa  occidental.  Noticiase 
considerac6es.  Lisboa,  1864.  8**.  x  1.666. 22 
.Sm,  «Us0^  Aobeokuta,  Angola,  Ashanti.  Coloniza- 
tiocL  Congo,  Dahomey,  LiyiDfi[stone(D.).  Loan- 
go,  Sierra  faeone,  Slave  trade,  Teneriffe,  Yoruba. 

African  languages. 

— Baikie  (W.  B.)    Observations  on  the  Hausa 

and  Fulfulde  languages.     London,  1861. 

8^  X5.976 

— Barth  (H.)     Collection  of  vocabularies   of 

central-African  languages.     Gotha,  1862. 

1. 8^  xs.976.5 

—Salt  (H.)  Particulars  respecting  African 
tribes.  .  .  With  vocabularies  of  their 
languages.     London,  1814.    V,     x  1.668. 2 

— Steere  (E.)  Short  specimens  of  the  vocabu- 
laries of  three  unpublished  African  lan- 
guages, Gindo,  Zaramo,  Angazidja.  Lon- 
don, i860.  12°.  15.976 
S€«,  also^  Bechuana  (Sechuana),  Bomu,  Etniopic 
(Gheez),  Kisuaheli  (SuaheU),  Tlgre,  Woloff. 

Agassiz  (Louis  Jean  Rodolphe).   b,  1807,  ^.1873. 
— -Favre  ( E.)     Louis   Agassiz  :   a  biographical 

notice.      Tr.  [from  the  French]  by  M.  A. 

Henry,     pp.  236-261.  28.3733 

\In  Smithsonian  report,  2878]. 
— Stebbins  (R.  p.)    Louis  Agassiz.  28.3733 

\In  Smithsonian  report,  1878] . 

Agincourt,  (yr  Azincour.     (Battle  of,  1415). 

— Batavle  (The)  of  Agencourt  by  king  Henry 
V.     \anon.\  8.461.  i 

\In  Buchon  (J.  A.)  Chroniques  frangaises. 
— '",  1833-98.    vol.  33,  appendix]. 

Paris,  ] 

— Batayle  (Ye)  of  Egyngecourte. 

C.)    Early  popular  poetryr   v.' a', 

r,    «    ,      ,«,  w-   *   .  X8.3094.7 

\Ih  HazUtt  (W.  '^  ^    *    •  

pp.  88-Z08.] 

—Nicolas  (Sir  N.  H.)  The  history  of  the 
battle  of  AgincourL    London,  1827.     12''. 

5ltf,  o/fv,  any  history  of  England. 


— Plumptre  (E.  H.)    Movements  in  religious 

thought    London,  1879.     i^^* 


5>#,  also^  Scepticism. 

Amcola  (Cnaeus  Julius),     b.  A.D.  37,  d,  93. 

—Tacitus  (C.  C.)  De  vita  et  moribus  Cneii 
Julii  Agricolae  .  .  .  Mit  erlfluterungen 
und  exkursen  von  C.  L.  Roth.  Ntlm- 
berg,  1833.     8^  x2.766.15 


— Alamanni  (L.)  La  coltivazione  .  .  [poema, 
1546].     Milano,  1804.     8**.  12.770.  i 

— American  husbandry.  An  account  of  the  soil 
of  the  British  colonies  in  North  America, 
by  an  American.  \anon,\  London,  1775. 
2  V.     8^  28.1743.7 

Note.    Attributed  to  Arthur  Youn^. 

— Cato  (M.  p.)  Libri  de  re  xustica  quae  ex- 
tant. H.  Jordan  prolegomena  scripsit 
Lipsiae,  i860.     8'.  13.782.9 

—Columella  (L.  T.  M.)  De  re  rustica  libri  xil 
curante  J.  M.  Gemero.  Mannhemii,  1781. 
2  V.  in  I.     16'.  13.782.20 

— Crescenzio  (P.)  Trattato  della  agricoltura. 
Milano,  1805.     3  v.  in  2.     8*.      12.772. 10 

—Darwin  (E.)  Phytologia :  or,  the  philosophy 
of  agriculture  and  gardening.  Dublin, 
1800.     8^  28.3741.  n 

— Debauve  (A.)  Des  eaux  en  agriculture. 
Paris,  1876.     8-.  26.1625.5 

^The  same.     Atlas.  26.1628.25 

— Emmons  (E.)  Agriculture  of  New  York  .  . 
comprising  an  account  of  the  soils  and 
rocks  .  .  Albany,  1846-56.  5  v.  in  2. 
4^  27.1686.1 

— EsTiENNE  (C.)  and  Liebault  (J.)  Maison  rus- 
tique ;  or,  the  countrey  farme.  Tr.  by 
R.  Surflet.  With  additions  by  G.  Mark- 
ham.     London,  1616.    V.  28.1756.4 

— Fessenden  (T.  G.)  The  complete  farmer  and 
rural  economist  .  .  4th  ed.  Boston, 
1839.     I2^  28.1743.15 

— Gaudry  (A.)  Recherches  scientifiques  en 
Orient,  1853-54.  Partie  agricole.  Paris, 
1855.     4°.  X  1.705.2 

— Home  (F.)  Principles  of  agriculture  and 
vegetation.    3d  ed.     London,  1762.     8°. 


^The  same.     I   principi  dell*    agricoltura  e 

della  vegetazione.     Venezia,  1775.     16*. 


— Mitchell  (D.  G.)  Rural  studies,  with  hints 
for  country  places,  [anon.]  New  York, 
1867.     I2\  21.1325.27 

^Wet  days  at  Edgewood,  with  old  farmers. 

gardeners,  etc.     [anon.]  New  York,  1865. 
I2^  2Z. 1325.29 

— Morris  (E.)  How  to  get  a  farm,  and  where 
to  find  one  .  .  by  the  author  of  *'Ten 
acres  enough."  [anon.]  New  York,  1872. 
12*.  28.1743.16 




— New  Jersey  agricultural  experiment  station. 
First  anniud  report  for  the  year  1880. 
Trenton.  1880.     8^  28.1742.5 

— Rogers  (J.  E.  T.)  History  of  agriculture  in 
England  from  125910  1793.  Oxford,  1866. 
2  V.     8^  25.1542.4 

— Schneider  (J.  G.)  Scriptorum  rei  rusticae 
veterum  latinorum  tomus  i-viii.  Lipsiae, 
1794-^7.    8v.     8^  x3.781.12 

— Select  essays  on  husbandry,  [afion.]  Edin- 
burgh, 1767.     8%  28.1743.9 

— Tusser  (T.)  Five  hundred  points  of  good 
husbandry,  as  well  for  the  champion  as 
for  the  woodland.  With  notes  by  W. 
Mavor.  London,i8i2.    sm.4''.  z8.1088.23 

The  same.     Ed.   by  W.  Payne  and  S.  J. 

Herrtage.  London.  1878.  8'.  15.920. 14 
[English  dialect  •ociety's  publications]. 

— Varlo  (C.)  a  new  system  of  husbandry. 
Philadelphia.  1785.     2  v.     8^     28.1743.6 

— Virgilius  Maro  (P.)  Georgicorum  libri 
quatuor.  With  an  English  translation 
and  notes  by  John  Martyn.  London, 
1741.     4*.  13.816. 1 

—Walker  (W.)  Obstlehre  der  Griechen  und 
ROmer.    Reutlingen,i845.    8*".  28.1743,2 

— Washington  (G.)  Letters  on  agriculture  .  . 
to  A.  Young  and  Sir  J.  Sinclair.  Ed., by 
F.  Knight.     Washington,  1847.     4*. 

28.1743. 1 
— Young  (A.)    Farmer's  tour  through  the  east 

of    England  .  .  [amm.]      London,    1771. 

4  V.    8^  28.1743.5 

< The  same.     Six  months'  tour  through  the 

north  of  England  .  .  [arum.]  2d  ed. 
London,  1771.     4  v.     8**.  28.1743.3 

The   same.      Six   weeks*  tour  through   the 

southern  counties  of  England  and  Wales. 

{amm.]     By  the  author  of  the  Farmer's 
etters.     3d  ed.     London,  1772.     8**. 

Sff,  aUo^  Bees,  Cereals,  Drainage,  Flower  cul- 
ture. Fruit  culture,  Gardeniog,  Grasses,  Horse, 
Manures,  Mule,  Sheep,  Zoology. 
In  books,  also,  on  Geology,  Mineralogy,  and 
Meteorolc^,  the  agriculturist  will  find  much 
which  it  IS  important  for  him  to  know. 

Agricultural  associations. 

— Tlxinois  state  agricultural  society.  Transac- 
tions .  .  ed.  by  J.  P.  Reynolds.  Spring- 
field, 1870.     8^  28.1741. 5 

— New  Jersey  state  agricultural  society.  An- 
nual reports  for  1860,1873-1874.  Newark, 
1873-75.     8°.  28.1742.2 

— New  York  society  for  the  promotion  of  use- 
ful arts.  Transactions.  Albany,  1807-14. 
3v.     8^  28.1741-1 

— New  York  state  agricultural  society.  Trans- 
actions. .  .  1843.     Albany,  1844.     8°. 

28.1741. 2 
— Proceedings  of  the  farmer's  club,  [1868-70]. 

Albany,  1869-70.  2  v.  8°.  30. 3887. 3 
[In  Transactions  of  the  American  Institute,  39th 
report,  pp.  1 98-692  ;  30th  report,  pp.  293-803]. 

— Report  of  the  commissioner  of  agriculture  for 
1863,  1869.     Washington,   1864-70. 
2v.    8^  28. 1 742. 1 

^The  same  for  1870,  1871, 1878,  1879.  Wash- 
ington, 1871-80.     4  V.     8°.  28. 1742. 1 

^Watson  (E.)  History  of  agricultural  societies 
on  the  modern  Berkshire  system.  From 
1807  to  1820.  Albany,  1820.  8"*.  4. 186.6 
[In  '*  Watson  on  Canals  and  agriculture*']. 

AflTicultural  chemistry. 

--Caldwell  (G.  C.)  Agricultural  qualitative 
and  quantitative  chemical  analysis.  New 
York,  [1869].     12*.  30. 1934.2s 

— Cochrane  (A.)  A  treatise  shewing  the  inti- 
mate connection  between  agriculture  and 
chemistry.  By  the  earl  of  Dundonald. 
London,  1795.     4".  28.1743.27 

— Davy  (H.)  Elements  of  agricultural  chem- 
istry.    Philadelphia,  1821.     8*. 


— Debauve  (A.)  Culture  rationnelle.  Paris, 
1875.     8^  26.1625.5 

— ^Johnson  (S.  W.)  How  crops  feed  .  .  .  New 
York,  [1870].     I2^  28.1743.17 

Lectures  on  agricultural  chemistry.  Wash- 
ington, i860.  28.3733 
[Smithsonian  report,  1859.    PP*  >i9-<94). 

— Ledoux  (A.  R.)  Annual  report  of  the  North 
Carolina  agricultural  experiment  station 
for  1879.     Raleigh,  1879.     8**.     28.1742.4 

— LiBBiG  (J.  von).  Chemistry  in  its  applications 
to  agriculture  and  physiology.  Ed.  by  L. 
Playfair  and  W.  Gregory.  From  4th  Lon- 
don ed.  New  York,  1847.  12°.   28. 1743.21 

^The  same.     2d  Am.  ed.  by  J.  W.  Webster. 

Cambridge,  i84i.  12**.  28.1743.22 

— Pendleton  (E.  M.)  Text-book  of  scientific 
agriculture  .  .  2d  ed.  New  York,  1876. 
I2^  28.1743.18 

— Treatise  (A),  on  soils  and  manures  .  .  by  a 
practical  agriculturist.  [anon.'\  Phila- 
delphia, 1821.  8'.  28.1743.25 
[Im  a  vol.  Uttered  **  Davy's  agricultural  chemis- 

Agricultural  implements. 

— -Sharp  (J.)    Descriptions  of  some  utensils  in 

husbandry.     London,  [1777].     obi.  1.  8**. 


[Bound  with  Sharp's  account  of stoves]. 

— Thomas  (J.  J.)    Farm  implements  .  .  .  New 

York,  1854.     I2^  28.1743.20 

Agrippa  (Heinrich  Cornelius  Agrippa  von  Net- 

tesheim),  b,  i486,     d,  1535. 
— MoRLEV    (H. )      Life    of    Henry    Cornelius 

Agrippa  von  Nettesheim  .  .  London,  1856. 

2  V.     p.  8"*.  23.1416.24 

Agrippina,  {the  elder).    6,  B.C.  12  (?)  d.  a.d.  33. 
—Hamilton  (E.)    Memoirs  of  the  life  of  Agrip- 

pina,   the  wife  of  Germanicus.     2d  ed. 

London,  181 1.    2  v.  in  i.    16".    X2. 744.34 
— Stahr  (A.  W.  T.)    Agrippina  die  erste.     Ber- 
lin, 1865.     8°.  12.744.19 

[In  his  ROmische  kaiserfrauen,  pp.  193-344]. 
Agrippina,  {the  younger),     b,  a.d.  13  (?)  d,  A.D. 


— Stahr  (A.  W.  T.)  Agrippina,  die  mutter 
Neros.     Berlin,  1867.     8".  X2. 744.17 

Agrotis,  {the  dart-moth). 

— Grote  (A.  R.)  Preliminary  list  of  the  North 
American  species  of  agrotis,  with  descrip- 
tions. Alumni  room. 
[In  Bqjletin  of  the  U.  S.  geological  and  geomphi- 
cal  survey  of  the  territories,  ▼.  6,  No.  i,  i88x]. 

Aguirre  (Lope  de). 

—Simon  (P.)     "The  expedition   of   Pedro  de 

Ursua  and  Lope  de  Aguirre  in  search  of 

El  Dorado  and  Omagua  in  1 560-1."     Tr. 

by  W.  BoUaert.     With  introduction  by  C. 

R.  Markham.     London,  1861.     8°. 






Ahasuems,  {in  Hebreiv,  Ahashvero$h). 

— Tyrwhitt  (R.   E.)     Esther  and  Ahasuerus, 

an  identification  [with  Darius  Hystaspes]. 

Oxford,  1868.    2  V.     8**.  xx.705.9 

Ainos,  (the  nborizines  of  Japari). 
— Pfizmaibr  (A.)     Kritische  durchsicht  der  von 

Dawidow  verfassten  wSrtersammlung  aus 

der  sprache  der  Ainos.     Wien,  1852.    8". 

15.930. 10 
Atol  and  Mirabel. 
— AiOL  et  Mirabel,  and  Elie  de  Saint  Gille,  zwe: 

altfranzOsische  heldengedichte,  herausge- 

geben  von  W.  Foerster.    Heilbronn,  1876. 

p.  8^  18.3065.15 

Air.     See  Aeronautics,  Atmosphere,  Barometer, 

Gases,  Pneumatics. 
Aire  and  Calder,  rivers  {  Yorkshire), 
— Great  Britain.      Commissioners    [on]  the 

means    of   preventing   the    pollution    of 

rivers.     Third    report      Pollution  from 

the  woollen  manufacture.     London,  1867. 

2  V.    f®.  Alumni  room, 

Aiz-U-chapelle  dialect. 
— MuLLER  (J.)  and  Weitz  (W.)    Aachener  mun- 

dart    Idiotikon.     Aachen,  1836.    8°. 

Aisse,  Mademoiselle^  b,  1693.    d,  1733. 
— Sainte-Beuve  (C.  a.)    Mademoiselle  Alss6. 

Paris,  1864.     18**.  8.  481.3 

[/«  his  Portnuts  litt^raires,  ▼.  3,  pp.  x3o-z84]. 
Akenside  (Mark),    b,  1721.    d,  1770. 
— BucKE  (C.)    On  the  life,  writings  and  genius 

ofAkenside.   London,i832.   12".   6.341.16 
Akers   (Elizabeth    A.   C.)     See  Allen  (E.  A. 


—Smith  (E.   A.)     Geological  survey  of  Ala- 
bama for  1875.     Montgomery,  1876.     8*". 

Ncte,  Some  information  as  to  the  early  condition 
of  Alabama  may  be  found  In  the  documents  of 
the  United  Sutes,  as  reported  in  the  catalogue  of 
the  public  library  of  Boston,  page  8x6. 
See^  als0y  Mismssippi  valley. 

— Dall  (W.    H.)     Alaska   and  its    resources. 

Boston,  1870.     8*.  3. 161. 1 

— Whymper  (F.)    Travel  and  adventure  in  the 

territory  of  Alaska,  1862-65.     New  York, 
,        1869.     I2^  3.161.2 

See^  alsoy  Botany,  and  Fossils. 
AltMUlia,  (anciently  Epirus). 
— HOBHOUSE    (J.   C.)     Travels  in  Albania  in 

1809   and    1 8 10.      By    lord    Broughton. 

London,  1858.     2  v.     8*.  X4. 851.2 

— Holland  (H.)    Travels  in  Albania,  etc.,  .  . 

1812.     London,  1819.    2  v.    8°.    X4.852.8 
—Hughes  (T.  S.)    Travels  in  Albania,  [1813]. 

London,  1820.     2  v.     4".  X4.856.9 

— Lear  (E.)    Journals  of  a  landscape  painter  in 

Albania,  etc.,  [1848-49].      London,  185 1. 

1.  8'.  •  x4.856.17 

Se€y  als0,  Bpims. 
Albert   (Franz  August  Carl    Emanuel,  prince 

consort  of  England ^  prince  of  SaxC'Coburg- 

Gotka),     b,  1819.     d,  1861. 
— Grty  (C.)    The  early  years  of  his  royal  high- 
ness the  prince  consort.  New  York,  1867. 

la".  6.341.9 

The  same.     La  jeunesse  du  prince  Albert 

.  .  Traduit  de  I'anglais  par  Mme.  De  Witt, 
n6e  Guizot.     Paris,  1868.    8°.        6  341.6 

— Martin  (T.)  The  life  of  his  royal  highness 
the  prince  consort.  New  York,  1875-80. 
5  V.     12°.  6.341.8 

— Victoria  Alexandrina.  Leaves  from  the 
journal  of  our  life  in  the  Highlands, 
1848-61.  Ed.  by  A.  Helps.  New  York. 
1868.     12**.  6.341.10 

Albert  Nyanza,  {lake  in  Central  Africa). 

—Baker,  {Sir  S.  W.)  The  Albert  Nyanza,  Lon- 
don, 1866.    8*'.  X  1.665. 18 

Albertus  Magnus,  {count  of  Bollstddt,  doctor  uni- 
versalis),    b.  1205.     d.  1280. 

— AssAiLLY  (O.  d').  Albert  le  grand.  L'ancien 
monde  devant  le  nouveau.  Paris,  1870. 
8'.  x3.1416.18 


— Chronique  des  Albigeois,  en  vers  proven9aux, 
avec  une  traduction  litt6rale.  X5.933.8' 

{In  Raynouard  (F.  J.  M.)  Lezique  roman.  T. 
X,  pp.  225-389]. 

— Gestes  (Des)  glorieux  des  Fran9ais  de  Tan 
1202^  Tan  1311.     [anon,]  8.463.2 

r/«  Guizot  (F.  P.  G^^  M^m.  sur  ITiistoire  de 
France,  v.  15]. 

— J  AS  (P.)  Disputatio  academica  de  Valden- 
sium  secta,  ab  Albigensibus  bene  dis- 
tinguenda.  Lugduni  Batavorum,  1834. 
4°.  31.1966. 2 

— Pierre  de  Vaulx-Cernay.  Histoire  de 
lli^r^sie  des  Albigeois  et  de  la  sainte 
guerre  entreprise  contre  eux,  [1203- 
1218].     Paris,  1824.     8'.  8".463.2 

Um  Guizot  (F.  P.  G.)  M6n.  sur  ITiistoirc  de 
Prance,  vol.  14]. 

— SiSMONDi  (J.  C.  L.  Simonde  de).  History  of 
the  crusades  against  the  Albigenses,  in  the 
13th  century.  Boston,  1833.  16°.  7.434.9 
Nate,  Further  information  respecting  tne  Albi- 
gensian  crusade  will  be  found  in  histories  of  the 
middle  ages,  or,  of  the  Christian  church,  as  in  v.  4 
of  Milman's  Latin  Christianity. 

Albuquerque  (Affonso  d*).  Commentaries,  [re- 
citing his  conquests  in  India  and  else> 
where,  compiled  by  his  son].  Trans,  by 
W.  D.  Birch.  London,  1875-77.  2  v. 
8'.  2.51.31 

Alchemy.    {'^  The  sickly  infancy  of  .chemistry), 

— Hitchcock  (E.  A.)  Remarks  upon  alchemy 
and  the  alchemists  .  .  [anon,]  Boston, 
1857.     I2^  22. 1391.4s 

— LiBAU  (A.)  Appendix  necessaria  syntagma- 
tis  arcanorum  chymicorum  .  .  .  Franco- 
furti,  1615.    f**.  29.3927.1 

— Lull  (R.)  [Libelli  aliquot  chemici].  Argen- 
torati,  1571.     s.  8**.  23.1410.6 

Codicillus  seu  fontes  alchimicse  artis  et  re- 
conditions philosophiae  .  .  .  Colonise, 
1563.     s.  8**.  23.1410. 5 

— Garland  (J.  de).  Compendium  alchimiae. 
Basileae,  1560.     s.  8**.  23.1410.$ 

— Mack  AY  (C.)  The  alchy  mists,  or  searchers 
for  the  philosopher's  stone  and  the  water 
of  life.  22.1393.17 

[In  his  Popular  delusions,  v.  2,  pp.  139-287]. 

— RiST  (J.)  Philosophischer  phoenix,  das  ist 
kurtze  entdeckung  der  materise  des  steins 
der  weisen.     Dantzigk,  1682.    sm.  8^ 





^-Thurneisser  (T.)  Quinta  essentia,  das  ist, 
die  htfchste  subtilitet,  krafft,  und  wirckung 
beyder  der  ftlrtrefflichsten  und  .  .  .  ntltz- 
lichsten  ktlnsten  der  medicin  und  al- 
chemy .  .  •     Ijeipzig,  [1574]-    f**- 

Seg,  als0y  Chemistry,  {History). 


— Miller  (T.)  Alcohol,  its  place  and  power. 
New  York,  1875.     i6'.  24.1473.40 

Se€y  alto^  Temperance. 

Alcoran.     See  Koran. 

Alcuin.    h.  735  (?)    d,  803. 

— LoRENZ  (F.)  The  life  of  Alcuin.  Translated 
from  the  German  by  J.  M.  Slee.  Lon- 
don, 1837.     16*.  9. 541' 5 

Alden  family. 

— Alden  (E.)  Memorial  of  the  descendants  of 
the  Hon.  John  Alden.  Randolph,  Mass., 
1867.     8*.  3.138^.13 

Aldine  editions.    See  Manuzi  family. 

Aldobrandini  wedding:,  a  Greek  fresco  in  the 
Vatican  palace  at  Rome. 

— BOttiger  (C.  a.)  and  Meyer  (H.)  Die  aldo- 
brandinische  hochzeit,  nebist  einer  abhand- 
lung  iiber  dies  gemftlde  von  seiten  der 
kunst.  Dresden,  18 10.  4''.  30.1892.2 
Note.  The  above  name  was  given  to  ^s  woiic  of 
art  because  it  belonged  to  the  Aldobrandini  fam- 
ily, soon  after  its  discovery  in  the  baths  of  Titus. 

jUdroyandi  (Ulisse).  b.  1522.  d.  1607.  An 
eminent  naturalist  of  Bologna. 

— Fantuzzi  (G.)  Memorie  della  vita  di  Ulisse 
Aldrovandi  .  .  .  Bologna,  1774.     8°. 


— MacGillivray  (W.)  Memoir  of  U.  Aldro- 
vandi. London,  [1840].  16**.  27.1667.1 
Qardine's  naturalist's  library,  v.  17,  pp.  17-58.]. 

Aldus  Manatias.     See  Manuzio  (Aldo  Pio). 

— Lex  Alamannorum  edente  Johanne  Merkel. 


[/«  Monumenta  Germanise  historica.      Legum 

tomus  IIL  Fas.  I]. 

Alembert  (Jean  I^  Rond  d*).     b.    1717.      d. 

— Brougham  (H.)     D'Alembert      Edinburgh, 

1872.     16°.  6.2342.  II 

[Brougham^s  works,  v.  1,  pp.  383-467]. 
— CoNDORCET  (J.   A.   N.  de  C.  de).      Eloge  de 

d'Alembert     Paris,  an  xiii,    [1805].     p. 

8^  8.500.2 

\In  Alembert,  Oeuvrcs,  v.  i,  pp.  59-132]. 
Alesia,  {captured  by  Julius  Caesar^  b.  c  52). 
— Desjardins  (E.)    Alesia.     Paris,  1859.     8*. 

— Gravot  (A.)     Etude  sur  TAlesia  de  C6sar. 

Paris,  1862.     8^  7.386.14 

^-Napoleon  hi.     La  prise  d' Alesia,  campagne 

de  702.  12.746. 19 

[/#»  kis  Histoire  de  Jules  C^sar,  v.  a,  pp.  286-331]. 
Alexander,  the  great,    b.  356  b.c.    d.  323. 
— Arrianus.        Ezpeditionis     Alexandri     libri 

septem,  graece  et  latine  cum  annotation!' 

bus  G.  Raphelii  .  .  .  Amstelaedami,  1757. 

8°.  x4.882.25 

—  -The  same.     Recensuit  J.  E.  Ellendt.    Regi- 

montii,  1832.     2  v.  in  i.     8**.      14.882. 25 
— Callisthenes     (Pseudo-Callisthenes).      Vita 

Alexandri  .  .  .  etc.    Parisiis,  1877.    1.  8**. 


— Clarke  <E.  D.)  The  tomb  of  Alexander.  A 
dissertation.    Cambridge,  1805.    4°. 

14.856.  P3 

— CuRTius  RuFUS  (Q.)  De  rebus  gestis  Alex- 
andri magni  .  .  .  Curavit  et  digessit  H. 
Snakenburg.     Delphis,  1724.    4"*. 


^The  same.     Life  and  exploits  of  Alexander 

the  great.  Ed.  ...  by  W.  H.  Crosby. 
New  York,  1854.     12".  X3.791.9 


— Droysen  (J.  G.)  Geschichte  der  Alexander 
des  grossen.     Gotha,  1877-78.     3  v.     8*. 

24.85  i.S 

— Geier  (R.)  Alexandri  M.  historiarum  scrip* 
tores  aetate  suppares.    Lipsiae,  1844.    8"*. 


— Gestes  (The)  of  the  worthie  king  and  emper- 
our,  AHsaundre  of  Macedoinie.  {anon.^ 
Translated  from  the  Latin,  1340.  Ed.  by 
W.  W.  Skeat.  18.1073. 27 

VVith  William  of  P^eme,  pp.  itt-sxS.  Early 
English  text  society  publicaticMis]. 

— Grote  (G.)    Life  of  Alexander.  Z4.850.1 

\In  kis  History  of  Greece,  v.  la]. 

— GuALTiER  DE  Chatillon  (P.)  Alexandreis  m. 
Philippi  Gualtherii  ab  Insulis.  Lipsiae, 
1863.     24'.  z8.1051.32 

— Itinerarium  Alexandri  .  .  .  \anon.'\  Edente 
A.  Maio.    Francofurtiad  Moenum,  1818. 

88  pp.    8^  13. 791. 13 

— Kiepert  (H.)    Orbis  terrarum  antiqui  tabula 
geographica  .  .  ad  Alexandri  magni  his- 
toriam  illustrandam.  Berolini,  1875.  [Wall 
map  j^flAr^^n*™]. 
\.N.  E.  wtH£  room], 

— Plutarchus.    ^AXi^arSpoi.  Z4.907.1 

iln  kis  Opera,  ed.  J.  G.  Huttefi,T.  4,  pp.  251-357]. 
—  -The  same.     Alexander.  Z4.906.7 

[In  kis  Lives,  ed.  A.  H.  Cough,  v.  4,  pp.  i59-a55l. 
— ROLLIN  (C.)    The  life  of  Alexander  the  great, 

king  of  Macedon.   Providence,  1796.   12". 

— Sainte-Croix   (G.-E.-J.    G.   de  C.-L.,    baron 

de).     Examen   critique   des  anciens  his- 

toriens      d'Alexandre-Ie-grand.      [anon.] 

Paris,  an  xiii. — 1804.     4  .  Z4.866.6 

— ScHOENBORN  (    )    Der  zug  Alexander's  durch 

Lycien.     Posen,  1848.     27  pp.    4". 

— Thorwaldsen  (C.   a.)    II  trionfo  di  Ales- 

sandro    coUe    illustrazioni    di    Missirtni. 

Roma,  1829.     r.  B.7.6 

A  rt-room. 

— ^Valerius  (J.)  Res  gestae  Alexandri  mace- 
donis,  translatae  ex  Aesopo  graeco,  pro- 
deunt  nunc  primum.  Edente  ...  A. 
Maio.     Francofurti  ad  M.,  1818.     8'. 

— Weber  (G.)     Alexander  der  grosse.     Leip- 
zig, 186 1.    8'.  2.82.1 
t/n  kis  Rdmische  geschichte,  pp.  153-333]. 
AUgcmeine  weltgeschichte,  v.  3]. 

— WiLLiAJds  (J.)  The  life  and  actions  of  Alex- 
ander the  great.  2d  ed.  London,  1829. 
i6%  I.I.I 

The  same.  32.2010.4 

Alexander  L,  Paulowitz,  czar  of  Russia,  b. 
1777.    d.  1825. 

— Maccall  (W.)    Alexander  of  Russia. 

8.478tf .  I 
[/»  kit  Foreign  biographies,  v.  3,  pp.  136-163]. 




— ScHNiTZLER  (J.  H.)  CouTt  and  government 
of  Russia  under  the  emperor  Alexander. 
London,  1847.     2  v.    8*.  XO.603.2 

— ^VoiGT  (E.  W.  C.)  Alexander  L,  kaiser  von 
Russland  und  kOnig  von  Polen.  Eine 
ffcdilchtniss-schrift.     Zerbst,  1830.     8^ 


MtKtuideTlll,^JHn£^  of  Scotland,  b,  1241.  d,  1285. 

— Tytler  (P.  F.)    Alexander  the  third.     92  pp. 

V.  I  of  z  .10.12 

Alexander  VII.,  jgg^. 

— Bargrave  (T.)  Tne  college  of  cardinals  under 
Alexander  vn.  Edited  by  J.  C  Robert- 
son.    London,  1867.    4*.  6.316.  i 

Alexander  (Archibald),    b.  1772.    d,  1851. 

—Alexander  (J-  W.)  The  life  of  Archibald 
Alexander.  New  York,  1854.  8*.   4.202.6 

Alexander  (James  Waddell).    b,  1804.    d.  1859. 

—Forty  yean'  familiar  letters,    constituting, 
with  the  notes,  a  memoir  of  his  life.     Ed- 
ited by  J.  Hall,  the  surviving  correspon- 
dent   New  York,  1870.    2  v.  in  i.    8*. 
Alumni  collection. 

Alexander  (Joseph  Addison),   b.  1809.   d,  i860. 

—Alexander  (H.  C.)    The  life  of  Joseph  Addi- 
son Alexander.     New  York.     2  v.     12**. 
Alumni  collection. 

Alexander  (V^lliam,  eari  of  Stirling),  b.  1580. 
d,  1640. 

— Introductory  memoir  of  Sir  W.  Alexander, 
earl  of  Stirling.  28  pp.    v.  i  of  z8. 1080.6 

Alexander  (William,  Jhtotim  as  lord  Stirling), 
b.  1726.    d.  1783. 

— DuER  (W.  A.)  The  life  of  William  Alexander, 
earl  of  Stirling,  with  selections  from  his 
correspondence,  during  the  revolution. 
New  York,  1847.    8^  v.  2  of  2.184.2 

Alexander  familj,  (in  Scotland), 

— Rogers  (C.)  Memorials  of  the  house  of 
Alexander.      Edinburgh,  1877.     2  v.     8"*. 


Alexandra  Feodorowna,  emfress  of  Russia, 
wife  of  Nicholas,  and  formerly  the  prin- 
cess Charlotte,  of  Prussia,     b,  1798.      d, 

— Grimm  (A.  T.  von).  Alexandra,  .  .  .  em- 
mess  of  Russia.  Tr.  by  lady  Wallace. 
Edinburgh,  187a    3  v.     p.  8^    10,603.23 

Alexandria,  (State  of  science  and  letters  there, 
about  the  Christian  era). 

— Delepierre  (O.)    The  Alexandrian  library, 

2.61.  II 
[/«  kis  Historic  doubts,  pp.  31-39]. 

— KiKGSLEY  (C.)  Alexandria  and  her  schools. 
Cambridge,  1854.     p.  8°.  23. 1415.30 

—Matter  0)  Histoke  de  r^cole  d'Alexan- 
drie,  compar6e  aux  principales  6coles  con- 
temporaines.  2e  6d.  Paris,  1840-48. 
3v.     8°.  23.1403.  TO 

--Simon  (T.)  Histoire  de  Tfecole  d'Alexandrie, 
Pans,  1845-46.     2v.     8*.  23.1403.9 


— La  chanson  d' Alexis.  [Herausgegeben  von 
W.  MttUer].     I^ipzig,  n.  d.     22  pp.     8**. 


Alfieri  (Vittorio).     b,  1749.    d.  1803. 

—Autobiography,  trans.,  with  original  essay,  by 
C.  E.  Lester.  2d  ed.  New  York,  1845. 
12°.  x2.714.20 

—  -The  same.  M6moires,  Merits  par  lut-m6me. 
Traduits  peu:  A.  de  Latour.  Paris,  1840. 
12°.  12. 714.24 

— Montgomery  (J.)  and  others,  Alfieri.  Lon- 
don, 1835.     I6^  12.7383. 12 

The  same.  12.738^.22 

The  same.  32.2012.  i 

[/«  tktir  Literary  men  of  Italy,  v.  «,  pp.  247- 

Alfred    the  Great,    (king  of  the    West  Saxons), 

b.  849.     d,  901. 

— AssER.      Annales    rerum    gestarum  Aelfredi 

magni  .  .  .  Recensuit  F.  Wise.  Oxonii, 

1722.   8^  15-2955.37 

The  same.  5.308.16 

[Prefixed  to  Walsinffham  (T.)  Histoda  brcvis. 
Londini,  1574.    s.  f*.j. 

The  same.     Annals  of  the  reign  of  Alfred 

the  great,  849-887.  5.280.8 

rciks  (J.  A.)    six  old  English  chronicles,  pp.  43. 

^BiCKNELL  (A.)    The  life  <rf  Alfred  the  great. 

king  of  the  Anglo-Saxons.    London,  1777. 

8'.  15. 2956. 28 

—'Dunham  (S.  A.)    Alfred  the  great.    London, 

1836.    16°.  V.  I  of  6.348.10 

The  same.  v.  i  of  32.2031.13 

— Giles  (J.  A.)    The  life  and  times  of  Alfred  the 

great    London,  1848.     8*.  6.341. 13 

—Hughes  (T.)    Alfred  the  great.    Boston,  1871. 

16'.  6.341. 14 

— Pauu  (G.  R.)    Kfinig  Aelfred  und  seine  stelle 

in  der  geschichte  Englands.    Berlin,  185 1. 

8'.  15. 2956. 18 
The  same.     The  life  of  Alfred  the  great. . . 

Translated  from  the  German. ..London, 

1853.    p.  8%  15.2956.23 

— Spelman  (J.)  Aelfredi  magni  Anglorum  regis 
vita,     Oxonii,  1678.     f%  15.2958. 11 

Algae.     See  Seaweeds. 


— Abu  Abdallah  Mohammed  ben  musa  al-Kho- 
warezmi.1  Algebra.  Edited  and  tr.  by  F. 
Rosen.     London,  1831.     8**.       26.1592.2 

— Alsop  (S.)2  Elementary  treatise  on  algebra. 
Philadelphia,  1846.     12".  26.1590.12 

— B  ABB  AGE  (C.)  Examples  of  the  solutions  of 
functional  equations.  [Cambridge,  Eng., 
1820I.     p.  8  .  26.1601. 7 

[In  Hersaiel's  Calculus  of  differences]. 

— Bailey  (E.)3  First  lessons  in  algebra;  .... 
new  ed.    Boston,  1835.    12'.     26.1590.16 

—Becker  (J.  C.)  Lehrbuch  der  arithmetik  und 
algebra.     Berlin,  1877.    2  v.  in  i.     8**. 


—Benedict  (J.  T.)    Elements  of  algebra,  de- 
signed for  schools  and  academies.     New 
•        York,  187 1.     12".  26.3590.16J 

— BfizouT  (E.)  L'algftbre,  et  [son]  application  k 
Tarithm^tique  et  la  g^om^trie.  Paris, 
1781.     8^  26.1590.18 

— Bhascara- Acharya.  5  Bija  Ganita :  or,  the  alge- 
bra of  the  Hindus.  Tr.  by  E.  Strachey, 
[from  the  Persian  of  Au  Alia  RashidiJ. 
London,  1813.     4°.  26.1596.4 

— Bierens  de  Ha  an  (D.)7  Nouvelles  tables  d'in- 
t6grales  dfefinies.     Leide,  1867.    4*. 


Expos6  de  la  th6orie  des  int^grales  d^finies. 

Amsterdam,  1862.     4°.  26. 1606.  i 




— Bland  (M.)6  Algebraical  problems  producing 
simple  and  quadratic  equations,  with  their 
solutions.  ...  6th  ed.  Cambridge,  [Eng.], 
1832.     8^  26.1591. 13 

— BoMBELLi  (R.)    Algebra,  1572.     pp.  363-445. 

V.  3  of  25.1585.22 

— BoNNYCASTLE  (J.)io  An  introduction  to  alge- 
bra, with  notes,  .  .  .  [and]  an  appendix, 
on  the  application  of  algebra  to  geometry. 
6th  New  York  ...  cd.  by  J.  Ryan.  New 
York,  1834.     12".  26.3590.20 

—Bourdon  (P.  L.  U.)g  Elements  of  algebra, 
tr.  from  the  Fr.  ....  by  E.  C.  Ross.  New 
York,  1831.     8'.  26.3591.8 

^The  same.      Revised  by  C.  Davies.     New 

York,  1837.     12*.  26.3591.8 


— Brockmann  (T.  J.)  Kleinigkeiten  aus  dem 
gebiete  der  combinatorischen  operationen, 
der  binomialcoeffizienten,  der  figurirten 
zahlen,  und  der  wahrscheinlichkeitsrech- 
nung.     Cleve,  1878.     22  pp.    4". 

26.1598.  Box  2 

— Canard  (N.  F.)  Trait6  616mentaire  du  calcul 
des  inequations  .  .  .  Paris,  1808.     8**. 

-  26.1590.25 

— Chalvet  (M.  J.)  E16mens  d*arithm6tique,  de 
g6om6trie  et  d'alg^bre.  3e  6d.  MonUu- 
ban,  1787.     8^  26.3590.6 

— Chase  (S.)  Treatise  on  algebra  .  .  .  New 
York,  1849.     12"*.  26.1590.29 

— Colburn  (W.)  Introduction  to  algebra  upon 
the  inductive  method  .  .  .  Boston,  1828. 
12**.  26.1590.33 

— CoLENSO  (J.  W.)i3  Students*  algebra.  Ed.  by 
J.  Hunter.    London,  1878.    I2^  26.1590.36 

—Davies  (C.)  Elementary  algebra:  .  .  .  New 
York,  1848.     12%  26.1590-41 

— Debauve  (A.)    Algfebre.     Paris,  1871.     8**. 


— De  Morgan  {A.)i6  Arithmetic  and  algebra. 
London.  1836.     S\  '26.1590.10 

— Elsee  (C.)i7  Elements  of  algebra.  5th  ed. 
Cambridge,  1879.     i^**.  26.1590.46 

— Euler  (L.)i8  Elements  of  algebra,  translated 
from  the  French,  with  notes  of  Bernoulli, 
and  additions  by  La  Grange.  London, 
1797.     2  V.     8*.  26.1591.26 

The  same.     Translated,  with  notes.     2d  ed. 

London.  1810.     2  v.     8**.  26.1591.27 

Introduction  to  the  elements  of  algebra,  .  .  . 

selected  from  the  algebra  of  Euler,  [by  J. 
.      Farrar.]     Cambridge,  [Mass.],  1818.     8*. 


— FiCKi.iN  (J.)  and  FiSK  (D.  W.)  The  complete 
algebra,  desired  for  use  in  schools,  acad- 
emies and  colleges.  New  York,  1880.    1^. 


— Franzky  (H.)  Supplemente  zu  Kambly's 
arithmetik  und  algebra.  Spandau,  1878. 
26  pp.     4".  26.1598.  Box  2 

— Frend  (W.)20  The  principles  of  algebra. 
London,  1796.     8*.  26.1591.33 

— Garnier  (J.  G.)  El^mens  d'alg^bre  .  .  .  3e 
6d.     Paris,   1811.     8%  26.3591. 15 


^The  same.    4e  6d.     Bruxelles,  1820.     8**. 


— GOKDAN  (P.)  Ueber  das  formensystem  binder 
formen.     Leipzig,  1875.     8%    26.1591.38 

— Gravesande  (G.  J.'s).  Elements  of  universal 
mathematics,  or  algebra.  2d  ed.  Lon- 
don, 1752.     I2^  26.1591.42 

— Grsenleaf  (B.)25  Practical  treatise  on  alge- 
bra. .  .  .  Boston.  1852.  p.  8**.  26.1591.44 

—Griffin  (W.  N.)26  Elements  of  algebra  and 
trig^onometry.  3d  ed.  London,  1875. 
12  .  26.1591.47 

Notes  on  the  [same].     London,  1872.     12°. 


— GuiLMiN  (A.)  Cours  complet  d'algfebre  616- 
mentaire  aux  deux  enseignements  secon- 
daires  des  lyc6es  et  colleges.  lie  6d. 
Paris,  1872.  26.3590.23 

— Hackley  (C.  W.)27  Treatise  on  algebra  .  .  . 
New  York,  1846.     8^  26.1591.55 

The  same.  New  York,  i860.  8'.    26.1591.56 

— ^Hales  (W.)28  Analysis  aequationum.  Dub- 
linii,  1784.     s.  4  .  26.3591. 1 

— Hargreave  (C.  J.)  Essay  on  the  resolution 
of  algebraic  equations.    Dublin,  1866.    8°. 


— Hattendorff  (C.)30  Algebraische  analysis. 
Hannover,  1877.     8^  26.1591.59 

— HiRSCH  (M.)3i  Collection  of  arithmetical  and 
algebraic  problems  and  formulae.  Trans- 
lated by  F.  J.  Grund.     Boston,  1831.     8'. 


—Jordan  (C.)32  Traits  des  substitutions  et  des 
Equations  alg^briques.     Paris,  1870.     4''. 


— Klempt  (D.  a.)  Lehrbuch  zur  einfahrung  in 
die  modeme  algebra.     Leipzig,  1880.     8°. 


—La  Croix  (S.  F.)34  Elements  of  algebra. 
Translated  from  the  French.  Cambridge. 
[Mass.],  1818.     8**.  26. 1592. 1 

^The  same.     Complement  des  616mens  d'aU 

gdbre.     3e  6d.     Paris,  an  xiii— 1804.    8**. 


The  same,     se  6d.     Paris,  1825.     8'. 


— Lagrange  (J.  L.)36  Traits  de  la  resolution  des 

equations  num^riques  de  tous  les  degr^s. 

.  .  .  Paris,  1808.    4%  26.159H5.17 

The  same.     3e  ed.     Paris,  1826.     1.  8". 


— Landen  (J.)  Residual  analysis ;  a  new  branch 
of  the  algebraic  art  .  .  .  Book  i.  Lon- 
don, 1764.     4**.  26. 1596. 1 

— Legend  re  (A.  M.)39  Theorie  de  nombres.  3e 
ed.     Paris,  1830.     2  V.    4".        26.1596.6 

— Lhuilier  (S.)  Siemens  raisonnes  d'algebre. 
Geneve.  1804.     2  v.     8**.  26.1591.70 

— LiPSCHiTz(R.)4i  Lehrbuch  der  analysis.  Bonn, 
1877-80.     2  V.     S**.  26. 1604. 1 1 

— LooMis  (E.)  Treatise  on  algebra.  New  York, 
1857.     12".  26.3590.25i 

— Maclaurin  (C.)42    Treatise  of  algebra   .    .    .  . 
6th  ed.     London,  1796.     8**.      26.1591.74 

The  same.     8\  26.1591.75 

— Manning  (T.)  An  introduction  to  arithmetic 
and  algebra.  Cambridge,  [Ene.],  1796. 
8".  26. 3591- Ui 

— Maseres  (F.)  Dissertation  on  the  use  of  the 
negative  sign  in  algebra.  .  .  .  London, 
1758.     4^  26.1596.8 

Tracts   on  the  resolution  of  affected  alge- 

br&ick  equations,  by  methods  of  approxi- 
mation.    London,  1800.     8"*.      26.1592.4 





-Matthiessen  (L.)45    Grundzflge  der  antiken 

and  modernen  algebra  .  .  .  Leipzig,  1878. 

8\  26.1592.7 

-Milne  (W.  J.)    Elements  of  aigebra.     Cincin- 
nati, 1879.     12*.  26.3590.24i 
-MouRBY  (C.  V.)  Lavraie  th6orie  des  quantit^s 

negatives,  et  des  quantit^s  pr6tendues  ima- 

ginaires.    2e  6d.     Paris,  1861.     i6'. 

-Napier   (J.)     De    arte    logistica.      [Ed.   M. 

Napier].    Edinburgi,  1839.   4**.   26.1598.14 
-Newton  (L)47  Arithmetica  universalis  ;  .  .  . 

editio  secunda.     [Anon.]     London,  1722. 

8".  26.3590.10 

-Peacock  (G.)48    Treatise  on  algebra.    .    .    . 

Csunbridge,  [Eng.],  1842-45.     2  v.     8". 

-Peirce  (B.)49  Elementary  treatise  on  algebra : 

.  .  .  6th  ed.  Boston,  1850.  12°.  26.1592.17 
-Perkins  (G.  R.)50  Elements  of  algebra.  .  .  . 

Utica,  1845.     12**.  26.1592.19 

5 iTreattse  on  algebra.  .  .  .  Utica,  1842.  8**. 

-Petersen  0-)52     Theorie  der  algebraischen 

gleichungen.     Kopenhagen,  1878.     8*". 

-Ray  (J.)    Algebra,  part  second ;  an  analytical 

treatise  .  •  .  ster.  ed.    Cincinnati,  1852. 

12^.  26.1592.26 

-Reyneau  (C.  R.)    Analyse  demon tr6e;  ou,  la 

m6tho(de  de  r6soudre  les   probldmes  des 

math^matiques  .  .  .  Paris,  1736.  2  v.  4°. 

-Robinson  (H.   N.)     Elementary  treatise  on 

algebra:   theoretical  and  practical.  .  .  . 

Cincinnati,  1846.     12''.  26.1592.29 

— Universal  key  to  the  science  of  algebra.  .  .  . 

Cincinnati,  1844.     12°.  26.1592.30 

-Salmon  (G.)56    lessons  introductory  to  the 

modem  higher  algebra.      Dublin,    1859. 

8*.  26.1592.34 

-Sandeman  (A.)    Pelicotetics ;  or,  the  science 

of  quantity.  .  .  .  Cambridge,  [En^.],  1868. 

8".  20.1592.37 

-Saunderson  (N.)    Elements  of  algebra.  .  ,  . 

Cambridge,  [Eng.],  1740-41.     2  v.    4**. 

-  -The  same.    2d  ed.     London,  1761.     8°. 

-Schlegel  (V.)    Arithmetik  und  combinatorik.  • 

Wolfenbtlttel.  1878.     8*.  26.1582.20 

[Lehrbach  der  mathematik,  i  th.]. 

-SchrOder  (E.)59  Lehrbuch  der  arithmetik  und 
algebra.  .  .  Leipzig,  1873.  8*".  26.1592.40 

— Der  operationskreis  des  logikkalkuls.  Leip- 
zig. 1877.     8*.  26.1597.  Box  3 

-Sergeant  (L.)  Elementary  mathematics  : 
embracing  arithmetic,  geometry,  and  al- 
gebra .  .  .  London,  1875.  16*.  26.1592.46 

-Serret  (J.  A.)6o  Cours  d'algftbre  sup^ricure 
.  .  .  4e  6d.     Paris,  1877.     2  v.     8**. 


-Sdcfson  (T.)  Treatise  of  algebra.  5th  ed. 
London,  1782.     8*.  26.1592.52 

— The  same,  ist  Am.  from  8th  Lond.  ed. 
Philadelphia,  1809.     8\  26.1592.53 

-Studnicka  (F.  J.)  Lehrbuch  der  algebra. 
2eanf.     Prag,  1879.     8°.  26.3591.21 

-Todhunter  (L)62  Algebra.  6th  ed.  London, 
1873.    p.  8*.  26.1592.57 

62  Elementary  treatise  on  Laplace's,  Lamp's, 

and  Bessel's  functions.  London,  1875. 
p.  8*.  26.1592.56 

63  An  elementary  treatise  on  the  theory  of 

equations.     3d  ed.     Lond.,  1875.     16". 


— Vall^s  (F.)  Des  formes  imaginaires  en  alge- 
bra ..  .  Paris,  1869-76.     3  V.     8*. 


— ^Vega  (G.  von).  Vorlesungen  ttber  die  mathe- 
matik .  .  .  rechenkunst  und  algebra. 
7e  aufl.  Ueberarbeitet  von  W.  Matzka. 
Wien,  1850.     8**.  26.1592.62 

— Venable  (C.  S.)  An  easy  algebra  for  begin- 
ners.   New  York,  1880.    12".     26.3590.26 

— Vose  (G.  L.)  Graphic  method  for  solving 
certain  algebraic  problems.  New  York, 
1875.     18**.  26. 1620. 1 

— Wallis  (J.)66  Treatise  of  algebra,  both  histor- 
ical and  practical  .  .  .  With  [other]  trea- 
tises .  .  .  London,  1685.     f*".     26.1598.5 

— Welcker  (W.  T.)  Advanced  algebra.  San 
Francisco,  [1880].     8**.  26.1592.64 

— Wood  (J.)  Elements  of  algebra ;  ...  3d  ed. 
Cambridge,  [Eng.],  1801.  8^  25.1581.15. 
[/it  Vince  and  wood's  mathematics,  v.  i]. 

The  same.      4lh  ed.      Cambridge,    [Eng.], 

1806.     S\  26.1592.68 

— Young  (J.  R.)  Elementary  treatise  on  algebra, 
theoretical  and  practical;  .  .  .  new  Am. 
fr.  last  London  ed.  Philadelphia,  1838. 
8^  26.1592.73 

J^atg.  Part  of  the  history  of  algebra  has  been 
given  by  Libri  in  his  Histoire  des  sciences  math6- 
matiques  en  Italie,  as  well  as  by  Hutton  in  his 
Tracts  on  mathematical  subjects,  and  in  his  mathe- 
matical dictionary,  as  also  by  Montuela  in  his  His- 
toire des  math^matiques. 

J^oU  a.  In  order  to  guidt  the  choice  of  the  stu- 
dent, a  schedule  of  the  merit  of  these  algebraic 
works  has  been  made  by  one  of  the  mathematical 
professors.  It  will  be  perceived  that  a  series  of 
numbers  has  been  attacned  to  these  titles,  and  the 
critic  has  pronounced  his  judgment  by  a  single 
word  or  phrase.  Thus: 
Easy.  6,  31. 

Excellent.  13,  36, 30,  41, 59,  6a. 
Good.  17,  27,  45,  5a,  63. 
Greatest  works  on  the  subject.  7,  3a,  60. 
Important.  16,  36,  39,  56. 
Obsolete,  a,  3,  9,  39,  49,  50,  51. 
Of  historic  interest,  z,  5, 18,  ao,  aS,  34,  4a,  47,  48, 

Alg^eria,  and  Algiers  [El-Jcsair,  or  Al-Jezireh, 
tA^  is/and]. 

— Alger,  Cornice  agricole  d'.  La  colonisation  de 
la  Kabylie  par  Timmig^tion,  avec  itin^- 
raires,  cartes  et  plans.     Alger,  1871.     8*. 

[Bound  with  Brucher  de  Perthes  (J.)  De  la  mft- 
choire  humaine  de  Moulin-Quignonj. 

— Blackburn  (H.)  Artists  and  Arabs  .  .  . 
Boston,  1874.     16**.  xx.653.27 

— Christian  (P.)  L*Afrique  fran9aise,  I'em- 
pire  de  Maroc,  et  les  deserts  de  Sahara  ; 
conqu^tes  .  .  .  des  fran9ais  .  .  .  1830- 
45.     Paris,  [1845-46].     8^  IX.653.1 

— Cox  (S.  S.)  Search  for  winter  sunbeams  in 
Algiers,  [1869].     New  York,  1880.     12°. 


— Evans  (Mrs.  H.  Lloyd).  Last  winter  in  Al- 
geria.    London,  1868.  16**.     x  1.653.8 

— Gaskell  (G.)  Algeria  as  it  is,  [1873-74].  Lon- 
don, 1875.     12"  xx.653.16 

— Kennedy  (J.  C.)  Algeria  and  Tunis  in  1845. 
.  .  .  London,  1846.     2  v.  in  i.     12*. 






— Martin  (M.)  History  of  her  cmftbfity  .  .  . 
in  Algiers,  [1800-06].  To  which  i»  «o- 
nexed  a  history  of  Algiers  .  .  .  Boston, 
1807.     S\  IX.653.10 

—  MoRELL  (J.  R.)  Algeria:  the  topography  and 
history,  political,  social  and  natural,  of 
French  Africa.     London,  1854.     8**. 


— Pananti  (F.)  Narrative  of  a  residence  in  Al- 
giers .  .  .  [1815?].  Tr.  by  E.  Blaquiere. 
London,  1818.     4  .  zx.666.11 

— PuLSZKY  (F.)  The  tricolor  on  the  Atlas  ;  or, 
Algeria  and  the  French  conquest.  From 
the  Gertnan  of  [Moritz]  Wagner  and  other 
sources.     London,  1854.     12*".     1x.653.12 

— Renier  (L.)  Inscriptions  romaines  de  TAl- 
g6rie.     Paris,  1858.     f°.  X2. 757.10 

— Shaler  (W.)  Sketches  of  Algiers  .  .  .  and 
[theT  recent  political  history  of  that  coun- 
try, [1810-25].     Boston,  1826.     8°. 


Alhambra  (The)  i.e.,  tAe  red  \Uwer\,  at  Gra- 
nctday  in  Spain, 

—Irving  (W.)  The  Alhambra.  New  York, 
1851.     I2^  4.230.12 

—Jones  (O.)  and  Goury  (J.)   Plans  ...  of  the 
Alhambra.     London,  184^-45.     2  v.  1  f*. 
Art  room.  A.7.10 

—Murphy  (J.  C.)  Arabian  antiquities  of  Spain. 
London,  1815.    T.  xo.628.5 

Note.  Many  books  on  Spain,  and  especially  on 
Granada,  describe  the  Alhambra. 

—Prime  (S.  I.)  The  Alhambra  and  the  Krem- 
lin.    New  York,  1875.     i6°.        xo.603.15 

Ali  Pasha,  of  Janina  orjoannina,  called  Arslan, 
the  lion.     b.  1741.     d,  1822. 

—Davenport  (R.  A.)  The  life  of  Ali  Pasha  of 
Tepeleni,  vizier  of  Epirus.  London,  1837. 
16  .  x4.852.28 

The  same.  1. 1.2 

—Holland  (H.)  Notice  of  Ali  pasha.  X4.852.8 
{In  his  Travels  in  Albania  .  .  .  etc,  v.  i,  pp.  140- 

— Hughes  (T.  S.)  Interview  with  Ali  pasha, 
and  a  sketch  of  his  history.  14. 856.9 

[/»  ku  Travels  in  Albania,    v.  a,  pp.  48-384]. 


— Cockburn  (A.  J.  E.)  Nationality:  the  law 
relating  to  subjects  and  aliens.  London, 
1869.     8°.  24.3494.9 

Alkali  trade  (The). 

— KiNGZETT  (C.  T.)  History,  products,  and 
processes  of  the  alkali  trade  .  .  .  Lon- 
don, 1877.     8^  30.1871.7 

Allan  (David),     b,  1744.    d.  1796. 

— Cunningham  (A.)  Life  of  David  Allan,  pp. 
21-48.  V.  6  of  1. 1.7 

The  same.     pp.  25-47.      v.  5  of  32.2020.18 

— Memoirs  of  David  Allan,  the  Scots*  Hogarth. 
[Anon.]  X8.II03.I 

[/«  Ramsay  (A.)  Gentle  shepherd.  Edinb.,  1808. 
V.  2,  pp.  619-631]. 

Allen  (Elizabeth  Akers). 

— Leavenworth  (E.  W.)    Who  wrote  **  Rock 

me  to  sleep  ?"    Syracuse,  1870.     8". 

19. 1 1 10. 5 
—Morse  (O.  A.)    Vindication  of  the  claim  of 

A.  M.  W.  Ball  to  the  authorship  of  "Rock 

me  to  sleep,  mother."    New  York»  1867. 

8^  19. 1 1 10. 5 

Allen,  or  Alley n  (Edward),     b.  1566.     d.  1626. 

— Collier  (J.  P.)  Alleyn  papers  ;  documents 
illustrating  the  life  and  times  of  Edward 
Alleyn.     London,  1843.     8''.      z9.1131.10 

Memoirs  of  E.  Alleyn,  founder  of  Dulwich 

college.  Including  particulars  of  Shake- 
speare, Ben  Jonson,  Massinger,  etc. 
London,  1841.     8*.  19. 1 131.27 

Allen  (Ethan),     b.  1737.    d.  1789. 

-De  Puv  (H.  W.)  Ethan  Allen  and  the  Green 
mountain  heroes  of  '76.  Boston,  1853, 
12°.  4.202.7 

—Sparks  (I.)  Life  of  Ethan  Allen.  3,i38a.6 
[Sparks'  American  biogrraphy,  vol.  z]. 

Allen  (Henry  Watkins).    b.  1820.    d.  1866. 

— DoRSEY  (S.  A.)  Recollections  of  Henry  W. 
Allen.     New  York,  1866.     I2^       4.202.8^ 

Allen  (William),    b.  1770.    d.  1843. 

— Life,  with  selections  from  his  correspondence. 
London,  1846-47.     3  v.     8**.  6.341. 17 

Alliterative  poems. 

-5-Alliterative  poem  on  the  deposition  of 
Richard  li.  [Anon.]  Ed.  by  T.  Wright. 
30  pp.     4'.  /»  5-314.2 

— CoNSCRiPTio  Calvin!  casus,  carmine  crude 
cocto,  etc.  26. 165 1. 17 

[/m  Nasus  (J.)    AyraarpoKoyowp^it], 

— Morris  (R.)  Early  English  alliterative  poems 
of  the  14th  century.     London,  1804.     8*". 

18.1072. 1 


— Collins  (J.  E.)  Private  book  of  useful  alloys 
and  memoranda  for  goldsmiths,  jewellers, 
etc.     London,  [1871J.     12**.       30.1870.18 

Allston  (Washington),  b.  1779.    d.  1843. 

— Ware  (W.)  Lectures  on  the  work  and  genius 
of  Washington  Allston.  Boston,  1852. 
12*.  3a  1891.24 


— Almanacco  fiorentino  per  Tanno,  1766.  Fi- 
renze,  1766.     24°.  26.1650.18- 

— Almanack  de  Gotha.  Annuaire  g6n6alogique, 
diplomatique,  et  statistique  1856-81.  Go-^ 
tha,  1856-1881.     25  V.     32**.  2. 1880. 1 

— American  (The)  almanac  and  repository  of 
useful  knowledge  for  1830-61.  [Edited 
by  G.  P.  Sanger  and  others],  Boston, 
1833-61.     32  V.     12**.  32.2017. 1 

— American  (An)  almanac,  and  treasury  of  facts. 
Edited  by  A.  R.  Spoflford.  New  York, 
1878-81.     4  V.  12**.  32.2027.6. 

— ^American  ephemeris,  and  nautical  almanac, 
1856-83.  Washington,  1853-80.    28  v.  8". 
rV.  for  1862-64,  x88i,  wanting]. 

— AsTRONOMiscHES  jahrbuch  filr  1801-30.  Her- 
ausgegeben  von  J.  E.  Bode.  Berlin, 
1798-1828.     30  V.     16**. 

The  same. 

[Observatory]. ' 

lin,  1829-78.     50  V.     16 

lerliner  ast.  jahrb.  fiir  183 1- 
80.  Herausgegeben  von  J.  F.  Encke.  Ber- 

[V.  for  1851-52,  1855, 1857-67, 1870, 1873-78,  want- 

— British  (The)  almanac  and  companion,  for 

1828-79.  London,  1828-79.  S^v.  12**.  1.8.1 
— Brussels,     Observatory.     Annuaire   1861-80, 

par  A.  Qu^telet.    Bnuoelles,  1860-79.    ^^ 

V.  in  la    24**. 





— Bureau  des  longitudes  k  Paris.  Annuaire 
pour  1826-1879.  Paris,  1825-78.  54  v. 
i8\  25.3530.1 

— Calendarii  perpetui,  pars  prior  [et]  pos- 
terior.    [An^n.]    Amberg,  n.  d.    sm.  4**. 

26.1651. 17 
[Last  leaves  wanting]. 

— CoELESTiAL  (The)  atlas:  or,  a  new  ephemeris 
f or  .  .  .  1777-1815.  [Ed.]  by  R.  White. 
London,  £1777-1815].     39  v.  18**. 

26. 1650. 1 

— CoftfPANiON  (A)  to  the  Ladies'  diary,  for  .  .  . 
1780-81.  [Ed.]  by  R.  Burrow.  London, 
[1780-81].     2v.     18°.  26.1650.1 

— CoNNAissANCB  des  temps,  k  Tusage  des  astro- 
nomes,  et  des  navigateurs.  Paris,  1797- 
1877.    39  V.    8^ 


— DiA&iA  britannica ;  or,  the  British  diary  for 
.  .  .  1788-96.  [Ed.]  by  J.  Cotes  and 
[others],  Birmingham,  [1788-96].  9  v. 
18°.  20.1650.1 

— Diary  (The)  companion;  being  a  supplement 
to  the  Ladies'  diary  for  .  .  .  1788-1806. 
London,  [1788-1806J.     19  v.     i8'. 

26. 1650. 1 

— FiNANQAL  reform  almanack  for  1880,  '81,  '82. 
London,  i88o-'82.     3  v.     80.     25.1546.20 

— Gentleman's  (The)  diary;  or,  the  mathemati- 
cal repositoiy:  an  almanack  for  .  .  . 
1741-1815.  [Ed.  by  T.  Peat].  London, 
1741-1815.     75  V.     I8^  26.1650.1 

— Ladies'  (The)  diary  ;  or,  the  woman's  alman- 
ack for  ..  .  1728-1815.  [Ed.  by  J.  Tip- 
per and  others].  London,  [1728-1815J. 
88  V.     18°.  26.1650.1 

—Ladies'  (The)  diary,  for  .  .  .  1780-88.  [Ed.] 
by  R.  Burrow.  London,  [1780-88 J.  9 
V.  18".  26.1650.1 

— Lady's  (The)  and  gentleman's  diary ;  or,  royal 
almanack;  for  .  .  .  1776-79.  [Ed.]  by 
R.  Burrow.  London,  1776-79].   4  v.    18  . 

26. 1650. 1 

— Maraldi  (J.  D.)  Connoissance  des  temps  pour 
I'ann^e  bissextile  1756  .  .  .  Paris,  1755. 
i2\  26.1650.5 

— Muller(J.)  [Regiomontani  calendarium].  n. 
p.,  1507.     sm.  4**.  26.1651. 17 

— National  almanac  and  annual  record  for 
1863-64.  [Edited  by  G.  W.  ChUds]. 
Philadelphia,  1863-64.     2  v.     12''. 


— Naittical  almanac  and  astronomical  ephe- 
meris for  1786  and  1792.  London,  1781- 
86.     2v.     8°.  25.35441 

The  same  for   181 1-33.     From   Lond.   ed. 

New  York,  1811-31.    23  v.     8°.  25.3540.1 

The  same  for  1834-70.     London,  1833-66. 

37  V.     8'.  25.3544  and  3554 

The  same  for  1856-83.     London,  1855-83. 

20  V.    8°. 

— Old  poor  Robin.  An  almanack,  .  .  .  for  .  .  . 
1781.     London,  1781.     18'.         26. 1650.  i 

^OXvMieta  Soauccror  or,  an  almanack  for  .  .  . 
1782  .  .  .  [Ed.l  by  TychoWing,  [pseud,], 
London,  [1782 J.     18  .  20.1650.1 

—Parker  (G.)  Mercurius  anglicanus  ;  or,  the 
English  mercury ;  being  a  double  ephe- 
meris for  .  .  .  1691-95.  London,  1691- 
95.     5  V.  in  I.     I8^  26.1650.3 

— Parker's  ephemeris  for  .  .  .  1777-81.  Lon- 
don, [1777-81].     5  V.     18'.         26.1650.1 

— Partridge  (J.)  Merlinus  liberatus.  Being 
an  almanack  for  .  .  .  1782  .  .  .  London, 
[1782].     I8^  26.1650. 1 

— Poor  Robin's  almanac  for  .  .  1778-79.  Lon- 
don, 1778-79.  2  V.  18°.  26. 1650. 1 
[AH  bound,  according  to  year,  in  a  set  ietUrtd 
Diaries,  etc.]. 

— Public  ledger  almanacs  for  1870-73.  [Ed.  G. 
W.  Childs].     Philadelphia,  1873.     I2^ 


— Rasch  (J.)  Ein  new  all-jariger  calender. 
.  .  .  MUnchen,  1584.    sm.  4  .  26.1651. 17 

— Tribune  almanac  for  1838-68.  [Edited  by 
H.  Greeley].     New  York,  1868.    2  v.  12  . 

See  also  Calendar. 


— Bell  (A.  M.)  Visible  speech,  the  science  of 
universal  alphabetics  for  the  writing  of 
all  languages  in  one  alphabet.  London, 
1867.     sm.  4**.  15.2931.9. 

— BuNSEN  (C.  C.  J.)  The  universal  alphabet, 
and  conferences  respecting  it.  London, 
1854.  31.1944. 12 

[/h  his  Christianity  and  mankind,  ▼.  4,  pp.  375- 

—Donaldson  (J.  W.)  Theory  of  the  Greek  al- 
phabet. I5«954.6' 
[In,  his  New  Cratylus,  pp.  144-197]. 

— Enthoffer  (J.)  Origin  of  our  alphabet. 
Washington,  1875.  43  pp.  with  i  folded 
plate.     8°.  15.958^.     Box  3. 

—Key  (T.  H.)  The  alphabet,  and  other  philo- 
logical papers.     London,  1844.     12  . 

15-2935  13 

— KiRCHOFF  (A.)  Studien  zur  geschichte  des 
griechischen  alphabets.  Berlin,  1867. 
8*.  15,944.16 

— Sophocles  (E.  A.)  History  of  the  Greek  al- 
phabet.   Cambridge,  1848.    12''.    Z5.951.8 


— Antrim  (B.  J.)  Pantography ;  or,  universal 
drawings,  in  comparison  with  pasigraphy, 
as  the  science  of  letters.  Philadelphia, 
1843.     12°.  15.2931.6 

— Delamotte  (F.)  The  book  of  ornamental 
alphabets,  ancient  and  mediaeval  .  .  . 
London,  1868.     obi.  8'.  17. 1027.24 

— Faulmann  (C.)  Das  buch  der  schrift,  ent- 
haltend  die  schriften  und  alphabete  aller 
zeiten  und  alter  v5lker  des  gesammten 
erdkreises.    Wien,  1878.    1.8**.   15.2934. ii 

— Fry  (E.)  Pantographia  ;  containing  accurate 
copies  of  all  the  known  alphabets  in  the 
world  .  .  .  London,  1799.  S**.  15.2934. 21 

—Shaw  (H.)  Handbook  of  mediaeval  alpha- 
bets and  devices.     London,  1853.    ^* 

See^  oZftf/ Hieroglyphics,  Illumination,  Runic  al- 

Shabet,  Writingr- 
Tote.   Works  on  comparative  philology  commonly 
include  observations  on  the  alphabet. 

Alps.    (Alb,  white), 

— ^Alpine  club.      Peaks,   passes  and  glaciers ; 

excursions  by  members.     2d  series.     Ed. 

by  E.  S.  Kennedy.     London,  1862.     2  v« 

16".  10.582.24 

— Ball  (T.)    A  guide  to  the  western  Alps.    New 

edition.     London,  1866.     16*.     zo.582.31 
^The  central  Alps.     Being  the  2d  part  of  the 

Alpine  guide.  Lond.,  1866.  16'.  10.582.3r 





— Baltzer  (A.)  Der  GllUtiisch,  cin  problem 
alpinen  gebirgsbaues.     Zurich,  1873.    4*". 


— Beaumont  (J.  F.  A.)  Travels  through  the 
maritime  Alps,  from  Italv  to  Lyons, 
across  the  Col  de  Tende.  London,  1795. 
r.  XO.588.1 

— Berlepsch  (H.  a.)  Die  Alpen,  in  natur-  und 
lebensbildem  dargestellt.  Jena,  1871. 
8^  XO.582.9 

— Brockedon  (W.)  Illustrations  of  the  passes 
of  the  Alps  [into]  .  .  .  Italy  .  .  .  Lon- 
don, 1827-29.     3  V.     4**.  XO.586.1 

^Journals  of  excursions  in  the  Alps.  Lon- 
don, 1833.     12*.  xo.582.18 

The  same.     3d  ed.     London,  1845.    8°. 


— Elus  (R.)  Treatise  on  Hannibal's  passage 
of    the    Alps  .   .    .  Cambridge,    [EngJ, 

1853.     8^  XO.583.3 

— Haller  (A.  V.)  Die  Alpen,  ein  gedicht.  Bern. 
1805.     12'.  X8.3081.6 

[Im  a  V.  Utttrtd  Sammlnng  aller  lieder  .  .  .  auf 
das  .  .  .  alpenhhten-fest  .  .  .  im  canton  Bern]. 

— HiNCHLiFF  (T.  W.)  Summer  months  among 
the  Alps  :  with  the  ascent  of  Monte  Rosa. 
[1856].     London,  1857.     8**.  XO.583.9 

—Law  (W.  J.)  The  Alps  of  Hannibal.  Lon- 
don, 1866.     2  V.     8*'.  xo.582.6 

— Saussure  (H.  B.  de).  Voyages  dans  les  Alpes, 
pr6c6d6s  d'un  essai  sur  I'histoire  naturelle 
de?  environs  de  Geneve.  Geneve,  1787. 
4  v.     8\  IO.581.6 

— TscHUDi  (F.  von).  Sketches  of  nature  in  the 
Alps.     London,  1856.     16'.        10.582.32 

— Tyndall  (T.)  Hours  of  exercise  in  the  Alps. 
New  York,  1874.     8'.  XO.582.20 

— Whymper  (E.)  Scrambles  among  the  Alps, 
1860-^.  Philadelphia,  1873.  8'.   XO.582.4 

— -Wickham  (H.  L.)  and  Cramer  (J.  A.)  Disser- 
tation on  the  passage  of  Hannibal  over 
the  Alps.     London,  1828.     8^      XO.582.7 

— Wills  (A.)  Wanderings  among  the  high 
Alps.  London.  1856.  12**.  10.582.21 
S*e^  also.  Glaciers,  Switzerland,  Savoy,  Tyrol. 
Note.  A  better  idea  of  the  Alps  as  a  whole,  than 
from  any  single  book,  may  be  obtained  by  reading 
the  article  ♦'Aloe,"  by  "J.  B."  Qohn  Ball?]  in  the 
9th  edition  of  the  Encyclopedia  Britannica. 

Alsace,  (E/sass). 

— About  (E.  F.  V.)  Alsace,  1871-72.  3c  6d. 
Paris,  1873.     16*.  7.425.16 

•-Annales  argentinenses.  EUenhardi  chroni- 
con,  'etc.,  a.  673-1299.  Chronicon  col- 
mariense,  a.  12 18-1304,  etc.  Q.518.3 

[/n  Monumenta  Germanise  historica.  vol.  17,  pp. 

— LoRENZ  (O.)  Geschichte  des  Elsasses  von 
dem  aitesten  zeiten.     Berlin,  1871.     I2°. 


— Mac£  (J.)  Morale  en  action.  Mouvement  de 
propagande  intellectuelle  en  Alsace.  Paris, 
1865.     12**.  x7.1031.17 

—Schmidt  (A.)  Elsass  und  Lothringen.  Nach- 
weis  wie  diese  provinzen  dem  deutschen 
reiche  verloren  gingen.  Leipzig,  1859. 
8'.  9.533.14 

—Wagner  (A).  Elsass  und  Lothringen  und 
ihre  wiedergewinnung  fUr  Deutschland. 
Leipzig,  1870.     8*.  9.5339 

Seo^  also,  France,  {FrancO'Prussian  war).  Rhine, 

Altai  mountains,  (Languages  spoken  in), 

— ScHOTT  (W.)  Altajische  studien  ;  oder,  unter. 
suchungen  auf  dem  gebiete  der  altai- 
sprachen.  Berlin,  1860-67.  Parts  i  and 
in.    4\  15.986.2 

Alternation  of  generations,  (in  toology), 

— Kornhuber  (G.  a.)  Alternate  generation  and 
parthenogenesis  in  the  animal  kingdom. 

\ln  Smithsonian  report,  1871,  pp.  335-347]. 

— Steenstrup  (J.  J.  S.)  On  the  alternation  of 
generations  .  .  .  London,  1845.     8". 

27. 1684. 1 1 

Amazon  river. 

—Bates  (H.  W.)  Naturalist  on  the  river  Ama- 
zons, [1848-56].  4th  ed.  London,  1875. 
16**.  27.1671.28 

—Brown  (C.  B.)  and  Lidstone  (W.)  Fifteen 
thousand  miles  on  the  Amazon  and  its 
tributaries,  [1873-75].  London,  1878. 
•8*.  3.134.5 

—  Edwards  (W.  H.)  A  voyage  up  the  Amazon, 
[1846],      New  York,  1847.     12".  3.132.11 

— GoDiN  DES  Odonais  (J.)  Adventures  in  pass- 
ing down  the  Amazons,  in  1770.  Z.20.19 
[In  a  vol.  letttred  Perils  and  captivity,  pp.  307- 

— Herndon  (W.  L.)  and  Gibbon  (L.)  Explora- 
tion  of  the  valley  of  the  Amazon.  Wash- 
ington, 1853-54.     2  V.  and  atlas.     8'. 

3. 134. 16 

— Keller-Leuzinger    (F.)    The  Amazon    and 

Madeira  rivers  .  .  .  New  York,  1874.  4*. 

Art  room  B.5.9 

— Marcoy  (P.  pseud.)  or,  Saint-Cricq  (  ). 
Voyage  4  travers  I'Am^rique  du  Sud  .  .  . 
Paris,  1869.     2  V.  f^  3. 138. 1 

— Markham  (C.  R.)  Expeditions  into  the  val- 
ley of  the  Amazons,  1539,  1540,  1639. 
London,  1859.     8''.  2.51. 19 

— Orton  (J.)  Andes  and  the  Amazon,  [1867- 
68].     New  York,  1870.    p.  8% 

3. 134. 13 
See^  also,  Brazil,  and  the  names  of  countries  on 
the  banks  of  the  Amazon,  and  of  rivers  which 
flow  into  it,  as  Madeira. 

America.     Antiquities. 

— Archaeologia  americana.  Transactions  and 
collections  of  the  American  antiquarian 
society  at  Worcester.    1820-75.     6  v.     8*. 


— Atwater  (C.)    Description  of  the  antiquities 

discovered  in  the  state  of  Ohio  and  other 

western  states.     Worcester,  Mass.,  1820. 

8^  4. 1 73. 1 

Archaeol(^ia  americana,  vol.  i,  pp.  Z05-367]. 

— Baldwin.  (J.  D.)  Ancient  America ;  notes  on 
American  archaeology.  New  York,  1872. 
I2^  3.111.26 

— BoEHMER  (G.  H.)  Index  to  papers  on  an- 
thropology, [ethnology,  archaeology,  etc.] 
published  by  the  Smithsonian  institution, 
1847-78.  28.3733 

\In  Smithsonian  report,  1879.    PP>  47^493]* 

— Comfort  (A.  J.)  Ethnology:  Indian  mounds, 
.  .  .  Dakota  territory,  .  .  .  [etc.],  28.3733 
[Smithsonian  report,  1871.    pp.  389-402]. 

— Copenhagen.  Soci6t6  royale  des  antiquaires 
du  nord.  M6moires,  1840-44.  Copen- 
hague,  1844.     8^  3.IH.5 

— Engel  (S.)  Quand  et  comment  TAm^rique 
a-t-elle  6t6  peupl6e?  Amsterdam,  1767. 
5  v.     12'.  2. 2031. 13 





— Foster  (J.  W.)  Prehistoric  races  of  the 
United  States.     Chicago,  1873.     8**. 

— Habel  (S.)  The  sculptures  of  Santa  Lucia 
Cosumalwhuapa  in  Guatemala.  With  an 
account  of  travels  in  Central  America  and 
on  the  western  coast  of  South  America. 
Washington.  1870.     4*.  28.3748 

[Smithsoaian  contributions,  v.  aa.]. 
— Haven  (S.  F.)  Archaeology  of  the  United 
Sutes.  Washington.  1856.  4'.  28.3738 
[Smithsonian  contributions,  v.  8.]. 
— Hkllwald  (F.  von).  The  American  migration 
[from  north  to  south,  anterior  to  Colum- 
bus! Tr.  by  C.  A.  Alexander.  28.3733 
[/«  Smithsonian  report,  x866,  pp.  338-345]. 

— Humboldt  (F.  H.  A.  von).  Researches  con- 
cerning the  institutions  and  monuments 
of  the  ancient  inhabitants  of  America. 
Tr.  by  H.  M.  Williams.  London,  1814. 
2  V.     8'.  3.125.2 

Vues  des  Cordill^res,  et  monnmens  des  peu- 

ples  indigenes  de  TAm^rique.  Paris, 
i8ia    f^  3. 137- 1 

— Jones  (J.)  Explorations  of  the  aboriginal  re- 
mains of  Tennessee.     Washington,  1876. 

4*.  28.3748 

^Smithsonian  contributions,  ▼.  aa.]. 

— Lbland  (C.  G.)  American  antiquities  with 
their  relations  to  the  old  world.  3.1 11. 14 
[/»  kis  "  Fusang,*'  pp.  197-aai]. 

— MacLean  (J.  p.)  The  mound  builders  .  .  . 
[in  the]  valleys  of  the  Ohio  and  Missis- 
sippi. .  .  .  Cincinnati,  1879.     '2°- 


— Mason  (O.  T.)  The  Latimer  collection  of  an- 
tiquities from  Porto  Rico,  in  the  national 
museum  at  Washington.  28.3733 

{In  Smithsonian  report,  1876,  pp.  373-393!. 

— Rau  (C.)  Ancient  aboriginal  trade  in  North 
America.  28.3733 

[/n  Smithsonian  report,  187a  pp.  348-394]. 

The  Palenque  tablet  in  tne  U.  S.  national 

museum,  Washington,  D.  C.  Washing- 
ton, 1879.  4**.  28.3748 
[Smithsonian  contributions,  v.  aa.]. 

—Short  (T.  T.)  The  North  Americans  of  an- 
tiquity. .  .  .  New  York,  1879.     8^ 

— Squier  (E.  G.)  Aboriginal  monuments  of  the 
state  of  New  York.  .  .  .  [Appendix ; 
ancient  works  in  Pa.  and  N.  H.,  the  char- 
acter of  Indian  defences,  aboriginal  sacred 
enclosure,  etc.],     Washington,  1851.    4**. 

[Smithsonian  contributions,  ▼.  al. 
Ancient  monuments  of  the  Mississippi  val- 
ley. Washington,  1848.  4**.  28.3738 
[Smithsonian  contributions,  v.  i.]. 
—Whittlesey  (C.)  Descriptions  of  ancient 
works  in  Ohio.     Washington,  1852.     4**. 

[Smithsonian  contributions,  v.  3.]. 
Ste^  also.  Central  America,  Guatemala,  ladians, 
Mexico,  Mound  builders,  Peru,  Yucatan. 

— AsHER  (G.  M.)  a  bibliographical  and  histori- 
cal essay  on  the  Dutch  books  and  pamph- 
lets relating  to  New  Netherland  and 
the  Dutch  West  India  company  [etc.], 
[With]  a  list  of  maps  and  charts.  .  .  . 
Amsterdam,  1854-67.     4**.  16. 1007. 5 

— Bartlett  (J.  R.)  Bibliographical  notices  of 
rare  books  relating  to  America,  printed 
.  .  .  (1482-1601)  in  the  library  of  J.  C. 
Brown  of  Providence,  R.  I.  Providence, 
1875.    1.  8^  X6.1017.1 

— Boon  {  .)  Catalogue  of  [his]  books,  prin- 
cipally relating  to  America.  New  York, 
1870.     8**.  Z6.1012.2 

— Brinley  (G.)  Catalogue  of  his  American 
library.     Hartford,  1878-82.     2  v.     8^ 


— Clarke  (R.)  Catalogue  of  books  and  pamphlets 
relating  to  America.  Cincinnati,  1876.  8**. 


— Harrisse  (H.)  Bibliotheca  americana  vetus- 
tissima.  A  description  of  works  relating 
to  America,  published  between  the  years 
1492  and  1 55 1.     New  York,  1866.     1.  8*. 


The  same.     Additions.     Paris,  1872.     4°. 

z6. 1007.4 

— Leclerc  (C.)  Catalogue  raisonn6  d'une  col- 
lection de  livres  sur  TAm^rique.  Paris, 
1867.    1.  8*.  16. 1005. 15 

—Muller  (F.)  Catalogue  of  books  relating  to 
America,  including  Dutch  publications, 
1612-1820.     Amsterdam,  1850.    sm.  8**. 


— Reid  (  .)  Chronological  catalogue  of  books 
upon  America.     I^ndon,  1789.     4". 


—Rich  (O.)  Catalogue  of  books  relating  to 
America  [chronologically  arranged,  1506- 
1700].     London,  1832.     8°.         z6. 1005. 12 

^The  same.      Catalogue   of   books   printed, 

1 701-1800.     London,  1835.     8". 

z6. 1005. 13 

— Sabin  (J.)  Dictionary  of  books  relating  to 
America,  from  its  discovery.  New  York, 
1867-81.     13  v.     1.  8^  Art  room. 

—Stevens  (H.)  Catalogue  of  a  sale  of  books, 
.  .  .  many  relating  to  America.  London, 
1872.     8^  16. 1005. 1 1 

Catalogue  of  the  first  portion  of  .  .  .  books 

and  manuscripts  relating  chiefly  to  America, 
sold  July,  1881.     [London,  1881].     8^ 

16.1003. 1 1 

Historical  nuggets  :    descriptive  account  of 

rare  books  relating  to  America.     London, 
1862.     I  V.  in  2.     16**.  16.990. 1 1 

—Watson  (P.  B.)  Bibliography  of  the  pre- 
Columbian  discoveries  of  America.  New 
York,  1881.     4^  15.1013.4 

(/«  the  Library  journal,  v.  6,  pp.  297-344]. 
Ste^  atsoy  Indians,  Rhode  Island. 


—Anderson  (R.  B  )  America  not  discovered  by 
Columbus.    Chicago,  1877.    12**.   3.111.13 

— Bernaldez  (A.)  Extract  from  the  history  of 
the  catholic  sovereigns,  Ferdinand  and 
Isabella.  [Tr.  under  the  direction  of  W. 
H.  Prescolt].  Boston,  1843.  8**.  4.175.3 
[Massachusetts  historical  society.  Collections.  3d 
series,  vol.  8], 

— Bowen  (B.  F.)  America  discovered  by  the 
Welsh  in  1 170  A.D.  Philadelphia,  1876. 
12**.  3.111.15 

—Columbus  (C.)  Select  letters  of  Columbus, 
and  other  original  documents  relating  to 
his  four  voyages  to  the  new  world.  Lon- 
don, 1847.     8*.  a.51.2 





— Gravier  (G.)  D6couvcrtc  de  TAm^rique  par 
les  Normands  au  loe  siMe.  Paris,  1874. 
sm.  4*.  3.111.17 

— Hakluyt  (R.)  Voyages  touching  the  discov- 
ery of  America.  .  .  .  Edited  by  J.  W. 
Jones.     London,  1850.     8".  2.51.  i 

—Irving  (W.)  Voyages  of  Christopher  Colum- 
bus.    New  York,  1828.   3  v.  8**.   2.2032.1 

Life  and  voyage  of  Christopher  Columbus 

[and]  those  of  his  companions.  Revised 
cd.     Philadelphia,  1870-71.     3  v.     8**. 


Voyages  and  discoveries  of  the  companions 

of  Columbus.     Philadelphia,  1831.     8^ 

— Kohl  (J.  G.)  Popular  history  of  the  discovery 
of  America.  Trans,  by  R.  R.  Noel.  Lon- 
don, 1862.  2  V.  12**.  3. 1 II.  10 
— Leland  (C.  G.)  Fusang ;  or,  the  discovery  of 
America  by  Chinese  Buddhist  priests,  in 
the  fifth  century.     New  York.  1875.     12°. 

— Lbstbr  (C.  E.)  Life  and  voyages  of  Vespucius, 
and  discovery  of  the  new  world.     New 
York,  1846.     S\  3.111.1 

—Major  (R.  H.)  The  voyages  of  the  Venetian 
brothers  Zeno,  to  the  northern  seas  in  the 
14th  century.     Boston,  1875.     8".  I 
— Rafn  (O.   C.)     America  discovered   in   the 
loth  century.     New  York,  1838.     8**. 


— Robinson  (C.)    Account  of  discoveries  in  the 

west  until  1519,  and  of  voyages  from  1520 

to  1573.     Richmond,  1848.     8**.      3. 11 1.2 

— Santarem  (M.  F.  de  Barbosa  de).  Researches 
respecting  Americus  Vespucius,  and  his 
voyages.  Trans,  by  E.  V.  Childe.  Bos- 
ton, 1850.     16"*.  3. 1 II.  18 

— -SciLLACio  (N.)  De  insulis  meridiani  alque 
indici  maris  nuper  inventis.  With  a  trans- 
lation into  English  by  J.  Mulligan.  New 
York,  1859.     4^  3.108.6 

—Smith  (J.  T.)  The  discovery  of  America  by 
the  Northmen  in  the  tenth  century.  Lon 
don,  1842.     12".  3.III-9 

— Squier  (E.  G.)  Rare  documents  concerning 
the  discovery  of  America.  New  York, 
1840.     4^  3.125.22 

Set^  also.  Cabot,  Columbus,  Cortez,  Hudson,  La 
Salle,  Raleigh,  Vancouver,  Vespucci. 

America  {as  a  whoU). 

Geography y  including  travels, 

— Bastian  (A.)  Die  culturiander  des  alten 
America.  [Chile,  Ecuador,  Peru,  Isth- 
mus, Guatemala,  Mexico].     Berlin,  1878. 

2v.    8^  3.136.5 

•— Benzoni  (G.)  History  of  the  new  world. 
Travels.  1541-1556.  First  translated  by 
W.  H.  Smyth.  London,  1857.  8°.  2.51.21 

— ^Jefferys  (T.)  American  atlas:  or,  description 
of  the  whole  continent  of  America;  chiefly 
the  British  colonies.  London,  1778.  49 
plates,     f^  3. 1 1 7. 1 

—Kohl  (J.  G.)  Lecture  on  a  collection  of  the 
charts  and  maps  of  America,    pp.  93-146. 

[Smithsonian  reports,  2856]. 

—Morse  (J.)  The  American  gazetteer,  exhibit- 
ing the  continent ;  also  the  West  Indies. 
Boston,  1797.    8%  3.100.1 

The  same.      Abridgment.      Boston,   1798. 

sm.  8'.  3. 100. 1 

S«t^  also^  Indians,  West  Indies,  and  other  names 
of  parts  of  America. 

Note.  The  natural  history  of  America  and  its 
parts,  as  of  all  other  countries,  will  be  found  un^ 
der  the  names  of  the  specific  branches  of  know- 
ledge comprehended  under  natural  history,  etc. 
Eaich  article  headed  by  a  geographical  name  will 
contain  geographical  and  historical  information 

America  {North),     Geography,  including  travels. 

— <:arver  (J.)  Three  years*  travels  through  the 
intenor  of  North  America,  more  than 
5000  miles,  [1766-68].  Philadelphia,  1784. 
8^  3.102.5 

^Thesame.     Philadelphia,  1789.    i»**. 

2.2031. 13 

The  same.    Philadelphia,  1796.    8".    3.102.8 

— Davenport  (B.)  Gazetteer  oi  North  America 
and  the  West  Indies.  Baltimore,  1833. 
8'.  3.138^.4 

— DoMENECH  (E.)  Seven  years*  residence  in  the 
deserts  of  North  America.  London,  i860. 
2v.     8^  3.104.5 

— Kohl  (J.  G.)  A  history  of  the  discovery  ot 
the  east  coast  of  North  America.  Port- 
land,  Maine,  1869.  3.166.3 

[Maine  historical  society  collections.  Second 
series,  v.  1I. 

— Mackenzie  (A.)  Voyages  .  .  .  through  Ame- 
rica to  the  Frozen  and  Pacific  oceans, 
1789,  1793.     London,  1801.     4**.  3.106.12 

— Simpson  (T.)  Narrative  of  discoveries  on  the 
north  coast  of  America  .  .  .  [in]  1836-39. 
London,  1843.    8".  3.102.6 

Stty  aUoy  Arctic  regions,  Northwest  coast.  Rocky 
mountains,  and  the  names  of  various  divisions  oi 
North  Anterica,  especially  the  United  Sutes. 

— Holmes  (A.)  American  annals  ;  or,  a  chrono- 
logical history  of  America,  from  1492  to 
1806.     Cambridge,  [Mass.],  18 13.      2  v. 

8^  3.142.5 

^Thesame.     Cambridge,  [Mass.],  1829.    2  v. 

8".  3.143.3 

— ^JossELYN  (J.)  Chronological  observations  of 
America,  from  the  year  of  the  world  to 
the    year  of    Christ   1673.      Cambridge, 

1833.   8".  4- 175.3 

rMassachusetts  historical  society  collections. 
Third  series,  v.  3,  pp.  354-39^. 

— Macgeegor  (J.)  Progress  of  America,  from 
Columbus  to  1846.  London,  1847.  2  v. 
8^  3.105. 1 

-Raynal  (G.  T.  F.)  a  .  .  .  history  of  the 
settlements,  and  trade  of  the  Europeans 
in  the  East  and  West  Indies  .  .  .  Trans, 
by  J.  O.  Justamond.  London,  1783.  8  v. 
12°.  XI. 2686.8 

— Robertson  (W.)  The  history  of  America. 
Ninth  edition,  .  .  .  conUining  the  his- 
tory of  Virginia  to  1688;  and  of  New 
England   to   1652.     London,  1800.     4  v. 

8^  3.143.5 

The  same.     Tenth  edition.     London,  1803. 

4  V.     8".  3.143.5 
The  same.    Abridged,  with  a  memoir  of  the 

author,  by  D.  Stewart.     New  York,  1844. 

18°.  32.2021.27 

America  \SoutK).     Geography  and  history. 
—Bishop  (N.  H.)  A  thousand  miles*  walk  across 

South  America.     3d  ed.     Boston,    1875. 

I2\  3.134.14 





— Caldcleugh  (A.)  Travels  in  South  America, 
during  the  years  1819-20-31  .  .  .  Brazil, 
Buenos  Ayres,  and  Chile.  London,  1825. 
3V.     8%  3-i34.11 

— Hassaurek  (F.)  Four  years  among  Spanish- 
Americans,  [in  Colombia,  Ecuador,  Peru, 
BoUvia].     New  York,  1867.     I2^  3.i3«-7 

— Maecoy  (P.)  or,  St.  Cricq  (Le  vicemU  de). 
Voyage  ^  travers  TAm^rique  du  Sud  .  .  . 
Paris,  1869.     2  V.     i\  3138.1 

— Ons  (F.  N.)  Republics  of  South  America 
connected  with  the  Panama  railroad. 

[/«  hi*  Isthmus  of  Panama,  pp.  06^-302]. 

— Pradt  (D.  D.)  Europe  and  America  in  1821. 
.  .  .  translated  ...  by  J.  D.  Williams. 
London,  1822.     2  v.  V.  24.1511.1 

— Tropical  nature :  an  account  of  phenomena 
of  life  in  the  western  tropics.  [Afum.] 
[London,  1875].     L  8*.  3«i35.i 

5>/,   aitc^  Amazon^  Andes,  and   the  names  of 
eoontries  and  locaUues  in  Sonth  America. 

Ai^uican  antiquarian  society,  ( IVorcester,  Mass,) 

—Catalogue  of  the  library.  [By  C.  C.  Bald- 
win].    Worcester,  1837.    8**.       16.1014.4 

Americanlims.  &^  English  language,  (/>Mi^r^). 

Ames  (Fisher),     b.  1758.    d.  1808. 

— KiRKLAND  (J.  T)  Notices  of  the  life  and 
character  of  Fisher  Ames.  Boston,  1809 
8\  4.202.9 

{In  Ames'  works,  pp.  Mi'-^ni]* 

Amherst  college,  {Amhtrst^  Massaehusetts). 

— Cutting  (G.  R.)  Student  Itk  at  Amherst  col- 
lege, .  .  .  Amherst,  1871.  S"".  24.1496.21 

—Tyler  (W.  S.)  Historjrof  Amherst  college 
during  its  first  half  century,  1821-1871. 
Springfield,  1873.     1*  8''*  ^149^-9 

Ammonia-cobalt  bases. 

— GiBBS  (W.)  and  Genth  (F.  A.)   Researches  on 

the  ammonia-cobalt  bases.    Washington, 

1857.     4".  ,  28.3738 

[SmitfaKmian  contnbntions,  ▼.  9]. 

Ammonites  (m  conckology). 

— Hyatt  (A.)  On  reversions  among  the  am- 
monites,   [pp.  22-43.]   n.  d.    8*.    29. 1806 

Amoor,  (The  river). 

— Collins  (P.  McD.)  Voyage  down  the  Amoor: 
with  a  land  journey  through  Siberia  .  .  . 
New  York,  i860.     12°.  zz.691.26 

— Ravenstein  (E.  G.)  The  Russians  on  the 
Amur  .  .  .  with  a  description  of  the 
country  .  .  .  London,  z86i.   8''.   zz.691.9 

Ampere  (Andr6  Marie),    b,  1775.    d,  1836. 

— Arago  (D.  F.  J.)    Ampdre.    Paris,  1854.    8*. 

[/«  kU  Notices  biographiques,  v.  a,  pp.  i-xi61. 

—  -The  same.  Eulogy  on  Ampere.  Washing- 
ton. 1873.  8°.  28.3733 
[Smithsonian  report,  1873,  pp.  ixx-x7x]. 

Ampere  {^t^n  Jacques). 

— Hamerton  (p.  G.)  Jean  Jacques  Ampere. 
Boston,  1878.     16*.  8.478^.19 

[/«  hit  Modem  Frenchmen,  pp.  334-345]. 

— Saintb-Beuve  (C.  A.)  [Esauisse  de]  J.  T.  Am- 
pere. Paris,  1870.  18*.  8.481.2 
\ln  hi*  Portraits  contemporains,  v.  3,  pp.  35S-386]. 

M.  Ampere.     Paris,  1862.     ^8^         8.481.3 

\In  his  Portralu  litttfraires,  v.  x,  pp.  y^i-^ii. 
Amphl^,     See  Batrachia,  Frog,  Newt,  Toad. 

Amphibious  camivora. 

— Hamilton  (R.)  The  amphibious  camivora. 
[walrus,  seal,  sea-bear,  etc.].  London, 
[1840?].     I6^  27. 1667. 1 

Uardine's  naturalists*  library,  t.  ss]. 

Amphitheatre.  See  Theatre;  also,  Nimes,  Rome, 

Amphitrite  {asteroid). 

— Becker   (E.)     Tafeln    der    Amphitrite  .  .  . 

Leipzig.  1870.     4**. 

[Publication  der  astronomischen  gesellschaft,  xo]. 


Amusements  {Populai^. 

— Henry  (T.  C.)  Inquiry  into  the  consistency 
of  popular  amusements  with  a  profes- 
sion of  Christianity.  Charleston,  S.  C, 
1B25.    I2\  21.3277 


— Robertson  (T.  B.)  Anecdotes  of  pastime. 
London,  1823.     24°.  z.17.2 

[Percy  anecdotes,  v.  19]. 

—Sawyer  (F.  W.)  A  plea  for  amusements. 
New  York,  1847.     I2%  24.1525.19 

— Smith  (H)  Festivals,  games  and  amuse- 
ments,  ancient  and  modem.  London, 
1831.     16*.  29.3874.13 

The  same.  London.  1831.  I8^      32.2010. 18 

— Strutt  (J.)  Sports  and  pastimes  of  the  people 
of  England.  London,  1845.    L  8*.  5.265.2 

-*  -The  same.  Ed.  by  W.  Hone.  .  .  .  London, 
1876.     8*.  S.265.21 

Set ^  also.  Archery.  Athletics,  Bicycles,  JBilliards« 
Dancing,  Festtvals,  Games,  Hunting,  Sports, 

Amyot  (Jacques),     h.  15 13.    d.  1593. 
—Ampere  (J.  J.)    AmyoL    Paris,  1877.     i8'. 

8.481. 1 

[In  hit  MAaages  d'histdre  iitt^raire,  v.  i,  pp. 


—Johnson  (J.  G  )  Anaesthetics  medico- legally 
considered.  New  York,  1881.  23  pp 
8^  J9  3825.  Box  I 

-i^ORTON  (W.  T.  G  )  Statements  on  his  claim 
to  the  discovery  of  the  anaesthetic  proper- 
ties of  ether.     Washington,  1853.     8*. 


Anam,  or  Annam.     See  Cochin  China. 

Ananas  {pineapple). 

— DuNAL  (M.  F.)  Monographie  de  la  famille 
des  anonac6es.     Paris,  18 17.     4*. 


Anatolia.     See  Asia  Minor. 

Anatomy  {Human), 

— Albinus  (B.  S.)  Tabulae  anatomicae  hominis. 
Londini,  1747.     1.  V.  Alumni  room. 

Note.  These  exquisite  delineations  are  really  the 
work  of  Bustachio,  who  died  in  1574,  too  poor  to 
enn^ve  them.    They  were  first  printed  in  17x4. 

The  same.     Tables  [plates]  of  the  skeleton 

and  muscles  of  the  human  body.  London, 
1747.    gr.  f°.  Alumni  room. 

The  same.  Explanation  of  figures.  Trans- 
lated from  the  Latin.     London,  1754.    4°. 


— B£CLARD  (P.  A.)  Elements  of  general  anat- 
omy, .  .  .  translated  by  J.  Togno.  Phila- 
delphia, 1830.     8**.  29.3817.1 

— Braune(W.)  Atlas  of  topographical  anato- 
my ..  .  Tr.  by  E.  Bellamy.  Philadel- 
phia, 1877.    1.  8%  29.3813. 1 





— Camerarius  (J.)  Exquisitio  nominum,  quibus 
partes  corporis  humani  appellari  solenL 
.  .  .  Basiliae,  1551.     T.  15.948. 10 

*— Cutter  (C.)  First  book  on  anatomy  and 
physiology.  Boston,  1848.  I3^  29.3813. 11 

«' Treatise  on  anatomy,  physiology,  and  hy- 
giene. .  .  .  Boston,  1850.  13°.  29.3813.13 

—  Fau  (J.)  Anatomy  of  the  external  forms  of 
man.  .  .  .  Ed.  by  R.  Knox.  London, 
1849.    8**  29.3815.9 

— Fyfe  (A.)  Compendium  of  anatomy.  9th  ed. 
Edinburgh,  1826.     4  v.    8**.        29.3813.9 

— Griscom  (J.  H.)  Animal  mechanism.  New 
York,  1839.     18*.  32.3030.9 

— H  ASS  ALL  (A.  H.)  Microscooic  anatomy  of 
the  human  body.  .  .  .  [Ed.]  by  H.  Van 
Arsdale.     New  York,  1855.     2  v.     8^ 


-^Haughton  (S.)  Principles  of  animal  mechan- 
ics. 2d  ed.    London,  1873.  8*.  26.1614.53 

— Hbnls   (F.  G.  J.)     Anatomischer  hand-atlas 

zum  gebrauch  im  secirsaal.  Braunschweig, 

1874-77.     6  pts.  in  I  V.     8*.  29.3814 

— Hodges  (R.  M.)  Practical  dissections.  Cam- 
bridge. [Mass.],  1858.     16*.      29.3836.14 

— KOlliker  (K.  a.)  Manual  of  human  micro- 
scopical anatomy.  Tr.  byG.  Busk  and 
T.  Huxley.  Ed.  by  J.  Da  Costa.  Phila- 
delphia,  1854.     8".  29.3813.6 

— Leidy  (J.)  Elementary  treatise  on  human 
anatomy.  Philadelphia,  1861.  8°.  29.3813.2 

— LiZARS  (J.)  System  of  anatomical  plates 
.  .  .  with  descriptions  and  observations. 
Edinburgh,  1822-26.     12  pts.  in  2  v.     8". 


The  same.     loi  col.  pi.     T.  Desk. 

— QuAiN  (J.)  Elements  of  anatomy.  4th  ed. 
London,  1837.     8^  29.3813.4 

The    same.     Edited    by    W.    Sharpey,    S. 

Thomson  and  E.  A.  Schilfer.      London, 
1878.     2  V.    1.  8*.  29.3813.5 

and  Wilson  (W.  J.  E.)  Series  of  [anato- 
mical] plates  with  .  .  .  comments.  Lon- 
don, 1839-^0.     3  V.    f*.  29.3818.5-7 

—Todd  (R.  B.)  Cyclopaedia  of  anatomy  and 
physiology.     London,  1835-59.     6  v.     8*. 


—Turner  (W.)  Introduction  to  human  anat- 
omy .  .  .  Edinburgh,  1877.    2  v.     8^ 


Ste^  aUo^  Arteries,  Bones,  Brain,  Ear,  Eye,  Hand, 
Histology,  Medulla  oblongata.  Nerves,  Thorax. 


— Bell  {Sir  C.)  The  hand,  its  mechanism  and 
vital  endowments,  as  evincing  design. 
London,  1833.     8*.  29.3815.14 

The  same.     Philadelphia,  1836.     8". 

22.1381. 19 

^  -The  same.     New  York,  1864.     I2^ 


— Blainville  (H.  M.  D.  de).  Ost6ographie  ;  ou, 
description  iconographique  compar6e  du 
squelette  des  mammif^res.  [Avec  des 
planches  par  T.  C.  Werner],  Paris,  1839- 
64.     4  v.     4  .  29.1867. 1 

^The  same.  Atlases,  4  v.  in  2.  1.  f*.  29. 1868.  i 

— Bradley  (S.  M.)  Manual  of  comparative 
anatomy  and  physiology.  3d  ed.  Lon- 
don, 1875.     12^  27.1684.19 

— Carus  (C.  G.)  Tabulae  anatomiam  compara* 
tivam  illustrantes.  Pars  i-vin.  Lipsiae, 
1855.     r.  Cabinet2.9.i 

— Edwards  (H.  M.)  Le9ons  sur  la  jphysiologie 
et  I'anatomie  compart.  .  .  .  Paris,  X857- 
79.     13  V.    8^  27.1685.9 

— Gbgenbaur  (C.)  Elements  of  comparative 
anatomy.  .  .  .  Tr.  by  F.  G.  Bell.  [Ed.] 
by  E.  R.  Lankester.     London,  1878.     V". 

27. 1684.  s 

Untersuchungen  zur  vergleichenden  anato- 

mie  der  wirbelthiere.     Erstes  hefL    Car- 
pus et  tarsus.     Leipzig,  1864.    4*". 


— HA17CH  (J.  C.)  Annotationes  ad  motum  arbi- 
trarium  ...  in  animalibus  vertebris  in- 
structis.  Havniae,  1821.     16**.  27.1670.16 

—Hawkins  (B.  W.)  Comparative  view  of  the 
human  and  animal  frames.  London,  i860, 
r.  27.1687.7 

— Huxley  (T.  H.)  Lectures  on  the  elements  of 
comparative  anatomy.  .  .  .  London,  1864. 
8".  27.1684.8 

— Jones  (T.  R.)  Manual  of  comparative  anatomy. 
3d  ed.     London,  1861.     8'.       27.1673.17 

— Leydig  (F.)  Anatomisch-histologische  unter- 
suchungen liber  fische  und  reptilien. 
Berlin.  1853.     4*.  27.1676.14 

Zum  nervensystem  und  den  sinnesorganen 

der  wttrmer  und  gliederflissler.   [Colorirte 
tafeln].     Ttibingen,  1864.     f*.    27.1688.3 

— Maclise  (J.)  Comparative  osteology  ...  to 
demonstrate  the  archetype  skeleton.  .  .  . 
London,  1847.     V,  27.1687.8 

— Monro  (A.)  Structure  and  physiology  of 
fishes,  compared  with  those  of  .  .  .  other 
animals.  Edinburgh,  1785.     f°.  27.1708.1 

— Orton  (J.)  Comparative  zoology.  New 
York,  1876.     8^  27.1684.14 

—Owen  (R.)  On  the  archetype  ...  of  the  ver- 
tebrate  skeleton.    London,  1848.     8**. 


Lectures  on  the  comparative  anatomy  .  .  . 

of  the  vertebrate  animals.    Pt  I.    Fishes. 
London,  1846.     8'*.  27.1704.10 

Lectures  on  the '  comparative  anatomy  and 

physiology  of  the  invertebrate  animals. 
2ded.     London,  1855.     8\         27.1684.7 

Odontography;  or,  a  treatise  on  the  compar- 
ative anatomy  of  the  teeth.  London,  184a- 
45.     2  V.     1.  8^  27.1685.3 

On  the  anatomy  of  vertebrates.     London, 

1866-68.     3v.     8^  27.1685.6 

— Rathke  (H.)  Entwickelungs-geschichte  des 
menschen  und  der  thiere.  Leipzig,  1832. 
4**.  27.1676.17 

— Rosenberg  (E.)  Untersuchung  tlber  die  ent- 
wickelung  des  canalis  cochlearis  der  sftu- 
gethiere.  .  .  .  Dorpat,  1868.  48  pp.  2  pi. 
4°.  27. 1676.  Box  I 

— SiEBOLD  (C.  T.  E.  von).  Anatomy  of  the  in- 
vertebrata.  Tr.  by  W.  L  Burnett.  Boston, 

1854.  8^  27-1705.9 

The  same.     Boston,  1874.     8".     27.1705.10 

and  Stannius  (H.)  Lehrbuch  der  vergleich- 
enden anatomie.  Berlin,  1846-48.  2  v. 
8^  27.1684.15 

The  same.      Nouveau  manuel  d'anatomie 

compar^e.     Traduit  par  A.  Spring  et  T. 
Lacordaire.  Paris,  1850.  2  v.  16". 




~St&aus.Durckheim  (H.)  Considerations  g6- 
n6rales  sur  I'anatomie  compar6e  des  ani- 
maux  articul^s.  .  .  .  Paris,  i8a8.  a  v.  4°. 

27. 1688. 12 

— Wilder  (B.  G.)  Intermembral  homologies. 
The  correspondence  of  the  anterior  and 
posterior  limbs  of  vertebrates.  Boston, 
1871.     8^  27.1676.  Box  2 

Ste,  alta.  Appendages^  Limbs,  Teeth. 

— Arbeiten  aus  dem  zoologische-zootomischen 
institut  in  Wlirzburg.  Herausgegeben  von 
C.  Semper.  Wilrzburg.  1874-81.     5  v.  8*. 

27.1691. 16 

— MoRPHOLOGiscHES  jahrbuch.  .  .  .  Herausge- 
geben von  Carl  Gegenbaur.  Leipzig, 
1876-80.     6  v.     8°.  27. 1694. 1 

AnajULgorsLS^  c/azomenus,     b.  B.C.  499. 

— Breier  (F.)  Die  philosophie  des  Anaxagoras 
von  Klazomenft,  Ein  beitrag  zur  gescbichte 
der  philosophie.     Berlin,  1840.     8°. 

23.1415. 16 

Ancient  history.     See  History,  {ancient). 

Ancients  and  modems,  compared. 

— FiNELON  (F.  de  S.  de  L.)  Characters  and 
criticisms  upon  the  ancient  and  modern 
orators,  poets,  etc.  .  .  .  London,  1705.  8*. 


— Temple  (5/>  W.)  Essay  upon  the  ancient  and 
modem  learning,     pp.   141-180.    v.  4  of 

Set,  alsos  Bentley's  Dissertationii  on  the  epistles  of 
Pbalaris,  Themistocles,  etc.    Woiics,  v.  x,  a. 

Ancon  {near  Lima^  in  Peru), 

— Reiss  (W.)  and  Stubel  (A.)     Necropolis  of 

Ancon.  London,  188 1.  T.  Art-room.  C.6.1 
Ancona,  {a  city  and  province  in  Italy^  on  the 

— Peruzzi  (A.)    Storia  d' Ancona  dalla  sua  fon- 

dazione  all  'anno  1532. 

V.  10,  II  of  X2.3714.1 
Ancre  (Concino  Concini,  mar/chal  d\ 
— Marillac  (M.  de).    Relation  exacte  de  tout  ce 

qui  s'est  pass6  k  la  mort  da  mareschal 

d'Ancre.  8.454.2 

\In  Michaud  and  Poujoulat    Nouv.  col.  de  m^m. 

ae  scrie,  vol.  5,  pp.  447-484]. 
Ancjra  {n^w  Angora)^  in  Galatia^  Asia  Minor. 

See    Augustus  (Csuus  Octavius).    Monumentum 


^f^ie.    An  account  of  Angora  will  be  found  in  W. 

J.  Hamilton's  Researches  in  Asia  Minor ;  and  a 

copy  of  what  remains  of  the  Greek  inscriptioa  is 

given  in  his  appendix. 

Andalusia  {in  Spain), 

— Murray  (R.  D.)  The  cities  and  wilds  of 
Andalucia.     London,  1849.     2  v.     12°. 


Andersen  (Hans  Christian),     b.  1805.    d.  1875. 

— Story  of  my  life.  Now  first  translated. 
New  York,  1871.    p.  8".  20. 1242. 10 

The  same.     Boston,  1879.     p.  8*.      9.541.6 

Anderson  (Alexander),     b.  1774.    d.  1870. 

— LossiNG  (B.  J.)  Memorial  of  Alexander  Ander- 
son, the  first  engraver  on  wood  in  America. 
New  York,  1872.    1.  8".  4.204.26 

Anderson  (Rufus).    b,  1796.    d,  1880. 

— Thompson  (A.  C.)    Discourse  commemorative 
of  Rev.  R.  Anderson,  with  addresses  at 
the  ftmcral.     Boston,  i88a    60  pp.    8*". 
4.218.  Box  I 

Andersonville,  {Georgid)Si;^^^^<\j^\ 
— [Proceedings  at  the  triaroT"  1 1 y U ly ^ WIrtz, 
commandant  of  the  prison  at  Anderson- 
viile].  Washington,  1868.  8'*.  4.2196 
[Executive  documents  of  the  House  of  representa^ 
tives.  No.  93.    40th  congress,  ad  sessionj. 


— Bishop  (N.  H.)  The  pampas  and  the  Andes. 
A  thousand  miles    walk.     Boston,  1875. 

I2^  3134.14 

— Wagner  (M.)  Naturwissenschaftliche  reisen 
im  tropischen  Amerika.  Stuttgart,  1870. 
8*.  3.125.11 

Set^  also^  Chili,  Ecuador,  Patagonia,  Peru. 

Andocides.   b.  b.c.  467.    d.  390.? 

— Meier  (M.  H.  E.)    Commentationes  tres  de 

Andocidis  quae  fertur  contra  Alcibiadem 

oratione.     Halae,  1836-38.     21  1.  4°. 

14.868.  Box  I 
Andover  theological  seminary. 
— Catalogue  of  the  library,  by  O.   A.   Taylor. 

Andover,  1838.     8".  16. 1003.7 
The  same.      First  supplement.     Andover, 

1849.     8'''  16. 1003.7 

— Catalogues  of  the  students,  1873-80.  Andover. 

8^  1.4120 

Andre  (i1/tf/Vv  John),    b.  175 1.    d,  1780. 
— Benson  (E.)     Vindication  of  the  captors  of 

major  Andr6.     New  York,  1817.     12**. 

— BiDDLE  (C.  J.)    The  case  of  major  Andr6. 

With  a  review  of  the  statement  of  it  in 

lord  Mahon's  History  of  England.  4. 19 1.4 

[Pennsylvania  historical  society.    Memoirs,  vol.  6, 

pp.  317-416]. 
— Sargent  (L.  M.)    Removal  of  the  remains  of 

major  Andr6  to  Westminster  abbey,  1821. 

[In  his  Dealings  with  the  dead,  v.  x,  pp.  57-^3]. 

Andrew  (John  Albion).    ^.1818.    d.  1867. 

—Browne  (A.  E.)  Sketch  of  the  official  life  of 
John  A.  Andrew.    New  York,  1868.    I2^ 


—Chandler  (P.  W.)  Memoir  of  Gov.  Andrew, 
with  personal  reminiscences.  .  .  .  Bos- 
ton, 1880.     i6\  4.202.10^ 

— Clarke  (J.  F.)  John  Albion  Andrew.  Bos- 
ton. 1878.  p.  8°.  4.198^.11 
[In  kit  Memorial  sketches,  pp.  1-65]. 

—Whipple  (E.  P.)  Address  before  the  city 
council  of  Boston,  Nov.  26,  1867. 

[Im  hit  Success  and  its  conditions,  pp.  306-333]. 

Andros  (5f>  Edmund),    b.  1637.    d.  1714. 

— Byfield  (N.)  An  account  of  the  late  revolu- 
tion in  New  England,  [1689.]  4°.  4.176.26 
[Sabin*s  reprints,  part  x]. 

— Commission  as  governor  of  New  England, 
issued  by  king  James  the  second  to  Sir 
Edmund  Andros,  June  3,  1686.     17  pp. 

8^  3- 143. 1 

[Forceps  historical  tracts,  vol.  4,  No.  8]. 

See^  altOy  various  documents  in  the  collections  of 

the  Massachusetts  historical  society,  referred  to 

under  Andros,  in  the  catalogue  of    the  Boston 


Andryane  (Aiessandro).     h.         .    d.  1862. 

— Memoirs  of  a  prisoner  of  state  in  the  fortress 
of  Spielberg.  Tr.  by  F.  Prandi.  London, 
1842.     2  V.     12*.  12.723.19 


— Almon  (J.)  Biographical,  literary,  and  politi- 
cal anecdotes  of  eminent  persons  of  the 
presentage.  London,  1797.  3  v.  8*.  6.347.1 




—Boyd  (M.)     Reminiscences  of    fifty    years. 

New  York,  1871.     8".  6.342.26 

— Byerley  (T.)  and  Robertson  (J.  C.)    Percy 

anecdotes.  London,  1823-28.    40  v.  in  20. 

I8^  X. 17.22 

— Capelloni    (L.)    Ragionamenti    varii    sopra 

essempii,  con  accidenti  misti.  . .  .  Geneva, 

1576.     sm.  4'.  19. 3183.2 

— <^HAMBERS  (R.)    Book  of  days,  a  miscellany 

of  .  .  .  anecdote,  etc.     London,  1863-64. 

2  V.     1.  8°.  2.584.4 

— King  (W.)     Political  and  literary  anecdotes. 

.  .  .  2d  ed.  London,  1819.  8  .  2z.1312.31 
— Malling  (O.)  Great  and  good  deeds  of  Danes, 

Norwegians,   and    Holsteinians,   tr.   into 

English.  London,  1807.  4°.  ZO.596.26 
— Thoms  (W.   J.)      Anecdotes  and   traditions, 

illustrative  of  early  English  history  and 

literature,     derived    from    MS.    sources. 

London,  1839.     4°*  5-30I.9 

—  -The  same.  6.314.4 

—Valerius    Maximus.     Dictorum    factorumque 

memorabilium  libri  novem.     Editio  socie- 

totis  bipontinae.     Biponti,  1783.     8**. 

S**^  aitOt  Biography. 

Aneeli  (Stefano  degli).     b.  1623.     d.  1697. 

— Magrini   (P.)     Sulla  vita   e   sulle  opere  di 

Stefano  degli  Angell.     Roma,   1866.    37 

pp.     8\  26.1655 

Angelo  (Michel).     See  Buonarotti  (M.  A.). 
— Fawcett  (J.)    An  essay  on  anger.     5tb  ed. 

London,  1824.     12*'.  23.1463.37 

Sge^  also^  Emotions,  Moral  science. 

Angling.     See  Fishing. 

Anglo-norman  language.  5;^^  French  language. 

Anglo-norman  literature. 

— La  Rue  (G.  de).  Lives  of  various  Anglo-Nor- 
man poets  of  the  12th  century.  5.2286.1 
[Archaeologia,  v.  12,  pp.  297-326 ;  v.  13,  pp.  230- 

—Wright  (T.)  Biographia  britonnica  Uteraria; 
Anglo-Norman  period.  London,  1846. 
8°.  17.1022.2 

Anglo-Saxons.     Antiquities. 

— Adamson  (J.)  Discovery  at  Hexham  of  Anglo- 
Saxon  stycas.  5.2296.1 
[Archaeologia,  v.  as,  pp.  379-310 ;  v.  a6,  pp.  346- 
348.    7  pi.]. 

— Clarke  (W.)  Connexion  of  the  Roman, 
Saxon  and  English  coins.  London,  1767. 
4".  2.96.4 

—Gage  (J.)  The  Anglo-Saxon  ceremonial  of 
the  dedication  and  consecration  of 
churches.  $,22(fo.  i 

["  Archaeologia'*  v.  35,  pp.  235-274]. 

— Great  Britain.  Record  commission.  An- 
cient laws  and  institutions  of  England, 
.  .  .  from  Aethelbirht  ...  to  Henry  L 
[edited  by  B.  Thorpe].  London,  1840.  f\ 


— Heywood  (S.)  Dissertation  upon  the  distinc- 
tions in  society,  .  .  .  under  the  Anglo- 
Saxon  governments.     London,  1818.     8**. 


— Lambard  (W.)  Archaionomia;  sive,  de  priscis 
Anglorum  legibus  libri.  .  \  .  Londini, 
1568.    8.  4^  15.2954.24 

^-Leo  (H.)  Rectitudines  singularum  personarum ; 
nebst  einer  einleitenden  abhandlung  Uber 
landansidlnng,  landbau,  gutsherliche  und 
bSuerliche  verhUltnisse  der  Angelsachsen. 
Halle,  1842.     8^  15. 2955. 19 

^Treatise  on  the  local  nomenclature  of  the 

Anglo-Saxons.  .  .  .  London,  1852.     8"". 


— Menologium  ;  seu,  calendarium  poeticum  ex 
hickesiano  thesauro  :  or,  the  poetical  cal- 
endar of  the  Anglo-Saxons.  [Amm.]  With 
...  a  transition  ...  by  S.  Fox. 
London,  1830.     8*.  15.2955. 12 

— Neville  (R.  C.)  Saxon  obsequies  :  illustrated 
by  ornaments  and  weapons  discovered 
near  Little  Wilbraham,  Cambridgeshire, 
1851.    London,  1852.     f*.  15.2958.4 

— Piper  (F.)  Die  kalendarien  und  martyrologien 
der  Angelsachsen,  etc.     Berlin,  1862.     8°. 


— SCHMID  (R.)  Die  gesetze  der  Angelsachsen.  In 
der  ursprache  mit  uebersetzung,  erlMuter- 
ungen,  und  einem  antiquarischen  glossar. 
Leipzig,  1858.     1.  8".  15-2955.9 

— Silver  (T.)  Coronation  service  ;  or,  consecra- 
tion of  the  Anglo-Saxon  kings,  as  it  illus- 
trates the  origin  of  the  constitution. 
Oxford,  1831.     8^  z5.2955.22 

— Thwaites  (E.)  Noue  in  Anglo-Saxonum 
nummos.    [Anon,]   Oxoniae,  1708.    s.  8**. 

[BfiMttd  with  Wotton*8  Linguarum  yett.  septt. 
thesauri  conspectus  brevis]. 

— Wackerbarth  (F.  D.)  Music  and  the  Anglo- 
Saxons.  London,  1837.  8°.  15.2955.21 
\In  a  vol.  lettertd  *'  Anglo-Saxon  tracts^*]. 


— Chronicon  saxonicum  ;  seu,  annates  rerum  in 
Anglia  gestarum  ad  annum  11 54,  jam 
demum  latinitate  donati  opera  E.  Gibson. 
Oxonii,  1692.     4".  15.2955.  II 

The  same.     The  Saxon  chronicle,  with  an 

English  translation  and  notes,  etc.,  by 
J.  Ingram.   London,  1823.   4**.     15.2956.2 

—  -Ancient  history,  English  and  French,  exem- 
plified in  a  regular  dissection  of  the  Saxon 
chronicle,  [etc.]  .  .  .  [Anon.]  London, 
1830.     I2^  15.2955.25 

— Haigh  (D.  H.)  The  Anglo-Saxon  sagas ;  an 
examination  of  their  value  as  aids  to  his- 
tory. .  .  .  London,  1861.  8*.     15.2954. 11 

— Kemble  (T.  M.)  Codex  diplomaticus  aevi 
saxonici.  [a.d.  604-1369].  Londini,  1839^- 
48.    6  V.  in  3.    8^  15.2956.27 

The  Saxons  in  England.     A  history  of  the 

English  commonwealth,  till  the  period  of 
the  Norman  conquest.  London,  1849. 
2v.     8^  5.281.1 

— Lappenberg  (J.  M.)  History  of  England  un- 
der the  Anglo-Saxon  kings.  Translated 
by  B.  Thorpe.     London,  1845.     2  v.     8". 

— LiNGARD  (J.)     History  and  antiquities  of  the 

Anglo-Saxon  church.    London,  1845.    2  v. 

8^  5.282.5 

— Miller  (T.)    History  of  the  Anglo-Saxons  .  . 

to  the  Norman  conquest.     London,  1852. 

16".  5.280.7 

— Palgrave  (F.)     Historv  of  the  Anglo-Saxons. 

London,  1837.     12  .  5.280.3 





Thei»m«.    London,  1842.     i6%  1.1.3 

The  sume.  5.280.17 

— » -Rise  and  progress  of  the  English  common- 
wealth. Anglo-Sa^ton  period.  London » 
1832.    2  V.    4',  5.286.2 

— ^SoAMES  (H.)  The  Anglo-Saxon  church  :  its 
history,  revenues,  and  general  character. 
London,  1835.     8'.  15.2955.16 

— TuRKEK  (S.)  History  of  the  Anglo-Saxons, 
from  the  earliest  period  to  the  Norman 
conquest.     Philadelphia,  1841.     2  v.     8°. 

^Thc  same.  Paris,  1840.  3  v.  8°,  15.2956.34 

Language:  t.  Dictionaries, 

— BoswoRTH  (J.)  Dictionary  of  the  Anglo- 
Saxon  language.  .  .  .  London,  1838.    8°. 


^A  compendious  Anglo-Saxon  and  English 

dictionary.  London,  1868.  8^   15. 2953. 10 

— HiCKES  (G.)  Linguarum  septentrionalium 
thesaurus  grammatico-criticus  et  archae- 
ologictis.    Oxoniae,  1703-05.    3  v.     V, 


— Leo  (H.)  Angeislkhsisches  glossar.  .  .  . 
Halle,  1877.     8*.  15.29534 

•*— Lye  (£.)    Dictionarium  saxonico-  et  gothico- 

latinum.     Accedunt  .  .  .  opuscula  quae- 

dam  anglo-saxonica.    Edidit  O.  Manning. 

London,  1772.     3  v.     f*.  15.2958.6 

— SoMNER  (W.)  Dictionarium  saxonico-latino- 
anglicum.    Oxonii,  1659.     V,     15. 2958.13 

— WoTTOM  (W.)  Linguarum  vett.  septentriona- 
Uum  thesauri  gnlmmatico-critici  et  archae- 
ologici  .  .  .  conspectus  brevis.  Londini. 
1708.    s.  8".  15. 2954. 27 

^The  same.    Short  view  of  George  Hickes's 

grammatico-critical  and  archaeological 
treasure  of  the  ancient  northern  lan- 
guages. With  notes  and  an  appendix 
.  .  .  tr.  by  Maurice  Shelton.  .  .  .  Lon- 
don, 1737.    8.4".  15.2958.19 

— ^Wright  (T.)  a  volume  of  vocabularies  .  .  . 
from  the  loth  century  to  the  15th.  Lon- 
don, 1857-73.     2v.     1.8°.  15.2953.1 

1.  Grammars, 

—Bos WORTH  (J.)  Compendious  grammar  of  the 
primitive  English,  or  Anglo-Saxon  Ian- 
guage.    London,  1826.     8''.  15.2951. 6 

Elements  of  Anglo-Saxon  grammar.    ,    .    , 

London,  1823.     8°.  15.2951. 11 

Essentials  of  Anglo-Saxon  grammar.    .   .    . 

London,  1841.    8^  15.2953.2 

— Casaubon  (M.)  De  quatuor  Unguis  commen- 
tationis  pars  prior,  de  lingua  saxonica. 
Londini,  1650.     I6^  15.2952.31 

— Elstob  (E.)  Rudiments  of  nammar  for  the 
English-Saxon  tongue :  [now]  first  given 
in  English.  .  .  .  London,  1715.     s.  4**. 

15.2951. 14 

— GwiLT  (J.)  Rudiments  of  a  grammar  of  the 
Anglo-Saxon  tongue.    London,  1829.    8°. 

15. 295 1.9 

— Hbnshall  (S.)  The  Saxon  and  English  lan- 
guages reciprocally  illustrative  of  each 
other;  the  errors  of  Hickes  and  others, 
and  a  new  mode  of  studying  Saxon. 
^  .  .   London,  1798.    4*.  15.2956.2 

"-Heyive  (M.)  Kleitie  altsSchsische  und  altnie- 
derfrftnkischtf  grammatik.  Paderbom, 
1873.     8^  15.2951.17 

^HlCKES  (G.)  Grammatica  anglo-saxonica  ex 
liickesiano  litiguarum  septentrionalium 
thesauro  excerpta.  .  .  ,  Oxoniae,  171 1.  8". 


Institiitiones  grammaticae  anglo-saxonicae, 

et  moeso-gothicae.  .  .  .  Accedit  E.  Ber- 
nardi  Etymologicon  britanniciun.  Ox- 
onian, 1689.     s.  d**.  15.2951.2 

-Hunter  (W.)  Anglo-Saxon  grammar  and 
derivatives.  London,  183^.  8**.    15.2951.8 

-.Jefferson  (T.)  Essav  towards  facilitating 
instruction  in  the  Anglo-Saxon.  .  .  .  New 
York,  p85i.     4°.  IS.2956.5 

[/*  d  vol.  Utlertd  **  Antiquarian  tracts"]: 

-Klipstein  (L.  F.)  Grammar  of  the  Anglo- 
Saxon  language.  2d  ed.  New  York,  1848. 
12*.  15.2951.91 

— The  same.  Revised  ed.  New  York,  1857. 
12".  15.2951.2a 

-K0RNER  (K.)  AngelsSchsische  formenlehre. 
Heilbronn,  1878.     8*.  15.2951.5 

'^  *>Einleitung  in  das  studiutn  des  angels&chsi- 
schen.  Heilbronn,  1878-80.  2  pts.  in  i  v. 
%\  15-2953.8 

-Loth  (T.)  Etymologische  angelsaechsisch- 
engUsche  grammatik.    Elberfeld,  1870.  8*". 


-March  (F.  A.)  Comparative  grammar  of  the 
Anglo-Saxon  language.  .  •  .  New  York, 
1873.     8*.  15. 2951. 1 

-Rask  (E.)  Grammar  of  the  Anglo-Saxon 
tongue.  Tr.  from  the  Danish  by  B. 
Thorpe.     Copenhagen,  1830.    8*. 

X5. 2951. 10 

— The  same.  London,  1865.    i6*.    15.2951.27 

-Shute  (S.  M.)  Manual  of  Anglo-Saxon  for 
beginners.  .  .  .  New  York,  1867.     i2', 


-Vernon  (E.  J.)  Guide  to  the  Anglo-Saxon 
tongue.     London,  1865.     I2^  15.2951.26 

-Wood  (J.)  Outlines  of  English  and  Anglo* 
Saxon  grammar.    Edinburgh,  1857.     16'. 


3.  Readers. 
-Barnes  (W.)     Se  gefylsta  (the  helper):  an 

Anglo-Saxon  delectus.  .  .  .  London,  1849. 

12°.  15.2952.28 

-Brenner  (O.)  AngelsSchsische  sprachproben, 

.  .  .  Mttnchen,  1879.   sq-  i6°-     15-2954.25 
-Corson  (H.)     Hand-book  of  Anglo-Saxon  and 

early  English.     New  York,  1871.     12**. 


-Ebeling  (F.  W.)  Angelsaechsisches  lesebuch. 
Leipzig,  1847.     s.  4*".  15.2952.22 

-Grein  (C.  W.  M.)  Bibliothek  der  angelsftch- 
sischen  poesie,  in  kritisch  bearbeiteten  tex- 
ten,  und  mit  vollstftndigem  glossar.  .  .  • 
Goettingen.  1857.     4  v.     8**.      15.2954.13 

Bibliothek  der  angelsftchsischen    prosa    in 

kritisch  bearbeiteten  texten.  Cassel,i872. 
8*.  15.2954.14 

-Klipstein  (L.  F.)  Analecta  anglo-saxonica. 
Selections  in  prose  and  verse  from  Anglo- 
Saxon  literature,  with  .  .  .  notes.  .  .  . 
New  York,  1849.     2  v.     12*,     15.2952.24 

— The  same.     New  York,  1856.     2  v.     12'. 






-^Langley  (L.)  Prindpia  saxonica:  or,  an  in- 
troduction to  Anglo-saxon  reading.  .  .  . 
London,  1844.     13^.  z5.2952.27 

— Oelrichs  (J.)  Angelsaechsische  chresto- 
mathie.  Bremen,  1799.  s.  4*.  15.2955. 39 
[/t$  a  vol.  Utttred  **  Koeler.    Thcuerdancr'J. 

— RiEGER  (M .)  Alt-  und  angels^bsisches  lese- 
buch  nebst  altfriesischen  stUcken,  mit 
einem  wOrterbuche.     Giessen,  1861.     8**. 


— Thorpe  (B.)  Analecta  anglo-saxonica.  A 
selection,  in  prose  and  verse,  from  Anglo- 
Saxon  authors  of  various  ages,  with  a 
glossary.     London,  1834.     8°*  15.2952.21 

The  same.     New  edition.     London,   1846. 

12'.  z5.2956.20 

— Wackernagel  (W.)  Gothische  und  altsJtch- 
sische  lesestUcke,  nebst  wdrterbuch. 
Basel,  187 1,     s.  4%  Z5.2954.9 

Literature:     I.  General  works. 

— Ingram  (J.)  Inaugural  lecture  on  .  .  .  Anglo- 
Saxon  literature:  to  which  is  added  the 
geography  of  Europe,  by  king  Alfred.  .  .  . 
O.xford,  1807.     4**.  X5.2956.9 

— Metcalfe  (F.)  The  Englishman  and  the 
Scandinavian;  ...  a  comparison  of  liter- 
atures.    London,  1880.     8  .      zy.  1022. 15 

— Petheram  (J.)  Historical  sketch  of  the  pro- 
gress an4  present  state  of  Anglo-Saxon 
literature  in  England.    London,  1840.    8**. 


— Silver  (T.)  Lecture  on  the  study  of  Anglo- 
Saxon.  .  .  .  Oxford,  1822.  8**.  z5.2951.12 
[/«  Tracts  on  the  Saxon  language]. 

— Wright  (T.)  Biographia  britannica  literaria; 
literary  characters  of  Great  Britain.  An- 
glo Saxon  period.      London,  1842.     8". 


Coup-d*oeil  sur  les  progr^s.  et  sur  I'^tat  actuel 

de  la  litt6rature  anglo-saxonne  en  Angle- 
terre.  Traduit  de  I'Anglais  par  M.  de 
Larenaudi^re.  Paris.  1836.  8°.    z5.2955.20 

2.   Specimens  in  poetry, 

— Carmen  anglo-saxonicum  in  codice  exoniensi 
servatum,  quod  vulgo  inscribitur  Ruinae. 
Eldidit,  emendavit.  in  linguam  vernaculam 
transtulit,  et  adnotationes  adjunxit  H. 
Leo.     Halis,  1865.     17  pp.     4**.      Z5.2958 

— Codex  exoniensis.  A  collection  of  Anglo- 
Saxon  poetry  from  a  manuscript  at  Exe- 
ter, with  an  English  tr.  and  notes,  by  B. 
Thorpe.    London,  1842.    I.  8**.     Z5.2954.1 

— Codex  vercellensis  (The  poetry).  With  an 
English  tr.  by  J.  M.  Kemble.  London, 
1843.     2v.ini.     8^  Z5. 2953. 16 

— Conybeare  (J.  J.)  Illustrations  of  Anglo- 
Saxon  poetry.  Ed.  .  .  .  with  additional 
notes,  by  his  brother,  W.  D.  Conybeare. 
London,  1826.     4**.  Z5. 2955.1 

— Departing  souFs  address  to  the  body:  frag- 
ment of  a  semi-Saxon  poem.  [Anon.] 
London,  1845.     8".  Z5. 2955.21 

[/«  a  vol.  Uttered  "  Anglo-Saxon  tracts'*]. 

— Dialogue  of  Salomon  and  Saturnus.  lAnon.l 
With  an  historical  introduction.  London, 
1848.     8^  z5.2953.16 

— EttmIJller  (L.)  Engla  and  Seaxna  sc6pas 
and  bdceras.  Anglo-saxonum  po6tae  at- 
que  scriptores  prosaici.  •  .  .  Quedlin- 
burgii,  1850,     8*.  15. 3954.1 5 

— JiJDiTH.     Fragment  af  ett  fomengelskt  quide. 

Med  svensk  5fversllttning  och  glossarium. 

Kjdbenhavn,  1858.  72  pp.  8  .  Z5.295S 
— Nilsson  (L.  G.)    N^gra  fomengelska  andeliga 

quiiden   pi  grundspr&ket.      Med  svensk 

afversftttning  och  &tf5ljaude  glossarium. 

Lund,  1857.     8".  Z5. 2952.1 

—Specimen  of  King  Alfred's  proverbs,  with  a 

Swedish  translation  and  a  glossary   .    .    . 

by   L.   G.   Nilsson.      Copenhagen,   1859. 

45  pp.     8\  15.2958 

3.  Specimens  in  prose, 

— Aelfric.  Homilies  of  the  Anglo-Saxon 
church  ...  in  the  original,  .  .  .  with  an 
English  version  by  B.  Thorpe.  London, 
1844-46.     2v.     8.  15.2953-17 

Saxon  treatise  concerning  the  old  and  new 

testament.  .  .  .  With  English  of  our 
times,  by  William  L*Isle  of  Wilburgham. 
.  .  .  London,  1623.  s.  4''.  z5.2952.1s 
[Bound  with  Bible.  Anglo^eueoH.  London, 
157X.     8.4«.] 

—Basilius  {St.)  Anglo-Saxon  version  of  the 
Hexameron ;  and  Anglo-Saxon  remains 
of  his  Admonitio  ad  filium  spiritualem. 
London,  1849.     8**.  Z5. 2955.21 

\In  a  vol.  lettered  **  Anglo  Saxon  tracts^']. 

—Beowulf.  Anglo-Saxon  poems.  Ed.  by  J.  M. 
Kemble.     London,  1835.     it'',  Z5. 2954.42 

^Translation  of  the  Anglo-Saxon   poem  of 

Beowulf,  with  a  .  .  .  glossary  .  .  .  and 
notes,  by  J.  M.  Kemble.  London,  1837. 
^6^  Z5. 2954.42 

— BouTERWEK  (C.  W.)  Screadunga.  Anglo- 
saxonica  maximam  partem  inedita.  Elber- 
fcldae,  1858.     4°.  Z5.2955.2 

— Cockayne  (T.  O.)  Narratiunculae  anglice 
conscriptae.  Londini,  1861.  8**.  Z5. 2955. 33 

— English-Saxon  homily  on  the  birthday  of  St. 
Gregory.  F-^  «<?«.]  Translated  ...  by 
E.  Elstob.    London,  1709.   8*.     Z5.2952.5 

— Felix,  of  Crouland.  Anglo-Saxon  version  of 
the  life  of  St.  Guthlac,  hermit  of  Crow- 
land,  with  a  tr.  and  notes,  by  C.  W.  Good- 
win.    London,  1848.     16**.         Z5. 2952. 26 

— Hardwick  (C.)  Historical  inquiry  touching 
saint  Catharine  of  Alexandria:  to  which 
is  added,  a  semi-Saxon  legend.  Cam- 
bridge, 1849.  48  pp.  4''.  15.2956.5 
\In  a  vol.  lettered  "  Archaeologia**!. 

— **  Opuscula  anglo-saxonica."  s.  8  .  Z5. 2952. 23 

z.  MQUer  (L.  C.)     Collectanea  anglo-saxonica. 
Havniae,  1835. 
3.  MOller  (J.)    Saxones.    Berolini,  1830. 

3.  Anglo-Saxon  version  of  ApoUonius  of  Tjrre,  by 
B.  Thorpe.    London,  1834. 

4.  Beowulf,  ilberseut  von  L.  BttmUller.  ZQrich^ 

— Sermon  of  the  paschall  lambe.  ...  In  the 
old  Saxon  tongue.  .  .  .  [Anon.]  London^ 
1623.     s.  4^  z5.2952.15 

{Bound  with  Bible.  An^ioSaxon.  Gospels.  Lon« 
don,  1571.    8.  4*]. 

{Bible:  Old  Testament). 

— Caedmon.  Paraphrasis  poetica  Genesios  ac 
praecipuarum  sacrae  paginae  historiarum. 
Amstelodami,  1655.     s.  4°.         Z5. 2952. 12 

— Heptateuches,  liber  Job,  et  evangelium  Nico- 
demi,  anglo-saxonice.  Historiae  Judith 
frag^entum,  dano-saxonice.  E^idit  E. 
Thwaitcs.  Oxoniae,  1698.     8*.  z5.2955.3z 





— PsALTERiUM  Davidis  latino-saxonicum  vetus, 
a  J.  Spelmanno  .  .  .  editum.  .  .  .  Lon- 
dini,  1640.     4".  15.2952.4 

New  Testament:     Gospels, 

— Da  halgan  godspel  on  Englisc.  The  Anglo- 
Saxon  version  of  the  holy  gospels,  ed. 
...  by  B.  Thorpe.     London,  1842,     12°. 


The  same.     Reprinted  by  L.  F.  Klipstein. 

New  York,  1846.     12°.  15.2952.18 

The  same.     2d  ed.     New  York,  1848.     I2^ 


— Die  vier  evangelien  in  alt-nordhumbrischer 
sprache  .  .  .  herausg.  von  K.  W.  Bouter- 
wek.     Gtitersloh,  1857.     8*.      15.2952.10 

— Gospels  of  the  fower  evangelistes,  trans- 
lated in  the  old  Saxons  tyme  out  of  Latin 
into  the  vulgare  toung  of  the  Saxons.  .  .  . 
[Preface  by  J.  Fox].  London,  15  71. 
s.4".  X5. 2952. 15 

—Gospel  according  to  St.  Matthew.  In  Anglo- 
Saxon  and  Northumbrian  versions.  .  .  . 
Cambridge.  1858.     4**.  15.2956.8 

— Gospel  according  to  St.  Mark.  In  Anglo- 
Saxon  and  Northumbrian  versions.  .  .  . 
Cambridge,  1871.     4^  15.2956.7 

— Gospel  according  to  St.  John.  In  Anglo- 
Saxon  and  Northumbnan  versions.  .  .  . 
Cambridge.  1878.     4**.  15. 2956. 6 

— LiNDiSFARNE  and  Rushworth  gospels  .  .  . 
from  the  original  Mss.  .  .  .  London, 
1854-65.     4  V.     8°.  15.2952.6 

— QuATUOR  Jesu  Christ!  evangeliorum  versiones 
perantiquae  duae,  gothica  scil.  et  anglo- 
saxonica.  .  .  .  Dordrechti,  1665.     s.  4**. 


Aneola,  {Lower  Guinea), 

— MoNTEiRO  (T.  J.)  Angola  and  the  river 
Congo.  New  York,  1876.  ^6^     11.654. 18 

An^nu     See  Ancyra. 

Anhalt-Dessau  (Leopold  von),  b.  1676.  d.  1747. 

— Varnhagen  von  Ense  (C.  A.  L.  P.)     Ftirst 
Leopold  von  Anhalt-Dessau.    pp.  1-174. 
V.  2  of  9.556.3 

Anian  (Straits  of).     See  Behring's  Straits. 


— Reimann  (M.)  On'  aniline  and  its  derivatives. 
.  .  .  Tr.  by  W.  Crookes.  New  York, 
1868.     8%  30.1926.27 

Animal  kingdom.     See  Zoology. 

Animal  magnetism.     See  Mesmerism. 

Animal  mechanics,  ^mechanism.  See  Anatomy. 

Animalcules.     See  Infusoria. 

Anjon,  (Ancient  province  of  France), 

— MouRiN  (E.)  La  reforme  et  la  ligue  en  Anjou. 
Paris,  1856.     8^  31.1961.5 

Anne,  {Queen  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland, 
1702-14).     b.  1665.     d.  1 714. 

—Jameson  (A.  M.)  Memoirs  of  queen  Anne, 
pp.  82-125  V.  2  of  32.2010.26 

—Morris  (E.  E.)  The  age  of  Anne,  1697-1714. 
New  York.  1876.     16*.  5300.5 

— SoMERViLLE  (T.)  History  of  Great  Britain 
during  the  reigfn  of  queen  Anne.  London, 
1798.     4*.  5.286.1 

—Stanhope  (P.  H.)  History  of  England,  com- 
prising the  reign  of  queen  Anne,  1701-1713. 
London,  1870.     8*.  S.303.8 

— Strickland  (A.)  Life  of  Anne,  queen  reg- 
nant of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland. 

V.  II,  12  of  6.338^.5 

— Swift  (J.)  Change  in  the  queen's  ministry  in 
the  year  1710:  Behaviour  of  the  queen's 
last  ministry.  4°.  80  pp.     v.  8  of  6.2356.2 

— Wyon  (F.  W.)  History  of  Great  Britain  dur- 
ing the  reign  of  queen  Anne.  London, 
1876.     2v.     8%  5.303.7 

SttyoUo^  lives  of  Churchill  (John),  duke 0/  Marl- 
borough^  of  Louis  XIV.,  king  0/  France,  of  St- 
John  ilard  Bolingbroke\  and  of  other  eminent 
persons  who  lived  In  this  reig^,  as,  Addison,  Defoe» 
Pope,  and  Swift. 

Anne  of  Austria,  queen  of  France,  b.  1602. 
d,  1666. 

— Freer  (M.  W.)  The  regency  of  Anne  of 
Austria,  queen  regent  of  France,  mother 
of  Louis  AlV.     London,  1866.     2  v.     8**. 


— MoTTEViLLE  (F.  B.  de).  M^moires.  [161 7- 
1666].     pp.  1-572.  V.  10  of  8.454.2 

Seg,  also^  Cond^  Mazarin,  Retz,  Richelieu. 

Anne  of  Brittany,  queen  of  France,   b,  1477.    d, 

— Brantome  (P.  de  B.  de).     De  la  reine  Anne 

de  Bretagne.  pp.  125-158.  v.  63  of  8.462.1 
— Grabe  (E.)    Anneliden  der  reise  der  Novara, 

[1857-59].     ^*^°»  ^^^^'     •♦^       28.1778.1 

\ln  the  Novara  reise,  zoologischer  theil,  v.  a,  C]. 

— McIntosh  (W.  C.)  Monograph  of  the  British 
annelids.  Pt.  i.  The  nemerteans.  Lon- 
don, 18V3-74.  I  V.  in  2  pts.  f*.   27.1708.9 

The  same.  27.1708.20 

See^  also,  Gephyrea,  Leeches. 


— Brown  (J.  B.)  The  doctrine  of  annihilation 
in  the  light  of  the  gospel  of  love.  London, 
1876.     i6'.  22.1373.18 

See  also.  Future  State, 


— CouRCY  (A.  de).  Essai  sur  les  lois  du  hasard^ 
suivi  d'^tudes  sur  les  assurances.  Paris, 
1862:     I2^  26.1596.38 

— De  Moivre  (A.)  Annuities  on  lives.  2d  ed. 
.  .  .  London,  1743.     8°.  26.1596.36 

— Lewins  (W.)    Government  life  annuities. 


\In  his  History  of  banks  for  sayingfs,  pp.  345-376]. 

— LiTTROW  (J.  J.)  Ueber  lebensversicherungen 
und  andere  versorgungsanstalten.  Wien, 
1832.     8^  26.1596.39 

— Witt  (J.  de).  Treatise  on  life  annuities,  in 
letters,     pp.  80-108.  XO.574.32 

\[n  Barnwell  (R.  G.)    Life  and  times  of  John  De 
Witt    New  York,  1856.     i6«l. 
Seey  also.  Insurance  on  life,  Probabilities,  Vitality. 


— DuNAL  (M.  F.)     Monographie  de  la  famille  des 

anonac6es.     Paris,  1817.    4*.    28.1748.13 
Anonymous  works. 
— Barbier  (A.  A.)    Dictionnaire  dcs  ouvrages 

anonymes.     3e  6d.     revue  ,  .  .  par  .  .  . 

O.  Barbier  et  .  .  .  Billard.    .    .    .    Paris, 

1872-78.     4  V.     8**.  Art  room. 

— Halkett  (S.)  and  Laing  (J.)    A  dictionary  of 

the  anonymous  literature  of  Great  Britain. 

V.  I.     Edinburgh,  1882.    8".      Art  room. 
— Placcius   (V.)     Theatrum    anonymorum    et 

pseudonymorum.  .    „      Hamburgi,  1708. 

2v,     f*.  16.1018.4 





ABSbftch,  Anspach,  or  Onolzbach,  in  Bavaria. 
— Georoi  (J.  F.)    Nachricht  ron  der  stadt  und 

dem  margpraffthum  Ansbach.  .  .  .  Franck- 

ftirt,  1732.     ft.  4*.  9.530.1 

Ansbach  (Elizabeth  Berkeley  Cfaven),  margra- 

vine  of,     b,  1750.     d,  1828. 
— Memoirs,  written  by  herself.     London,  1826. 

2  V.  in  I.     8^  9- 541*9 

Aatelm  (5^»i»/)  it  Anselmo  of  Aosta.    b,  1034. 

Archbishop  of  Canterbury^  1093-I109. 
— Church  (R.    W.)    Saint  Anselm.     London, 

1877.     8'.  31.1942.32 
The  same.     London,  1870.     8%  31. 1942.33 

— Eadmer.  Vita  sancti  Anselmi.  23.1416. 3 
\In  Anselmi  Opera,  ed.  Migci,  ▼.  x,  ccrf.  49-133]. 

— John,  of  Salisbury.  Vita  sancti  Anselmi. 
coL  1009-1040  of  23.1416.4 

— RiMUSAT  (C.  de).  Saint  Anselme  de  Can- 
torb^ry.  .  .  .  Paris,  1853.   16**.  23. 1416.23 

Ansgarius  (Saint\ 

— Krummacher  (F.  a.)  St  Ansgar.  .  .  .  Zur 
geschichte  der  christlichen  kirche.  .  .  . 
Bremen,  1828.     i6'*.  31. 1950.26 

— Maclear  (G.  F.)  St.  Anskar,  and  the  conver- 
sion of  Denmark,    pp.  7-30  of  22.1355.27 

Anspach  (Elizabeth  Berkeley  Craven),  margra- 
vine of     See  Ansbach  (E.  B.  C). 

Antara  ibn  Sheddad  el-Absf,  an  Arabian  poeL 
b,  550.  d.  630(9. 

— Menil  (V.  E.)  Disputatio  philologica  de 
Antara,  ejusque  poSmate  arabice  Moalla- 
kah.  •  .  .  Amstelodami,  1814.    30  pp.  4*". 


Antarctic  rerions. 

— Wilkes  (C.T  Anurctic  cruise,  1840.  2.48.5 
[/m  his  Narrative  of  the  U.  S.  exploring  expedi- 
tion, V.  a,  pp.  997-387]. 


— Caton  (J.  D.)  The  antelope  and  deer  of 
America.  New  York,  1877.  8'.  27.1673.12 

Antelope,  ( The  ship), 

— Keate  (G.)  Narrative  of  the  shipwreck  of  the 
Antelope,  in  August,  1783.  voL  4  of  X.10.19 

Anthology  (The  Greek). 

—  Hbckkr  (A.)  Commenutio  critica  de  antho- 
logia  graeca.     Lugduni  Batavorum,  1843. 

8^  14. 2873. 2 

— HuscHKE  (L  G.)  Analecta  critica  in  antho- 
logiamgraecam.  Jenae,i8oo.  ^^  14.2873.7 

— Neaves  (C.)  The  Greek  anthology.  Phila- 
delphia, 1875.     16°.  18. 1053. 1 1 

— Symonds  (J.  A.)  The  anthology.  18.1052. 13 
[In  A >>  Studies  of  the  Greek  poets,  xst  series,  pp. 

M«-397]-  „  , 

See^  auo^  Epigrams. 

Anthony  (Charles  Hartshorn),  b,  1812.  d.  1874. 
—James  (J.)    Memoir  of  Prof.  Charles  H.  An- 
thony.    Albany,  1876.     S"".  4. 202. 11 


■^AuERBACH  (G.)  Anthracen,  its  constitution, 
properties,  .  .  .  and  derivatives.  .  .  . 
Tr.  by  W.  Crookes.     London,  1877.     8°. 


Anthropology.     See  Man. 

Antimasonry.     See  Freemasonry. 

Antinomian  controversy. 

— Ellis  (G.  E.)  Sketch  of  the  antinomian  con- 
troversy in  Massachusetts,  [1637]. 

pp.  167-376  v.  16  of  3. 138^.6 


— Damiani  (F.)    Vicissitudes  of  Antioch  during 

the  crusades. 

pp.  234-263.     vol.  15  of  5.2286.1 
Antiphon.    b,  b.c.  480.    d,  411. 
— Briegleb  {Dr,     .)    Zur  kritik  des  Antiphon. 

Anclam,  1861.    16  pp.    4^     z4.868.B0x  i 
Antiquities,  {Classical). 

— BojESEN  (E.  F.)  Manual  of  Greek  and  Roman 

antiquities.     From  the  German.     Ed.  by 

T.  K.  Arnold.     8th  ed.     New  York,  i860. 

12*.  14.878^.19 

— Lt^KER  (F.)      Real  lexikon  des  dassischen 

alterthums.    3e  aufl.     Leipzig,  1867.     8**. 

— Pauly  (A.)  Real-encyclopttdie  der  dassischen 

alterthums  wissenschaft.     Stuttgart,  1842- 

66.     6  V.  in  8.     8*.  13.818^.3 

— Rich  (A.)    Dictionary  of  Roman  and  Greek 

antiquities.  3d  ed.     London,  1873.    p.  8**. 

— Smith  (W.)    Dictionary  of  Greek  and  Roman 

antiquities.  .  .  .  ist  Am.  ed.  by  C.  An- 

thon.     New  York,  1843.     8%       14.87841. i 

^The  same.     2d  ed.     Boston,  1849.     8**, 

— Wilson  (T.)    Archaeological  dictionary  ;  or, 

classical  antiquities  of  the  Jews,  Greeks, 

and  Romans.  London,i783.  8**.  xa.2737.14 

General  worhs, 

— Egger  (E.)  M^moires  d'histoire  ancienne  et 
de  philologie.  Paris,  1863.  8°.    14.2854.8 

— Eschenburg  (J-  J.)  Manual  of  classical  liter- 
ature. From  the  German  by  N.  W. 
Fiske.  Philadelphia,  1836.  8"*.   14. 878a.  12 

The  same.     3d  ed.     Philadelphia,  1839.     8*. 


— Falkener  (E.)  Museum  of  classical  antiqui- 
ties. ,  .  .  London,  1855.     2  v.  in  i.     8*. 

12. 738*.  I 

— Fosbrooke  (T.  D.)  Treatise  on  the  arts, 
manufactures,  manners,  and  institutions  of 
the  Greeks  and  Romans.  [Anon.}  Lon- 
don, 1833-35.     2  V.     16*.  32.2022.2 

— Gellius  (A.)  Noctium  atticarum  libri  viginti. 
Ex  recensione  M.  Hertz.  Lipsiae,  1871- 
77.     2  V.  in  I.     16*.  X3. 791.36 

The  same.     Attic  nights.     Tr.  by  W.  Beloe. 

London,  1795.     3  v.     8^  14.878^.12 

— Guhl  (E.)  and  Koner  (W.)  Leben  der  Grie- 
chen  und  ROmer  nach  antiken  bildwerken. 
3eaufl.     Berlin,  1872.     8*.        I4.878tf.i3 

^The  same.   Life  of  the  Greeks  and  Romans, 

described  from  antique  monuments.  Tr. 
from  3d  German  ed.  by  F.  Hueflfer.  New 
York,  1875.     8^  13.878^.6 

The  same.  New  York,  1876.  8'.    14.878^.6 

— KURZ  (H.)  Eriauterungen  zu  Wcisser's  lebens- 
bilder  aus  dem  klassischen  alterthum. 
Stuttgart,  1864.     8**.  X2.738a.6 

— MONTFAUCON  (B.  de).  Antiquity  explained, 
and  represented  in  sculptures.  Tr.  by  D. 
Humphreys.    London,  1721-25.    6  v.    f*. 


— NiBBY  (A.)  Elementi  di  archeologia.  Roma, 
1828.     8^  2.56.14 





— RossiGNOL  (J.  P.)    Des  services  que  peut  ren- 

dre  Tarch^ologie  anx  Etudes  classiques. 

Paris,  1878.     8^  14.2854.7 

— ScHAAF  (L.)      Encydopidie  der  classischen 

alterthumskunde.     Magdeburg,  1836.    2  v. 

in  I.    S\  12.2737.16 

Stt^misa^  America,  Asia,  Greece,  History,  {Ancitnt 

and  Universal)  Rome. 

AU0^  CoDTiTial  custoias,  Inacriptioat. 


— Mowjot  (A.)  General  views  of  archaeology. 
Tr.  by  P.  Harry.  28.3733 

\In  Smithsonian  leport,  i860,    pp.  a84-343]* 

— Rau  (C.)  Archaeological  coUection  of  the 
United  Sutes  national  museum.  Wash- 
ington, 1876.  4%  38.3738 
Bmithsonlan  contribudons,  t.  aa]. 
^  mhoy  Arts,  Civilization,  Coins,  History.  In. 
scriptioos.  Inventions,  Man,  Middle  ages,  and  the 
names  of  cities,  countries  and  nations. 

JkntasUtvery.     See  Slavery. 

Aatoniniis  Augustas  (Marcus  Aurelins),  Roman 
emperor,     b,  A.D.  121.     d.  180. 

— Bartou  (P.  S.)  and  Bellori  (G.  P.)  Columna 
cochlis  M.  Aurelio  Antonino  Augusto 
dicata.     Romae,  1704.     obL  4''.        B.7^9 

^  -Columoa  antoniniana  cum  notis  G.  P.  BeU 
loriL     Romae,  [about  1700].     f*". 

Art  room,  B.7.9 

-^APiTOUNUS  (J.)  M.  Antoninus,  philosophus. 
pp.  286-404.  V.  I  of  12.753. 18 

^Farrar  (F.  W.)    Marcus  Aurelius. 

pp.  257-317  of  22.1390.43 

— Long  (G.)  Life  and  philosophy  of  M.  Aure- 
lius Antoninus.  23.1461. 8 
[Prefixed  to  Long's  ed.  of  the  Meditations.  80  pp.] 

— RjtNAN  (J.  E.)  Marctis  Aurelius.  22.1353.16 
[/»  hit  Bnglish  conferences,  pp.  137-169]. 

—  -Marc-Aur^le  et  la  fin  du  monde  antique. 
2me  6d.     Paris,  1882.     8"*.         12.745. 13 

— XiPHiUNUS  (T.)  M.  Antonini  philosophi  vita. 
58  pp.     8°.  14.892. 14 

[/«  Herodianus.    Historiamm  libri  viii]. 

Antoninns  Pius  (Titus  Aurelius  Fulvus),  Roman 

emperor,     b.  A.D.  86.     d.  16 1. 
— Capitounus  (J.)    Antoninus  Pius.    pp.  244- 

285.  V.  I  of  12.752. 18 

Antrim,  (Ireland), 

— Hamilton  (W.)  Natural  history  of  the  basaltes 

of  the  county  of  Antrim,    pp.  67-109. 

V.  4  of  2.45.5 
Antrim  and  Down  dialect. 
— Patterson  (W.   H.)    Glossary  of  words  in 

use  in  the  counties  of  Antrim  and  Down. 

London,  1880.     8*".  15. 920. 14 

— McCooK  (H.    C.)     Natural    history  of    the 

agricultural  ant  of  Texas.     Philadelphia, 

1879.    8".  27.1714.20 

— Mavr  (G.    L.)      Formicidae   [der    reise   der 

Novara,  1857-59].     Wien,  1868.     119  pp. 

4°.  28. 1778. 1 

[/» tk£  "Samn.  reise,  zoologischer  theil,  v.  a]. 
— MoGGRiDGB  (J.  T.)    Harvesting  ants  [etc.]. 

London,  1873.     8'.  27.1714. 19 

A«^.    The  ants  are  treated  of,  in  all  books  on  in- 


—Ram  (P.  F.  X.  de).  Synopsis  actorum  ec- 
desiae  antverpiensis,  et  ejus  dioceseos  sta- 
tus hierarchicus.     Bruxellis,  1856.    8°. 



— MiVART  (St.  G.)  Man  and  apes.  New  York, 
1874.     12*.  27.1660.2a 


— BucKTON  (G.  B.)    Monograph  of  the  British 

aphides.     London,  1876-81.     3  v.     8*. 

—Riley  (C.  V.)  and  Monell  (J.)    Notes  on  the 

aphididae  of  the  United  States. 

[Bulletin  of  the  U.  S.  geological  and  geographical 

wuvey,  V.  5,  no.  x.  3a  pp.  V]. 

[Aluinni  room]. 


—Palmer.  (C.)    A  coUection  of  select  aphorisms 

and  maxims.  London,  1748.  4**.  21.1315. 10 
^The  same.  21.1298^.2 

See,  altc.  Apophthegms,  Maxims,  Proverbs. 


— Bbrnouilli  (J.  J.)  Aphrodite.  Ein  baustein 
zur  griechischen  kunstmythologie.  Leip- 
zig, 1873.    8°.  30.1896.20 

— Cattanso  (G.)  Osservazione  sopra  un  fram- 
mento  antico  di  bronzo,  di  greco  lavoro 
rappresentante  Venere.  Milano,  1819.  T. 


Apocryphal  old  testament.  See  Enoch,  Judith. 

Apocryphal  new  testament. 

—Hone  (W.)  The  apocryphal  new  testament 
...  4th  ed.    London,  1821.  8°.  22.1362.3 

— Thilo  (J.  C.)  Prolegomena  de  codicibus, 
editionibus  et  versionibus  evangeliorum 
apocryphorum.  pp.  160.  Lipsiae,  1832. 
8  .  22.1361.33 

Set^aita^  Andrew  and  Matthew,Nicodemus,Pilate. 

Apollonius  DYSCOlns,  (flourished  at  Alexan* 
dria^  earh  in  the  2d  century), 

— Eggee  (A.  E.)  Apollonius  Dyscole.  Essai 
sur  rhistoire  des  theories  grammaticales 
dans  rantiquit6.  Paris,  1854.  8°.  15.954. 12 

— Schoemann  (G.  F.)  Emendationes  aliquot 
locorum  corruptorum  in  Apollonii  libro 
de  adverbiis.  [  Gryphisvaldiae  ],  1861. 
16  pp.    4*.  14.868.  Box  I 

— Skrzeczka  (R.  F.  L.)    Die  lehre  des  Apollo- 

nius  Dyscolus  von  den  redetheilen,  und 

kritische  bemerkungen  zu  Apoll.  de  ad- 

verbio.     KOnigsberg,  1853.     28  pp.    4*. 

14.868.  Box  I 

Apollonins,  of  Perga*{third  century  before  Christ). 

— SchOmann.  "Apollonius  von  Perga."  Trep- 
tow,  1878.     16  pp.     8*.      26.1598.  Box  2 

Apollonius,  of  Rhodes,    b.  B.C.  235.    d,  B.C.  194. 

— Sainte-Beuve  (C.  a.)  De  la  M6d6e  d' Apol- 
lonius.    pp.  359-406.  V.  5  of  8.481.2 

Apollonius,  of  Tyana,  {about  the  time  of  Christ), 

— Philostratus.  Epistolae  Apollonii  tyanen- 
sis,  cum  ejus  vita,  libris  vin.  [graece  et 
latine].  Z4.898.6 

The  same.      De   tyanensi   Apollonio  libri. 

Recognovit    A.    Westermann.      Parisiis, 
1849.     1-  8^  14.874.2 

Apollonius,  prince  of  Tyre. 

See  Shakespeare.   Pericles,  prince  of  Tyre. 


See  Evidences  of  revealed  religion. 
—Erasmus  (D.)  Apophthegmcs  translated  by  N. 

Udall.     Boston,  1877.     1.  8^     21. 1305.31 
— Paley  (F,  A.)  Greek  wit  London,  1881.  2  v. 

i6^  21. 1298a.  1 1 





— Plutarchus.  Apophthegmata  regum  et  im- 
peratorum.  Apophthegmata  laconica. 
Apophthegmata  lacaenarum.  Londini, 
1741.     4^  X4.906.1 

— Whately  (R.)  Thoughts  and  apophthegms. 
Philadelphia,  1856.     12*.  21. 1316.34 

— ZiNKGRAF  (J.  W.)  Deutsche  apophthegmata; 
das  ist  der  deutschen  scharfsinnige  kluge 
sprtlche  .  .  .  Leyden,  1644.  3  pts.  in  i  v. 

S.  12**.  2Z.I298^I.22 

Set,  mlso,  Maxims,  ProTcrbt. 

Apostles,  (Lives  of  the). 

— Cave  (W.)  Antiquitates  apostolicae  ;  or,  the 
lives  ...  of  the  holy  apostles  .  .  .  and 
of  .  .  .  St.  Mark  and  St.  Luke.  .  .  . 
London,  1834.     2  v.     16°.         31. 1942.38 

— Lardner  (N.)  History  of  the  apostles  and 
evangelists,  writers  of  the  New  Testa- 
ment. London,  1791.  8**.  v.  2  of  22.1346.6 

— Renan  (J.  E.)    Les  ap6tres.    Paris,  1866.    8^ 


Ste^  aUo,  Paul  i^SaiiU), 

Apostolic  age. 

—Bauer  (B.)  Christus  und  die  Caesaren.  Der 
ursprung  des  christenthums  aus  dem 
rOmischen  griechenthum.  2e  aufl.  Ber- 
lin, 1879.     ^^  3X.1942.9 

— Coleman  (L.)  The  apostolical  and  (mmitive 
church.  With  an  essay  by  A.  Neander. 
2d  ed.     Boston,  1844.     12  .      31.1942. 16 

— Hausrath  (A.)  Neutestamentliche  zeitge- 
schichte.  Heidelberg,  1 868-1 872.  2  v. 
8°.  31.1945. 16 

—Holland  (H.  S.)  The  apostolic  fathers.  .  .  . 
London,  1878  (?).     16".  31. 1943.28 

—Neander  (J.  A.  W.)  Gcschichte  der  pflan- 
zung  und  leitung  der  christlichen  kirche 
durch  die  apostel.  4e  aufl.  Hamburg, 
1847.     I  V.  in  2.     8'.  31. 1945.20 

The  same.      History  of  the  planting  and 

training  of  the  Christian  church.  From  the 
3d  German  ed.  by  J.  E.  Ryland.  Phila- 
delphia, 1844.     8**-  31*  1945-5 

—Newton  (T.)  Review  of  ecclesiastical  history 
.  .  .  first  century,     London,  1770.     8*. 


— PRESSENsfi  (  Early  years  of  Christianity. 
The  apostolic  era.  Tr.  by  A.  Harwood. 
New  York,  1870.     p.  8*.  31.1942.29 

— Renan  i].  E.)  Histoire  des  origines  du  Chris- 
tianisme.     Paris,  1863-82.     7  v.     8**. 

12.745.13    22.1352.15    31. 1942.6 

— Reuss  fE.)  History  of  Christian  theology  in 
the  apostolic  age.  Tr.  by  A.  Harwood. 
London,  1872.     2  v.     8**.  22. 1372. 1 1 

— Salvador  (J.)  Leben  Jesu  und  geschichte 
der  christlichen  kirche  wilhrend  des  ersten 
jahrhunderts.  Aus  dem  Franzttsischen 
von  H.  Jacobson.  Dresden,  1841.  2  v. 
8".  22.1387.4 

— Schaff(P.)  Geschichte  der  christlichen  kirche. 
Erster  band:  die  apostoliche  kirche.  Mer- 
cersburg,  Pa.,  185 1.     8*.  31. 1946. 10 

The  same.     History  of  the  apostolic  church; 

with  a  general  introduction  to  church 
history.  Tr.  by  E.  D.  Yeomans.  New 
York,  1853.     8  .  31.1944.5 

— Stanley  (A.  P.)  Sermons  and  essays  on  the 
apostolical  age.  2d  ed.  Oxford,  1852. 
*"  3X-I944.9 


Apostolic  constitutions. 

— Bunsen  (C.  C.  J.)  On  the  constitutions  and 
canons  of  the  apostles,     pp.  395-424. 

V.  2  of  31. 1944. 12 

— Whiston  (W.)  Essay  on  the  apostolical  con- 
stitutions. V.  3  of  3x.1941.12 

Apparitions.     See  Demonology,  Ghosts. 

Appendage,  {in  toolory), 

—Holland  (G.  C.)  The  constitution  of  the 
animal  creation  as  expressed  in  structural 
appendages.  London,  1857.  8**.  27.1684.9 


— GossE  (P.  H.)  The  aquarium  ;  an  unveiling 
of  the  wonders  of  the  deep.  London, 
1854.     12**.  27.1724.20 

— HiBBERD  (S.)  The  book  of  the  aquarium. 
London,  1869.     16°.  27.1724.28 

The  book  of  the  marine  aquarium.    London, 

1869.     i6'.  27.1724.28 

— PiZETTA  (J.)  L'aquarium,  d*eau  douce,  d'eau 
de  mer.     Paris,  1872.     I6^       27.1724.36 

Arabia,  and  Arabs. 

Descriptwn^  travels^  etc, 

— Buckingham  (J.  S.)  Travels  among  the 
Arab  tribes  east  of  Syria  and  Palestine, 
[1816I.     London,  1825.     4*.  II. 706.7 

— Burton  (R.  F.)  Personal  narrative  of  a 
pilgrimage  to  El  Medinah  and  Meccah, 
[1852].    New  York,  1856.    12".   11.695. 20 

— Irwin  (E.)  A  series  of  adventures  ...  up 
the  Red  Sea,  .  .  .  and  through  .  .  .  Ara- 
bia  .  .  .  to  Busrah  .  .  .  [1777-81].  Lon- 
don, 1787.     2  V.     8°.  II. 692.15 

— Jessup  (H.  H.)  The  women  of  the  Arabs. 
New  York.  [1873].     12*.  1 1. 701. 22 

— Laborde  (L.  E.  S.  J.  de).  Journey  through 
Arabia  Petraea  to  Mount  Sinai  and  Petra, 
1830-33.     London,  1836.     8°.     11.701.15 

— Niebuhr  (C.)  Beschreibung  von  Arabien^ 
aus  eigenen  beobachtungen,  und  im  lande 
selbst  gesammleten  nachrichten  abgefas- 
set,  [1761-67].     Kopenhagen,  1772.     4*. 

1 1.706.  iS 

Travels  through  Arabia,  and  other  countries 

in  the  East.  Tr.  by  Robert  Heron  [1761- 
67].    Edinburgh,  1 792.   2  v.    8".    11.701.19 

— Palgrave  (W.  G.)  Personal  narrative  of  a 
year's  journey  through  central  and  east- 
em  Arabia,  [1862-63].  London,  1869. 
p.  8*.  II. 700.8 

— RosENMttLLER  (E.  F.  C.)  Biblical  geography 
of  Arabia.  Edinburgh,  1841.  16".  11.700.30 

— Stephens  (J.  L.)  Incidents  of  travel  in  Ara- 
bia Petraea,  etc ,  1835.  New  York,  1837. 
2  v.     I2^  ll.701.23 

— Wellsted  (J.  R.)  Travels  to  the  city  of  the 
caliphs.  .  .  .  Including  a  voyage  to  the 
coast  of  Arabia  .  .  .  1835.  London, 
1840.     2  V.     8°.  il.701.13 

See^alsoy  Bedouins,  Damascus,  Idumea.  Mecca, 
Midian,  Mesopotamia,  Mohammed,  ralmyra,. 
Petra,  Red  Sea,  Sinai,  Syria,  Turkish  empire. 

— Crichton  (A.)     History  of  Arabia,  ancient 

and    modern.     New    York,    1845.     2  v. 

18".  32.2020.19. 

— Rasmussen  (J.   L.)      Historia   praecipuorum 

arabum  regfnorum  .  .  .  ante  islamismum. 

Hauniae.  1817.    4^  11.7072 





Additamenta    ad    historiam   Arabum.  .  .  . 

Hauniae,  1821.    4**.  I x.  707.3 

— WWGHT    (T.)     Early   Christianity  ia  Arabia. 

.  .  .  London,  1855.     8*.  31.1043.9 

See^  also^  Mohammed,  Moors,  Saracens,  Sicily, 


Arabia,  {Sea  of). 

— ViNCEHT  (W.)     Pcriplus   of   the   Erythraean 

sea,    containing  the    navigation    of    the 

ancients.     London,    1800-05.     2  v.  in  i. 

4*.  IX. 686. 1 
Voyage  of  Nearchus  from  the  Indus  to  the 

Euphrates.     London,  1797.    4*.  1 1.686. 3 
Arabic  languac^e.    Dictionaries, 
— Frkytag  (G.  W.)     Lexicon   arabico-latinum 

.  .  .  Halis  Saxonum,  1830-37.     4  v.     4*. 

— GoLius  (J.)    Lexicon  arabico-latinum  contex- 

tum    ex    probatioribus    orientis    lexico- 

graphis.     Lugduni  Batavorum,  1653.     f**. 

— Lane  (E.  W.)    ArabicEnglish  lexicon.  .  .  . 

V.  i-vii.    London,  1863-81.    4".    15.958.  i 
— WiLLMET  (H.)    Lexicon  linguae  arabicae  in 

Coranum,    Haririum    et    vitam    Timuri. 

Rotterodami,  1784.     4*.  15.937.  i 


— Davis  (N.)  and  Davidson  (B.)  Arabic  read- 
ing lessons  .  .  .  with  the  elements  of 
Arabic  grammar.     London,  1854.     16**. 


— Erpen  (T.  van).  Grammatica  arabica.  15.930.4 
\lm  Schultens  (A.)  Grammatica  arabica, . . .  [etc.] 
pp.  i-ao4l. 

— J^mal-ed-din  Mohammed  Ben'Abdallah,ra//r^ 
Ibn  Malec.  Alfiyya;  ou,  la  quintessence 
de  la  grammaire  arabe,  public  en  original, 
avec  un  commentaire  par  Silvestre  de 
Sacy.     Paris,  1833.     8".  11.2687. 27 

— Lepsius  (C.  R.)  Ueber  die  arabischen  sprach- 
laute  und  deren  umschrift.  .  .  .  Berlin, 
1861.     4'.  15.936.2 

— Mohammed  bin  Dand.  Einleitung  in  das 
studium  der  arabischen  grammatiker. 
Die  Ajrtlmyyah.  .  .  .  Arabischer  text 
mit  uebersetzung,  .  .  .  von  E.  Trumpp. 
Mfinchen,  1876.     8",  15.930.5 

— Richardson  ^.)  Dictionary,  Persian,  Arabic, 
and  English.  .  .  .  New  ed.  by  F.  John- 
son.    London,  1829.     4**.  15.988.6 

—Robertson  (J.)    De  antiquitate  linguae  ara- 
bicae,  ejusque  convenientia  cum   lingua 
hebraica.  X5.982. 1 1 

\^efijced  t0  kis  Clavis  pentateuchL  ...  73  pp. 

— ScHWARZLOSE  (F.  W.)  De  linguae  arabicae 
verborum  plurilitterorum  derivatione.  .  . 
Berolini,  1854.     8*.  15.930.6 

— VoLNEY  (C.  F.  de  C.  de).  Grammaire  de  la 
langue  arabe. 

pp.  204-317,  pt.  2,  V.  3  of  8.506.4 

Heading  books. 

— Oberlettner  (A.)  Fundamenta  linguae  ara- 
bicae.    Viennae,  1822.     8**.  15.930.2 

— -Chrestomathia  arabica,  una  cum  glossario 
arabico-latino.  Viennae,  1823-24.  2  v. 
8*.  15.930. 1 

— SvANBORG  (A.)  Ofningar  i  arabiskan.  Upsala, 
z8o2.     s.  4**.  15.930.9 

Arabic  literature  and  science. 

— Dieterici  (F.)  Die  naturanschauung,  und 
naturphilosophie  der  Araber  im  zehnten 
jahrhundert.  Berlin,  1861.  8*.  27.1698tf.25 

— MustafX  ben  Abdallah,  Haji  Khalfa.  Lexi- 
con bibliographicum  edidit  G.  Fluegel. 
Leipzig,  1835-58.     7v.     4°.         ii. 2688.5 

— ScHACK  (A.  F.  von).  Poesie  und  kunst  der 
Araber  in  Spanien  und  Sicilien.  Stutt- 
gart, 1877.     2  V.  in  I.     8°.  18.3077.16 

— WtJsTENFELD  (F.)  Die  academien  der  Araber 
und  ihre  lehrer.  .  ,  .  Gdttingen,  1837. 
8"*.  IZ.2702.1 

[Bound  with  Graff  (G.)  Alte  geschichte  des 

Ara^o  (Dominique    Fran9ois    Jean),     b.  1786. 

d.  1853. 
— HiSTOiRE  de  ma  jeunesse.     Paris,  1854.     8**. 

V.  I  of  26.1652.9 
The  same.     History  of  my  youth.     Tr.  by 

W.  H.  Smyth,  B.  Powell,  and  R.  Grant. 

90  pp.  8,478tf.23 

\Im  his  Biographies,  xst  series].  , 
The  same.     Washington,  1871.           28.3733 

[Smithsonian  report,  1870,  pp.  X45-X96]. 

Aragon,  {a  mediaeval  kingdom  in  Spain), 
— Prescott  (W.  H.)  Constitution  of  Aragon  to 
the  middle  of  the  15  th  century. 

V.  I  of  4«232.I 

— Schmidt  (E.  A.)  Geschichte  Aragonien's  im 
mittelaller.    Leipzig,  1828.   8^.    zo.626.20 

Aral  sea,  {Sea  of  islands). 

— ScHMiCK  (J.  H.)  Die  aralo-kaspi-niederung 
und  ihre  befunde.  ,  .  ,  Leipzig,  1874.  8**. 


—Wood  (H.)  The  shores  of  Lake  Aral.  Lon- 
don, 1876.     8**.  zz.691.18 

•Srr,  tfZfo,  Asia  {Central), 


— Ottley  (W.  Y.)  On  a  manuscript  of  the  2d 
or  3d  century  (?)  containing  Cicero's  trans- 
lation of  the  Phsenomena.  London,  1836. 
4''-  pp.  47-214.  V.  26  of  5.2296.x 

Arc  of  a  meridian.     See  Latitude. 

Archaeology.     See  Antiquities. 

Archelaus,  0/  Priene,  {a  sculptor  of  the  1st  cen* 

— KoRTEGARN  (A.)     De  tabula  Archelai.      Dis- 

sertatio  inauguralis  [de  Homeri  apotheosi, 

marmores  anaglypho  ostensa].      Bonnae, 

1862.     43  pp.     4°.  30.1888 

—Hansard  (G.  A.)    The  book  of  archery.  .  .  . 

London,  1841.     8"*.  30.3874. 5 

— Ali>an  (W.)    Theory  of  arches.     New  York, 

1874.     T8^  26.1620 1 

—Burr  (W.   H.)    Theory  of  the  masonry  arch. 

Troy.  1881.     8^  v.  2  of  26.1634 

— Cain  (W.)     A    practical  theory  of  voussoir 

arches.  New  York,  1874.     18".    26.1620.  i 
Theory  of  solid  and  braced  elastic  arches. 

.  .  .  New  York,  1879.     18°.        26.1620.  i 
^Voussoir  arches  applied  to   stone    bridges, 

tunnels,    [etc.]  .    .    .    New    York,     1879. 

18**.  26.1620. 1 

—Donaldson  (W.)    A  treatise  on  .  .  .  oblique 

arches  with  spiral  courses.    London,  1867. 

8\  26.1632.20 





— DupuiT  (A.  J.  £.  T.)  Trait6  de  rfequilibre  dcs 
voutes,  et  de  fa  construction  des  ponts  en 
ma9onnerie.     Paris,  1870.     2    v.    4''. 

Texte.  26.1636.9 

The  same.     051.4".  Atlas.  26.1637.4 

—Hyde  (E.  W.)  Skew  arches.  Advantages 
and  disadvantages  of  different  methods  of 
construction.     New  York,  1875.     18*. 


— McMaster  (J.  B.)  Bridge  and  tunnel  centres. 
New  York,  1875.     18^.  26. 1620.  i 

— Woodbury  (D.  P.)  Elements  of  stability  in 
the  well-proportioned  arch.  .  .  .  New 
York,  1858.     8^  26.1632. 1 1 

Stt^  aUo^  Bridges,  Domei,  Vaulli. 

Arches  of  triumph. 

— Bellori  (G.  p.)  Veteres  arcus  Augustorum 
triumphis  insignes,  illustrati  per  J.  J.  de 
Rubeis,  aeneis  typis  vulgati.  Komae, 
1690.    f^  Art  room.  A.  7.1. 


— Architects.     [Ahm,]    London,  1834.    p.  8". 

V.  4  oi  6.348.7 

— MiLlziA  (F.)  Lives  of  celebrated  architects, 
ancient  and  modem.  .  .  .  Tr.  ...  by 
Mrs.  E.  Cresy.     London,  1826.     2  v.     8  . 


Architecture.     General  and  systematic  vforks. 

— Bloem  (H.)  Een  constich  boeck  wande  vyf 
columnen  van  architecture.  Amsterdam, 
1598.     f^  30.3888.11 

— Bury  (T.  T.)  Rudimentary  architecture.  .  .  . 
Styles  of  various  countries.  .  .  .  London, 
1849.     12*.  30.1887.24 

[Boumiwitk  **  Leeds'  Oiders"]. 

— Elmes  (J.)  Lectures  on  architecture.  ...  2d 
ed.     London,  1823.     8*.  30.1886.22 

^      [GigerJ. 

— Evelyn  (j.)  Account  of  architects  and  archi- 
tecture, with  an  explanation  of  terms. 

{Tm  a  is  Miscellaneous  writings,  pp.  340-4*4]. 

— Fergusson  (J.)  Illustrated  hand-book  of 
architecture.     London,  1855.     2  v.     8*. 


— Freeman  (E.  A.)  Historical  and  architectural 
sketches  ;  chiefly  Italian.  London,  1876. 
12°.  30.1887  22 

— Furttenbach  (J.)  Architectura  civilis.  .  .  . 
Ulm,  1628.     f^  30.3888.6 

—  -Architectura  recreationis.  .  .  .  Augsburg, 
1640.     f^  30.3878.5 

Architectura  universalis.    ,    .    ,   Ulm,   1635. 

f^  30.3888.5 

— Garbett  (E.  L.)  Rudimentary  treatise  on 
the  principles  of  design  in  architecture. 
.  .  .  London,  1850.     I2^  30.1887.26 


— HosKiNG  (W.)  Treatises  on  architecture  and 
building.  •  .  .  Edinburgh,  1835.     4°, 

,        [Gigerl. 

— Leeds  (W.  H.)  Rudimentary  architecture. 
.  .  .  London,  1848.     12%  30.1887. 13 


^The  same.  30.1887.24 

— Palladio  (A.)  Architecture: ...  a  treatise  on 
the  five  orders.  .  .  .  [Eld.]  by  G.  Leoni. 
London,  1742.     2  v.  in  i.     f**.     30. 1898. 5 

— Rosengarten  (A.)  Handbook  of  architec- 
tural styles.  Tr.  .  .  .  by  W.  Collett- 
Sandars.  New  York,  1876.  8*.  30.1886.27 

— fijjsKiN  (J.)  Lectures  on  architecture  andl 
Minting,  .  .  .  November  1853.  New 
York.  1856.     12*.  30.1892.14 

Seven  lamps  %i  architecture.     New   York, 

1849.     I2^  30.1887.17 

^The  same.    New  York,  1865.  12".  30.1881.4. 

[Bound  with  his  "  Two  path»"L 

— Scamozzi  (V.)  Deir  idea  deltl^  architettura 
universale.     Venetia,  1615.    2  v.  io  i.  f. 


The  same.  Art  room.  C.5.> 

— Sturm  (L.  C.)  Vade  mecum  architectonicum. 
.  .  .  rAmstelodami,i700l?  i6**.26.i6i8tf.25. 
[In  a  vol.  Uttered  ^^  Strsuch^. 

— ViGNOLA  (J.  B.)  Vignole;  ou,  Etudes  d*archi- 
tecture.  ...  Tr.  ...  par  P.  Eudes^ 
ae.  6d.     Paris,  1836.     4".  30.1888.10 

.^ViOLLET-LE-DUC  (E.  E.)  Discourscs  on  archi- 
tecture. Trans,  with  an  introd.  ...  by 
H.  Van  Brunt.     Boston,  1875.     1.  8'. 

30.1885.  II 

— ViTRUVius  PoLLio  (M.)  De  architectura  libri 
decern.  .  .  .  Accesserunt  G.  P.  Casti* 
lionii  annotationes  castigatiores.  .  .  • 
Lugduni,  1552.     4''.  30.1886.38i 

^Thesame.  Amstelodami,  1649.  V.      13.818.S 

The    same.     Architecture.     Translated    bir 

William  Newton.     London,  1791.    2v.  f  . 
Cabinet  X.3  &  4. 

The  same.  Translated  by  J.  Gwilt.  Lon- 
don, 1826.  4^  30.1886.2: 

— Wkigel  (J.  C.)  AusfOhrliche  anleitung  zur 
civil  baukunst.  Nttrnberg,  [about  1700]. 
40  pi.     r.  30.3888.12 

— -Wightwick  (G.)  Palace  of  architecture :  a 
romance  of  art  and  history.  London, 
1840.     1.  8°.  30.1886.4 

— WiLHELM  (J.)  Architectura  civilis;  oder,  be- 
schreibung  und  vorreissung  vieler  vor- 
nehmer  dachwerck.  .  .  .  Ntimberg,  1705. 

r.  30.3888.10. 


— A  VILER  (A.  C.  de).  Dictionnaire  d'architccture 
civile  et  hydraulique* .  .  ►  Nouv.6d.  Paris, 
1755.     4'.  30.3888.4 

— Loudon  (J.  C.)  Encyclopaedia  of  cottage, 
farm,  and  villa  architecture  and  furniture. 
.  .  .  New  ed.     London,  1867.     8^ 


— Parker  (J.  H.)  Glossary  of  terms  used  in 
.  .  „  architecture.  2d  ed.  London,  1838. 
5°,  30.1886.20 

The  same.     Oxford,  1846.    12**.    30.1887.34 

The  same.     5th   ed.     Oxford,    1850.     3  v. 

8'.  30.1898^.7 

The  same.  Concise  glossary  of  terms  in  ar- 
chitecture. Oxford,  1875.  16°.  30.1887.35 

— Stuart  (R.)  Dictionary  of  architecture.  ►  ►  . 
London,  [about  1820].  3  V.  8*.  30.1898^.9 

— Viollet-le-duc  (E.  E.)  Dictionnaire  raisonn6 
de  Tarchrtecture  fran9aise  du  lie  au  i6e 
sidcle.     Paris,  1871-73.     10  v.     1.  8°. 


— Dallaway  (J.)  Discourses  on  architecture  ca 
England,  from  1066  to  1603.  London ^ 
1833.     8°.  30.1886.10 

— Daly  (C.)  Motifs  historiques  d'architecture 
et  de  sculpture  d'ornement,  pour  la  .  ►  , 
decoration  .  .  .  des  Edifices.  .  .  .  Paris, 
1870.     2V.     f^  30.1898*7 





— Fkupien  (J.  F.)  Recueil  de  la  vie  et  des  ou- 
vrages  des  plus  c^l^bres  architectes.  2e 
6d.     Paris,  1696.     4*'.  30.3888.1 

— Fergusson  (J.)  History  of  the  modern  styles 
of  architecture.     London,  1862.     8**. 


— LtoEMANN  (W.  von).  Geschichte  der  archi- 
tectur.    Dresden,  1828.    i6'.     30.1883.26 

— RiCKMAN  (T.)  Attempt  to  discriminate  the 
styles  of  architecture  in  England,  from  the 
conquest  to  the  reformation.  .  .  .  5th  ed. 
London,  1848.     8°.  30. 1886. 36 

— Smith  (W.  J.)  Synopsis  of  the  origin  and 
progress  of  architecture.  .  .  .  London, 
1831.     8^  30.1886.29 

— TuTHiLL  (L.  C.)  History  of  architecture.  .  .  . 
Philadelphia,  1848.     S\  30.1886.13 

— ViOLLET-LE-DUC  (E.  E.)  Habitations  of  man 
in  all  ages.  Trans,  by  B.  Bucknall.  Bos- 
ton, 1876.     8^  30.1885.19 

— American  (The)  architect  and  building  news. 

Boston,  1876-78.  3  V.  in  6.  f.  30.1918. 17 
— BuiLJ>iNG  news  (The).     Architectural  plates. 

London,  1870-75.     3  v.    f°. 

Cabinet  X.  11  &  12 
— Daly  (C.)    Revue  g6n6rale  de  I'architeclure 

et  des  travaux  publics.  .  .  .  Paris,  1840- 

76.     33  V.    f^  30.1888.6 

The  same.  30.1928.  i 

— ENCYCLOPtoiE  d'airhitectuse.     [R6d.  par]  V. 

Calliat   [et]  A.  Lance.     Paris,   1851-62. 

12  V.     4  .  Art  room. 

— Weals  (J.)    Quarterly  papers  on  architecture. 

London,  1844-45.  4  v.  in  2.  4*".  30.1888.14 

Gothic  or  mediaeval, 

•— Bloxam  (M.)  Principles  of  Gothic  architec- 
ture. .  .  .  London,  1829.  16**.  30.1887.23 
^Brandon  (R.)  and  (T.  A.)  Analysis  of  Gothick 
architecture  :  illustrated  by  .  .  .  700  ex- 
amples. .  .  .  New  ed.  London,  1849. 
2  V.     4*.  30.1898.24 

^  -Open  timber  roofs  of  the  middle  ages.  Illus- 
trated .  .  .  with  descriptions.  .  .  .  Lon- 
don,  1849.     4^  30.1898.23 

*  ^^^aveler  (W.)  Select  specimens  of  Gothic 
architecture  ...  in  England.  2d  ed. 
London,  1839.    1.  8".     Art  room.  A.4. 16 

—Coney  (J.)    Engravings  of  ancient  cathedrals, 
hotels  de  ville,  etc.     London,  1842.     V, 
Cabinet  z.5.1 

— Eastlake  (C.  L.)  History  of  the  Gothic  re- 
vival London,  1872.  8  .  Art  room.  A. 3. 12 

— HuNDESHAGEN  (B.)  Kaiser  Friedrichs  i  Bar- 
barossa  palast  in  der  burg  zu  Gelnhausen. 
2e  aufi.     Mainz,  1 8 19.     r.        30.1898.13 

— Kerrich  (T.)  Observations  on  Gothic  build- 
ings and  architecture,     pp.  292-325. 

V.  16  of  5.2286.1 

—Norton  (C.  E.)  Studies  of  church-building  in 
the  middle  ages.  Venice,  Siena,  Florence. 
New  York,  1880.     8^  30.1884.9 

—Parker  (J.  H.)  ABC  of  Gothic  architect- 
ure.   London,  1081.    sq.  16°.     30.1887.37 

—  -Introduction  to  the  study  of  Gothic  archi- 
tecture.    5J1  •d.     O*fo»d,  «577.     16". 


—Potter  (J.)  Specimens  of  ancient  English 
architecture.  .  .  .  London,  1857.     4**. 


-PuGiN  (A  N.  W.)  Parallel  between  .  .  .  edi- 
fices of  the  middle  ages  and  .  .  .  build- 
ings  of  the  present  day.  .  .  .  London, 
1841.    4**.  30.1888.17 

— RiCKMAN  (T.)  Attempt  to  discriminate  the 
styles  of  architecture  in  England  from  the 
conquest  to  the  reformation.  ...  7th  ed. 
with  .  .  .  additions  ...  by  J.  H.  Par- 
ker.    London,  1881.     8°.  30.1885.12 

Letters  on  the  ecclesiastical  architecture  of 

France.  5.2296.1 

[Archaeologia,  ▼.  95,  pp.  Z50-X87.  v.  96,  pp.  06-46]. 

-Saunders  (G.)  Origin  of  Gothic  architecture, 
pp.  1-29.  V.  17  of  5.2286.1 

—Scott  (G.)  Lectures  on  the  rise  and  develop- 
ment of  mediaeval  architecture.  London, 
1879.     2  V.     8**.  30.1886.21 

-Smith  (T.  R.)  Architecture,  Gothic  and  re- 
naissance. London,  1880.  p.  8%  30.1887.28- 

—Street  (G.  E.)  Some  account  of  Gothic 
architecture  in  Spain.  2d  ed.  London, 
1869.     8°.  30.1885.13 

-ViOLLET-LE-DUC  (E.  E.)  On  restoration.  .  .  . 
London,  1875.     8'.  30.1885.23. 


-Barry  (C.)  Studies  and  examples  of  the 
modem  school  of  English  architecture. 
The  Travellers'  club  house.  .  .  .  Lon* 
don,  1839.     f"*  30,1898.14 

-Dean  (G.  A.)  Series  of  selected  designs  for 
country  residences.  .  .  .  Worthing,  1867. 
f*.  Art  room.  A.  5  6 

-Decker  (P.)  AusfUhrliche  anleitung  zur  civil- 
bau-kunst.     NUmberg,  [after  1716].     f*. 


-DowNiNp  (A.  J.)  Cottage  residences ;  or,  .  . . 
designs  for  rural  cottages  and  cottage 
villas.  .  .  .  New  York,  1842.     8**. 


-Gardner  (E.  C.)  Illustrated  homes :  .  .  . 
real  houses  and  real  people.  .  .  .  Boston, 
1875.     16°.  30. 1887.2s 

-Hole  (J.)  Homes  of  the  working  classes.  .  .  . 
London,  1866.     8".  24. 1523. 28 

-Holly  (H.  H.)  Modern  dwellings,  .  .  . 
with  a  treatise  on  furniture  and  decoration. 
New  York.  1878.     4\  30.1886.23 

-Leeds  (W.  H.)  Essay  on  the  present  state  of 
architectural  study.     London,  1839.     ^°« 

\In  Bany^s  Studies  and  examples]. 

-Lewis  (J.)  Original  designs  in  architecture. 
.  .  .  London,  1780.     f**.  Art  room.  B.7.1 

-Narjoux  (F.)  Notes  and  sketches  of  an  ar- 
chitect, in  northwest  Europe.  Tr.  ...  by 
J.  Peto.     Boston,  1877.     8°.     30. 1886. 3^ 

-Poole  (G.  A.)  Churches ;  their  structure, 
arrangement,  and  decoration.  New  ed. 
London,  1846.     12**.  30.1887.38 

^       [Gigerl. 

-Schumann  (F.)  Annual  report  of  the  super- 
vising architect  to  the  secretary  of  the 
treasury  for  .  .  .  1875.  Washington, 
1875.     8\  30.1886.39 

(By  countries)'.    France. 

-Calliat  (V.)  Parall^le  des  Paris 
construites  depuis  1830  jusqu'i  A08  jours. 
.  .  .  Li^ge,  185 1.     f%  30.1898.4 





— Petit  (J.  L.)  Architectural  studies  in  France. 
London,  1854.  1.  8°.  Art  room.  A4.20 
St*,  also^  Ntmes,  Paris,  Rouen. 


— Lt^BKE  (W.)  Ecclesiastical  art  in  Germany 
during  the  middle  ages.  From  the  Ger- 
man by  L.  A.  Wheatley.  Edinburgh, 
1870.     8*.  Art  room.  A.  3. 11 

— Whewell  (W.)  Architectural  notes  on  Ger- 
man churches.  3d  ed.  Cambridge,  1842. 
8^  30.1886.36 

See^  mho,  Brandenburg,  Westphalia. 

Great  Britain, 
—Billings  (R.  W.)    Ecclesiastical  and  baronial 

antiquities  of  Scotland.      London,   1854. 

4  V.     4".  Art  room.  C.4.5 

— Bowles  (J.)    Prospects  of  all  the  cathedrals 

and  collegiate  churches  of  England  and 

Wales,  neatly  engraved.  London,  [1736  ?]. 

4^  5.247.3 

— MiLNER  (J.)  Treatise  on  the  ecclesiastical 
architecture  of  England.  .  .  .  3d  ed. 
London,  1835.     8".  30. 1886.10 


—Paine  (J.)  Plans,  elevations,  and  sections 
of  noblemen  and  gentlemen's  houses, 
bridges,  temples,  and  other  garden  build- 
ings.    2d  ed.     London,  1783.    2  v.     f. 

30. 1898. 1 

— Storer  (J.)  History  and  antiquities  of  the 
cathedral  churches  of  Great  Britain.  Il- 
lustrated.    London,  18 14-19.    4  v.    8*. 

Art  room.  A.  2. 15 
Stt,  also,  Cambridge,  Edinburgh,  London,  Oxford. 

Hindostan,  etc. 
— Fergusson  (J.)   History  of  Indian  and  eastern 

architecture.  London.  1876.  8".  30. 1885. 15 
— Ram  RAz.     Essay  on  the  architecture  of  the 

Hindds.    London,  1834.    4**.     30. 1898.20 


— Famin  (A.)  and  Grandjean  (A.)  Architecture 

toscane.  Paris,  1806.  f.  Art  room.  B.7.5 

— Knight  (H.  G.)    Ecclesiastical  architecture  of 

Italy.  .  .  .  London,  1842-44.     2  v.     1.  f**. 

Cabinet  2.2.1 

— RusKiN  (J.)     The  stones   of  Venice.      New 

York,  i860.     3  V.     8".  30.1885.20 

— Sanmicheli  (M.)     Le  fabbriche    .    .    .    civili, 

'  ecclesiastici,  e  militari.    Torino,  1862.    f. 

Art  room.  A.  7. 7 

See,   also.    Art,    Beauty,    Buildings,    Cathedrals, 

Decoration,  Bng^neerinsf,  Glass,  Roofs,  Theatres, 


Also,  Alhambra,  Athens,  Egypt,  Florence,  Greece, 
Italy,  Rome,  Sicily,  Spain,  Venice. 

Arctic  reg^ions. 

— Allison  (T.)  Account  of  a  voyage  from 
Archangel,  in  Russia,  in  the  year  1697. 
pp.  491-521.  V.  I  of  2.45.5 

— AsHER  (G.  M.)  Henry  Hudson :  the  docu- 
ments in  which  his  career  is  recorded ; 
with  an  introduction.     London,  i860.     8°. 

2.51. 10 

— Babinet  (J.)    The  northern  seas.  28.3733 

[Smithsonian  report,  1869,  pp.  186-196]. 

—  Back  (G.)  Arctic  land  expedition  along  the 
shores  of  the  arctic  ocean,  1833-35. 
Philadelphia,  1836.     8°.  3. 103. 11 

— Barrington  (D.)  Possibility  of  approaching 
the  north  pole  asserted.  New  ed.  With 
an  appendix  .  .  .  by  [M.]  Beaufoy.  New 
York,  i8i8.     8**.  2.33.22 


— Beechey  (F.  W.)  Voyage  of  discovery  to- 
wards the  north  pole,  in  1818.  London, 
1843.     8\  2.33-8 

—Belcher  (E.)  Last  of  the  arctic  voyages  ; 
being  a  narrative  of  the  expedition  .  .  . 
in  search  of  Sir  John  Franklin,  .  .  .  1852- 
54.  .  .  .  London,  1855.  2  v.  8*.     3.103.3 

— Bellot  (J.  R.)  Journal  d'un  voyage  aux  mers 
polaires  k  la  recherche  de  Sir  John  Frank- 
lin, 1851-52.     Paris,  1854.     8  .     3. 103. 15 

— Bessels  (E.)  Die  amerikanische  nordpol- 
expedition,  [von  C.  F.  Hall,  1871-73]. 
Leipzig,  1879.     8*.  3- 103. 5 

—Davis  (C.  H.)  Narrative  of  the  north  polar 
expedition,  ship  Polaris,  captain  C.  F. 
Hall,  .  .  .  [1871-73].    Washington,  1876, 

4°.  3- 103. 1 

— Engel  (S.)  M^moires  et  observations  g6o- 
graphiques  sur  .  .  .  les  pays  sepien- 
trionaux  de  I'Asie  et  de  TAm^rique. 
[An<m,]     Lausanne,  1765.     4'.        2.33.2 

— FoRSTER  (J.  R.)  Geschichte  der  entdeckungen 
und  schififahrten  im  norden.  Frankfurt 
an  der  Oder,  1784.     8**.  2.32.4 

-tFranklin  (Sir  J.)  Narrative  of  a  second  ex- 
pedition to  the  shores  of  the  polar  sea, 
1825-27.   Philadelphia,  1S28.    8^     3.101.4 

— Great  Britain.  Further  papers  relative  to 
the  arctic  expedition  in  search  of  Sir 
John  Franklin.  London,  1855.  f"*.  3.107.3 

— Hall  (C.  F.)  Arctic  researches :  the  narra- 
tive of  an  expedition  in  search  of  Sir  John 
Franklin,  1860-62.    New  York,  1865.    8^ 


—Hayes  (L  L)  Arctic  boat  journey,  in  the 
autumn  of  1854.  New  ed.  Boston,  1868. 
12*.  3.101.15 

Observations    upon     the    practicability    of 

reaching  the  north  pole.  28. 1765.  i 

[American  Association.  Proceedings,  v.  s,  pp. 

^The  open  polar  sea  :  a  narrative  of  a  voyage 

in  the  schooner  **  United  States,"  [1860- 
61].     New  York,  1867.     8%  2.33.7 

— Historical  (An)  and  descriptive  account  of 
Iceland.  Greenland,  and  the  Faroe  Islands. 
[Anon.]  New  York,  1841.   18".  32.2011. 11 

— Howgate  (H.  W.)  Polar  colonization.  Wash- 
ington, [1878].  143  pp.  8%     3.158.  Box  I 

—Hyde (A.),  Baldwin  (A.  C),  and  GageC^.  L.) 
The  frozen  zone  and  its  explorers.  Hart- 
ford, 1876.    8^  2.33.13 

— Kane  (E.  K.)  Grinnell  expedition  in  search 
of  Sir  John  Franklin,  [1850-51].  New 
York,  1854.     8\  2.33.10 

Thesame.  Newed.  Boston, 1857.  8^  3.103.9 

Second  Grinnell  expedition,  1853-55.     P^il- 

adelphia,  1856.     2  v.     8\  3. 103. 12 

— Koldewey  (C.)  Die  zweite  deutsche  nord- 
polarfahrt  in  1869  und  1870.  Leipzig, 
1873-74.     2  V.  in  4.     8".  3-I03-4 

^The    same.      German  arctic  expedition   of 

1869-70.  Tr.  and  abridged  by  L.  Mercier. 
Ed.  by  H.  W.  Bates.    London,  1874.    8'. 






— Lesub  (A.)  Arctk  voyages  of  Adolf  Erik 
NordenskiOld,  1658-79.  Londoo,  1879.  8°. 


— ^Lesuk  (J.)  and  ethers.  Narrative  of  discovery 
and  aidventure  in  the  polar  seas  and  re- 
gions. New  York,  1844.   i^""*    32.2010.10 

—Lyon  (G.  F.)  Brief  narrative  of  an  unsuccess- 
ful attempt  to  reach  Repulse  Bay  in  1824. 
London,  1825.     8'.  *  3. 103. 14 

Private  journal,  during  the  recent  voyage  of 

discovery  under  Parry,  [1821-23].     Lon- 
don, 1824.     8*.  3.101.6 

— M*Clintock<5i>F.  L.)  Voyage  of  the  '*  Fox." 
...  A  narrative  of  the  discovery  of  the 
fate  of  Sir  John  Franklin,  .  .  .  [1857-59]. 
Boston,  i860.     12**.  3.101.11 

— M'DouGALL  (G.  F.)  Eventful  voyage  of  ship 
*•  Resolute  "  in  search  of  Sir  John  Frank- 
lin, .  .  .  [1852-54].     London,  1857.     8''. 


<— Markham  (C.  R.)  The  threshold  of  the  un- 
known region^  3d  ed.  London,  1875. 
p.  8^  2.33.18 

— Narks  (G.  S.)  Narrative  of  a  voyage  to  the 
polar  sea  during  1875-6,  in  the  ships 
•*  Alert "  and  **  Discovery."  With  notes 
on  the  natural  history;  ed.  by  H.  W.  Feil- 
den.  4th ed.  London,i878.  2  v.  8**.  2.33.12 

— North  Georgia  g^ette  and  winter  chronicle. 
[Nov.  I,  1819-Mar.  20,  1820.  Ed.  by 
Capt.  E.  Sabine  of  the  **  Hecla"].  Lon- 
don, 1821.     4\  3. 106. 10 

— NouRSE  (J.  E.)  Narrative  of  the  second  arctic 
expedition  made  by  C.  F.  Hall,  .  .  . 
1864-69.    Washington,  1879.    4**-    3.103.2 

— Osborn  (S.)     Stray  leaves    from    an    arctic 
journal ;  or,  eighteen  months    ...    in 
search  off  Sir  John  Franklin,  .  .  .  1850-51 
New  York,  1852.     I2*.  3.101.16 

— Pag^  (P.  M.  Voyages  towards  the  south 
pole,  in  1 773  and  1774.   In  v.  12  of  2. 2030.  i 

Voyage  towards  the  north  pole,  in  1776. 

/«  V.  12  of  2.2030.1 

— Parry  (W.  E.)  Narrative  of  an  attempt  to 
reach  the  north  pole  in  boats,  in  the  year 
1827.     London,  1828.     4"".  2.45.4 

— Payer  (J.)  Die  5sterreich-ungarische  nord- 
pol-expedition,  1872-74,  nebst  einer 
skizze  dernordpol -expedition  1869-70,  und 
der  polar-expedition  von  1871.  Wien, 
1876.     8".  3.103.6 

The  same.     New  lands  within   the  arctic 

circle.  Narrative  of  the  discoveries  of  the 
Austrian  ship  **Tegeithoflf,"  1872-74.  .  .  . 
From  the  German.    New  York,  1877.    8*. 

2. 33. 1 1 

— Phipps  (C.  J.)  Voyage  towards  the  north  pole 
in  1773.     pp.  538-594.  V.  I  of  2.45.5 

— Richardson  (J.)  Arctic  searching  expedition: 
a  journal  of  a  boat-voyage  ...  in  search 
of  Sir  John  Franklin,  [1848-50].  New 
York,  1852.     I2^  3.101.12 

— RoBKSON  (G.  M.)  and  others.  Expedition  toward 
the  north  pole,  [1871].  Instructions  to 
captain  Hall.  28.3733 

[Smithsonian  report,  1871,  pp.  361-387]. 

—Sargent  (E.)  Arctic  adventure  ,  .  .  from 
the  earliest  date  to  the  last  expeditions. 
.  .  .  Boston,  1857.     12*.  3.101.13 

— ScHOTT  (C.  A.)  Physical  observations  in  the 
arctic  seas  .  .  .  during  i860  and  1861. 
Washington,  1867.     4".  28.3738 

[Smithsonian  contributions,  v.  25]. 

— Veer,  er  Vera  (G.  de).  Diarium  nauticum  ; 
seu,  vera  descriptio  trium  navigationum 
.  .  .  factarum  a  hollandicis  navibus,  ad 
septentrionem,  .  .  .  [1594-97].  Amstel- 
redami,  1598.     f*.  1 1. 708.0 

[Bound  with  Lodewijk's  Prima  pars  descriptions 
itineris  ...  in  Indiam]. 

^The  same.      A  true  description   of    three 

voyages  .  .  .  towards  Cathay,  .  .  .  1594- 
96.  Tr.  by  W.  Phillip.  Ed.  by  C.  T. 
Beke.     London,  1853.    8".  2.51.3 

— Wheildon  (W.  W.)  Remarks  on  the  supposed 
open  sea  in  the  arctic  regions,  pp.  166- 
174.  V.  14  of  28. 1765.  z 

.S^/,  a/r<7,  British  America,  Greenland,  Labrador, 
Siberi^  Spiubergen. 

Alsoy  Hudson's  Bay,  Northwestern  coast  of  the 
United  States,  Northwest  passage.  Whale-fishery. 

Argall  (Samuel),     b.  1572.     d.  1639. 

— FoLSOM  (G.)  Expedition  of  captain  Samuel 
Argall  ...  to  the  French  settlements  in 
Acadia,  and  to  Manhattan  Island,  A.D. 
1613.    pp.  332-349.  V.  I  of  4.186.2 

Argentine  republic,  {Buenos  Ayres^  La  Plata, 

— King  (J.  A.)  Twenty-four  years  in  the  Argen 
tine  republic,  [1817-41].  New  York,  1846 
I2^  3. 132. 10 

— Napp  (R.)  and  others.  The  Argentine  republic. 
Written  for  the  commission  on  the  exhibi- 
tion at  Philadelphia.    Buenos  Aires,  1876. 

8^  3.136.7 

—Page  (T.  J.)  La  Plata,  the  Argentine  con- 
federation,  and  Paragruay.  .  .  .  Narrative 
of  .  .  .  exploration,  .  .  .  1853-54-55-56. 
New  York,  1859.     1.  8°.  3- 133. 14 

— Seymour  (R.  A.)    Pioneering  in  the  pampas : 

four  years  in  La  Plata.      London,  1869. 

12*.  3.135-3 

See^  also^  Parana. 


— Gell  {Sir  W.)    The  itinerary  of  Greece,  .  .  . 

Argolis.     London,  1810.     4*.        14.857.3 
Argyle  (John),  duke  of.     See  Campbell  (J.) 
Arianism  in  Spain. 
— Helfferich   (A.)     Der  westgothische   arian- 

ismus,  und  die  spanische  ketzer-geschichte. 

Berlin,  i860.     8*.  31. 1962.8 

Arickarees,  {Indian  tribe). 
— Morgan  (L.  H.)    Stone  and  bone  implements 

of  the  Arickarees.     pp.  25-46.     29.1824.3 
Ariosto  (Lodovico).    b.  1474.     d.  1533. 
— Barotti  (G.  a.)    Vita  di  Lodovico  Ariosto. 

pp.  9-70.  V.  I  of  12.770.1 

— Fabroni  (A.)     Elogio  di   Lodovico   Ariosto. 

pp.  1-34.  V.  I  of  18. 1062.3 

—Hunt  (J.  H.  L.)     Critical  notice  of  Ariosto's 

life  and  genius,     pp.  171-193.        12.723.7 
— Montgomery  (J.)  and  others.     Ariosto.     pp. 

196-255.  V.  I  of  12.738^.12 

The  same.  12.738^.22 

Aristarchus,  of  Samothrace. 

— Lehrs  (K.)     De  Aristarchi  studiis  homericis. 

Regimontii  Prussorum,  1833.     8". 

14. 894.  z  I 





Aristophanes,    b,  b.c.  448?    d.  380? 

Tragedies^  as  a  whole, 

— Arnoldt  (R.)  Die  chorpartien  bci  Aristo- 
phanes,  scenisch  eriatttert.  Leipzig,  1873. 
8^  14.883.6 

— Brill  (W.  G.)  Specimen  inaugurale,  quo 
continentur  quaestiones  sclectae  de  co- 
moedia  aristophanea.  .  .  .  Lugduni  Bat- 
avorum,  1837.     103  pp.     8".  14.883 

— Heliodorus.  Colometriae  aristophaneae 
quantum  superest.  Una  cum  reliquis 
scholiis  in  Aristophanem  metricis.  Edidit 
C.  Thiemann.     Halis,  1869.     8^     14.883 

— Lknting  (J,)  Observationes  criticae  in  Aris- 
tophanis  comici  fabulas.  Zutphaniae, 
1839.     144  pp.     8^  X4.883 

— Mbineke  (A.)  Vindiciarum  aristophanearum 
liber.     Lipsiae,  1865.     8**.  Z4.883.2 

— ScHNEiDEWiN  (F.  G.)  De  hypothcsibus  tragoe- 
dianim  graecarum  Aristophani  byzantio 
vindicandis  commentatio.  Gottingae,  1853. 
38  pp.    4^  14.883 

— TXuBER  (H.)  De  usu  parodiae  apud  Aristo- 
phanem. Beriin,  1849.  41  pp.  4**.    14.883 

— Rehdantz  (C.)     De  parabasi  in  Aristophanis 
Achamensibus  commentatio.  Magdeburg^ 
1862.     13  pp.     4^  14.883 


— K5CHLY  (H.)  Ueber  die  vSgel  dcs  Aristo- 
phanes. ZQrich,  1857.  28  pp.  4".     14.883 

— Wieseler  (F.)  Adversaria  in  Aristophanis 
aves,  philologica  atque  archaeologica. 
Gottingae,  1843.    vi,  132  pp.    8°.     14.881 

— Rothert  (    .)      Zu  den   rittern  des  Aristo- 
phanes.    Abhandlung.  .  .  .  Cleve,  1866. 
19  pp.     4^  14.883 


— PoRSON  (R.)  Notae  in  Aristophanem.  quibus 
Plutum  comoediam  .  .  .  praemisit,  et 
collation um  appendicem  adjecit  P.  P. 
Dobree.  Cantabrigiae,  1820.  8**.    14. 883.3 

Aristoteles.    b,  b.c.  384.    d.  322. 

General  and  miscellaneous  works. 

— Alexander,  aphrodisiensis.  Quacstionum 
naturalium  et  moralium  ad  Aristotelis 
philosophiam  illustrandam  libri  iv.  Mo- 
nachii.  1842.     8**.  14.878.37 

— Baumhauer  (M.  M.  von).  Disquisitio  critica 
de  aristotelia  vi  in  Ciceronis  scnptis.  .  .  . 
Trajecti  ad  Rhenum.  1841.  8**.    13. 786. 21 

— Beck  (C.  D.)  Varietas  lectionis  libellorum 
aristotelicorum,  e  codice  lipsiensi  dili- 
gcnter  enotata.  Lipsiae,  1793.  23  pp. 
s.  4*.  14.2887 

— Bernays.  Die  dialoge  des  Aristoteles  in 
ihrcm  verhJlltniss  zu  seinem  ttbrigen 
werken.     Beriin,  1863.     1.  8**.      14.878.23 

— BlESE  (F.)  Ein  beitrag  zur  philosophic  des 
Aristoteles.     Putbus,  1838.     26  pp.     4^. 


— Blakesley  (J.  W.)  Life  of  Aristotle,  includ- 
ing a  .  .  .  discussion  of  some  questions 
of  literary  history  connected  with  his 
works.   Cambridge,  1839.    S'*     23.1414. 3 

— BoNiTZ  (H.)  Aristotelische  studicn.  Wien, 
1863-63.     4  parts  in  3.     8°.  14.2887 

— BouRNOT  (A.)  De  platonicis  Aristotelis  operi- 
bus.  Putbusii.  1853.  17  pp.  4".      14.2887 

— Brandis  (C.  a.)  Varietatii  lectionis  aristo- 
telicae  ex  commentariis  et  editionibus 
parsi.  [Berolinil,i834.  74pp.  4%  14.2887 

— Crichton  (A.)  Memoir  of  Aristotle,  pp.  17- 
"2.  v.  14  of  27.1667. 1 

— CuNZE  (T.)  Quaestionum  aristotclearum  fasc. 
I.  Helmstadii,  1841.  14  pp.  4"*.     14.2887 

— Dielitz  (  .)  Quaestiones  aristoteleae.  Ber- 
lin, 1867.     34  pp.    4*.  14.2887 

— EucKEN  (R.)  Ueber  den  sprachgebrauch  des 
Aristoteles:  die  praepositionen.  Berlin, 
1868.     75  pp.     r,  14.2887 

— Geier  (R.)  Alexander  und  Aristoteles  in 
ihren  gegenseitigen  beziehungen.  Halle, 
1856.     8'\  14. 884.5 

The  same.  14. 878.26 

— Gennadius  (G.  S.)  Contre  les  doutes  de  Plfe- 
thon  sur  Aristote.  Corrig6  et  public  .  .  . 
par  Minolde  Mynas.  Livre  i.  Paris, 
1858.     %\  X4.2887 

— Goettling  (C.)  Commcntariolum  de  veneno 
Stygis,  quod  Aristoteles  fertur  misisse 
Alexandro.  Jenae.  1859.  6  pp.  4**.  14.2887 

— Grote  (G.)  Aristotle.  [Life  and  philosophy]. 
Edited  by  A.  Bain  .  .  .  and  G.  C.  Rob- 
ertson. London,  1872.  2  v.  8°.    23.1414. 8 

The  same.     2d  ed.     London,  1880.     8*. 

23.1414. 8 

— HuLLEMAN  (J.  G.)  Bedenkingen  tegen  de  ech- 
theid  van  den  zoogenaamden  nsiiAOZ 
van  Aristoteles.  Amsterdam,  1858.  25 
pp.     4'-  14.2887 

— JouRDAiN  (A.-L.-M.-M.-B.)  Rccherches  cri- 
tiques sur  y^i%!t  et  I'origine  dcs  traductions 
latines  d*Aristote,  et  sur  des  commentaires 
grecs  ou  arabes  employes  par  les  docteurs 
scholastiques.  Paris,  1819.  16**.     16.992.9 

— Kern  (F.)  Kritische  bemerkungen  zum  drit- 
ten  theil  dcr  pseudo-aristotelischen  schrift 
Uipi  A^yogxirovi,  icepi  Zvrooroi, 
Ttepi  Fopyiov.  Oldenburg,  1869.  27 
pp.     4*.  14.2887 

— Laas(  .)  Aristotelische  textes-studien.  Ber- 
lin, 1863.     52  pp.     4^  14.2887 

— Lewes  (G.  H.)  Aristotle :  .  .  .  includmg  an 
analysis  of  Aristotle's  scientific  writings. 
London,  1864.     8**.  23.T414.9 

— Mazzoni  (G.)  Comparatio  Platonis  et  Aristo- 
telis.   V.  I.    Venetiis,  1597.    V,     14. 878. 8 

— NoETEL  (R.)  Quaestionum  aristotclearum 
specimen.     Berolini,  1862.     67  pp.     4". 


— NuNNEZ  (P.  J.)  Vita  Aristotelis  per  Ammon- 
ium seu  Philoponum.  Lugduni  Batavor- 
um,  1621.     16°.  z4.2882.30 

— Pappenheim  (E.)  Disputationes  aristoteleae. 
Berlin,  1864.     23  pp.     4*^.  14. 2886 

The  same.  14.2887 

Emendationes  aristoteleae.     Weimar,  1861. 

14  pp.     4".  14.2887 

— Rapin  (R.)  La  comparaison  de  Platon  et 
d'Aristote.     pp.  268-432.  2Z.  1310.22 

— Rassow  (H.)  Observationes  criticae  in  Ans 
totelem.     Berolini,  1858.     32  pp.     4*. 






-Rose  (V.)  De  Aristotelis  librorum  ordine  et 
auctoritate  commentatio.  Berolini,  1854. 
8*.  14.878.34 

— Aristoteles  pseudepigraphus.  Lipsiae,  1863. 
8'.  14.884.3 

-ScHOTT  (A.)  Vitae  comparatae  Aristotelis  ac 
Demosthenis.  Augustae  Vindelicorum, 
1603.     4**.  14.2882.28 

-Spengel  (L.)  Ueber  die  reihenfolge  der  na- 
turwissenschaftlichen  schriften  des  Aris- 
toteles.    [Manchen],  1848.     27  pp.     4'. 


-Stahr  (A.  W.  T.)  Aristotelia.  [Lebcn  und 
schriften].     Halle,  1830-32.     2  v.     8". 


— Aristoteles  bei  den  Roemem.  Leipzig,  1834. 
S\  14. 878. 36 

-Steinhart  (C.)  Symbolae  criticae  in  Aristo- 
telis  de  anima  libros.     8  pp.  4''.      14.2887 

-Tataret  (P.)  Clarissima  totius  philosophie 
oecnon  metaphysice  Aristotelis  ezpositio. 
Lugduni,  i49iB.     s.  4°.  ZA. 2886. 38 

-Themistius.  Paraphrases  Aristotelis  libromm 
quae  supersunt.  Edidit  L.  SpengeL  Lip- 
siae,  1866.     2  V.     16*.  24.013. 22 

-Thurot(C.)  Etudes  sur  Aristote  politique, 
dialectique,  rh^torique.     Paris,  i860.     8". 

14. 884.7 

-Wallace  (E.)  Outlines  of  the  philosophy  of 
Aristotle.     2d  ed.     Oxford,  1880.    8"*. 


-Lefmann  (S.)    De  Aristotelis  in  hominum  ed- 
ucatione  principiis.     Berolini,  1864.     8°. 

14. 878. 24 

-SCHULZE  (F.  G.)    Die  erziehungstheorie  des 

Aristoteles.  Naumburg  a  S.,  1844.  20  pp. 

4*.  14.878.24 


-Alexander,  aphrodisiensis.  In  sophisticos 
Aristotelis  elenchos  commentaria.  [Veni- 
tiis.  aedibus  Aldi,  1520].     f^      z4.878.14 

— In  priora  resolutoria  Aristotelis  stagiritae 
explanatio.  Venitiis,  1543.  V.  Z4.878.1 
\B&und  with  Toaones  Philopoous.  In  librot  .  .  . 
Aristotelis.    venitiis,  1547.    f*]. 

-BoETHius  (A.  M.  S.)  In  Aristotelis  libros  de 
praedicamentis,  de  interpretatione,  etc. 
commentaria.     Venetiis,  1580.     f**. 


-Brandis  (C.  a.)  Ueber  die  reihenfolge  der 
bUcher  des  aristotelischen  organons  und 
ihre  griechischen  auslegcr;  nebst  beitr^ 
gen  zur  geschichte  des  textes  jener  bUcher 
des  Aristoteles,  und  ihrer  ausgaben.  pp. 
24^-299.  Z4.2887 

-Dexippus.  EU^  roii  Apt6roTeXov<i 
xartfyopiai  dieopiat  xai  Xv6eti. 
Graece  edidit  L.  Spengel.  Monachii, 
1859.    4*.  Z4.2887 

-Eustratius.  In  posteriora  resolutoria  Aris- 
totelis commentarium.  Venetiis,  1534.    f*. 

[In  Manuzio  (P.)  Joannes  grammattctu^  etc.] 

-F&ANCKE  (F.  J.  C.)  De  sensu  proprio  quo 
Aristoteles  usus  est  iis  argumentandi 
modis,  qui  recedunt  ab  ejus  perfecta 
syllogismi  forma.  Rostocbii,  1824.  22  pp. 

t.  4^  Z4.2887 

-Imelmann  (  .)  Zur  aristotelischen  topik. 
Berlin,  1870.     17  pp.     4".  ZA.2887 

-Joannes  Philoponus.  In  libros  pnorum 
resolutionum  Aristotelis  commentaria 
et  annotationes.    Venetiis,  1547.     V, 

14.878. 1 

In  posteriora  resolutoria  Aristotelis  com- 
mentaria. n^enetiis,  1504].  f*.    14.878. 15 

-Krug  (W.  T.)  De  libri  aristotelici  Kar- 
Tfyopiat  inscripti  sinceritate.  Lipsiae, 
1809.     14  pp.     4^  Z4.2887 

Observationum  criticarum  et  exegeticarum 

in  Aristotelis  librum  de  categoriis  pars 
I.  De  libri  sinceritate.  Lipsiae,  1809. 
14  pp.     4*".  14.2887 

-Mang  (A.)  ErlSuterungen  zum  ersten  buche 
der  aristotelischen  topik.  Neuburg,  1854. 
16  pp.     4^  Z4.2887 

—Manuzio  (P.)  Joannis  grammatici  [et  aliorum] 
in  posteriora  resolutoria  Aristotelis,  com- 
mentarius.    Venetiis,  1534.    V,     14.878.6 

-Prantl  (C.)  Ueber  die  entwicldung  der  aris- 
totelischen logik  aus  der  platonischen 
philosophie.    Mttnchen,  1853.    83  pp.   4^ 


-Ramus  (P.)  Animadversionum  in  organum 
Aristotelis  libri  xx.  Francofurti,  1581.  8*. 


-ScHUPPE  (W.)  Die  aristotelischen  kategorien. 
Berlin,  1871.     71  pp.     8\  14.2887 

-SiMPLicius.  In  .  .  .  [Aristotelis]  categorias 
sive  praedicamenta,  ut  vocant,  commen- 
taria .  .  .  et  ad  singulas  categorias  latina 
scholia.  ...  I.  Velsii  industria  elaborata. 
Basileae,  1551.    V,  Z4.878.2 

-ZiMARA  (M.  A.)  Contradictionum  solutiones 
in  dictis  Aristotelis  et  Averrois.  23. 1408. 5 
[V.  zz  of  Averrois.    In  Aristotelem  commentarii]. 

Metaphysical  philosophy, 

-Alexander,  aphrodisiensis.  Commentaria 
in  duodecim  Aristotelis  libros  de  prima 
philosophia,  interprete  J.  G.  Sepulveda. 
.  .  .  [Romae,  1527.     f*.J  z4.888.18 

— Quaestiones  naturales  de  anima.  Venetiis, 
1536.    r.  14.878.7 

[Bcund  with  Joannes  grammaticus.  Commentaria 
in  libros  de  anima]. 

-Bergk  (T.)  Commentatio  de  Aristotelis 
libello  de  Xenophane,  Zenone  et  Gorgia. 
Marburgi,  1843.     38  pp.     s.  4^     Z4.2887 

-BiEHL  (W.)  Ueber  den  begriff  vovi  bei  Aris- 
toteles.   Linz,  1864.    20  pp.   4".     Z4.2886 

-Bode  (H.)  Aristoteles  quid  de  Democriti  et 
Platonis  psychologiae  principiis  judicav- 
erit.  Halberstadt,  1847.  8  pp.  4**.  14.2887 

-Bonitz  (H.)  Observationes  criticae  in  Aris- 
totelis libros  metaphysicos.  Berolini, 
1842.     8^  23.1412.6 

-Brandis  (C.  A.)  Diatribe  academica  de  per- 
ditis  Aristotelis  libris  de  ideis  et  de  bono. 
Bonnae,  1823.     69  pp.     8*^.         z4.878.19 

— Scholia  graeca  in  Aristotelis  metaphysica. 
Berolini,  1837.     8**.  Z4.884.9 

— Ueber  die  aristotelische  metaphysik.  le 
haifte.  [Berlin],  1834.  24  pp.  4*.  Z4.2887 

-Brentano  (F.)  Die  psychologie  des  Aristo- 
teles, insbesondere  seine  lehre  vom  roij^ 
noiTfTiHoi,    Mainz,  1867.     8*.     Z4.884.8 





— BHUMMKHSTAEDT  (J.  C.  W.)  Ucbcr  inhalt 
und  zusammenhang  der  metaphysischen 
bUcl\er  des  Aristoteles.  Rostock,  1840. 
93  pp.     4'.  14.2887 

— CoMMENTARii  collegii  conimbricensis  in  tres 
libros  de  anima  Aristotelis.  3a  ed.  Col- 
oniae,  1600.    4*.  14.877.8 

—Denis  (F.  J.)  Rationalismc  d'Aristotc ;  r61e 
de  la  raison  dans  les  connaissances  hu- 
maines  d'aprte  Aristote.     .     .     .     Paris, 

1847.  191  pp.  8".  14.2887 
— Glaser  (J.  C.)  Die  metaphysik  des  Aristoteles 

nach  composition,    inhalt   und   methode 

dargestellt.  Beriin,  1841.  8**-.  14. 878.30 
—Joannes  Philoponus.  Commentaria  in  libros 

de  anima  Aristotelis.    Venetiis,  1535.    T. 

14. 878. 7 
*-  -In   tres  libros  de  anima  annotationes,  ex 

dissertationibus  Ammonii.  Venetiis,  1581. 

r.  X4.2888.5 

^MichaeLis  (C.  G.)  Zur  erkl&ning  von  Aristot. 

metaphjrs.  2.  9.  Neu  Streliu,  1866.  20  pp. 

4^  14.2887 

— Palacio  (M.  de).  In  tres  libros  Aristotelis  de 
anima  commentarii.una  cum  quaestionibus 
in  locos  obscuriores  subtilissimis.  SaU 
manticae.  1557.     T.  x4.888.18 

—Schilling  (G.)  Aristotelis  de  continuo  doc- 
trina.  Dissertatio  inauguralis.  Gissae, 
1840.     31  pp.    4^  14.2887 

—Schneider  (G.)  De  causa  finali  aristotelea. 
Berolini,  1865.    8^.  14. 878. 20 

— SiGNiER  DE  Saint-Brisson  (N.-M.-S.  de).  La 
philosophie  du  langage  expos6e  d'apr^s 
Aristote.     Paris,  1838.     8**.         14. 878. 29 

— SiMPLicii  commentaria  in  tres  libros  Aristo- 
telis de  anima.  Alexandri  aphrod.,  com- 
entaria  in  librum  de  sensu.  .  .  .  Michaelis 
ephesii  annotationes.    .    .    .    [Venetiis], 

1527.   r.  x4.888.18 

— Spengel  (L.)  Auszuege  aus  dem  commentar 
eines  anonymus  ueber  des  Aristoteles 
buecher  von  der  seele,  von  Leonhard 
Spengel.     Mllnchen,  1847.     20  pp.     4**. 


—Starke  (F.  G.)  Aristotelis  de  uniute  Dei 
sententia.    Neu-Ruppin,  1864.    10  pp.   4". 


— Versor  (J.)  Questiones  super  libros  de  ani- 
ma, atque  de  generatione  et  corruptione, 
cum  textu  Arestotelis.  [Colonie,  1485]. 
r.  x4.878.13 

—Wolff  (W.)  Von  dem  begriffe  des  Aristoteles. 
ilber  die  seele  und  dessen  anwendung  auf 
die  heutige  psychologie.  .  .  .  Bayreuth, 

1848.  16  pp.     4*.  X4.2887 

Moral  science, 

— Afzelius  (F.  G.)    Aristotelis  de  imputatione 

actionum  doctrina.  .  .  .  Upsaliae,   1841. 

8**.  x4.878.39 

—Alexander,  aphrodisiensis.    Quaestiones  nat- 

urales  de  anima  morali.  Venetiis,  1536.  V. 

— BONITZ  (H.)    Observationes  criticae  in  Aris- 
totelis quae  feruntur  magna  moralia  et 
ethica  eudemia.    Stettin,  1844.    42  pp.  4^ 


— Cassell  (J.)     Prooemium  in  civilis  doctrinae 

prout  ab  Aristotele  tradita  est  paraphrasin. 

Rostochii,  1818.     X,  14  pp.    4^.     14. 2887 

-Clichtoveus  (J.)  Introductio  in  decern  Hbros 
ethicorum  Aristotelis.  Parhisiis,  1506.  f**. 

[/»  a  V0i.  lettered  **  Arittotelis  opera,*'  1506]. 

-De  theophrasteorum  characterum  indole  ex 
aristotelea  ratione  repetenda  commentatio 
altera.  [AnonJ]  Friburgi  Brisgoviae. 
1825.     34  pp.    4%  X4.2887 

-EucKEN  (R.)  Ueber  die  methode  und  die 
grundlagen  der  aristotelischen  ethik.  Ber- 
lin, 1870.     33  pp.    4'.  X4.2887 

-EusTRATius  and  others,  Commentaria  in  li- 
bros decern  Aristotelis  de  moribus  ad 
Nicomachum,  una  cum  textu  suis  in  locis 
adjecto.     Venetiis,  1536.     V,      x4.888.18 

-Fritzsch  (A.  T.  H.)  Epistola  critica  de  locis 
quibusdam  ethicorum  eudemeorum.  Lip- 
siae,  1849.  25  pp.    4'.  X4.2887 

-Haecker  (F.)  Das  eintheilungs-  und  anord- 
nungs-princip  der  moralischen  tugend- 
reihe  in  der  nikomachischen  ethik.  Ber- 
lin, 1863.     29  pp.    4**.  X4.2887 

-Kalmus  (  .)  Aristotelis  de  voluptate  doc- 
trina.   Pjrritz,  1862.    26  pp.   4**.     X4.2887 

-Knappe  (  .)  Grundzttge  der  aristotelischen 
lehre  von  der  eud&monie.  .  .  .  Witten- 
berg, 1864.     16  pp.    4°.  X4.2887 

-Krug  (W.  T.)  De  Aristotele  servitutis  def en- 
sore.  Lipsiae,  1809.  15  pp.  s.  4*".  X4.2887 

-KRtGER  (S.)  Des  Aristoteles  lehre  tiber  die 
menschliche  glUckseligkeit.  Rostock, 
i860.     52  pp.     4^  14. 2887 

-Kruhl  (  .)  Einiges  ilber  des  Aristoteles 
begriff  vom  hfichsten  gut.  Breslau,  1838. 
22  pp.     s.  4**.  X4.2887 

-Luthardt  (C.  E.)  Die  ethik  des  Aristoteles 
in  ihrem  unterschied  von  der  moral  des 
christenthums.  i  Die  gtlterlehre.  Leip- 
zig, 1869.     40  pp.     4*.  X4.2887 

-Magirus  (J.)  Corona  virtutum  moralium, 
universam  Aristotelis  ethicen  enucleans. 
Francofurti,  1614.    8''.  x4.2884.6i 

-Moore  (E.)  Introduction  to  Aristotle's 
ethics,  books  i-iv.  .  .  .  With  a  continu- 
ous analysis  and  notes.  .  .  .  London,  1871. 
16''.  x4.2884.14 

-Nielander  (  .)  Erlftuterung  des  von  Aris- 
toteles in  der  nikomachischen  ethik  gege- 
bcnen  begriffes  der  tugend.  ^erford, 
1861.     14  pp.     4^  X4.2887 

-Pansch  (  .)  De  moralibus  magnis,  subditicio 
Aristotelis  libro.  Dissertatio  literaria. 
Eutin,  1841.     15  pp.     4".  14.2887 

-Rassow  (H.)  Beitrage  zur  erklftrung  und  tex- 
teskritik  der  nikomachischen  ethik  des 
Aristoteles.     Weimar,  1862.     32  pp.     4*.. 


-Schleiermacher  (F.  E.  D.)  Ueber  des  griech- 
ischen  scholien  zur  nikomachischen  ethik 
des  Aristoteles.     pp.  263-276.        14. 2887 

-Vermiglio  (P.  M.)  In  primum,  secundum,  et 
initium  tertii  libri  ethicorum  Aristotelis  ad 
Nicomachum  .  .  .  commentarius.  Tiguri, 
1563.     r.  x4.878.16 

-Wilson  (J.  C.)  Aristotelian  studies.  I.  On 
the  structure  of  the  seventh  book  of  the 
Nicomachean  ethics,  chapters  i-x.  Ox- 
ford, 1879.    81  pp.    9  pi.    8°.    14.866  Box  I 

— The  same.  x4.2884.16 





Natural  science, 
— ^Alexander,  aphrodisiensis.    In  quatuor  libros 
meteorologicoram  commentatio.  Venetiis, 

1548.  f^  14.878.3 

\B0mud  with  Joftiinet  philoponus.    In  libros  de 
generatione  et  comiptione]. 

Commentationes   in   meteorologica,   et   de 

mixtione  [Graece],    Venetiis,  1527.    f*. 

\Jn  Joannes  giammaticus.  In  librot  de  genera- 
tione,  pp.  71-14x1. 

— BoccA  Di  Ferro  (L.)  Lcctiones  in  Aristotelis 
stagiritae  libros,  auos  vocant  parva  natu- 
ralia.  .  .  .  Venetiis.  1570.     f.     X4.878.9 

— Camus  (A.  G.)  M6moire  sur  T^crit  intitule. 
.  .  .  (De  mirabilibus  auscultationibus),  im- 
primi  parmi  les  ouvrages  d*Aristote. 
pp.  195-270.  14.2887 

— Chiaramonti  (S.)  In  Aristotelem  De  iride, 
De  corona,  I>e  pareliis,  et  virgis  commen- 
taria.    Caesenae,  1654.    s.  T.     14. 878. 22 

— Comment arii  collegii  conimbricensis  in  libros 
de  generatione  et  comiptione.  2a  ed. 
Moguntiae,  1599.    4*.  x4.877.18 


The  same.     3a  ed.     Moguntiae,  161 5.     4**. 


— Hayduck  (M.)  Bemerkungen  zur  physik  des 
Aristotelis.    Greifswald,  1871.    14  pp.    4**. 

14. 2887 

— ^Joannes  Philoponus  in  libros  de  generatione 
et  interitu.  14.878.4 

^The  same.  .  .  .  Venetiis,  1549.  T.    14.878.3 

In  primos  quatuor  Aristotelis  de  natural! 

auscultatione  libros  commentaria.     Vene- 
tiis, 1535.     r.  14.878.10 

— Meyer  (J.  B.)  Aristoteles  thierkunde.  Ein 
beitrag  zur  geschichte  der  zoologie,  physi- 
ologie,  und  alten  philosophie.  Berlin, 
1855.     8*.  27.1666.4 

—Monte  (L.  de).  Copulata  super  octo  libros 
phisicorum  Arestotel'  cum  textu,  juxta 
doctrinam  Thome  de  Aquino.  [Colonie, 
1498].     r.  14. 878. 1 1 

— Phiubert  (H.)  Du  principe  de  la  vie,  suivant 
Aristote.     Paris,  1865.     8".        14.878.27 

— PiccoLOMiNi  (A.)  Parafrasi  sopra  le  meca- 
niche  d'Aristotile.  .  .  .  Roma,  1582.  s.4*'. 


— PRANTL  (C.)  Symbolae  criticae  in  Anstotelis 
physicas  auscultationes.  .  .  .  Berolini, 
1843.     8**.  Z4.884.4 

— PsELLUS  (M.  C.)  In  physicen  Aristotelis 
commentarii.  J.  B.  Camotio  .  .  .  inter- 
prete.     Venetiis,  1554.     f*.  14.888. 18 

— QUESTIONES  super  parva  naturalia  cum  textu 
Arestotelis.     [Anon,   Colonie,  1487],     T. 

14.878. 12 

— ^ScAUGER  (T.  C.)    In  libros  duos  qui  inscrib- 

untur  de  plantis,Aristotele  auctore.  Lute- 

tiae,  1556.     4°.  X4.2882.7 

— ScHOUEN  zu  Aristoteles  werk  **De  partibus 
animalium,''  [herausgegeben]  von  Dr. 
Langkavel.     Berlin,  1863.    35  pp.    4*. 


— SoNNENBERG  (L.)  Zoologisch-kritische  bemer- 
kungen zu  Aristoteles  thiergeschichte. 
Bonn,  1857.     27  pp.    4°.  14.2887 

— Spsngel  (L.)  De  Aristotelis  libro  decimo  His- 
toriae  animalium,  et  de  incerto  auctore 
libri  nepi  x66mov,  Heidelbergae,  1842. 
18  pp.    4''.  14.2887 

— SGndevall  (C.  J.)  Die  thierarten  des  Aris- 
toteles von  den  klassen  der  sftugethiere, 
v5gel,  reptilien  und  insekten.  Uebers. 
von  Schwedischen.   Stocldiolm,  1863.   8*. 


— Thiel  (H.)  De  zoologicorum  Aristotelis  li- 
brorum  ordine  ac  distributione;  imprimis 
de  librorum  Tie  pi  t^oooor  /iiopioor  primo. 
Vratislaviae,  1855.     50  pp.     4**.     X4.2887 

— ^Thomas  Aquinas.  Commentaria  ...  in 
Parva  naturalia  Aristotelis,  duplici  trala- 
tione  apposita.    Venetiis,  1551.    f*. 


— Toledo  (F.  de).  Commentaria  unit  cum  quaes- 
tionibus  in  octo  libros  Aristotelis  de  phy- 
sica  auscultatione.  Item  in  lib.  ArisL  de 
generatione  et  corruptione.  Coloniae 
Agrippinae,  1579.     s.  4^  X4. 2885. 31 

— Versor  (J.)  Questiones  super  libros  de  celo 
et  mundo,  atque  metheororum,  cum  textu 
Arestotelis.  [Colonic,  1485].  f*.  x4.878.13 

— Wiegmann  (A.  F.  A.)  Observationes  zoolo- 
gicae  criticae  in  Aristotelis  Historiam  ani- 
malium. Lipsiae,i826.  39  pp.  4**.  X4.2887 

Poetry  and  tragedy, 

— Cron  (C.  W.  J.)  Commentatio  de  loco  poeti- 
cae  aristoteleae,  quo  Euripides  poetarum 
maxime  tragicus  dicitur.  Erlangae,  1845. 
12  pp.    4*.  X4.2887 

— FoRCHHAMMER  (P.  W.)  De  Aristotelis  arte 
poetica  ex  Platone  illustranda  commenta- 
tio. Kiliae,  1847.  viii  pp.  s.  4**.      X4.2887 

— Klein  (  .)  De  partibus  formisaue  quibus 
tragoediam  constare  voluerit  Aristoteles. 
Bonn,  1855.     13  pp.     4**.  X4.2887 

— KocK  (T.)  Beschluss  der  abhandlung  iiber 
den  aristotelischen  begriff  der  katharsis  in 
der  tragSdie.  Elbing,  1853.  PP*  53-74-  4*. 


— LiEPERT  (J.)  Aristoteles  und  der  zweck  der 
kunst.  Passau,  1862.  29  pp.  4''.     14.2887 

— NiTZSCH  (G.  G.)  Disputatio  de  Aristotele 
tragoediae  suae  potissimum  aetatis  existi- 
matore.  Kiliae,  1846.  vi  pp.  4*.     X4.2887 

— RoBORTELLi  (F.)  In  librum  Aristotelis  de  arte 
poetica  explicationes.  Florentiae,  1548. 
i\  x4.888.1a 

— ScHOEMANN  (G.  F.)  Disputatio  de  Aristotelis 
censura  carminum  epicorum.  Gryphis- 
waldiae,  1853.      23  pp.    4'.  X4.2887 

— Spengel  (L.)  Ueber  die  KdBaptfti  rdov 
leaOnMCcroov,  Ein  beitrag  zur  poetik 
des  Aristoteles.  MUnchen,  1859.  50  pp. 
4*  X4.2887 

— Stahr  (A.  W.  T.)  Aristoteles  und  die  wirkung 
der  tragOdie.  Berlin,  1859.  5  1.  66  pp. 
8^  X4.2887 

— Waldaestel  (F.  a.  F.)  Commenutio  de 
tragoediarum  graecarum  membris,  ex  ver- 
bis Aristotelis  (de  arte  poetica,  cp.  xii) 
recte  constituendis.  .  .  .  Neobrandcn- 
burgi,  1837.     22  pp.     4*.  X4.2887 

Political  science, 
— Engelhardt  (F.  W.)    Loci  platonici  quorum 
Aristoteles  in  conscribendis  politicis  vide- 
tur  memor  fuisse.  Gedani,i858.  24  pp.  4**. 


— Hampke  (H.)  .  .  .  Bemerkungen  tiber  das  I 

buch  der  politik  des  Aristoteles.     Lyck, 

1863.     22  pp.     s.  4*.  X4.2887 





— Rassow  (H.)  Bemerkung^n  flber  einige 
stellen  der  politik  des  Aristoteles.  Wei- 
mar, 1864.     17  pp.     4"*.  14.2887 

— ScHUETZ  (G.  H.)  De  fundamentis  rcipublicae, 
quae  primo  politicorum  libro  ab  Aristotele 
posita  sunL  Particula  tenia.  De  quaes- 
tus  faciendi  via  ac  ratione.  Potisdamiae, 
i860.     12  pp.     4'.  XA.2887 

^Spengel  (L.)  Ueber  die  politik  des  Aristo- 
teles. [MUnchen].  1845?  49  pp.4'*.  Z4.2887 

— Strbb£  <J.  L.)  puid  inter  Lodoicum  Strebae- 
um  et  Joachimum  Perionium  non  conve- 
niat  in  politic.  Aristotelis  interpretatione. 
Pansiis,  1543.     8**.  ZA.  2882. 10 

— SusEMiHL  (F.)  De  Aristotelis  politicorum 
libris  primo  et  secundo  quaestiones  criti- 
cae.     Gryphiswaldiae,  1867.     18  pp.     4*. 


De  Aristotelis  politicorum  libris  tribus  pri- 

oribus  quaestiones  criticae.  Gryphiswal- 
diae,  1871.     17  pp.     4*.  14.2887 

—Van  Swinderen  (W.)  Dissertatio  literaria 
inauguralis  de  Aristotelis  politicorum  li- 
bris. .  .  .  Groningae,  1824.  8*".  z4.2884.23 


— RiccoBONi  (A.)  Paraphrasis  in  rhetoricam 
Aristotelis.    Londini,  1820.     8''.Z4.878.2i 

—Schmidt  (M.)  Commentatio  de  tempore  quo 
ab  Aristotele  libri  de  arte  rhetorica  con- 
scripti  et  editi  sint.  Halis  Saxonum,  1837. 
21  pp.     4**.  Z4.2887 

— Spengel  (L.)  Ueber  die  rhetorik  des  Aristo- 
teles. Muenchen,  185 1.  59  pp.  4*".  Z4.2887 

Specimen   commentariorum   in  Aristotelis 

libros  de  arte  rhetorica.  Monachii,  1839. 
iv,  40  pp.    4''.  Z4.2887 

^The  same.    Heidelbergae,  1842.    18  pp.   4''. 



—Abu  Bekr  Mohammed  Ben  El-Husein  El- 
Kirkhi,  K&fi  fil  hisftb  (Genilgendes  Uber 
arithmetik).  [Uebersetzt]  von  A.  Hoch- 
hcim.    Halle,  [1878-79].    3  Pts.    4^ 

36.1598.  Box  2 

— Anthony  (C.  H.)  Arithmetical  chart    2d  ed. 

Troy,  n.  d.  folded  T.        26.1598.  Box  i 
—^Apt^nryiriKj [Anon.]  Mera<ppa6^elda, 

MeAirp,  1832.     12'.  26.3590.12 

^Baker  (A.  H.)    Complete  arithmetic.    .    .    . 

New  York,  1878.     16".  26.1 590.1 
Elementary  arithmetic.    .    .    .    New  York, 

1878.     18**.  26.3590.24 
Primary  lessons  in  arithmetic.     New  York, 

1878.     i8'.  26.3590.23 

— BARRi^ME  (F.)    L'arithm6tique.  Nouvelle  6d. 

par  N.  BarrSme.     Rouen,  1779.     '2**. 

— Beattie  (W.  D.)    Treatise  on  arithmetic.  .  .  . 

5th  ed.  Cleveland,  1845.  12"*.    26.3590.16 
— Becker  (J.  C.)    Lehrbuch  der  arithmetik  und 

algebra.     Berlin,  1877.     2  v.  in  i.     8". 

— Bezout  (E.)     Cours  de  math^matiques  .  .  . 

le  partie.  £l6mens  d'arithm6tique.   Paris, 

1781.     8^  26.3590.9 

— Bhascara  Acharya.    Lilawati ;  or,  a  treatise 

on  arithmetic  and  geometry.     Trans,  by 

J.  Taylor.  Bombay,  1816.  4°.   z  1.2698. 18 

t/«  a  vol.  Ittttrtd  "  Tracts  E.  Indian  literature"]. 

The  same.     Arithmetic.     From  the  Sanscril 

by  H.  T.  Colebrooke.    London,  18 17.   4*, 


— BoftTHius  (A.  M.  T.  S.)  De  institutionc 
arithmetlca,  libri  duo  .  .  .  Ed.  G.Friedlein. 
Lipsiae,  1867.     16*.  23.1413. 14 

—Bourdon  (P.  L.  M.)  Elfemens  d*arithm6tique. 
loeM.     Paris,  1833.     8*.  26.1590.7 

^The  same.     I3e  fed.     Bnixelles,  Z835.     8". 


— Brahmegupta.  GanitadTiyaya,  on  arith- 
metic From  the  Sanscrit  by  H.  T.  Cole- 
brooke.    London,  1817.    4^      26.1596.3 

— Chalvet  (M.  J.)    Elfemens  d'arithmfetique,  de 

ffeometrie  et  d'alg^bre.     .     .     .     3e   6d. 
fontauban,  1787.     8**.  26.3590.6 

— Clarke  (A.  D.)  Army  and  civil  service  ex- 
amination papers  in  arithmetic.  .  .  . 
London,  1880.     16*".  26. 1590. 11 

— Crelle  (A.  L.)  Tables  de  .  .  .  multiplication 
et  division.   .   .    .   4e  6d.    .    .    .    par  C. 
Bremiker.     Berlin,  1875.    4*. 

— Davies  (C.)  Arithmetic,  designed  for  acade- 
mies and  schools.  .  .  .  Philadelphia,  1843. 
i8'.  26.3590.21 

— De  Morgan  (A.)  Arithmetic  and  algebra. 
London,  1836.    8'.  26.1590.10 

— Dintzl  (F.)  Die  elemente  der  allgemeinen 
arithmetik.     Krems,  1878.     50  pp.    8*. 

20.1598.  Box  2 

— Drieberg  (F.  von).  Die  arithmetik  der  grie- 
chen.     Leipzig,  Z819.     2  pts.  in  i  v.     8*. 


— Emerson  (F.)  North  American  arithmetic. 
Part  3d.  Boston,  1835.  12*'.  26.3590.13 

— Fleischer  (C.  R.)    Vorschule  der  arithmetik. 

Grimma,  1859.  72  pp.  8*.  26.1598.  Box  3 
— GiGON  (  .)  Complement  d'arithm^tique.  Th6- 

orie  eUmentaire  des  nombres  incommen- 

susables.  Paris,  1869.  8**    26.1598.  Box  4 
— Hamilton  (R.)    A  short  system  of  arithmetic 

and  book-keeping.    .    .    .    London,  1788. 

12'.  26.3590.19 

— Hill  (J-)    Arithmetic,  both  in  the  theory  and 

practice.  .  .  .  loth  ed.    Edinburfi^h,  1760. 

I2^  20.3590.17 

— Lacroix  (S.  F.)  Elementary  treatise  on  arith- 
metic,   .    .    .    tr.  [by  J.  Farrar].     2d  ed. 

Cambridge,  [Mass.],  1821.   8**.     26.1590.3 
— Lardner  (D.)    Treatise  on  arithmetic.    .    .    . 

London,  1834.     I6^  32.2032.13 

— Leslie  (J.)    Philosophy  of  arithmetic.    .    .    . 

Edinburgh,  1817.     8^  26.1590.5 

— Malcolm  (A.)    New  system  of  arithmetick. 

.  .  .   London,  1730.     4°.  26.3592.2 

— Manning  (T.)    Introduction  to  arithmetic  and 

algebra.     Cambridge,  [Eng.],  1796.     8*. 

— Merrifield  (C.    W.)     Technical  arithmetic 

and  mensuration.     3d  ed.     London,  1878. 

16''.  26.1590.6 

— Mohammed  Beha-Eddin  Al-AmouU,  Kbolacat 

al  hissab;  ou,  quintessence  du  calcul.      1  r. 

et  annot^  par  A.  Marre.     2e  6d.     Rome. 

1864.     8^  25.1584.11 

— Napier  (J.)  De  arte  logistica.  [Ed.  M.  Na- 
pier J.     Edinburgi,  1839.     4"*.     26.1598.14 





^-NlCOMACHUS,  ^erusenus.   Introductionis  arith- 

medcae  kbri  ii.     Recensuit   R.    Hoche. 

Accedunt  codicis  dzensis  problexnata  ar- 

ithmetlca.  Lipsiae,  1866.  I6^  14.903.8 
^OuvRiER  Deulb  (J.  C.  d*).     L'aritbm^tique 

m6thodique  et  d6montr6e.    .  ^    .    3e  4d. 

Paris,  1779.     8**.  26.3590.8 

— Perkins  (G.  R.)    Higher  arithmetic     .    .     . 

Utica,  1841.     12%  26.1590.2 

— Pbschsck  (C.)     Deutliche   erklSrung   derer 

kaitfmann-imd  oeconomischen-rechnung- 

en.  .  .  .  Budissin,  1738.  d"".  26.3593.19 
Vorhof  der  rechen-kanst.    ,    .    .    9e  aufl. 

Breslaa,  1736.    8'.  26.3593.19 


— Pike  (N.)  New  and  complete  system  of  arith- 
metic. Newbury-port,  1788.  8*".  26.3590.7 

— Plateau  (J.  A.  F.)  Sur  une  r6cr6ation  arith- 
m6tique  (deuxi^me  note).  Bruxelles,  1874. 
10  pp.     8*.  26.15^.  Box  4 

— Plotts  (C)  American  equater;  or,  arithmetic 
simplified.  .  .  .  Philadelphia,  i8d8.     12*. 


— Sandeman  (A.)  Pelicotetics;  or,  the  science  of 
quantity.  .  .  .  Cambridge,  [Eng.],  1868. 
8**.  26.1592.37 

— SCHLEGEL  (V.)  Arithmetik  nnd  combinatorik. 
WoUenbilttel,  1878.     8*.  26.1582.20 

—Sergeant  (L.)  Elementary  mathematics:  em- 
bracing arithmetic,  geometnr,  and  alge- 
bra. .  .  .  London,  1875.  16  .  26.1592.46 

— Sturm  (J- C.)  Arithmeticajavenilis.  Norim- 
beigae,  171 1.    8*. 

^Thomson  (J.  B.)  Practical  arithmetic.  25th 
ed.     New  York,  1848.     12*.     26.3590.22 

— ^Vega  (G,  von).  Vorlesungen  ilber  die  mathe- 
matik.  .  .  .  Rechenkunst  und  algebra. 
7e  aufl.  Ueberarbeitet  von  W.  Matzka. 
Wien,  1850.     8**.  26.1592.62 

— Wrigley  (A.)  Arithmetic  •  .  .  Cambridge, 
[Eng.l,  1862.    i6%  26.1590.9 

J«r,  alto.  Book-keeping,  Compatation,  Decimal 
STstem,  Exchange.  Mensuration,  Metric  system, 
Nnmben,  Proportion. 


— Db  Morgan  (A.)  Arithmetical  books  from 
the  invention  of  printing  to  the  present 
time.  .  .  .  London,  1847.  12*".  z6.992.11 
For  the  history  of  arithmetic,  stt  Mathematics 


— Hodge  (H.  C.)  Arizona  as  it  is;  or.  the  com- 
ing country.  [1874-76].  New  York,  1877. 
12  .  3.161.4 

— HtmpHREYs  (A.  A.)  Explorations  and  sur- 
veys, principally  in  Nevada  and  Arizona. 
Washington,  1872.    4*.  3. 108. 16 

— Parke  (J.  G.)  Report  of  explorations  for 
railroad  routes  from  the  Pima  villages  on 
the  Gila,  [Arizona],  to  the  Rio  Grande. 
Washington,  1857.     4*.     v.  7  of  3. 108. 13 

^Pumpelly  (R.)  Across  America  and  Asia. 
.  .  .  with  a  residence  in  Arizona.  5th 
edition.   New  York,  1871.    8*.     zz.694.17 

Arkwright  (.Sir  Richard),    b,  1732.    d.  1792. 

—Coleridge  (H.)  Sir  Richard  Arkwright. 
pp.  463-480  of  6.338^.6 

The  same.     pp.  358-385.      v.  2  of  6. 348. 11 


— Bryce  (J.)    Transcaucasia  and  Ararat;  .   .   . 

notes  of  a    .    .    .    tour  in  the  autumn  of 

1876.     London.  1877.     16°.         zz.700.12 
— Chardin  (J.)     Travels  into  Persia  and  the 

East  Indies.  .  .  .  From  Paris  to  Ispahan, 

[1671-73].     London,  1686.    V,  zz. 708.12 
— CURZON  (R.)    Armenia:  a  year  at  Erzeroom, 

[1843],  and  on  the  frontiers.     New  York, 

1854.     12^.  zz.692.24 

—Hamilton  (W.  J.)    Researches  in  Armenia, 

.  .  .  [1837].  In  V.  2  of  zz.702.10 

— Norman  (C.  B.)    Armenia,  and  the  campaign 

of  1877.    London,  [1878].    8**.     zz.691.15 
— SouTHGATE  (H.)    Narrative  of  a  tour  through 

Armenia,  etc.,  [1836].     New  York,  1840. 

2  V.     Z2^  zz.692.22 


— Agathangelus.     Histoire  du  rdgne  de  Tiri- 

date,  tr.  par  Langlois.    ...   pp.  97-2oa 

In  V.  5  of  Z4. 874.2 

— Bardbsanes.   Oeuvres  historiques.  pp.  55-95; 

traduits  par  Langlois.  .  .  . 

In  V.  5  of  Z4.874.2 

— ^HAMICH  (M.)  History  of  Armenia;  from  B.C. 

2247  to  a.d.  1780.  .  .  .  Translated  .  .  . 

Sand  continued  to  1824]  by  Johannes  Av- 
lall.  Calcutta,  1827.  2  v.  8*".  zz. 692.9 
— EusAEUS.  History  of  Vartan,  [428-452]; .  . . 
an  account  of  the  religious  wars  between 
the  Persians  and  Armenians.  Tr.  from 
the  Armenian  by  C.  F.  Neumann.  Lon- 
don, 1830.    4"*.  ZZ.2688 

— HiSToiRB  ancienne  de  TArm^nie,  traduite 
du  Chald6en  en  Grec  par  ordre  d* Alexan- 
dre le  grand,  et  conserv6e  en  partie  par 
Molse  de  Khor^ne.  Traduction  nouvelle 
en  Fran9ais,  par  Victor  Langlois.  53  pp. 
V.  5  of  Z4.874.2 

— HuBBOFF,  prince.     Genealogical  catalogue  of 

the  kings  of    Armenia,    [a.m. 2263- A.D. 

1319],  translated  by  J.  Glen.    94  pp.    8*. 

V.  2  of  zz. 2687.20 

—Langlois  (V.)  Le  tr6sor  des  chartes  d'Ar- 
m^nie;  ou,  cartulaire  de  la  chancellerie 
royale  des  Roup^niens,  avecune  introduc- 
tion historique.  Venise»  1863.  4**.zz.7o6.z 

— Sempad.  Extrait  de  la  chronique  de  Sempad, 
suivi  de  celle  de  son  continuateur,  [histoire 
de  la  dynastie  des  Roup6niens].  Traduit 
de  TArm^nien  par  Victor  Langlois.  St. 
P6tersbourg,  1862.     V.  zz.707.14 

— ^Vahram.  Chronicle  of  the  Armenian  kingdom 
in  Cilicia,  during  the  crusades.  From  the 
Armenian  by  C.  F.  Neumann.  London, 
1831.     8^  zz.2698.12 

Un  a  vol.  letttrid  **  Trans,  from  the  Chinese  and 

Language  and  literature, 
— DwiGHT  (H.  G.  O.)    Catalogue  of  all  works 
known  to  exist  in  the  Armenian  language, 
written  before  1600.     pp.  245-288. 

V.  3  of  ZZ.2703.1 

— Galani  (C.)     Grammatica  linguae  literalis  ar- 

menicae  ;  dialecticae  disputationes.    .    .    . 

Dictionarium  armeno-latinum.      Romae, 

165-.     s.  4*.  ZS.930.17 





— Patkanoff  (C.)    Recherches  sur  la  formation 
de    la    langue    arm6nienne;    traduits  du 
Russe  par  E.  Prudhomme. 
[Joumal  asiatique,  6e  air.  v.  i6]. 

— Pktermann  0*  H*)  Ueber  den  diidect  der 
Armenier  von  Tiflis.  Berlin,  1867.  87 
pp.     4'.  15.976.12 

Armor  (Defensive),  for  the  body. 

— Meyrick    (S.    R.)     Body-armour    anciently 

worn  in  England,    pp.  120-145,  209-240. 

V.  18  of  5.2286.1 

Engravings  on  a  German  suit  of  armour, 

made  for  Henry  viii.  pp.  106-113.  20  pi. 
V.  23  of  5.2296.1 

Amauld  (Ang61ique).    d,  1624.    d.  1684. 

— Martin  (F.)  Ang^llque  Amauld,  abbess  of 
Port  Royal.  London,  1873.  16**.  8.2502.9 

Amdt  (Ernst  Moritz).    d.  1769.     J.  i860. 

—  Baur  (W.)  Ernst  Moritz  Amdt  London, 
1872.     p.  8*.  pp.  77-196  of  9.515.28 

— Life  and  adventures,  [by  himself].  From 
the  German.  London,  1879.  p.  8**.  9.541.8 

Amim  (Elisabetta  Brentano  von).  ^.  1785. 
</.  1859. 

— Goethe's  correspondence  with  a  child.  [Bet- 
tine  von  Arnim].     Boston,  1859.     p.  8**. 

— Gt^DERODE.     [Correspondence  of  **  Bettine" 

von  Arnim  and  Karoline  von  GUnderode. 

Tr.  by  E.  P.  PeabodyJ.     Boston,  1842. 

I2^  39.1804.13 

[In  a  vcl.  Uttered  "  Miscellany'*]. 
^The  same.     Boston,  1861.     12*.     18.3x82.5 

Arnold  (Benedict),     b.  1741.    d,  1801. 

— Arnold  (L  N.)  Life  of  Benedict  Amold:  his 
patriotism  and  his  treason.  Chicago, 
1880.     8**.  4.202.12 

— Henry  (J.  J.)  Account  of  Arnold's  campaign 
against  Quebec,  1775.  By  one  of  the  sur- 
vivors.    Albany,  1877.     8^  3.146.28 

—Hill  (G.  C.)  Benedict  Amold.  A  biography. 
Boston,  1858.     I2^  4.202.13 

— Sparks  (J.)  Life  and  treason  of  Benedict  Ar- 
nold,    xii,  335  pp.  V.  3  of  3.138^.6 

Arnold  (Thomas),     b.  1795.    d,  1842. 

—Stanley  (A.  P.)  Life  and  correspondence  of 
Thomas  Arnold,  D.D.  New  York,  1845. 
12*.  6.340.8 

^The  same.  Boston,  i860.  2  v.  12*.  6. 341. 21 

The  same.    New  York,  1877.    8**.     6.341.20 

Amot  (William),     b,  1808.     </.  1875. 

— Autobiography,  and  memoir  by  his  daughter, 
Mrs.  A.  Fleming.  New  York,  1878.  p. 
8^  6.341.22 

Arran,  or  Aran. 

— Haverty  (M.)  The  Aran  isles;  an  ethnolog- 
ical excursion,  1857.  Dublin,  1859.  45  pp. 
8*.  6.322.10 

Arrianus.    b.  about  a.d.  100. 

— KOcHLY  (A.)  De  libris  tacticis  qui  Arriani  et 
iEliani  feruntur  dissertatio.  Turici,  185 1- 
53.     22  pp.     4*.  14.868.  Box  I. 

Ars  moriendi.  (A  block-book,  very  early  printed), 

— Zapf  (G.  W.)  Von  einer  h6chstseltenen, 
and  noch  unbekannten  ausgabe  der  Ars 
moriendi  an  E.  T.  Langer.  Augsburg, 
1806.    8^  10.991. 10 

Artacsdes.    See  Persia. 


— Leutsch  (E.  von).    Commentatfonis  de  Vio* 

larii  ab  Arsenio  compositi  particola  prima 

et  tertia.    Gottingae,  1856-59.    11,  29  pp. 

4*".  24. 868.  Box  r 

Art.     See  ArU  (Fine), 
— BsLL  (C.)    Engravings  of  the  arteries  of  the 

human  body.  3d  Am.  ed.  Colored  plates. 

Philadelphia,  1833.     8^  39.3816. 1 1 

— HoPKiNSON  (J.  P.)  Engravings  of  the  arteries. 

Philadelphia,  1833.     8"*.  39.3814.2 

— QuAiN  (J.)  tf#i^  Wilson  (W.  J.  E.)    Anatomy 

of  the  arteries.     London,   1840.     74  pp. 

34  pi.  r.  39.3818.6 
— Shakespeare  (E.  O.)    The  nature  of  repara- 

tory  inflammation  m  arteries  after  ligature, 
acupression,  and  torsion.     70  pp.     7  pi. 
V.  16  of  38.3734 
See^  also.  Pulse. 

Artevelde  (Jakob  van),    b,         .    d,  1345. 

— VoisiN  (C.  A.)  Examen  critique  des  histori- 
ens  de  Jacques  van  Artevelde.  Gand, 
1841.     8  .  10.574.10 

Arthur,  a  legendary  king  of  Britain, . 

— Arthur;  a  short  sketch  of  his  life  and  history^ 
in  English  verse  of  the  fifteenth  century. 
Edited  by  F.  J.  Furnivall.  \AnonJ]  Lon- 
don, 1864.     vii,  19  pp.  I  1.  8  .     19. 1072.2 

^PoEMA  graecum  de  rebus  gestis  regis  Arturi» 
.  .  .  aliorumque  equitum  tabulae  rotundae. 
[Anon.]  Editio  prima.  Vratislaviae,  1821. 

35  pp.  8^  i5.958/».  Box  3 
Arthur  ni..  duke  of  Britanny.  b.  1393.  d,  1456. 
— GoDEFROY  (T.)    Histoire  d'Artus  in.,  due  de 

Bretagne.     pp.  185-230.      v.  3  of  8.454.1 

— Gruel  (G.)  M6moires  d'Artus  iii.,  comte  de 
Richemont,  conn6table  de  France,  pp. 
223-442.  V.  7  of  8.452.  z 

Artillery.    See  Ordnance. 


— Brightwell  (C.  L.)  Heroes  of  the  labora- 
tory and  the  workshop.  New  ed.  Lon- 
don,  n.  d.     16'.  *  30. 1870.24 


— Brunn  (H.)  Geschichte  der  griechischen 
ktinstler.    Stuttgart,  1857-59.     2  v.    8*. 


— Bryan  (M.)  Biographical  dictionary  of  paint* 
ers  and  engravers.  .  •  .  New  ed.  by  G. 
Stanley.     London,  1849.     1.  8*.    16.996.6 

— Clement  (C.  E.)  and  Hutton  (L.)  Artists  of 
the  nineteenth  century,  and  their  works. 
.  .  .  Boston,  1879.  2v.  I2\    30.1883.21 

— Cunningham  (A.)  Lives  of  British  painters, 
sculptors,  and  architects.  2d  ed.  Lon- 
don, 1830-33.     6v.     16**.  X.1.7 

The  same.    New  York,  1834-35.    5  v.    i8\ 


—Pallet  (C.)  The  princes  of  art:  painters, 
sculptors,  and  engravers.  Trans,  by  S, 
R.  Urbino.  [Anon.]  Boston,  1870.    p.  8*. 


— Gaye  (G.)  Carteggio  inedito  d'artisti  dci  se- 
coli  XIV.,  XV.,  XVI.  .  .  .  Firenze,  1839- 
40.     3  v.     8^  30.1883.7 

— Ossorio  y  Bernard  (M.)  Galeria  biografica 
de  artistas  espafloles  del  siglo  XIX. 
Madrid,  1868-70.     2  v.  in  12  pts.     8*. 






— Ottley  (H.)  Biographical  dictionary  of  recent 
painters  and  engravers.  London,  1875. 
1.  8**.  Revolving  case.  E.5 

— Passe&i  (G.  B.)  Vite  de'  pittori,  scultori  ed 
architetti  in  Roma  morti,  dal  1641  fino  al 
1673.  laed.     Roma,  1772.  4**.    30.38942 

— SiLUG  (J.)  Catalogus  artificum,  graecorum 
et  romanorum.     Dresdae,  1827.     8°. 


^Spooner  (S.)  Biographical  dictionary  of 
painters,  engravers,  sculptors,  and  archi- 
tects.    New  York,  1853.    1.  8". 

Revolving  case.  E.6 

— Vasari  (G.)  Vite  del  pittori,  scultori  e  archi- 
tetti.    Milano,  1807-11.     16  V.  in  9.     8\ 


^The  same.    Lives  of  painters,  sculptors,  and 

architects.  Trans,  with  notes  by  J.  Foster. 
London,  1864-76.  5  v.  p.  8*.  30. 1800.4 
Set,  aisff.  Architects,  Engraven,  Musicians, 
PaiDtexB,  Sculptors. 

Arts  (Fine), 

General  works ^  nudnly  critical. 

— Allston  (W.)  Lectures  on  art.  Ed.  by  R.  H. 
Dana.  New  York,  1850.  12°.  30.1893.24 

— ^Anecdotes  of  the  fine  arts.  [Anon,]  London, 
1823.     24'.  V.  4  of  X.  17. 2 

— Ansichten  fiber  die  bildenden  kllnste  in  Tos- 
cana.     [Amm.]     Heidelberg,  1820.     16**. 


— Benjamin  (S.  G.  W.)  Contemporary  art  in 
Europe.     New  York,  1877.     8**. 

Art  room.  A.  3. 14 

— Beul£  (E.)  Causeries  sur  Tart.  2e  6d. 
Paris.  1867.     I2^  30.1880.8 

— Caylus  (A  C.  P.  de  T.)  Recueil  d*antiquit6s 
6gyptiennes,  6trusques,  grecques,  et  ro- 
maines.  .  .  .  Nouvelle  6d.  Paris,  1761- 
67.    7  V.  4.'*.  30.1883.4 

— Dallaway  (J.)  Anecdotes  of  the  arts  in  Eng- 
land ;  or,  comparative  remarks  on  archi- 
tecture, sculpture,  and  painting.  .  .  . 
London,  1800.     8^  30.1882.15 

— Dezallier  d'Argenville  (A.  N.)  Voyage 
pittoresque  de  Paris,  en  peinture,  sculp- 
ture,  et  architecture.  4e  6d.  [Anon.] 
Paris,  1765.     12'*.  30.1890.28. 

—Diderot  (D.)  Les  salons  [de  175^81]. 
Paris,  1876.  3  V.  8**.     v.  10-12  of  8.493.4 

Pens^es  d6tach6es  sur  la  peinture,  la  sculp- 
ture, Tarchitecture,  etc.     pp.  75-134- 

V.  12  of  8.493.4 

—Duchesne  (J.  B.)  and  Reveil  {  .)  Mus6e  de 
peinture  et  de  sculpture,  avec  des  notices 
descriptives,  [French  and  English].  Paris, 
1829-34.     16.  V.     i6**.     Art  room.  A.  i.i 

— Eastlake  (C.  L.)  Contributions  to  the  lit- 
erature of  the  fine  arts.  2d  ed.  London, 
1870.     8*.  30.1882.10 

—  -The  same.  2d  series.  With  a  memoir  by 
lady  Eastlake.     London,  1870.     8**. 


— FosBROOKE  (T.  D.)  Treatise  on  the  arts,  man- 
ufactures, manners,  and  institutions  of  the 
Greeks  and  Romans.  [Anon,]  London, 
1833-35.     2v.     16°.  30.1870.11 

-"FusRLi  (H.)  Lectures  on  art,  ancient  and 
modem.     London,  1831.  ^  2  v.     8^. 

V.  2,  3  of  6.351.42 

— Goethe  (J.  W.  von).     Fernercs  tlber  kunst. 

Stuttgart,  1868.     8^  v.  27  of  9.563.2 

^The  same.     pp.    1-270.         v.  13  of  9.550.1 

— G5ll  (H.)    Die  kiinstler  und  dichter  des  aU 

terthums.    Leipzig,  1876.    8".     14. 878^.8 
— GuizoT  (F.  P.  G.)    fitudes  sur  les  beaux-arts 

eng6n6ral.    Paris,  1852.     8°.   30. 1882.1a 

The  same.    Nouvelle  6d.  Paris,  i860.     12°. 

— Hamerton  (P.  G.)    Thoughts  about  art.  New 

ed.     Boston,  1874.     p.  8**.        30.1890.12 
— Hazlitt  (W.)  Criticisms  on  art ;  and  sketches 

of  the  picture  galleries  of  England.    .    .    . 

Ed.  by  [W.  Hazlitt,  jr.].     London,  1843. 

I6^  30. 1880.  IS 

Essays  on  the  fine  arts.     New   ed.  by  W^ 

C.  Hazlitt.     London,  1873.     p.  8'. 

—Hegel  (G.  W.  F.)    Philosophy  of  art ;  being 

the  second  part*  of  [his]  Aesthetik.     Tr. 

by  W.  M.  Bryant.     New  York,  1879.     8\ 

30. 1882.  a 
— Heine  (H.)    Kunstberichte  aus  Paris,  [1831- 

44].  Hamburg,  1868.  16*.   v  11  of  9.561.3 
— Helfferich  (A.)     Kunst  und  kunststyl.     Ber- 
lin, 1853.     8^  30.1916.  Box  I 

—Herder  (J.  G.  von).  Uebcr  Riedel's  theorie 
der  schOncn  kttnste.     pp.  391-552. 

V.  20  of  9.561.4 

— ^Jameson  (A.  M.)  Sacred  and  legendary  art. 
3d  ed.    London,  1857.    2  v.    8". 

Art  room.  B.2.11 

Legends  of  the  madonna,  as  represented  ia 

the  fine  arts.     3d  ed.     London,  1864.     8*. 
Art  room.  B.2.10 

Legends  of  the  monastic  orders,  as  repre- 
sented in  the  fine  arts.  3d  ed.  London, 
1863.     8*.  Art  room.  B.  2.9. 

^Sketches  of   art,  literature,  and  character. 

Boston,  1858.     16°.  30.1880.40- 

^The  same.    Boston,  1866.    i6*.  30.1890.23 

— Jarves  (J.  J.)  Art-hints:  Architecture,  sculp- 
ture, and  painting.  New  York,  1855.    12  • 

30. 1882.2s 

The  art  idea.     New  York,  1864.     i6\ 


Glimpse  at  the  art  of  Japan.     New  York, 

1876.     p.  8*.  30.1890.14 

— L'Heureux  (J.)  Hagioglypta;  sive,  pictura  et 
sculptura  sacrae  antiquiores.  Lutetiae 
Parisiorum,  1856.     8*.  .     30.1888.24 

— Leslie  (F.)  Report  on  the  fine  arts  j^at  the 
Paris  exposition,  1867].  Washmgton, 
1868.     8*.  V.  I  of  30.3876- 

— Lessing  (G.  E.)  Laocoon,  trans,  with  notes 
by  R.  Phillimore.     London,  1874.     8*. 


— Lfiv^UE  (C.)  Le  spiritualisme  dans  Tart. 
Paris,  1864.     i6'.  30.1880.30 

— Mansart  (E.A.)  Dialogues  sur  les  beaux- 
arts  et  la  litt6rature.  Londres,  1833. 
12^.  30. 1880. 1 

— M^RiM^E  (P.)  Etudes  sur  les  arts  au  moyen 
age.     Paris,  1875.     12*.  8.481.6 

— Meusel  (J.  G.)  Miscellaneen  artistischen  in- 
halts.  Erfurt,  1779-80.  4  pts.  in  i  v. 
8'.  30.3883.5 

— Moody  (F.  W.)  Lectures  and  lessons  on  art. 
2ded.     London,  1875.     8\       30.i8S2.i(> 





— MoRiTZ  (C.  P.)    Vorbegriffe  zu  ciner  theorie 

dcr  omamente.     Berlin,  1793.     16*. 

ja  1 880.32 
— Nichols  (G.  W.)    Art  education  applied  to 

industry.    New  York,  1^77.  8**.  sai87i.4 
— NiERiKER  (M.  A.)    Studying  art  abroad,  and 

how  to  do  it  cheaply.    Boston,  1879.    16*. 

— PiCTOR  (F.),  pseudon.    The  hand-book  of  taste; 

or.  how  to  observe  works  of  art.     3d  ed. 

London,  1845.     16°.  30.1881. 16 


— Provost  (P.)    Quelle  est  la  cause  du  plaisir 
qu'excitent  en  nous  les  beaux-arts  ? 
[M^oires  de  l^acad^ie  royale,  1785,  pp.  263-303]. 

— Quatrem^re  de  Quincy  (A.  C.)    An   essay 

on  imitation  in  the  fine  arts.     Tr.  by  J. 

C.  Kent.    London,  1837.    8**.    3a  1882. 17 

— Reynolds  (J.)    Discourses,  [with]  notes  by  J. 

Burnet.     London,  1842.    4"*. 

Art  room.     A. 4. 21 
The  same.     ist.  Am,  cd.     Hudson,  Ohio, 

1853.     I2^  30.1803.31. 

[/«  kit  Life  and  discourses  by  A.  Cunnioghiun]. 

Varieties  on  art.     Philadelphia,   181 7.     8*. 

6.365.  II 

[In  Noitlicote  (J.)    Memoin  of  Sir  J.  Reynolds}. 
— RocHETTE  (R.)     Lectures    on    ancient    art. 

[Tr.  by  H.  M.  W.]     London,  1854.     I6^ 

— RusKiN  (J-)    Art  culture  :  a  hand-book  of  art 

technicalities   and  criticisms,  selected  by 

W.  H.  Plait     New  York,  1877.     I2^ 

30. 1 88 1. 10 
Lectures  on  architecture  and  painting.    New 

York.  1856.     12**.  30.1892.14 

Lectures  on  art.  Oxford,  1870.  8".  30. 1882. 16 

Mornings  in  Florence:    simple   studies  of 

Christian  art.    [London],  J  875.     16**. 

^The  political  economy  of    art.      London, 

1857.     16'.  30.18804 

Pre-Raphaelitism.     New  York,  1872.     8". 

^Selections  from  [his]   writings,     [by  L.  C. 

Tuthill].  New  York,  1868.  I2^   30.1892.15 
The  true  and  the  beautiful  in   nature,  art, 

morals,  and  religion,   selected  by   L.  C. 

Tuthill.     3d  ed.     New  York,  1865.      I2^ 


The  same.  New  York,  1873.  12'.  30.1892.17 

The  two  paths :  being  lectures  on  art,  and 

its    application    to    manufacture.       New 

York,  1865.     I2^  30.1881.4 

— Samson  (G.  W.)    Elements  of  art  criticism. 

Philadelphia,  1867.     8\  30.1882.21 

—Sandhurst  (P.  T.)  and  Stothert  (J.)    Master- 

fieces  of    European  art.      Philadelphia. 
1879?]    f**-  Art  room.     C.4.3 

— ScHELLiNG  (F.  W.  J.  von).  Ucber  das  verhait- 
niss  der  bildenden  kilnste  zu  der  natur. 
pp.  288-329.  V.  7  of  9.555. 1 

—Scott  (W.  B.)     Half-hour  lectures  on  the  fine 
and   ornamental  arts.     2d  ed.     London, 
1867.     16°.  30.1882.29 

. The  same.     3d  ed.    New  York,  1875.     16**. 


— Seckendorf  (G.von).  Kritik  der  kunst  G6t- 

tingen,  181 2.     8^  30.1880.12 

— Seeley  (J.  R.)    Elementary  principles  in  art. 

PP-  155-181  of  21. 1315.30 

— Spence  (J.)  Polymetis:  agreement  between 
the  Roman  poets  and  the  antient  artists. 
3d  ed.     London,  1774.     ^**.  30.1888.2 

— Taine  (H.  a.)  De  I'id^al  dans  Tart.  Paris, 
1867.     i6%  30.1880.24 

^The  same.     The  ideal  in  art.     Tr.  by  J.Du- 

rand.     New  York,  1868.     16**.  30. 1880. 19 

Philosophie  de  I'art.     Paris,  1865.     16". 


^The  same.    The  philosophy  of  art    Tr.  by  J . 

•     Durand.  New York,i873.  16*.  30.i88ai8 

Philosophie  de  I'art  en  Gr^e.     Paris,  1869. 

16**.  30. 1880.2a 

The  same.  Art  in  Greece.  Tr.  by  J.  Du- 
rand.   New  York,  1871.    i6%    30.1880.20 

Philosophie  de  I'art  en  Italie.     Paris,  1866. 

16".  30.1880.23 

Philosophie    de    I'art    dans  les   Pays-Bas. 

Paris,  1869.     16*.  30.1880.25 

The   same.     Art  in  the  Netherlands.    Tr. 

by  J.  Durand.     New  York,  1871.    16". 


— TiECK  (L.)  Phantasien  tlber  die  kunst.  Ber- 
lin, 1814.     I6^  30.1880.14 

— Vasari(G.)  Le  tre  arti  del  disegno;  cxoh 
architettura,  scultura,  e  pittura.  pp.  iii- 
361.  V.  I  of  12.777.2 

— Verplanck  (G.  C.)  An  address  delivered  at 
the  opening  of  the  tenth  exhibition  of  the 
American  academy  of  the  fine  arts.  2d 
ed.     New  York,  1825.     8^  30.1882.7 

— Waagen  (G.  F.)  Kunstwerke  und  kttnstler  in 
Paris.     Berlin,  1839.     12°.  30.3882.1 

— WiNCKELMANN  (J.  J.)  Recueil  de  pi^es  sur 
les  arts.  Traduit  de  TAllemand.  Paris, 
1786.     8°.  30.1881.7 

—  -Trattato  prelim  inare;  oder,  vorl&ufige  ab- 
handlung  vor  dem  werk  :  Monumenti 
antichi  inediti.  Aus  dem  Italienischen. 
Dresden,  1817.     8%  v.  7  of  30.3883.3 

The  same.     pp.  517-585.     v.  i  of  30.1885.6 

—Wyatt  (M.D.)  Fine  art :  a  sketch  of  its  his- 
tory, theory,  practice,  and  application  to 
industry.     London,  1870.    8  .  30.1882.13 


— Catalogue  of  books  in  the  library  of  the 
royal  academy  of  arts,  London.  [Com- 
piled by  S.  A.  Hart  and  H.  R.  Tedder]. 
London,  1877.     8*.  x6.993.21 

— Dup  ixssis  (G.  G.)  Essai  d'une  bibliographie 
g^n^rale  des  beaux-arts.  Paris,  1866. 
8^  16.992. 16 

— First  proofs  of  the  universal  catalogue  of 
books  on  art.  [Ed.  by  J.  H.  Pollen,  for 
the  privy  council  committee  on  educa- 
tion]. London,  1870.  2  v.  s.  4**.  26.992.5 

— Baldinucci    (F.)    Vocabolario   toscano  dell' 

arte  del    disegno.     Milano,    1809.     2  v. 

8*.  v.  2,  3  of  12.770.5 

— Clement  (C.  E.)    Handbook  of  legendary  and 

mythologicaJ    art.     3d    ed.     New    York. 

1871.     p.  8°.  30.1891. 19 

— Elmes  (J.)  General  and  bibliographical  dic- 
tionary of  the  fine  arts.     C:>ndon,  1826. 

8^  30.1898^.13 

— Fairholt  (F.   W.)    Dictionary  of  terms  in 

art.     London,  [1854].     ^6  •      30.1887.30 
^The  same.  30. 1898^.  15 





— SuLZER  (J*  ^')  AUgemeine  thcorie  der 
schdnen  kttnste.  .  .  .  Neue  aufl.  Leip- 
zig. 1786-87.     4V.     S\  30.3883.1 

The  same.    Neue  2e  aufl.    Leipzig,  1792-94- 

4  V.     8'.  30.3883.2 

Se^  Bono,  British  Museum,  Centennial  exhibition, 
Dulwich   college,    Florence,    London,    Madrid, 
Paris,  Versailles,  Vienna. 


^Bbnjabon  (S.  G.  W.)    Art  in  America  [1800- 

1880].     New  York,  1880.     sq.  8^ 

Art  room.  B.  3.15 

^BEULi  (E.)  Histoire  de  Tart  grec  avant  P6ri- 

clte.     2e6d.  Paris,  1870.     i6\  30.1880.7 

— Brunn    (H.)     Geschichte    der    griechischen 

kOnstler.     Stuttgart,  1857-59.     2  v.     8\ 

— DiDRON  (A.   N.)  Christian  iconography  ;  or, 
the  history  of  Christian  art  in  the  middle 
ages.     Tr.  by  E.  J.  Millington.     London, 
1851.     2v.     p.  8^  30.1890.17 

— DUNLAP  (W.)  History  of  the  rise  and  pro- 
gress of  the  arts  of  design  in  the  United 
States.     New  York,  1834.     2  v.  8^ 


— FusELi  (H.)    History  of  art  in  the  schools  of 

Italy,     pp.  151-408.  V.  3.  of  6.351.42 

— Haven  (E.  C.  von).     Udsigt  over  den  gamle 

kunsthistorie.     KiObenhavn,  1791.     2  pts. 

in  I  v.     8^  30.3882.1 

— Hirt  (A.  L.)    Die  geschichte  der  bildenden 

kttnste  bei  den  alten.     Berlin,  1833.     8"*. 

—Humphreys  (H.  N.)    Ten  centuries  of  art, 
9th  to  19th  century.  London,  1852.  L  8°. 

— KoEHLER(S.  R.)  Illustrations  of  the  history  of 
art.     Boston,  1879.    5  Pts.   obi.  f*. 

Art  room.  C.6.2 
— KuGLER   (F.    T.)      Handbuch    der    kunstge- 
schichte.  2e  aufl.  von  J.  Burckhardt.  Stutt- 
gart, 1848.     8\  30.1883.13 
^The  same.     4e  aufl.  von  W.  Labke.     Stutt- 
gart. 1861.     2  V.    8^                 30.1883.10 
— LossiNG  (B.   J.)    Outline  history  of  the   fine 
arts.  .  .  .  New  York,  1840.     18*'. 


^The  same.     New  York.  1845.     i8^. 

^LDbke  (W.)    Ecclesiastical  art  in   Germany 
daring  the  middle  ages.     Tr.    from  5th 
German  ed.  by  L.  A.  Wheatley.     Edin- 
burgh, 1870.     8*.  Art  room.  A.3.11 

History  of  art.     Tr.  by  F.  E.  Bunnfttt.     3d 

ed.    London,  1874.  2  v.     1.  8°.  30.1884.3 

^The  same.     Trans,  [by    E.  L.  Burlingame] 

from  7th  German  ed.  Ed.  by  C.  Cook. 
New  York.  1878.    2  v.     8*. 

Art  room.  B.4.15 

and  Caspar    (T.)    Denkmaier    der    kunst. 

Atlas  zum  Handbuch  der  kunstgeschich- 
te,  von  F.  T.  Kugler.  Neue  aufl.  Stutt- 
gart* [1857]-  I  V.  in  2.  8**.  and  atlas, 
2  V.     obi.  f*.  Art  room.  B.7.10 

— Memes  (J.  S.)    History  of  sculpture,  painting, 
and  architecture.     Edinburgh,  1829.     24*". 

^Thesame.     Boston,  1834.    12*.    30.1883.22 

— MtLLER  (C.  O.)  Ancient  art  and  its  remains. 
Tr.  by  J.  Leitch.     London,  1847.    8*. 


^The    same.     New    ed.   by  F.  G.  Welcker. 

London,  1852.     8°.  30.1882.4 

— Pattison  (E.  F.  S.)  Renaissance  of  art  in 
France.     London,  1879.     2  v.     8". 

— Schnaase  (C.  J.  F.)    Geschichte  der  bilden- 
den kttnste  bei   den  alten.     Dttsseldorf, 
1866-1879.     8v.  in7.     8\        30. 1884. 10 
— Seroux  d'Agincourt  (J.  B.  L.  G.)    Histoire 
de  Tart  par  les  monumens,  depuis  sa  deca- 
dence au  4e  si6cle.    Paris,  1823.     4  v.   f. 
Cabinet  l.i  and  2 
— WiNCKELMANN  (J.  J.)     Geschichte  der  kunst 
des  alterthums,  herausg.  von  H.  Meyer 
und  J.  Schulze.  Dresden,  1809-15.    6  v. 
8*.  V.  1-6  of  30.3883.3 

The  same.    Stuttgart,  1847.     L  8^ 

V.  I  of  30.1885.6 

The  same.     Histoire  de  I'art  chez  les  an- 

ciens.  Trad,  par  M.  Huber.  Nouvelle 
6d.     Paris,  1789.     3  v.     8°.       30.1883.17 

^The  same.     Paris,  xi— 1803.     3  v.    4*'. 

30. 1884. 1 

The  same.     The  history  of  ancient  art.     Tr. 

by  G.  H.  Lodge.     Boston,  1849.     1.  8^ 
V.  2  of  30.1885.7 

The  same.     Boston,  1879-73.    4  v.     1.  8\ 



—American  art  review.  3  v.  Boston,  1880-82. 
4*»  Art  room. 

— American  art  union.  Transactions  and  bul- 
letins,   1847-49.      New    York,    1848-50. 

?I:     ,  30.3883.4 


—Art  journal.     London,  1849-66.     18  v.    4*. 

Art  room.  C.3.1 

—Art  journal  (The),  v.  3.  New  York.  1877. 
4*»  Art  room. 

See^  alto^  Aesthetics,  Antiquities,  Architecture, 
Caricature,  Ceramics.  Dancing^,  Decoration, 
Drawing,  Education,  Enamel,  Engraving,  Etch- 
ing, Landscape  gardening.  Music,  F^intiniir, 
Photography,  Pottery,  Pre^Raphaelitism,  Sculp- 

AUoy  Moots. 

{Industrial).     General  works, 

— AlKiN  (J.)  Arts  of  life.  [Anon."]  London, 
1802.     18°.  x.2.9 

— Art  journal:  illustrated  catalogue  [of  the  crys- 
tal palace  exhibition,  185 1].  London, 
[185 1].    4*.  30.1888.9 

—  -The  same.  Art  room.     C.3.0 

—Barnard  (F.  A.  P.)  Machinery  and  pro- 
cesses of  the  industrial  arts  [at  the  Paris 
exposition,  1867].  Washington,  1869. 
8^  V.  3  of  30.3876.1 

— Beckmann  (J.)  Anleitung  zur  technologie. 
3e  aufl.    GOttingen,  1787.     8".     30. 3887.8 

— Sevan  (G.  P.)  British  manufacturing  indus- 
tries. London,  1876.  5  v.  16°.  30.1870.31 

^The  industrial  classes  and  industrial  statis- 
tics.    London,  1876-77.     2  v.     16°. 


— Bigelow  (J.)  Elements  of  technology.  2d 
ed.     Boston,  1831.     8*.  30.3887.1 

— Birdwood  (G.)  Arts  of  India,  as  illustrated 
by  the  collection  of  H.  R.  H.,  the  prince 
of  Wales.  London,  1881.  i6\   30. 1887. 16 





-Booth  (J.  C.)  and  Morfit  (C.)  On  recent 
improvements  in  the  chemical  arts.  Wash- 
ton,  1852.     8**.  V.  2  of  28.3734 

-BouTELL  (C.)  Arts  and  artistic  manufactures 
of  Denmark.  London,i874.  4*.  30.1878.23 

-BDcHSENSCHtrz  (B.)  Die  hauptstHtten  des 
gewerbfleisses  im  klassischen  alterthume. 
Leipzig.  1869.     1.  8'.  14.878^.2 

-BuRTY  (P.)  Chefs-d*oeuvres  of  the  industrial 
arts  :  pottery,  goldsmith's  work,  and 
tapestry.  Ed.  by  W.  Chaffers.  London, 
1869.     8*.  30.1871.6 

-  -The  same.  30.1881.12 

-Hansard  (T.  C.)  and  others.  Five  black  arts,— 
uses  of  printing,  pottery,  gas-light,  glass, 
iron.    Columbus,  1 86 1,    p.  8".    30.1871. 11 

-Hermbstadt  (S.  F.)  Gemeinntttzlicher  rath- 
geber  ftir  den  bOrger  und  landmann.  .  .  . 
Berlin,  1816-17.     3  v.  in  I.     8*. 

30.1871. 18 

-Illustrated  catalogue  of  the  universal  exhi- 
bition [of  Paris,  1867].  London,  1868.  4**. 
Art  room.  C.4.2 

-Industrial  (The)  arts;  historical  sketches. 
[Anon.]  New  York,  1876.  16".  30.1871. 31 

-Jung-Stilling  (J.  H.)  Versuch  eines  lehr- 
buchs  der  fabrikwissenschaft.  Nllrn- 
berg,  1785.     S\  30.3887.7 

-KiRKBY  (T.)  and  others.  Modern  industries 
in  the  Paris  exposition,  in  1867.  Lon- 
don. 1868.     p.  8^  30.1871. 12 

-Lewis  (W.)  Commercium  philosophico-tech- 
nicum;  or,  the  philosophical  commerce  of 
arts.     London.  1763.     4^  30.3878.10 

-Potter  (A.)  Principles  of  science  applied  to 
the  domestic  and  mechanic  arts.  Bos- 
ton, 1841.     I2^  30.1870.4 

-Reports  of  artisans  selected  by  the  Society  of 
arts  to  visit  the  Paris  exhibition,  1867. 
lAnon^     London,  1867.     8".      30.3876.1 

-RiaSo  (J.  F\)  Industrial  arts  in  Spain.  New 
York,  1879.     I6^  30.1871.35 

-SiMMONDS  (P.  L.)  Waste  products  and  unde- 
veloped substances.  London,  1873.  p.  8". 


-Smith  (G.)  Laboratory;  or,  school  of  arts. 
6th  ed.  London,  1799.  2  v.  8".   30.1931-7 

-Smith  (R.  M.)  Persian  art.  New  York,  1877. 
I6^  30.1871.34 

-VoRS  (F.)  Bibelots  and  curios;  with  a  glos- 
sary of  technical  terms.  New  York,  1879. 
i6\  30.1880.39 

-Whewell  (W.)  and  others.  Lectures  on  the 
results  of  the  exhibition,  [London,  185 1]. 
London.  1852.     I2^  30.1870.21 

-Wiseman  (N.)  Lecture  on  the  identification 
of  the  artisan  and  artist.  28.3733 

[Smithsonian  report,  1870,  pp.  301-332], 

-Kerl  (B.)  Repertorium  der  technischen  liter- 
atur,    1869-78.     Leipzig,    1875-79.     6  v. 
in  3.     8\  x6.993.12 

-Dictionnaire  technologique,par  une  soci6t6  de 
savans.     [Francoeur,  et  autres].     Paris, 
1822-35.     22  V.     8"*.  and  atlas.    2  v.     4**. 

30.3916. 1 
-Prbchtl   0J-)    Technologischc    encyklopa- 
dic,  .  .  .  Stuttgart,  1830-52.     18  v.    8*. 


— RuMPF  (C.)  Mothes  (O.)  and  Unverzagt 
(W.)  Pocket-dictionary  of  technical 
terms  used  in  arts  and  manufactures. 
German-English- French.  Abridged  [from 
the  German].  New  York,  1872.  3  pts. 
in  I  V.     16°.  15.925.34 

— Tolhausen  (A.)  Technologisches  wOrter- 
buch  in  Franz Osischer,  Deutscher,  und 
Englischer  sprache,  durchgesehen  von  L. 
Tolhausen.  Leipzig,  1876-78.  3  v. 
16'.  30.1898^.14 

— Ure  (A.)  Dictionary  of  arts,  manufactures, 
and  mines,  [with]  a  supplement  of  recent 
improvements.     New  York,  1847.     8'*. 


The  same.     Supplement.     Ed.  by  R.  Hunt. 

New  York,  1868.    8".  30.i898fl.6 

A  [second]  supplement  to  the  same.  Ed.  by 

K.  Hunt.    London,  1878.    8*.    30.i898fl.6 

— -Wershoven  (F.  J.)  Vocabulaire  technioue 
fran9ais-allemand.     Leipzig,  1878.     16  . 


— Emporium  (The)  of  arts  and  sciences.  [Ed. 
by  J,  R.  Coxe].  Philadelphia,  1812.  Vol. 
I.     8*.  30.3887.6- 

— Jahn  (O.)  Aus  der  alterthumswissenschaft 
popul&re  aufs&tze.     Bonn,  1868.     8**. 


—Practical  (The)  magazine;  an  illustrated  cy- 
clopaedia of  industrial  news.  Boston, 
[1873].     2v.ini.     f*'.  30.1878.16 

S**y  aho^  Buildlnff,  Chemistry,  Decoration.  Dye- 
ing, Education,  Gas,  Glass,  India-rubber,  Inven- 
tions, Machiner^r,  Manufactures,  Mechanics, 
Painting  (mechanical).  PatenU,  Printing,  Science, 
Ship-building,  Time-pieces. 
AUo^  London  international  exhibition^  X85Z ; 
Paris  expositions,  2867,  1878 ;  Philadelphia  expo- 
sition, 1876 ;  Vienna  exposition,  1873. 

Amndelian  marbles.     See  Parian  chronicle. 
Aryan  nations.    See  Indo-European. 
Ascham  (Roger).    ^.1515.    d,  1568. 
— Coleridge  (H.)    Roger  Ascham.     [a  biogra- 

phy].  pp.  293-338  of  6.338/1.6 

The  same.     pp.  85-160.        v.  2  of  6.348.11 

Ascension  Island. 

— Gill  {Mrs,  D.)    Six  months  in  Ascension. 

London,  1878.     12**.  ZZ.654.1s 

Asconius  Pedianus  (Quintus).   b,   .  d,  a.d.  83. 
— Madvig  (J.   N.)     De  Q.  Asconii  Pediani  et 

aliorum  veterum  interpretum  in  Ciceronis 

orationes  commentariis,  disputatio  critica. 

Hauniae.1828.  150  pp.  8*.   Z3.806.  Box  2 
Ashantee  {or  Sianti)  war,  [1873]. 
— Henty   (G.  a.)    The  march  to  Coomassie. 

London,  1874.     8\  ZZ.654.4 

— Stanley  (H.  M.)    Coomassie  and  Magdala: 

the   story  of   two   British  campaigns   in 

Africa.     London,  1874.     8".         zz.654.2 
Ashbamham  (John),     b.  1603.    d,  1671. 
— AsHBURNHAM  (G.)    Vindication  of  the  char- 
acter and  conduct  of  John  Ashburnham. 

London,  1830.     8*.  5.291.2 

Ashby  (Turner),     b,  1824.     d.  1862. 
— AviSETT  (J.  B.)    Memoirs  of  Gen.  T.  Ashbv 

and  his  compeers.    Baltimore,  1867.    12  . 

Ashmole  (Elias).     b,  1617.     d,  1693. 
— Memoirs  of  [his  own]  life,  by  way  of  diary, 

published  by  C.  Burman.     London,  1774. 

8^  6.341.23 



Asia  {as  a  whole), 

— Bell  (J.)  Travels  from  St.  Petersburj^  .  .  . 
to  various  parts  of  Asia,  [1715-38].  [New 
cd.]  Edinburgh,  1788.  2  v.  8\  zz.691.23 

— BoEHME  (J.)  Fardle  of  fadons,  conteining  the 
aunciente  maners,  customes  and  lawes,  of 
.  .  .  Affricke  and  Asie.  [From  the  I^tin 
by  W.  Watreman].  pp.  273-352  of  2.48.8 

— Buchanan  (C.)  Christian  researches  in  Asia. 
5th  ed.     Boston,  18 12.     8**.         zz.2686.7 

— CoRDiER  DE  Launay  (J.  G.  R.)  Tableau 
topographique  et  politique  de  la  Sib^rie, 
de  la  Chine,  de  la  zone  moyenne  d'Asie, 
et  du  nord  de  TAm^rique.  Berlin,  1806. 
4**.  ZZ.696.14 

— Kasuffer  (J.  E.  R.)  Geschichte  von  Ost- 
Asien.     Leipzig,  1858-60.     3  v.     8"*. 

zz. 2686.4 

— Mandblslo  (J.  A.  de).  Voyages  de  Perse  aux 
Indes  Orientales.  Publiez  par  A.  Olear- 
ius.  Traduits  par  A.  de  Wicquefort, 
[1638-40].  Nouvelle  6d.  Amsterdam, 
1727.     2  v.  in  I.     V,  zz.708.z1 

— Mandeville  (J.)  Voiage  and  travaile  [1322- 
56].  .  .  .  Which  treateth  of  the  way  Co 
Hierusalem,  and  of  marvayles  of  Inde, 
with  other  i lands  and  countryes.  .  .  . 
[Ed.]  by  J.  O.  HalliweU.  London,  1839. 
8".  ZZ.704.10 

— Myers  (P.  V.  N.)  Remains  of  lost  empires  : 
sketches  of  Uie  ruins  of  Palmyra,  Nine- 
veh, Babylon,  and  Persepohs.  New 
York.  1875.     8*.  2.75.  II 

— Pallas  (P.  S.)  Voyages  dans  plusieurs  prov- 
inces de  I'empire  de  Russie,  et  dans  TAsie 
septentrionale.  Traduits  de  TAUemand 
par  C.  Gauthier  de  I-a  Peyronie,  [1768- 
74].  Nouvelle  6d.  Paris,  [i793]-  8  v. 
8*.  ZZ.6785.11 

^Thesame.     Atlas.   T.  zz. 688.1 

— Polo  (M.)  II  milione:  [viaggi,  1271-95].  .  .  . 
Pnbblicato  da  .  .  .  G.  B.  Baldelli  Boni. 
Firenze,  1827.    4  v.    4''.  zz.697.16 

The  same.    Travels.     .    .    .     Trans.,  with 

notes,  by  W.  Marsden.  London,  1818.  4*. 


The  same.  The  book  of  Ser  M.  Polo  con- 
cerning the  kingdoms  and  marvels  of  the 
East.  Trans.  .  .  .  with  notes  ...  by 
H.  Yule.   2d  ed.   London,  1875.   2  v.   8  . 

ZZ. 696.19 

— Prichard  (J.  C.)   Researches  into  the  historv 

of  the  Asiatic  nations.  London,  1844.    8  . 

V.  4  of27.i675.i 

— Pumpelly  (R.)  Across  America  and  Asia, 
.  .  .  [1860-65].  5th  ed.  New  York,  1871. 
12'.  zz.694.17 

— Renneu.  (J.)  Treatise  on  the  comparative 
geography  of  western  Asia.  .  .  .  London, 
1831.     2V.     8*.  ZZ.641.1 

— Ritter  (C.)  Die  erdkunde  von  Asien.  Berlin. 
1832-59.     9  V.  in  18.     8".  2.40.1 

—Taylor  (B.)  Visit  to  India,  China,  and  Japan, 
in  .  .  .  1853.  i6th  ed.  New  York,  i860. 
I2^  Zl. 690.7 


— UssHER  (J.)  Journal  from  London  to  Perse- 
polis.  .  .  .  Wanderings  in  Daghestan, 
Georgia,  Armenia,  Kurdistan,  Mesopo- 
tamia, and  Persia,  [about  1861--64].  Lon- 
don, 1865.     L  8*.  zz.693.4 


— Heeren  (A.  H.  L.)  Historical  researches  into 
the  politics,  intercourse,  and  trade  of  the 
.  .  .  nations  of  antiquity.  From  the 
German.  Asiatic  nations.  Oxford,  1833. 
3v.     8**.  zz.682.5 

— ^Jones  {Sir  W.)  and  others.  Dissertations  re- 
lating to  the  history  and  antiquities  of 
Asia,     London,  1792-96.     3  v.     8". 

ZZ. 678^1.4 

— Schmidt  (I.  J.)  Forschungen  im  gebiete  dcr 
iUteren  .  .  .  bildungsgeschichte  der  vOl- 
ker  mittel-Asiens.  ...  St.  Petersburg, 
1824.     8*.  ZZ.2702.1 

[B0umd  with  Graffs  Geschichte  des  OrienUtJ. 

Physical  geography, 

— HlTMBOLDT  (F.   H.  A.  von).     Asie  centrale. 

Recherches  sur  les  chaines  de  montagnes, 

et  la  dimatologie  compar^e.    Paris,  1&43. 

3  v.    8%  zz.695.2 


—Atkinson  (T.  W.)  Oriental  and  western 
Siberia:  .  .  .  adventures  in  Siberia,  Mon- 
golia, and  central  Asia,  [1848-56J.  Lon- 
don, 1858.    1.  8^  ZZ.693.1 

—  -Travels  in  the  regions  of  the  upper  and 
lower  Amoor,  and  ...  on  the  confines  of 
India  and  China,  .  .  .  [1848-56].  2ded. 
London,  1861.     1.  V,  zz.693.3 

—Baker  (V.)  Clouds  in  the  east:  travels  and 
adventures  on  the  Perso-Turkoman  fron- 
tier,  [1873].   London,  1876.  8*.  zz.703.15 

— Beal  (S.)  Travels  of  Fah-Hian  and  Sung-Yun. 
Buddhist  pilgrims  (400  a.d.  and  518  a.d) 
from  China  to  India.  From  the  Chinese. 
London,  1869.     16''.  zz.694.28 

— Rosenm&ller  (E.  F.  C.)  Biblical  geography 
of  central  Asia.  .  .  .  From  the  German 
by  E.  Morren.  Edinburgh,  1836-37.  2  v. 
16*.  zi. 700.31 

— UjFALVY  DE  MezO-Kovesd  (C.  E.  dc).  Le 
Kohistan,  le  Ferghanah  et  Kouldja.  avec 
un  appendice  sur  la  Kachgharie,  [1877]. 
Paris,  1878.     1.  8**.  zz.678^3i 

— Vamb^ry  (A.)  Central  Asia  and  the  Anglo- 
Russian  frontier  question.  .  .  .  Tr.  by  F. 
E.  Bunn^tt.  London,  1874.  16*.  ZZ.691.27 

Travels  in  central  Asia;  from  Teheran  across 

the  Turkoman  desert,  to  Khiva,  Bokhara, 
and  Samarcand,  1863.  New  York,  1865. 
8*.  ZZ.692.1 

The  same.     Sketches  of  central  Asia,  .  .  . 

[1863].  Philadelphia.  1868.  8^      zi.692.8 

—Wood  (J.)  Journey  to  the  source  of  the  .  .  . 
Oxus,  by  the  route  of  the  Indus,  Kabul, 
and  Badakhshan,  .  .  ,  1836-38.  London, 
1841.  8^  zz.691.16 
See^  alto.  Afghanistan,  Arooor,  Aral,  Boldiara, 
Siberia.  Tartary,  Thibet,  Turkistan. 
See^  ais0^  Araoia,  Arctic  recions,  Asia  Minor, 
Assyria.  Beloochistan,  Bene^,  Burmah,  Cabul. 
Calmucks,  Cambodia,  Cashmere.  Caspian  Sea, 
Caucasus.  Ceylon,  Chaldaea,  Chinai,  Circassia, 
Cochin-China,  Corea,  Himalajra  Mountains.  Hin- 
dustan, India,  Japan,  Kamtchatka,  Khiva,  Kurdi- 
'""     >  Islar 

Scythia,  Siam,  Siberia,  Syria,  Turkey,  Tuski. 
Also^  Discovery. 


Asia  Minor. 



Asia  Minor,  or  Anatolia. 

— Allom  (T.  W.)  and  Walsh  (R.)  Constanti- 
nople and  the  scenery  of  the  seven 
churches  of  Asia  Minor  illustrated.  .  .  . 
London,  [1849].     2  v.    4**.  Ii. 706.6 

— AifpiiRE  (J*  J-)  Cours  dans  TAsie  Mineure. 
PP*  349-389  of  8.481.2 

— ^Arundell  (F.  V.  J.)  Discoveries  in  Asia 
Minor;  including  a  description  of  the  ruins 
of  several  ancient  cities,  .  .  .  [1833]. 
London,  1834.     2  v.     8'.  zz. 702.12 

— Beaufort  (F.)  Karamania;  or,  a  brief  de- 
scription of  the  south  coast  of  Asia  Minor, 
and  of  the  remains  of  antiquity,  1811-12. 
2d  ed.     London,  1818.     8**.  zz. 702.7 

— Belgiojoso  (C.  T.  di).  Asie  Mineure  et  Syrie; 
souvenirs  de  voyages,  [1852].  Paris,  1858. 
8**.  ZZ. 702.17 

— BuRNABY  (F.)  On  horseback  through  Asia 
Minor,  [1876-77].  3d  ed.  London,  1877. 
2v.     8°.  zz.696.21 

— Chandler  (R.)  Travels  in  Asia  Minor  and 
Greece,  [1764-66].  ...  3d  ed.  London, 
1817.     2  V.    4".  zz. 706.4 

— Fellows  (C.)  Journal  written  during  an  ex- 
cursion in  Asia  Minor,  1838.  London, 
1839.     8*.  ZZ.702.1 

— Griffiths  (J.)  Travels  in  Europe,  Asia 
Minor,  and  Arabia,  [1785-86].  London, 
1805.    4**.  zz.696.16 

— Hamilton  (W.  J.)  Researches  in  Asia  Minor, 
Pontus,  and  Armenia;  with  some  account 
of  their  antiquities  and  geology,  [1835-37]. 
London,  184J2.     2  v.     8^  zz.702.10 

—Leake  (W.  M.)  Journal  of  a  tour  in  Asia 
Minor,  [1800].  .  .  .  London,  1824.     8°. 

zz.  702.6 

— Rennell  (T.)  Illustrations  (chiefly  geograph- 
ical) of  the  expedition  of  Cyrus,  and  the  re- 
treat of  the  ten  thousand  Greeks.  London, 
1816.    4^  zz.696.8 

— RosenmI^ller  (E.  F.  C.)    Biblical  geography 

of  Asia  Minor Trans,  by  N.  Morren. 

Edinburgh,  1841.     I6^  zz.700.30 

— Texier  (C.  F.  p.)  and  Pullan  (R.  P.)  Prin- 
cipal ruins  of  Asia  Minor,  illustrated  and 
described,  [1858-62].     London,  1865.     f**. 

zz.  707.6 

— Vaux  (W.  S.  W.)  Greek  cities  and  islands  of 
Asia  Minor.  London,i877.  i6\   z4.851.24 

— Xenophon.  Anabasis  of  Cyrus  the  younger. 
Translated  by  E.  Spelman.  New  York, 
1841.     2  v.     24*'.  Z4.016.2 

See,  also,  Cilicia.  Ionia,  Levant,  Lycia,   Lydia, 
Phrygia,  Trebizond,  Turkey  in  Asia. 


— American  oriental  society.    Journal.  Boston, 

1849-71.     9v.    8^  zz. 2703.1 

— Asiatic  annual  register.     2d  ed.     London, 

1801-03.    4v.    8**.  zz.2693.2 

— Asiatic  journal  and  monthly  register  for  India, 

China,  and  Australasia,  v.  17, 18,  and  odd 

numbers.     London,  1835-42.     7  v.     8**. 

zz. 678*1.3 

— Asiatic  researches;   or,  transactions  of  the 

^siatic]  society  in  Bengal.      From  the 

Calcutta  ed.  London,  Z799-Z803.  7  v.  4**. 

The  same.  zz.685.1 

— ^Journal  asiatique;  ou,  recueil  de  m^molres 
relatifs  aux  peuples  orientaux.  3e-7e  s6rie. 
Paris,  1836-79.     88  v.     8**.  zz.2684.1 

—Royal  Asiatic  society.  Transactions,  v.  i. 
London,  1824.  2  pts.  in  i  v.  4*".  zz. 678^.4 

^Zeitschrift  der  deutschen  morgenl&ndischen 
gesellschaft.  Herausg.  von  O.  Loth. 
Leipzig,  1846-79.     34  V.    8^      zz.  2683.1 


— Saugu  Asmundar  er  kalladur  er  Kappabani: 
eller  Asmunds  Kappabanes  saga:  hoc  est, 
narratio  rerum  gestarum  ab  Asmundo. 
Edidit  J.  F.  PeringskiOld.  Stockholmiae, 
1722.    42  pp.    V,  zO.598.16 


— Beckwith  (A.)  Reports  on  asphalt  and  bitu- 
men, as  applied  to  the  construction  of 
streets  and  sidewalks  in  Paris.  Washing- 
ton, 1868.    8**.  V.  4  of  30.3875.6 


— Roman  von  Aspremont,  altfranz5sisch,  von 
L  Bekker.     Berlin,  1847.    48  pp.    4". 

Z8.3068.  Box  2 

Assassins  (The). 

— Falconet  (C.)  Dissertation  on  the  Assassins, 
a  people  of  Asia.     pp.  287-308. 

V.  2  of  7.426.1 

— GuYARD  (S.)    Un  grand  maitre  des  Assassins 
au  temps  de  Saladin. 
Uouroal  asiatique,  ^t.  s^.,  v.  9]. 


— Attwood  (G.)  Practical  blowpipe  assaying. 
London,  1880.     p.  8".  30.1874.21 

— BoDEMANN  (T.)  Anleitung  zur  berg  und  hUt- 
tenmSnnischen  probierkunst.  .  .  .  Um- 
gearbeitet  von  B.  Kerl.  2e  aufl.  Claus- 
thal,  1857.     8°.  30.1874.12 

and  Kerl  (B.)    Treatise  on  the  assaying  of 

lead,  copper,  silver,  gold,  and  mercury. 
Translated  by  W.  A.  Goodyear.  New 
York,  1865.     12**.  30.1874.16 

The  same.     New  York,  1872.     p.  8**. 


— Cramer  (J.  A.)  Elements  of  the  art  of  assay- 
ing metals.  London,  1741.  8*.  30.1874.19 

— Kerl  (B.)  Metallurgische  probirkunst  zum 
gebrauche,  bei  vorlesungen  und  zum 
selbststudium.     Leipzig,  1866.     8*". 

30. 1874.  II 

— Mitchell  (J.)  Manual  of  practical  assaying. 
3d  ed.  Edited  by  W.  Crookes.  London, 
1868.     8°.  30.1874.10 

— Ricketts  (P.  de  P.)  Notes  on  assaying  and 
assay  schemes.     New  York,  1876,     8°. 

See^  aUo^  Blowpipe  analysis. 

Association.     See  Social  science. 

Association  of  ideas. 

— Poole  (G.  A.)  Sermons  on  association.  .  .  . 
Edinburgh,  1836.     12°.  23.1422.26 

Seey  aho^  Memory,  Psychology. 


— Fraser  (J.  B.)    Mesopotamia  and  Assyria. 

.  .  .  New  York,  1845.     18°.       32.2021.4 
— Lenormant  (F.)    Les  premieres  civilisations, 

6tudes  d'histoire  et  d'arch6ologie.     Paris, 

1874.     12*.  V.  2.  of  2.60.7 
The  same.   The  Assyrian  empire,    pp.  364- 

476.  V.  I  of  2.60.4 





— Rawlinson  (G.)  Assyria,  the  second  mon- 
archy.    V.  I,  p.  180-V.  2,  p.  250  of  2.65.4 

— Rawunson  (H.  C.)  Selection  from  the  mis- 
cellaneous inscriptions  of  Assyria.  Lon- 
don. 1880.     35  pi.    f**.      V.  5  of  ix.647.7 

— Records  of  the  past:  being  English  transla- 
tions of  the  Assjrrian  monuments.    .    .    . 
Assyrian  texts.     London,  1878.     p.  8°. 
V.  9  of  xz.642.5 

^-Smith  (G.)  Assyria,  from  the  earliest  times 
to  the  fall  of  Nineveh.  New  York,  1876. 
i6*.  X  1.700.28 

^Assyrian  discoveries:  an  account  of  explor- 
ations and  discoveries  on  the  site  of  Nine- 
veh, during  1873  and  1874.  New  York, 
1875.  1.  8^  1 1.703.6 
Se*,  alM,  Asia  {Piriodicals),  Nineveh. 

Assyrisn  language. 

— DOROW  (W.y  Die  assyrische  keilschrift.  Wies- 
baden, 1820.    4**.  15.2986.9 

^Sayce  (A.  H.)  Assyrian  grammar,  for  com- 
parative purposes.     London,  1872.    p.  8*". 

Sety  alto^  Cuneifonn  inscriptions. 

Asteroids  (The). 

—Kirk WOOD  (D.)    The  asteroids  between  Mars 

and  Jupiter.  28.3733.1 

\ln  Smithsonian  report,  1876,  pp.  35-^-371]. 
— Newcomb  (S.)    Secular  vsuiations  and  mutual 

relations  of  the  orbits  of  the  asteroids. 


[Memoirs  of  the  American  academy.    New  series. 

T.  8,  pt,  X,  pp.  las-isa]. 

See^  alto^  Vesta. 

Astor  library  {New  York), 

—Catalogue,  with  supplement.  New  York, 
1857-66.    5  V.    1.  8%  Z6.1015.5 

Astoria  {Ore^y 

—Irving  (W!)  Astoria;  or,  anecdotes  of  an  en- 
terprise beyond  the  Rocky  Mountains. 
[1809-13],     Philadelphia,  1871.     12". 



—Chaucer  (G.)  A  treatise  on  the  astrolabe. 
.  .  .  Edited  by  W.  W.  Skeat.  London, 
1872.    8\  z8. 1072. 13 

— Macha-Allah.    Astrolabium  messehalle. 

pp.  88-104  of  18.1072. 13 

— W6PCKE  (F.)    Ueber  ein    .    .    .    befindliches 
arabisches  astrolabium.  Berlin,  1858.   4^. 
[B^und  with  As8eman*s  Globus  caelestb]. 


— Albertus  ma^uj,  De  secretis  mulierum. 
Amstelodami,  1665.     24*".  23.3434.20 

— Allaeus  (F.)  Astrologiae  nova  methodus. 
Fatum  universi.  In  librum  de  fato  dis- 
ceputio.  Rhedo,  1654-55.  f*.      26.1647.7 

—Deb  (J.)  Monas  hieroglyphica.  Antwerpiae, 
1564.     s.  4*.  26.1651. 17 

— GocLENius  (R.)  Apologeticus  pro  astromantia: 
discursus  in  quo  divinatio  ex  astris  de- 
fenditur.  Marpurfi:i,i6ii.  s.  4**.  x4.882.21 
[BsmmdwitA  GrotiuT  Syntagma  arateorumj. 

— Manetho.  Apotelesmatica.  Recensuit  A. 
Koechly.  [Greek  and  Latin].  Parisiis, 
1862.     L  8'.  14.875-3 

[/«  Poetae  bucolid  et  didactici]. 

— Manilius  (M.)  Astronomicon  a  J.  Scaligero. 
Lugduni  Batavorum,  1600.  8.4%   13. 802.1 

—  -The  same.  Ed.  A.  J.  Valpy.  Londini, 
1828.     2v.     8^  13.824. 1 

— MaximuSw  De  actionum  anspiciis.  Recensuit 
A.  Koechly.  [Greek  and  I^tin].  Parisiis, 
1862.    1.  8\  M-875.3 

[In  Poetae  bucolid  et  didactici]^ 

— MoNTULMO  (A.  de).  De  judiciis  nativitatum 
liber.     Norimbergae,  1540.     s.  4*. 

26.1651. 17 

^Mt^LLER  (J.)  Ratio;  sive,  ditodeiiti  duodecim 
domorum  coeli.  Norimbergae,  1536.  $.4**. 

[/«SchUner(J.),  Tabulae  astronomicae], 

— Nasus  (J.)  'AvT*a6Tp6Xoyoitpdit^:  das  ist, 
die  unfelig  gewisest  practica  practicarum. 
Ingolstat,  1567.     s.  4*.  26.1651. 17 

— Saumaise  (C.)  De  annis  climactericis  et  an- 
tiqua  astrologia  diatribae.  Lugduni  Bat- 
avorum, 1648.     s.  8*.  23.3434.21 

— Savile  (Sir  H.)  Astrologiam  judiciariam  e 
civitate  bene  morata  esse  exterminandam, 
oratio,  coram  regina  Elizabetha.  Lon- 
don, 171 1.  8°.  24.1480.5 
{In  Ascham*s  School-master]. 

— ScAUGERO  (G.)  Notae  in  Manilii  astronom- 
icon, qui  bus  prisca  astrologia  explicatur. 
Lugduni  Batavorum, 1 600.   s.  4^  Z3.802.1 

— Tesoro  (E.)  Ia  vergine  trionfante,  et  il  cap- 
ricomo  scornato :  [cio6,  demostratione  che 
la  vergine  e  non  il  capricorno  e  stata 
Tascendente  di  Augusto  Cesare].  Venetia, 
1680.     I2^  26.3642.21 

— Uken  (M.)  Geheimschreibkunst  in  versen. 
Ulm,  1759.     8*.  30.3923-7 

See^  alsoy  Astronomy. 


— Arago  (D.  F.  J.)  Biographies  des  principaux 
astronomes.  pp.  157-515.  v.  3  of  26.1652.9 

— Brewster  (D.)  Martyrs  of  science:  lives  of 
Galileo,  Brahe,  and  Kepler.  New  York, 
1841.     I8^  32.201 1. 10 

The  same.  26.1657.46 

— DuNKiN  (E.)  Obituary  notices  of  astronomers. 
London,  1879.     16*.  Observatory. 

Astronomy.  Bibliography, 

— Bruhns  (C.)  Catalog  der  bibliothek  der  as- 
tronomischen  gesellschaft.  Leipzig,  1880. 
8*.  Observatory. 

[Bound  with  Vicrteljahrsachrift  der  astronomi- 
schen  gesellschaft,  v.  14]. 

— HoLDEN  (E.  S.)  Catalogue  of  the  library  of 
the  naval  observatory  at  Washington.  Pt. 
I.  Astronomical  bibliography.  Washing- 
ton, 1879.     4*.  Observatory. 

Index  catalogue  of  books  and  memoirs  re- 
lating to  nebulae  and  clusters.  Wash- 
ington, 1877.     8\  V.  14  of  28.3734.1 

Subject-index    to    the   publications  of    the 

United  States  naval  observatory,   1845- 
75.     Washington,  1879.     74  pp.    4'» 

General  works, 

—Airy  (G.  B.)  On  the  algebraical  theory  of 
errors  of  observations.  Cambridge,  [Eng.], 
1861.     16*.  Observatory. 

Six  lectures  on  astronomy.  2d  cd.  London, 

[1849].     8**.  Observatory. 

^The  same.    Popular  astronomy.     New  ed. 

London,  1866.     16*".  26.1650.14 

^The  same.     7th  cd.     London,  1868.     16**. 


— ^Arago  (D.  F.  J.)  Astronomie  populaire. 
Publi6e  sous  la  direction  de  J.  A.  Barral. 
Paris,  1854-57.     4V.     8*.  26.1652.9 





The   same.     Popular  astronomy.     Tr.  by 

W.   H.   Smyth  and  R.  Grant     London, 
1855-58.     2  V.     8*.  Observatory. 

Popular  lectures  on  astronomy.  With  addi- 
tions by  D.  Lardner.  New  York,  1845. 
8^  36.1654.19 

— Aratus,  soUnsis,  Pbaenomena  et  diosemeia, 
graece  et  latine  curavit  J.  G.  Buhle.  Lip- 
siae,  1793.     8^  14. 882.21 

The  same.     Stemerscheinungen  und  wetter- 

zeichen.  Uebersetztvon  J.  H.Voss.  Heid- 
elberg. 1824.     8".  14.882.21 

The  same.     Les  ph^nom^nes,  etc.  Traduits 

par  N.  Halma.  Paris,  1821.  4".  26.1658.7 

— BabinetQ.)  Astronomic  descriptive,  pp.  119- 
132.  V.  I  of  36.1657.42 

L*astronomie  en  1852  et  1853.     pp.  93-118. 

V.  I  of  26. 1657.42 

L'astronomie  en  1855.     pp.  121-153. 

V.  4  of  26.1657.42 

Astronomic  et  m6t6orologie.  Paris,  1858-68. 

4  V.     24".  V.  5-8  of  26.1657.42 

Bulletin  de  l'astronomie  pour  1853  et  1854. 

pp.  185-206.  V.  2  of  26.1657.42 

—Ball  (R.  S.)  Astronomy.  [Ed.]  by  S.  New- 
comb.  New  York,  1878.  16".     26.1657.40 

— Barlow  (P.)  Plane  astronomy.  London, 
1848.     4**.  Observatory. 

[/»  a  vol.  uttered  *'Bncyclop«edia  of  astronomy' j. 

— Beda.  Anglo-Saxon  manual  of  astronomy. 
Ed.  by  T.  Wright,  pp.  1-19  of  25.1582.13 

— Bessel  (F.  W.)  Abhandlungen,  herausg.  von 
R.  Engelmann.  Leipzig,  1875-76.  3  v. 
in  I.     4".  Observatory. 

Astronomische    untersuchungen.      K6nigs- 

berg.  1841-42.     2  v.    4*.       Observatory. 

PopulSre    vorlesungen    tiber   wissenschaft- 

liche  gegenstiUide.     Herausg.  von  H.  C. 
Schumacher.     Hamburg,  1848.     8**. 


—  -Recensionen.  Herausg.  von  R.  Engelmann. 

Leipzig,  1878.     8°.  Observatory. 

— BoiLLOT  (A.)  L'astronomie;  instruments  et 
m^thodes  d'observations.  [Exposition  de 
1878  4  Paris].     Paris,  1879.     8*. 


—  -Trait6    616mentaire    d'astronomie.      Paris, 

1866.     16**.  Observatory. 

— ^Bonnycastle  (J.)  Introduction  to  astronomy. 
6th  ed.  London,  181 1.     8".    Observatory. 

— BouviER  (H.  M.)  Familiar  astronomy,  [with] 
an  astronomical  dictionary.  Philadelphia, 
1856.     8''.  26.1654.16 

— Brinkley  (J.)  Astronomy.  Revised  and  re- 
written by  J.  W.  Stubbs  and  F.  Brllnnow. 
2d  ed.  London,  1874.     16*.  Observatory. 

— Caswell  (A.)    Lectures  on  astronomy. 

[Smithionian  report,  1858,  pp.  85-137]. 

— Chambers  (G.  F.)     Descriptive  astronomy. 

Oxford,  1867.     8'.  26.1654.3 

The  same.     3d  ed.     Oxford,  1877.     8". 

— Colombe  (L.  delle).  Risposte  piacevoli  e  curi- 

ose.     Fiorenza,  1608.    4°.  26.3642.1 

— Davis  (S.)    Astronomical  computations  of  the 

Hindus,     pp.  225-287.       v.  2  of  11. 685.1 
— Delambre  (J.  B.  J.)    Astronomic  th6orique  et 

pratique.     Paris,  1814.     3  v.     4*. 


— Delaunay  (C.  E.)  Cours  6l6mentaire  d'as- 
tronomie. 6e  W.,  par  A.  L6vy.  Paris, 
1876.     18*.  Observatory. 

— D*  Quincey  (T.)  System  of  the  heavens  as 
revealed  by  lord  Rosse's  telescopes, 
pp.  7-60.  V.  2  of  21.T304.1 

—Dick  (T.)  Celestial  scenery.  New  York, 
1846.     I8^  32.2030.7 

^The  same.     12th  thousand.     London.  1871. 

W.  26.1657.27 

Sidereal  heavens.     NewYoric,  1840.     18'. 


^The  same.  New  York,  1846.  i8'.  32.2030.15 

The  same.     7th  ed.     London,  1871.     12". 


— Dubois  (E.  P.)  Cours  d'astronomie.  3e  6d. 
Paris,  1877.     8**.  Observatory. 

— Ferguson  (J.)  Astronomy  explained  upon 
Newton's  principles.  8th  ed.  London, 
1790-     8'.  26.3642.3 

The  same.  [Ed.]  by  D.  Brewster.  Edin- 
burgh, 181 1.     2  V.     8**.  26.1651. 1 

Lectures  on   select  subjects   in   mechanics 

and  astronomy.  New  ed.  by  C.  T.  Part- 
ington.    London,  1825.     8**.       26.3642.5 

— Flammarion  (C.)  Astronomic  populaire. 
Paris,  1880.     1.  8\  20.1655.3 

Etudes  et  lectures  sur  l'astronomie.     Paris, 

1867-80.     9V.  in5.     24".  26.1650.8 

Merveilles  c61estes.     3e  6d.      Paris,   1869. 

16*'.  26.1657.29 

— FOrstkr  (W.)  Sammlung  populftrer  astrono- 
mischer  mittheilungen.  Berlin,  1878. 
8**.  Observatory. 

— Galilei  (G.)  Opere.  [ed.  padovana  di  To- 
aldo,  repetita].  Milano,  1808-11.  13  v. 
8^  26.1651. 8 

Sidereus  nuncius,admirabiliaspectacula  pan- 
dens,  suspiciendaque  proponens.  Lon- 
dini,  1682.  8".  26.3642.15 
[In  Gassendi^s  Institutio  astronomica]. 

^The  same.     Sidereal  messenger.     Tr.  by  E. 

S.  Carios.  London,  1880.  p.  8°.  26.1651. 15 

Systema  cosmicum.     Ex  italica  lingua.    Au- 

gustaeTreboco rum,  1635.  8.4**.  26.1651. 14 

^The  same.     Lugduni  Batavorum,  1641.     4°. 

26.1651. 13 

— GASSErcDi  (P.)  Institutio  astronomica.  3a 
ed.     Londini,  1683.     8**.  26.3642.15 

— Gelpke  (A.  H.  C.)  Populaire  himmelskunde. 
4e  aufl.   Hannover,   1832.  8*.    26.1651. 17 

— Geminus.  Introduction  aux  ph^nom^nes  ce- 
lestes, traduite  par  [N.]  Halma.  Paris, 
181Q.     4°.  26.1658.15 

[In  Ptolcmaeus'  Table  chronologique  dcs  rignes]. 

— Giberne  (A.)  Sun,  moon,  ancf  stars.  3d 
ed.     London,  1880.     p.  8^  26.1657.8 

— GoDFRAY  (H.)  Treatise  on  astronomy.  2d 
ed.     London,7874.     8".        Observatory. 

— GuiLLEMiN  (A.)  Elements  de  cosmographie. 
2e  6d.     Paris,  1868.     16".  26.1657.30 

Heavens.       An    illustrated     handbook    of 

popular  astronomy.  Ed.  by  J.  N.  Lock- 
yer.  4th  ed.  by  R.  A.  Proctor.  New 
York,  1871.     8^  26. 1653. 1 1 

^The  same.     5th  ed.     London,  1872.     8". 

26. 1653.  II 

— Gummere  (J.)  Elementary  treatise  on  astron- 
omy, .  .  .  [with]  tables.  Philadelphia, 
1822.     8^.  26.3642.4 

^The  same.     3d  ed.     Philadelphia,  1842.  8". 






— Gylden  (H.)  Die  grundlehren  der  astrono- 
mie,  [aus  dem  Swedischen].  Leipzig, 
1877.    8'.  26.1653.18 

— Ha&ris  (J.)  Description  and  use  of  the  globes 
and  the  orrery.  4th  ed.   London,  1738.  8^ 


— Hassler  (F.  R.)  Popular  exposition  of  the 
system  of  the  universe.  New  York,  1828. 
8'.  Observatory. 

— Henderson  (E.)  [Report  of  Ferguson's  astro- 
nomical and  mathematical  inventions  and 
discoveries].     Edinburgh,  1867.     8**. 

[Im  his  Life  of  James  Ferguson]. 
— Herschel(J.   F.  W.)    Essays  from  the  re- 
views.    London,  1S57.   8*.   Observatory. 

^Familiar  lectures  on  scientific  subjects.  New 

York.  1872.     16".  Observatorv. 

Outlines  of  astronomy.     London,  1849.   ^  • 


^Thesame.  Philadelphia,  1840.  8*.  26.1654.8 


^The  same.     5th  ed.     London,  1858.     8^ 


^The  same,     nth  ed.     London,  1871.    8'. 


^The  same.     New  ed.     New  York,  1876.  8*. 


^Treatise  on  astronomy.  London,  1833.  16*. 

^The  same.  New  ed.  by  S.  C.  Walker.  Phil- 
adelphia, 1836.     16*.      ^  26.1654.27 
— HmfGHENS  (C.)    KodMo^eoopoi;  sive,  de  ter- 
ns coelestibus  conjecturae.     n.  p.,  n.  d. 
8".                                            Observatory. 
(/«  m  wl.  lettered  ^"^  Miscellanies*']. 
— Idkler  (C.  L.)     Ueber  die  sternkunde  der 
Chaldacr.     Berlin,  1818.    4% 
(Alcademie  der  wissenschaften,  i8i4-zs«  pp.  149- 

[Over  students*  entrance]. 

—Jennings  (D.)  Introduction  to  the  use  of  the 
globes  and  the  orrery.  3d  ed.  London, 
1766.     8*.  26.3642.7 

—Keith  (T.)  New  treatise  on  the  use  of  the 
globes.  3d  Am.  from  last  London  ed. 
New  York.  1819.    8*.  26.3642.8 

—Kepler  (J.)  Opera  omnia.  Ed.  C.  Frisch. 
Frankofurti.  1858-70.  8  v.   1.8*.  26. 1652. i 

Dissertatio,  cum  Nuncio  sidereo  .  .  .  misso  a 

Galilaeo.  .  .  .  Francofurti,  161 1.     16*. 


Part  of  the  preface  to  [his]  Dioptrics,  form- 
ing a  continuation  of  Galileo's  Sidereal 
messenger.    Tr.  by  E.  S.  Carlos. 

pp.  77-"i  of  26.1651. 15 

— Lacaille  (N.  L.  de).  Le9ons  616mentaires 
d'astronomie  g^m^trique  et  physique. 
Nouvelle^d.  Paris,  1764.  8*.     26.3642.14 

— Lalande  (J.  J.  Le  F.  de).  Astronomie.  2e 
hd.     Paris,  1771-81.     4  V.    4^  26.1655.6 

The  same.     3e  6d.     Paris,  1792.    4  v.     4". 


— Lamont  (J.  von).  Astronomie  und  erdmag- 
netismus.  Stuttgart,  185 1.  8".  Observatory. 

— La&dner  (D.)     Handbook  of  astronomy,   4th 
ed.  by  E.  Dunkin.     London,  1875.     16*. 

— LiTTROW  (J.  J.  von).     Vorlesungen  Qber  as- 
tronomie.    Wien,  1830.     2  V.  in  i.     8**. 

•-  -Wuoder  des  himmels.  Stuttgart,  1834-36. 
3  V.     8*.  Observatory. 

^The  same.     2e  aufl.     Stuttgart,  i8a2.     8*. 


— LocKYER  (J.  N.)  Elementary  lessons  in  as- 
tronomy.    New  ed.     London,  1877.     16'. 


Elements  of  astronomy.     Am.   ed.     New 

York,  1870.     12*.  Observatory. 

— LooMis  (E.)  Treatise  on  astronomy.  New 
York,  1865.     8*.  Observatory. 

— MIdler  (J.  H.  von).  Wunderbau  des  weltalls. 
7e  aufl.  von  W.  Klinkerfues.  Berlin,  1879. 
8®.  Observatory. 

— Manilius  (M.)  Astronomicon  a  J.  Scaligero. 
Lugduni  Batavorum,  1600.  s.  4^.   13. 802.1 

^The    same.     Ed.    A.    J.  Valpy.     Londini, 

1828.     2v.     8*.  Z3.824.1 

— MiTCHEL  (O.  M.)  Astronomy  of  the  Bible. 
New  York,  1863.     12**.  26.1657.16 

Course  of  six  lectures  on  astronomy.     New 

York,  1848.     31  pp.     8*.  20.1654.19 

[Im  m.  V0I.  Uttered  *^Arago  and  Lardner's  As- 

Popular  astronomy.     7th  ed.     New  York, 

1868.     12''.  26.1657.18 

— Mt)NSTER  (S.)    Ausslegung  dess  instruments 

Uber   die    liechter  der  sonnen  und    dess 

monssleuffen,  fvom  Lateinischen]  verferti- 

get  durch  M.  Wallpach.     Basel,  1554.    s. 

4^  26.1651.17 

— Newcomb  (S.)  and  Holden  (E.  S.)  Astron- 
omy for  schools  and  colleges.     New  York, 

1879.     12*".  26. 1654.2a 

— NiCHOL  (J.  P.)    Views  of  the  architecture  of 

the  heavens.     From  the  last   Lond.  ed. 

New  York,  1840.     12®.  Observatory. 

^The  same.     London,  1850.    1.  8°.  26. 1653.  i 

^Views  of  astronomy.     Lectures  reported  by 

O.Dyer.  New  York,  1848.  8".  26.1654.19 
— Norton  (W.  A.)  Treatise  on  astronomy,  with 

tables.     4th  ed.     New  York,  1867.     8*. 

— Olmsted  (D.)      Introduction  to  astronomy. 

New  York,  1839.    8°.  26.1654.12 

^The  same.     Revised  ed.     New  York,  1854. 

8*.  Observatory. 
The  same.     3d  ed.  by  E.  S.  Snell.     New 

York,  1870.     8'.  26.1654.10 

^The  same.  New  York,  1872.  8°.  26. 1654. 11 

— Petit  (F.)    Traii6  d'astronomie  pour  Ics  gens 

du  monde.     Paris,  1866.    2  v.  in  i.     I6^ 


— Proctor    (R.    A.)    Borderland    of   science. 

Philadelphia,  1874.     p.  8**.  26.1640.4 
Light  science   for  leisure  hours.     London, 

1871-73.     2  series,     p.  8**.  26.1640.3 
Myths  and   marvels  of    astronomv.     New 

York,  1877.     8*.  20.1653.19 
Poetry  of  astronomy.     Philadelphia,  1881. 

p.  8*.  26.1657.3 
Universe  and  the  coming  transits.     London, 

1874.     8'.  26.1653.17 

— Ptolbmaeus    (C.)    Almageste.    Composition 

math^matique,  traduite  par  [N.]    Halma ; 

[avec]  notes  dc  J.  B.  J.  Delambre.    Paris, 

18 1 3-16.     2  V.     4*".  26.1658.4 

— QufiTELET  (L.  A.  J.)  Astronomie  616meniaire. 

2e6d.     Paris,  1834.     18'.  26.1654.32 
Notices  extraites  de  I'annuaire  de  Tobserva- 

toire  de  Bruxelles  pour  i860,    n.  p.,   n.  d. 

24*.  Observatory. 





— RiTTENHOUSE  (D.)  Philosophical  papers. 
London,  1787.  40  pp.  8*.  v.  540^31.3971.1 

— RoLFE  (W.  J.)  atidGiLLET  (J.  A.)  Hand- 
book of  the  stars.     Boston,  1868.     id"". 


—Schubert  (F.  T.)  Populare  astronomie.  St. 
Petersburg,  1804-10.  3  v.  8".    26.3642.13 

— ^ScHULZE  (G.  L.)  Lehrbuch  der  astronomie. 
2eaufl.     Leipzig,  1821.     8**.      26.3642.12 

Neue  astronomische  versinniichungs-werk- 

zeuge.     Leipzig,  1823.     8**.       20.3642.12 

— Schumacher  (H.  C.)  Astronomische  ab- 
handlungen.  Altona,  1823-25.  3  v.  in  i. 
4*.  Observatory. 

— Smyth  (W.  H.)  Cycle  of  celestial  objects. 
London,  1844.     2  v.     8*.      Observatory. 

^The  same.     Continued  at  the  Hartwell  ob- 
servatory, to  1859.    London,  i860.    4*". 

^The  same.     [Ed.]  by  G.  F.  Chambers.     2d 

ed.     Oxford,  1881.     8".         Observatory. 

— SoMERViLLE  (M.  F.)  On  the  connexion  of  the 
physical  sciences.  2d  ed.  London,  1835. 
16  .  26.i6i8<j.23 

— Stars  and  the  angels.  [Amm,}  Philadel- 
phia. i860.     12".  26.1657.13 

— Struve  (F.  G.  W.)  and  others,  Recueil  des 
m6moires.  v.  i  St.  P6tersbourg,  1853. 
4°.  Observatory. 

— Sturm  (J.  C.)  Scientia  cosmica;  sive,  astrono- 
mia.     pp.  169-450.  V.  2  of  26.3610.3 

— S^ya-SiduhInta;  a  text-book  of  Hindu  as- 
tronomy. Tr.  by  E.  Burgess,  pp.  141- 
498.  V.  6  of  1 1. 2703. 1 

— Theon,  of  AUxandria,  Commentaire  sur  la 
composition  math^matique  de  Ptolem6e, 
traduit  par  [N.]  Halma.  Paris.  1821. 
2  V.    4'.  26.1658.6 

— Utrecht  observatory.  Recherches  astrono- 
miques,  publi^es  par  M.  Hoek.  le  li- 
vraison.  LaHaye,i86i.  4*.   Observatory. 

— Valentiner  (W.)  Astronomische  bilder. 
Leipzig,  1881.     8'.  26.16536 

— ViNCE  (S.)  Complete  system  of  astronomy. 
Cambridge,  [Eng.],  I797-99-     2  v.    4^ 


^The  same.    2d  ed.  London,  1814.    3  v.  4**. 


Elements  of  astronomy.  2d  ed.  Cam- 
bridge, [Eng.],  1801.  8^  V.I  of  25.1581.15 

— Walsh  (Sir  J.)  Astronomy  and  geology  com- 
pared. New  York,  1872.    12°.    26.1657.34 

—Warren  (H.  W.)  Recreations  in  astronomy. 
New  York,  1879.     I2\  26.1657.14 

—Webb  (T.  W.)    Celestial  objects  for  common 

telescopes.     2d  ed.     London,  1868.     16". 


^The  same.    4th  ed.     London,  1881.     16*'. 


The  same.  Observatory. 

— Whewell  (W.)  Astronomy  and  physics  con- 
sidered with  reference  to  natural  theol- 
ogy. Philadelphia.  1833.  12°.    26.1654.25 

— ^Whiston  (W.)  Astronomical  lectures,  done 
into  English,  [with]  ubles.  London,  1715. 
8\  26.3642.16 

^The  same.    2d  ed.    London,  1728.     8°. 


^The  same.  Observatory. 

— Whitwbll(C.  V.)  Astronomical  catechism. 
London,  1818.    8".  26.3642.2 

— Wolf  (C.  von).  Anfangs-grtinde  der  astrono* 
mie.     pp.  1121-1426.       V.  3  of  26.3610. 1 

— Wolf  (R.)  Handbuch  der  mathematik  und 
astronomie.     ZOrich,  1870-72.     2  v.     8**. 


— Woodhouse  (R.)  Treatise  on  astronomy, 
theoretical  and  practical.  Cambridge,. 
[Eng.],  1818-23.     2  V.  in  3.     8". 


—Young  (C.  A.)  Astronomical  facts  and  fan* 
cies  for  philosophical  thinkers.  New 
York,  [1882].    8\  26.1655.  Box  i 

[Volume  of  astronomical  papers].     8**. 


— ZiMMERMANN  (J.  J.)  Scriptura  copemizansr 
das  ist,  ein  astronomischer  beweissthum 
des  copemicanischen  weltgeb&udes.  Ham- 
burg, 1706.     s.  4**.  26.1655.  Box  I 

— ZuRCHER  (F.)  and  MargoixI  (E.)  Lc  monde 
sid6ral.     Paris,  1878.     16**.       26.1657.44 


— Aguila  (C.  J.  E.  H.  d*).  D^couverte  de  Tor- 
bite  de  la  terre,  du  point  central  de  Tor- 
bite  du  soleil.     Paris,  1806.     8**. 


— ^AssEMAN  (J.  S.)  De  Arabum  astronomia 
dissertatio.  pp.  1-5 1  of  26.1656.9 

— Bailly  (J.  S.)  Histoire  de  Tastronomie  an- 
cienne.  2e  6d.  Paris,  1781.  4^.  26.1655.7 

^The  same.  Observatory. 

Histoire  de  Tastronomie  modeme.     Paris, 

1785-87.     5  v.    8*.  Observatory. 

The  same.  NouvelleM.  Pari8,i785.  3  v.  4**. 


Trait6  de  Tastronomie  indienne  et  orientale. 

Paris.  1787.    4°.  26.1655.9 

^Thc  same.  Observatory. 

— BiOT  (J.  B.)  M6moires  sur  divers  points 
d'astronomie  ancienne,  et  en  particulier 
sur  la  p6riode  sothiaque.  v.  20  of  16.3014.  i 

— Blake  (J.  F.)  Astronomical  myths,  based  on 
Flammarion's  **  History  of  the  heavens." 
London,  1877.    8'.  26.1653.25 

— Costard  (G.)  History  of  astronomy.  Lon- 
don, 1767.    4**.  Observatory. 

— Delambre  (J.  B.  J.)  Histoire  de  Tastronomie. 
Paris,  1817-27.    6  v.    1.  8°.   Observatory. 

— Gaubil  (A.)  Histoire  de  Tastronomie  chin- 
oise,  jusqu'  k  Tan  206  avant  J6sus  Christ. 
Paris,  1732.  2  V.  in  i.  8*.  Observatory. 
[Soudet's  Observations  chinois,  v.  a«  3]. 

^Thesame.    pp.  71-295.     v.  26  of  31. 1970.4 

-nORANT  (R.)  History  of  physical  astronomy. 
London,  [1852].     8%  Observatory. 

— JAHN  (G.  A.)  Geschichte  der  astronomie  von 
[1800]  bis  zu  1842.  Leipzig,  1844.  2  v. 
8*.  Observatory. 

—Lewis  (G.  C.)  Historical  survey  of  the  as- 
tronomy of  the  ancients.  London,  1862. 
8«*.  Observatory. 

— MiTCHEL  (O.  M.)  Planetary  and  stellar 
worlds:  discoveries  of  modem  astronomy. 
New  York,  1854.     I2^  26.1657.20 

The  same.  New  York,  1868.  12°.  26.1657.19 

— Narrien  (J.)  Historical  account  of  astronomy. 
London,  1850.     8*.  Observatory. 

— Playfair  (J.)  Remarks  on  the  astronomy  of 
the  Brahmins,     pp.  89-175. 

V.  3  of  26. 3636.11 





— TODHUNTER  (I.)  History  of  the  mathematical 
theories  of  attraction,  and  the  fi&nire  of  the 
earth.     London,  1873.    2  v.    8  . 


— Voiron  (  .)  Histoire  de  I'astronomie,  depuis 
1781  &  1811,  pour  suite  k  Bailly.  Paris, 
1810.     1.  8'.  Observatory. 

—Wolf  (R.)  Geschichte  der  astronomie.  Mlln- 
chcn,  1877.     8**.  Observatory. 


— ^Abbatt  (R.)  Elements  of  physical  astronomy. 
London,  1871.     8'.  Observatory. 

—Airy  (G.  B.)  Mathematical  tracts  on  the  lu- 
nar and  planetary  theories,  [etc.]  4th  ed. 
Cambridge.  [Eng.],  1858.     8\     25.1582.8 

— BiOT  (J.  B.)  Traits  616mentaire  d'astronomie 
physique.  2c  6d.  par  [K.  P.  E.l  de  Ros- 
sel.    Paris,  i8io-ii.    3  V.    8**.    20.1651.11 

The  same.  3e  6d.    Paris,  1841-57.    5  v.    8*. 

26. 3642. 8i 

^The  same.     Atlas,  obi.  1.  S*".        26. 3642. 8i 

— DiONis  DU  SfijouR  (P.  A.)  Traits  analytique 
des  mouvemens  apparens  des  corps  ce- 
lestes.    Paris,  1786-89..    2  v.     4**. 


— EuLER  (L.)  Theoria  motuum  planetarum  et 
cometarum.     Berolini,  1744.    s.  4°. 

,  Observatory. 

— Gauss  (C.  F.)  Determinatio  attractionis,  quam 
in  panctum  quodyis  exerceret  planeta. 
Gottingae,  1818.     1.  8*.         Observatory. 

^Theoria  motus  corporum  coelestium.     Ed. 

2a  ab  E.  J.  Schering.    Gothae,  1877.    4*. 

^The  same.     Theorie  der  bewegung  derhim- 

melskOrper.  Ins  ^Deutsche  dbertragen  von 
C.  Haase.     Hannover,  1865.    4*. 


— Gregory  (D.)  Elements  of  physical  and  ge- 
ometrical astronomy.  Done  into  English 
from  Latin.  2d  ed.  by  E.  Stone.  Lon- 
don, 1726.     2  V.     8*.  26.3642.10 

— Hansen  (P.  A.)  Darlegung  der  theoretischen 
berechnung  der  in  der  mondtafeln  ange- 
wandten  stdrungen.  Leipzig,  1862-^. 
2  V.  in  I.     1.  8*.  Observatory. 

— Herschel  (J.  F.  W.)  Physical  astronomy. 
London,  1848.    4"*.  Observatory. 

[In  a  vol.  Uittred  **£ncyclopaiedia  of  astronomy*  j. 

— KuNKERFUES  (E.  F.  W.)  Theoretische  as- 
tronomie.    Braunschweig,  1871.    8**. 


—Laplace  (P.  S.)    Traits  de  m6canique  c61este. 

Paris,  an  vii-xiii,  [1799-1805].    4  v.    4". 


^The  same.    Tr.  by  N.  Bowditch.     Boston, 

1829-39.    4v.    4**.  26. 1656. 1 

^The  same.  Observatory. 

— Oppolzer  (T.)  Lehrbuch  zur  bahnbestimmung 
derkometen  und  planeten.  Leipzig,  1870- 
8a    2  v.  in  i.    1.  8*.  Observatory. 

— PoNTficouLANT  (L.  G.  Le  D.)  Theorie  analy- 
tique du  systtoe  du  monde.  Paris,  1829- 
46.    4  V.     8°.  Observatory. 

—Pratt  (J.  H.)  Treatise  on  attractions,  La- 
place's functions,  and  the  figure  of  the 
earth.    4th  ed.    London,  1871.     16**. 


— RssAL  (H.)  Trait6  616mentaire  de  m^canique 
celeste.     Paris,  1865.     8"*.    Observatory. 

— Schubert  (F.  T.)    Theoretische  astronomie. 
St  Petersburg,  1798.    3  pts  in  i  v.     4". 

— Somerville  (M.  F.)  Mechanism  of  the  heav- 
ens.    London,  1831.     8%  26.1654.18 

The  same.  Observatory. 

— Strong  (N.)  Astronomy  improved;  or,  a  new 
theory  of  the  planetary  system.  New 
Haven,  1784.     52  pp.     8**.  3X.3971.1 

—Watson  (J.  C.)  Theoretical  astronomy  re- 
lating to  the  motions  of  the  heavenly 
bodies.     Philadelphia,  1869.     8°. 


—Wilkinson  (W.)  On  the  orbits  described  by 
bodies  revolving  in  given  planes  round 
immovable  centres  of  forces.  Cambridge, 
[Eng:],i8i6.  il.  iv,34pp.  4'.  26.1656.15 
Se*^  mU0y  Gravitation,  Solar  ssrstem. 


— Bessel  (F.  W.)  Astronomische  beobach- 
tungen  [zuj  KOnigsberg.  v.  16-17. 
KOnigsberg,  1833-35.     2  v.     f*. 


— Bishop  (G.)  Astronomical  observations  at 
Regent's  park,  London.  London,  1852. 
4°.  Observatory. 

— BuRNHAM  (S.  W.)  Report  of  observations  on 
Mt.  Hamilton.     Chicago,  1880.     8*". 


^The  same.  Observatory. 

— Cambridge  observatory.  Astronomical  obser- 
vations. Cambridge,  [Eng J,  1829-64. 
20  V.    4".  Observatory. 

— Carrington  (R.  C.)  Results  of  astronomical 
observations  at  Durham.  Durham,  1855. 
8°.  Observatory. 

— DoRPAT  observatory.  Beobachtungen.  Her- 
ausg.  von  J.  H.  MSdler.  v.  13-14.  Dor- 
pat,  1856.    2  V.  in  I.     4'.      Observatory. 

— Dublin.  Trinity  college  observatory.  Astro- 
nomical observations  and  researches. 
Dublin,  1870-79.    4^.  Observatory. 

•Edinburgh  observatory.  Astronomical  ob- 
servations. Edinburgh,  1838-77.  14  v. 
4°.  Observatory. 

-Greenwich  observatory.  Astronomical  ob- 
servations, 1838-79.  London,  1840-81. 
42  V.    4*.  Observatory. 

•  -Results  of  astronomical  observations,  1874. 
[London,  1876].    4*.  Observatory. 

— Harvard  college  observatory.  Annals.  Cam 
bridge,  [Mass.],  1856-80.    12  v.  in  6.    4^ 

— Herschel  (J.  F.  W.)  Results  of  astronomi 
cal  observations  at  the  Cape  of  Good 
Hope.     London,  1847.   4*.   Observatory. 

— KONKOLY    (N.    von).        Beobachtungen    an 
gestellt   am     astrophysicalischen    obser- 
vatorium  in  Ungam.     Halle,  1879.     4**- 

— Lamont  (J.  von).     Observationes  astronomi- 
cae  in  specula  regia  monachiensi  institutae. 
V.  8  and  9.    Monachii,  1834-36.     2  v.    4**. 

— Mannheim  observatory.  Astronomische  beo- 
bachtungen. Heransg.  von  E.  Schdnfeld 
und  W.  Valeniiner.  Mannheim,  1862, 
Carlsruhe,  1875-79.     3  ▼•  in  i.    4". 






-Maskelyne  (N.)  Astronomical  observations 
at  Greenwich,  i765-i8ia  London,  1776- 
181 1.    4  V.     f®.  Observatory. 

-Moscow  observatory.  Aifnales,  publi^es  [par] 
T.  Bredichin.  Moscou,  1874-80.  6  v.  in 
II  pts.    4'.  Observatory. 

-NofiL  (F.)  Observationes  mathematicae  et 
physicae,  in  India  et  China  factae.  Pragae, 
1 7 10.     s.  4^  36.1655 

-Oxford.  Raddiffe  observatory.  Astronomical 
and  meteorological  observations,  v.  15- 
18.    Oxford,  1842-64.     21  V.     8**. 


-Paris  observatory.  Annales,  publi6es  par  U. 
J.  Le  Verrier.  Observations,  1856-77. 
Paris,  1860-80.    16  V.    4".     Observatory. 

-Plantamour  (6.)  Observations  astrono- 
miques  faites  k  Tobservatoire  de  Geneve. 
2e  s6rie.  Genfeve,  1843.  4°.    Observatory. 

— Observations  faites  dans  les  stations  astro- 
nomiques  suisses.     Geneve,  1873.     4**. 


-Pritchard  (C.)  Astronomical  observations 
made  at  the  university  observatory,  Ox- 
ford.   Oxford,  1878.     8*.      Observatory. 

-PuLKOWA  observatory.  Observations.  Pub- 
li6es  par  O.  Struve.  St.  P6tersbourg, 
1869-79.     II  V.     f*.  Observatory. 

Nate.    V.  10  has  not  yet  been  published. 

-ScHOTT  (C.  A.)  Astronomical  observations 
in  the  arctic  seas,  by  E.  K.  Kane,  1853- 
55.     Washington,  i860.    4*. 

v.  12  of  28.3738.1 

-Slop  de  Cadenberg  (J.)  Observationes  side- 
rum  habitae  Pisis.  Pisis,  1769-78.  3  pts. 
in  I  V.     8°.  Observatory. 

-SouciET  (E.)  Observations  astronomiques 
tiroes  des  anciens  livres  chinois.  v.  i. 
Paris,  1729.     8'*.  Observatory. 

-Stone  (E.  J.)  Results  of  astronomical  obser- 
vations at  the  Cape  of  Good  Hope.  Cape 
Town,  1876.    8**.  Observatory. 

-Vienna  observatory.  Annalen.  3er  folge. 
Wien,  1851-79.     28  v.  in  14.     8°. 


-Vogel  (H.)  Beobachtungen  von  nebelflecken 
und  sternhaufen.     Leipzig,  1867.     8''. 


-Washington  observatory.  Astronomical  ob- 
servations, 1845-52.  Washington,  1846- 
67.     6  v.    4®.  Observatory. 

Astronomical    and  meteorological  observa 

tions,    1861-77.      Washington,    1862-81. 
17  V.  in  18.    4*.  Observatory. 

— ANDRfi  (C.)  and  others.  L'astronomie  pratique, 
et  les  observatoires  en  Europe  et  en  Am6- 
rique.  .  .  .  Paris,  1874-78.     5  v.     ib°. 
— Lawson  (H.)    Paper  on  the  arrangement  of 
an  observatory.     Bath,  1844.     8*". 


—Reports  of  American  observatories.  28.3733.1 
[Smithsonian  report,  1879,  pp.  535-576]. 

—Reports  of  European  observatories.  From 
the  German  byG.  H.  Boehmer.  28.3733.1 
[Smithsonian  report,  1879,  pp.  577-589]. 

— Weidlkr  (J.  F.)  De  praesenti  specularum 
astronomicarum  statu  dissertatio.  Wit- 
tenbergae,  1727.    8.4'.      26.1655.  Box  i 

.Sry,    alta^    Georgetown    obcervatory,    Uanrard 
college  obaerratory. 

— Astronomical  journal.    Ed.  by  B.  A.  Gould, 

jr.     Cambridge,   [Mass.],  1851-61.     6  v. 

in  2.    4°.  Observatory. 

— Astronomical   register.      London,   1864-80. 

17  V.     8'.  Observatory. 

— AsTRONOMiscHE  nachrichten.    v.  viii-xcv,  mit 

general-registem.    Altona,  1831-79.    91  v. 

4°.  Observatory. 

— AsTRONOMiscHEN    gesellschaft     in     Leipzig. 

VierteljahrsschnfL     Leipzig,  1866-79.    ^4 

v.     8°.  Observatory. 

— Brussels    observatory.       Annuaire,  par   A. 

Qu6telet,    1861-80.      Bruxelles,   1860-79. 

20  V.  in  10.     24**.  Observatory. 

— London.  Royal  astronomical  society.  Me- 
moirs.    iJondon,   1822-79.     44  v.   in  36. 

4*.  Observatory. 

The  same.     Index.     8*.  Observatory. 

Monthly  notices,  with  index  of  vol.  i-xxix. 

London,  1831-76.     37  v.  in  17.    8*. 

— MoNATLiCHE  correspondenz  zur  befOrderung 

der  erd-  und  himmels-kunde,  herausg.  von 

F.  von  Zach.    Gotha,  1800-10.    21  v.  16". 


— Paris.      Bureau   des   longitudes.      Annales. 

Paris,  1877.    v.  i.     4**.  Observatory. 

— Sammlung     astronomischer     abhandlungen, 

herausg.  von  J.  E.  Bode.     Berlin,  1793- 

1808.    4  V.     16*.  Observatory. 

Practical  and  spherical  astronomy. 

— Abu'lhassan  Alt.  Trait6  des  instruments 
astronomiques  des  Arabes.  Traduit  par 
J.  J.  S^dillot.  Paris,  1^^34-35.  2  v.  in  i. 
4**.  26. 1656. 14 

— Bartlett  (W.  H.  C.)  Spherical  astronomy. 
3d  ed.  New  York,  1865.  8".  Observatory. 

— BoiLLOT  (A.)  L'astronomie  ;  instruments  et 
m^thodes  d*observations.  [Exposition  de 
1878  k  Paris].     Paris,  1879.     8^. 


— BRtNNOW  (F.)  Lehrbuch  der  sphHrischen  as- 
tronomie.  Berlin,  1851.  8**.  Observatory. 

The  same.    Spherical  astronomy.    From  2d 

German  ed.  Berlin,  1865.  8**.  Observatory. 

Trait6  d'astronomie  sph^rique  et  d'astrono- 

mie  pratique.     Publifee  par  E.  Lucas  et  C. 
Andr6.     Paris,  1869-72.     2  v.     8'. 


— Challis  (J.)  Lectures  on  practical  astronomy 
and  astronomical  instruments.  Cam- 
bridge, [Eng.],  1879.     8"*.     Observatory. 

— Chauvenet  (W.)  Manual  of  spherical  and 
practical  astronomy.  4th  ed.  Philadel- 
phia, 1871.     2  V.     8^*.  Observatory. 

The  same.     5th  ed.     Philadelphia,   [1881]. 

2  V.     8*".  26.1654.2 

— Christie  (J.  R.)  Introduction  to  the  elements 

of  practical  astronomy.  London,  1853.  8". 


— Curley  (J.)  Description  and  use  of  ihe  tran- 
sit instrument,  and  meridian  circle,  pp. 
27-215.  V.  I  of  26.1658.2 





—Dick  (T.)  Practical  astronomer,  comprising 
descriptions  of  instruments.  New  York, 
1846.     12*.  26.1657.28 

— Fraxcoeur  (L.  B.)  Astronomie  pratique.  2e 
6d.     Paris,  1840.     8°.  Observatory. 

— Jahn  (G.  a.)  Praciische  astronomie:  oder, 
beschreibung  der  astronomischen  instru- 
mente.     Berlin,  1834-35.     2  v.     8*. 


— LiAis  (E.)  Traii6  d'astronomie  appliqu6e  k 
la  ^^ographie  et  k  la  navigation.  Paris, 
1867.     8°.  Observatory. 

— LocKYER  (J.  N.>  Stargazing:  past  and  pres- 
enL     London.  1878.     8  .       Observatory. 

— LoOMis  (E )    Introduction  to  practical  astron- 
omy.    7th  ed.     New  York,  1868.     8^ 
*  Observatory. 

— Magellan  (J.  H.  de).  Description  et  usages 
des  instruments  d'astronomie,  et  de  phy- 
sique.    Londres,  1779.     4'.       26.1618^.7 

— Main  (R.)  Practical  and  spherical  astronomy. 
Cambridj^e,  [Eng.],i863.  8"*.  Observatory. 

— Mason  (E.  P.)  Introduction  to  practical  as- 
tronomy.    New  York,  1841.     8*. 


—Pearson  (W.)  Descriptions  of  astronomical 
instruments.     London,  1829.     4**. 

[/«  Ais  Introductioa  to  practical  astronomy]. 

— Sawitsch  (A)  Abn^'s  der  praktischen  as- 
tronomie. Nach  der  2en  russischen  aufl. 
▼on  C.  F.  W.  Peters.  Leipzifir.  1879.  8*. 
Sef,  tUso^  Astrolabe,  ChroDoeraphic  apparatus. 
Quadrant,  Spectroscope,  Telescope,  Transit 

— AsTEN  (F.  E  von).     Neue  httlfstafeln.     Leip- 
zig. 1 863.     8  .  Observatory. 
[With  Leipsic.     Vierteljahrsschrift  der  astrono- 
misenen  gcMllscbafi,  b.  xi]. 

— Bessel  fF.  W.)  Refraction  Ubles,  modified 
and  expanded.     London,  1835.    4**. 


^Tabulae  reg^'omontanae  reductionum,  1750 

ad  1850.     Regiomonti  Prussorum,-  1830. 
8*.  Observatory. 

—Coffin  (J.  H.  C.)  Tables  to  facilitate  the  re- 
duction of  places  of  the  fixed  stars.  [Wash- 
ington], 1869.    8**.  26. 3642.  i 

—Eastman  (J.  R.)  Tables  of  instrumental  con- 
stants and  corrections.  Washington,  1873. 
4*.  26.1658.2 

—  -The  same.  Observatory. 

— FoLQUE  (F.)  Collec^fto  de  taboas  para  facilitar 
varios  calculos  astronomicos.  Lisboa, 
1864.     8'.  Observatory. 

— Galbraith  (W.)  Mathematical  and  astrono- 
mical  tables.     Edinburgh,  1827.     8**. 


— HoMMEY  (L.)  Tables  d'angles  horaires.  Pans, 
1863.     2  V.  in  I.    1.  8*.  Observatory. 

— Les  (T.  J.)    Collection  of  tables  useful  in  as- 
tronomy.   2d  ed.    Washington,  1853.    8**. 

—Mayer  (J.  T.)  Tabulae  motuum  solis  et  lunae, 
[cum]  methodo  longitudinum.  Londini, 
1770.    4*.  26.1618^.17 

— PXARSON  (W.)    Introduction  to  practical  as- 
tronomy.   London,  1824-29.    3  v.    4*. 

— Peters  (C.  F.  W.)  Astronomische  tafeln  und 
formeln.    Hamburg,  1871.     8°. 


— Recueil  de  tables  astronomiques  faites  sous  la 
direction  de  Tacad^mie  royale  de  Prusse. 
Berlin,  1776.    3  v.     16*.        Observatory. 

— Sch5ner  (J.)  Tabulae  astronomicae.  Norim- 
bergae,  1536.     s.  4°.  26.1651. 17 

The  same.     Witebergae,  1587.     s.  4**. 

26.1651. 17 

—Washington.  Bureau  of  navigation.  Tables 
to  facilitate  the  reduction  of  places  of  the 
fixed  stars.     [Washington],  1869.     8'. 


— Wolfers  (J.  P.)  Tabulae  reductionum,  i860 
ad  1880.  Berolini,  1858.  8^  Observatory. 

— Zach  (F.  X.)  Nouvelles  tables  d*aberration 
et  de  nutation.     Marseille,  181 2.     id"*. 


^The  same.     Supplement     Marseille,  1813. 

16'.  Observatory. 

— Zech  (J.)  Tabulae  regiomontanae,  1850  ad 
i860,  respondentes  continuatae.  Berolini, 
1858.     8*.  Observatory. 

[/»  Wolfers*  Tabulae  reductionum]. 
Seey  alsoy  Almanacs,  Asteroids,  Astrology,  Calen- 
dar, Comeis,  Constellations,  Earth,  Eclipses, 
Equinox,  Gravitation.  Jupiter,  Latitude,  Longi- 
tude, Mars.  Mercury.  Meteors,  Moon,  Navigation, 
Nebulae,  Neptune,  Optics,  Orbits,  Parallax,  Per- 
tuibations,  Planets,  Plurality  of  worlds,  Saturn, 
Solar  system.  Spectrum  analysis.  Stars,  Sun,  Time, 
Uranus,  Venus. 

Athanasian  creed. 

—Brewer  (J.  S.)    Athanasian  creed  vindicated. 

London,  1871.     p.  8".  22.1374.28 

— SwEDENBORG  (E.)  Athanasian  creed.    Boston, 

1828.    I2^  21  3310.6 

— Waterland  (D.)  Critical  history  of  the  Ath- 
anasian creed.     A  new  ed.  by  J.  R.  King. 

Oxford,  1870.     16".  22.1374.29 

— Bentley  (R.)    Remarks  on  a  discourse  of 

free-thinking,    pp.  1-200,  287-478. 

v.  3  of  6.2342.2 
— Berkeley   (G.)      Three   dialogues    between 

Hylas  and  Philonous,  in  opposition  to 

atheists,    pp.  255-360.    v.  i  of  23. 1421. 19 
— Blackib  (J.  S.)    Natural  history  of  atheism. 

New  York,  1878.     X2^  22.1384.40 

— Buchanan  (J.)     Modem  atheism.  '  Boston, 

1857.     12*.  22.1384.53 

— Cud  worth  (R.)    True  intellectual  "system  of 

the  universe,  wherein  atheism  is  confuted. 

London,  1678.     V.  22.1358.9 
The  same.     [From  the  English  ed.  of  1820]. 

Andover,  1837-38.     2  v.     8**.     23.1412.1 
—  -The  same.  With  the  notes  and  dissertations 

of  Mosheim,  tr.  by  J.  Harrison.    London, 

1845.     3  V.     8*.  22.1356.16 

— Fichte  (J.  G.)    Gerichtliche  verantwortungs- 

schriften  gegen  die  anklage  des  atheismus. 

Jena,  1799.     p.  8'.  23.1441. 19 

— Hoffmann  (F.)     De  atheo  convincendo  ex 

artificiosissima  machinae  humanae  struc- 

tura.  pp.  390-420  of  27.3810.9 

— Lamartinb  (A.  M.  L.  P.  de).  Atheism  among 

the  people.     Tr.  by  E.  E.  Hale  and  F.  Le 

Baron.     Boston,  1850.     12*.     21. 1302.23 


[in  a  vol.  Mitred  "  Carlylc's  pamphlets"]. 





— More  (H.)  Antidote  against  atheism,  [with] 
appendix.     3d  ed.     London,  1662.     T. 

23.1418. 15 

—Plato  against  the  atheists;  or,  the  tenth  book 
of  the  laws,  with  notes  by  T.  Lewis.  New 
York,  1845.     I2^  14.904. 14 

— ScHELUNG  (F.  W.  J.  von).  Denkmal  der 
schrift  von  den  gOttlichen  dingen  des 
herm  F.  H.  Jacobi.     pp.  19-136. 

V.  8  of  9.555.1 
Setj  aho^  Deism,  Bvidences  of  Christianity,  Infi- 
delity, Scepticism. 

Athenaeus,  lived  about  a.d.  225. 

— Philologicarum  exercitationum  in  Athenaei 

Deipnosophistas     specimen     secundum. 

[Anon.]    Berlin,  1846.     44  pp.    4^. 

Z4.868.  Box  I 
Athens  and  Attica. 


— B5CKH  (A.)  Public  economy  of  Athens.  Tr. 
by  G.  C.  Lewis.  2d  ed.  London,  1842. 
8^  x4.878tf.14 

— CoRSiNi  (E.)  Fasti  attici.  Floreniiae.  1764- 
67.     2  V.  in  I.    4**.  14. 856. 16 

— SchOmann  (G.  F.)  Athenian  constitutional 
history  as  represented  in  Grote,  critically 
examined.  Trans,  by  B.  Bosanquet. 
Oxford,  1878.     8°.  24.1503.12 

Dissertation  on  the  assemblies  of  the  Ath- 
enians. From  the  Latin.  Cambridge, 
[Eng.],  1838.     8^  24- 1503.4 

— YoRKE  (P.)  and  others,  Athenian  letters  dur- 
ing the  Peloponnesian  war.  New  ed. 
London,  1810.     2  v.    4**.  14. 856.3 

Description^  topography,  etc, 

—Breton  (F.  P.  H.  E.)  Ath^nes,  d6crite  et 
dessin^e.     2e  6d.     Paris,  1868.     1.  8^ 


— BURNOUF  (E.  L.)     Un  faubourg  d'Athfenes. 

pp.  301-338  of  14.852.5 

— Capes  (W.  W.)     University  life   in  ancient 

Athens.    London,  1877.    I2°.     24.1493.16 

— Chandler  (R.)    Tour  made  at  the  expense  of 

the  Dilettanti  society,  1765. 

pp.  18-192  of  14.856.2 

— CuRTius  (E.)  and  Kaupert  (J.  A.)    Atlas  von 

Athen.     Berlin,  1878.     f*.  14.857.6 

— Inwood  (H.  W.)  The  Erechtheion  at  Athens  : 

fragments  of  Athenian  architecture;  and  a 

few  remains  in  Attica,  Megara,  and  Epi- 

rus.     London,  1827.  1.  f**.    Cabinet  2.  3.1 

—Leake  (W.  M.)    Demi  of  Attica.     London, 

1829.    4^  14.857.2 

—  -Topography  of  Athens,  with  some  remarks 

on  its  antiquities.     London,  1821.     8''. 


— Meursius    (J.)     Athenae    atticae  ;  sive,    de 

praecipuis  Athenarum  antiquitatibus.  Lug- 

duni  Batavorum,  1624.     s.  4**.  14. 878a.  19 

— Pausanias.     Attica.     Recensuit    J.    F.   Fa- 

cius.     Lipsiae,  1794.     8''. 

V.  I.  bk.  I  of  14.863.17 

The  same.      Attics.      Tr.   by  T.   Taylor. 

London,  1794. 

V.  I.  bk.  I  of  14.865.16 
— PiTTAKYS  (C.  S.)    L'ancienne  Ath^nes ;  ou,  la 
description  des  antiquit^s  d'Athdnes  et  de 
ses  environs.     Athdnes,  1835.     8". 


— Smith  (W.)  Athenae.  [Topography  of  Athens], 
pp.  225-308.  V.  I  of  Z6.1006.1 

—Stuart  (J.)  and  Revett  (N.)  Antiquities  of 
Athens,  measured  and  delineat^.  New 
ed.     London,  1825-30.     4  v.  V.    14.857.8 

Antiquities  of  Athens  and  other  places  in 

Greece,  Sicily,  etc.  Supplementary  to 
[the  above].  By  C.  R.  Cockerell  and 
others.     London,  1830.     f.       Art  room. 

^Antiquities  of  Athens  ;  and  other  monu- 
ments of  Greece.  London,  1837.  sq. 
i6°.  x4.852.31 

^The  same.     2d  ed.     London,  1841.   sq.  i6**. 


— Wordsworth  (C.)  Athens  and  Attica :  jour- 
nal of  a  residence  there,  [1832-33].  Lon- 
don, 1836.     8^  X4.852.7 

{Localities)  :  i.  Acropolis, 
— BEULfi  (E.)    L'acropole  d'Ath^nes.    Nouvelle 
6d.    Paris,  1862.     8^  Z4.852.1 

2.  Odeium  of  Herodes  Atticus, 
— Tuckermann  (W.  p.)    Das  Odeum  des  Hero- 
des Atticus,  und  der  Regilla  in  Athen,' 
resuurirt.     Bonn,  1868.     f*.       14. 857. 14 

3.  Parthaum, 

—British  museum.  Department  of  Greek  and 
Roman  antiquities  :  Sculptures  of  the 
Parthenon.  Elgin  room.  [Anon.]  Lon- 
don, i88o.     2  pts.     16".  14.852.35 

^The  same.  5. 273. 11 

Grecian   antiquities,   photographed    by    S. 

Thompson.  Parthenon,  in  26  plates. 
London,  1872.    34  pi.  V.    Cabinet  2.20.1 

— Burnouf  (E.  L.)  Le  parth^non. 

pp.  205-249  of  14.852.5 

— CoLLAS  (A.)  Bas-reliefs  du  parth6non,  et  du 
temple  de  Phigalie.  Nouvelle  6d.  Paris, 
i860,     obi.  4*".  14.857. 1 

— Ellis  (H.)  Elgin  marbles,  [described  and 
represented].     London,  1833.     2  v.     16**. 


— Flasch  (A.)  Zum  parthenonfries.   WUrzburg, 

1877.   8^  14.852.2 

— Mathews  (W.)  Elgin  marbles  of  the  frieze 
of  the  Parthenon,  in  outline.  Oxford, 
1845.     obi.  f^  30.1896.27 

— ViscoNTi  (E.  Q.)  M^moires  sur  des  ouvrages 
de  sculpture  du  parth^non,  et  de  quelques 
Edifices  de  TAcropole.     Paris,  1818.      8*. 


^The  same.     Two  memoirs  on  the  sculptures 

in  the  collection  of  the  earl  of  Elgin. 
From  the  French.     London,  1816.     8**. 

4.  Pnyx, 

^Welcker  (F.  G.)    Felsaltar  des  hSchsten 

Zeus  ;  Oder,  das  Pelasgikon  in  Athen,  bis- 
her  genannt  die  Pnyx.  Berlin,  1853.  4**. 
[Akademie  der  wissenschaften,  185a,  pp.  967- 


— Berlin.  Academic  der  wissenschaften.  In- 
scriptiones   atticae.       Berolini,    1873-77. 

4  V.    i":      .    .  .         ,  14-857.5 

[Corpus  inscriptionum  ctticarum]. 
— Bulwer  (E.  G.  E.  L.)    Athens  :  its  rise  and 
fall.     New  York,  1838.     2  v.     12*. 

14. 851. 16 





^The  same.     Leipzig,  1843.     2  v.  in  i.     16*. 


— Cox  (G.  W.)  Athenian  empire.  London, 
[1876].     16*.  14.852.30 

The  same.     New  York,  [1876].     i6\ 


— Drotsen  (H.)  Sylloge  inscriptionum  attica- 
nim.     Berolini,  1878.    4**.  14.857.4 

— Hicks  (E.  L.)    Collection  of    ancient  Greek 

inscriptions  in  the  British  museum.    At- 

•  tika,     Oxford,  1874.     T.  14. 867.1 

—Lloyd  (W.  W.)  The  age  of  Pericles.  Lon- 
don, 1875.    2  V.     8  .  14.853.7 

— MsuRSius  (J.)  Archontes  athenienses.  Lug- 
dnni  Bauvorum,  1622.    s.  4^  14.878^1. 19 

Fortuna  attica  ;    sive,  de  Athenarum    ori- 

gine.    Lugduni  Batavorum,  1622.    s.  4"". 


— ^Rawunbon  (G.)  On  the  early  history  of  the 
Athenians.        pp.  370-4Z2.  v.  3  of  2.65.1 

^The  same.     pp.  303-339-  ▼•  3  of  2.65.1 

Sm^  als0.  Arts  (Fifu),  Greece.  Peloponnesian 
war,  and  the  names  of  eminent  Athenians. 
Nnmerous  essays  on  the  arts,  and  other  antiquities 
of  AthenflL  are  contained  in  the  volumes  issued  by 
the  Parisian  Acadtfmie  des  inscriptions,  located 
above  the  students*  entrance. 


— Blaikie(W.)  How  to  get  strong,  and  how 
to  stay  so.     New  York,  1879.     i6°' 


— Lewis  (D.)  New  gymnastics.  With  a  trans- 
lation of  Kloss's  Dumb-bell  instructor,  and 
Schreber's  Pangymnastikon.  Boston,  1862. 
I2\  24.1491.4 

— MacLaren  (A.)  System  of  physical  educa- 
tion, theoretical  and  practical.  Oxford, 
1869.     16**.  24.1491. 10 

Training,  in  theory  and  practice.     London, 

1866.     8**.  24.1491. 2 

^-Morgan  (J.  E.)  University  oars:  enquiry  in- 
to the  after  health  of  men  who  rowed 
[at]   Oxford  and  Cambridge.      London, 

1873.     p.  8\  24.1491.5 

Seg^  alto.  Amusements,  Games,  Sports. 

Atholl  Cainily  {in  Scotland). 

— Murray  (W.)  Facobite  correspondence  of 
the  Atholl  family,  during  the  rebellion, 
1745-46.     Edinburgh,  1840.     4**.    6.336.6 

Atlantic  Ocean. 

—Benjamin  (S.  G.  W.)  Atlantic  islands,  as  re- 
sorts of  health  and  pleasure.  New  York, 
1878.     8^  3. 103. 13 

— Kergu£len  Tr£marec  (Y.  J.  de).  Relation 
d'un  voyage  dans  la  mer  du  Nord,  aux 
cdtes  d'Islande,  du  Groenland,  et  de  Nor- 
w6ge,  1767-68.    Amsterdam,  1772.     4*. 


— Kerhallet  (C.  p.  de).  General  examination 
of  the  Atlantic  ocean.  From  3d  French 
ed.  by  R.  H.  Wyman.  Washington,  1870. 
8\  2.42.15 

— Labrosse  (F.)  Navigation  of  the  Atlantic 
ocean.  From  the  French,  bv  J.  B.  Cogh- 
lao.     Washington,  1873.     8  .  2.42.5 

— M AURT  (M.  F.)  Steam-lanes  across  the  At- 
lantic    Washington,  1873.     8*.       2.46.1 

—Thomson  (C.  W.)  The  Atlantic ;  a  prelimi- 
nary account  of  the  voyage  of  h.  m.  s. 
"Challenger,"  1873,  1876.  London,  1877. 
2  V.    8*.  27.1724.4 

Scientific  results  of  the  voyage  of  the  Chal- 
lenger, 1873-76.  London,  1880-81.  3  v. 
4^  27.1678.8 
See.  ai$0^  Africa  (ffV«/)f  Arctic  regions,  Brazil, 
Gulf  stream.  United  States  {coast  survey), 

Atlantic  cable. 

— Briggs  (C.  F.)  and  Maverick  (A.)  The  story 
of  the  telegraph,  and  history  of  the 
Atlantic  cable.     New  York,  1858.     12*. 


— Field  (H.  M.)  History  of  the  Atlantic  tele- 
graph. New  York,  1866.  16".    26.1644.30 

^The  same.    3d  ed.     New  York,  1869.     16*. 


— MULLALY  (J.)  The  laying  of  the  cable  ;  at- 
tempt to  lay  the  cable  in  1855,  and  expe- 
ditions of  1857  and  1858.  New  York, 
1858.     8^  26.1644.12 


— Anville  (J.  B.  B.  d*).  Atlas  antiquus  danvil- 
lianus  minor.     Norimbergae,  1801.    T. 


— Appleton's  modem  atlas  of  the  earth,  with  an 
index  of  latitudes  and  longitudes.  New 
York,  [1856?].    1.  8\  2.35.10 

— Arrowsmith  (A.)  Comparative  atlas  of  an- 
cient and  modem  geography.  London, 
1828.    4^  2.38.19 

—Black  (A.  and  C.)  General  atlas ;  with  de- 
scriptions and  index.  Edinburgh,  1844. 
1.  V,  2.38.9 

— Bradford  (T.  G.)  Comprehensive  atlas,  geo- 
graphical, historical,  and  commercial.  Bos- 
ton, 1835.     4°.  2.38.23 

The  same.  2.38.22 

— Butler  (S.)  Atlas  of  antient  geography.  Phil- 
adelphia, 1839.    8''.  3.34-14 

— CoLTON  (G.  W.)  General  atlas,  [with]  descrip- 
tions by  R.  S.  Fisher.  New  York,  1858. 
1.  r.  2.38.7 

— DuFOUR  (A.  H.)  Atlas  universel  physique, 
historique,  et  politique,  de  g^graphie  an- 
cienne  et  modeme.     Paris,  i860.    1.  f*. 

— Economical  atlas.     [AncnJ]    Boston,  [1831]. 

s.  4^  2.30.5 

— FiNDLAY  (A.  G.)  Classical  atlas,  with  index. 
London,  1857.     8'.  2. 34. 11 

Modern  atlas,  with  introduction  and  index. 

7th  ed.     London.  1858.     8\  2.34.10 

— Geographischer  atlas  zum  gebrauch  filr 
schulen.  [Anon.]  Leipzig,  1817.  obi. 
f*.  2.37.2 

—Johnson  (A.  T.)  New  illustrated  family  at- 
las, with  descriptions.  New  York,  1877. 
1.  f\  2.38.4 

—Johnston  (A.  K.)  National  atlas  of  historical, 
commercial,  and  political  geography. 
Edinburgh,  1846.     1.  f.  2.38.1 

Royal  atlas  of  modern  geography,  with  in- 
dex to  each  map.  New  ed.  Edinburgh, 
1876.    hr.  2.38.3 

— Kiepert  (H.)  Atlas  antiquus.  Zehn  karten 
zuraltengeschichte.  4eaufl.  Berlin,  1867. 
f.  2.38.21 

— KUTSCHEIT  (J.  V.)  Hand-atlas  der  alten  ge- 
schichte  und  geographie.  Berlin,  1843. 
i\  2.38.18 

—Long  (G.)  and  Hughes  (W.)  Atlas  of  classi- 
cal geography.     New  York,  1871.     1.  8*. 






— Mayo  (R.)  Atlas  of  ten  select  maps  of  ancient 

geography.  Philadelphia,  1814.  4*.  2.37.3 
—Mitchell  (S.  A.)    New  general  atlas,  with 

statistical  tables.     Philadelphia,  i860.     1. 

f.  2.38.14 
New  universal  atlas,  with  map  of  each  of 

the   United  States.     Philadelphia,    1852. 

1.  r.  2.38.10 

—Morse  (C.  W.)    General  atlas  of  the  world, 

with  sUtistics  by  C.  Colby.     New  York. 

1856.     1.  f^  2. 38. 1 1 

— Ortel(A.)  Theatrumorbisterramm;  [tabulae 

sexaginta].  Antverpiae,  IJ70.  f**.    2.38.15 
^The    same,   [tabulae  cxxixj.      Antverpiae, 

j6i2.     1.  f*.  2.58.2 

—Smith  (W.)  and  Grove  (G.)    Atlas  of  ancient 

geography,   biblical    and    classical.      In- 
dices and  text.  Boston,  1874.  \.V.  2.38.2 
— Spruner  (C.  von).    Historisch-geographischer 

hand-atlas.     2e  aufl.     Gotha,  1854.     T. 

Spruner-Menke    atlas     antiquns.       3a   ed. 

T.  Menke.     Gothae,  1865.  obi.  T.  2.37.1 

^Thesame.     Gothae,  1865.     f*.  2.38.16 

— Vivien  de  Saint-Martin  (L.)    Atlas  dress6 

pour  I'histoire  de  la  g6ographie.     Paris, 

1874.    f^  2.38.6 

— Wilkinson    (R.)    Atlas    classica;    maps    of 

countries    mentioned    by    the    ancients. 

London,  [1803I.     4**.  2.38.20 

Sety  aUOy  Geography. 

AUc^  the  names  of  continents  and  coctntries. 


—Boyle  (R.)  Examen  of  Hobbs  his  Dialogus 
physicus  de  natura  aeris.  as  far  as  it  con- 
cerns the  spring  of  the  air.  London,  1682. 
s.  4'.  26.3645.14 

Continuation  of  the  same.  Oxford,  1669,  and 

London,  1682.     2  pts.     s.  4*".    26.3645.14 

— FoNTANA  (F.)  Ricerche  fisiche  intorno  alia 
salubritii  dell*  aria.     Milano,  1775.     8". 


— Guldberg  (C.  M.)  and  Mohn  (H.)  Etudes 
sur  les  mouvements  de  Tatmosph^re. 
Christiania,  1876.     4*.         26.1655.  Box  2 

—Hartley  (W.  N.)  Air  and  its  relations  to 
life.     New  York,  1875.     I6^     26.3645.18 

— Jourdanet  (D  )  Influence  de  la  pression  de 
I'air  sur  la  vie  de  Thomme.  Climats  d'al- 
titude.     Paris,  1875.     2  v.     1.  8**.    2.56.1 

— Moitessier  (A.)    L'air.     Paris,  1875.     i6'. 

26.1610. 13 

—Priestley  (J.)  Experiments  and  observations 
on  different  kinds  of  air.  London,  1774- 
75.     2v.     8^  30.3911. 1 

^The  same.    2d  ed.    London,  1775-77.    3  v. 

8°.  30.3911. 1 

— Tyndall(J.)  Essays  on  the  floating- matter 
of  the  air  in  relation  to  putrefaction  and 
infection.  London,i88i.  p  8°.  26.1671.41 

See^  also^  Aeronautics,  Meteorology,  Pneumatics, 
Sanitary  science.  Ventilation. 

Atoms,  and  the  atomic  theory. 

— Brown  (S.)  Lectures  on  the  atomic  theory, 
and  essays  scientific  and  literary.  Edin- 
burgh, 1858.     2  V.     8**.  26.1640.24 

— CUFFORD  (W.  K.)    Atoms,     pp.  158-190. 

V.  I  of  21. 1302. 31 

— Dxllingshausen  (N.)  Grundztige  eincr  vi- 
brationstheorie  der  natur.  Reval,  1872. 
8*.        '  26.1614.37 

— Gaudin  (M.  a.)  L'architecture  du  monde  de» 
atomes.     Paris.  1873.     12*.      30.1933.29 

— Hanle  (C.  F.)  Ursache  der  inneren  erd* 
w&rme.     Lahr,  1851.     78  pp.     I2^ 


— Hausemann  (G.)  Die  atome  und  ihre  be- 
wegungen.     COln,  1871.     8*.    26.1614.50 

— HoFF  (J.  H.  van't).  Die  lagerung  der  atome 
im  raume,  nach  **  Lachimiedans  I'cspace." 
Deutsch  bearbeitet  von  F.  Herrmann. 
Braunschweig,  1877.    xii,     53  pp.    8% 

26.1598   Box  y 

— Macneven  (W.  J.)  Exposition  of  the  atomic 
theory  of  chymistry.  New  York,  18 19. 
8*.  30.1931. 1 

—Schramm  (H.)  Anziehungskraft  betrachtet 
als  eine  wirkung  der  bewegung.  Wien, 
1873.     12  pp.    4*.  20.1598.  Box  2 

— Strecker  (A.)  Theorien  und  experimente  zur 
bestimmung  der  atomgewichte  der  cle- 
mente.     Braunschweig,  1859.     16''. 


— VOGT  (J.  G.)  Die  kraft.  Eine  rcal-monis- 
tische  Weltanschauung,  v.  i.  Die  con- 
traktionsenergie.    Leipzig,  1878.        8**. 

26. 163 1. 14 

— Watts  (R.)  Atomism:  Tyndall's  atomic  theory 
of  the  universe  examined  and  refuted.  4th 
ed.     Belfast,  1875.    8*.      23.1428.  Box  s 

— WuRTZ  (A.)  Atomic  theory.  Tr.  by  E. 
Cleminshaw.     New  York,  1881.    12^. 


— WuRTZ(H.)    Geometrical  chemistry.    .    .    . 

Introductory  memoir.     New  York,  1876. 

la'.  30.1933.8* 

See^  aUo^  Chemistry. 


— BusHNELL    (H.)     Vicarious    sacrifice.      New 

York,  1866.     I2°.  22.1373.22 

^The  same.  22.1385.ft 

—Campbell  (J.  M.)    Nature  of  the  atonement. 

2d  ed.     London,  1867.     8*.       22.1373.15 
— De  Wette  (W.  M.  L.)    De  morte  Jesu  Christ! 

expiatoria  commentatio.     Berolini,  1813. 

4'.  22. 1387.2s 

—Thomson   (W.)     Atoning   work   of    Christ. 

Bampton  lectures.     Oxford,  1853.     8**. 


Death  of  Christ.     New  York,  1862.     12*. 

PP-  373-422  of  22.1384.7 

See^  altOy  Christ 

Atrato  ship-canal,  {Daritn), 

— Collins  (F.)  Report  of  a  survey  for  an  inter* 
oceanic  ship-canal  by  way  of  the  Atrato, 
Napipi.  and  Doguad6  rivers,  1875.  Wash* 
ington,  1879.    4**'  3.126.24. 

Seg^  also^  Interoceanic  canals. 

Atterbury  (Francis),  bishop  of  Rochester,  b. 
1662.     d.  vjyi . 

— Macaulay  (T.  B.)  Francis  Atterbury. 

pp.  3-26  of  6.367.21 

The  same.     pp.  112-131.     v.  6  of  21.1313.2 

— Pope  (A.)  Letters  to  Atterbury  when  in  the 
tower.  Ed.  by  J.  G.  Nichols.  [London], 
1859.     s.  4°.  6.315.29 

— Williams  (R.  F.)  Memoirs  and  correspond- 
ence of  Francis  Atterbury.  London^ 
1869.    2  V.     8^  6.341.2s 

Attica.     See  Athens  and  Attica. 





Atticus  (Titus  Pomponius).  b,  109  B.C.  d.  yi  B.C. 
— Nepos  (C.)    T.  p.    Attici  vita.     MIt  anmer- 

kungen  von  J.  H.  Bremi.     4e  aufl. 

pp.  354-400  of  13.803.7 
^Thc  same.     Life  of  T.    P.  Atticus.     With 

remarks.     [Tr.]  by   R.   Pack.     London, 

1719.     8*.  z2.744.12 

^The  same.  Tr.  by  E.  Berwick. 

pp.  83-151  of  12.744  37 
Aubigne    (Theodore  Agrippa  d*).    b,  1550.    d. 

— Feug^re  (L.    J.)     Agrippa   d'Aubien^.   pp. 

205-421.  V.  2  of  8.478^.21 

— Scorr  (S.    R.)    Life    of   T.   A.   d*Aubign6. 

[Anon,]     Philadelphia,  1843.     8".  8.482.5 

Aucassin  and  Nicolette. 

— Fauriel  (C.   C.)  Aucassin  et  Nicolette,    [an 

essay,    pp.  180-218.         v.  3  of  17. 1032.  i 
— Pater  (W.  H.)    Aucassin  and  Nicolette,  [an 

essay].  pp.  1-17  of  12.722. 15 

Augsburg:  confession.     Ste  Theology. 
Audubon  (John  James),    b.  1780.    d.  1851. 
—Audubon  (L.  B.)  Life  of  J.  J.  Audubon.  New 

York,  1869.     12'*.  4.202.15 

Angostinus  (Aurelius),    Saint,    b,  K,Ti,  354.    d, 

A.D.  430. 
— Baillie  (J.)    St.  Augustine:  a  biographical 

memoir.  New  York,  1859.  ^6**.  31. 1941.22 
—Clark  (W.    R.)    Saint  Augustine.     London, 

[1870?].     I6^  31.1943.25 

— Clausen  (H.  N.)    Aurelius  Augusiinus  hip- 

ponensis.sacraescriptoris  inlespres.    Hav- 

niae,  1827.     8^  22.1357.6 

— Fl^chier  (E.)    Pan^gyrique  de  saint  Augus- 

tin.     pp   192-225.  V.  I  of  22.13509 

— Nourrisson  (J.  F.)    Philosophie  dc  saint  Au- 

gustio.     2e  6d.     Paris,   1866.     2  v.     12°. 

23- 1433.31 
Augustus  Caesar  (Caius  Octavius),  Jirst  Roman 

emperor,    b.  63  B.C.    d.  14  A.D. 
— Beul£    (C.    E.)    Auguste;  sa  famille  et  ses 

amis,     se  6d.     Paris.  1875.  8".   12.744. 23 
— Larrey  (L  de).     Histoire  d'Auguste.     Rotter- 
dam, 1690.     16*".  z2.740.25 
— MoNUMENTUM  ancyrauum,  ex  recognitione  E. 

Chishnlli,  cum  L  Casauboni  animadver- 

sionibus.     pp.  369-400.  v.  2.  of  12.764.12 
^The    same.    Cum    graecae  interpretation  is 

reliquiis    ancyranis    et    apolloniensibus. 

pp.  569-591.  v.  I  of  12.765.2 
^The  same.      Res  gestae  divi  Augusti,  ex 

monuroentis    ancyrano    et  apolloniensi. 

Ed.  T.  Mommsen.     Berolini,  1865.     8°. 

^The  same.    Greek  inscription  on  the  mon- 

umentum    ancyranum,  so  far  as  visible. 

By  W.  J.  Hamilton,     pp.  416-428. 

V.  2  of  IX. 702. 10 

Ste^  mlto,  Suetonius,  and  other  historians. 
Anrelianus  (Valerius,  or  Lucius  Domitius),  Ro- 

man  emperor.    b.K,T>.  212.    d,  A.D.  275. 
— VoPiscus  (F.)    Divus  Aurelianus.     Cum  notis 

variorum,    pp.  414-592.  v.  2  of  12.752.18 
Aurelius  Antoninus.      See  Antoninus  Augus- 
tus (Marcus  Aurelius). 
Aurora  borealis. 
^Arago  (D.    F.  J.)     Aurores    bor6ales.    pp. 

545-706.  V.  4  of  26.1652.9 

— Capron  (J.  R.)  Aurorae  :  their  characters  and 
spectra.     London,  1879.     4**.     26.1658.14 

— Force  (P.)    Record  of  auroral    phenomena 

observed  in  the  higher  northern  latitudes. 

V.  8  of  28. 3738.  t 

— Instructions  for  observations  of  the  auronu 
[Anon.]  28.3733.1 

[Smiihsonian  report,  1855.  pp.  347-250]. 

— Lemstr5m  (S.)  Observations  upon  the  aurora 
borealis.  made  during  the  Swedish  expe- 
dition of  1868  to  the  north  pole. 

ro   ..      .  28-3733.1 

[Smithsonian  report,  1874.  pp.  227-938]. 
— LooMis  (E.)    Aurora  borealis:  its  phenomena 

and  laws.  28.3733.1 

[Smithsonian  report,  1865,  pp.  208-248]. 
-tLovering  (J.)    On  the  secular  periodicity  of 

the  aurora  borealis,    1859.     PP*  101-120. 

On  the  periodicity  of  the  aurora  borealis, 

1864.     pp.  9-35 !•  V.  10  of  9.2526.1 

— Mairan  (J.  J.  D.  de).     Trait6  physique  el  his- 

torique  de  Taurore  bor6ale.     Paris,  1733. 

4^  16.3012. 1 

[Paris.    Academic  des  sciences,  1731]. 
— Olmsted  (D.)    On  the  recent  secular  period  of 

the  aurora  borealis.     52  pp. 

V.  8  of  28. 3738. 1 
^The  same.  Observatory. 

[/»  a  vol.  lettered  "  Smithsonian  miscellanies*']. 
On  the  electrical  hypotheses  of  the  aurora 

borealis.    pp.  113-123.  v.  11  of  28.1765.1 
— Secchi  (A.)    Aurora  borealis.     pp.  2-12. 

V.  2  of  28. 1765. 1 
— Wolf  (C.  von).     Gedancken  ttber  das  phoe- 

nomenon,  welches  den  17  Martii  17 16  zu 

Halle  gesehen  worden.     Halle,  17 16.     s. 

4*.  26.1651.17 

See^  also^  Arctic  Redfions,  Meteorology. 

Ausonius  (Decimus  Magnus),  b.  about  310  a.d. 
d.  about  394  A.D. 

— SoucHAY  (J.  B.)  Dissertatio  de  vita  et  scrip- 
tis  Ausonii.     pp.  5-29.      v.  i  of  13.821.  i 

Austell  (Jane),    b.  1775     d.  1817. 

— Austen-Leigh  (J.  E.)  Memoir  of  Jane 
Austen.  By  her  nephew.  London,  1870. 
8^  6.2361.1 


—Auckland  (W.  E.)  History  of  New  Hol- 
land, pp.  385-5*1  of  XX. 674. 2 

— Hqwitt  (W.)  History  of  discovery  in  Aus- 
tralia, Tasmania,  and  New  Zealand.  Lon- 
don, 1865.     2  V.     8^  IX. 672. 3 

—Jameson  (R.  G.)  New  Zealand,  South  Au- 
stralia, and  New  South  Wales :  a  record 
of  travels, — with  especial  reference  to  emi- 
gration, [1838-41].     London,  1842.     12*. 

IX.  672. 14 

—Major  (R.  H.)  Early  voyages  to  Terra  Aus- 
trails,  now  called  Australia.  With  an  in- 
troduction.    London,  1859.     8**.     2. 51. 15 

— Martin  (R.  M.)  [English]  possessions  in 
Austral-Asia.  pp.  413-472  of  3.105.2 

Napier  (C.  J.)    Colonization;  particularly  in 
southern  Australia.     London,  1835.     8*. 

25.1541. 16 

— Stokes  (J.  L.)  Discoveries  in  Australia  during 
the  voyage  of  the  Beagle,  1837-43.  Lon- 
don, 1846.  2  V.  8*.  X  1.674. 10 
Stuart  (J.  M.)  Explorations  in  Australia. 
Journals,  1858-62.  Ed.  by  W.  Hardman. 
2d  ed.     London,  1865.     8*.  1 1.674.4 




— Warburton  (P.  E.)  Journey  across  the  west- 
ern interior  of  Australia.  With  additions 
by  C.  H.  Eden.  Ed.  by  H.  W.  Bates, 
[1873].     London,  1875.    8*.  zz. 674.9 

See^  eUso^  New  South  Wales,  jOueensland,  South 
Australia,  South  Sea  Tirianrts,  Victoria. 

Australian  dialects. 

—Grey  (G.)  Vocabulary  of  the  dialects  of 
south-western  Australia.  2d  ed.  London, 
1840.     24**.  15-953.  Box  4 

Austria,^^  the  Austro-Hungarian  empire  (Oester- 
reicK),         General  vforks. 

— Austria  and  Salzburg.     [Arum.] 

pp.  171-275  of  9.510.4 

— Baedeker  (C.)  Southern  Germany  and  Aus- 
tria. Handbook  for  travellers.  3d  ed. 
Leipsic,  1873.     i6%  9. 5 10. 12 

— Blaze  de  Bury  (M.  P.  R.  S.)  Germania: 
personal  experiences  in  Austria,  Prussia, 
Hungary,  etc.,  [1850].  2d  ed.  London, 
1851.     2  V.     8".  9.515.4 

— De  Worms  (H.)  Austro-Hungarian  empire. 
A  political  sketch  of  men  and  events  since 
1866.   2d  ed.   London,  1877.   8'.     9.513.8 

— FiCKER  (A.)  BevOlkerung  der  Osterreichischen 
monarchie.    Gotha,  i860.    16**.     9.520. t8 

— Klein  (M.)  Notitia  Austriae  antiouae  et  me- 
diae. Tegernsee,  1781.    2  v.   4  .     9.526.4 

^-KoHL  (J.  G.)  Austria.  Vienna,  Prague, 
Hungary,  Bohemia,  and  the  military  fron- 
tier, [1841-42].  London,  1844.  8°.  9.515.8 

— KouBRAKiEWicz.  Revelations  of  Austria. 
(From  the  French].  London,  1846.  2  v. 
12*.  9.515. 16 

— Montagu  (/(ufy  M.  P.  W.)  Travels  in  Europe, 
[1724].  pp.  227-416.  V.  14  of  2.2030.1 

*— Paton  (A.  A.)  Goth  and  the  Hun;  Transyl- 
vania, Debreczin,  Pesth,  and  Vienna,  1850. 
London,  1851.     8°.  9.515-9 

—Russell  (J.)  Tour  in  Germany  and  the  south- 
ern provinces  of  the  Austrian  empire, 
1820-22.  From  2d  Edinburgh  ed.  Boston, 
1825.    8'.  9.513. 1 


— Annales  Austriae,  ed.  W.  Wattenbach.  pp. 
479-843.  V.  9  of  9.528.1 

— CoxE  (W.)  History  of  the  house  of  Austria, 
from  1218  to  1792.  3d  ed.  London,  1847. 
3  V.     p.  8"*.  9.520.2 

— HoziER  (H.  M.)  Seven  weeks'  war.  Phila- 
delphia, 1867.     2  v.     8*.  95232 

—Stiles  (W.  H.)  Austria  in  1848-49;  with  the 
campaigns  of  Lombardy  and  No  vara;  and 
the  revolution  in  Hungary.     New  York, 

1852.   2  v.   8^  9.515. 1 

— SCHULZ  (R.  A.)  Strassen  und  gebirgs-karte 
zur  reise  von  Wien  durch  Oesterreich, 
Salzburg.  KSmthen,  Steyermark  und 
Tyrol.  Wien.  [1850?].  folded  12°.  9. 5 ".8 
See,  also,  Bavaria,  Bohemia,  Dalmatia,  Danube, 
Germany,  Hunarauy,  Istria,  Transylvania,  Tyrol, 
Vienna.    .<4it<»,  France,  Prussia,  Turkey. 

Ava.     See  Burmah. 

Averill  (Chester),    b,  1804.    d.  1836. 

—Reed  (T.  C.)    Character  of  Chester  Averill. 

Schenectady,  1837.     8*.  4.202.16 

— Harlez  (C.  de).    Etudes  avestiques.    Journal 

asiatique.     7e  86r.,  v.  9. 

— KLEtJKER  (J.  F.)    UnterrortHing  neber  antifce 

aechtheit  der  bQch^r  Zend-Avesta's.     28 

pp.  v.  2  of  22. 1383. 1 

Axolotl,  (The)  {a  species  of  salamander). 
— Weismann  (A.)  On  the  change  of  the  Mexican 

axolotl  to  an  amblystoma.  28.3733.1 

[Smithsonian  report,  1877,  PP.  349-375]* 
Aje-aje,  (The)  (a  stecies  of  lemur), 
—Peters  (W.)     Ueber  die  saugethier-gattung 

Chiromys  (aye-aye).     Berlin,  1866.    4**. 

27. 1676. 1 
Aytoun  (William  Edmondstoune).    3.  1813.    d, 

—Martin   (T.)     Memour  of  W.   E.   Aytoun. 

Edinburgh,  1867.     p.  8**.  6.341.28 

Azania,  (ancient  city  in  Africa), 
— Bunsen  (G.   F.)     De  Azania,  Africae  littore 

oriental!,  commentatio  philologica.    Bon- 

nae,  1852.    8'.  11.664. 15 

Azara  (Felix  d').    b,  1746.    <f.  1806? 
— Smith  (C.  H.)    Memoir  of  don  Felix  d' Azara. 

pp.  17-76.  V.  19  of  27. 1667. 1 

Azeglio  (Massimo  Taparelli),  marquis  d\     b. 

1798.    d.  1866. 
— Recollections.  [An  autobiography].  Trans. 

by  [A.]  Maffei.  London,  i868.  2  v.  p.  8'. 

Azimuth  instniments. 
— Brito-Capello  (J.  C.  de).     Planispherio  azi- 

muthal.     Lisboa,  1869.     8^.  Obsevatory. 

Azores  Islands. 

— Chaste  (    .  de).    Voyage  to  Tercera,  1583. 
pp.  833-851.  v.  I  of  2.45.5 

Aztec  languag^e. 

— BuscHMANN  (J.  C.  E.)    Ueber  die  aztekischen 
ortsnamen.     le  abth.     Berlin,  1853.    4**. 

15.976. 14 


Baalbeck(aYy</i9flEtf/,  Heliopolis,  Coele-Syria), 
— Bernoville  (R.)    Dix  jours  en  Palmyr^ne. 
Paris,  1868.     1.  8%  I z. 706.22 

— Burton  (R.  F.)  Notes  on  the  water-shed  of 
the  Ba'albak  plain,  1869.     pp.  20-56. 

V.  I  of  zz. 704.11 
— Maundrell  (H.)    Visit  to  Balbeck,  1697. 

pp.  181-187  of  z  1. 704. 1 
— PococKE    (R.)      Of    Baalbeck,    the    antient 
Heliopolis,  1737.     pp.  106-113. 

V.  2  of  zz. 708.1 
—Robinson  (E.)    Visit  to  Baalbeck,  in  1852. 

pp.  505-527  of  zz.705.5 
— VoLNEY  (C.  F.  C.  de).  Visit  to  Baalbek,  1784. 
pp.  398-407  of  zz.644.6 
— ^WooD  (R.)    The  ruins  of  Balbec,  1751.    Lon- 
don, 1827.    1.  f*.  Cabinet  2.15.1 
Babbagre  (Charles),    b.  1792.    d.  1871. 
—Dodge  (N.  S.)    Charles  Babbage.     28.3733.1 
[Smithsonian  report,  1873,  pp.  162-183]. 

Babrius,  or  Gabrius. 

— Drogan  (G.)  De  Babrii  mjrthiambis.  Berlin, 
1847.     24  pp.    4*.  Z4.868.  Box  z 

Babylon,  and  Babylonia. 

— Buckingham  (J.  S.)  Travels  in  Mesopotamia. 
With  researches  on  the  ruins  of  Babylon, 
[1826].     London,  1827.    4°.        zz.708.16 




Baffin's  Bay. 

— Frssnrl  (F.)    Lctire  sur  les  antiquity  b*by- 

loniennes,  185 1. 

[Journal  askuique,  5  s^.,  r.  x,  *]. 
— Heeren  (A.  H.  L.)    Babylonians,     pp.  371- 

448.  V.  I  of  ZZ.2686.1 

— Layard  (A.  H.)   Discoveries  among  the  ruins 

of  Nineveh  and  Babylon,  [1848-50].  New 

York,  1853.     8°.  XX.  701. 3 

— Lenormant  (F.)    Chald6e  et  Assyrie.     pp.  3- 

309.  V.  2  of  2.60.7 

— Rawlinson  (G.)    Babylonia,     pp.  435-580. — 

pp.  1-83.  V.  2,  3  of  2.65.4 
On  the  history  of  the  later  Babylonians. 

pp.  500-530.  V.  I  of  2.65. 1 

The  same.    pp.  402-429.  v.  i  of  2.65.1 

On  the  topography  of  Babylon,    pp.  569- 

616.  V.  2  of  2.65.1 

^The  same.     pp.  471-514.  v.  2  of  2.65.1 

— Rawlinson  (H.  C.)    On  the  early  history  of 

Babylonia,     pp.  432-45a      v.  I  of  2.65.1 

^Thc  same.    pp.  344-359.  v.  i  of  2.65.1 

On   the  religion  of   the   Babylonians  and 

Assyrians,    pp.  584-642.      v.  i  of  2.65.1 

^The  same.     pp.  475-522.  v.  i  of  2.65.1 

— ^Satcb  (A.  H.)    Babylonian  literature.     Lon- 

don,  [1877].     8*.  X5. 2936. 24 

— Smith  (G.)    History  of  Babylonia.     London, 

[1878].     16*.  XX.  700.35 

Bache  (Alexander  Dallas),     d,  1806.    d.  1867. 
— Henry  (J.)    Eulogy  on  prof.  A.  D.  Bache. 

[With   a  list   of   his   scientific    papers]. 

^  28.3733- 1 
[Smithsonian  report,  1870,  pp.  9z-xx6j. 

Backgammon.    Ste  Games. 

Backus  (Isaac).    6.  1724.    d.  1806. 

— HovEY  (A.)    Memoir  of  the  life  and  times  of 

the  Rev.   Isaac  Backus.      Boston,   1859. 

12''.  4.202.20 

Bacon  (Francis),  Baron  Verulam  and    viscount 

St.  Albans,     b.  1561.     d,  1626. 

—Abbott  (E.  A.)    Bacon  and  Essex.    A  sketch 
of  Bacon's  earlier  life.   London,  1877.   8^. 


—Campbell  (J.)    Life  of  lord  Bacon,    pp.  235- 

359-  V.  2  of  0.338^.3 

—Dixon  (W.    H.)     Personal  history  of  lord 

Bacon.     London,  1861.     8**.        6.341.32 

— Life  of  Francis  Bacon.    [Anon,]    pp.  i-lxxvi. 

V.  I  of  6.2341.3 
—Life  and  correspondence  of  Francis  Bacon. 
[Anon.]     London,  1861.     12*.      6.341.33 
— Macaulay  (T.  B.)    Lord  Bacon. 

pp.  243-288  of  2X.1313.5 
—Mallet  (D.)  Life  of  Francis  Bacon,  pp.  1-35. 

V.  I  of  0.2357.2 

—Montagu  (B.)   Life  of  Bacon.    London,  1834. 

I  V.  in  2.     8**.  V.  16  of  6.2341. 1 

—Napier  (M.)     Lord  Bacon  and  Sir  Walter 

Raleigh.  Cambridge,  [Eng.],  1853.   p.  8'. 

— Rawley  (W.)    Life  of  Bacon,    pp.  33-58. 

V.  I  of  6.2340.4 
— Spedding  (J.)    Account  of  the  life  and  times 
of  Francis  Bacon.     Boston,  1878.     2  v. 
p.  8%  6.341.34 

-Vauzellks  (J.  B.  de).  Histoire  de  la  vie,  et 
des  ouvrages  de  Francois  Bacon.  .  .  . 
Paris,  1833.     2  V.     8  .  6.340.6 

— WiLHELMY  (G.)  De  vita  et  philosophia  Fran- 
cisci  Baconi.    Groningae,  1843.     8**. 

23. 142 1. 1 
Critical  estimate. 

— Craik  (G.  L.)  Bacon;  his  writings,  and  his 
philosophy.  London,  1846-47.  3  v.  in  i. 
24**.  23.1421. 15 

— Dorner  (A.  J.)  De  Baconis  philosophia. 
Berolini,  1867.     8'.  23.1421.3 

— Finch  (A.  E.)  On  the  inductive  philosophy; 
including  a  parallel  between  Bacon  and 
Comte.     London,  1872.    8*.    '  23. 1422.  i 

— Fischer  (C.)  Francis  Bacon  uhd  seine  nach- 
folger.     2e  aufl.     Leipzig,  1875.     8*". 

23. 142 1. 4 

The  same.  Francis  Bacon.  Realistic  phi- 
losophy and  its  age.  Tr.  ...  by  J.  Ox- 
enford.  London,  1857.  p.  8*".    23.1421. 11 

— Fleuing  (I.  P.)  Analysis  of  Bacon's  Advance- 
ment  of  learning.    London,  1876.     16**. 

23. 142 1. 10 

— Grosart  (A.  B.)  Lord  Bacon  not  the  author 
of  "The  Christian  paradoxes.'*  A  reprint 
of  *' Memorials  of  godliness,"  by  H. 
Palmer.  With  introduction  and  notes. 
Edinburgh,  1865.     8*.  22.1336.15 

— Jacquinet  (P.)  Francisci  Baconi  de  re  litte- 
raria  judicia.     Parisiis,  1863.     8". 

23.1421. 16 

—Mackintosh  (Sir  J.)    On  the  philosophical 

genius  of  Bacon  and  Locke,  pp.  307-337. 

V.  I  of  6.2352.4 

— Maistre  (J.  de).  Examen  de  la  philosophie 
de  Bacon.     Paris,  1836.     2  v.     8**. 

23. 142 1. 6 

— R^MUSAT  (C.  de).  Bacon;  sa  vie,  son  temps, 
sa  philosophie  et  de  son  influence,  jusqu'^ 
nos  jours.     2e  6d.     Paris,  1858.     16*. 

23.1421. 13 

—Tyler  (S.)  Discourse  of  the  Baconian  phi- 
losophy. 2d  ed.  Frederick  City,  1 846.  12*. 


The  same.    3d  ed.    Washington,  1877.    12*. 

23. 142 1. 9 

Bacon  (Henry),    b.  1813.    d.  1856. 

—Bacon  (E.  A.)  Memoir  of  Rev.  H.  Bacon. 
Boston,  1857.     I2\  4.202.18 

Bacon  (Roger),     b.  12 14.    d.  1294. 

—Brewer  (J.  S.)  Life  of  Roger  Bacon,  [by  A. 
Wood],  and  preface  to  Opera  quaedam 
inedita.     100  pp,     1.8*.  23.1416. 10 

[/«  Bacoo,  Opera,  etc.,  ed.  by  J.  S.  Brewer]. 

—Famous  historie  of  fryer  Bacon.  [Anon.] 
pp.  17J-250.  V.  I  of  20. 1224.3 

— Saisset  (E.)  Roger  Bacon,  d'aprds  des  nou* 
veaux  documents.  38  pp.  23. 1402. 14 

— Terilo  (W.)  Friar  Bakon's  prophesie:  a  satire. 
Ed.  by  J.  O.  H  alii  well.  London,  1844. 
p.  S".  V.  15  of  Z8.3092.1 

Baebianum,  (a  tovm  of  ancient  Italy ^  near  Bene- 

— Garrucci  (R.)  Monumenta  reipublicae  Ligu- 
nun  baebianorum.     Romae.  1847.     f. 


Baffin's  Bay. 

—Ross  (J.)  Voyage  for  the  purpose  of  explor- 
ing Baffin's  Bay.  [1818].  2d  ed.  Lon- 
don. 1819.     2  V.  in  I.     8*.  3.101.8 

— RuNDALL  (T.)    Voyages  of  Bylot  and  Baffin, 
pp.  97-150  of  2.51.30 





Bagdad,  or  Bagdat. 

— WELLSTED  (J.  R.)  Toivcls  to  the  city  of  the 
caliphs,    pp.  236-302.        V.  I  of  zz.695.5 

Bahama  Islands. 

— Catesby  (M.)  Natural  history  of  the  Bahama 
Islands.  [English  and  French.]  London, 
1743.    1.1".  28.1738.3 


— MoRGHEN  (F.)  Le  antichit4  di  Baja  e  Cuma, 
Napoli,  1869.    r.  Cabinet  z.13.1 

Baillie  (George),     b,  1664.    d.  1738. 

— Murray  (G.  B.)  Memoirs  of  George  Baillie  of 
Jerviswood.     xvi,  28  pp.     v.  i  of  6.367.5 

Baillie  {Lady  Grisell  Home),  b,  1665.  d.  1746. 

— Murray  (G.  B.)  Memoirs  of  the  right  hon- 
ourable Grisell  Baillie.     pp.  29-165. 

V.  I  of  6.367.5 

BailUe  (Robert),     b,  1602.    d.  1662. 

— Carlyle  (T.)  Baillie  the  covenanter,  pp. 
206-237.  V.  6  of  2Z.  1302.25 

— Laing  (D.)  Memoir  of  the  life  and  writings 
of  Robert  Baillie.  pp.  xix-lxxxv. 

V.  I  of  6.335.1 

Baillj  (Jean  Sylvain).     b.  1736.    d,  1793. 

— Arago  (D.  F.  J.)  Bailly,  [une  biographie]. 
pp.  247-426.  V.  2  of  26.1652.9 

The  same.     Bailly.     Tr.  by  W.  H.  Smyth. 

B.  Powell,  and  R.  Grant     pp.  91-257. 

V.  I  of  8.47&2.23 


—Jones  (Sir  W.)  Essay  on  the  law  of  bail- 
ments,    pp.  593-683.  V.  6  of  6.2347.1 

Bainbridge  (William),  b,  Princeton,  N.  y.,  1774. 
d  1833. 

— Harris  (T.)  Life  and  services  of  commodore 
Bainbridge.     Philadelphia,  1837.     8**. 


Baireuth  (Friederike  Sophie  Wilhelmine),  mark- 
grajin  von,     b.  1709.     d,  1758. 

— Memoirs  of  Friederika  Sophia  Wilhelmina, 
margravine  of  Baireith,  written  by  her- 
self, [1706-42].  From  the  French.  Lon- 
don, 1812.     2  V.     8°.  9.541. 12 

Baker  (Daniel),    b,  1791.    d.  1857. 

— Baker  (W.  M.)  Life  and  labours  of  Rev.  D. 
Biker.  Philadelphia,  1858.   12*.    4.202.22 

Balance.     See  Weights  and  measures. 

Balanoglossus  {a  family  of  worms), 

— Kowalewsky  (A.)  Anatomie  des  balano- 
glossus Deiie  Chiaje,  St.  Petersburg, 
1866.     4\  27.1717.1 

Balboa  (Vasco  Nuftez  de).     b.  1475.     d,  1517. 

— QuiNTANA  (M.  J.)  Lives  of  Balboa  and 
Pizarro.  From  the  Spanish  by  Mrs.  Hod- 
son.     Edinburgh,  1832.     16'.     zo.623.13 

Baldwin  (William),     b,  1779.     ^-  ^^^9- 

— Darlington  (W.)  Selections  from  the  corre- 
spondence of  W.  Baldwin,  and  a  memoir. 
Philadelphia,  1843.    12**.  4.202.19 

Bale  Qohn).     b,  1495.     d.  1564. 

— HuDDESFORD  (W.)  Life  of  John  Bale.     11  pp. 

V.  2  of  6.356.3 

Balfe  (Michael  William),    b,  1808.    d.  1870. 

— Kenney  (C.  L.)  Memoir  of  M.  W.  Balfe. 
London,  1875.     8*.  30.1904.5 

Ball  (Alexander  M.  W.) 

—Leavenworth  (E.  W.)  Who  wrote  **  Rock  me 
to  sleep ?"  Syracuse.  1870.    8".    Z8.1110.5 

—Morse  (O.  A.)  Vindication  of  the  claim  of  A. 
M.  W.  Ball  to  the  authorship  of  **  Rock 
me  to  sleep,  mother."  New  York,  1867. 
8".  Z8.1110.5 

Ballads  (Collected).    Danish, 

— Jamieson  (R.)  Popular  ballads  and  songs  [of 
Scotland].  .  .  .  with  translations  of  sim- 
ilar pieces  from  the  ancient  Danish  lan- 
guage. .  .  .  Edinburgh,  1806.     2  v.     8**. 


—Prior  (R.  C.  A.)  Ancient  Danish  ballads: 
tr.  from  the  originals.  London,  i860.  3 
V.     p.  8*.  18.1066.22 

—Weber  (H.  W.)  and  Jamieson  (R.)  Illustra- 
tions of  northern  antiquities;  translations 
of  metrical  tales.     Edinburgh,  18 14.     4% 


— Aytoun  (W.  T.)    Book  of  ballads,  by  Bon 

Gaultier.     [pseudon."]      A    new     edition. 

London.  1849.     s.  4  .  z8. 1080.33 

— Bell  (R.)  Early  ballads  illustrative  of  history, 

tradition,   and  customs.     London,    1856. 

16'.  18.3090. 1 1 

— Child  (F.  J.)    English  and  Scottish  ballads. 

Boston,  1864.     8  V.     16°.  Z8.1087.1 

—Collier  (J.    P.)     Old    ballads,   from    early 

printed  copies.  .  .  .  London,  1840.  p.  8  . 

V.  I  of  18.3092. 1 

Book  of  Roxburghe  ballads.    London,  1847. 

4".  X8.3094.4 

— Cromer  (R.  H.)  Remains  of  Nithsdale  and 
Galloway  song;  with  historical  and  tradi- 
tional notices.  .  .  .  London,  1810.     8^. 

— Dixon  (J.  H.)    Ancient  poems,  ballads,  and 
songs.     London,  1846.     p.  8^. 

V.  17  of  18.3092. 1 
Ballads  and  songs  of  the  peasantry  of  Eng- 
land. Ed.  by  R.  Bell.  London,  n.  d.  16^. 


Scottish  traditional  versions  of  ancient  bal- 
lads.   London,  1845.    p.  8**. 

V.  17  of  18.3092. 1 

— Deloney  (T.)  Strange  histories:  consisting 
of  ballads  and  other  poems.  London, 
1841.     p.  8°.  V.  3  of  18.3092. 1 

— Ebsworth  (J.  W.)  Bagford  ballads:  illus- 
trating the  last  years  of  the  Stuarts.  .  .  . 
Hertford,  1878.    2  v.    1.8'.         18.1077.1 

— Evans  (T.)  Old  ballads,  .  .  .  with  some  of 
modern  date.  .  .  .  2d  ed.  London,  1784. 
4  V.     p.  8'.  z8. 3090.5 

— Furnivall  (F.  J.)  Ballade  from  manuscripts. 
London,  1868-73.    2  v.     8*.        18. 1077. i 

— Gilbert  (W.  S.)  The  "bab"  ballads.  New 
York.  [1880?].     i6°.  18.3090.3 

— Gilchrist  (J.)  A  collection  of  ancient  and 
modem  Scottish  ballads,  tales,  and  songs; 
with  notes.  .  .  .  Edinburgh,  1815.  2  v. 
16'.  18.3091. 3 

—Goodwin  (J.)  Six  ballads,  with  burdens.  .  .  . 
London,  1844.     p.  8*.     v.  13  of  18.3092.1 

—Hall  (S.  C.)    Book  of  British  ballads.     [Il- 
lustrated].    London,  1842-44.     2  v.     8"*. 
Art  room.  B.3.4 





^Halliwell  (J.  O.)  Early  naval  ballads  of 
England.     London,  1841.     p.  S°, 

V.  2  of  z 8. 3092. 1 

— Ha&land  (J.)  Ballads  and  songs  of  Lanca- 
shire.     London,  1865.     le**.         z5.921.24 

— Ingledew  (C.  J.  D.)  Ballads  and  songs  of 
Yorkshire.  London,  i860.  16°.    15.921.35 

— ^Jamieson  (R.)  Popular  [Scottish]  ballads  and 
songs.  Edinburgh,  1806.  2  v.  8**.  Z8.3094.5 

— Lanrham  (R.)  Captain  Cox,  his  ballads  and 
books;  .  .  .  re-edited,  with  ...  the  com- 
playnt  of  Scotland.  1548-9,  by  F.  T.  Furn- 
ivall.     London,  1871.     8**.  18. 1077.  i 

— Lilly  (J.)  Collection  of  black-letter  ballads 
and  broadsides  of  the  reign  of  queen 
Elizabeth.  With  an  introduction  and 
notes.  2ded.  London,  1870.  8".  18.1076.23 

^The  same.  18.3094. 11 

—Logan  (W.  H.)  Pedlar's  pack  of  ballads  and 
songs.   Edinburgh,  1869.     8°.  z8. 3094. 16 

— Moore  (F.)  Personal  and  political  ballads. 
[Written  during  the  civil  war  in  the 
United  States].     New  York,  1864.     24**. 


— Motherwell  (W.)  Minstrelsy,  ancient  and 
modem.  With  an  .  .  .  introduction  and 
notes.     New  ed.     Paisley,  1873.     4*. 


— Percy  (T.)  Reliques  of  ancient  English 
poetry:  consistingof  heroic  ballads,  songs, 
and  other  pieces.  .  .  •  London,  1765.  3 
V.     s.  8'.  18.3090.14 

^Thc  same.    London,  1839.    8*.     18. 1086.24 

^The  same.  With  a  supplement.  Philadel- 
phia, 1855.     8"*.  18. 1086. 12 

^Thc  same.     The  folio  manuscript.     Ballads 

and  romances.  Ed.  by  J.  W.  Hales  and 
F.  J.  Furnivall ;  assisted  by  [F.  J.] 
Child,  etc.    London,  1867-68.     3  v.     8^ 

z8. 1076.22 

— PiNKBRTON  (J.)  Select  Scotish  ballads.  Lon- 
don, 1783.     2V.     8*.  Z8.3091.9 

— Rimbault  (E.  F.)  Old  ballads  illustrating  the 
great  frost  of  1683-4.  London,  1844.  p. 
8°.  V.  9  of  z 8. 3092. 1 

— RiTSON  (J.)  Ancient  songs  and  ballads.  .  .  . 
London,  1829.     2  v.     8*".  Z8.3094.8 

Pieces  of  ancient  .  .  .  poetry.  ...  2d  ed. 

London,  1833.     8**.  z8.3094.10 

—  -Robin  Hood:  a  collection  of  poems.  .  .  . 
London,  1820.     I8^  z8. 3090. 16 

^The  same.    2d  ed.    London,  1832.    2  v.    8**. 

— Roberts  (J.  S.)  Legendary  ballads  of  England 

and  Scotland.     London,  1868.     8". 

z8. 3092.2 
— Roxburghe  ballads.     With  short  notes  by 

Wm.  Chappell.     London,  1871-80.     3  v. 

1.  8'.  Z8.1077.1 
^The  same.  Edited  by  C.  Hindley.    London, 

1873-74.     2v.     1.  8^  z8.1066.15 

—Scott  {Sir  W.)     Ballads  and  lyrical  pieces. 

Boston,  1807.     12**.  18. 1 106. 14 
Minstrelsy  of  the  Scottish  border;  consisting 

of  historical  and  romantic  ballads.    .    .    . 

Kelso,  1802-03.     3  V.     8*.  18.3094.3 
The  same.     5th  ed.    Edinburgh,  1812.    3  v. 

8'.  X8.3094.3 

^WiLKiNS  (W.  W.)  Political  ballads  of  the  17th 

and  18th  centuries.     London,  i860.     2  v. 

p.  8*.  z8. 3094. 13 

-Wright  (T.)  Political  ballads,  published  in 
England  during  the  commonwealth.  Lon- 
don, 1841.     p.  8**.  V.  3  of  Z8.3092.Z 


-CosTELLO  (L.  S.)  Specimens  of  the  early 
poetry  of  France. 

pp.  265-475  of  z8.3061.15 

-La  ViLLEMARQUfi  (T.  C.  H.  H.  de).  Barzaz 
Breiz.  Chants  populaires  de  la  Bretagne, 
recueillis,  traduits  et  annot6s.  .  .  .  6^  6d. 
Paris,  1867.     8'.  z8. 3066. 16 

The  same.     Ballads  and  songs  of  Brittany, 

[tr.]  by  T.  Taylor  .  .  .  from  the  Barsaz- 
Breiz.     London,  1865.     s.  4**.   18.3066.17 

-Matzner  (E.)  Altfranz5sische  lieder,  berich' 
tigt  und  erlftutert.  Nebst  einem  altfran- 
zOsischen  glossar.  Berlin,  1853.     8**. 

18.3066. 14 

-Brooks  (C.  T.)  Songs  and  ballads.  Trans- 
lated  from  German  lyric  poets.  Boston, 
1842.     I2\  z8.3070.23 


-GOrres  (J.  J.  von).  Altteutscha  volks-  und 
meisterlieder.  .  .  .  Frankfurt  a.  M.,1817. 
8'.  z8. 3072.  II 

-Hagen  (F.  H.  vonder).  Minnesinger;  deutsche 
liederdichter  des  I2ten,  I3ten,  und  I4ten 
jahrhunderts.  .  .  .  Leipzig,  1838-56.  5 
V.  in  4.     4^  18.3072.20 

-Herder  (J.  G.  von).  Stimmen  der  vttlker. 
[Lieder  aus  dem  hohen  nord,  dem  sud; 
nordische  und  deutsche  lieder;  lieder  der 
wilden.  Uebersetzt  ins  deutsche] . 

V.  5  of  9.561.4 

-Kroeger  (A.  E.)  Minnesinger  of  Germany. 
New  York,  1873.     16**.  18.3074.9 

-RocHHOLZ  (E.  L.)  Eidgenttssische  lieder- 
chronik.  Sammlung  der  aitesten  schlacht- 
bundes-  und  parteilieder.  Bern,  1833.  8*". 


-Taylor  (E.)  Lays  of  the  minnesingers ;  or, 
German  troubadours  of  the  12th  and  13th 
centuries.  .  .  .  [Anon.']  London,  1825. 
i6'.  18.3081. 15 

-Weitz  (C.  F.)  Romanzen  und  balladen  der 
Deutschen.  Altenburg,  1799-1800.  2  v. 
i6'.  18.3082.27 

-Wolff  (O.  L.  B.)  Poetischer  hausschaiz  des 
deutschen  volkes.  ...  96  aufl.  Leipzig, 
1847.     8^  Z8.3083.2 



-Faurtel  (C.  C.)  Songs  of  Greece.  Tr.  into 
English  verse  by  C.  B.  Sheridan.  Lon- 
don, 1825.    8°.  Z8.1053.7 

-Ralston  (W.  R.  S.)     Songs  of  the  Russian 
people.    London,  1872.     8°.       zo.606.15 

-Robinson  (T.  A.  L.  v.  J.)    Volkslieder  der 
Serben,  metrisch  Ubersetzt    .     .     .     von 
Talvj.     Halle,  1825.     8\  z8. 3081. 18 

-Aguilera  (V.  R.)  Ellibro  dela  patria;  nuevos 
ecos  nacionales,  balades  y  cantares.  Mad- 
rid, 1869.     s.  l6*.  z8.3052.26 



SUBJECT-CATALOGUE  OF  THE  LIBRARY        Bank  of  England. 

— Geibel  (E.)  and  Heyse  (P.)  Spanisches  lic- 
derbuch.  Berlin,  1853.  sq.  16**.  28.3052. 27 

— LocKHART  (J.  G.)  Ancient  Spanish  ballads; 
.  . .  tr. ,  with  notes  .  . .  and  an  account  of 
the  romance  of  the  Cid.  New  ed.  New 
York,  1842.    8.  4^  18.3052.10 

—  -The  same.  And  the  chronicle  of  the  Cid, 
[tr.]  by  R.  Southey.    London,  1873.     8\ 


— OCHOA  (E,  de).  Tesoro  dc  los  romanceros  y 
cancioneros  espafloles.    Paris,  1838.     8  . 


— RoDD  (T.)  Ancient  Spanish  ballads,  .  .  . 
with  English  metrical  versions.  Preceded 
by  a  history  of  Charles  the  great  and 
Orlando.  .  •  .  London,  1821.  2  v.     16°. 

z  8. 3052. 13 
Sei^  alt0,  Folk-lore,  and  Songs. 
N0U,  Appended  to  the  section  Ballads,  in  the 
article  Poetry,  p.  904  of  the  Cataloflpae  of  the 
Brooklyn  Ubnury,  are  references  to  periodicals,  in 
which  the  character  of  ballad  poetry  is  discussed. 

Ballanche  (Pierre  Simon),    b,  1776.    d,  1847. 

— AiiiBisiX.  (J.  J.)    Ballanche.    pp.  1-198. 

V.  2  of  8.481. 1 

— Saintb-Bbuve  (C.  a.)  M.  Ballanche.  pp.  i- 
51.  V.  2  of  8.481.2 

Balloons.     See  Aeronautics. 

Ballon  (Hosea).    ^.1771.    </.  1852. 

— Ballou  (M.  M.)  Biography  of  Rev.  H.  Bal- 
lon.    Boston,  1852.     12°.  4.202.24 

Ballyally  castle,  (County  Clare,  Ireland), 

— CUFFE  (M.)     Siege  of  Ballyaly  castle.  [1641]. 
pp.  1-23  of  6.314. 15 

Baltic  Sea. 

— Carr  (J.)  Northern  summer;  travels  round 
the  Baltic,  1804.     Philadelphia,  1805.     8*". 


^The  same.    pp.  127-272.    v.  27  of  2.2030.1 

— Marryat  (H.)  Jutland,  the  Danish  isles,  and 
Copenhagen.     London,  i860.     2  v.     12". 

10.593.  II 
— Meyer  (H.  A.)    Untersuchungen  tlber  phy- 
sikalische    verhftltnisse    des    westlichen 
theiles  der  Ostsee.     Kiel,  [1870?].     f°. 

10. 598. 5 
Sety  alsoy  Denmark,  Rugen,  Sweden. 


— Scharf  (J.  T.)  Chronicles  of  Baltimore,  ffom 
[1606]  to  the  present  time.  Baltimore, 
1874.     8^  3.166.14 

See^  aUo,  Maryland. 

Baltimore  and  Ohio  railroad. 

—Smith  (W.  P.)  Book  of  the  great  railway  cel- 
ebrations of  1857.  Opening  of  the  north- 
western branch  of  the  Baltimore  and  Ohio 
railroad,    ist  ed.    New  York,  1858.    12'*. 


Balzac  (Honors  de).     b.  1799,  d.  1850. 

— Correspondance,  1819-1850.  Paris,  1876. 
2  V.  16"*.  8.482.8 

— JACQUOT  (E.)  Honors  de  Balzac.  [From  the 
French],  pp.  174-251  of  8.478a.2 

•^James  (H.)  Honor6  de  Balzac.  Balzac's  let- 
ters, pp.  84-l89of  20.I2l8a.8 

— Sainte-Beuve  (C.  a.)  M.  de  Balzac,  pp.  327- 
357.  V.  2  of  8.4S1.2 

—Stephen  (L.)    Balzac's  novels,    pp.  238-277. 
ist  series  of  2z.1316.10 

BandittL    See  Robbers. 

Banffshire  dialect. 

— Gregor  (W.)  Dialect  of  Banffshire ;  with  a 
glossary  of  words  not  in  Jamieson's  dic- 
tionary. London,  1866.  8'.  15.927.1 
\In  ih€  Philological  society**  transactions,  1866J. 

Bangkok.    See  Siam. 

Bank  of  England. 

— Adams  (H.)  Bank  of  England  restriction, 
1797-1821.  pp.  224-267  of  25.1546.47 

— Baring  (F.)  Observations  on  the  establish- 
ment of  the  bank  of  England.  London, 
1797.    81  pp.    8'.  25.1555.29 

Observations    on    the    publication    of    W. 

Boyd.  London,  1801.  36  pp.  8^  25.1555.29 

—Boyd  (W.)  Letter  to  Pitt,  on  the  influence  of 
the  stoppage  of  issues  in  specie,  on  the 
prices  of  provisions.     London,  1801.     8**. 


^Thesame.  25.155527 

—Francis  (J.)  History  of  the  bank  of  England, 
.  .  .  [1694-1845J.    London,  [1848].    2  v. 

8^  25.1554.5 

— Great  Britain,  Parliament ;  House  of  com- 
mons. Reports  from  iht  secret  com- 
mittee, on  the  expediency  of  the  bank  re-^ 
suming  cash  payments.  [With  minutes 
of  evidence,  11  Feb.-6  May,  1819].  Lon- 
don, 1819.    r.  25.1558.18. 

^Thesame.  25.1558.2^ 

House  of    lords.      Reports    by  Ae  secret 

committee  respecting  the  bank  of  Eng- 
land resuming  cash  payments.  With 
minutes  of  evidence,  [8th  Feb. -30th  April, 
1819].     London,  1819.    f.       25.1558.18 

House  of  commons.  Report  from  the  com- 
mittee of  secrecy  on  the  bank  of  Eng- 
land charter.  With  minutes  of  evidence. 
London,  1832.    f^  25.1558.19 

^Thesame.  25.1558.23 

—King   (P.)  Thoughts    on  the  effects    of   the 

bank  restrictions.     2ded.     London,  1804. 

V.  25.1544.21 

— LoYD  (S.  J.,  lord  Overstone),  Reflections 
suggested  by  T.  H.  Palmer's  Causes  of  the 
pressure  on  the  money  market.     London,^ 

1837.  8^  pp.  1-40  of  25.1555.5 

Remarks    on  the  condition  and  conduct  of 

the  bank  of  England  during  the  year  1839. 
London,  1840.  8'.  pp.  41-158  of  25.1555.5, 

Letter  to  J.  B.  Smith.  [On  the  administra- 
tion of  the  bank  of  England].  London, 
1840.     8'.  pp.  159-183  of  25.1555.5 

^The  same.    Second  letter.     London,  1840. 

8'.  pp.  185-236  of  25.1555.5 

Thoughts  on  the  separation  of  the  depart- 
ments of  the  bank  of  England.     London,. 

1844.   8^         pp.  237-284  of  25.1555.5 

Petition  of    the    merchants,  badkers,   and 

traders  of  London,  against  the  bank  char- 
ter act;  with  comments.  London,  1847.  8**. 
pp.  285-308  of  25.1555.5 

— Palmer  (J.  H.)  Causes  and  consequences  of 
the  pressure  upon  the  money  market. 
London,  1837.     65  pp.     12*.     25.1544.18 

Reply  to  reflections  of  S.  J.  Loyd  on  [the 

preceding].     London,  1837.     24  pp.     12°. 

Not*.  Almost  all  histories  of  banldag  include 
some  history  of  the  bank  of  England.  Further 
information  will  be  found  in  the  lives  and  speeches 
of  eminent  parllamentariani ;  as  Homer,  Huskia* 
son,  Ricardo,  Peel. 


Bank  of  Pennsylvania.     OF  THE  COLLEGE  OF  NEW  JERSEY. 


Bank  of  Pennsylvania. 

— Communications  from  the  auditor  general, 
transmitting  ttie  quarterly  statements  of 
banks,  1849  [to  1853].  rfarrisburg,  1849- 
53.     8*.  25.1558.12 

Bank  of  the  United  States. 

— Calhoun  (J.  C.)  Speech  on  the  removal  of 
the  deposits.  In  the  senate,  Jan.  13, 1834. 
pp. 309-343.  V.  2  of  2X.  1295.10 

Speech  on  Webster's  proposition  to  rechar- 

ter  the  bank.  In  the  senate,  March  21, 
1834.    pp.  344-376.        V.  2  of  2Z.  1295. 10 

— Cla&kb  (M.  S.)  and  Hall  (D.  A.)  Legislative 
and  documentary  history  of  the  bank  of 
the  United  States  ;  including  the  original 
bank  of  North  America.  Washington, 
X832.    8*.  25.1558.11 

—Clay  (H.)  Speech  on  the  removal  of  the  de- 
posits. In  the  senate,  Dec.  26,  1833.  pp. 
176-230.  v.  2  of  2Z.  1295.21 

—  -Speech  on  the  bank  veto,   [by  president 

Tyler],    pp.  492-517.    v.  2  of  2Z.  1295.21 

—Exhibit  of  the  losses  sustained  at  the  office  of 

discount  and  deposit  in  Baltimore,  under 

J.   A.  Buchanan  and  J.  W.   McCulloh. 

Appended,  a  report   of   the  conspiracy 

cases.     Baltimore,  1823.    8^.     24.3506.4 

— GoDDA&D  (T.  H.)    History  of  the  late  bank  of 

the  United  States,  pp.  94-181  of  25. 1555. 14 

—Hamilton  (A.)    Report  on  a  national  bank, 

to  the  house  of  representatives,  Dec.  14, 

1790.    pp.  106-146.  V.  3  of  4.234.1 

—  -The  same.      Report  on  the  subject  of    a 

national  bank.  pp.  51-94  of  25. 1555. 14 
—Monthly  statements,  January,  1831,  to  June, 

1834.  Washington,  1834.  4\  25.1554.13 
—Report  [of]  the  committee  to  investigate  the 

affairs  of  the  bank  of  the  United  States. 

—Report  [of!  the  committee  of  ways  and  means 
[on  the]  removal  [of]  public  deposites. 


—Taney  (R.  B.)    Report  [on]  the  affairs  of  the 

bank  of  the  United  States.        25.1554.13 

—United   States,  23d  congress.      Report  of 

select  committee  to  investigate  the  affairs 

of  the  bank  of  the  United  States. 

iVtffr.  For  other  articles  retpecdng  the  United 
States  bank  in  the  Congressional  documents,  see 
index  to  the  same,  1831-39,  published  by  authority 
of  congress,  and  located  with  the  documents. 

—Webster  (D.)  Speech  delivered  at  the  mass 
meeting,  Saratoga,  Aug.  19,  1840.  pp.  i- 
36.  V.  2  of  21. 1394.3 

Speech  in  Wall  Street,  Sept.  28,  1840.    pp. 

53-79.  V.  3  of  2Z.  1294.3 

—Whitney  (R.  M.)  Memorial  in  relation  to 
the  charges  against  him,  as  a  witness  be- 
fore the  committee  of  investigation  into 
the  affairs  of  the  bank  of  the  United  Sutes. 
Washington,  1832.  52  pp.  8°.  25.1554.13 
Npt*.  Numerous  memoranda  of  opinions  and 
~i  taken  in  congress,  relative  to  the  bank 

nent  American  statesmen. 


—Price  (F.    G.    H.)    Handbook  of   London 
bankers.     London,  1876.  12*.  25.1553.18 


— ^Appleton  (N.)  Remarks  on  currency  and 
banking.     Boston,  1841.     iv,  73  pp.    8"*. 

— Ayres  (H.)    Financial  register  of  British  and 

foreign  funds,  banks,  etc.,  etc.,  for  1857. 

London,  [1857].     8*.  25.1555.2d 

— Bagehot  (W.)    Lombard  street :  a  description 

of  the  money  market.    New  York,  1877. 

I2'.  25.1544.32^ 

— Bell  (G.  M.)  Philosophy  of  joint  stock  bank- 
ing. London,  1840.  8^  25.1555.23 
— BoLLMAN   (E.)    Paragraphs    on    banks.     2d 

ed.  Philadelphia,  1811.  16'.  25.1555.50 
— Courcelle-Seneuil  (J.  G.)    Trait6  th6orique 

et  pratique  des  operations  de  banque.    5e 

6d.     Paris,  1871.     8".  25.1554.10 

— Crxtmp   (A.)     English    manual    of   banking. 

3ded.  London,  1878.  8°.  25.1554.6 
Practical  treatise  on  banking,  currency,  and 

the  exchanges.     London,  1866.     12*. 

— Gallatin  (A.)    Considerations  on  the  cur- 
rency and  banking  system  of  the  United 
States.  Philadelphia,  1831.  8**.  25.1555.15 

^The  same.  25.1544.17 

^The  same.    pp.  231-364.         v.  3  of  4.235.3 

—  -Suggestions  on  the  banks  and  currency  of 

the  United  States, in  reference,  principally, 

to   the  suspension  of  specie  pavments. 

pp.  365-488.  V.  3  0/4.235.3 

—Gibbons  (J.  S.)    The   banks   of   New  York. 

New  York,  1859.     12".  ^S 155324 

^The  same.     loth  ed.   New  York,  1873.  12'*. 

— GiLBART    (J.  W.)    Logic  of  banking.    .    .    . 

London,  1859.  16°.  25.1555.36 

—  -Principles  and  practice  of    banking.     New 

ed.     London,  1873.     8*.  25.1554.3 

—Great  Britain;  Parliament.    Report  from 

the  secret  committee  on  joint  stock  banks. 

London,  1836-38.  3  v.  in  i.  T.  25.1558.24 
Report  from  select  committee  on  banks  of 

issue.  .  .  .  London,  1840.  T.  25.1558.25 
Report  from  the  select  committee  on  the 

bank  acts.  London,  1858.  V,  25.1558.26 
— HoMANS  (I.  S.)    Banker's  almanac  for  185 1. 

Boston,  1851.  8*.  25.1553.10 
Banker's    common-place    book.      Boston, 

1851.    I6^  25.1553.19 

— ^JoPUN  (T.)  Essay  on  the  general  principles 
...  of  banking,  in  England  and  Scot- 
land. ...  4th  ed.  [London,  1823].  x, 
92  pp.     8*.  25.1532.46 

[Bound  with  his  Political  economy]. 

— LOYD  (S.  J.,  lord  Overstone),  Extracts  from 
[his]  evidence  before  the  select  committee 
of  the  house  of  commons,  on  banks  of  is- 
sue, in  1840.        pp.  339-486  of  25.1555.5 

Evidence  .  .  .  before  the  select  committee 

of  the  house  of  commons  of  1857,  on  bank 
acts.  London,  1858.    8°.        .    25.1553.13 

Letters    .    .    .    on  the  bank-charter  act  of^ 

1844,  and  on  the  state  of  the  currency  in 
1855-56.  pp.  309-338  of  25.1555.5 

—MACLEOD  (H.  D.)  Theory  and  practice  of 
banking.  3d  ed.  London,  1875-76.  2  ▼. 
8'.  25. 1555.1a 

— Mills  (R.  H.)  Principles  of  currency  and  bank- 
ing.   2ded.   London,i857.  8\   25.1555.6* 





— MusHET  (R.)  Effect  of  the  issues  of  the  bank 
of  England  upon  public  credit.  .  .  .  Lon- 
don, 1826.     8^  35. 1555.27 

— O'Callaguan  (J.)  Usury,  funds,  and  bank- 
ing. .  .  .  5ih  ed.    New  York,  1856.    12'. 


— Palgrave  (R.  H.  L)  Notes  on  banking  in 
Great  Britain,  Sweden,  Denmark,  and 
Hamburg.    London,  1873.  8*.  25.1555.19 

— Parnell  (H.)  Observations  on  paper  money, 
banking,  and  overtrading.  .  .  .  London, 
1827.     8'.  25.1555.2 

— Price  (B.)  Currency  and  banking.  New 
York,  1876.     12*.  35.1555.41 

—  PuRDY  (W.)  London  banking  life.  Papers 
on  trade  and  finance.  New  York,  [1876  ?]. 
8'.  35.1553-31 

— RiCARDO  (S.)  Observations  on  the  pamphlet 
of  Palmer,  on  Causes  of  the  pressure  on 
the  money  market  London,  1837.  43  pp. 
8'.  35.1554.8 

— Salomons  (D.)  Defence  of  the  joint-stock 
banks.     2d  ed.  London,  1837.  46  pp.  8". 

35  1554.8 

— Sandoz  (C.  de).  Correspondance  fran9aise 
pour  les  maisons  de  banque.  .  .  . 
Vienne,  1878.     8*.  15. 933. 22 

— Sbaly  (H.  N.)  Treatise  on  coins,  currency, 
and  banking.  .  .  .  London,  1858.     8*". 

25. 1545.  II 
— Sherman  (J.)    Taxation  of  bank  bills. 

pp.  32-51  of  25. 1542. 13 
National  banks,     pp.  207-210  of  25.1542.13 

Free  banking.  pp.436-452  of  25.1542.13 

— SoMERS  (R.)     Scotch  banks.  .   .  .  Including 

translation  of  '*  Lesbanques  d'£cosse:"  by 

L.  Wolowski.     Edinburgh,  1873.     8'. 

^Strachan  (J.)    Anatomy  and  philosophy  of 

banking.  London,  1849.     I6^  25.1555.38 
—Wolowski  (L.)    La  banque  d'Angleterre,  ct 

les  banques  d'£cosse.     Paris,  1867.     8*. 


— Woodbury  (L.)    Letter  from  the  secretary  of 

the  treasury  .  .  .  showing  the  condition 

of  the  state  banks.    .    .    .    Washington, 

1840.     8'.  35.1553.16 

— Dun  (J.)    British  banking   statistics.     .     .     . 

London.  1876.    8'.  35.1553.14 

— EastburnQ.  H.)   History  of  banks.    [Anon.] 

Boston,  1837.     i6°.  35.1555.46 

— Fleming  (J.  S.)    Scottish  banking:  a  historical 

sketch.     3d  ed.     London,  1877.     8*. 

— GiLBART   (J.    W.)    History    of    banking    in 

America.    London,  1837.     8*.     25.1555.7 
History  of   banking  in   Ireland.     London, 

1836.     8'.  25.1551.14 

— GoDDARD  (T.  H.)    General  history  of  the  most 

prominent  banks  in  Europe,    .  .  .  and  of 

the  United  Sutes.  .  .  .  New  York,  1831. 

8'.  25.1555.14 

'—.Gouge  (W.  M.)  Curse  of  paper  money  and 
banking;  or,  a  short  history  of  bankinp^  in 
the  United  States.  •  •  .  London,  1833. 
i6'.  35.1555.44 

The  same.     Short  history  of  paper  money 

and  banking  in  the  United  Sutes;  [with] 
an  inquiry  into  the  principles  of  the  sys- 
tem.    2d  ed.     New  York,  1835.     8*. 

^The  same.     3d  ed.     New  York,  1840.     8*. 

— Lawson  (W.  J.)  History  of  banking ;  with 
an  .  .  .  account  of  .  .  .  the  banks  of 
England,  Ireland,  and  Scotland.  Lon- 
don, 1850.  8^  35.1555.13 
— ^Lbwins  (W.)  History  of  banks  for  savings,  in 
Great    Britain    and    Ireland.      London, 

[1866].  8^  35.1554.1 

Set^  also^  Bank  of  England.  Bank  of  Pennsyl- 
vania, Bank  of  the  United  States,  and  Glasgow 
City  bank. 

W/xtf,  Credit,  Currency,  Exchange,  Finance, 
Money,  Stocks. 

Bankruptcy  law  of  the  United  States. 

^Sergeant  (J.)  Speech  in  the  house  of  repre- 
sentatives, March  7,  1822,  on  the  bill  to 
establish  an  uniform  system  of  bankruptcy 
throughout  the  United  States. 

pp.  256-333  of  21. 1295. 19 

Banks  {Sir  Joseph),    d.  1743.    d.  1820. 

^Brougham  (H.)  Sir  Joseph  Banks,  pp. 
334-382.  V.  I  of  6.2342.  II 

— JARDINE  {Sir  W.)  Memoir  of  Sir  Joseph 
Banks,     pp.  17-48.        v.  38  of  27. 1667. 1 

Bannockbum,  (Battle  oQ,  13 14. 

— Shearer    (R.   S.)     Field    of    Bannockbum. 
pp.  39-45  of  5. 273. 1 1 

^White  (R.)  History  of  the  battle  of  Bannock- 
burn.     Edinburgh,  1871.     8'.         6.333.9 

Bantam,  (A  town  in  Java). 

— Middleton  {Sir  H.)  Voyage  to  Bantam  and 
the  Maluco  Islands,  [1604-06].  From  ed. 
of  1606.  Ed.  by  B.  Corney.  London, 
1855.     8'.  a.51.25 

Bantia,  {A  Roman  town^  mar  Venusia,  now 

— KiRCHHOFF  (A.)  Stadtrecht  von  Bantia.  Ber- 
lin, 1853.     97  pp.     8**.  13.796.  Box  2 

^Klenze  (C.  a.  C.)  Das  allramische  gesetz 
auf  der  bantinischen  tafel.     54  pp. 

[In  his  Philolos^he  abhandlungen]. 


— Dale  (J.  W.)    Classic  baptism.    An  inquiry 

into  the  meaning  of  the  word  /SaiertXoo, 

Boston,  1867.     12**.  22.1375.17 

— D' AN  VERS  (H.)     Treatise  of  baptism.     .     .     . 

2d  ed.     London,  1674.     16**.      22.1375.23 
— Dell  (W.)      Doctrine  of  baptisms,  reduced 

from  its  corruptions.     First  printed  1652. 

Philadelphia,  1872.     36  pp.     24*. 

22.1338.  Box  I 
— Marshall  (N.)    Dissertation  upon  heretical 

baptisms    at    the    coimcil    of    Carthage. 


[/m  Cjrprian^s  works,  pp.  356-378]. 
In/ant  baptism, 
— Smith  (J.  T.)    The  scriptural  and  historical 

arf^ments  for  infant  baptism  examined. 

Philadelphia,  1850.     16'.  22.1375.24 

— Taylor    (N.)      Bnef   discourses    concerning 

infant  baptism.     London,  171 1.     I2\ 

—Wall  (W.)    The  history  of  infant  baptism. 

.  .  .  New  ed.    by   H.   Cotton.     Oxford, 

1836.     4V.     8*.  31.1971.7 






— Curtis  (T.  F.)  Progress  of  baptist  principles 
in  the  last  hundred  years.  Charleston, 
1856.     12*.  31.1971.12 

— Edwards  (M.)    Materials  for  a  history  of  the 

baptists  in  Rhode  Island,    pp.  301-370. 

V.  6  of  4.193.9 

— S PRAGUE  (W.  B.)  Histonr  of  American  bap- 
tist ministers.  New  York,  i860.     8°. 

V.  6  of  16.997.1 

—Taylor  (J.  B.)  Virginia  baptist  ministers. 
Richmond,  1838.     12"*.  4. 196. 19 

The  same.  2d  series.  New  York,  i860.  12°. 

4. 196. 19 

Bar,  The.     See  Law,  Lawyers. 

Barante  (Amable  Guillaume  Prosper  Bnigi^re, 
baron  de).     b.  1782.     d.  1866. 

— GuizoT  (F.  G.  P.)    M.  de  Barante. 

pp.  223-370  of  8.478<i.3 

The   same.      Tr.   by  [D.   M.    M.   Craik]. 

London,  1867.     16**.  8.482.10 

— Saintk-Beuve  (C.  a.)  M.  de  Barante.  pp. 
31-61.  V.  4  of  8.481.2 

Barbadoes,  {pne  0/  the  West  India  islands). 

—Davy  (J.)     Barbados,    [1845-48]. 

pp.  33-162  of  3. 126. 17 

— PiNCKARD  (G.)  Observations  on  the  island  of 
Barbadoes,  [1795].  pp.  184-448  ;  pp.  i- 
200.  V.  I  and  2  of  3.126.3 

See^  aiso^  West  Indies. 

Barbarossa,  or  Red-beard.     See  Frederick  I., 
•      emperor  of  Germany. 

Barbary  States. 

— Account  of  southwest  Barbary  [Anon. 
translated  into  French].  Relation  des 
6tats  de  Fez  et  de  Maroc,  traduite  de  I'An- 
glois.  Amsterdam,  1726.   16".     zx.653.26 

—Russell  (M.)  History  of  the  Barbary  States. 
New  York,  1835.     18".  32.2020.23 

— Shaw  (T.)  Observations  relating  to  Barbary, 
and  the  Levant.  Oxford,  1738.  C  xz. 668.1 

— Torres  (D.  de).  Histoire  des  ch6rifs,  des 
royaumes  de  Maroc,  de  Fez,  de  Tarudant, 
etc  V.  3  of  1 1.655. 1 

See^  «/ms  Africa  {Nartkem)^  Algeria,  Morocco, 
Tripoli,  Tunis. 

Barbauld  (Anna  Laetitia  Aildn).  b.  1743.  d. 

— Elus  (G.  A.)  Memoir  of  Mrs.  Barbauld. 
with  her  letters  [and  smaller  works]. 
Boston,  1874.     2  V.     16°.  6. 2361. 18 

Barclay  (John),    b.  1758.    d.  1826. 

— Jardine  (5»>  W.)  Memoir  of  John  Barclay, 
pp.  17-44.  V.  24  of  37.1667.1 

Barehh.     See  Baireuth. 

Bars^7  and  Forth  dialect. 

— PiCTON  (J.  A.)  Baronies  of  Forth  and  Bargey, 
Wexford,  Ireland:  origin  of  the  antique 
dialect  formerly  spoken  [there].  Liver- 
pool, 1866.     30  pp.     8°.        15.920.  Box  2 

Barfaam  (Richard  Harris),    b.  1788.    d.  1845. 

— Barham  (R.  H.  D.)  Life  and  letters  of  Rev. 
R.  H.  Barham;  with  a  selection  from  his 
poems.  London,  1870.  2  v.  p.  8"*.  6.341.38 

Barnard  (John),    b,  1681.    d.  1770. 

—Autobiography  of  John  Barnard,  pp.  177- 
243.  V.  5,  3rd  series,  of  4.175.3 

Bameyeldt,  or  Olden-Bameveld  (Jan  van),  b. 
1547.    d.  16 19. 

— Motley  Q.  L.)  Life  and  death  of  John  of 
.  .  .  Bameveld.  New  York,  1874.  2  v. 
8\  10.575.7 

Barney  (Joshua),    b.  1759.    d.  1818. 

— Barney  (M.)  Biographical  memoir  of  com- 
modore Joshua  Barney;  from  autobio- 
graphical notes.  Boston,  1832.  8"*.  4.203.1 


— Neumeyer  (L.)  HQlfstafeln  fttr  barometrische 
hOhenmessungen.    Mtinchen,  1877.     8**. 

— Playfair  (J.)  Causes  which  affect  the  accu- 
racy of  barometrical  measurements,  pp. 
33-90.  V.  y  oi  25. 1 584. 25 

— Plympton  (G.  W.)  Aneroid  barometer,  its 
construction  and  use.  [Anon."]  New  York, 
1878.    I8^  a6.i620.i 

— Vaillant  (M.)  Horary  variations  of  the 
barometer.  [From  the  French].  28.3733.1 
[Smithsonian  report,  1866,  pp.  413-424]. 

— Welsh  (J.)  Construction  of  a  standard 
barometer.  28.3733.1 

[Smithsonian  report,  1859,  PP*  44X-447]. 

— ^Williamson  (R.  S.)  On  the  use  of  the  barom- 
eter,  on  surveys  and  reconnaissances. 
New  York,  1868.     4^  26. 1626.  i 

Practical  tables,  the  appendix  to  the  Use  of 

the  barometer.     New  York,  1868.    4°. 

26. 1 626. 1 

Baronetcies.     See  Great  Britain,  (Peerage). 

Barre  (Isaac),     b.  1726.    d.  1802. 

— Britton  (J.)  Biographical  memoir  of  colo- 
nel Barr6.  pp.  10-96  of  2X.1317.1 

Barrow  (Sir  John),    b.  1764.    d.  1848. 

— ^Autobiographical  memoir  of  Sir  John  Bar- 
row.    London,  1847.     8°.  6.342.0 

Bany  (Sir  Charles),     b.  1795.    d.  i860. 

— Barry  (A.)  Life  and  works  of  Sir  Charles 
Barry.     London,  1867.     8'.  6.342.1 

Barry  (James),    b.  1741.    d.  1806. 

— Cunningham  (A.)  James  Barry,  pp.  60- 
142.  V.  2  of  1. 1.7 

The  same.     pp.  54-123.    v.  2  of  32.2010.13 

Bartholomew  fair  (Aeld  at  Smithfield^  London^ 
every  autumn^  from  wy^  to  1855). 

— MoRLEY  (H.)  Memoirs  of  Bartholomew  fair. 
London,  1858.     I6^  5.264.14 

Bartlow,  (t«  Essex^  England). 

— Gage  (J.)  Account  of  Roman  sepulchral  relics 

discovered  in  Bartlow.    v.  25,  pp.  1-23 ; 

V.  26,  pp.  300-317  ;  V.  28,  pp.  1-6,  2  pi. ; 

V.  29.  pp.  1-4  of  5.2296.1 

Barton  (William),    b.  1747.    d.  1831. 

— Diman  (J.  L.)  Capture  of  general  Prescott  by 
Barton.  Providence,  1877.S.  4°.      4.193.3 


— Hamilton  (W.)  Natural  history  of  the  ba- 
saltes  of  the  county  of  Antrim,  pp.  67- 
109.  V.  4  of  2.45.5 

— ^ZiRKEL  (F.)  UntersuchuDgen  tiber  die  mikro- 
skopische  zusammensetzung  und  structur, 
der  basaltgesteine.     Bonn,  1870.     8''. 

See^  als0^  Crystallography,  Mineralogy. 

Basedow  (Johann  Bemhard).   b.  1723.  d.  1790. 
—Meier  (J.  C.)    J.  B.  Basedows  leben,  charak- 

ter,  und  schriften.     Hamburg,    1791-92. 

2  V.     I6^  9-54i>i3 




Basel,  #r  Basle,  (a  city  of  Sw%t%erhmd\ 

— Cherler  (P.)  Urbis  BasQeae  encomium, 
brevisque  descriptlo.  BasUeae,  1577.  >• 
4%  10. 58a.  28 

— ^VISCHBR  (W.)  Geschichte  der  universitiU 
Basel,  voo  1460  bis  1529.  Basel,  i86a 
%\  34.1485.7 

Bashan,  {in  Syria,  heyomd  Jordan), 

--Graham  (C.  C.)  Ancient  Bashan,  and  the 
cities  of  Og.        pp.  126-164  of  2Z.  1302. 16 

—Merrill  (S.)  Among  the  cities  of  Bashan. 
pp.  10-59  of  ZZ.2702.7 

— Porter  (J.  L.)  Giant  cities  of  Bashan.  New 
Yorlc,  1871.     12".  xz.700.14 

Basilica.     See  Architecture,  Cathedrals. 

Basilius,  caesaritnsis,    b,  a.d.  329.    d,  379. 

— Garnier  (J.)  Vita  sancti  Basilii.  pp.  xxxviil- 
cclix.  V.  3  of  Z4.873.3 

Basle.    Set  Basel. 

Basque  languaffs. 

— Larramendx  (M.  de).  Diccionarto  trilingue; 
castellano,  bascuence  y  latin.  Nueva  ed. 
por  P.  de  Zuazua.  San  Sebastian,  1853. 
2  V.  in  I.     f*.  Z5.987.3 

El  impossible  vencido.  Arte  de  la  lengua  bas- 

congada.  Salamanca,  1729.  8''.  z5.985.31 

Basque  proviiices. 

— Bacon  (J.  F.)  Six  years  in  Biscay.  Princi- 
pal events  in  the  Basque  provinces,  1830- 
37.    London,  1838.    8**.  zo.625.6 

—Byrne  {Mrs,  W.  P.)  Basques,  [1865].  pp. 
39-81.  V.  I  of  zo.625.11 

— Ford  (R.)    Basque  provinces,    pp.  872-902. 

V.  2  of  zo.623.9 
Ste,  aitOt  Biscay,  Spain. 

— PlERQUiN  de  Gembloux  (C.  C.)  Bibliogra- 
phic basque.    49  PP-     8'.  15.933.  Z9 
\ln  hi*  HiBtoire  des  patoU]. 

Bas  reliefs.    See  Sculpture. 

Bassaris,  {Civet  cat). 

— Allen  (J.  A.)    On  the  species  of  the  genus 

bassaris.  Alumni  room. 

[/«  Bulletin  of  the  geological  sunref  of  the  terri- 
tories, V.  s,  no.  3,  pp.  33»-34o]. 
Bassoutos.  {ft  people  of  southern  Africa), 
^Casaus  (E.)  Introduction  sur  la  mission  chez 

les  Bassoutos.  pp.  v-lxiii  of  15.976.5 

Bass  Rock,  (m  the  Firth  of  Forth,  near  Edin- 

—Miller  (H.)    Geology  of   the    Bass    Rock, 
pp.  241-344  of  6.334.14 
Bastiat  (Fr6d6ric).    b,  1801.    d,  1850. 
—Stirling  (P.  JO    Notice  of  the  life  and  writ- 
I  of  Frederic  Bastiat. 

pp.  ix-xl  of  35.1531.1 
Bastile,  {a  fortress,  and  state  prison  at  Paris), 
—Davenport  (R.  A.)    History  of  the  Bastile. 

London,  1839.     16".  1.1.5 

— Dusaulx   (J.)    De  I'insurrection  parisienne, 

et  de  la  prise  de  la  Bastille,  [14  Juillet, 

1789I.  pp.  351-470  of  7.2422. 14 

— Linouet  (S.  N.  H.)  M^moires  sur  la  Bastille. 

Paris,  1821.     8°.  7.2422.14 

See,  mlsff,  various  histories  of  Paris,  particularly 


Bates  Goshua).    b.  17S8.    d,  1864. 
—Memorial  of  Joshua  Bates,  from  the  city 
of  Boston,   boston,  1865,    4^.       4.203.2 


Bath,  {England), 

—Map  of  the  environs   of   Bath.    Bath,  n.d. 

folded  32%  5.373.11 

Batis  maritima,  {a  shate), 
—ToRREY  (J*)    Observations  on  the  batis  ma- 

ritima.    8  pp.     i  pi.         v.  6  of  28.3738.1 
Batrachia,  {the  genus  of  reptiles  to  which  frogs 

—Cope  (E.  D.)    Check-list  of  North  American 

batrachia     and    reptilia.      Washington, 

1875.     8%  V.  13  of  28.3734.1 

— Daudin  (F.   M.)    Histoire  naturelle  des  rai- 

nettes,  des  grenouilles,  et  des   crapauds. 

[Colored  plates].      Paris,  an  xi  [1804]. 

4^  27.1688.19 

See,  alto.  Progs,  Newts,  Toads. 


—Allen  (H.)    Monogniph  of  the  bats  of  North 

America.    Washington,  1864.  85  pp.    8^ 

V.  7  of  28.3734.1 

— DOBSON  (G.  E.)  Catalogue  of  the  chiroptera 
in  the  collection  of  the  British  museum. 
London,  1878.     8*.  27.1673.4 


—Creasy  (E.  C.)  Fifteen  decisive  battles  of 
the  world.  New  York,  1851.  I2*.   2.75.ZO 

^The  same.    6th  ed.    London,  1854.    8*. 


— SwiNTON  (W.)  Twelve  decisive  battles  of  the 
war  [of  secession  from  the  United  States]. 
New  York,  1867.   8'.  3.155-4 

See,    also,    Agincourt,    Bamiockbum,     Bunker 
Hm,  Plodden  Field,  Pharsalia,  Waterloo. 


— ^Annales  et  notae  [variorum  scriptorum],  ed. 
P.  Jaff6  et  W.  Wattenbach,  [a.d.  43- 
1483].     pp.  319-642.  V.  17  of  9.528.1 

— Gt^MBEL  (C.  W.)  Geognostiche  beschreibung 
des  bayerischen  alpengebirges,  und  seines 
vorlandes.     Gotha,  1861-68.     2  v.    1.  8"*. 

29. 1826. 1 1 

—  -The  same.    Atlas.  Alumni  room. 

—  -Die  geognostiche  durchforschung  Bayems. 

Mtlnchen,  1877.     80  pp.    4**.     10.1806.29 
— Pfeiffer  (J.  B.)     Karte  zur  reise  durch  das 
.  Salzkammergut   .   ,   .   nebst  einem  theile 
des  bayerischen  hochgebirges.     Salzburg, 
1861.    folded  16°.  0.5 10. 19 

— Sci^MiD  (H.)  and  Stieler  (C.)  Bavarian 
Highlands  and  the  Salzkammergut.  Lon- 
don, 1874.  4*'.  9.517.2 
— ^ZscHOKKE  (j.  H.  I^.)  Baierische  geschichte. 
2e  aufl.  Aarau,  1821.  4  v.  8  .  9.532.4 
See,  alto,  Ansbach. 

Baxter  (Richard),    b,  1615.    d,  i6ox. 

— Li fe:  chiefly  compiled  from  his  writings.  New 
York,  n.  d.     18*'.  6.342.4 

— Orme  (W.)  Life  and  times  of  Richard  Bax- 
ter.    London,  1830.     2  v.     8°.       6.342.3 

Binrard  (George  Dashiell).    b,  1835.    d,  1862. 

—Bayard  (S.  J.)  Life  of  G.  D.  Bajrard.  New 
York,  1S74.     12**.  4.203.3 

Bayard  (Pierre  du  Terrail),  chevalier  de.  k,  1746. 
d,  1523. 

— M£moires  du  chevaMer  Bayard,  [on^*.]  pp. 
303-436.  V.  i^  of  8.452.1 

The  same.    Trfes-joyeuse  histoire  du  bon 

chevalier  Bayart.    pp.  479-^7. 

V.  4  of  8.454.1 




Bayenx  tapestry,  (representing  the  Norman  con^ 

quest  of  England), 
— Amyot  (T.)    Defence  of  the  antiouity  of  the 

Bayeox  tapestry,     pp.  192-208. 

V.  18  of  5.2286. 1 
—Bruce  (J.    C.)    Bayeux  tapestry  elucidated. 

London,  1856.    4".  Art  room.  C.2.6 

— GuRNEY  (H.)    Observations  on  the  Bayeux 

tapestry,     pp.  359-370.     v.  18  of  5.2286.1 
—La  Rue  (G.  de).     Memoir  on  the  tapestry  of 

Bayeux,  tr.  by  F.   Douce,    pp.   85-109. 

V.  17  of  5.2286.1 

—Photographs    from   the   Bayeux   tapestry. 

Art  room.  C.2.2 
— Stothard  (C.)    Observations  on  the  Bayeux 

tapestry,     pp.  184-191.    ▼.  18  of  5.2286.1 
B4yrl«  (Pierre),    k  1647.     </.  1706 

Vie  de  moosieor  Bayle. 
V.  I  of  x6. 1018.1 

— Des  Maiseaux(P.) 

pp.  xvii-cxii.  -.  .  x^  .w.*^.w.* 

Note,  Translations  of  thit  lif«  may  be  found  pre- 
fixed to  the  English  and  German  editions  of  the 

— LiFB  of  Mr.  Bayle.  [Ancn,]  London,  1708. 
^***  XO.574.41 

— Saintb-Beuve  (C.  a.)  Du  g6nie  critique,  et 
de  Bayle.    pp.  364-388.       v.  i  of  8.481.3 

Beaconsfield,  earl  of.     Set  Disraeli  (B.) 

Beard,  The. 

— Barnes  (  .)  Defence  of  the  berde:  answer- 
ynge  the  treatyse  of   Borde. 

pp.  305-316  of  18.1072.9 

— JlTLiANUS,  tmperator,  Mt6oieo6yeoy^  TJ^Avrto^ 
X^Moi,  Misopogon;  vel,  Antiochensis,  in- 
terp^  Martinio. 

t»    ^.    /»         X      .     PP-  106-413  of  20.1228.28 

Seattle  (James).    ^.  1735.    d.  1803. 

— FoaBBs(.S>  W.)  Account  of  the  life  and 
writings  of  James  Beattie.  2d  ed.  Edin- 
burgh. 1807.     3  v.    8*.  6.342.6 

Beaiunarchaia  (Pierre  Augustin  Caron  de).  b, 
173a.     d.  1799. 

^Besamt  (W.)  Caron  de  Beanmarchais.  A 
T     i'*"*^    T     .X    pp.  391-417  of  8.478^.16 

— LOMENIE  (L.  L.  de).  Beaumarchais  and  his 
times.  Tr.  by  H.  S.  Edwards.  New 
York,  1857.     I2^  8.482.13 

Beattmont  and  Fletcher  (Plays  of). 

—Coleridge  (S.  T.)  Note»  and  lectures  on 
Beaumont  and  Fletcher.  New  ed.  Liver- 
pool.  1874.     r6%  19.1 133. 19 

— Mason  (J.  M.)  Comments  on  the  plays  of 
Beaumont  and  Fletcher.     London,  1798. 

-^ y*      ^  19.1141.6 

Beaotemps-Beaapre  (Charles  Francois),  b, 
176b,    d.  1854. 

— EU»  DE  Beaumont  (L.)  Memoir  of  C.  F. 
Beautemps.Bcaupr6.  Tr.  by  C.  A.  Alex- 
^^^l'    .  28.3733.1 

Pniithaonian  report,  J863,  pp.  xx7-x3fi]. 

Bmmtj  (m  art). 

-^^taousoN  (J.)    Historical    inquiry   into    the 

principles  of  beauty  in  art.  London,  1849. 

*•  ®'«  30.i88«;.'? 

^       &ii,<siW,AMbcdcs.  3«.  005.3 

Heanty  (in  woman). 

—Walker  (A.)  Bewity,  illu«rated  by  an  analy- 
sis of  beauty  ia  woman.  2d  ed.  London, 
^846.    S\  Art  room.  B.  3. 1 1 

See^altOf  Human  figure. 

Beaver,  The. 

— HCROAN  (L.  H.)  The  American  beaver  and 
his  wotks.     PhUadslphia,  1868.    8^ 



Bechuana,  or  Sechuana  language. 

— Casalis  (E.)  Etudes  sur  la  langne  sechuana. 
Paris,  1841.     8**.  15.976. 5 

Becket  (Thomas),    b,  in8.    d,  117a 

— Bbrinoton  (J.)  History  of  the  reign  of  Henry 
II.  In  which  the  character  of  Thomas  a 
Becket  is  vindicated.  Birmingham,  1790. 
4".  5.3031 

—Freeman  (E.  A.)  Saint  Thomas  of  Canter- 
bury, and  his  biographers,  pp.  79-113. 
ist  series  of  2.61. 12 

— Froude  (J.  A.)  Life  and  times  of  Thomas 
Becket.  New  York,  1878.  p.  8°.    6.342.7^ 

—Lb  Roitx  de  Lincy  (A.  J.  V.)  Vie  et  mort  de 
saint  Thomas  de  Cantorb6ry,  par  Gar- 
nier  de  Pont  sainte  Maxence.  Paris, 
1843.     34  pp.     8*.  18.3078.  Box  X 

— Milman  (H.  H.)  Thomas  a  Becket.  pp. 
437-528.  V.  3  of  31.1964.3 

—Robert,  0/  GUmcester,  Life  and  martyrdom 
of  Thomas  BekeL  Ed.  by  W.  H.  Black. 
London,  1845.     p.  8*.     v.  19  of  18.3092.1 

—Robertson  (J.  C.)  Becket,  a  biography. 
London,  1859,   p.  8°.  6.^^2.7 

—  -Materials  for  the  history  of  Thomas  Becket. 

London,  1875-76.     2  v.     8°.        5.2285.  to 

—Stanley  (A.    P.)      The  murder  of    Becket. 
The  shrine  of  St.  Thomas  of  Canterbury, 
pp.  57-125, 187-261  of  S.273.5 

Beckford  (William),    b,  1760.    d,  1844. 

—Memoirs  of  William  Beckford  of  Fonthill. 
[AnonJ]    London,  1859.     2  v.  p.  8*. 


Bedouin  Arabs. 

—Blunt  (A.  T.  N.)  Bedouin  tribes  of  the  Eu- 
phrates, [1877-78].  Ed.  by  W.  S.  Blunt. 
New  York,  1879.     8°.  11.701. 11 

SH^  mlM,  Arabia,  Mesopotamia,  Palestine,  Sjria. 

Beecher  (Lyman),    b.  1775.    d,  1863. 

—Autobiography,  correspondence,  etc  Ed. 
by  C.  Beecher.  New  York,  1864-65.  2  v. 
12*.  4.203.5 


—Pasteur  (L.)  tttxdes  sur  la  bi^re.  Paris, 
1876.    8*.  30.1926.10 

—  -The  same.  Studies  in  fermentation.  Tr. 
by  F.  Faulkner  and  D.  C.  Robb.  Lon- 
don, 1879.  8*.  30.1926.12 
See,  aho^  Brewing,  Fermenution. 

Bees,  and  bee-keeping^. 

— Bonner  (J.)  New  plan  for  increasing  the 
beehives  in  Scotland.  Edinburgh,  1795. 
8%  27. 1 714. 16 

—Brougham  (H.)  Observations  upon  the  struc- 
ture of  the  cells  of  bees.  pp.  312-364. 

V.  6  of  0.2342.11 

^<JiRDW0YN  (M.)  Anatomic  et  physiologie  de 
Tabeille.  Traduit  du  Polonais  par  A.  PiU 
lain.     Paris,  1876.  T.  and  plates,  1.  V, 


— Jardine  (Sir  W.)  Bees.  London,  [1840]. 
16'.  V.  34  of  27. 1667. 1 

— Langstroth  (L.  L.)  Practical  treatise  on 
the  hive  and  honey-bee.  3d  ed.  New 
York,  1859.     I2^  27.1714.34 

-^Macloskib  (G.)  Endocranium  and  maxillary 
sospensorium  of  the  bee.  Philadelphia, 
1881.     10  pp.     8'.  27.1718.  Box  1 




— Patton  (W.  H.)  List  of  a  collection  of  acu- 
leate hymenoptera,  made  in  northwestern 
Kansas.  Alumni  room. 

[/»  Bulletin  of  geological  survey  of  the  territo- 
rie«,  T.  5,  no.  3,  pp.  349-370]. 

— RucELLAi  (G.)  Le  api;  poema,  con  annota- 
zioni  dl  R.  Titi.     Milano,  1804.     p.  8**. 

rClassici  italiani]. 
[B^und  with  Alamanni  (L.)  La  coltiTazione]. 

— Shuckard  (W.  E.)  British  bees.  London, 
1866.     p.  8'.  27.1714.29 

— Thacher  (J.)  Practical  treatise  on  the  man- 
agement of  bees.     Boston,  1829.     12"*. 

37. 1714.36 

— ViRGiLius  Maro  (P.)  Georgicon  liber  quar- 
tus.     Ed.  J.  Conington. 

pp.  321-388  of  13.815.8 
Note.  The  same  wiU  be  found  in  many  other 
editions  of  Virgirs  works,  upon  our  shelves. 

— Wbrner  (J.  E.)  Handbuch  zur  einfachsten 
behandlung  der  bienen.  .  .  .  Leipzig, 
1795.     136  pp.     8**.  27.1718.  Box  I 

Beethoven  (Ludwig  van),    b,  1770.    d.  1827. 

—Letters,  [1790-1826].  Tr.  by  G.  Wallace. 
New  York,  1867.     2  v.     I6^     30.1904.30 

— NOHL  (L.)  Life  of  Beethoven.  Tr.  by  J.  J. 
Lalor.     Chicago,  1881.     16".    30.1903.21 

— ScHiNDLER  (A.)  Life  of  Beethoven.  Ed.  by 
L  Moscheles.  [With]  life  of  Beethoven, 
from  the  German  of  H.  D6ring.  Bos- 
ton, n.  d.     16°.  30.1904.31 


— Chapuis  (F.)  and  Cand^ze  (E.)  Catalogue 
des  larves  des  col^opt^res.  Li6ge,  1853. 
8^  27. 171 1.2 

— Dejean  (P.  F.  A.)  Species  g6n6ral  des  col6op- 
tdres.     Paris,  1825-31.     5  v.  in  6.     8*. 


—Duncan  (J.)    Beetles.     London,  [1840].   16**. 

V.  33  of  27. 1667. 1 

— Gemminger  (M.)  and  Harold  (B.  de).  Cata- 
logus  coleopterorum  hucusque  descripto- 
rum  synonymicus  et  systematicus.  Mon- 
achii,  1868-76.     12  V.     8**.  27.1715. 7 

— Jacquelin  du  Val  (C.)  and  Migneaux  (J) 
Genera  des  col^opt^resd' Europe,  [colored 
plates],     Paris,  1857-68.     4  v.     1.  8*. 


— Leconte  (J.  L.)  Classification  of  the  coleop- 
tera  of  North  America.  Washington, 
1862-73.     2  pis.     8^ 

In  vols.  3  and  11  of  28.3734.1 

Coleoptera    of    Kansas    and  eastern  New 

Mexico,     vi,  58  pp.         v.  11  of  28.3738.1 

Coleoptera  of  the  alpine   Rocky  mountain 

region,     pt.  ii.  Alumni  room. 

[In  Bulletin  of   s^Iogical  survey  of  the  terri- 
tories, V.5,  no.  5,  pp.  499-590]. 

—  -Reports  upon  msects  collected  on  the  sur- 
vey [of  the  Pacific  coast].     72  pp.     2  pi. 
V.  12,  pt.  2  of  3. 108. 13 

— Panzer  (G.  W.  F.)  Faunae  inscctorum  ger- 
manicae  initia.  Heft  28  und  30.  NUm- 
berg,  n.  d.     2  cases.     16°.  27. 17 10.  i 

— Redtenbacher  (L.)  Coleoptera  der  raise  der 
Novara,  1857-59.     Wien,  1868.     4^ 

V.  2  of  28. 1778. 1 

— Rothschild  (J.)  Les  col6opt6res.  Paris, 
1876.    1.8%  V.  I  of  27.1713. 1 

—Rye  (E.  C.)  British  beetles.  London,  1866. 
i6*.  27.1714.28 

—Spry  (W.  J.)  and  Schuckard  (W.  E.)  British 
coleoptera  delineated ;  638  figures,  com- 
prising all  the  genera  of  British  beetles. 
London,  1843.     8".  27.1715.1 

Sr/;  a/f»,  HalUcidae,  Hispidae,  Melo«,  PaasaUdae, 


—Church  (E.)  Notice  on  the  beet-sugar. 
Northampton,  1837.     12'.  28.1743.14 

— D'Aligny  (H.  F.  Q.)  Manufacture  of  beeu 
sugar  and  alcohol,  and  the  cultivation  of 
the  sugar-beet.  Washington,  1869.  90 
pp.     5  pl.     8^  V.  5  of  30.3875.6 

— McMurtrie  (W.)  Report  on  the  culture  of 
the  sugar-beet,  and  manufacture  of  sugar 
therefrom,  in  France  and  the  United 
States.  Washington,  1880.  8''.  28. 1742. 10 

Begging.     See  Charity,  Vagabondism. 

Behaim  (Martin),     b,  1436  or  1459.     ^*  1506. 

— Morris  (J.  G.)  Martin  Behaim,  the  German 
astronomer  of  the  times  of  Columbus. 
Baltimore,  1855.     8'.  3. 11 1.7 

Beham,  Behaim,  or  Bohmen  (Albert  von).  13M 

— H5FLER  (C.)  Albert  von  Beham,  und  reges- 
ten  pabst  Innocenz  IV.  Stuttgart,  1847. 
8'.  9-541. 15 

Behitttin  inscription.  See  Cuneiform  inscrip- 

Behring's  Straits. 

— Beechey  (F.  W.)  Narrative  of  a  voyage  to  the 
Pacific  and  Beering's  straits  in  1825-28. 
Philadelphia,  1832.     8°.  3. 101.20 

— FiNDLAY  (A.  G.)  Directory  for  Behring's  sea 
and  the  coast  of  Ak^ka.  Washington, 
1869.     8°.  2.42.17 

— GoLDSON  (W.)  Observations  on  the  passage 
between  the  Atlantic  and  Pacific,  the 
straits  of  Anian,  and  the  discoveries  of 
DeFonte.  Portsmouth,  1793.  4^  3. 106. 11 

S*t^  aUoy  North-west  coast  of  America,  North- 
west pasMige,  Pacific  Ocean. 

Belfast,  Queen's  college. 
— Calender  of  Queen's  college,  Belfast,  1873. 
Belfast,  [1873  ?]     12'.  24.1481.3 

Belgium.  Description,  etc, 

— AuDiN  (J.  M.  V.)  Guide  du  voyageur  en 
France  et  en  Belgique,  par  Richard. 
{Jseudon,]  24e  6d.     Paris,  1854.     16". 


— Baedeker  (C.)  Belgium  and  Holland. 
Handbook  for  travellers.  5th  ed.  Leip- 
sic,  1878.     i6'.  10.573-19 

— Batty  (R.)  Scenery  of  the  Rhine,  Belgium, 
and  Holland.     London,  1826.     1.  8". 

10. 575. 1 

— Bogus  (D.)  Belgium  and  the  Rhine.  Lon- 
don, 1857.     16".  9. 5 10. 14 

— DiEZ  (F.  M.)  Deutschland,  die  Niederlande, 
Belgien  und  die  Schweiz,  nach  Stieler's 
karte.     Gotha,  1851.   folded  8%      9.511.2 

— Helfferich  (A.)  Belgien  in  politischer, 
kirchlicher,  piklagogischer.und  artistischer 
beziehung.  Pforzheim.  1848.  8*',  XO.573-4 

— Longfellow  (H.  W.)  Belgium,  pp.  125- 
228.  x8.1116.22 

[/»  Ais  Poems  of  places,  Spain,  v.  a]. 

—Mitchell  (J.)  •  Tour  through  Belgium,  Hol- 
land, and  the  north  of  France.  2d  ed. 
London,  n.d.    8%  9.513." 





— Murray's  handbook  for  Belgium  and  the 
Rhine.     London,  1852.     16°.       10.573.18 

^The  same,  enlarged.  Handbook  for  trav- 
ellers on  the  continent :  a  guide  to  Hol- 
land, Belgium,  and  the  Rhine.  12th  ed. 
London,  1858.     12*.  9.510.  i 

— Stephens  (F.  G.)  Flemish  relics  connected 
with  public  buildings  in  Belgium.  Lon- 
don, 1866.     8°.  Art  room.  A.  3. 10 

— Texier  (E.)  Voyage  pittoresque  en  Hol- 
lande  et    en   Belgique,    [1852].       Paris, 

[1854].   is\  10.576.3 

— Meerts  (C.)  G6ographie  de  la  Belgique,  d'a- 

pr^  la  traits  de  paix  de   1839.     4e  6d. 

Bruxelles,  1841.     12".  10.573.15 

— Strada  (F.)     De  bello  belgico,    1555-1590. 

Ed.    emendation      Romae,    1648.     2    v. 

a4'.  10.574.49 
^The  same.      History  of  the  Low-countrey 

warres.      Written  in  English  by  R.  Sta- 

pylton.    London,  1650.     f°.  10. 576.1 

— Trollope  (W.)    Belgium,  since  the  revolution 

of  1830.     London;  1842.     12".  10.573.14 

— Handtke  (L)  Post-  und  eisenbahn-karte  von 
Deutschland  und  Belgien.  Glogau,  1857. 
folded  12''.  9.511.12 

— Tessaro  (A.)  Nouvelle  carte  de  la  Belgique, 
et  de  ses  pays  limitrophes.  Bruxelles, 
1856.     folded  16'.  10.583.12 

Ste^  aisoy  Bruges,  Brussels,  Charles  V.,  Flanders, 
Ghent,  Netherlands,  Ostend,  Philip  IL,  Water- 

Belief.     See  Faith,  Knowledge. 

Belisarius,  (Beli-tzar,  white  prime),  b,  about 
A.D.  505.     d.  565. 

—Stanhope  (P.  H.)  Life  of  Belisarius.  Phil- 
adelphia, 1832.     18°.  12.740. 14 

Belknap  (William  Worth).   ^.1831. 

—Proceedings  of  the  senate  sitting  for  [his] 
trial  on  the  articles  of  impeachment  ex- 
hibited by  the  house  of  representatives. 
Washington,  1876.    4*. 

V.  4,  pt.  7  of  a.  2076. 2 

Bellamy  (George  Anne),    b,  1733.    d.  1788. 

-Apology  for  [her]  life,  written  by  herself. 
[Said  to  be  the  work  of  A.  Bicknell].  2d 
ed.    Dublin,  1785.     2  v.     12**. 

Art  room.  B.1.16 

BeUes  lettres. 

— RoixiN  (C.)  De  la  mani^re  d*enseigner  et 
d'^tudier  les  belles  lettres.  2e  6d.  Paris, 
1728.     4v.    12°.  24.1480.3 

—  -The  same.  Method  of  teaching  and  study- 
ing the  belles  lettres.  2d  ed.  London, 
1737.    4v.     8'.  24.1480.2 

^The    same.     loth    ed.     Edinburgh,    1773. 

4  V.     12*.  24.1480.4 

^Irr,  0l*o^  Literature,  and  its  specific  forms. 


— Fraser  (J.  B.)  Historical  and  descriptive  ac- 
count of  Persia,  Afghanistan,  and  Beloo- 
chistan. New  York,  1845.  18".  32.2020.20 

—Masson  (C.)  Narrative  of  a  journey  to  Ka- 
lat,  and  a  memoir  on  eastern  Balochistan, 
[1840].     London,  1843.     8°.  11.691.2 

Narrative  of  various  journeys  in  Balochis- 
tan, Afghanistan,  the  Panjab,  and  Kalit, 
[1826-40].     London,  1844.    4  v.     8'*. 

II. 693.6 

Bembo  (Pietro).    b.  1470.    d,  1547. 

— Vita    di    Pietro   Bembo,  cardinale.     [Atwn.'] 

Milano,  1808.     8**.  [Classid  italiani]. 

[In  Bembo's  Opere,  ▼.  z,  pp.lx-xlvi]. 

Benares,  ( Varanashi), 

—Sheering  (M.  A.)  Sacred  dty  of  the  Hindus. 
London,  1868.     8".  11.684. 12 

Benedictionale  S.  Athelwoldi. 

— Dissertation  on  St.  Athelwold's  benedictional, 
an  illuminated  ms.  of  the  loth  century, 
with  the  text,  by  J.  Gage.    pp.  1-117. 

v.  24  of  5.2296.1 

Benezet  (Anthony),    b,  1713.    d,  1784. 

— Vaux  (R.)  Memoir  of  Anthony  Benezet. 
Philadelphia,  18 17.     12**.  4.203.4 

Bengal,  (Bangald), 

— Bruton  (W.)    Voyage    to    Bengalla,  [1632]. 
pp  257-271  of  2.48.8 

— Gordon  (  .)  Life  in  the  Mofussil ;  or,  the 
civilian  in  lower  Bengal.  [Anon.]  By 
an  ex-civilian.  London,  1878.     2  v.  p.  8"*. 

II. 681. 22 

—Hunter  (W.  W.)  Famine  aspects  of  Bengal 
districts.  London,  1874.  p.  8°.  11.681.24 
See,  also^  Ganges  canal. 

Beniowski  (Moritz  August),     b.  1741.    d.  1786. 

—Memoirs  and  travels.  [Tr.  and  ed.  bv  W. 
Nicholson].     Dublin,  1790.     2  v.     8  . 


Bennett  (James   Gordon),     b.  1795.    d,    1872. 

— Memoirs  of  James  Gordon  Bennett  and  hit 
times.  By  a  journalist.  [Anon,]  New 
York,  1855.     12*.  4.203.6 

Bentinck  (William  George  Frederick  Caven- 
dish),    b.  1802.     d,  1848. 

— Disraeli  (B.)  Lord  George  Bentinck :  a  po- 
litical biography.     London,  1858.     16", 


Bentley  (Richard),     b.  1662.     d,  1742. 

—Coleridge  (H.)    Richard  Bcntley. 

pp.  65-174  of  6.3384.6 

The  same.     pp.  101-278.       v.  i  of  6. 348. 11 

-De  Quincev  (T.)  Richard  Bentley.  pp.  i- 
143.  V.  2  of  21. 1304. 1 

— ^Johnson    (R.)     Aristarchus  anti-bentleianus. 

guadraginta-sex   Bentleii    errores    super 
oratii    odarum    libro  primo.     Netting- 

hamiae,  1717.     8*.  IS- 794-25 

—Monk    (J.    H.)    Life    of    Richard    Bentley. 

London,  1830.    4*.  6.346.1 

—  Richardi  Bentleii  et  doctorum  virorum  epis- 

tolae,    partim    mutuae.     Londini,    1807. 

4*.  21. 1288.6 

— Mth.LENH0FF  (C.  V.)    Innere  geschichte   des 

Beovulfs.     pp.  193-244.      15.2958.  Box  i 
Beranger  (Pierre  Jean  de).    b,  1780.    d,  1857. 
— Ma  biographie.     Ouvrage  posthume.     Suivie 

d'un  appendice.    3e  6d.  Paris,  1859.     ^2'. 

18. 3061.4 
— Besant  (W.)    B6ranger. 

pp.  418-450  of  8.478fl.i6 
— Saint-Beuve  (C.  a.)    B6ranger.  pp.  83-142. 

V.  I  of  8.481.2 
Berengarius,  turonensis,    b,  998.     d.  1088. 
— Lessing    (G.    E.)       Berengarius    turonensis. 

pp.  85-194.  V.  14  of  9.554.3 

Bergerac  (Savinien  Cyrano  de).  b.  1620.  d,  1655. 
— Morley  (H.)    Cyrano  de  Bergerac.   pp.  132- 

174.  V.  2  of  8.484.13 





Berkeley  (Georgre).    ^.  1685.    d,  1753. 

— Fbrrier  (J.  F.)  Berkeley  and  idealism:  Mr. 
Bailey's  reply  to  an  article  in  Blackwood's 
magazine,  pp.  289-377.  v.  3  of  23.1421.26 

— FrAser  (A.  C.)  Berkeley,  [his  Ufe  and  philos- 
ophy].    London,  1881.     16".        6.342.13 

—  -Life  and  letters  of  George  Berkeley,  and  an 

account  of  his  philosophy.     Oxford,  1 871. 
8*.  V.  4  of  33.1421. 19 

^Krauth  (C.  p.)    Prolegomena  to  Berkeley's 

Treatise  concerning  human    knowledge. 

pp.  5-147  of  23.1421.20 

—Mill  (J.  S.)  Berkeley's  life  and  writings. 

pp.  259-302  of  22.1393.39 

— Stewart  (D.)  On  the  idealism  of  Berkeley, 
pp.  87-1 19.  V.  5  of  23. 1422. 1 1 

— Teape  (C.  R.)  Berkeleian  philosophy.  Edin- 
burgh, n.  d.     42  pp.     8°.  23.1421. 18 

—Turcot  (A.  R.  J.  de).  Lettres  sur  le  syst^me 
de  Berkeley,    pp.  770-776. 

V.  2  of  25.1536.4 
Note.  Information  respecting  Berkeley  and  his 
tpeculations  may  be  found  in  any  history  of  mod- 
em philosophy;  that  of  Ueberweg  containing 
the  most  trustworthy  account. 

Berkshire  county,  (Masssachusetts), 
—Berkshire  jubilee,   celebrated  at   Pittsfield, 

Mass.,  August,  1844.     Albany,  1845.    8"*. 

— Bericht  Hber  die  verwaltung  der  stadt  Berlin 

in  den  jahren  1851   bis  i860.     Herausg. 

von  dem  magistrat.     Berlin,  1863.     8"*. 

9;  534. 5 
— Geiger  (L.)    Geschichte  der  Juden  in  Berlin. 

Berlin,  1871.     8^  2.92.26 

— WiEBE  (F.  C.  H.)    Die  neuen  berliner  wasser- 

werke,  erbaut  unter  leitung  von  H.  Gill. 

Berlin,i872.  8  1.  22  pi.  f^  Cabinet  2.16.3 

—  -Ueber  die  reinigung  und  entwSsserung  der 

stadt  Berlin.  Berlin,  1861*  2  v.  in  i.     8'*. 

26.3626. 26 
The  same.     pi.     f*.  Cabinet  2. 16.  i 

Academy  of  sciences, 

— FORMEY  (J.  H.  S.)  filoges  des  acad^miciens 
de  Berlin,  et  de  divers  autres  savans.  Ber- 
lin, 1757.     2  V.     12*.  9.538^.16 

— Verzeichniss  der  abhandlungen  der  akademie 
der  wissenschaften  zu  Berlin  von  1710- 
1870,  in  alphabetischer  folge  der  verfas- 
ser.     Berlin,  1871.     8^  18.3035.  i 

Royal  museum. 
— Waaoen  (G.  F.)    Verzeichniss   der  gemSlde- 
sammlung  des  kOniglichen  museums  zu 
Berlin.     Berlin,  1830.     8".  30.3882.2 

The  same.     Berlin,  1847.     12*.     30.3882.1 

Berlioz  (Louis  Hector),    b.  1803.    d.  1869. 
— Selections  from  his  writings  [partly  autobio- 
graphical].    Tr.,    [with]    a    biographical 
sketch,  by  W.  F.  Apthorp.     New  York, 
1879.     12**.  30.1904.22 

Bermuda  Islands. 

— Jourdan  (S.)  Discovery  of  the  Barmudas, 
1609 — otherwise  the  He  of  divels. 

PP-  763-770  of  2.48.8 
^  -The  same.  Reprinted,  Washington,  1844.  %°, 

V.  3,  of  3. 143. 1 

— Smith  (J.)  Generall  historie  of  the  Bermudas, 

now  called  the  Summer  lies.  pp.  111-167. 

V.  2  of  4.196. 16 

Bemadotte  (Jean  Baptiste  Jules).     See  Charles 

John  XIV,  king  of  Sweden. 
Bemal  coUecticm  of  pottery. 
— BoHN  (H.   G.)    Guide  to   the  knowledge  of 

pottery,   comprising  a  catalogue    of  the 

Bemal  collection.     London,  1857.     p.  8**. 

Bernard,  abbot  of   Clairvaux,  {Sainf),    b,  1091. 

d.  1153. 
— Bernard,  abb6  de  Clairvaux,  et  ses  ouvrages. 

[Anon.]     pp.  129-232.        V.  13  of  8.456.1 
— BeringtoN  (J.)    Notice  of  St.  Bernard. 

pp.  278-284  of  17. 1026. 14 
— Flakier  (E.)    Pan6gyrique  de  saint    Ber- 
nard,   pp.  322-352.  V.  I  of  22.1350.9 
— GuiLLAUME  de  Saint-  Thierri,  and  others.    Vie 

de  saint  Bernard,     pp.  133-473. 

V.  10  of  8.463.2 
— MiLMAN  (H.  H.)    Bernard  and  Innocent  11. 

pp.  323-340.  V.  3  of  31. 1964.2 

Bern,  or,  Berne. 
— Wattenwyl  (S.  von).     Reise  von  Bern  nach 

Interlacken.  Bern,  1805.    16".     18.3081.6 
Bernese  Alps. 
— DURHEIM  (C.  J.)  Carte  des  berner  oberlandes. 

Berne,  1854.     folded  16".  9.510.20 

— George  (H.  B.)  The  Oberland  and  its  glaciers. 

28  photographs.     London,  1866.     4°. 

Bemhard,  duke  of  Saxe-  Weimar,     b.  1604.     d. 


— B(Jttiger  (C.  a.)  Herzog  Bernhard  von 
Weimar.     Weimar,  1806.     8"*.      9.523.10 

Bernoulli  (Jean),    b.  1667.    d.  1748. 

— Alembert  (J.  L.  d*).  6loge  de  Jean  Bernoulli, 
pp.  111-160.  V.  6  of  8.500.2 

Berry  (Mary),    b.  1763.    d.  1852. 

— ExTRACi's  from  her  journals  and  correspon- 
dence, 1 783-1 85  2.  Ed.  by  T.  Lewis.  2d 
ed.     London,  1866.     3  V.     8^    6.2361. 19 

Bertrand  (Louis  Jacques  Napol6on  [Aloysius]). 
b.  1807.     /  1 841. 

— Sainte-Beuve  (C.  a.)  Alolsius  Bertrand. 
pp.  343-364.  V.  2  of  8.481.3 

Berwick  (Thomas),     b.  1753.     d.  1828. 

— Turner  (W.)  Memoir  of  Thomas  Berwick, 
pp.  17-72.  V.  loof  27.1667.1 

Besser  (Johann  von),     b.  1654.    d.  1729. 

— Varnhagen  von  Ense  (C.  A.  L.  P.)  Johann 
von  Besser.  pp.  169-238.  v.  10  of  9.556.3 

Bethlehem,  {Pennsylvania). 

— Martin  (J.  H.)  Historical  sketch  of  Bethle- 
hem, with  some  account  of  the  Moravian 
church.     2d  ed.  Philadelphia,  1873.  1.  8**. 


— Reichel  (W.  C.)  History  of  the  Bethlehem 
female  seminary,  1785-1858.  Philadel- 
phia, 1858.    8^  4. 191. 9 

Beton,  {artificial  stone). 

— Beckwith  (L.  F.)    Report  on  bfeton-coignet, 

its    fabrication    and    uses.     Washington, 

1868.     21  pp.  2  pi.     8°.    V.  4  of  30.3875.6 
— Gillmore  (Q.  a.)     Practical  treatise  on  coig- 

net-b6ton.  New  York,i87i.  8°.  26.1632.44 
Beugnot  (Jacques  Claude),  comte  de.     b.  1761. 

d  1835. 
— Reeve  (H.)    Beugnot.    pp.  301-354. 

V.   I  of  7.422. II 





Beyle  (Marie  Henri),    b,  1783.    d.  1841. 

— Hayward  (A.)  M.  de  Stcndahl  (Henri 
Beyle),    pp.  342-392.       v.  i  of  21. 1307.8 

— M6RiMtB  (P.)  Henri  Beyle — notes  et  souve- 
nirs, pp.  157-194  of  8.478^.22 

— Paton  (A.  A.)  Henry  Beyle  (otherwise  de 
Stendahl):  &  critical  study.  London,  1874. 
p.  8".  8.482.15 

BezA,  or  Beze  (Theodore  de).  b,  1519.    d,  1605. 

-*ScHLOssBR  (F.  C.)  Leben  des  Theodor  de 
Beza.     Heidelberg,  1809.     8^    xo.574.18 

BhagETad-gita.     See  Mahabharata. 

Bible.  Bibliography  and  history, 

— ^Anderson  (C.)  Annals  of  the  English  Bible. 
London,  1845.     2  v.     8^  23. 1358a.  8 

^The  same.     Abridged  by  S.  L  Prime.    New 

York,  1849.     8".  22.1358^.9 

— Bible  in  many  tongues.  [Anon,'\  London, 
[1854].     32'.  22.1360.30 

—Buchanan  (C.)  Christian  researches  in  Asia; 
with  notices  of  the  translation  of  the  scrip- 
tures into  the  oriental  languages.  5th 
ed.     London,  1812.     8°.  11. 2686.7 

— Champollion  (J.  F.)  Observations  sur  les 
fragmens  coptes  de  Tancien  et  du  nou- 
veau  testament.  Paris,  1818.  S".  xi. 646.16 

fin  a  vol,  lettered  "  Recherches  sur  TEgypte"]. 
—Cotton  (H.)    Editions  of  the  Bible  in  Eng- 
lish, 1505-1800.     2d  ed.     Oxford,   1852. 
8'.  X6.995.6 

— DORE  (J.  R.)  Old  Bibles:  account  of  various 
versions  in  English.     London,  1876.  16*'. 


—Giles  (J.  A.)    Historical  enquiry  concerning 

the  Old  Testament.    London,  1850.     8°. 


^Lelong  (J.)  Bibliotheca  sacra,  in  binos  sylla- 

bos    distincta.      Ed.    2a  curante   P.    N. 

Desmolets.    Parisiis,  1723.  2  v.  in  i.     f. 

—Lewis  (J.)    Complete    history  of  the  several 
translations  of   the   Bible  into  English. 
2ded.   London,  1839.     S"*  X6.991.2 

— O'Callaghan  (E.  B.)  List  of  editions  of  the 
holy  scriptures  printed  in  America  pre- 
vious to  i860.     Albany,  1861.     8". 

X  6. 996. 14 

— Pettigrew  (T.  j.)    Descriptive  catalogue  of 

manuscripts  and    books    in  the    library, 

[largely  biblical]  of  the  duke  of  Sussex. 

London,   1827-39.     2  v.  in  3.     1.  8°. 

x6. 1008.9 
— Richter(A.)    Wycliflfeschebibeltibersetzung. 
Wesel,  1862.    20  pp.  4°.     22.1338.  Box  3 
— Stoughton  (J.)    Our  English  Bible:  its  trans- 
lations and  translators.     London,  [1878]. 
16°.  22.1364.15 

— Townley  (J.)  Illustrations  of  biblical  litera- 
ture, exhibiting  the  history  of  the  sacred 
writings.     London,  1821.     3  v.     8°. 

— Tregelles  (S.  P.)    Historical  account  of  the 
English  versions  of  the  scriptures. 

160  pp.  of  22.1367. 1 

— Westwood  (J.  O.)    Palaeographia  sacra  pic- 

toria:  illustrations  of  ancient  versions  of 

the  Bible,  from  illuminated  manuscripts. 

London,  1843-45.    V,  X7.1028.7 

— Wetstein  (J.  R.)  Prolegomena  ad  novi  tes- 
tamenti  graeci  edltionem  [suam].  Am- 
stelaedami,  1730.    4**.  22.1364.28 


— Alexander  (A.)  Canon  of  the  Old  and  New 
Testaments  ascertained.  New  ed.  Phil- 
adelphia, [1851].     12°.  22.1358a.17 

— Stuart  (M.)  Critical  history  and  defence  of 
the  Old  Testament  canon.  Andover, 
1845.     12%  22.1364.18 

— Westcott  (B.  F.)  General  history  of  the 
canon  of  the  New  Testament  during  the 
first  four  centuries.  Cambridge,  [Eng.], 
1855.     p.  8*.  22.1364.17 


— Hayes  (C.)  Dissertation  on  the  chronology 
of  the  Septuagint.  [Anon.]  London, 
1741.     8°.  22.1366.21 

— Shimeall  (R.  C.)  Our  Bible  chronologfy. 
New  York,  1859.     1.  8'.  2.58^^.2 

— Usher  (J.)  Chronologia  sacra;  accurante  T. 
Barlow.     Oxoniae,  1660.  s.  4*.  2.2051.11 

— ^Voss  (L)  De  sepluaginta  interpretibus,  co- 
rumaue  chronologia  dissertationes.  Hagae- 
Comitum,  1661.    4^  22.1358^.4 

Dissertatio  de  vera  aetate  mundL     Hagae- 

Comitis,  1650.     s.  4^  X4.871.8 

[Bound  with  Meursiu8*8  Aristozenus,  etc.]. 


— Calasio  (M.  de).  Concordantiae  sacrorum 
Bibfiorum  hebraicorum.  EdenteW.  Ro- 
maine.     Londini,  1747-49.    4  v.    T. 


— Cruden  (A.)  Complete  concordance  to  the 
Old  and  New  Testament ;  [with]  a  con- 
cordance to  the  Apocrypha.  5th  ed.  Lon- 
don, 1794.    4**.  22.1398.15 

^Thesame.  London.  1864.  1.  8'.  22.1398.17 

— Juan,  de  Segobia,  Concordantie  maiores  Bi- 
blie  [latinae.     Basileae],  1496.     V, 

22. 1398.  xo 

— ScHMiD  (E.)  Novi  testamenti  graeci  tameion, 
alias  concordantiae  graecae.  Wittebergae, 
1538.     f".  22.1398.8 

— Tromm  (A.)  Concordantiae  graecae,  versionis 
vulgo  dictae  Lxx  interpretum.  Edente  B. 
de  Montfaucon.  Amstelodami,  17 18.  2  v. 
V,  22.1398.9 

— ^WiGRAM  (G.  V.)  Hebraist's  vade  mecum:  in- 
dex to  the  contents  of  the  Hebrew  and 
Chaldee  scriptures.     London,  1867.    8**. 


— ^Williams  (J.)  Concordance  to  the  Greek 
Testament.  London,  1767.  4*.  22.1366.25 

Commentaries  and  explanatory  works  on  the  Bible^ 

and  its  parts, 
— Calvin  (J.)    Commentaries  [on  the  various 

books  of  the   Bible].      From  the  Latin. 

Edinburgh,  1847-55.     44  v.     8**. 

22.3364.  3374 
— DiONYSius,  of  Alexandria,     Exegetical  frag- 
ments.    Tr.  by  S.  D.  F.  Salmond.     pp. 
242-266.  V.  20  of  22. 1332. 1 

— Hippolytus.  Fragments  from  commentaries 
on  various  books  of  scripture.  Tr.  by  S. 
D.  F.  Salmond.     pp.  405-508. 

V.  I  of  22. 1332.  X 





—Poole  (M.)  Synopsis  criticonixn  alioramque 
scripturae  interprecum.  Londini,  1669- 
76.    4  V.  in  5.    r.  22.1388.4 

— Voltaire  (F.  M.  A.  de).  Bible  cnfin  expliqu^e 
par  pltisieurs  aumoniers.  Paris,  1784. 
2  V.    8%  V.  34-35  of  8.492.1 

—  -The  same.    Deux-Ponts,  1792.    2  v.     i8'. 

V.  47-48  of  8.490.1 

Old  Testament. 

— RosENMtLLER  (E.  F.  C.)  Scholia  in  veius 
testamentum.  Lipsiae,  1828-35.  6  v. 
8^  22.1365.4 

— ScHULTENS  (A.)  Opera  minora,  animadver- 
stones  in  Jobum,  et  ad  varia  loca  veteris 
testamenti  complectentia.  Lugduni  Bata- 
vorum,  1769.    4°.  22.1358.16 

— CoLENSO  (J.  W.)    Lectures  on  the  pentateuch. 

London,  1873.     8^  22.1365.12 
Pentateuch  and  Joshua  critically  examined. 

New  York,  1836.     12'.  22.1385.41 

— Gumming  (J.)    Moses  right,  and  bishop  Co- 

lenso  wrong.     New  York,  1863.     12'*. 

— Green  (W.  H.)    Pentateuch  vindicated  from 

the  aspersions  of  bishop  Colenso.     New 

York,  1863.     I2\  22.1355.18 

— Hedge  (F.  H.)    Primeval  world   of  Hebrew 

tradition.     Boston,  1870.   I2'.  22.1391.34 
—Kelly  (W.)     Lectures  introductory   to  the 

pentateuch.  London,  1871.  16°.  22.1370.3 
— KoHN  (S.)    De  pentateucho  samaritano.    Lip- 

siae,  1865.     8**.  22.1347.  Box  2 

— Philo  Judaeus.     In  libros  Mosis  de  mundi 

opincio,  historicos,  de  legibus.     Parisiis, 

1552.     f^  23.1418.5 

— Targum  hierosolymitanum  in  quinque  libros 

legis,  e  lingua  chaldaica  in  latinam  conver- 

sum,  opera  F.  Tayleri.      Londini,  1649. 

4^  22.1357.2 

— Lange  (J.  P.)    Commentary  on  Genesis,  with 

a  homiletical    introduction.      Tr.    by  T. 

Lewis  and  A.  Gosman.     New  York,  1868. 

8°.  V.  I  of  22.1364.1 

— Pianciani  (G.  B.)    Cosmogonia  naturale  com- 

parata  col  Genesi.     Roma,  1862.     8"*. 

— Smith  (G.)    Chaldean  account  of   Genesis, 

from  the  cuneiform  inscriptions.      New 

York,  1876.     8^  11.703.7 

—Fuller  (T.)    Comment  on  Ruth.     Ed.  by  W 
Nichols.     London,  1868.     16".   22.1350.6 

— Ewald  (G.  H.  a.  von).     Buch  Job.     G6ttin- 
gen,  1836.     p.  8°.  V.  3  of  22.1344.6 

— Froude  (J.  A.)    Book  of  Job.    pp.  266-320. 

V.  I  of  21.1306.5 

^The  same.     pp.  228-273.  21. 1306.6 

—Green  (W.  H.)  Argument  of  the  book  of 
Job  unfolded.     New  York,  1874.     12**. 


— NoYES  (G.  R.)    Notes  on  Job.    Cambridge. 

[Mass.],  1827.     8%  22.1356.6 

— Renan  (E.)    Etude  sur  Tige  et  le  caractire  du 

livredejob.    pp.  xv-cxii.        22.1356.14 


— Ambrosius.  Commentarii  in  psalmum  cxviii. 

PP- 413-587.  v.  4  of  22.1338.1 

~  Calvin  (J.)    In  librum  psalmorum  commenta 

rius.     [Parisiis],  1557.    f°.  22.1398.5 

— Darby  (J.  N.)    Practical  reflections  on  the 

Psalms.  London,  [1870?]  i6*.  22.1356.28 

— Ewald  (G.  H.  A.  von).     Psalmen.    2e  aufl. 

G5ttingen,  1840.     p.  8*.  v.  2  of  22.1344.6 

— Thomas,  aquinas.     In  tres  psalterii  primos 

nocturnos     dilucidissimae     expositiones. 

Venetiae,  1505.     V,  22.1358.18 


— Miller  (J.)    Commentary  on  the  Proverbs, 

with    a    new  translation.      New    York, 

[1872!.     I2^  22.1355.14 

— Muffet  (P.)    Commentary  on  the  whole  book 

of  Proverbs.     Edinburgh,  1868.    4°. 

Song  of  Solomon. 
— Bernard,  of  Clairvaux,    Expositio  in  cantica 

leaves  cxvi-clxxvi  of  22.1338.3 
— Canticum    canticorum,    reproduced    in    fac- 
simile from  the    Scriverius  copy  in  the 
British  museum.    With  an  introduction 
by  J.  P.  Berjeau.     London,  i860,     f*. 

17. 1028. 1 

— Cotton  (J.)    Brief  exposition  of  the  whole 

book  of  Canticles.    Edinburgh,  1868.    4*. 


— Renan  (E.)    Etude  sur  le  plan,   r4ge,  et  Ic 

caract4re  du  poSme  [de  Canticles].  147  pp. 

22. 1 356.  IS 
— Withington  (L.)      Solomon's  song,    trans- 
lated and  explained.  Boston,  [1861].  16**. 



— Cotton  (J.)    Brief  exposition  upon  the  whole 

book  of  Ecclesiastes.    Edinburgh,  1868. 

4**.  22.1335.10 

— Geier  (M.)    In  Salomonis  ecdesiasten  com- 

mentarius.  Ed.  5a.     Lipsiae,  1730.     s.  4*. 

22. 1357. 1 


— Alexander  (J.   A.)     Prophecies  of  Isaiah, 

earlier  and    later.     [Ed.    by]  J.    Eadie. 

Glasgow,  1848.     8'.  22.1362.1 

— Rogers  (N.)    Exposition  of  Isaiah's  paraboli* 

cal  song  of  the  beloved.  Edinburgh,  1867. 

4".  22.1335.6 


— Kalkar  (C.  a.  H.)    Lamentationes  critice  et 

exegctice  illustratae.  Hafniae,   1836.    8'. 

22. 1362. 14 


—Kelly  (W.)    Livre  du  proph^te  Daniel.    Tra. 

duit  de  TAnglais.     [Anon.]     Paris,  i86a 

I8^  22.1370.S 

— Kranichfeld  (R.)     Buch    Daniel    erklaert. 

Berlin,  1868.     8'.  22.1361.3 

Minor  prophets. 

— Calvin    (J.)       Praelectiones     in    duodecim 

prophetas  minores.     Genevae,  1567.      f*. 

— Kelly    (W.)    Lectures  introductory    to    the 
minor  prophets.     London,  1871.     i6*. 







— Fuller  (T.)    Notes  upon  Jonah.     Ed.  by  W. 

Nichols.     London,  1868.     16°.    22.1350.6 
—King  (J.)    Lectures  upon  Jonah.     [Ed.  by  A. 

R  Grosart].     Edinburgh,  1864.     4'. 


— Marbury  (E.)    Commentary  upon  the  proph- 
ecy of  Obadiah.     Edinburgh,  1865.     4^. 

— Rainolds  (J.)    Prophecy  of  Obadiah  opened 
and  applied.     Edinburgh,  1864.    4**. 


—Strauss  (O.)    Nahumi  de  Nino  vaticinium  ex 
assyriis  monumentis  illustrata.     Berolini, 
1853.     8%  22.1361. 5 

— Marbury  (E.)    Commentary  upon  the  proph- 
ecy  of  Habakkuk.     Edinburgh,  1865.    4\ 

—Strauss  (F.   A.)    Vaticinia  Zephaniae  com- 
mentario  illustrata.     Berolini,  1843.     8''. 

22.1361. 8 
— Rainolds  (J.)      Prophecy  of    Haggai  inter- 
preted and  applied.      Edinburgh,    1864. 
4".  22.1335.8 

New  testament. 

— Bengel  (J.  A.)  Gnomon  of  the  New  Testa- 
ment. Ed.  by  A.  R.  Fausset.  Phila- 
delphia, i860.  5  V.  8°.  22. 1363. 1 

— Bloomfield  (S.  T.)  Critical  digest  of  anno- 
tations on  the  New  Testament.  London, 
1826-28.     8  V.  8*.  22.1375.4 

—Erasmus  (D.)  In  novum  testamentum  anno- 
tationes.     Basileae,  1542.     f°.     22.1398.2 

— Kelly  (W.)  Lectures  introductory  to  the  New 
Testament.     London,  1867-70.    3  v.  16*. 


— Olshausen  (H.)  Biblical  commentary  on  the 
gospels  and  Acts,  [and  the  epistles].  Tr. 
by  S.  Loewe  and  others.  Edinburgh, 
1847-55.     7v.     8*.  22.1364.5—8 

— RosENMtLLER  (J.  G.)  Scholla  in  novum 
testamentum.  Ed.  5a  et  6a.  Norim- 
bergae,  1808-15.  5  v.  8*.  21.3287.  i 


—Campbell  (G.)  Four  gospels,  with  disserta- 
tions and  notes.  Boston,  1811.  4  V. 
8*.  22.1342.27 

-Trench  (R.  C.)  Studies  in  the  gospels.  New 
York,  1867.    8%  22. 1364.  II 


—Kelly  (W.)  Lectures  on  Matthew.  London, 
1868.     8'.  22.1371.4 

— Lange  (J.  P.)  Commentary  on  Matthew, 
with  a  homiletical  introduction.  Tr.  from 
3d  German  ed.  by  P.  Schaflf.  New  York, 
1865.     8'.  V.  2  of  22. 1364. 1 

— Tindal  (W.)  Exposition  upon  the  fifth,  sixth, 
and  seventh  chapters  of  Matthew,  pp. 
128-246.  22.1337.5 

-Lange  (J.  P.)    Commentary  on  Mark.     Re- 
vised from   Edinburgh  tr.  by  W.  G.  T. 
Shedd.    3d  ed.     New  York,  1866.     8'. 

V.  3  of  22. 1364. 1 
-Ambrosius.     Commentarii  in  evangelium  se- 
cundum Lucam.    pp.  589-761. 

V.  4  of  22. 1338. 1 

-Schleiermacher  (F.  E.  D.)     Critical  essay 

on  the  gospel   of  St.  Luke.     Translated 

with  an  introduction,  by  [C.   Thirlwal^. 

London,  1825.     8**.  22.1355.13 

-Van  Oosterzee  (J.  J.)  Commentaiy  on  Luke. 

Tr.  from  2d  German  ed.  by  P.  Scha£f  and 

C.    C.  Starbuck.      1st    ed.     New    York, 

1866.     8**.  V.  3  of  22. 1364. 1 


-Newton  (G.)  Exposition  with  notes,  on  John 

xvii.     Edinburgh,  1867.    4'.     22.1335.11 

-Sears  (E.    H.)    Fourth  gospel  the  heart  of 

Christ.     6th  ed.     Boston,  1877.     p.  8*. 


-Lechler  (G.  V.)  Commentary  on  the  Acts 
of  the  apostles.  With  additions  by  C. 
Gerok.  Tr.  from  2d  German  .ed.  by  C. 
F.  Schaeffer.     New  York,  1866.     8'. 

V.  4  of  22. 1364. 1 

-  -The  same.     New  York,  1871.     8". 

V.  4  of  22.1364.2 

-Ambrosius.  Commentarii  in  omnes  episto- 
las  Pauli,  illaexcepta  ad  Hebraeos.  pp. 
761-1015.  V.  4  of  22. 1338. 1 

-Bleek  (F.)  Vorlesungen  tlbcr  die  briefe  an 
die  Kolosser,  den  Philemon,  und  die 
Ephesier.  H«rausg.  von  F.  Nitzsch. 
Berlin,  1865.     8'.  22.I355-k> 

-Macknight  (J.)  Apostolical  epistles,  with  a 
commentary  and  notes.  New  ed.  Phila- 
delphia, 1835.  L  8*.  22.1355.1 
See^  also^  Paul,  St. 


-Chalmers  (T.)  Lectures  on  the  epistle  of  St. 
Paul  to  the  Romans.  Glasgow,  [1842  ?J 
4  v.     18'*.  V.  22-25  of  22. 1330. 1 

-Flatt  (T.  F.  von).  Vorlesungen  ttber  den 
brief  Pauli  an  die  Rttmer.     Herausg.  von 

C.  D.  F.  Hoflfmann.  Ttibingen,  1827.  8*. 

-Hodge  (C.)    Commentary  on  the  epistle  to 
the  Romans.     Philadelphia,  1835.     8°. 


-Kelly  (W.)      Notes  on  Romans.       London, 

1873.     i6'.  22.1371.14 


-Flatt  (J.  F.  von).  Vorlesungen  tlber  die  briefe 

Pauli  an  die  Corinthier.  Herausg.  von  C. 

D.  F.  Hoffmann.    Tubingen,  1827.     8'. 

22. 1356.  iS 
-Kelly  (W.)    Lectures    on    Galatians.     Lon- 
don, [1869].     16'*.  22.1370.7 
-Bayne  (P.)       Entire  commentary  upon  the 
whole  epistle  of  St.  Paul  to  the  Ephesians. 
Edinburgh,  1866.    4%                  22.1335- 5 





— ^Van   Oosterzee  (J.  J.) 
"  .  by  E. 

—Kelly  (W.)  Notes  sur  T^pitre  aux  £ph6siens. 
Tradait  de  rAngUis.     Paris,  n.d.     I8^ 



•— AlRAY  (H.)  Lectures  upon  the  whole  epistle 
of  St.  Paul  to  the  Philippians.  Edinburgh, 
1864.    4"*.  33.1335.4 

^Kelly  (W.)  Lectures  on  Philippians.  Lon- 
don, [1869].     16**.  33.1370.7 


— Cartwright  (T.)  Commentary  upon  the 
epistle  to  the  Colossians.  Edinburgh, 
1864.     4°.  22.1335.4 

—Kelly  (W.)  Lectures  on  Colossians.  Lon- 
don, [1869].     16'*.  33.1370.7 


— ^AlTBERLEN    (C.    A.)    and  RiGGBNBACH  (C.    J.) 

Commentary  on  Thessalonians.     Tr.  by 
J.  Lillie.     New  York,  1868.     8'. 

V.  8  of  33. 1364. 1 

Commentary  on 
Timothy.  Tr.  by  £.  A.  Washburn  and  E. 
Harwood.     New  York,  1868.     8^ 

V.  8  of  33. 1364. 1 

—Van    Oosterzee    (J.    J.)     Commentary    on 
Titus.     Tr.  by  G.   E.  Day.     New  York, 
1868.     8^  V.  8  of  33. 1364. 1 

—Van  Oosterzee   (J.    J.)     Commentary    on 
Philemon.     Tr.  by  H.  B.  Hackett.     New 
York,  1868.     8'.  V.  8  of  33. 1364.  i 


^-GouGE  (W.)  Commentary  on  the  whole 
epistle  to  the  Hebrews.  Edinburgh,  1866- 
67.     3V.    4^  33.1335.7 

—Moll  (C.  B.)  Commentary  on  Hebrews. 
Tr.  from  2d  German  ed.  by  A.  C.  Ken- 
drick.     New  York.  1868.     8^ 

V.  8  of  33. 1364. 1 

— RoETH  (E.  M.)  Epistola  vulgo  **ad  He- 
braeos"  inscripta,  non  ad  Hebraeos,  sed 
ad  Ephesios  [missa  fuit].  Francofurti  ad 
Moenum,  1836.     8".  33.1355.16 

—Stuart  (M.)  Commentary  on  the  epistle  to 
the  Hebrews.     Andover,    1827-28.     2  v. 

?'•.     ,  23.1355.3 


^The  same.     2d  ed.     Andover.  1833.     8°. 


John^s  epistles, 

—Darby  (J.  N.)    Notes  on  the  epistles  of  John. 

London,  n.  d.     iC"*.  33.1360.28 

—Connelly  (J.  M.)    "Revelation  explained." 

Houston,  Texas.  1876.     24°.      33.1360.29 
— Darby  (J.  N.)  Notes  on  the  Revelation,   pp. 

250-399-  V.  I  of  33. 1370. 1 

—  -Seven    lectures    on  the    addresses    to   the 

churches.     2d  ed.     London,  n.  d.     18**. 

33. 1370.  li 
— Hengstenberg  (E.  W.)      Revelation  of  St. 

John  expounded.     Tr.  by  P.  Fairbaim. 

New  Yerk,  1852-53.     2  v.     8^  33.1355.6 

— Kelly  (W.)  Lectures  on  the  Revelation.  New 
ed.    London.  1871.     8*.  33.1371.3 

—Roy  (W.  L.)  New  exposition  of  the  book  of 
Revelation.     New  York,  1848.     8*. 


— Swedenborg  (E.)  Apocalypse  revealed.  From 
the  Latin.  New  ed.  Boston,  1836.  3  v. 
12'.  31.3310. 1 


— Calmet  (A.)  Dictionary  of  the  holy  Bible. 
New  ed.  [byj  C.  Taylor.  London,  1800- 
01.     2v.    4.  33.1358^.2 

^The  same.     American  ed.  by  E.  Robinson. 

Boston.  1832.     1.  8^  33.1358^.3 

— KiTTO  (J.)  Cyclopaedia  of  biblical  literature. 
3d  ed.  by  W.  L.  Alexander.  Philadelphia, 
1866.     3v.     8^  1.24,2 

— M  'Clintock  (J.) and  Strong  (J.)  Cyclopaedia 
of  biblical  literature.  [A  to  Re].  New 
York,  1874-79.     8  V.    8^.  1.23.3 

—Smith  (W.)  Dictionary  of  the  Bible.  2d  ed. 
Boston.  1861-63.     3  V.     8**.      33.i358tf.5 

General  works, 

— Ablfric.  Treatise  concerning  the  Old  and 
New  Testament.  [Ed.]  by  W.  LMsle. 
London,  1623.     s.  4  .  15-2953. 19 

— Angus  (J.)  Bible  hand-book:  an  introduction 
to  scripture.     London,  [1870?].     18°. 


— Bochart  (S.)  Hierozoicon;  slve,  de  animalibus 
scripturae.  Recensuit  E.  F.  C.  Rosen- 
mtUler.     Lipsiae,  1793-96.    3  v.  4**. 


— Boyle  (R.)  Some  considerations  touching  the 
style  of  the  holy  scriptures.  London, 
1663.     s.  8"*.  33.1360.15 

— Brehme  (E.   G.)    Sammlung  von  gedichten 

tiber  die  denkwUrdigsten  begebenheiten 

des  alten  testaments.     Leipzig,  1763.     8*. 

V.  2  of  19.3182. 10 

— Bush  (G.)  Illustrations  of  the  holy  scriptures. 
Brattleboro.  1836.     1.  8**.  33. 1358a.  i 

— Chamberlain  (J.)  Bible  tested;  or,  the  Bible 
in  India.  A  sermon.  New  York,  1878. 
32  pp.     8''.  33.1347.  Box  2 

— Fairbairn  (P.)  Typology  of  scripture.  Phila- 
delphia, 1852.     2  V.  in  I.     8**.     33. 1374. 1 

— Hewson  (W.)  Hebrew  and  Greek  scriptures 
compared  with  oriental  history,  dialling, 
science  and  mythology.  London,  1870.  8**. 

33. 1 361. 15 

The  same.     Plates.    4°.  33.1366.26 

— Horne  (T.  H.)  Introduction  to  the  study  of 
the  holy  scriptures.  5th  Amer.  ed.  Phil- 
adelphia, 1833.     4  V.     8"*.  33.3365.1 

The  same.     New  ed.  from   7th   Lond.  ed. 

Philadelphia.  1836.  2  v.  I.  8°.    33.1358^.6 

^The  same.     Ed.  by  J.  Ayre  and  S.  P.  Tre- 

gelles.    14th  ed.    London,  1877.    4  v.    8**. 

33. 1358a.  15 

— JACOLLIOT  (L.)  Bible  in  India:  Hindoo  origin 
of  revelation.  From  [the  French].  New 
York.  1870.     12".  1 1.680. 7 

— MiTCHEL  (O.  M.)  Astronomy  of  the  Bible. 
New  York,  1863.     12".  36.1657.16 

— Osgood  (S.)  God  with  men.  Boston,  1853. 
12'.  23.1393.53 





— RosESutLLEK  (E.  F.  C.)  Mineralogy  and 
botany  of  the  Bible.  Tr.  by  T.  G.  Repp 
and  N.  Morren,    Edinburgh,  1840.     16  . 


^-^£ILXR  (G.  F.)  Biblical  hermenentics;  the  art 
of  scripture  interpretation.  With  notes 
[by]  J.  Hcringa.  Trans,  by  W.  Wright. 
London,  183$.    8%  32.1358^- 10 

— Spear  (S.  T.)  Religion  and  the  state;  or,  the 
Bible  and  the  public  schools.  New  York, 
1S76.     16*.  24.1506.17 

— Sp&inc  (G.)  Obligations  of  the  world  to  the 
Bible.  New  York,  1830.  8%  22.1358^*11 

— SwiNTON  (W.)  Bible  word-book:  terms  which 
have  changed  their  meaning.  New  York, 
1876.    sq.  16'*.  15. 924.45 

^Thomassen  (J.  H.)  Bibel  und  natur.  Studien 
fiber  die  lehren  der  Bibel.  2e  aufl.  Coin, 
1872.     16*.  22.1386.56 

— ^Trench  (R.  C.)  Fitness  of  scripture  for  un- 
folding the  spiritual  life  of  men.  From 
2d  London  ed.    Philadelphia,  1851.     12°. 


—  -Synonyms  of  the  New  Testament.     New 

York,  1854.     12".  22.1356.33 

—Van  Lennep  (H.  J.)  Bible  lands:  their  mod- 
em customs  and  manners.  New  York, 
1875.     8\  XI. 703. 10 

—Walton  (B.)      In  Biblia  polyglotta  prolego- 
mena.    Lipsiae,  1777.     8.        22.1333.10 
— Westall  (R.)  and  Martin  (J.)    Illustrations 
of  the  Bible.     With  descriptions  by  H. 
Gaunter.    London,  1835.   8°.     22.1361. 16 

—Coleman  (L.)    Historical  text-book  and  atlas 
of  biblical  geography.  Philadelphia,  1854. 
L  8*.  22.1358^.4 

—  -The  same.    New  ed.     Philadelphia,  i860. 

1.  8^  22.1358^.4 


—  -Historical  geography  of  the  Bible.     Phila- 

delphia, 1849.     p.  8*".  22. 1358a.  19 

— ^Jbnks    (W.)      Explanatory   Bible    atlas    and 

gazetteer.  Boston,  1847.  f*.  ix.  707.4 
—Starling  (T.)    Biblical  annual;  or,  scripture 

cabinet  atlas,  [with  index].  London,  1832- 

33.     16**.  22.1358^.18 

— ^Weiland  (C.  F.)  and  Ackermann  (C.)    Bibel- 

atlas.     Weimar,  1832.     4*.  n.  706. 13 

Inspiration,  genuineness,  and  veracity. 

— BUTNT  (J.  J.)  Undesigned  coincidences  in  the 
Old  and  New  Testament;  an  argument  of 
their  veracity,  ist  Am.  from  2d  London 
ed.     New  York,  1847.     8**.        22. 1384.45 

— Browne  (E.  H.)    Inspiration 

pp.  329-371  of  22.1384.7 
^)   Aids  to  faith] 

\Tn  Thomson  (W., 

— Colerie>ge  (S.  T.)    Confessions'  of  an  inquir- 
ing spirit.  Boston,  1 841.     16^.  22.1365.17 

— Dick  (J.)  Essay  on  the  inspiration  of  the  holy 
scriptures.  pp.  197-303  of  22. 1397. 11 

—  Lardner  (D.)    Credibility  of  the  gospel  his- 
tory.  London,  1788.   6  v.   8°.     22. 1376.  i 

^Tbe  same.     London,  1836.     8  v.     8*. 


— Nares  (R")    Veracity  of  the  evangelists  dem- 
-.  onstrated.  London,  1849.  8\     22.1393.50 

•^Norton  (A.)  Evidences  of  the  genuineness 
-of  the  gospels.  Boston  and  Cambridge, 
[Mass.],  1837-44.     3  V.     8°.       22. 1352. 1 

— Paley  <W.)  Truth  of  the  scripture  history  of 
Sl  Paul  evinced,  by  a  comparison  of  his 
epistles  with  the  Acts.  3d  ed.  London, 
1803.     8°.  22.1394.5 

The  same.  New  York,  184a  12*.  22.1394.7 

— Rawlinson  (G.)  Gemuneness  and  authen- 
ticity of  the  Pentateuch. 

pp.  271-327  of  22.1384.7 

Historical  illustrations  of  the  Old  Testa- 
ment. [Ed.]  by  H.  B.  Hackett  Boston, 
1873.     16°.  22.1364.22 

Sety  also^  Creation,  Geolo^. 

N9te,    Much  more  on  this  subject  may  be  found 

under  Evidences  of  a  revealed  religion. 

Textual  criticism  and  remsion, 

— Anglo-American  Bible  revision:  by  members 

of  the  committee.     Philadelphia,  [1879]. 

12*.  22.1364.13 

— Davidson  (S.)    Treatise  on  Biblical  criticism. 

Boston,  1853.     2  V.    8*.  22.i358<i.7 

— Meyer  (G.  W.)    Geschichte  der  exegese  seit 

der  wiederherstellung  der  wissenschaften. 

G6ttingen,  1802-09.     5  v.  in  4.     8*. 

(Oid  Testament), 
— BOttcher  (F.)  Exegetisch-kritische  Mhrenlese 
zum  alten   testament.  Leipzig,  1849.   8°. 


— ^James  (T.)     Bellum  papale;  sive,  concordia 

discors  Sixti  v.  et  Clementis  viii.     Nova 

ed.,  e  recensione  J.    E.  Cox.     Londini, 

1840.    l6^  31.1963.43 

— Voss  (L)  De  septuaginta  interpretibus, 
eorumque  tralatione  dissertationes.  Hagae- 
Comitum,  1661.     4".  22.1358^.4 

{New  Testament). 

— Alford  (H.)  Prolegomena  to  the  New  Tes- 
tament. Boston,  1873.  4  V.  8".  22. 1365. II 
[In  kis  Greek  Testament,  v.  1-4], 

— Beausobre  (I.  de).  Preface  sur  le  nouveau 
testament,  pour  servir  d'introduction. 

v.  I  of  22.1366.5 

— Davidson  (S.)  Introduction  to  the  study  of 
the  New  Testament.  London,  1868.  2  v. 
8^  22.1358^.14 

— Ellicott  (C.  J.)  Considerations-  on  the  re- 
vision of  the  English  version  of  the  New 
Testament.     New  York,  1873.     p.  8*. 


— FULKE  (W.)  Confutation  of  the  Rhemish 
Testament    New  York,  1834.     8\ 


— Gataker  (T.)  De  novi  instrumenti  stylo 
dissertatio.  pp.  1-158  ofi4.9i8.3 

— GlESELER  (J.  C.  L.)  Historisch-kritischer 
versuch  tiber  die  entstehung  der  schrift- 
lichen  evangelien.     Leipzig,  18 18.     8°. 

22. 1364. 12 

— Hammond  (C.  E.)  Outlines  of  textual  criticism 
applied  to  the  New  Testament.  Oxford. 
1872.     16".  22.1364.21 

— Hug  (J.  L.)  Introduction  to  the  writings  of 
the  New  Testament.  Trans,  by  D.  G. 
Wait.  London,  1827.  2  v.  8^  22.1358^.13 

-^  -The  same.  Tr.  from  3d  German  ed.  by  D. 
Fosdick.  With  notes  by  M.  Stuart. 
Andover,  1836.    8°.  22.1358^.13* 





— J  EBB  (J.)  Sacred  literature:  observations  on 
the  style  of  the  New  Testament.  London, 
i830.     8*".  22.1358^.15 

— LiGHTFOOT  (J.  B.)  On  a  fresh  revision  of  the 
English  New  Testament.  2d  ed.  New 
York,  1873.     p.  8%  22. 1364. 14 

— MiCHAELis  (J.  D.)  Introduction  to  the  New 
Testament.  Tr.  from  4th  German  ed.,  by 
H.  Marsh,  ad  ed.  London,  1801-02.  4 
V.  in  6.     8*.  22.1375.2 

—Roberts  (A.)  Companion  to  the  revised  ver- 
sion of  the  New  Testament.  Authorized 
ed.    New  York,  [1881].    16''.    22.1364.26 

—Samson  (G.  W.)  The  English  revisers*  Greek 
text  shown  to  be  unauthorized.  Cam- 
bridge, Mass.,  18S2.     i6%         22.1363.22 

— ScHAFF  (P.)    Revision  of  the  English  Bible, 
pp.  vii-xlix  of  22.1364.14 

— Scrivener  (F.  H.)  Plain  introduction  to  the 
criticism  of  the  New  Testament.  Cam- 
bridge, [Eng.],  1861.     8^  22.1365.7 

— Taylor  (W.  M.)  Difficulties  and  advantages 
of  Bible  translation.  A  sermon.  New 
York.  1877.     16  pp.     8%    22.1347.  Box  2 

— Trench  (R.  C.)  On  the  authorized  version 
of  the  New  Testament:  recent  proposals 
for  its  revision.     New  York,  1858.     12**. 


The  same.     New  York,  1873.     p.  8^ 


— Westcott  (B.  F.)  Introduction  to  the  study 
of  the  gospels.  4th  ed.  London,  1872. 
p.  8^  22.1364.16 

American  Bible  society, 
— Annual  reports   [ist  to   55th].     New  York, 
1838-71.     4  V      ft"  -»'  '•'•"^  '- 


21. 3296.17 

British  and  foreign  Bible  society, 
—Dudley  (C.  S.)    Analysis  of  the  system  of 
the  Bible  society.     London,  1821.    8**. 


— TiMPSON    (T.)      Bible    triumphs:    a    jubilee 

memorial    for   the    British    and    foreign 

Bible  society.  London,  1853.  16'.  22.3277.1 


Bibliography.       Dictionaries,  elc, 

— Adelung  (J.  C.)  Erganzungen  zu  Jttchers 
allgemeinem  gelehrten-lexico.  [A-L] 
Leipzig,  1784-87.     2  V.     4%  XO.998.1 

— Brunet  (J.  C.)  Manuel  du  libraire,  et  de 
Tamateur  de  livres.  5e  6d.  Paris,  1860- 
65.     6  V.  in  12.     1.  8°.  16.995. 1 

^The    same.       Supplement,     par   mm.    P. 

Deschamps  et   G.  Brunei.     Paris,  1878- 
80.    2  V.     8°.  16.995.1 

— Clarke  (A.)  Bibliographical  dictionary. 
\Anon.^     London,  1802-04.     6  v.     12''. 

z6. 990.1 

Bibliographical  miscellany;  or,  supplement 

to  the  bibliographical  dictionary.    [Anon,] 
London,  1806.     2  v.     12**.  16.990.1 

—English  caulogue  of  books,  1835-80.  Compris- 
ing [also],  works  published  in  the  United 
States  and  Europe.  Compiled  by  S.  Low. 
London.  1864-81.     3  v.     8°.        16. 1005.9 

— Fabricius  (J.)  Historia  bibliothecae  fabrici- 
anae,  qua  singuli  ejus  libri  .  .  .  indicantur. 
Wolffenbuttelii,  1 717-19.     3  V.     s.  4**. 

17. 1042.8 

— Grasse  (J.  G.  T.)  Tr6sor  de  livres  rares  et 
pr6cieux;  ou,  dictionnaire  bibliographique. 
Dresde,  1859-69.  7  v.  in  4.  4*.     16.998.5 

— Hain  (L.)  Repertorium  bibliographicum  ad 
annum  Ud,  Stuttgartiae,  1826-38.  2  v. 
in  4.     8°.  X6.991.4 

— Hartshorne  (C.  H.)  Book  rarities  in  the 
university  of  Cambridge.  London,  1829. 
8^  16.992.10 

— JOCHBR  (C.  G.)  Allgemeines  gelehrten-lexicon. 
Leipzig,  1750-51.     4v.     4^  X6.998.I 

— La  Serna  de  Santander  (C.  A.)  Dictionnaire 
bibliographique  choisi  du  I5e  sidcle. 
Bruxelles,  1805-07.     3  v.     8'.       16.991.5 

— London  catalogue  of  books  published  in  Great 
Britain,  1816-51.     London,  1851.     8^ 


— Lowndes  (W.  T.)  Bibliographer's  manual  of 
English  literature,  [and  English  publica- 
tions]. New  ed.  by  H.  G.  Bohn.  London, 
1869.     6v.     8°.  16. 1005. 5 

— Park  (R.)  Bibliography;  catalogue  of  books 
on  all  branches  of  knowledge. 

pp.  541-563  of  I.3.1 

— Potter  (A.)  Handbook  for  readers  and  stu- 
dents. New  York,  1863.   16".     17.1024.25 

—Putnam  (G.  P.)  Best  reading.  With  a  clas- 
sified bibliography.  Revised.  New  York, 
1875.     I2^  17. 1024.  II 

The  same.     4th  ed.     Ed.  by  F.  B.  Perkins, 

New  York,  1877.     12*.  17. 1024. 10 

—Roorback  (O.  A.)  Bibliotheca  americana. 
Catalogue  of  American  publications,  1820- 
52.     New  York,  1852.     8'.  16.993.11 

The  same.     Supplement     New  York,  1855. 

8^  16.993.11 

The   same.     Addenda.      New  York,   1858. 

8°.  16.993.11 

— Vogt  (J.)  Catalogus  historico-criticus  libro- 
rum  rariorum.     Hamburgi,  1747.     8**. 


— Watt  (R.)  Bibliotheca  britannica ;  or,  a 
general  index  to  British  and  foreign  litera- 
ture.  Authors  and  subjects.  Edinburgh, 
1824.     4V.     4%  16.998.2 

General  works, 
— Aungervile  (R.  d*).     Philobiblion;  sive,  de 
amore  librorum  tractatus.     pp.  400-490. 

14.2850. 13 

— Beloe    (W.)     Anecdotes    of    literature    and 

scarce  books.     London,   1808-14.     6  v. 

8*.  17.1021.9 

— Bonnardot  (A.)  Essai  sur  Tart  de  resuurer  les 

estampes  et  les  livres.     Paris,  1858.     16*. 

— Brown  (J.)    Bibliomania,     pp.  339-381. 

V.  2  of  21. 1301.50 

— Burton  (J.  H.)    The  book-hunter,  etc.    New 

York,  1863.     p.  8°.  17.1024.8 

— DiBDiN  (F.  F.)     Bibliographical,  antiquarian, 

and  picturesque  tour  in  France  and  Ger« 

many.     2d  ed.     London,  1829.     3  v.    8*. 

x6. 1013.8 

The  same.  Voyage  bibliographique,  archfeo- 

logique,   et  pittoresque  en   France.      Tr. 
par.  T.  Licquet.     Caen,  1825.     4  v.     8'. 


Bibliomania  ;  or,  book-madness.     London, 

1809.     8!.  16.992.  la 




The  same.     New  ed.     London,  1876.     8'. 

Art  room.  B.3.10 

—  -Library  companion  ;  or,  guide  in  the  choice 

of  a  library.     2d  ed.     London,  1825.     8**. 


— MoRJioF    (D.    G.)     Polyhistor,    literarius    et 

practicus.     Ed.  3a.     Lubecae,  1732.  2  v. 

4\  17. 1022. 5 

^The  same.    Ed.  4a.  Lubecae,  1747-  2  v.  4^ 

—Library  Journal.     Ed.,  [for  the  association 
of    American    librarians],  by  M.  Dewey 
and  R.  R.  Bowker.     New  York.  1877-82. 
6  V.     4*.  16.1013.4 

— PhiijOBIBLion  :  a  monthly  bibliographical  jour- 
nal. Ed.  by  G.  F.  Philes.  New  York, 
1861-63.     2  V.  in  I.    8'.  16.1013.7 

5##  Anoaymoua  works,  Paleography,  Pseudonyms, 

Pbrthebibliograpfay  of  various  subjects,  see  the 
foHowing  headings: 

America:  Arabic  literature;  Arithmetic :  Astrono- 
my; Bible;  Biography;  Birds;  Botany;  Church  his- 
tory ;  Classical  literature -Congregational  church; 
Dante;  Dutch  literature;  EmbryologyjEnfflish  lan- 
guage ;  English  literature ;  Entozoa  Evidences  of 
Christian  religion :  Faust ;  Fiction ;  Pishes  \  Free- 
masonry; French  literature ;  Geology*  History; 
Immorality;  Italian  literature:  Latin  literature  ; 
Mathematical  science?;  Medicine;  Methodism; 
Mollusks;   Nebulae;   Oriental   literature:   Orni- 

literature ;Theoiogy;  Travel;  Zoology. 
For  catalogues  of  libraries,  see  the  names  of  the 
following  institutions  and  cities : 
Aberdeen  university;  American  antiquarian  so- 
ciety :  Andover  theological  seminary j  Boston ; 
Briiish  museum;  Bowdoin  college;  Brookline, 
Mass.;  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.;  Brown  university;  Cin- 
cinnati ;  College  of  the  city  of  New  York ;  Co- 
lumbia college;  Hartford  Y.  M.  C.  institution; 
Harvard  college ;  Indianapolis ;  Library  company 
of  Philadelphia ;  Library  of  congress ;  Liverpool ; 
Loganian  library;  London,  (Royal  society);  (Wil- 
Itauns  library);  New  York  mercantile  library  asso- 
ciation; New  York  sute  librarjr;  Pennsylvania 
state  hbrary:  Quincy,  (Mass.);  St.  Louis;  Ten- 
nessee state  library;  United  States  patent  office; 
Vermont  state  library. 


—D ALTON  (J.  G.)  Lyra  bycydica.    Boston,  i88a 


— Pratt  (C.  E.)  American  bicyler.  Boston, 
1879.     i6*.  30.3874.15 


— Bacon  (J.  F.)  Six  years  in  Biscay:  narrative 
of  the  sieges  of  Bilbao,  1835  and  1836. 
London,  1838.    8°.  10.625.6 


— CoRiOLis  (G.  G.)  Thfeorie  mathfematique  des 
effets  da  jeu  de  billard.     Paris,  1835.     8**. 


Bilney  (Thomas). 

—Fox  (j.)  Thomas  Bilney.  Compiled  from 
"Acts  and  montiments,"  by  C.  Words- 
worth,    pp.  1-52.  V.  2  of  6.348.4 

Bios^phy  {folUcHve), 

— Oettinger  (E.   M.)       Bibliographic  biogra- 
phiquc.     Leipzic,  1850.     1.  8  .    16.995.10 

Dictionaries^  and  general  wotks. 
— Anthon   (C.)      Classical    dictionary.      New 
York.  1844.     L  8%  16.997.5 


— Bayle  (P.)  Dictionaire  historique.  5e  6d. 
par  Des  Maizeaiix.  Amsterdam,  1740. 
4V.     V,  i6ioi8.i 

The    same.       Historisches    und    critisches 

wOrterbuch,  nach  der  aufl.  von  I740f  tlber- 
setzt  von  J.  C.  Gottscheden.  Leipzig, 
1741-44.    4  V.     V,  16.1018.2 

^The  same.  Dictionary,  historical  and  criti- 
cal.    2d  ed.   London,  1734-38.     5  v.     V. 


^The    same.     [Ed.]    by  J.   P.  Bernard,   T. 

Birch,  and  J.  Lockman.  London,  1734- 
41.     10  V.     f*.  32.2018. 1 

— Bernhard  (J.  A.)  Kurtzgefaste  curietise  his- 
torie  der  gelehrten.  •  .  .  Franckfurt  am 
Mayn,  1718.     8%  17.3021. 3 

— BiOGRAPHiE  universelle,  ancienne  et  moderne. 
Paris,  Michaud,  1811-28.     52  v.     8°. 

Revolving  case.  D.  i 

— Blake  (J.  L.)  Biographical  dictionary  of  all 
ages,  nations,  and  professions.  13th  ed. 
Philadelphia,  1856.     1.  8".  16.996.3 

— Chalmers  (A.)  General  biographical  diction- 
ary. New  ed.  London,  1812-17.  32  v. 
%\  16.994. 1 

— Craik  (G.  L.)  Pursuit  of  knowledge  under 
difficulties.  Illustrated  by  memoirs. 
[Anon,]  New  York,  1840.     2  v.     18". 


^The  same.     New  ed.     London,  1865.  p.  8'. 

z6. 1005.6 

— Crichton  (A.)  Converts  from  infidelity. 
Edinburgh,  1827.     2  v.     i8'.  z. 10.26 

— Davenport  (R.  A.)  Lives  of  individuals  who 
raised  themselves  from  poverty.  Lon- 
don, 1841.     16*.  1. 10. 2 

— DuYCKiNCK  (E.  A.)  Portrait  gallery  of  emi- 
nent men  and  women  of  Europe  and 
America.  With  biographies.  New  York, 
[1873].     2V.     4°.  2.98.5i 

— Emerson  (R.  W.)  Representative  men.  Bos- 
ton, 1850.     12*.  21.1322.20 

— Feller  (F.  X.  de).  Biographie  universelle;  ou, 
dictionnaire  historique.  Ed.  [par]  C. 
Weiss  et  Busson,  [avec]  supplements. 
Paris,  1847-50.     8  v.  in  4.     1.  8**. 

Revolving  case.  A.2 

— Gorton  (J.)  General  biographical  dictionary. 
London,  1826-28.  2  v.  in  3.  8^   16.1004.5 

— GOTTEN  (G.  W.)  Das  jetztlebende  gelehrte 
Europa,  [mit]  fortsetzung  von  E.  L.  Rath- 
lef.  Braunschweig,  1735-44.  10  v.  in  3. 
i6'.  9.2541.6 

— Gottschall  (R.)  Der  neue  Plutarch.  Leip- 
zig, 1874-80.     8  V.     16**.  16.990.4 

— Hale  (S.  J.)  Woman's  record;  sketches  of 
distinguished  women  to  1854.  New  York, 
1855.     1.  8*.  Art  room. 

The  same.  Cyclopaedia  of  female  biogra- 
phy. [Condensed]  by  H.  G.  Adams. 
Glasgow,  1866.     16  .  16.1005. 1 

—Hawks  (F.  L.)  Appleton's  [Rich's]  cyclopae- 
dia of  biography.     New  York,  1856.  1.  8". 


— Hawthorne  (N.)  Biographical  stories.  Bos- 
ton, 1876.     p.  8°.  20.1235.21 

—Haydn  (J.)  Universal  index  of  biography. 
Ed.  by  J.  B.  Payne.  New  York,  1870. 
8*.  Revolving  case.  B.2 





—History  and  biography,  [of  the  Encyclopaedia 
metropolitana].  London,  1845.  5  v.  4**. 
V.  9-13.  Revolving  case.  E.i 

-^HoEFER  (F.)  NoQvelle  biog^phie  imiverselle. 
Paris.  1852-66.    46  V.     8*. 

Revolving  case.  C.i 

— Hoff(H.  G.)  Kurzebiographien;oder,  lebens- 
abrisse  merkwttrdiger  nnd  bertthnner  per- 
sonen  neuerer  zeiten.  .  .  .  Brlinn,  1782. 
4  V.  in  2.     16".  17.3021. 7 

— Imperialk  (G.)  Museum  historicum,  quo  U- 
lustrium  litteris  virorum  elogia  continen- 
tur.     Hamburg!,  1711.     8*".        x2.723.26 

— J5cHER  (C.  G.)  AUgemeines  gelehrten-lexi- 
con.  Leipzig,  1750-51.  4  v.  4*.     16.998.1 

—  -The  same.  Er^nzungen,  von  J.  C.  Adelung. 
A  to  L     Leipzig,  1784-87.     2  v.     4**. 


— ^Johnson  (S.)  Lives  of  sundry  eminent  per- 
sons,    pp.  1-328.  V.  12  of  6.2351.2 

—Knight  (C.)  Biography;  or,  third  division  of 
"The  English  cyclopaedia."  London, 
[1870],   6  V.  in  3.     4°.  1.28.2 

— Lauartine  (A.  M.  L.  p.  de).  Vies  de  quelques 

hommes  illustres.     Paris,  1863.     3  v.   8"*. 

w.  34-36  of  8.505.1 

^Thc  same.  Memoirs  of  celebrated  charac- 
ters.    New  York,  1854.  2  v.     I2'.    2.90.1 

— Lempriere  (J.)  Bibliotheca  classica;  or,  a 
classical  dictionary.  New  ed.  by  C.  An- 
thon.  New  York,  1833.  2  v.  8".    16.997.4 

— Long  (G.)  Biographical  dictionary  of  the  so- 
ciety for  the  diffusion  of  useful  knowledge. 
[Aa  to  Azz].  London,  1842-44.  4  v.  in 
7.     8°.  16.1011.1 

— Maccall(W.)  Foreign  biographies.  London, 
1873.     2  v.    8*.         Revolving  case.  C.3 

The  same.  8.478<i.  i 

—Maiden  (H.)  Distinguished  men  of  modem 
times.  [Amm,]  New  Yorlt,  1855.  2  v. 
i8%  •    32.2011.5 

— MiRiMfeE  (P.)  Portraits  historiques  et  litt6- 
raires.  2e  6d.  Paris,  1874.   18"*.  8.478^.22 

— MoR^Ri  (L.)  Grand  dictionaire  historique. 
Nouvelle  6d.  par  Vaultier.  Paris,  1707. 
4  V.     V,  i6.ioo8.i 

-^  -The  same.  Great  historical  dictionary.  2d 
ed.  by  J.  Collier.  With  supplement,  con- 
tinuation to  1688,  and  appendix,  by  Col- 
lier.   London,  1701-21.     4  v.     f". 

Art  room.  C.5.7 

— MoRLEY  (H.)  Clement  Marot,  and  other 
studies.     London,  1871.     2  v.  in  i.  p.  8^*. 


— NicfcRON  (J.  P.)  and  others,  M^moires  pour 
servir  k  Thistoire  des  hommes  illustres 
dans  la  r^publique  des  lettres.  .  .  .  Paris, 
1727-32.     18  V.     16**.  17.3021. 1 

—Political  portraits;  characters  of  some  of 
our  public  men.  [Anon.}  London.  1873. 
p.  8*.  6.357.10 

—Rose  (H.  J.)  New  general  biographical  dic- 
tionary.    London,  1857.     12  v.     8'. 

z6. 1004.4 

^^chmidt  (J.)  Portraits  aii»  dem  neunzehnten 
jahrhundert.     Berlin,  1878.  8°.  16. 1005.3 

—Seymour  (C.  C.  B.)  Sell-made  men.  New 
Yoric,  1858.    I2^  4.198^.18 

«-THOif  AS  (J.)  Universal  dictionaiy  of  biograp 
phy  and  mythology.  Philadelphia,  1870- 
71.    2v.    L8^  16.996. 1 

-Thomson  (K.  B.  and  J.  C.)  Queens  of  so- 
ciety. London, [i860].  2  v.  p.  8°.  6.367.1 

The  same.     New  ed.     London,  1876.     16". 

-You  have  heard    of  them.     By  Q.     [Amm.] 

New  York,  1854.     12%  16. 1007.9 

-ZSCHOKKE  (J.  H.  D.)     Biographische  [schrif- 

ten].    Aarau,  1859.     l8^  v.  32  of  9.565.4 

Ante-Christian,  and  early  Christian, 
-Hieronymus  (E.)    De  viris  inlustribus  liber. 

Ex    recensione    G.    Herdingii.     Lipsiae, 

1879.     16'.  31.1942.42- 

-HowsoN(J.    S.)    Companions  of    St.    Paul. 

London,  1871.     16  .  22.1356.31 

-Krause  (A.)    Vitae  veterum  historicorum  ro- 

manorum.     Berolini,  1833.     p.  8". 

-L'homond  (C.  F.)    Urbis  Romae  viri  illustres. 

Ueberarbeitet  von  C.  Holzer.     Stuttgart,. 

1856.     I6^  12,740.24. 

-Nepos  (C.)    Vitae  excellentium  imperatorum, 

ex  editione  J.  F.  Fischeri..    Londini,  1822. 

2  V.     8°.  X3.824.L 

^The  same.     Lives  of  eminent  commanders, 

trans,  by  J.  S.  Watson,     pp.  305-450. 

-Plutarchus.     Vitae.      Recognovit  T.  D6h» 

ner.    Graece  et  latine.     Parisiis,  1857-62. 

2  V.    L  8^  14.874.2 

—  -The  same.     Lives.     The  translation  called 

Dryden's,  revised  by  A.  H.  Clough.  Bos- 
ton, 1863.     5  V.     8  .  14.906.7 

-Sketches  of  ancient  biography.  [Amm.] 
London,  [1850?].     16°.  2. 2051. 21 

-Smith  (W.)  Dictionary  of  Greek  and  Roman 
biography  and  mythology.  Boston,  1849. 
3v.    8.  X6.1006.C 

-  -^w»</ Wace  (H.)  Dictionary  of  Christian  biog^ 

raphy.  A-  Her.  Boston,  1877.    2  v.     8°. 


— Stahr  (A.  W.  T.)      ROmische  kaiserfrauen. 

Berlin,  1865.     8*.  12.744.19* 

-Suetonius  Tranquillus  (C.)    Dc  xii    Cae- 

saribus,  cum  L  Casauboni  animadversioni- 

bus.     Argentorati,  1647.     s.  4".  12.764.9, 

^The  same.    Curanle  P.  Burmanno.   Amstel- 

aedami,  1736.     2  v.     4"*.  12. 764. 2. 

-Westermann  (A.)  Vitarum  scriptores  graeci 
minores.     Brunsvigae,  1845.     8". 

14. 2854.20 
-ABtrL-ABBAS   Ahmed  ben    Mohammed   ibn" 
Khallikan.       Biographical     dictionary. 
Tr.  by  MacGuckin  de  Slane.   Paris,  1843. 
2  V.    4*.  IX. 2688. 15 

-Macedo  (J.  M  .de).  Brazilian  biographical  an- 
nual.    Rio  de  Janeiro,  1876.     3  v.     8". 

-Po  KiE  Tchang  Sieou,  and  Auyot.  Portraits- 
des  Chinois  c61^bres. 

In  vv.  3,  5,  8,  10  of  1 1.678a.  I 


-Garnier  (L.)      Supplement   k  la  quatriftme 

Edition   [du]  dictionnaire  des  contempo- 

rains  par  G.  Vapercau.  Paris,  1873.  L  8*. 

Revolving  case.  D.S* 

u*t  Dictionnaui]* 

[Bound  with  Vapercau*! 


/  f 




»MsN  of  the  time  New  York,  185a.   la**. 

Revolving  case.  B.9 

"^  -The  same.  Also,  sketches  of  women.  Lon- 
don, 1859.     16**.  R.  C.  B.8 

^The  same.    New  ed.    London,    1865.    p. 

8*.  R.C.  B.7 

^The  same.   9th  ed.  by  T.  Cooper.   London, 

1875.    p.  8^  R.  C. 

The  same.  loth  ed.  by  T.  Cooper.  London, 

1879.    p.  8**.  R.  C.  B.6 

— Rabbk(A.)  Biographie  universelle  des  con- 
temporains.  Paris,  1839.  a  v.  p.  8''. 

R.  C.  B.4 

— Vaperkau  (G.)  Dictionnaire  universel  des  con- 
temporaina.  4c  6d.  Paris,  1870.  L8^ 

R.  C.  D.5 

— Albmbert  (J.  L.  d*).  l^loges  historigues  [des 
membres  de  Tacad^mie  fran^atsej.  Paris, 
an  xin  (1805).    6  v.    p.  8''. 

V.  6-11  of  8.500.2 

—  -The  same.  Select  eulc^es  of  members  of 
the  French  academy.  Tr.  by  J.  Aikin. 
London,  1799.     2  v.     16°.  8.478^.15 

—Bbsant  (W.)  French  humorists.  Boston, 
1877.    p.  8'.  8.478a.  16 

— Chalucb  (A.  E.)  lUustrioos  women  of 
France.  New  York,  1873.  16°.    8.478^.12 

— CoLOMits  (P.)  Gallia  orientalis;  sive.  Gal- 
lorum  qui  hnguam  hebraeaai,  vel  alias 
orientales  excoluerunt  vitae.  Hagae- 
Comitis,  1665.     s.  4°.  8.47&1.4 

— FKUGftRB  (L.  T.)  Caractdres  et  portraits  lit- 
t6raires  du  xvie  si^le.  Nouvelle  6d. 
Paris,  1859.     2  v.     18°.  8.478^.21 

— FoMTBNELLE  (B.  le  B.  de).  Eloges  des  acad6- 
midens  de  Tacad^mie  de  sciences,  morts 
depuis  1699.     La  Haye,  1739.     (°. 

V.  3  of  8.488.1 

— Gautier  (T.)  and  others.  Famous  French 
authors.  [From  the  French].  New  York, 
1879.     12  .  8.478^.2 

— GoBTHK  (J.  W.  Ton).  Des  hommes  c616bres 
de  France  au  dix-huitidme  sitele.  Traduit 
per  de  Saur  et  de  Saint-G6ni6t.  Paris, 
1823.     8%  ^4780.5 

— GuuoT  (F.  P.  G.)  Melanges  biographiques 
et  iitt^raires.    ae  ^.    Paris,  z868.    8''. 


— Hamsrton  (P.  G.)  Modem  Frenchmen.  Five 
biographies.  Boston,  1878.  16°.  8.4784.19 

—James  (H.)  French  poets  and  novelists.  Lon- 
don, 1878.    p.  8**.  aa.i2i8a.8 

— Kavanagh  (J-)  French  women  of  letters. 
London,  1862.    2  v.    p.  8**.  8.4784.8 

— Lalanne  (L.)  Dictionnaire  historiquc  de  la 
France.     Paris,  187a.    L  8**.         7.418^.4 

— Lbpeuvs  (C.)  Histoire  du  lyc6e  bonaparte. 
Paris,  1862.    24**.  8.4784.24 

— Luckbt  de  la  Roche  du  Main  (J-  P.  L.)  and 
oikgrs.  Gallery  o!  portraits  otthe  national 
assembly.  From  the  French.  [Antm.^ 
Dublin,  179a    » V.  in  I.     la"".       7.427.9 

-Attan  of  the  third  republic  \Anm,'\  Phila- 
delphia,  1873.    p.  8%  8.478^.9 

-"IClKZiES  (S.)  Political  women.  LoiKion,  1873. 
av.    p.  a**.  8.4780.6 

—Reeve  (Hi)  Royal  and  sapftblicaa  France. 
London,  1872.    2  v.    8%  7.422. 11 

— Sainte-Beuvb  (C.  a.)  Monday-chats.  Se- 
lected and  translated  by  W.  Mathews. 
Chicago,  1877.     12°.  8.4784.10 

Portraits  of  celebrated  women.    Tr.  by  H. 

W.  Preston.  Boston,  1868.  16*.  8^784.20 

—  -Portraits  contemporains.  Nouvelle  6d. 
Paris,  1870-71.     5  V.     i8\  8.48i.a 

Portraits  litt^raires.     Nouvelle  6d.     Paris, 

1862-64.     3v.     18'.  8.481.3 

— ^Shelley  (M.  W.  G.)  and  Wallace  (W.)  Lives 
of  literary  and  scientific  men  of  France. 
[Anon,]    London,  1838-39.     2  v.     16*'. 


— Gelehrte  (Das)  Ost  Friesland.  Aurich,  1785- 
90.     3  V.     8^  17.3021. II 

— Allgemeinb  deutsche  biographie.  A-  Klhler. 

Leipzig,  1875-81.  14  V.  in  7.  8^  9.5384.1 
— Baur  (W.)    Religious  life  in  Germany  during 

the  wars  of  independence:   biographical 

sketches.     Tr.  by  G.  Sturge.     London, 

1872.    p.  8\  9-515.29 

— BerDhmte     schriftsteller     der     Deutschen. 

[Anon."]     Berlin,  1854-55.    a  y.     16**. 

— Brucker  (J.)     Ehren-tempel  der  deutschen 

gelehrsamkeit     Augspurg,  1747.    4^. 

— FoRBfEY  (J-  H.  S.)    Eloges  des  acad^miciens 

de  Berlin.     Berlin,  1757.    2  v.     i8*. 

— Strauss  (G.  L.  M.)    Men  who  have  made  the 

new  German  empire.  London,  1875.   2  v. 

8*.  9.538^.3 

— ^Varnhagbn  von  Ense  (C.  A.  L.  P.)    Bio- 

graphische  denkmale.     3e  aufl.     Leipzig^ 

1872-74.  10  V.  in  5.  16**.  V.  7-16  of  9.556.3 
^Vermischte  schriften.      3e  aufl.      Leipzig, 

1875-76.  3  V.  in  2.  16°.  V.  17-19  of  9.556.3 
•^Witte(H.)    Memoria  philosophorum,  orato- 

rum,  poetarum,  historicorum  et  philologo- 

rum  nostri  seculi  clarissimorum.    Franco- 

furti,  1677-79.    av.  ini.    8°.    9.538a.  13 
— Zbdutz  (L.  von).  Pantheon  von  preussischen 

heeres.     Berlin,  1835.    8^  9.531.14 

Grgai  Britain, 

— Alubonb  (S.  A.)  Critical  dictionary  of  British 
and  American  authors.  Philadelphia, 
1870-73.    3  v.    L  8**.  1^996.4 

^The  same.  Philadelphia,  1874-76.  3  v.  1.  8°. 

Art  room. 

—Albion  (J.)  Biographical  anecdotes  of  eminent 
persons  oi  the  present  age.  [A mm,} 
London,  1797.    3  v-     8**.  6.347.1 

—Anderson  (J.)  Memorable  women  of  the 
puritan  times.  London,  [1861].  a  ▼. 
p.  8^  6.367.6 

— Aubrey  (J.)  Lives  ot  eminent  men.  pp.  197- 
592.  V.  2  of  21.3294. 13  . 

— Ballard  (G.)  Memoirs  of  [learned]  ladies  of 
Great  Britsin.  Oxford,  1752.  4°.    6.348.1 

— BiooRAPHiA  britannica:  lives  of  eminent  per- 
sons in  Great  Britain.  2d  ed.  by  A.  KippiSh 
A-  Coke.     London^  1778-84.     3  v.    f  . 


— Birch  (T.)  Heads  of  illtncrious  peraoas  of 
Great  Britain.  With  their  lives.  New  ed. 
London,  1813.    f**.  Aft  rooai.  A.  5.1^ 





— Brook  (B.)  Lives  of  the  puritans.  London, 
1813.    3  V.     8".  6.338tf.2 

— Brougham  (H.)    Lives  of  philosophers  of  the 

time  of  George  III.    Edinburgh,  1872.    16°. 

V.  I  of  6.2342.  II 

Men  of  letters  of  the  time  of  George  iii. 

Edinburgh,  1872.     16'.     v.  2  of  6.2342. 11 

— Chambers  (R.)  Biographical  dictionary  of 
eminent  Scotsmen.  New  ed.,  with  sup- 
plemental volume,  by  T.  Thomson.  Lon- 
don, 1864.     5  v.     8^  z6. 1004.7 

— Coleridge  (H.)  Biographia  borealis;  lives  of 
distinguished  northerns.  London,  1833. 
8'.  6.338a.6 

^  -The  same.  Lives  of  northern  worthies.  Ed. 
by  [D.  Coleridge].  New  ed.  London, 
1852.     3  v.     16  .  6. 348. 1 1 

—Dunham  (S.  A.)  Lives  of  literary  and  scien- 
tific men  of  Great  Britain.  [A mm."]  Lon- 
don, 1836-38.     3  V.     16°.  33.2031.13 

^ -The  same.  6.348.10 

— Fields  (J.  T.)  Yesterdays  with  authors.  Bos- 
ton, 1872.     12**.  3Z.  1322.36 

•— FoRSTER  (J.)  Biographical  essays.  3d  ed. 
London,  i860,     p.  8**.  6.338^.13 

— Fuller  (T.)  History  of  the  worthies  of  Eng- 
land. New  ed.  by  P.  A.  Nuttall.  London, 
1840.    3V.     8%  6.338^.5 

— Georgian  era;  memoirs  of  eminent  persons 
who  have  flourished  in  Great  Britain, 
[i  714-1828.  AnonJ]  London,  1832-34. 
4  V.     p.  8°.  6.348.7 

— Granger  (J.)  Biographical  history  of  Eng- 
land, from  Egbert  to  the  revolution.  3d  ed. 
London,  1779.     4  v*     8*.  6.338^.7 

-^  -The  same.   4th  ed.    London,  1804.    4  v.  8". 

— GuizoT  (F.   p.  G.)     Portraits    politiques  des 
hommes  des  dUOf^rents  partis  de  la  revo- 
lution d'Angleterre.  Nouvelle  fed.     Paris, 
1869.     8%  6.338^7.I2 

—  -The  same.  Monk's  contemporaries.  Bio- 
graphic studies  on  the  English  revolution. 
Tr.  by  A.  R.  Scoble.   London,  1851.    16*. 

5- 290. 5 

—Howie  (J.)  Scots  worthies:  gentlemen  who 
suffered  for  the  reformation  in  Scotland. 
New  York,  1853.     8*.  31. 1953-2 

-^jAifESON  (A.  M.)  Memoirs  of  the  beauties  of 
the  court  of  Charles  11.,  with  their  por- 
traits.    3d  ed.     London,  1851.     L  8**. 

Art  room.  C.2.9 

— Jerdan  (W.)  Men  I  have  known.  London, 
1866.     p.  8*.  6.367.15 

—Jesse  (J.  H.)  Memoirs  of  the  pretenders  and 
their  adherents.    Philadelphia,  1846.    2  v. 

24'.  5- 300-13 

— Kaye  (J.  W.)  Lives  of  Indian  officers.  Lon- 
don, 1867.  2  V.  8".  xx.678^.7 
— Langford  (J.  A.)    Prison  books,  and  their 

authors.  London,  1861.  p.  8°.  6.367.4 
— Lecky  (W.  E.  H.)    Leaders  of  public  opinion 

in  Ireland.  New  ed.  London,  1871.  p.  8". 

—Lewis  (lady  M.  T.  L.  V.)  Lives  of  the  friends 

of  lord  Clarendon.     London,  1852.     3  v. 

8%  6.338^.3 

— Lodge  (E.)  Portraits  of  illustrious  personages 

of  Great  Britain.     London,  1835.     12  v. 

in  6.    1.  8%  ^.     6.356.27 

— MacaClay  (T.  B.)  Biographies  contributed 
to  the  Encyclopaedia  briunnica.  Edin- 
burgh, i860.     16''.  ^      6.367.21 

— Martineau  (H.)  Biographical  stretches.  New 
York,  1869*:     12%  .     6.348.9 

— MiLNES  (R.  M.)  Mon6graphs  per^nal  and 
social,  by  lord  Houghton.  New  York, 
1873.     12'.  6.357.7 

— Naunton  (Sir  R.)  Fragmenta  regalia:  ob- 
servations on  queen  Elizabeth  and  her 
favourites.  pp.  172-189  of  5.308.15 

The  same.  Reprinted  by  E.  Arbcr.  London, 

1870.     8%  17. 1020. 1 

— Noble  (M.)  Biographical  history  of  England, 
from  the  revolution  to  the  end  of  George 
first's  reign;  a  continuation  of  Granger. 
London,  1806.     3  v.     8'.  6. 338a.  8 

The  same.  5.278^.4 

— Redding  (C.)  Personal  reminiscences  of  em- 
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—Rogers  (J.  E.  T.)  Historical  gleanings:  a 
series  of  sketches.  London,  1869-70.  2 
series,     p.  8**.  0. 367. 23 

— Smiles  (S.)  Brief  biographies.  Boston,  1876. 
12".  6.347.8 

Industrial  biography:  iron-workers  and  lool- 

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— Smith  (T.)  Vitae  quorundam  eruditissimorum 
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— Thomson  (K.  B.  and  J.  C.)  Wiis  and  beaux 
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— Tyerman  (L.)  Oxford  mcthodists.  New 
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— Tytler  (P.  F.)  Lives  of  Scottish  worthies. 
London,  1831-42.     3  v.     16**.         1. 10. 12 

— Walton  (I.)  Lives  of  Donne,  Wotton, 
Hooker,  Herbert,  and  Sanderson.  Lon- 
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— Winstanley  (W.)  England's  worthies.  From 
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— ^Wright  (T.)  Biographia  britannica  literaria; 
Anglo-saxon  and  Anglo-norman  periods. 
London,  1842-46.     2  v.     8"*.        17. 1022.2 


— Allacci  (L.)  Apes  urbanae;  sive,  de  viris 
illustribus  qui  ab  anno  1630  Romae  ad- 
fuerunt.  Hamburg!,  1 711.  s.  8°.  12.723.26 

— Fabroni  (A.)  Vitae  Italorum  doctrina  excel- 
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— Giovio  (P.)  Illustrium  vironmi  vitae.  Flo- 
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men  of  Italy, Spain, and  Portugal.  [Ancn^ 
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The  same.  12.738^.22 

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— DoLGOROUKY  (P.)  Notice  sur  les  principales 
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men  of  Italy,  Spain,and  Portugal.  [Anon^ 
London,  1835-37.    3  v.    16°.     12.738^.12 

The  same.  X2. 738^.22 

' ^Thesame.  33. 2012.  i 

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iards. Tr.  by  T.  R.  Preston.  London, 
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C/nitfd  States. 

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tices]. New  York,  1 8 14.  5  v.  24*.  3.140.24 

— Allen  (W.)  American  biographical  dictionary. 
3d  ed.     Boston,  1857.     1.  8".         X6.996.7 

— Allibone  (S.  a.)  Dictionary  of  British  and 
American  authors.  Philadelphia,  1870-76. 
3  V.     1.  8*.  X6.996.4 

The  same.  Art  room. 

— Belknap  (J.)  American  biography.  Boston, 
1704-^.     2  V.     8°.  4.198^.8 

^The  same.  4.198^.16 

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York,  1843.     3  V.     18*".  32.2021.8 

— Clarke  (J.  F.)  Memorial  and  biographical 
sketches.  Boston,  1878.  p.  8"*.    4.198^.11 

— Drake  (F.  S.)  Dictionary  of  American  biog- 
raphy.    Boston,  1872.    1.  8".       X6.996.8 

— DuvcKiNCK  (E.  A.)  National  portrait  gallery 
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2  V.     4'.  4.198^.1 

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guished in  literature.  New  York,  1866. 
8",  X8.1116.6 

— Griswold  (R.  W.)  Prose  writers  of  America. 
4th  ed.  Philadelphia,  1851.  8"*.    2X.  1324.3 

—Jones  (A.  D.)  Illustrated  American  biography. 
V.I.     New  York,  1853.     8^        4.198^.3 

— JUDSON  (L.  C.)  Sages  and  heroes  of  the 
American  revolution.     Boston,  1875.     8**. 


— Lanman  (C.)  Biographical  annals  of  the  gov- 
ernment of  the  United  States.  Washing- 
ton, 1876.     1.  8*.  4.198*1.1 

Dictionary  of  the  United  States  congress. 

Philadelphia,  1859.     S"".  x6.1013.12 

The  same.    3d  ed.     Washington,  1866.     8°. 


—Lawrence  fE.)  A  primer  of  American  litera- 
ture.   New  York,  1880.    32°.     17.1023.29 

—Moore  (F.)  Women  of  the  war  [of  1861-^5]. 
Hartford,  1866.     8*.  3- 154.22 

— Parton  (J.)  and  others.  Sketches  of  men  of 
progress.     New  York,  1870-71.     8**, 


—Pollard  (E.  A.)    Lee  and  his  lieutenants. 

New  York,  1867.     8%  3.154.5 

— Sabine  (L.)  American  loyalists:  sketches  of 
adherents  to  the  British  crown  in  the  rev- 
olution.    Boston,  1847.     8*.  4.198^.^ 

The  same.  Boston,  1864.  2  v.  8**.    3.138^.3 

The  same,  4.198^.11 

— Sparks  (J.)    Library  of  American  biography. 

New  York,  1845-56.  25  v.  i6'.     3.i38a.6 

— Tardy  (M.  T.)    Living  female  writers  of  the 

south.     [Anon.}     Philadelphia,  1872.     8"*. 

— Thacher  (J.)    Biographical  sketches. 

pp.  387-477  of  3.143.4 
— ^Ward  (G.  a.)    Biographical  notices  of  Amer- 
ican loyalists.     New  York,  1842.     8**. 


The  same.  pp.  449-560  of  4.204.19 

— WiSTER  (S.  B.)  and  Irwin  <A.)  Worthy  women 
of  our  first  century.  Philadelphia,  1877. 
p.  8°.  4.i98a.9 

—Woodward  (T.)  Columbian  Plutarch.  Phila- 
delphia, 1819.     12**.  4. 198a.  15 

See^  also^  Actors,  Admirals,  Apostles,  Architects, 
Artisans,  Artists,  Astronomers,  Bishops,  Cardinals, 
Chancellors  of  England,Chief-justices,Clergymen, 
Dramatists.  Eng^ineers,  Eneravers,  Fathers,  Free- 
thinkers, Friends,  Generals,  Historians,  Hymn- 
writers,  Indians,  Lawyers,  Linguists,  Martyrs, 
Mathematicians,  Merchants,  Missionaries,  Musi- 
cians. Novelists,  Orators,  Painters,  PhilosophetB, 
Physicians,  Poets,  Presidents  of  the  United 
States,  Princesses  of  England,  Queens,  Robbers, 
Saints,  Scientific  men.  Sculptors,  Statesmen,  The- 
ologians, Travellers. 

Als0^  Boston  Athenaeum,  British  museum,  Brown 
university,  Cambridge  university,  Cambridge^ 
Mass.,  {Harvard C0llegt\  Congress  of  the  United 
States,  Cumberland  valley,  E^laration  of  inde- 
pendence, Eton  colle|[e,  Fife,  Frankfort  on  the 
Main,  New  Haven,  {Yale  College).  Nordhausen, 
Ohio,  Oxford  university,  Philadelphia,  Princeton, 
{c0llege\  Virginia. 

Also^  Bibliography,  Genealogy,  Literature  {Hit' 
tory  o/\  Portraits. 


— Beale  (L.  S.)  Life  theories;  their  influence 
upon  religious  thought.  London,  1871. 
p.  8^  22.1384.26 

Protoplasm;  or,    matter  and  life.     3d  ed. 

London,  1874.     16*.  27.1698a.31 

On  life  and  on  vital  action  in  health  and 

.   disease.    London,  1875.    16".     27.1671.42 

— Cleland  (J.)  Evolution,  expression,  and 
sensation,  cell  life  and  pathology.  Glas- 
gow, 1881.     p.  8%  27.1660.28 

— CoHN  (F.)  BeitrSige  zur  biologie  der  pflanzen. 
Breslau,  1870-80.     3  V.     8".     28.1744.25 

— Cook  (J.)  Biology.  [A  course  of  lectures]. 
Boston,  1877.     12  .  27.1660.18 

— Draper  (J.  W.)  Treatise  on  the  forces  which 
produce  the  organization  of  plants.  New 
York,  1844.    4%  28.1747.3 

— Drysdale  (J.)  Protoplasmic  theory  mi  life. 
London,  1874.     p.  8*.  27.1660.15 

— GiRARD  (C.)  Principes  de  biologie  appliqu6s 
k  la  m6decine.     Paris,  1872.     iS"". 


Vie  au  point  de  vuc  physique.     Paris,  i860. 

12*'.  27.1698^1.37 

— Huxley  (T.  H.)  On  our  knowledge  of  the 
causes  of  the  phenomena  of  organic 
nature.     London..  1862.     16*.     27.1660.6 

On  the  physical  basis  of  life.     New  Haven, 

1872.     12*.  27. 1698^.38 

am/ Martin  (H.  N.)    Course  of  instruction 

in  elementary  biology.  London,  1875. 
I2\  27.1671.35 





^The  same    ad  ed.    London,  1876.    12**. 

— Lbmoinb  (A.)    Le  vitalisrae  et  ranimtsme  de 

Stahl.     Paris,  1864.     i6'.         27.1660.31 
— Maudsley  (H.)    Theory  of  vitality. 

pp.  143-189  of  23.1422.23 
-'^K^OLSON   (H.    A.)      Introduction    to    the 

study  of  biolc^n^.     New  York,  1872.     12°. 

—Semper  (K.)    Animal  life,  as  a£fected  by  the 

natural    conditions    of   ezbtence.     New 

York,  1881.     12'.  27.1671.33 

—Spencer  (H.)    Principles  of  biolog^.    New 

York,  1867-68.     2v.     w**.        23.1424.22 
— i-SxiRLiNG  (J.  H.)    As  regards  protoplasm,  in 

reply  to   Huxley's  essay  on  life.     New 

York,  1875.     12*.  27.1698a.40 

— Tyson  (J.)    The  cell  doctrine:  its  history  and 

present  state.     Philadelphia,  1870.     12°. 


—Archives  de  biologie.     Publi6es  par  E.  Van 
Beneden  et  C.  Van  Bambeke.  Paris,  1880. 
2v.     8^  27.1691. 15 

Stt',  tUsoy  Botany,  Zoology,  and  their   subdivi- 


— Altum  (B.)  Der  vogel  und  sein  leben.  Mtin- 
ster,  1868.    8*.  27.1691. 3 

—Audubon  (J.  J.)  Birds  of  America.  Chromo- 
lithography  by  J.  Bien,  New  York,  i860. 
125  col,  pi.     Eleph.     f*. 

Museum  of  natural  history. 

— Baird  (S.  F.)  Catalogue  of  North  American 
birds  in  the  Smithsonian  institution. 
Washington,  1859.     2 1.     19  pp.     8°. 

V.  2  of  28.3734.1 

Report  on  birds  collected  [in  Utah].     Seven 

colored  plates.     p{v  11-16. 

V.  10  of  3. 108. 13 

Review  of  American  birds  in  the  Smithson- 
ian institution.     Washington,  1872.     8*". 
V.  12  of  28.3734.1 

Brewer  (T.  M.)  and  Ridgway  (R.)  His- 
tory of  North  American  birds.  Land 
birds.  Colored  plates.  Boston,  1875. 
3v.     1.  8^  27.1696.9 

—  -Cassin  (J.)  and  Lawrence  (G.  N.)    Birds  of 

North  America.    Washington,  1858.     4". 
V.  9  of  3. 108. 13 

—  -The  same.     Colored  plates.     Philadelphia, 

i860.     2  V.     4**.  27. 1696. 1 

— 50NAPARTE  (C.  L.  J.  L.)  American  ornithol- 
ogy; birds  not  given  by  Wilson.  Colored 
plates.     Philadelphia.  1825-33.     f**« 

— -The  same.  27.1697.4 

—  -The    same.     Ed.    by    R.    Jameson.    Text 

only.    Edinburgh,  i8ji.    16**.     27.1690.2 

—  -Genera  of  North  American  birds,  and  syn- 

opsis of  species  in  the  United  States,    pp. 
7-128,  293-451.  V.  2  of  28.3732.1 

—  -Observations  on  the  nomenclature  of  Wil- 

son's  ornithology.      Philadelphia,    1826. 
8^  27.1691.1 

— Brehm  (A.  E.)  Casseirs  book  of  birds. 
Translated  by  T.  R.  Jones.  Colored 
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— Brisson  (M.  J.)  Omithologie.  [French  and 
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10  V.    f**.  27.1698.2 

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2  V.    4".  V.  5-6  of  27.1666.6 

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16'.  27.1698^.19 

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Illustrations  of  the  birds  of  North  America. 

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Mammalogy  and  ornithology  [of  the  United 

States    exploring    expedition,    1838-42]. 
Philadelphia,  1858.    4°.  27.1678.1 

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— CoLLETT  (R.)  Norges  fugle.  Kjfibenhavn, 
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—Cooper  (J.  G.)  and  Suckley  (G.)  Report 
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pp.  140-291. 

V.  12,  pt.  2  of  3. 108. 13 

— CouES  (E.)  Birds  of  the  Colorado  valley. 
Pt  I.  Passeres  to  Laniidae.  Washing- 
ton, 1878.     8°.  27.1696.16 

^  -Birds  of  the  northwest.  Washington,  1874. 
8^  27.1696.17 

^Thcsame.     Boston,  1877.     8°.     27.1696.15 

— '  -Field  ornithology:  a  manual  of  instruction 
for  preparing  and  preserving  birds.  Sa- 
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Key  to  North  American  birds.     Salem,  1872. 

1.  8^  27.1696.4 

— D'Albertis  (L.  M.)  Birds  collected  in  New 
Guinea,  in  1875.  Xl.673.11 

[/»  his  New  Guinea,    s  v.    8«.] 

— DiONVsius,/m<r^<r/:^x  ?  Paraphrasis  librorum  dc 
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[Poetae  bucolid  etdidacUci]. 

—Donovan  (E.)  Natural  history  of  British 
birds.  Colored  plates.  London,  1794- 
1819.     10  V.  in  5.     8*.  27.1696.18 

-^Dresser  (H.  E.)  History  of  the  birds  of 
Europe.  With  coloured  plates.  London, 
J871-81.     7v.    4^  27.1688.26 

List  of  European  birds,  including  species 

found  in  the  western  palaearctic  region. 
London,  1881.  40  pp.  8*.  27.1676.  Box  3 

—Edwards  (A.  M.)  Recherches  [sur  lesj 
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— Edwards  (G.)  Natural  history  of  uncommon 
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4pts.  in2  V.   4^  27.1698.3 

— Elliot  (D.  G.)  New,  and  heretofore  unfigured 
birds  of  North  America.  With  coloured 
plates.  New  York,  1866-69.  2  v.  in  14 
pts.    1.  f°.  Alumni  room. 

— FiGUiER  (L.)  Reptiles  and  birds.  From  the 
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York,  [1873].     16'.  27.16^.37 

— FtAQG  (W.)  Birds  and  seasons  of  New  Eng- 
Ifind.     Boston,  1875.     p.  8%     27.1696.35 

— GiBBs(M.)  Annotated  list  of  the  birds  of 
Michigan.  Alumni  room. 

\In  Bulletin  of  geological  luxvcy  ot  the  territo- 
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—-Gouu)  (J.)  Birds  of  the  Beagle's  voyage. 
London,  1841.    4''.  27.1678.9 

— Gkay  (G.  R.)  Fasciculus  of  the  birds  of 
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r.  27.1697.3 

Hand-list  of  genera  and  species  of  birds. 

London,  18^71.     3  t.    8'.     27.1696.19 

—Heermann  (A.  L.)  Report  upon  birds  col- 
lected [in  California],  pp.  9-20,  29-80. 
Seven  colored  plates.        v.  10  of  3. 108. 13 

— Howrrr  (M.)  Birds  and  their  nests.  New 
York.  [1871].    s.  4'.  27.1696.33 

—Huxley  (T.)  On  the  classification  of  birds, 
and  on  the  taxonomic  value  of  the  modifi- 
cation of  the  cranial  bones;  with  reply  to 
objections.  27. 1 701.  i 

[In  Zoologiod  todety**  proceedings,  1867,  pp.  4x5- 
47a;  »868,  pp.  384-3x9]. 

•v*Jardink  {Sir  W.)  and  others,  Ornitholc^^. 
London,  [1840].     14  v.     16**. 

V.  i-i4of  27.1667.1 

— Kennerly  (C.  B.  R.)  Report  upon  birds  col- 
lected [in  New  Mexico  and  Arizona]. 
Colored  plates,    pp.  19-35. 

V.  10,  pt.  6  of  3. 108. 13 

-«-KiDDBR  rf.  H.)  Ornithology  of  Kerguelen 
Island.  Ed.  by  E.  Coues.  Washington, 
1875.     51pp.     8°.         V.  13  of  28.3734.1 

^Lawrence  (G.   N.)     Birds  of  southwestern 

Mexico.    Washington,  1875.    sBpp.    8*. 

V.  13  of  28.3734.1 

— L1U.JEBORG  (W.)  Outline  of  a  systematic  re- 
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{la  SmithaomaQ  report,  1865,  pp.  436-450]. 

—Ludlow  (W.)    Birds  [of  Dakota]. 

pp.  85-102  of  3.106.3 

— McChesney  (C.  E.)  Notes  on  the  birds  of 
Fort  Sisseton,  Dakota  territory. 

Alumni  room. 
[fn  Bullethi  of  feolo^fioal  tarrej  of  the  territo- 
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— Maynard  (C.  T.)  Naturalist's  guide  in  col- 
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-^IKOT  (H.  D.)  Land-birds  and  game-birds  of 
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— MoKTAQU  (G.)  Ornithological  dictionary; 
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2  ▼.    4*.  29. 1858. 1 

— Peabody  (W.  B.  O.)  Report  on  the  ornithol- 
ogy of  Massachusetts. 

pp.  255^,404  of  27.1704.9 

-^Pklzeln  (A.  von).    VOgel  der  Novara  reise'. 

28. 1778. 1 

—Pennant  (T.)  British  aoOlogy.  Colored 
plates.  [Pla.  i  and  nl.  London,  1766. 
tv.     f".  27.1697.1,2 

-^  -Oeneim  of  birds.    Londoa,  1781.    s.  4''- 


^  "Jhf^  Histobe  aatoralle  de^  oiseaux,  par  le 
eonit^  4e  Buffon,  and  L^  planches  enlu- 
rain^,  systematically  disposed*  [in  two 
indexes].    London,  1786.  s.  4**!  Il7*i69i.2 

— Rennie  (J.)  Architecture,  and  domestic  habits 
of  birds.  [Ahoh,]  London,  1831-33. 
2  V.     18°.  1.11.1,4 

The  same.  Natural  history  of  birds.  [AnonJ] 

New  York,  1845.     18°.  32.2030.14 

— RiDGWAY  (R.)  Ornithology  of  the  40th  par- 
allel,    pp.  303-669.  V.  4  of  27.1688.8 

-r=-RuscHENBERGER  (W,  S.  W.)  Ornithology. 
From  the  text  of  Edwaifds  and  Comte. 
Philadelphia^  1842.     12°.  27.1695.19 

— Samuels  (E.  A.)  Birds  of  New  England  and 
adjacent  states.  6th  ed.  Boston,  1875. 
8*.  27.1606.20 

Ornithology   and  oOlogy  of  New   England. 

Boston,  1868.     \,  9°.  27.1696.7 

— Savigny  (J.  C.)  Oiseaux.  [10  plates]. 

Trustees*  room. 
[/m  Description  de  rfigypte,  Zoologiel. 

— Saxby  (H.  L.)  Birds  of  Shetland.  Edin- 
burgh, 1874.     8**.  27.1695.17 

— Scott  (W.  E.  D.)  Notes  on  bhrds  observed 
at  Twin  lakes.  Lake  county,  Colorado, 
pp.  90-96.  27.1676.  Box  3 

-r  •r<)n  birds  observed  in  Sumpter,   Levy,  and 

Hillsboro*  counties^  Florida,     pp.   13-21. 

27.1676.  Box  3 

-m  -rWinter  notes  on  bMPds  [at]  Princeton,  N.  J. 
pp.  81-85,  27.1676.  Box  3 

-r-Sennett  (G.  B.)  Further  notes  on  the  ornith- 
ology of  the  lower  Rio  Grande«  Ed.  by 
E.   Coues.  Alumni  room. 

[/»  Bulletin  of  geological  siirvey  of  the  territo- 
ries,  V.  5,  no.  3,  pp.  37X-440].    , 

^Smithsonian  institution.  Arrangement  of 
families  of  birds.     8  pp.  v.  8  of  28.3734.1 

— SwAiNSON  (W.)  Natural  history  and  classifi- 
cation of  birds.  London,  1836-37.  2  v. 
16°.  32.2032.2 

— TuRNBULL  (W.  P.)  Birds  of  east  Pennsylvania 
and  New  Jersey.     Glasgow,  1869.     8°. 


— Wilson  (A.)  American  ornithology.  Colored 
plates.     Philadelphia,  1808-14.     9  v.     f*. 

27. 1698. 1 

-rr-  -^The  same.  Ed.  by  R.  Jameson.  Text 
only.     Edinburgh,  183 1.     3  v.     16°. 


— Wilson  (J.)    Christopher  in  his  aviary. 

pp.  203-234  of  21. 1316.40 

—Yarrow  (H.  C.)  and  Henshaw  (H.  W.)  Re- 
port  upon  ornithological  specimens  col- 
lected [west  of  the  xooth  meridian],  1871- 
73.     148  pp.     8'.  27.1676.  Box  3 

irrCpui^s  (E.)    List  of  faunal  publications  relat- 
ing  to    North    American     ornithology, 
pp.  567-784  of  27.1696.16 
w  "Second  and  third  instalments  of  American 
pmithological  bibliography. 

Alumni  room. 
[In  Bulletin  of  geological  survey  of  the  territo- 
ries, ▼.  5,  no.  a,  pp.  a39-33o;  do*  4»  S«i-»o66]. 
Nfftt,  A  section  of  every  systematic  work  on 
zoology  is  of  course  devoted  to  birds.  The  same  is 
true  ot  sooloffteal  journals,  and  of  tK>oks  of  trav- 

For  prehistoric  birds,  tee  Palaeontology. 

See^  aUo^  BR8s«  Flying,  Humming-biras,  Odoa* 

tomithes,  Raptores,  sparrows.  Swallows,  Wings. 
Binnah.    Ste  Burmah. 
Biscay,  (Vizcaya,  apr^me  of  ^ain). 
r^PiAgoN  (J.  F.)    Six  years  in  Biscay,  [1830-37]. 

London,  1838.     8%  xo.625.6 





Biscay,  (Bay  of). 

— ToTTEN  (G.  M.)  and  Schroedbr  (S.)  Coasts 
and  ports  of  the  bay  of  Biscay.  Washing- 
ton, 1876.  8".  2.42.9 
See^  mU0^  La  Vendte,  Oleron. 


— Beatson  (R.)     Bishops  and  archbishops    of 

England,  from  the  ist  to  the  end  of  the 

i8th  century,     pp.  155-249. 

Revolving  case.  v.  i  of  C.6 
— Jauffret  (G.  J.  A.  J.)    £loges  des  6v^ues 

fran9ais.     [A  mm,]     Public  par  Godeaa. 

Paris,  an  x-1802.  8".  8.478/1.14 

/Tote.    A  list  of  **  spiritual  lords'*  commonly  fol- 
lows the  temporal  nobility,  in  English  books  on 
the  peerage. 
«         S*t,  also^  Episcopacy. 

Bismarck-Schonhausen  (Otto  Eduard  Leopold, 
fUrst  von),     b,  181 5. 

— BuLLEN  (G.)  Story  of  count  Bismarck's  life. 
London,  [1871J.     16".  9.541. 21 

— BuscH  (M.)  Bismarck  in  the  Franco-German 
war.     From  the    German.     New    York, 

[1879].  3  V.  p.  8^  9-541.19 

— Gauvain  (H.  von).  Graf  Bismarck  und  die 
legitimitftt  der  dinge;  oder,  wie  Napoleon 
Deutschland  zerst6rte.   Leipzig,  1867.  8''. 

9- 533. 10 

— Hayward  (A.)  Prince  Bismarck,  pp.  69- 
132.  V.  I  of  2X.1311.3 

— Hesekiel  (J.  G.  L.)  Life  of  Bismarck,  private 
and  political.  Tr.  by  K.  R.  H.  Macken- 
zie.    New  York,  1870.     8".  9. 541.18 

— Letters  to  his  wife,  sister,  and  others,  1844- 
70.  Tr.  by  F.  Maxse.  New  York,  1878. 
I6^  9.541.20 

—Strauss  (G.  L.  M.)  Prince  Bismarck,  pp. 
88-257.  9-538«.3 

— TowLE  (W.M.)  Bismarck,  pp.  37-65  of  2.90.7 

Bitumen.    See  Asphalt 

Black  (Joseph),     b,  1728.    d.  1799. 

—Brougham  (H.)  Black  [the  chemist],  pp.  i- 
24.  v.  I  of  6.2342.  II 

Black  death,  a.d.  1348. 

— Hecker  (J.  F.  C.)  Black  death.  Tr.  by  B. 
G.  Babington.     78  pp.  29.3824.8 

Black  Hawk,  or  Ma-ka-tai-mi-shi-kia-kiah.  b, 
1767.     d,  1838. 

—Drake  (B.)  Life  and  adventures  of  Black 
Hawk.     6th  ed.     Cincinnati,  1840.     I2'. 

3. 1 12. 27 

Black  Hills  of  Dakota. 

— JENNEY  (W.  P.)  Mineral  wealth,  climate,  and 
natural  resources  of  the  Black  Hills  of 
Dakoto.  [With  map].  Washington,  1876. 
71pp.     8*.  3. 116.20 

— Ludlow  (W.)  Report  of  a  reconnaisance  of 
the  Black  Hills  of  Dakota,  in  1874. 
Washington,  1875.     4".  3.106.3 

—Newton  (H.)  and  Jenney  (W.  P.)  Geology 
and  resources  of  the  Black  Hills  of  Da- 
kota.    Washington,  i88a   4*.  29.1818. 18 

The  same.     Plates.    1.  V,      Alumni  room. 

Black  Sea.  Antiquities, 

— OuvAROFF,  or  UvAROF,  (le  comte  A.)  Re- 
cherches  sur  les  antiquit^s  de  la  Russie 
m^ridionale,  et  des  cdtes  de  la  Mer  Noire. 
Paris,  1855.     f.  10.608.5 

Set,  ats0^  Olbia. 

BlainTiUe  (Marie  Henri  Ducrotay  de).   b.  1777. 

d.  1850. 
— Flourens  (M.  J.  P.)    Memoir  of  Ducrotay  de 

Blainville.      Tr.   by  C.    A,    Alexander. 

[In  Smithtonian  report,  1865,  pp.  175-188]. 

— NiCARD  (P.)  6tude  sur  la  vie  et  les  travauz 
de  M.  de  Blainville.     223  pp. 

V.  I  of  29.1868.1 

Blair  (Robert),    b,  2593.    d,  1666. 

— AirroBiOGRAPHY,  with  supplement  by  W, 
Row.  Ed.  by  T.  M'Crie.  Edinburgh, 
1848.     8%  31. 1953. 13 

Blake  (WiUiam).    b.  1757.    d,  1827. 

—Cunningham  (A.)    Life  of  William  Blake. 

pp.  124-153  of  32.2010.13 

— Gilchrist  (A.)  Life  of  William  Blake.  Lon- 
don, 1863.    2  V.     8*.      Art  room.  A.  3. 1 5 

— Swinburne  (A.  C.)  William  Blake:  a  critical 
essay.     2d  ed.     London,  1868.     8*". 

Art  room.  A.  3. 16 

Blanckenborg,  Counts  of. 

— Leuckfeld  (J.  G.)  AntiquiUtes  blancken- 
btu^enses;  oder,  genealogische  und  his- 
tonsche  beschreibung  derer  grafen  von 
Blanckenburg.     Frankfurth,  1708.    s.  4^. 



— Gruner  (M.  L.)  Studies  of  blast-furnace  phe- 
nomena. Tr.  by  L.  D.  B.  Gordon.  New 
York.  1873.    8^  30.1875.13 

— Schinz  (C.)  Researches  on  the  action  of  the 
blast-furnace.  Tr.  by  W.  H.  Maw  and 
M.  MttUer.     London,  187a     p.  8^. 

Ste,  mi*0^  Smelting. 


— Andre  (G.  G.)    Rock  blasting.    A  oractical 

treatise.     London,  1878.     8*.    20. 1631.25 
The  same.  26. 1655.31 

Stty  aiso^  Nitroglycerine. 
Blasting  (submarine).     See  Boston  (Harbor). 


— Berthollbt  (C.  L.)  Essay  on  the  new 
method  of  bleaching,  by  means  of  oxy- 
genated muriatic  acid.  [Tr.]  by  R.  -Kerr. 
Edinburgh,  1790.     i6'.  30.1930.7 

— HiGGiNS  (W.)  Theory  and  practice  of  bleach- 
ing. London,  1709.  8*".  30.  39x1.7 
[In  a  vd,  lettered  "  Chemistry**]* 

Blenheim  house,  (Woodstock,  Oxfordshire), 

— BiBLIOTHECA    SUNDERLANDIANA.       Sale    Cata^ 

logue  of  the  Sunderland,  or  Blenheim  li- 
brary.    London,  1881.     8'.         16.1012.9 

— Blenheim,  the  seat  of  the  duke  of  Marlbor- 
ough. [Anon,\  pp.  207-223.  5.273.11 
[In  the  Oxford  uniTemty  and  ci^  guide]. 

— EccLES  (W.)  New  guide  to  Blenheim.  7th 
ed.    Woodstock,  1858.    i8\        5-273." 

^The  same.     i6th  ed.    Woodstock,   [18803, 

I8^  5273." 

— Gemmarum  antiquarum  delecttis,  ex  praestan- 
tioribus  desumptus  quae  in  dactyliothecis 
ducis  marlburiensis  servantur,  [AnonJ] 
Londini,  1845.    2  v.     i\      Cabinet  1.7.1 

Blennerhassett  (Harman).    b,  1767.    d,  1831. 

— Safford  (W.  H.)  Blennerhassett  papers,  cm- 
bodying  the  journal  of  Blennerhassett,  and 
the  correspondence  of  Burr.  Cincinnati, 
1864.    8\  3-^8.4 



OF  THE  COLLEGE  OF  NEW  JERSEY.  Bohemian  brethren. 

Blttsiagton,  countess  of.  5^^  Gardiner  (M.  P.  F.) 


— Diderot  (D.)  Lcttre  sur  les  aveugles.  pp, 
275-342.  V.  I  of  8.493.2 

— KiTTO  (J.)  Lost  senses.  Deafness  and  blind- 
ness.    New  York,  1852.  12".  23. 1438^.14 

— MiCHAELis  (G.)  Bericht  fiber  Moon's  Blinden- 
schrift.  Berlin.  1861.  8°.  24.1492.26 
See,  als0.  Eye,  Sight,  Spectacles,  Vision. 


— Canticum  canticorum,  repr<^uced  in  fac-sim- 
ile  from  the  Scriverius  copy.  With  an  in- 
troduction by  J.  P.  Berjeau.  London, 
i860,     f*.  X7.1028.1 

— SoTHEBY  (S.  L.)  Specimen-notice  of  [his] 
work  on  the  block-books  [of]  the  15th 
century.     London,  1858.     f°,       17. 1028.2 

See^  altfff  Printing. 

Blonde  of  Oxford,  (an  early  romance). 

— Reimes  (P.  de).  Romance  of  Blonde  of  Ox- 
ford and  Jehan  of  Dammartin.  Edited 
by  Le  Roux  de  Lincy.  London,  1858. 
s.  4^  6.315.28 


—Boyle  (R.)  Memoirs  for  the  natural  history 
of  humane  blood.     London,  1683.     8**. 


— CoxE  (J.  R.)  Inquiry  into  the  claims  of  Har- 
vey to  the  discovery  of  the  circulation  of 
the  blood.     Philadelphia,  1834.     8^ 


— FuNT  (A.)    Blood:  circulation,    pp.  95-352. 

V.  I  of  29.3815.4 

— FoNTANA  (F.)  Nuove  osservazioni  sopra  i 
globetti  rossi  del  sangue.  Lucca,  1766. 
8%  28.i758fl.3 

—Harvey  (W.)  Exercitatio  anatomica  de  motu 
cordis  et  sanguinis  in  animalibus,  et  de 
circulatione  sanguinis.     141  pp.    4°. 


—Hunter  (J.)  Treatise  on  the  blood;  inflam- 
mation, and  gun-shot  wounds.  London, 
1794.    4^  29.3816.7 

— MIJller  (J.  W.)  Transfusion  and  plethora. 
Christiania,  1875.     8".  29.3814.  i 


— LowRiE  (B.  F.)  Anatomy  and  physiology  of 
the  blow-fly,     London,  1870.     8**. 

27. 17 14. 10 

Blow-pipe  analysis. 

— Egleston  (T.)  Scheme  for  the  qualitative  de- 
termination of  substances  by  the  blow- 
pipe. 28.3733.1 
[Smithsonian  report,  1873,  pp.  ai9-33z]. 

— Elderhorst  (W.)  Manual  of  blow-pipe  analy- 
sis. Ed.  by  H.  B.  Nason  and  C.  F. 
Chandler.  6th  ed.  Philadelphia,  1874. 
16°.  30.1933.19 

— FucHS  (C.  W.  C.)  Practical  guide  to  the  de- 
termination of  minerals  by  the  blow-pipe. 
Tr.  by  T.  W.  Danby.  London.  [1875]. 
8%  28.1794.8 

— HiRSCHWALD  (J.)  Lathrohr-tabellen.  Leip- 
zig, 1875.     8*^.  30.1934.12 

— Kerl  (B.)  Leitfaden  bei  qualitativen  und 
quantltativen  lOthrohr-untersuchungen.  2e 
aufl.     Clausthal,  1877.     16°.      30.1933.24 

—  -Neuesten    fortschritte  der    lOthrohrprobir- 

kunst.    Clausthal,  1877.    16'.  30.1933.24  |  Bohemian  brethren. 


— Landauer  (J.)  Die  lOthrohranalyse.  Braun- 
schweig, 1876.     16".  30.1874.25 

— Plattner  (C.  F.)  Probirkunst  mit  dem  Idth- 
rohre.  5e  aufl.  von  T.  Richter.  Leip- 
zig, 1878.    8^  30.1874.7 

The  same.  Manual  of  qualitative  and  quan- 
titative analysis  with  the  blow-pipe.  |  Ed.] 
by  T.  Richter.  Tr.  by  H.  B.  Cornwall 
and  J.  H.  Caswell.     3d  ed.     New  York, 

1875.  8^  30.1934.7 

— Plympton  (G.  W.)  The  blow-pipe:  a  guide 
to  its  use.     New  York,  1874.     12*. 


— Ross  (W.  A.)  Pyrology;  or,  fire  chemistry. 
London,  1875.     4".  30. 1936.8 

— ScHEERER  (T.)  L^throhrbuch.  2e  aufl.  Braun- 
schweig, 1857.     16''.  30.1934.49 

— Terreil  (A.)  Traits  pratique  des  essais  au 
chalumeau.  Paris,  1875.  8'.  30.1935.19 
See,  also.  Assaying,  Chemistry,  {analytical), 

Blucher  (Gebhard  Leberecht,  filrst  von  WahU 
stadt),     b,  1742.     d,  1819. 

—Egerton  (F.)    Life  of  Blttcher. 

pp.  137-181  of  21.1305.28 

— Varnhagen  von  Ense  (C.  A.  L.  P.)  Ftirst 
Blttcher  von  Wahlstadt.  Leipzig,  1872. 
16*'.  V.  3  of  9.556.3 

Boccaccio  (Giovanni),    b.  1313.    d.  1375. 

— G1NGUEN6  (P.  L.)  Boccace.  Notice  sur  sa 
vie,  [et]  sur  ses  ouvrages.     135  pp. 

V.  3  of  17. 1040. 1 

— Montgomery  (J.)  and  others,  Boccaccio,  pp. 
116-150.  V.  I  of  12.738^.12 

— TiRABOSCHi  (G.)  Vita  di  Giovanni  Boccaccio, 
pp.  xxxi-lv.  V.  I  of  12. 771. 1 

Bodin  Gean).     b.  1530.     d.  1596. 

— Feugkre  (L.  J.)    Jean  Bodin. 


Bodleian  library.    See  Oxford. 

Boerhaare  (Hermann),    b,  1668. 

— ^Johnson  (S.)    Boerhaave.    pp. 

V.  12  oif  6.2351.1 

Boethias  (Anicius  Manlius  Severinus).  b,  about 
470.     d,  525. 

— Baur  (G.)  De  Anicio  Bofiihio,  christianae 
doctrinae  assertore.  Darmstadii,  1841. 
8°.  23.1414. 7 

— Fragment  d'un  po^me  en  vers  romans  sur 
Boece.  [Anon J]  Avec  des  notes,  et  une 
traduction  interlin6aire,  par  M.  Raynou- 
ard.     Paris,i8i7.     8".  13.782.8 

Bohemia  (Bdhmen). 

— ^Annales  gradicenses  et  opatowicenses,  894- 

1158.     Ed.  W.  Wattenbach.  pp.  643-653. 

V.  17  of  9.528.1 

— CosMAS,   pragensis,     and    others.       Chronica 

Boemorum  edente  R.  KCpke,  [894-]  1283. 

209  pp.  V.  9  of  9.528.1 

— Gindely  (A.)     Geschichte   des  b(5hmischen 

aufstandes  von  1618.     ler  band.     Prag, 

1869.   8^  9-521.9 

— Heinrich  von  Heimburg.      Annales,   861- 

1300.     pp.  7 1 1-7 1 8.  V.  17  of  9.528.1 

— ViCENTius   and  Gerlach.      Annales,    1140- 

1198.     Ed.  W.  Wattenbach.     pp.  654-710. 

V.  17  of  9.528.1 

See  United  brethren. 

pp.  423-451. 
2  of  8. 478a. 21 

d,  1738. 

B4lltmkm  hu^iiftfe.     SUBJECT-CATALOGUE  OF  THE  LIBRARY 


Bohemian  language  and  literature. 

— DoBROWSKY  (J.)  Bildsamkeit  der  slawischen 
sprache,  an  der  bildung  der  substantive 
und  adjective  in  der  b6hmischen  sprache. 
Prag,  1799.     68  pp.    4^  15.975. 12 

— Robinson  (T.  A.  L.  v.  I.)  History  of  the  Czek- 
ish,  or  Bohemian,  language  and  literature, 
pp.  147-21 1.  17. 1046.6 

— Wratislaw  (A.  H.)  Native  literature  of  Bo- 
hemia in  the  14th  century.  London,  1878. 
16°.  17. 1046. 8 

Bohme  (Jakob),     b,  1575.     d,  1624. 

— HoTHAM  (D).  Life  of  Jacob  Behmen.  Lon- 
don, 1654.  r.  22.1358.5 
\Bound  with  B^hine*s  Mysterium  magnum]. 

—Walton  (C.)  Notes  for  a  biography  of  Wil- 
liam Law.  Comprising  an  elucidation  of 
the  writings  of  BOhme.  \Anon!\  Lon- 
don, 1856.     8"*.  22.1356.11 

Boigne  (E16onore  Addle,  b,  de  Osmond,  com- 
tesse  de).     b.  1 780.     d,  1866. 

— GuizoT  (F.  P.  G.)  La  comtesse  de  Boigne. 
pp.  143-187.  8.478^1.3 

Boileau-Despreauz  (Nicolas),  b.  1636.  d, 

— Alembert  (J.  L.  d*).  Eloge  de  Despr6aux. 
pp.  63-242.  v.  2  of  8.500.2 

The  same.     Eulogy  of  Despreaux.     Tr.  by 

J.  Aikin.    pp.  219-347.     v.  i  of  8.478^.15 

— Besant(W.)  Boileau.  pp.  285-309  of  8.478^.16 

— PoujouLAT  (J.  J.  F.)  Boileau-Despr^aux. 
pp.  1-18.  18.3066.6 

[/if  Boileau*s  Oeuvres  poetiques]. 

— Sainte-Beuve  (C.  a.)     Boileau.     pp.  1-22. 

v.  I  of  8.481.3 

—Shelley  (M.  W.  G.)  and  Wallace  (W.) 
Boileau.     pp.  259-295.  v.  I  of  32.2031.12 

Boilers.     See  Steam-engine. 

Boisseree  (Sulpice).     b,  1783.    d,  1854. 

— Baur  (W.)    Sulpiz   Boisseree.     pp.  437-464. 


Boissy  (Louis  de).     b.  1694.     d,  1758. 

— Alembert  (J.  L.  d*).  ]felogc  de  Boissy.  pp. 
299-328.  V.  3  of  8.500.2 

Boium  glacier,  (Norway). 

— Sexe  (S.  a.)  Boiumbraeen.  Le  glacier  de 
Boium.     Christiania,  1869.     40  pp.    4°. 



— Grovkr  0.)  Bokhara  victims;  [Charles 
Sioddart  and  Arthur  Conolly,  1838]. 
London,  1845.     8**.  II. 691. 7 

— Vamb^ry  (A.)  Bokhara,  the  head-quarters  of 
Mohammedanism,  pp.  166-281.    1 1.692.8 

— Wolff  (J.)  Narrative  of  a  mission  to  Bokhara, 
1843-45.   London,  1845.  2  v.  8\  II.691.3 

See,  also^  Oxus. 

Bolingbroke,  viscount.     See  St.  John  (H.) 
Bombay,  (Bom  ba.hia.fporfujruese  for  Good  Bay), 
— Calendar  for  Bombay  university,   1869-70. 

[With   examination    papers].      Bombay, 

1869.     12".  24.1481. 4 

Bonaparte  (Elizabeth  b,   Patterson),     b.  1785. 

d,  1879. 
— DiDiF.R  (E.  L.)    Life  and  letters  of  madame 

Bonaparte.  New  York,  1879.   12**.  4.203.8 
Bonaparte  (Louis  Napoleon).   See  Napoleon  iii. 
Bonaparte  (Napoleon).     See  Napoleon  i. 
Bonds.     See  Finance. 


— Bell  (J.)  Engravings  of  the  bones  [of  man], 
ist  Am.  from  2d  Lond.  ed.  Philadelphia, 
1817.    4^  29.3816.9 

— Monro  (A.)  Anatomy  of  the  human  bones, 
nerves,  [etc.].     Edinburgh,  1768.     8**. 


Boniface,  Saint^  (real  name,  Winfrid),  b,  680. 
^.  755. 

— WiLLiBALD.  ViU  S.  Bonifatii  archiepiscopi. 
Ed.  G.  H.  Peru.     pp.  331-353. 

v.  2  of  9.528.1 

Bonn,  art  museum. 

— Welckkr  (F.  G.)  Akadcmische  kunst-museum 
zu  Bonn.     2e  ausg.     Bonn,  1841.     8**. 



— Repton  (J.  A.)  Female  head-dress  in  Eng- 
land, chiefly  subsequent  to  Strutt.  pp.  29- 
76.     8  pi.  V.  27  of  5.2296.1 

Bonneval  (Claude  Alexandre,  eomte  de).  b.  1675. 
d,  1747. 

— MERCKwt'RDiGES  lebeu  des  grafen  von  Bon- 
neval.  Aus  dem  FrantzOsischen.  [Anon.'] 
Hamburg,  1737.     16".  8.482.17 

Boodhism.     See  Buddhism. 


— Hamilton  (R.)  Short  system  of  arithmetic 
and  book-keeping.     London,  1788.     12°. 


— Jackson  (W.)  Book-keeping  in  the  true 
Italian  form.     New  York,  181 1.     8°. 


—Jones  (E.  T.)  English  system  of  book-keep- 
ing.    2d  Am.  ed.     New  York,  1797.     4". 


—Turner  (T.)  Epitome  of  book-keeping  by 
double  entry.     Portland,  1804.     12**. 


Books.  See  Bibliography,  Palaeography,  Print- 


— Curwen(H.)  History  of  booksellers.  London, 

[1874].     p.  8^  6.367.7 

Boone  (Daniel),    b,  1735.    d,  1820. 
— BoGART  (W.    H.)      Daniel   Boone,   and  the 

hunters  of  Kentucky.    Boston,  1875.    12*. 

—Peck  (J.  M.)   Life  of  Daniel  Boone.    Boston, 

1847.     I6^  V.  23  of  3.i38fl.6 

Ste,  aUo^  Kentucky. 

Booth  (Edwin  Thomas),     b.  1833. 
—Clarke  (A.  B.)    The  younger  Booth. 

pp.  117-194  of  4.203.7 
Booth  (Junius  Brutus),     b.  1796.     d.  1852. 
— Clarke  (A.  B.)    The  elder  Booth.     Boston, 

1882.     12''.  4.203.7 

— Gould  (T.  R.)    Tragedian:  an  essay  on  the 

histrionic  genius  of  Junius  Brutus  Booth. 

New  York,  1868.     p.  8°.  X9.1133.48 

Borgia  (Lucrezia,  duchess  of  Ferrara),     b,  1480. 

d.  1523. 
— Gilbert  (W.)    Lucrezia   Borgia,  duchess  of 

Ferrara.     A   biography.     London,    1869. 

2  V.     p.  8°.  12.714. 13 

— BuRBiDGE  (F.  W.)    Gardens  of  the  sun;  or,  a 

naturalist's    journal  in   Borneo  and  Uie 

Sulu  archipelago.     London,  1880.     p.  8**. 

27. 1670.  i 





— Egerton  (T.)  Borneo  and  Celebes,  pp.  348- 
370.  21.1305.28 

— Keppel  (H.)  Expedition  to  Borneo  for  the 
suppression *of  piracy;  with  extracts  from 
the  journal  of  James  Brooke,  [1843-45]. 
London,  1846.     a  v.    8*.  xx.673.15 

^Visit  to  the  Indian  archipelago,  in  the  Mae- 

ander.  With  portions  of  the  journal  of 
Sir  James  Brooke,  [1847-51].  London, 
1853.     2v-     8^  XX.673.1 

— ^Wallace  (A.  R.)  Borneo,  and  its  natural 
history,  pp.  54-147.  v.  i  of  XX. 673. 23 
Ste^  alwy  Sarawak. 

Boma  lang^a^e,  (Ontral  Africa). 

— Richardson  (J.)  and  Norris  (E.)  Grammar 
of  the  Bornu,  or  Kanuri  language.  Lon- 
don. 1853.     p.  8'.  x5.976.10 

Borrow  (George),    b,  1803.    d,  1881. 

— Lavengro;  the  scholar — the  gypsy — the  priest. 
[In  part  autobiographiodj.  London,  1851. 
3  V.     la*.  6.2342.5 


— Evans  (A.  J.)  Through  Bosnia  and  the 
Herzegovina  during  1875.  with  an  histor- 
ical review  of  Bosnia.  London,  1876.    8"*. 


— Ibrahim.  History  of  the  war  in  Bosnia  during 
the  years  1737.  '38,  and  '39.  From  the 
Turkish  by  C.  Eraser.  London,  1830.    8*". 

XX.  2687. 24 

— Ranke  (L.  von).  Sketch  of  the  insurrection 
in  Bosnia,  1805.  pp.  309-371  of  XX. 695. 24 

Bosphorus,  or  Bosporus. 

— Pardoe  (J.)  and  Bartlett  (W.  H.)  Beauties 
of  the  Bosphonis.     London,  [1840].    4*. 

XX.  707. 12 
Set,  altOy  Conttantinople. 

Botsnet  (Jacques  B6nigne).  b,  1627.  d.  1704. 
— Alembert  (J.  L.  d').    £loge  de  Bossuet.     pp. 

251-336.  V.  2  of  8.500.2 
The  same.      Eulogy  of    James    Benignus 

Bossuet  pp.  129-217.  V.  I  of  8.478<z.i5 
— Lamartine  (A.  M.  L.  P.  de).     Bossuet.     pp. 

133-244.  V.  3  of  8.505.1 


General  works. 

—Barber  (J.  W.)    Boston. 

^  pp.  532-549  of  4.172.7 
—Boston  illostrated.     [Anon.]    Boston,  1872. 

8^  4- 173.  II 

— Bradlee  (N.  J.)  History  of  the  introduction 
of  pure  water  into  Boston.  [Anon,]  Bos- 
ton, 1868.     1.  8**.  26.3626.17 

—Coffin  (C.  C.)  Story  of  the  great  fire, 
November  9-10,  187a.  By  **Carleton." 
Boston,  1872.     12".  4. 172. 19 

—Drake  (S.  A.)  Old  landmarks,  and  historic 
personages  of  Boston.  Boston,  1876. 
p.  8^  4-172.24 

— Drake  (S.  G.)  History,  and  antiquities  of 
Boston  from  1630  to  1770.  Boston,  1856. 
8'.  4.173.8 

— LoRiNG  (J.  S.)  Hundred  Boston  orators,  ap- 
pointed from  1770  to  1852.    Boston,  1853. 

^     8"-  3.138^.5 

— QuiKCY  (J.)     Municipal  history  of  Boston, 

1630  to  1830.  Boston,  1852.  8".    4. 172. 12 

— WlN«OR  (J.)  The  memorial  history  of  Boston, 

including  Suffolk  county,    Mass.,    1630- 

1880.    Boston,  1881.    4  V.    1.  8°.    4.176.2 

Revolutionary  history, 

— BowDOiN  (J.)  Short  narrative  of  the  massacre 
in  Boston,  March  5,  1770.     pp.  48-83. 

V.  32  of  31. 3975. 1 

— Correspondence,  in  1774  and  1775,  between 
a  committee  of  the  town,  and  contributors 
for  the  relief  of  the  sufferers  by  the  Boston 
port  bill.    pp.  1-278,  4th  series. 

V.  4  of  4.175.4 

— Frothingham  (R.)  History  of  the  siege  of 
Boston,  and  of  the  battles  of  Lexington, 
Concord,  and  Bunker  Hill.  Boston,  1849. 
8%  4. 173. 1 

— Kidder  (F.)  History  of  the  Boston  massacre, 
March  5. 1770.  Albany,  1870.  8°.  3.146.2T 

Public  institutions t  etc:  {Athenaeum), 

— Catalogue  of  the  library,  1807-71.  [By  C. 
A.  Cutter].  Boston,  1874-82.  5  pts. 
1.  8^  16.1015.1 

— Chronological  list  of  the  proprietors  of  the 
Boston  Athenaeum,  from  its  foundation, 
[1815I,  to  January,  1882.  v.  4  of  16.1015.1 

— O^^CY  (J)  History  of  the  Boston  Athen- 
aeum, with  biographical  notices  of  its 
deceased  founders.  Cambridge,  [Mass.], 
1851.     8\  4-173.9 


— Foster  (J.  G.)  Submarine  blasting.  Removal 
of  Towei*  and  Corwin  rocks.     New  York, 

1869.  4°.  36.1626.3 
— Thaver  (S.)    Special  report  on  the  sea  wall 

of   Ram  Head.     Washington,  1844.    S""* 
pp.  211-232.  36.1634.  Box  I 

— Medical  and  surgical  reports  of  the  dty  hos- 
pital of  the  city  of  Boston.     3d  series. 
Boston,  1882.     8\  39.3825.  xo 

(Hoosac  tunnel  and  Western  railroad  company), 
— Report  of  the  corporators,   January,   1875. 
Boston,  1875.     8".  30.1635.2x 

{Public  library), 

— Catalogue  of  books  belonging  to  the  lower 
hall,  in  the  classes  of  history,  biography, 
and  travel.     2d  ed.     Boston,  1873.    1.  8% 

xo.  1015.6^ 

— Catalogue  of  the  books  and  manuscripts 
which  formerly  belonged  to  Thomas 
Prince.    Boston,  1870.    1.*  8\    x6.1015.5i 

— Catalogue  of  the  Spanish  library  and  Portu- 
guese books,  bequeathed  by  George  Tick- 
nor.  By  [W.  A.  Wheeler  and]  J.  L. 
Whitney.  Boston,  1879.  1.  8'.     xo.1015.8 

— Index  to  the  catalogue  of  books  in  the  upper 
hall.  With  first  supplement,  [By  C.  C. 
Jewett  and  F.  Vinton] .  Boston,  1861-66. 
2  V.     1.  8'*.  x6. 1015.2,3 

The  same.     Lower  hall.     [By  C.  C.  Jewett 

and  F.  Vinton].     Boston,  1858.     1.  8'. 


The  same.      Bulletins.     Boston,   1867-83. 

4  V.    1.  8*.  Art  room. 

^The  same.  Class  list  for  English  prose  fic- 
tion.    5th  ed.     Boston,  1871.    1.  8^. 


The  same.    Class  list  for  poetry,  the  drama, 

and  miscellaneous  works,  ist  ed.  Boston, 

1870.  1.  8%  X6.1015.6 





— Proceedings  at  the  dedication  of  the  building, 
January  i,  1858.     Boston,  1858.    8**. 


(Old  South  church), 
— Ballard  (J.)    Account  of  the  poor  fund,  and 
other  charities  held  in  trust  by  the  Old 
South  society.     Boston,  1868.     8"*. 

4. 172. 14 

—Phillips  (W.)     Oration  in  the  Old    South 

church,   June   14,    1876.      Boston,    1876. 

II  pp.     8^  3.158.  Box  2 

— WiSNER  (B.   B.)     History  of  the  Old  South 

church.     Boston,  1830.     122  pp.     8"*. 

3.158.  Box  2 

Botany.  Bibliography, 

— Mitchell  (S.  L.)    Account  of  the  writings 

which  illustrate  the  botanical  history  of 

America,     pp.  149-215.       v.  2  of  4.186.1 
— Watson  (S.)    Bibliographical  index  to  North 

American  botany.     Part  i.     Polypelalae. 

Washington,  1878.  8^  v.  15  of  28.3734.1 
^Thesamc.  28.174520 

Aids  in  classification, 
— Baillon  (E.  H.)    Natural  history  of  plants. 
Tr.  by  M.  M.  Hartog.    London,  1871-80. 

6v.  1. 8^  28.1735.7 

— Bentham  (G.)  Handbook  of  the  British  flora. 
London,  1865.     2  v.     8".  28.1745.15 

and  Hooker  (J.   D.)    Genera   plantarum. 

London,  1862-76.     2  v.  in  5  pts.     8**. 


— Blytt  (A.)  Om  vegetationsforholdene  vcd 
Sognefjorden.     Christiania,  1869.     8*". 

28.1736.  Box  2 

— BuEK  (H.  W.)  Genera  candolleana;  scu,  index 
ad  A.  P.  de  CandoUe  prodromum  regni 
vegetabilis.  Berolini,  1840-74.  4  v.  in  2. 
8^  28.1732.16 

—Burnett  (G.  T.)  Outlines  of  botany.  Lon- 
don. 1835.     2v.     8**.  28.1733.  II 

— Candolle  (A.  P.  dc).  Prodromus  systemaiis 
naturalis  regni  vegetabilis.  Parisiis,  1824- 
73.     17  V.     8*.  Herbarium. 

—Candolle  (A.  L.  P.  P.)  and  (C.  P.  de).  Mono- 
graphiae  phanerogamarum;  prodromi  nunc 
continuatio,  nunc  revisio.  Parisiis,  1878- 
81.  3  V.     8^  28.1734.7 

—Chapman  (A.  W.)  Flora  of  the  southern 
United  Sutes.     New  York,  1872.     12*. 

28.1731. 12 

— Deakin  (R.)  Florigraphia  britannica.  [Col- 
ored plates].     London,  1857.     4  v,     8\ 


— Don  (G.)  General  history  of  the  dichlamyde- 
ous  plants.     London,  1831-38.     4  v.     4". 


—Eaton  (A.)  Manual  of  botany,  for  North 
America.     5th  ed.     Albany,  1829.     12**. 


— EiCHLER  (A.  W.)  BlUthendiagramme.  Leip- 
zig. 1875-78.     2  V.  in  I.     8^     28.1735.22 

— Gray  (A.)  Genera  of  the  plants  of  the  United 
States,  illustrated  by  figures  by  J.  Sprague. 
New  York,  1849.     2  v.     8°.         28.1734.4 

Synoptical  flora  of  North  America.     New 

York,  1878.     8^  28. 1734. 1 

— Hemsley  (W.  B.)  Handbook  of  hardy  trees, 
shrubs,  and  herbaceous  plants.  Boston, 
1873.     8^  28.1732.7 

-Jacques  (A.)  and  Herincq  (F.)  Manuel  g6- 
n^ral  des  plantes,  arbres  et  arbustes,  selon 
la  m^thode  de  De  Candolle.  Paris,  [1845- 
62].    4  V.     12".  28.1730.8 

-Le  Maout  (E.)  and  Decaisne  (J.)  Flore  616- 
mentaire  des  jardins  et  des  champs. 
[Avec]  un  vocabulaire.  Paris,  [1855].  2 
V.  in  I.     12**.  28.1730.9 

-  -General  system  of  botany,  descriptive  and 

analyticaL  Tr.  by  Mrs.  Hooker.  Arranged 
by  J.  D.  Hooker.     London,  1873.     1.  8^ 


-Lindley  (J.)  Vegetable  kingdom.  3d  ed. 
London,  1853.     8^  28.1735.20 

-Linn6  (C.  von).  VoUstandiges  pflanzensys- 
tem.  Marburg,  18 11.  2  v.    8^     28. 1730. 1 

-Loudon  (J.  C.)  Encyclopaedia  of  plants.  New 
ed.  by  Mrs.  Loudon.     London,  1855.     ft**. 


-NuTTALL  (T.)  Genera  of  North  American 
plants.     Philadelphia,  1818.     2  v.     12**. 


-PuRSH  (F.)  Flora  Americae  septentrionalis; 
or,  a  systematic  arrangement  and  descrip- 
tion of  the  plants  of  North  America. 
London,  1814-16.     2  v.     8*.       28.3741.3 

-S6RENSEN  (H.  L.)  Beretning  om  en  botanisk 
reise  i  Omegnen  af  Faemundstten,  og  i  Try- 
sil.  Christiania,  1867.  8^  28.1736.  Box  2 

-ToRREY  (J.)  and  Gray  (A.)  Flora  of  North 
America.  New  York,  1838-43.  2  v.  in  i. 
8".  28.1734.10 

-Britten  (J.)  and  Holland  (R.)    Dictionary  of 

English  plant-names.     London,  1878.    8**. 

15.920. 14 
-Cockayne  (O.)    Saxon  names  of  plants,     pp. 

307-350.  v.  3  of  5.2304^ 

-Cooke  (M.  C.)    Manual  of  botanic  terms.     2d 

ed.     London,  [1873].     16°.       28.173022 
-Germain  de  Saint-Pierre   (E.)     Nouveau 

dictionnaire  de  botanique.     Paris,  1870. 

8^  28.i758tf.i 

-Lindley  (J.)      Glossary  of    technical  terms 

employed  in  botany,  pp.  iii-c.  In  28.1733.7 
and  Moore  (T.)    Treasury  of  botanv;  with 

a  glossary  of  botanical  terms.     New  ed. 

London,  1874.     2  v.     I6^         28.1730.18 

-AiTON  (W.)      Hortus  kewensis;    or,   plants 

cultivated  in  the  garden  at  Kew.     2d  ed. 

by  W.  T.  Alton.     London,  1810-13.     5  v. 

8\  28.1731. 10 

-Candolle  (A.  P.  de).    Catalogus  plantarum 

horli  botanici  monspeliensis.     Monspclii, 

1813.   8^  28.3741.7 

General  works, 

-Balfour  (J.  H.)  Class  book  of  botany.  3d 
ed.     Edinburgh,  1870.     8°.        28.1733.13 

-Barton  (B.  S.)  Elements  of  botany.  Phila- 
delphia, 1803.     8*.  28.3741.10 

-  -The  same.     New  ed.,  with  life  by  W.  P.  C. 

Barton.  Philadelphia,  1836.  8^  28.1731. 3 
-Braun  (A.)  Reflections  on  the  phenomenon 
of  rejuvenescence  in  nature,  especially  in 
the  life  and  development  of  plants.  Tr. 
by  A.  Henfrey.     London,  1853.     8*. 

28. 1732. 1 1 

-  -The  same.  28.1734-9 

•  88 




— Brown  (R.)  Miscellaneous  botanical  works. 
London,  1866-68.     2  v.     8%       28.1732.9 

The  same.    Atlas.  28.1737.3 

— Candolle(A.  L.  p.  p.  de).  Phy tographie ; 
ou,  I'art  de  d6crire  les  v^g^taux.  Paris, 
1880.     8'.  28.1732.15 

— Candolls  (A.  P.  de).  Throne  616mentaire 
de  la  botanique.  2e  6d.    Paris,  1819.     8**. 


—Darwin  (C.  R.)  Diflfereni  forms  of  flowers  on 
plants  of  the  same  species.  New  York, 
1877.     12*.  28.1732.25 

—  -Insectivorous  plants.  New  York,  1875.  12'. 


Movements  and  habits  of  climbing  plants. 

2d  ed.  New  York,  1876.  12**.     28.1732.27 

—  -(R.  and  F.)    Power  of  movement  in  plants. 

2d  thousand.     London,  1880.     p.  8°. 


^The  same.  New  York,i88i.  12°.  28.1732.29 

— Darwin  (E.)  Botanic  garden:  a  poem.  4ihed. 
London,  1799.     ^  v.     8"".  z8.1085.21 

— Dresser  (C.)  Unity  in  variety,  as  deduced 
from  the  vegetable  kingdom.  London, 
1859.     8*-  J,  28.1732.6 

— Duchartre  (P.  E.  S.)  Elements  de  botanique. 
Paris,  1867.     8".  28.1733.6 

— Dunster  (H.  p.)  Young  collector's  handy 
book  of  botany.     London,  1871.     16^. 


— Forbes  (E.)  On  the  vegetable  world  as  con- 
tributing to  the  exhibition  [at  the  crystal 
palace,  185 ij.     London,  [1851].     4''. 


^The  same.  Art  room.  C.  4.  i 

— Gmeun  (J.  G.)  and  others.  Reliquiae  quae 
supersunt  commercii  epistolici,  floram 
Gmelini  sibiricam  concernentis.  Curavit 
G.  H.  T.  Plieninger.  Stuttgariiae,  1861. 
8'.  28.1733.24 

—Gray  (A.)  Botanical  text-book.  4th  cd.  New 
York,  1853.     12''.  28.1733.15 

How  plants  behave.  New  York,  1875.  s.  4*. 


How  plants  grow.     With  a  popular  flora. 

New  York.  1880.     s.  4".  28. 1731.18 

— Henfrey  (A.)  Elemenury  course  of  botany. 
2d  ed.  by  M.  T.  Masters.  London,  1870. 
12*.  28.1733.22 

— Hibberd  (S.)  Handy-book  for  the  rambling 
botanist.  London,  [1870].  16".   28.1730.4 

— LiNDLEY  (J.)  Elements  of  botany,  structural 
and  physiological.  New  ed.  London, 
1861.     8^  28.1733.7 

Introduction  to  botany.     2d  ed.     London, 

1835.    8'.  ■  28.1733.9 

^The  same.    4th  ed.     London,  1848.     2  v. 

in  I.     8*.  28.1733.8 

Ladies'  botany.    4th  ed.     London,  n.  d.    2 

V.     8*.  28. 1732. 1 

—Masters  (M.  T.)  VegeUble  teratology.  Lon- 
don, 1869.     8*.  28.1732.8 

—Moore  (T.)  British  wild  flowers.  A  new 
edition  of  ''The  field  botanist's  com- 
panion." London,  1867.  8".  28.1744.12 
— Nuttall  (T.)  Introduction  to  systematic  and 
phvsiological  botanv.  2d  ed.  Cambridge, 
[Mass.],  1830.     12  .  28.3730.2 

— Rhind  (W.)  History  of  the  vegetable  king- 
dom.    London,  1866.    1.  8%     28.1735.10 

— Robinson  (W.)  Alpine  flowers  for  English 
gardens.    New  ed.    London,  1873.    p.  8**. 

— RoSENMtLLER  (E.    F.   C.)      Mineralogy  and 

botany  of  the  Bible.     Tr.  by  T.  G.  Repp 

and  N.  Morren.     Edinburgh,  1840.     16  , 

— Rousseau  (J.  J.)    Lettres  616mentaires  sur  la 

botanique.    [Colored  plates].  Paris,  1789. 

2  V.     8^.  V.  5,  6  of  8.494.1 

— Ruschenberger  (W.   S.    W.)      Elements  of 

botany.     From  the  text  of  Edwards  and 

Comte.  Philadelphia,  1844.  12",  28.3730.5 
— SCHENK  (A.)  Handbuch  der  botanik.  Breslau, 

1879-81.     8\  28.1758^.4 

— SCHLEIDEN  (M.  J.)    The  plant:  a  biography. 

Tr.  by  A.  Henfrey.     London,  1848.     8°. 

The  same.     Poetry  of  the  vegetable  world. 

1st  Amer.  from  the  Lond.  ed.  of  Henfrey. 

Ed.  by  A.  Wood.     Cincinnati,  1853.     12". 

— Sumner  (G.)    Compendium  of  physiological 

and  systematic  botany.     Hartford,  1820. 

I2^  28.3730.8 

— Theophrastus.    Historia  plantarum.     Edidit 

F.  Wimmer.     Vratislaviae,  1842.     8". 


The  same.     De  causis  plantarum  libri  sex. 

[Greek  and  Latin].     Recensuit  F.  Wim- 
mer. pp.  1-319  of  14.875. 3 

— THOMfe  (O.  W.)  Text-book  of  structural  and 
physiological  botany.  Tr.  by  A.  W. 
Bennett.  New  York,  1877.  16'.  28.1730.13 

— TRAiTft  616mentaire  de  botanique.  3c  6d. 
[Anon.]     Paris,  1870.     24*.       28.1730.24 

— TUPPER  (J.  P.)  Essay  on  the  probability  of 
sensation  in  vegetables.  London,  18 11. 
8°.  28.3741.6 

— WiLLDENOW  (C.  L.)  Grundriss  der  krftuter- 
kunde.     5e  aufl.     Berlin,  18 10.     p.  8^. 

28.3730. 1  z 

Geographical  distribuHon, 
— Barton   (W.    P.    C.)     Compendium    florae 
philadelphicae.    Philadelphia,  1818.    2  v. 
12".  Alumni  room. 
Florae  philadelphicae  prodromus.      Phila- 
delphia, 181 5.     4°.               Alumni  room. 
— Becker  (J.)    Flora  der  gegend  um  Frankfurt 
am  Main.     Frankfurt  a.  M.,  182"^.     8*". 


— BiGELOW  (J.  M.)  and  others.  Report  on  the 
botany  of  the  expedition  near  the  thirty- 
fifth  parallel,   pp.  3-193.    v.  4  of  3. 108. 13 

— Blume  (C.  L.)  Rumphia;  sive,  commenta- 
tiones  botanicae, imprimis  de  plantis  Indiae 
Orientalis.  [Colored  plates].  Lugduni- 
BaUvorum,  1836-48.     3  v.  in  i.    f. 


— Cibot  (P.  M.)  Notices  de  quelques  plantes, 
arbrisseaux,  etc.,  de  la  Chine,  pp.  437- 
499.  V.  3  of  11.678^.1 

— Cooper  (J.  G.)  and  Gray  (A.)  Botanical  re- 
port [of]  route  in  Washington  Territory, 
pp.  13-76.    6  pi.    V.  12,  pt  2  of  3. 108. 13 

—Darlington  (W.)  Flora  cestrica:  plants  of 
Chester  county,  Pennsylvania.  West- 
Chester,  Penn.,  1837.     12°.        28.3730.4 

— DURAND  (E.)  and  Hilgard  (T.  C.)  Botanical 
report  [of]  routes  in  California.  15  pp. 
18  pi.  v.  5  of  3. 108. 15 





— Elliott  (S.)  Sketch  of  the  botany  of  South 
Carolina  and  Georgia.  Charleston,  182 1- 
24,     2  V.     8\  28.3741.2 

— Gray  (A.)  Botany.  Phanerogamia.  New 
York,  1854-57.     4**.  28. 1748.  II 

The  same.    Atlas,     f**.  28.1747.10 

Plantae  wrightianae  texano-neo-mexicanae. 

vv.  3,  5  of  28.3738.1 

' and  Hooker  (J.   D.)     Vegetation  of  the 

Rocky  Mountain  region. 

Alumnj  room, 

r/n  Bulletin  of  the  survey  of  the  territories,  v.  6, 

No.  I,  pp.  1-77]. 
^-Griffith  (W.)  Icones  plantarum  asiatlcarum. 

Arranged  by  J.   McClelland.      Calcutta, 

1847-54.    4v.     4^  28.1748.7 

•—  -Notulae  ad  plantas  asiaticas.     Arranged  by 

J.  M*Clclland.  Calcutta,  1847-54.  4  v.  8  . 


— Grisebach  (A.  H.  R.)    Gesammelte  abhand- 

lungen  .  .  .  zur  pflanzengeographie.  .  .  . 

Leipzig,  1880.     8\  28,1728.18 

—  -Reports  on  the  contributions  to  botanical 

geography,  during  the  years  1842-43.  Tr. 
by  W.  B.  Macdonald  and  G.  Busk. 

pp.  55-212  of  28.1734.8 

Report  on  the    progress    of   geographical 

bouny,  diuing  the  year  1844. 

pp.  315-413  of  28.1734.8 

Report  on  the  progress  of  geographical  and 

systematic  botany,  during  the  year  1845. 
pp.  415-502  of  28.1734.8 
'-Hehn  (V.)     Kulturpflanzen  und  hausthiere  in 
ihrem  Ubergang  aus  Asien  in  Europa.    3e 
aufl.     Berlin,  1877.     8**.  28,1732.4 

— Hooker  (W.  J.)  Niger  flora;  or,  an  enumer- 
ation of  the  plants  of  western  tropical 
Africa,  collected  by  T.  Vogel.  London, 
1849.     8".  28.1745.13 

— Humboldt  (F.  H.  A.  von).  Physiognomy  of 
plants.    Tr.  by  Mrs.  Sabine. 

pp.  225-371  of  2.43.20 

—  -The  same.     Ideas  for  a  physiognomy  of 

plants.  Tr.  by  E.  C,  Oti6  and  H.  G. 
Bohn.  pp.  210-252  of  2,43. 18 

and  BoNPLAND  (A.)   Nova  genera  el  species 

plantarum  in  peregrinatione  orbis  novi 
collecta.  Digessit  C.  S.  Kunth.  [Colored 
plates],  Lutetiae  Parisiorum,  1815-25. 
7  V,     1.  V,  28.1738,2 

—  -Plantes  6quinoxiaIes  recueillies  k  Mexique, 

Cuba,  Nouvelle-Grenade,  P6rou  et  les 
Amazones.  Paris,  1808-09.  2  v.  in  i. 
1.  f^  28. 1738. 1 

—Jones  (Sir  W.)  Treatise  on  the  plants  of 
India,     pp.  1-118.   *  v.  2  of  6.2347.1 

— Meyen  (F.  J,  F,)  Outlines  of  the  geography 
of  plants.  Tr.  by  M.  Johnston.  London, 
1846.     8^  28.1735.19 

—Newberry  (J.  S.)  and  others.  Botanical  report 
of  routes  in  California  and  Oregon. 
102  pp.     16  pi.  V.  6  of  3. 108. 13 

— Observations  sur  les  plantes,  les  fleurs  et  les 

arbres  de  Chine.     [Anon,']    pp.  183-268. 

V.  II  of  11.678a. 2 

— Pallas  (S.)  Descriptions  des  v6g6taux  ob- 
serves dans  les  voyages  de  Pallas,  dans 
Sib6rie,  etc.     Paris,  1794.     8°. 

V.  8  of  II. 678.11 

^Thesame.    Atlas.    70  plates.    f\     1 1.688.  i 

.^ftCKERiNG  (C.)  Chronological  history  of 
plants.     Boston,  1879,    4''.        28.1735,4 

— RoTHROCK  (J.  T.)    Preliminary  report  on  th« 
botany  of  central  Colorado,    pp.  23-62. 
28,1736.  Box  2 

Reports  upon  the  botanical  collections  made 

in  Nevada,  Utah,  California,  Colorado, 
New  Mexico,  and  Arizona,  1871-75. 
Washington,  1878.  4**.  28,1748.18 

Sketch  of  the  flora  of  Alaska.         28.3733.1 

[Smithsonian  report,  1867,  pp.  433-463]. 

— Scr&beler  (F.  C.)  Pflanzenwelt  Norwegens. 
Christiania,  1873-75.     4^  28.1748.21 

— Tatnall  (E.)  Catalogue  of  the  phaenogamous 
and  fllicoid  plants  of  New  Castle  county, 
Delaware.     Wilmington,  i860.     8*'. 


— ^Torrey  (J.)  Botanical  report  [of]  routes  in 
California.    28  pp.  8  pi,     v.  7  of  3. 108. 13 

Descriptions  of  plants  collected  [in  Califor- 
nia],    pp.  359-370-  V.  5  of  3. 108. 13 

Phanerogamia  of  the  Pacific  coast  of  North 

America.  pp.  205-514  of  28.1748.8 

^The  same.  28. 1747. " 

Plantae  fr6montianae;  or,  descriptions  of 

plants  collected  by  J.  C.  Fremont  in  Cali- 
fornia.    24  pp.     10  pi.     V.  6  of  28.3738.1 

and  Gray  (A.)    Report  on  the  botany  of  the 

expedition  near  the  32d  parallel,  pp.  157- 
178.  V.  2  of  3. 108. 13 

Report  on  the  botany  of  the  expedition  on 

the  41st  parallel,     pp.  11 5-132. 

V.  2  of  3. 108. 13 

— Watson  (S.)  List  of  plants  collected  in 
Nevada,  Arizona,  and  Utah.  Washington, 
1874.     8^  28.1736.  Box  2 

and  others.     Botany  [of  the  40ih  parallel]. 

Washington,  1871.   4".  28.1747-1 

— Willis  (O.  R.)  Catalogue  of  plants  growing 
without  cultivation,  in  the  state  of  New 
Jersey.    New  York,  1874.    8^     28.3741.9 


— Flourens  (M.  J.  P.)  Jussieu's,  and  the  natu- 
ral method,     Tr.  by  C.  A.  Alexander. 

[Smithsonian  report,  1867,  pp.  a4<>-a76]. 

— Jessen  (C.  F.  W,)  Boianik  der  gegenwart 
und  vorzeit,  in  cultur-historischer  ent- 
wickelung,  Leipzig,  1864.    8^  28.1732.21 

— Langkavel  (B.)  Botanik  der  spateren  Griech- 
en,  vom  dritten  bis  dreizehnien  jahrhun- 
terte.     Beriin,i866.     %\  28.1732.20 

— Pulteney  (R.)  Historical  and  biographical 
sketches  of  the  progress  of  botany  in 
England.     London,  1790.     2  v.     8**. 

28.1731. 7 

—Barton  (W.  P,  C.)  Flora  of  North  America. 
[Colored  plates],  Philadelphia,  1821-23. 
3  V.     4**.  Alumni  room. 

— Candolle  (A,  P,  de).  Icones  plantarum  Gal- 
liae  rariorum,  nempe  incertarum  aut  non- 
dum  delineatarum.  Fasciculus  I.  Parisiis, 
1808.     4'.  28. 1748. 1 

— Hibberd  (S.)  New  and  rare  beautiful-leaved 
plants.     London,  1876.     8**. 

Art  room.  B,3.i3 

— LiNDLEY  (J.)  and  Paxton  (Sir  J,)  Paxton's 
flower  garden.  [Colored  plates],  Lon- 
don, 1850-53.    3  V.    4'.  28. 1745. 1 





— Oliver  (D.)  Illustrations  of  the  principal 
natural  orders  of  the  vegetable  kingdom. 
[Colored]  plates  by  W.  H.  Fitch.  Lon- 
don, 1874.    obi.  8°.  28.1733.23 

—Thornton  (R.  T.)  British  flora  illustrated  by 
tables  and  dissections.  London,  18 12.  4 
V.     8".  28.1745.10 

Medical  botany, 
—Barton  (W.  P,  C.)  Vegetable  materia  medica 

of  the  United  States.     Philadelphia,  181 8- 

25.    2  V.    4°.  Alumni  room. 

^^IGKLOW    (J.)      American    medical    botany. 

Colored   engravings.     Boston,    1817-20. 

3v.  in6.    1.8*.  28.1733.1 

— Candolle  (A.  P.  de).  Essai  sur  les  propri6t6s 

m6dicales  des  plantes.    2e6d.  Paris,  1816. 

8^  28.1732.17 

— Stearns  (S.)     American  herbal;  or,  materia 

medica.    Walpole,  1801.     12°.    28.3730.7 
— Theodor  (J.  J.)    Neuw  kreuterbuch.  Fracck- 

furt  am  Mayn,  1588.     V.  28.1748.4 


— Arbeiten  des  botanischen  instituts  in  WOrz- 
burg.  Herausg.  von  J.  Sachs.  Leipzig, 
1874-80.     2  V.     8°.  28. 1753. 1 

— ^Jahrb^cher  far  wissenschaftliche  botanik. 
Herausg.  von  N.  Pringsheim.  Berlin, 
1858-81.     12  V.     8*.  28. 1752. 1 

'-Journal  of  the  proceedings  of  the  Linnean  so- 
ciety. Botany.  London,  1857-80.  17  v. 
8*.  28.1751.1 

—Transactions  of  the  Linnean  society  of  Lon- 
don. Botany.  London,  1880.  2d  series. 
V.I.  28.1776.2 

Physiology  and  morphology, 

— Bessey  (C.  E.)    Botany  for  high  schools  and 

colleges.     New  York,  1880.    p.  8^ 


— Brown  (R.)  Manual  of  botany,  anatomical 
and  physiological.  Edinburgh,  1874.  P* 
8^  28.1733.19 

—Candolle  (A.  P.  de).  Vegetable  organogra- 
phy. Tr.  by  B.  Kingdon.  London,  1839- 
40.     2  V.     8**.  28.1731.6 

—Carpenter  (W.  B.)  Vegetable  physiology, 
and  systematic  botany.  Ed.  by  E.  Lan- 
kester.     London,  1858.     p.  8°.  28.1730.6 

—Darwin  (C.  R.)  Effects  of  cross  and  self  fer- 
tilization, in  the  vegetable  kingdom.  New 
York,  1877.     12°.  27.1660.3 

<—  -Variation  of  animals  and  plants  under  do- 
mestication. New  York,  [i868].  2  v. 
12*.  27.1660.8 

—Darwin  (E.)  Phytologia:  the  philosophy  of 
agriculture.  Dublin,  1800.   8°.  28. 3741. 11 

—  David  (G.)  Ucber  die  milchzellen  der  euphor- 
biaceen,  moreen,  apocyneen,  und  ascle- 
piadeen.     Breslau,  1872.    59  pp.     8*". 

28.1736.  Box  2 

—Goethe  (J.  W.  von).  Metamorphose  der 
pflanzen.    pp.  11-170.        v.  32  of  9.563.2 

— Henslow  (J.  S.)  Principles  of  descriptive 
and  physiological  botany.  London,  1835. 
16".  32.2032.3 

— iNTEODUcnoN  to  vegetable  physiology. 
[Anon,j  Philadelphia,  1846.    I8^  x.ii.16 

— Jamin  (J.  C.)  Vegetation  and  the  atmosphere. 
[From  the  French].  28. 3733.  i 

[Smitbaoaiaa  report,  1864,  pp.  Z78-Z90I. 

—Johnson  (S.  W./ 
York,  [1868J. 

How  crops  grow.     New 
12°.  28.1731. 16 

— LiEBE  (T.)  Elemente  der  morphologie  in  der 
botanik.     Berlin,  1868.     8  .      28.1732.13 

— Link  (H.  F.)  Report  on  the  progress  of 
physiological  botany  during  the  year  1841. 
Tr.  by  E.  Lankester.     104  pp.     27.1665.3 

The  same  for  1842-45.     Tr.  by  J.  Hudson. 

pp.  293-459.  28.1734.8 

^The  same  for  1844-45.     pp.191-313. 


— NXgeli  (C.)  Memoir  on  the  nuclei,  forma- 
tion, and  growth  of  vegetable  cells.  Tr. 
by  A.  Henfrey.    pp.  213-292.     28.1734.8 

The  same.     Pt.   2.     Tr.   by  A.    Henfrey. 

pp.  93-137.  28.1734.8 

On  the  utricular  structures  in  the  contents 

of  cells.  Tr,  by  A.  Henfrey.  pp.  159- 
190.  28.1734.8 

— Sachs  (J.)  Text-book  of  botany,  morphologi- 
cal and  physiological.  Tr.  by  A.  W. 
Bennett,  [and]  W.  T.  T.  Dyer.  Oxford, 
1875.     1.  8^  28.1733.4 

— Unger  (F.)  Anatomie  und  physiologie  der 
pflanzen.     Pest,  1855.     8  .         28.1732.3 

See^  a/r4^  Cactuses,  Cryptogams,  Dahlia,  Exotic 
plants.  Ferns,  Fibrous  plants,  Flowers,  Food 
plants.  Forests,  Fungi,  Geraniums,  Grain, 
Grasses,  Lichens,  Mosses,  Mushrooms,  Nieht^ 
shade.  Orchids,  Palms,  Poppy,  Ranunculus,  Sea- 
weeds, Trees. 

Also^  Anonaceae,  Chailletia,  Cinchona.  Coniferae, 
Conjugatae,  Diatomeae,  Diffitales,  Euphorbiae, 
Glumaceae,  Les^minosae,  Melastomaceae,  Och- 
naceae.  Simaroubeae.  Valerianeae. 
Alsa^  Agriculture,  Biology,  Fossils,  Gardening, 
Greenhouses,  Landscape  'gardening,  Materia 

Sonchardf  comic  de  Melun,    b,  .     d,  1012. 

— EuDES.     Vie  de  Bouchard,    pp.  1-28. 

V.  7  of  8.463.2 
Boucicaut  (Jean  Le  Maingre  de).     b,  1365.    d, 

— LiVRE  des  faicts  du  bon  messire  Jean   Lc 

Maingre,   dit   Boucicaut.     [Anon,Ji     pp. 

203-332.  V.  2  of  8.454.1 
^The  same.     M^moires ;  ou,  livre  des    faits. 

[Anon,]  V.  6  of  8.452.1 

Boulton  (Matthew),     b,  1728.     d.  1809. 
— Bourne  (H.  R.  F.)     Matthew    Boulton    of 

Birmingham,    pp.  80-119.  v*  2  of  6.347.3 
— Smiles    (S.)     Lives  of    Boulton    and    Watt. 

Philadelphia,  1865.     8°.  6.342.24 
The  same.     New  ed.    London,  1874.     p. 

8^  V.  I  of  6.347.7 

Boanty,  (Mutiny  on  the  ship),  1789. 

— Barrow  {Sir  T.)  Description  of  Pitcairn's 
Island.  With  an  account  of  the  mutiny 
of  the  ship  Bounty.  [Anon,]  New  York, 
1832.     iS*".  32.2010.24 

^The  same.     Eventful  history  of  the  mutiny 

of  the  ship  Bounty.  3d  ed.  [AnonT] 
London,  1839.     16"*.  X.1.6 

— Bbechey  (F.  W.)  Extrait  de  la  relation  du 
commandant  du  navire  The  Blossom, 
1825-28,  concernant  la  revoke  du  Bounty, 
pp.  189-217.  V.  4  of  2.33.14 

— Bblcher  (D.  J.)  Mutineers  of  the  Bounty, 
and  their  descendants.  New  York,  1871. 
12*.  11.673.24 

— BUGH  (W.)  Narrative  of  the  mutiny  on 
board  the  Bounty.     London,  1790.    4**. 






— Murray  (H.)  Mutiny  of  the  Bounty;  Bligh's 
voyage;  settlement  of  Pitcairn's  Island. 
[Afum,]    pp.  211-322.  X.  10.19 

Bourbon,  House  of.  Ste  France,  Naples,  Spain. 

Bowditch  (Nathaniel).    6.  1773.    d.  1838. 

— Bowditch  (N.  I.)  Memoir  [of  Nathaniel  Bow- 
ditch],     pp.  9-168.  V.  4  of  26. 1656. 1 

Bowdoin  college.    Se^  Brunswick,  (Maim). 

Boyle  (Robert),    d.  1627.    d.  1691. 

— Birch  (T.)  Life  of  the  honourable  Robert 
Boyle.     London,  1744.     8*.  6.342.28 

— Crichton  (A.)  Honourable  Robert  Boyle, 
pp.  7-99.  V.  2  of  z.  10.26 

Brachiopoda  (Afo/Iusca). 

— Dall  (W.  H.)  Index  to  the  names  which 
have  been  applied  to  the  subdivisions  of 
the  class  brachiopoda,  previous  to  1877. 
Washington,  1877.    88  pp.     8'. 

V.  13  of  28.3734.1 


— Bow  (R.  H.)  Treatise  on  bracing,  with  its 
application  to  bridges  and  other  structures. 
New  York,  1874.     8*.  26.1632,17 

Bracton  (Henry  ^€). English  lawyer^  I'^ih  century. 

— GtTERBOCK  (C.)  Bracton,  and  his  relation  to 
the  Roman  law.  Tr.  by  B.  Coxe.  Phil- 
adelphia, 1866.    8^  24.3492.2 

Braddock  (Edward),     b.  about  1690.     d,  1755. 

— Sargent  (W.)  History  of  an  expedition  against 
fort  Du  Quesne,  I755,|under  major-gene- 
ral Braddock.     Philadelphia,  1855.     8°. 

3146  II 

^The  same.     Philadelphia,  1856.     8^ 

V.  5.  of  4.191.4 

Brahe  (Tycho).    b,  1546.    </.  160 1. 

— ^Agardh  (C.  A.)  Fornlemningar  af  Tycho  Bra- 
hes  stjemeborg  och  Uranienborg,  pft  On 
Hv^n,  aft^kte  Hren  1823  och  1824.  Stock- 
holm, 1824.     8**.  10. 595. 13 

— Brewster  (Sir  D.)  Life  of  Tycho  Brahe. 
pp.  1 15-183.  26.1657.46 

— -The  same.  32.2011. 10 

— Gassendi  (P.)  Tychonis  Brahei  viu.  Ed. 
2a.  Hagae-Comitum,i655.  8"".  26.1651. 16 

— Weistritz  (P.  von  der).  Lebensbeschreibung 
des  dUnischen  sternsehers  Tycho  v.  Brahes. 
Aus  der  d^ischen  sprache.  Kopenhagen, 
1756.     2v.ini.     8*.  10.593.23 


— Barth  (A.)  Brabmanisme.  Hindouisme. 
pp.  28-62,  92-175.  22.1383.8 

— Colebrooke  (H.  T.)  Religious  ceremonies 
of  the  Hindus,  and  of  the  Brahmens  es- 
pecially,    pp.  345-369,  23 1-3 II. 

V.  5,  V.  7  of  X  1.685. 1 

Essays  on  the   religion  and  philosophy  of 

the    Hindus.     New    ed.     Leipzig,    1858 
8^  23.1411.19 

— DoROW  (W.)  Indische  mythologie  erUlutert, 
durch  drei  original-gemihlde  aus  Indien, 
Wiesbaden,  1821.     4*.  15.2986.9 

— Eckstein  (F.  von).      De  quelques    16gendes 
brahmaniques,  qui  se  rapportent  au  ber- 
ceau  de  I'esp^ce  humaine.     pp.  191-221; 
229-391;  472-574. 
Uouroal  asiatique,  5  s^.  v.  6]. 

—Johnson  (S.)    Religion    and  life.     Religious 

"^  Mi  philosophy    of    the  Brahmins,     pp.  37- 
:-.    575.  22.1382.8 

— MooR  (E.)  Plates  illustrating  the  Hindu 
pantheon.  Ed.  by  A.  P.  Moor.  London, 
1861.    4^  22.1388.5 

— Mullens  (J.)  Religious  aspects  of  Hindu 
philosophy.     London,  i860,     p.  8*. 


—MDllkr  (F.  M.)  On  the  vitality  of  Brahman- 
ism.    pp.  296-316.         V.  4  of  22.1383.33 

— Werdin  (J.  p.)  Systema  brahmanicum  litur- 
gicum,  mythologicum,civile,ex  monumen- 
tis  indicis,  dissertationibus  historico-criti- 
cis  illustravit  Paulinus  a  Sancto  Bartholo- 
meo.     Romae,  1791.    4**.  22.i383.i 

— Williams  (M.)  Hinduism.  London,  1877. 
16'.  22.1382.39 

Stt,  alto^  Indim,  Mahabharatm,  Philosophy 
(Htndu)^  Ramayana,  Rig-veda,  Santkrit  liten- 
ture,  Vedas,  Visonu-sutnu 


— Bastian  (H.  C.)  Brain  as  an  organ  of 
mind.     London,  1880.     p.  8"*.  23. 1422. 15 

— Brown-S6quard  (C.  E.)    Dual  character  of 

the  brain.     Washington,  1877.  21  pp.    8*. 

V.  15  of  28. 3734. 1 

— Calderwood  (H.)  Relations  of  mind  and 
brain.     London,  1879.     8".       23.1425.14 

—Dean  (J.)    The  gray  substance  of  the  medulla 

oblongata,  and  trapezium.     75  pp.     16  pK 

V.  16  of  28.3738.1 

— Dowse  (T.  S.)  On  brain  and  nerve  exhaus- 
tion.    London,  1880.     8%         29.3816.18 

— Ferrier  (D.)  Functions  of  the  brain.  New 
York,  1876.     8'.  23.1425.22 

Localization  of  cerebral  disease.    London^ 

1878.     8^  23.1422.13 

^The  same.  29.3836.6 

— Janet  (P.)    Le  cerveau  et  la  pens6e.     Paris, 

1867.   I8^  23.1433.34 

— Laycock  (T.)    Mind  and  brain.     2d  ed.  New 

York,  1869.    2v.     p.  8^  23.1422.19 

— LuYS  (J.)    Le  cerveau  et  ses  fonctions.     3e 

6d.     Paris,   1878.     8**.  23.1432.15 

— Spurzheim  (G.)    Anatomy  of  the  brain,  with 

a  general  view  of  the  nervous  system.  Tr. 

by  R.  Willis.     London,  1826.     8^ 

— ViLLERS  (C.  F.  D.  de).  Lettre  k  Cuyier,  sur  unc 

nouvelle  throne  du  cerveau  par  le  Dr. 

Gall.     Metz,  an  x,  1802.     80  pp.     8*. 


[In  Medical  and  botanical  tracts]. 
— WiNSLOW  (F.)    On  obscure  diseases    of    the 

brain  and  mind.     2d  ed.     London,  1861. 

8".  23.1426.17 

5^/,  aUoy  Insanity,  Nerves,  Phrenology,  Psychol- 

ogy.  Skulls. 

Brainerd  (David),    b.  1718.    </.  1747. 

—Edwards  (J.)  Memoirs  of  David  Brainerd. 
New  Haven,  1822.    8'.  4203.9^ 

— Peabody  (W.  B.  O.)  Life  of  David  Brainerd. 
pp.  257-373.  V.  8  of  3.i38tf.6 

Brainerd  family. 

— Field  (D.  D.)  Genealogy  of  the  Brainerd 
family,  in  the  United  States.  New  York, 
1857.     8%  3.138^.2 

Bramston  (i'/r  John).    ^.1611.    </.  1699. 

— Autobiography;  now  first  printed.  Lon- 
don, 1845.     s.  4^  6.314.32 

Brandan  (Saint),    b.  about  500.    d.  578. 

— Brandans  seefahrt.  Anglonormannischer 
text.  Herausg.  von  H.  Suchier.  pp.  553- 
588.  V.  I  of  X5.984.4 





" ^St  Brandan:  a  medieval  legend  of  the  sea, 

in  verse  and  prose.  Ed.  by  T.  Wright. 
London,  1844.     16°.      v.  14  of  x8. 3092.1 

Brandenbnrsf,  {Prussia). 

— BucHHOLTZ  (S.)  Versuch  einer  geschichte 
der  churmarck  Brandenburg.  Beriin, 
1765-67.     3v.    4\  9-532.2 

— KlOden  (C.  F.)  Beitr^e  zur  mineralogischen 
und  geognostischen  kenntniss  der  mark 
Brandenburg.  Berlin,  1828-37.  10  Pts. 
8*.  28.1792.20 

Mark  Brandenburg  unter  Karl  iv.;  oder,  die 

guitzows  und  ihre  zeit.  2e  aufl.  [Anon.] 
erlin.  1846.     4  V.     8'.  9532.5 

— KthiNS  (F.  J.)  Geschichte  der  gerichtsverfas- 
sung,  und  des  prozesses  in  der  mark 
Brandenburg, vom  x.bis  xv.  jahrhunderts. 
Berlin,  1865-67.     2  v.     8".  24.3502.5 

— Lewis,  t/t^  elder,  Neumark  Brandenburg  im 
jabre  1337;  oder,  Ludwig's  Neumilrkisches 
landbuch,  herausg.  von  G.  W.  von  Rau- 
mer.     Berlin,  1837.     4*.  9-532.1 

— RiEDEL  (A.  F.)  Magazin  des  provinzial-  und 
statutarischen  rechls  Brandenburg  und 
Pommern.     Berlin,  1837.     i  v.  in  2.     8*. 


— Strack  (J.  H.)  Meyerheim  (F.  E.)  and  Kug- 

LER  fr .)    Architectonische  denkmaier  der 

altmark  Brandenburg.     Berlin,  1833.     f*'. 

Sets  «^*  Berlin,  Frankfort 

Brandt  (Enevold,^Tw/ von).  d.  I'j'jz. 

— Crichton  (A.)    Count  Brandt,    pp.  172-187. 

V.  I  of  z.  10.26 

— Hee  (D.)  History  of  count  Enevold  Brandt, 
during  his  imprisonment.  From  the  Ger- 
man by  F.  A.  Wendebom.  2d  ed.  pp. 
355-308.  xo.  595.10 

Brandywine,  (Battle  of,  September  11,  1777). 

— ^TowNSEND  (J.)  Some  account  of  the  British 
army,  and  of  the  battle  of  Brandywine. 
Philadelphia,  1846.     8**.       v.  i  of  4. 191. 5 

Brant  (Joseph),     b.  1742.    d.  1807. 

—Stone  (W.  L.)  Life  of  Joseph  Brant— Thay- 
endanegea.     New  York,  1838.     2  v.     8**. 


Brantome  (Pierre  de  Bourdeilles,  seigneur  de). 
b.  about  1540.     d.  1614. 

— M£&im£e(P.)    Branthome.     pp.  225-269. 


Brassej  (Thomas),    b.  1805.     d,  1870. 

— Helps  (Sir  A.)  Life  and  labours  of  Mr.  Bras- 
scy.     Boston,  1874.     p.  8°.  6.342.31 

Bravais  (Auguste).    b,  181 1.    d,  1863. 

—Beaumont  (E.  de).  Memoir  of  Auguste  Bra- 
vais.  Tr.  by  C.  A.  Alexander.  28.3733.1 
[Smithsonian  report,  x869«  pp.  145-168]. 


— Agassiz  (L.  J.  R.)  and  (E.  C.)  Joumev  in 
Brazil,  [1865-66].     Boston,  1869.     8*. 


—Burton  (R.  F.)  Explorations  of  the  high- 
lands of  Brazil,  [1867-68].  London,  1869. 
2v.     8*.  3134.3 

^The  same.  3. 134.8 

— Caldcleugh  (A.)    Brazil  in  1823.    pp.  1-117. 

V.  I  of  3. 134. 1 1 

—  -The  same.  Reisen  in  SOd- America,  wShrend 
1819-21,  enthaltend  eine  schilderung  des 
zustandes  von  Brasilien.  pp.  3-.94.  3.133.5 

— Empire  du  Br^sil  k  I'exposition  universelle 
de  1876,  ^  Philadelphie.  Rio  de  Janeiro, 
1876.     8°.  3.134.22 

The  same.  Empire  of  Brazil  at  the  univer- 
sal exhibition  of  1876,  in  Philadelphia. 
[Anon.]  Rio  de  Janeiro,  1876.  8^  3. 134.21 

^The  same.     Kaiserreich   Brasilien  auf  der 

weltausstellung  von  1876,  in  Philadelphia. 
Rio  de  Janeiro,  1876.     8°.  3.134.23 

— EwBANK(T.)  Life  in  Brazil,  [1846J.  New 
York,  1856.     8^  3.134.2 

— Fletcher  (J.  C.)  and  Kidder  (D.  P.)  Bra- 
zil and  the  Brazilians.  7th  ed.  [1852- 
57].     Boston,  1867.     8°.  3.134.4 

— GoRRiNGE  (H.  H.)  Coast  of  Brazil,  v.  i. 
From  Cape  Orange  to  Rio  de  Janeiro. 
Washington,  1873.     8°.  2.42.4 

— Hartt  (C.  F.)  Thayer  expedition.  Geology 
and  physical  geography  of  Brazil.  Bos- 
ton, 1870.     8%  3.134.7 

The  same.  29. 1 8 1 1 . 5 

— Maximilian  (A.  P.  prince).  Travels  in  Brazil, 
1815-17.     [From  the  German].     London, 

1820.  4^  3. 134. 1 

— NiEUHOFF  (J.)  Voyages  into  Brasil,  [1643- 
47].     From  the  Dutch.     156  pp.    f  . 

V.  2  of  2.58.4 

— Ru  GEN  DAS  (J.  M.)  Voyage  pittoresque  dans 
le  Brasil.  Traduit  de  TAllemand  par  Mr. 
de  Colbery.     Paris,  1835.    1.  1".     3.137.2 

— Spix  (J.  B.  von),  and  Martius  (C.  F.  P.  von). 
Travels  in  Brazil.  1817-20.  [Tr.  by  H. 
E.  Lloyd],     London,  1824.     a  v.     8  . 


— Stade  (H.)  Captivity,  in  1547-55,  among  the 
wild  tribes  of  eastern  Brazil.  Tr.  by  A. 
Tootal.  Ed.  by  R.  F.  Burton.  London, 
1874.     8*.  2.51.29 

—Stewart  (C.  S.)  Brazil  and  La  Plato:  the 
personal  record  of  a  cruise,  [1850-53]. 
New  York,  1856.     12'.  3.I34.I5 

— Weech  (J.  F.  von).  Buasiliens  gegenw&rtiger 
zustand  und  colonialsystem.  Hamburg, 
1828.     8°.  3.134.12 

Sfe^  mlso^  Amazon,  Parana,  San  Francisco  river. 

Breck  (Samuel),     b,  1771.    d,  1862. 

— Recollections,  with  passages  from  his  note- 
books. Ed.  by  H.  E.  Scudder.  Phila- 
delphia,  1877.     p.  8^  4.203.1a 

Bremen^  {Get  many). 

— Deneken  (A.  G.)  Die  Rolands-saule  in  Bre- 
men.    Bremen,  1828.    viii,  35  pp.     8*. 



— Krebs  (J.)  Wanderungen  durch  Breslau,  und 
dessen  umgebungen.  Breslau,  1836.    i6'. 


Bretagne,  Bretons.   See  Brittony. 


— Byrn  (M.  L.)  Complete  practical  brewer. 
Philadelphia,  1876.     12  .  30.1934.26 

— Donovan  (NI.)    Brewing,     pp.  141-215. 

V.  I  of  32.2031,1 

— PiESSE  (C.  H.)  Chemistry  in  the  brewing- 
room.  London,  1877.  16'.  30. 1936.21 
Se*^  also.  Beer,  Fermentation. 

Brewster  (William),    b.  1560.    d,  1644. 

—Steele  (A.)  Chief  of  the  pilgrims;  or.  the 
life  of  William  Brewster.  Philadelphia, 
1857.     8%  4.203.ZI 


Bridge  of  Allan. 



Bridge  of  Allan,  (Scotland). 
~ Rogers  (C.)    Week  at  Bridge  o^  Allan.    8th 
ed.     Edinburgh,  1858.     i6*.         6.333.20 


— Bender  (C.)  Properties  of  continuous  bridges. 
New  York.  1876.  I8^  No.' 26  of  26. 1620.  i 

Proportions  of  pins  used  in  bridges.     New 

York.  1873.     I8^  No.  4  of  26. 1620. 1 

-v'BoLLER  (A.  P.)  Construction  of  iron  high- 
way bridges.     New  York,  1876.     8'*. 


—Cain  (W.)  Maximum  stresses  in  framed 
bridges.  New  York,  1878.  18*. 

No.  38  of  26. 1630. 1 
— Cresy  (E.)  Bridge  building,  and  the  equilibri- 
um of  vaults.  Atlas.  [London,  1839J.  1.  f**. 
Cabinet  2.24.2 
— Debauve  (A.)    Ponts  en  ma9onnerie.     Paris, 

1873.  8''.  V.  10  of  26.1625.5 

" The  same.    Atlas.     4''.    v.  10  of  26.1628.25 

Ponts  et  viaducs  en  bois  et  en  m6tal.  Paris, 

1874.  8\  V.  II  of  26.1625.5 

The  same.     Atlas.     4**.  v.  11  of  26.1628.25 

— Dempsey  (G.    D.)    Tubular,  and  other    iron 

girder  bridges.     3d  ed.     London,    1865. 
18".  26.1635.50 

— Douglas  (Sir  H.)  Construction  of  military 
bridges.     3d  ed.     London,  1853.    8*. 


— DuPuiT  (J.)  Trait6  de  voutes,  et  de  la  con- 
struction des  ponts  en  ma9onnerie.  Paris, 
1870.    4".  26.1636.9 

The  same.     Atlas,     obi.  V.  26. 1637.4 

—Eddy  (H.  T.)  Discussion  of  the  applied 
forces  in  a  drawbridge.  New  York,  1874. 
7  pp.    8°.  26.1634.  Box  I 

— Gauthey  (E.  M.)  Construction  des  ponts. 
Publi6  par  C.  L.  M.  H.  Navier.  Paris, 
1809-13.     2  V.    4**.  •     26.1626.19 

— Gleig  (G.  R.)     Military  bridges,  pp.  299-377. 

V.  I  of  21.1306.23 

— Graeff.  Appareil  et  construction  des  ponts 
biais.    2e  6d.     Paris,  1867.  2  v.  in  i.    4*". 


— Greene  (C.  E.)  Graphical  method  for  the 
analysis  of  bridge  trusses.  New  York,  1875. 
8".  26.1633.21 

— Haupt  (H.)  Theory  of  bridge  construction. 
New  York,  185 1.     8^  26.1633.7 

The  same.     New  York,  1868.  8'.  26.1633.8 

— Henrici  (O.)  Skeleton  structures  of  iron 
and  steel  bridges.     New  York,  1867.     8**. 


— Herschel  (C.)  Continuous,  revolving  draw- 
bridges.    Boston,  1875.     8".     26.1635.13 

— Humber  (W.)  Iron  bridge  construction.  3d 
ed.     London,  1870.     2  v.     f*.    26.1628.4 

— Hutchinson  (E.)  Girder-making,  and  the 
practice  of  bridge  building  in  wrought 
iron.     London,  1879.     8*.         26.1633.30. 

— Matheson  (E.)  Works  in  iron.  Bridge  and 
roof  structures.     London,  1873.     8*. 


— Merriman  (M.)  Theory  and  calculation  of 
continuous  bridges.  New  York.  1876. 
18**.  No.  36  of  26. 1620. 1 

— 'MoRANDi^E  (R.)  Construction  des  ponts  et 
viaducs.     Paris,  1878.     4**.  26.1636.2 

--^  -^The  same.    Atlas.    1.  f^        Cabinet  2.24.x 

—Myers  (W.  B.)  "Schwedler"  bridge.  A 
comparison  of  the  various  forms  of  girder 
bridges.    London,  1876.    23  pp.    8"*. 

26.1634.  Box  I 

—Nelson  (W.)  Law  of  New  Jersey  in  relation 
to  public  bridges.     Paterson,  1842.     8** 

24.3496.  Box 

— Newman  (J.)  Iron  cylinder  bridge  piers. 
London,  1875.    32  pp.  8^.  26.1634.  Box  i 

— Perronet  (J.  R.)  Werke  ilber  wasser  und 
brtlckenbaukunst.  Uebersetzt  von  J.  F. 
W.  Dietlein.    Atlas.     Halle,  1821.    4% 


— RiTTER  (A.)  Elementare  theorie  eisemer 
dach-  und  brtlcken-constructionen.  3e 
aufl.     Hannover,  1873.     8*.      26.1633.13 

—  -The  same.  Elementary  theory  of  iron 
bridges  and  roofs.  From  the  German, 
(3d  ed.),  by  H.  R.  Sankey.  London,  1879. 
8'.  26.1633.14 

— RoEBLiNG  (J.  A.)  Long  and  short  span  rail- 
way bridges.     New  York,  1869.    1.  T. 

Cabinet  2.28.1 

— Rogers  (F.)    Lectures  on  roads  and  bridges. 


[Smithsonian  report,  i860,  pp.  133-150]. 
— Shreve(S.  H.)  Strength  of  bridges  and  roofs. 

2dcd.     New  York,  1877.     8\  2611633.16 
— Weale  (J.)     [Plates  representing    European 

bridges].     London,  1850-52.     obi.  f**. 

— Whipple  (S.)    Elementary  treatise  on  bridge 

building.     2d  ed.     New  York,  1873.     8  . 

— Wood  (D.)  Construction  of  bridges  and  roofs. 

2ded.     New  York,  1876.     8*'.     26.1633.9 
— Young  (E.  W.)  Methods  of  calculating  strains 

on  girders,  arches,  and  trusses.     London, 

1873.     8^  26.1632.16 

See,  aUo.KnhtA^  Bracing,  Building,  Cables,  Iron, 
Strains,  Stren^  of  material,  Telford  (T.) 
Alsc^  Britannia  bridire,  Kansas  City  bndKC,  Lon- 
don   bridge,    Poughkeepsie    bridge,    Tttaspol 
bridge,  Victoria  bridge. 
Aisoy  Mississippi  river. 

Bridgman  (Laura  Dewey),    b,  1829. 

— Lamson  (M.  S.)  Life  and  education  of  L. 
D.  Bridgman,  the  deaf,  dumb,  and  blind 
girl.     Boston,  1881.     p.  8^         4.203.12^ 

— LiEr.ER  (F.)  On  the  vocad  sounds  of  Laura 
Bridgman,  compared  with  the  elements 
of  phonetic  language.    31  pp. 

V.  2  of  27.3738.1 

^The  same.     pp.  443-497.     v.  i  of  21. 1325.7 

Bright  (John),    b.  1811. 

— HiGGiNSON  (T.  W.)    Mr.  Bright.  6.347.9 

— TowLE  (W.  M.)    John  BrighL     pp.  183-212. 


Brindley  (James),    b,  1716.    </.  1772. 

— Smiles  (S.)  Life  of  James  Brindley.  pp.  127- 
300.  V.  3  of  6. 347. 7 

Bristol,  (England), 

— **  Canynge"  concise  guide  to  Bristol  and  sub- 
urbs.  [Anon,]    Bristol,  1878.     47  pp.   i6*. 
No  7  of  5. 273. 1 1 

— Chillcott  (L  E.)  Stranger's  guide  to  Bris- 
tol, Clifton,  and  Hotwells.  5th  ed.  Bris- 
tol, 1857.  84  pp.  16°.  No.  34iof5.273.11 

— Chilcott  (J.)    Descriptive  history  of  Bristol. 

jded.     Bristol,  [1849].     i^'-       5.273- 1» 
— Evans  (J.)    Chronological  outline  of  the  his- 
tory of  BristoL  Bristol,  1824,  8\  5.273.2 







— Jkfbribs  (C.  T.)    Guide  to  St.  Ufary  Red- 

dlffe  church.  4th  ed.     Bristol,  1858.  16^. 

No.  6  of  5.273.  II 

—  •-Sixteen  years'  doings  in  the  restoration  of 

St.  Mary  Redcllfife  church.     Bristol,  1858. 

16*.  No  6  of  5. 273. 1 1 

— TovEY  (C.)      Cursory  observations    on  the 

churches    of    Bristol.      [Anon,'\    2d    ed. 

Bristol.  1843.     16*.  5.273.4 

Britannia  bridfi^e,  {Menai  Straits), 
—Head  {Sir   F.    B.)     Britannia  bridge,     pp. 

216-285.  V.  2  of  21.1307.17 

British  America. 
—Back  (G.)    Narrative  of  the  land  expedition 

along    the    shores    of    the  Arctic  ocean, 

1833-35.     London,  1836.     8*.       3.103.H 

The  same.  Philadelphia,  1836.  8°.   3. 106. 14 

^Butler  (W.  F.)    Great  lone  land:  a  narrative 

of  travel  in  the    northwest   of  America, 

[1869-71].  London,  1873.  p.  8*.  3.101.14 
— FrrzwiLUAM   (W.)   and  Cheadle   (W.    B.) 

Northwest    passage    by  land,  [1862-64]. 

London.  1865.     8  .  3.101.9 

— Frankun  {Sir  J.)    Narrative  of  a  journey  to 

the  shores  of  the  polar  sea,  1819-22.     3d 

ed.     London,  1824.    2  v.    8°.       3.101.7 
—Hamilton   (J.    C.)     The    prairie    province: 

sketches  of  travel  from  lake  Ontario  to 

lake  Winnipeg.    Toronto,  1876.     16*'. 

— Heahne  (S.)  Journey  to  the  northern  ocean, 
1769-72.    61  pp.  V.  24  of  2.2030.1 

—Hooper  (W.  H.)  Ten  months  among  the  tents 
of  the  Tuski;  with  an  arctic  boat  expedi> 
tion  as  far  as  the  Mackenzie  river,  [1848- 
51].     London,  1853.     8°.  XX.691.6 

— RuiSH  (R.)  Travels  of  captain  Back  to  the 
arctic  regions.  [1833-3 5 J.  3.101.10 

[/•  Beecbey's  voyage,  pp.  509-7«4]. 

— HinrsHE  (G.  L.)  Red  River  expedition, [1870]. 
London,  1871.     16*.  3.113.16 

—Mackenzie  (A.)  Travels  through  North 
America,  1789-93.    pp.  295-392. 

V.  24  of  2.2030.1 

— MUREAY  (H.)  Historical  and  descriptive  ac- 
count of  British  America.  New  York, 
1840.     2v.     18*'.  3.113.26 

— SiHPSON  (T.)  Narrative  of  discoveries  on  the 
north  coast  of  America;  effected  by  the 
Hudson's  Bay  company,  1836-39.  Lon- 
don, 1843.     8°.  3.102.6 

— Tytler  (P.  F.)  Progress  of  discovery  on  the 
more  northern  coasts  of  America.  New 
York,  1846.     18*.  32.2020.7 

St*^  als0,  Arctic  reeioos,  British  Columbia, 
Canada,  Hudaon's  Bay  Territonr,  Labrador, 
Newfoundland,  Prince  Edward's  Island. 

British  and  fordgn  Bible  society.  See  Bible 

Bfitiab   colonies  in   America*     Ste   United 

States,  (Colonial petiod). 
Britisb  Columbia. 

— LoRX>  (J.  K.)  Naturalist  in  British  Columbia, 
[1863-65  ?]    London,  1866.    2  t.     p.  8*". 

27.1671. 13 
—Rattray  (A.)    Britifih  Colon^i^;  what,  it  is^ 
and  woivf  bAQomtiL    Lqo4c>%  «86a.    &^ 


/"  9 

—St.  John  (M.)  The  sea  of  mountains:  an 
account  of  lord  Dufferin's  tour  through 
British  Columbia,  in  1876.  London,  1877. 
2v.     12°.  3.113.17 

Sett  »l*o^  Vancouver  Island. 

British  empire!  See  Australia,  British  America, 
Canada,  Cape  Colony,  Ceylon,  Gibraltar, 
Great  Britain,  Guiana  (British),  Hong 
Kong,  India,  Malta,  North  America, 
Sierra  Leone,  West  Indies. 

British  museum. 

— Catalogue  of  Syriac  manuscripts  In  the  Brit^ 
ish  museum.  By  W.  Wright.  Part.  i. 
London,  1870.    4"*.  16.908.7 

— Catalogue  of  printed  books,  vol.  i.  [By 
A.  Panizzi].  London,  1841.  f^  16.1008. 11 
Note,    No  more  was  published. 

— CowTAN  (R.)  Memories  of  the  British  muse- 
um, [1835-72].     London,  1872.     8*. 

16.1014. 12 

—Edwards  (E.)  Lives  of  the  founders  of  the 
British  museum;  with  notices  of  its  bene- 
factors, 1570-1870.     London,  1870.    8". 

16.1014. 14 

— £&Lis(H.)  Synopsis  of  the  contents  of  the 
British  museum.  63d  ed.  London,  1856. 
12°.  27.1670.27 

^Townley  gallery.     [Anon.]    London,  1836. 

'•"      '*^'  30.1880.33 

2  V.     18', 


— Grueber  (H.  a.)  Guide  to  the  English  medals 
in  the  king's  library.    London,  1881.  16*". 


— Guide  to  the  departments  of  natural  history 
and  antiquities.  [Anon.  London],  1878. 
155  pp.     8**.  5.266.  Box  I 

--Guide  to  the  exhibition  galleries  of  the  Brit- 
ish museum,  Bloom^ury.  [Anon,  Lon- 
don], 1881.  5.273.13 

— Guide  to  the  first  vase  room  in  the  depart- 
ment of  Greek  and  Roman  antiquities. 
7th  ed.     London,  1879.    3^  PP*     i^**. 

12.738*.  Box  I 

— Guide  to  the  printed  books  exhibited  in  the 
Grenville  library  and  king's  library. 
[Anon,  London],  1880.  16**.  5.266.  Box  I 

— Sims  (R.)  Handbook  to  the  library  of  the 
British  museum.     London,  1854.     18*. 

See,  o/r^,  Athens,  (PartAemm),  Pftnizzi  (A.) 
Note,  The  titles  of  numerous  volumes  describing 
the  collections  in  the  British  museum,  will  be 
found  \mder  the  branches  of  natural  history,  etc., 
to  which  they  belong.  Bvery  book  upoi\  Lon- 
don describes  the  Bntish  museum. 


— Janin  Q.  G.)  La  Bretagne.  2e  6d.  Paris, 
1862.    1.  8".  7.396.3 

— La  ViLLEMARQUfi  (T.  H.  de).  Introduction 
aux  chants  populaires  de  la  Bretagne.  82 
pp.  18.3066.16 

— Palliser  (F.  M.  B.)  Brittany  and  its  byways. 
London,  1869.     p.  8**.  7.396.10 

— ^Vertot  (R.  a.)  Critical  history  of  the  estab- 
lishment of  the  Bretons  among  the  Gauls. 
From  the  French  by  J.  Henley.  London, 
1722.     2  V.     8*.  7.386,22 

—Weld  (C.  R.)  A  vacation  in  Brittany.  Lon- 
don, 1856.     M*.  7.396.1a 

Brockeii,  (one  of  the  HartM  mountains). 

^AHRBtJcHER  des  Brockens,  von  1753  bis  1790. 
MagdebMflgv  i79X*    2  v«  in  ^  ^,  9.2541.3 




Broglie  (Achille  L^once  Victor  CharloB,  du€  de). 
b,  1785.    </.  1870. 

— GuizoT  (F.  P.  G.)  Le  due  de  Broglie.  Paris, 
1872.    i6'.  8.482.19 

Bronte  (Charlotte),    b.  1816.    d.  1855. 

— Bavne  (P.)    Ellis,  Acton,  and  Currer  Bell. 

PP-  393-426  of  21. 1301.33 

— Gaskell  (E.  C.  S.)  Life  of  Charlotte  BrontS. 
New  York,  i8i67.     2  v.     12*.       6.2361.23 

— Martineau  (H.)  Charlotte  Bront6  (**  Currer 
Bell ").  pp.  44-50  of  6.348.9 

— Reid  (T.  W.)  Charlotte  BrontS:  a  mono- 
graph. New  York,  1877.  p.  8'*.   6.2361.24 

— Swinburne  (A.  C.)  Note  on  Charlotte  Bronte. 
London,  1877.     16".         •  6.2361.22 

—Stephen  (L.)  Charlotte  BrontS.  pp.   325-364. 

V.  3  of  2z.1316.10 

Brooke  (5f>  James),     b.  1803.    d.  1868. 

— ^Jacob  (G.  L.)  The  raja  of  Sariiwak:  account 
of  Sir  James  Brooke,  chiefly  through 
letters.  London,  1876.  a  v.  8^  6.342.34 
Se€^  also^  Borneo. 

Brookline,  {Massachusetts), 

—Catalogue  of  the  public  library.     [By  Mary 

A.  Bean],  Cambridge,  [Mass.],  1873.  8  . 

16.1003. 13 
Brooklyn,  (N^ew  York), 

— ^Annual  reports  of  the  Brooklyn  park  com- 
missioners, 1861-73.  [Brooklyn],  1873. 
r.  4.185.7 

— KiRKWOOD  (J.  P.)  Brooklyn  water-works 
and  sewers.     New  York,  1867.     f*. 

—Analytical  and  classed  catalogue.     [By  S. 

B.  Noyes].     Brooklyn,  1878-80.     1.  8^ 

z6. 1008. 10 

Brougham  (Henry,  lord),    b,  1778.    d.  1868. 

— Life  and  times,  written  by  himself.  New 
York,  1871-72.     3  V.     I2'.  6.342.40 

Brown  (Charles  Brockden).     b.  1771.    d,  18 10. 

— DUNLAP  (W.)  Life  of  Charles  Brockden 
Brown,  with  selections  from  his  works. 
Philadelphia,  181 5.     2  v.     8".       4.203.13 

— Prescott  (W.  H.)  Life  of  Charles  Brockden 
Brown,     pp.  11 7-1 80.        v.  i  of  3.138^.6 

Brown  (David  Paul),     b.  1795.     d,  1872. 

—Biographical  memoir  of  David  Paul  Brown, 
pp.  xxv-cxxiv.  V.  I  of  4.198^.6 

Brown  (Harvey),     b,  1796.     d,  1874. 

—Hunt  (H.  J.)  Sketch  of  the  life  of  general 
Harvey  Brown.  New  York,  1874.  23 
pp.     12^.  4.208.  Box  I 

Brown  (John  Carter),    b,  1798.    d,  1874. 

—Obituary  sketch  of  John  Carter  Brown,  re- 
printed   from    the    Providence   Journal. 
^Anon,^     Providence,  1877.     12  pp.     16*. 
4.208.  Box  I 

Brown  (Nicholas),    b,  1769.    d,  1841. 

— ^Wayland  (F.)  Discourse  in  commemoration 
of  Nicholas  Brown.  Boston,  1841.  30 
pp.     8%  4.208.  Box  I 

Brown  (Thomas),    b,  1778.    d,  1820. 

— McCosH  (J.)    Thomas  Brown. 

pp.  317-337  of  23.1404.8 
See^  oho.  Philosophy,  {History), 

Brown  uniyeriity.    See  Providence,  R.  L 

Browne  (Charles  Farrar). 

— Hingeston  (E.   p.)     The  genial  showman. 

Reminiscences  of  Artemus  Ward,  [psen* 
'  donym  of    Charles  F.    Browne].      New 

York,  1870.     8**.  20.1227.17 

Browne  (5i>  Thomas),     b,  1605.     d,  1682. 
— Johnson  (S.)  Life  of  sir  Thomas  Browne,  pp. 

271-307.  V.  12  of  6. 2351. 1 

The  same.     pp.  ix-xxxvi.     v.  i  of  6.2343.4 

— Stephen  (L.)  Sir  Thomas  Browne,   pp.  1-43. 

V.  2  of  21.1316.10 
— TucKERMAN  (H.  T.)    Sir  Thomas  Browne. 

pp.  13-38  of  2Z.  1326. 14 
— Wilkin  (S.)    Life  and  correspondence  of  sir 

Thomas    Browne,    [including    Johnson's 

life].   London,  1836.  8".    v.  i  of  6.2343.3 
Browning  (Elizabeth  Barrett  Barrett),    b.  1809. 

d.  1861. 
— Bayne  (P.)  Mrs.  Barrett  Browning,   pp.  146- 

210.  V.  I  of  21. 1301.33 

— Letters  addressed  to  R.  H.  Home.     Ed.  by 

S.  R.  T.  Mayer.     London,    1877.     2  v. 

p.  8^  21.3293.8 

— PoE  (E.  A.)    Elizabeth  Barrett  Barrett,     pp. 

401-424.  v.  3  of  4.236.3 

Browning  (Robert). 

— Nettleship  (J.  T.)  Essays  on  Robert  Brown- 
ing's poetry.     London,  1868.     p.  8". 

z8. 1081.37 
Brownists.     See  Congregationalists. 
Bruce  (James),    b.  1730.    d,  1794, 
— Crichton  (A.)    Memoir  of  Bruce,    pp.  17-84. 

V.  II  of  27. 1667. 1 
—Head  {Sir  F.  B.)  Life  of  Bruce.   3d  ed.   Lon- 
don, 1838.     i6\  X.I.  10 
The  same.    From  the  last  London  ed.    New 

York,  1846.     18'.  32.20H.8 

— Murray  (A.)  Account  of  the  life  and  writings 

of  James  Bruce.     Edinburgh,  1808.     4*". 

Bruce  (Robert),  king  of  Scotland,     b,  1274.     d. 

— Tytler  (P.  F.)    Robert  Bruce,     pp.  285-416; 

pp.  1-157.  w.  I,  2  of  Z.10.12 

— Annales  de  la  noblesse  et  du  patriciat  de 

Bruges.      Par  N.X.      [Anon,]      Bruges, 

1860-62.     8^  10.576.15 

— Weale  (W.  H.  J.)    Catalogue  du  mus6e  de 

Tacad^mie    de    Bruges.      Bruges,    1861. 

p.  8^  30.3882.15 

Brummell  (George  Bryan),    b,  1778.    d.  1840. 
—Thomson  (K.  B,)and{],  C.)  Beau  Brummell. 
pp.  400-424  of  6.338a.  15 
Bninel  (Sir  Marc  Isambard).    b.  1769.    d,  1849. 
— Beamish  (R.)    Memoir  of  sir  Marc  Isambard 

Brunei.     London,  1862.     8'*.        6.342.41 
Bruno  (Giordano),     b,  about  1550.     d,  1600. 
— Debs  (A.)    Ph.  Jordani  Bruni  nolani,  vita  et 

placita.     Amiens,  1844.     8*.     23.1416.21 
— Lewes  (G.  H.)    Giordano  Bruno:  his  life  and 

works,    pp.  540-563.  23. 1428.  Box  I 

Schelling  (F.  W.  J.  von).   Bruno;  oder,  ilber 

das  gOttliche  und  natilrliche  princip  der 

dinge.     2e  aufl.     Berlin,  1842.     16''. 


Brunswick,  (Maine),     Bowdoin  college. 
— Catalogue  of  the  library.  [By  W.  C.  Tucker]. 
Brunswick,  1863.    8*.     .  16.1014.6 





Bmnswick-Lunebnrg  (House  of). 

— BiBLioTUECA  brunsvico-luneburgensis.    Wolf- 

fcmbuiicli,  1744.     b".  9.532.8 

— Christian,  t/ui^  of  Brunswick.     Policcy-ord- 

nung.     [Braunschweig],  1679.    s.  4*". 

—Gibbon  (E.)     Antiquities    of   the    house    of 

Brunswick,  pp.  351-558.   v.  3  of  6.2346.1 

^The  same.  pp.  775-833  of  6.2346.2 

— Leibnitz  (G.  W.  von).     Annates  imperii  occi- 

dentis  brunsvicenses.  Edidit  G.  H.  Pertz. 

Hannoverae,  1843-46.    3  V.    8".     9.565.1 
— Steffens  (J.  H.)    Auszug  aus  der  geschichte 

des  gesammthauses  Braunschweig-Lilne- 

burg.     Hannover,  1785.     8**.        9.534.14 

S**^  miMy  Blankenburg,  Great  Britain. 
— Mols-Marchal  (L.)  Nouveau  plan  de  la  ville 

de   Bruxelles.     Bruxelles,  1856.     folded 

48^  10.574.50 

— Sander  (A.)  Basilica  bruxellensis  SS.  Mi- 
chaelis  et  Gudilae  descripta.  Bruxellis, 
1658.     r.  30.1888.8 

Brrant  (William  Cullen).    b.  1797.    d.  1878. 

— Bryant  memorial  meeting  of  the  Century. 
New  York,  1878.     8**.  4.203. 14 

— SvMi.NGTON  (A.  T.)  William  Cullen  Bryant:  a 
biographical  sketch.  New  York,  1880. 
i6'.  4.203.14^ 

Brrosoa,  (ZoophyUs). 

^Barrois  (J.)  Recherches  sur  Tembryologie 
des  bryozoaires.  Lille,  1877.  4^.  27.1685.4 


— ExQUEMELiN  (A.  O.)  History  of  the  bucca- 
neers  of  America.  From  the  French. 
New   ed.      Boston,  1853.     8**.      4.198^.3 

Bnchan  dialect,  (Scotland). 

— Forbes  (R.)  Ajax  his  speech  to  the  Grecian 
knabbs,  from  Ovid's  Metam.  lib.  xiii.,  in 
broad  Buchans.  With  a  key.  Edinburgh, 
1754.     8^  15.921.25 

Buchanan  (George),    b.  1506.    d.  1582. 

— Irving  (D.)  Memoirs  of  the  life  and  writings 
of  George  Buchanan.  2d  ed.  Edinburgh. 
1 81 7.     8^  6.343.1 

— RUDDIMAN  (T.)  Vindication  of  Mr.  Buchanan's 
paraphrase  of  the  book  of  Psalms,  from 
the  objections  [of]  W.  Benson.  Edin- 
burgh, 1745.     8^  22.1361. 19 

Bnchner  (Friedrich  Carl  Christian  Ludwig).  b. 

— ^Janet  (P.)  Mat6rialisme  contemporain  en 
Allemagne.  Examen  du  syst^me  de 
BOchner.     Paris,  1864.     18°.     23.1433.33 

The  same.     Materialism  of  the  present  day. 

A  critique  of  Bttchner's  system.  Tr.  by 
G.  Masson.     London,  1866.     18''. 

^     .  .     ^  23.1433.43 

Buckm^luni  (Joseph  Tinker),   b.  1779.  d.  1861. 

— Personal  memoirs,  and  recollections  of  edi- 
torial life.     Boston,  1852.     2  v.     16'*. 


Buckle  (Henry  Thomas),     b.  182 1.     d.  1862. 

—Biographical  sketch  of  Henry  Thomas 
Buckle.     [Anon.]     pp.  7-36.       21. 1302.4 

— HuTH  (A.  H.)  .Life  and  writings  of  Henry 

Thomas  Buckle.     London,   1880.       2  v. 

^     8".  6.343.3 

—Taylor  (H.)  Biographical  notice  of  Buckle, 
pp.  ix-lv.  In  V.  I  of  6.2343.5 

Buckmioster  (Joseph),    b.  1751.    d.  1812. 

—  Lee(E.  B.)  Memoirs  of  Rev.  Joseph  Buck- 
minster.     2d  ed.     Boston,  185 1.     12^. 


Bnckminster  (Joseph  Stevens),  b.  1784.  d.  1812. 

— Lee  (E.  B.)  Memoirs  of  Rev.  Joseph  Stevens 
Buckminster.     2d  ed.  Boston,  1851.  12^. 


Bucolic  poetry.     See  Poetry. 

Buddha,  and  Buddhism. 

— Amp&re  (J.  J.)  Histoire  de  bouddhisme.  pp. 
183-216.  zz.2697.4 

— Arnold  (E.)  Light  of  Asia:  being  the  life 
and  teaching  of  Gautama.  Boston.  1879. 
i6\       '  18. 1080. 16 

^The  same.     Boston,  1880.     16°.  z8. 1080. 16 

— Barth(A.)  Bouddhisme.  pp.63-83.  22.1383.8 

— Barth£l£MY  Saint-Hilaire  (J.)  Bouddha, 
et  sa  religion.  Nouvelle  ^.  Paris,  1862. 
18°.  22.3375.12 

— Beal  (S.)  Catena  of  Buddhist  scriptures, 
from  the  Chinese.     London,  1871.     8*. 


Travels  of  Fah-Hian  and  Sung-Yun,  Bud- 
dhist pilgrims,  from  China  to  India,  (400 
and  518  A.D.).  From  the  Chinese.  Lon- 
don, 1869.     16**.  11.694.28 

— Bigandet  (P.)  Life  or  legend  of  Gaudama. 
3d  ed.    London,  1880.     2  v.  8*.  22.3375.8 

Note.  A  great  part  of  this  work  consists  of  a 
translation  from  tne  Barmese,  of  a  Pali  book  called 
Malalingara  Wouttoo,  of  unknown  origin. 

—Buchanan  (F.)    On  the  religion  and  literature 

of  the  Burmas.     pp.  163-308. 

V.  6  of  z  1.686. 13 

The  same.  11.685.  i 

— BURNOUF  (E  )      Introduction  k  4'histoire  du 

buddhisme  indien.     2e  6d.      Paris,  1876. 

1.  8^  22.3375.1 

— Catechism  of  the  Shamans;  or,  the  laws  of 

the  priesthood  of  Buddha,  in  China.  From 

the  Chinese  by  K.  F.  Neumann.  London. 

1831.     8^  zz. 2698.12 

— Davids  (T.  W.  R.)  Buddhism:  being  a  sketch 

of  the  life  and  teachings  of    Gautama. 

London,  [1877].     I6^  22.1382.40 
Buddhist  suttas,  from  [the]  P&li.     Oxford, 

1881.     8^  V.  II  of  22.1381. 21 

— Dhammapadam;  die  Slteste  buddhistische  sit- 

tenlehre.     UeberseUt  von  A.  Weber,   pp. 

29-86.  V.  14  of  ZZ.2683.1 

^The  same.     pp.  1 12-185.     v.  i  of  Z5. 2946.4 

The  same.  Dhammapada:  one  of  the  ca- 
nonical books  of  the  Buddhists.     From 

^he  Pali  by  F.  M.  MilUer.     Oxford,  1881. 

8".  V.  10  of  22.1381. 21 

— Edkins  (J.)    Chinese   Buddhism.       London, 

1880.     8^  22.1382.18 

^Thesame.    Boston.  1880.  p.  8^  22.1382.18 

— F6er  (L.)    Etudes  bouddhiques. 

[Journal  asiatique.    6e  srfr.,  vv.  8,9, 15.    ye  s^r., 

vv.  I,  4,  5,  6,  II,  14.  i61. 

— Hardy  (R.  S.)  Extern  monachism:  an  ac- 
count of  the  order  of  mendicants  founded 
by  Gdtama  Budha.     London,  1850.     8**. 

Manual  of  Budhism.     2dcd.     London,  1880. 

8".  22.1382.9 

— Institutes  of   the  sacred  law.     Tr.   by  G. 

Btthler.     pp.  171-307.    v.  2  of  22.1381. 21 





—Johnson  (S.)    Buddhism,    pp.  735-833. 


Buddhism,     pp.  577-802.  22.13828 

— ^JuLiEN    (S.)       Concordance    sinico-samscrite 
d'un  nombre  considerable  de  titres  d'ou- 
vrages  bouddhiques.  .  . 
[Journal  asiatique,  40  s^.,  t.  14]. 

— Karmawakya:  the  ritual  of  the  Budd'hist 
priesthood.  From  the  Pali  by  B.  Clough. 
London,  1834.     8*.         v.  2  of  II. 2687.20 

— Life  of  Gaudama;  tr.  from  the  Burmese  Ma- 
lalengara  Wottoo  ;  [Anon.]  by  C.  Ben- 
nett,    pp.  164.  V.  3  of  11.2703. 1 

— LiLLiE  (A.)  Buddha,  and  early  Buddhism. 
New  York,  [1881].     8*.  22.3375.14 

—  MuLAMULi;  or,  the  Buddhist  genesis  of  east- 
ern India.  [From  the  Shan]  by  F.  Mason, 
pp.  103-116.  V.  4  of  11.2703. 1 

— Salisbury  (E.  E.)  Memoir  on  the  history  of 
Buddhism,     pp.  79-135.  v.  i  of  11.2703.  i 

— Schlagintweit  (E.)  Buddhism  in  Tibet. 
With  an  account  of  the  Buddhist  systems 
preceding  it  in  India,  [and  a  bibliography 
of  Buddhism].     Leipzig,  1863.    8"*. 


The  same.     Atlas.     1.  f*.  22. 1377.  i 

— SCHOTT  (W.)  Ueber  den  Buddhaismus  in 
Hochasien  und  in  China.  Berlin,  1846. 
4".  Over  the  students'  entrance. 

— Sen  ART  (E.)  Essai  sur  la   l^gende  du   Boud- 
dha,  [d'apr^s  TAvidure-nidana] ;  son  car- 
act^re  et  ses  origines. 
[Journal  asiatique,  76  s^r.,  v.  a,  3,  6]. 

— Sutta-nipata:  one  of  the  canonical  books  of 
the  Buddhists.  From  the  P41i,  by  V. 
FausbOll.     Oxford,  1881.     8^ 

V.  10  of  22.1381. 21 

— Upham  (E.)  Mahavansi,  the  Raja-ratnacari, 
and  the  Raja-vali.  sacred  books  of  Ceylon. 
From  the  Singhalese.  London,  1833.  3 
V.  in  I.     8°.  11.2697. 7 

See^  als0^  Brahmanism,  India,  Philosophy  ,(/^/m/»). 

Budgett  (Samuel),    b.  1794.    d.  1851. 

— Arthur  (W.)  The  successful  merchant: 
sketches  of  the  life  of  Mr.  Samuel  Bud- 
gets    9th  ed.     London,  1853.     p.  8". 


Boena  Vista,  {Battle  of),  February  22,  1847. 

— Carleton  (J.  H.)  Battle  of  Buena  Vista. 
New  York,  1848.     16*.  3.124.24 

Boenos  Ayres. 

— Caldcleugh  (A.)  Buenos  Ayres  in  1824.  pp. 
141-234.  V.  I  of  3.134." 

The  same.     Buenos  Ayres  und  Chili,     pp. 

117-202.  3.133.5 

Se€y  also^  Argentine  republic. 

Buffon  (George  Louis  Leclerc,  comte  de).  b, 
1707.     d.  1788. 

— Jardine  (Sir  W.)  Memoir  of  Buflfon.  [With] 
an  eloge  by  P.  L.  Courier,     pp.  17-59. 

V.  27  of  27. 1667. 1 

Bogenhagen  (Johann).    b.  1485.    d,  1558. 

— Bellermann  (C.  F.)  Lebcn  des  Johannes 
Bugenhagen.     Berlin,  1859.  8°.   9.541.23 


— Bo  wen  (J.  H.)  Report  upon  buildings,  build- 
ing materials,  and  methods  of  building. 
Washington,  1869.     95  pp.     8'. 

V.  4  of  30.3875.6 

— Breymann  (G.  A.)  Allgemeine  baucon- 
structions-lehre.  Neubearbeitet  von  H. 
Lang.  4e  aufl.  Stuttgart,  1868-77. 
3  V.     4'.  26.1626.20 

— Debauve  (A.)  Notions  sur  la  construction 
des  bitiments.     Paris,  1875.     8''. 

V.  14  of  26.1625.5. 

The  same.     Atlas.     4'.  v.  14  of  26.1628.25 

— Rondelet  (J.)  Trait6  th6orique  et  pratique 
de  Tart  de  b^tir.  7e  6d.  Paris,  1834.  5 
V.     4*.  26.1636.22 

The  same.     Atlas,     f*.  Cabinet  1.6.2 

See,  alsc^  Arches,  Architecture,  Cement,  Decora- 
tion, Engineering^,  Floors,  Foundations,  Iron, 
RoofSj  Stone  building.  Sanitation,  Strength  ot 
matenals,  Ventilation,  Walls. 


— Barkley  (H.  C.)  Between  the  Danube  and 
Black  Sea;  or,  five  years  in  Bulgaria, 
[1857-63].  London,  1876.  16".    11. 695.18- 

Bulgaria  before  the  war,  [1864-71].  Lon- 
don, 1877.     16"*.  ix.695.17 

— Kanitz  (P.  F.)  DonauBulgarien  und  der 
Balkan.  [1860-78].  Leipzig,  1875-79. 
3v.  in  2.     1.  8^  z  1. 2706. 1 

—St.  Clair  (S.  G.  B.)  and  Brophy  (C.  A.) 
Residence  in  Bulgaria:  or,  notes  on  the 
resources  aad  administration  of  Turkey. 
London,  1869.     8°.  iz.  2702. 10 

Sety  altOy  Danube,  Turkey. 


— Bedoya  (D.  F.  G.  de).  Historia  del  toreo,  y 
de  las  principales  ganaderias  de  Espafla. 
Madrid,  1850.     1.  8  .  zo.628.12 


— Bagehot  (W.)  Some  articles  on  the  depre- 
ciation of  silver.     London,  1877.     8". 


—Blake  (W.  P.)  Report  upon  the  precious 
metals:  statistical  notices  of  the  principal 
gold  and  silver  producing  regions  of  the 
world.  .  .  .  Washington,  1869.     8*. 

V.  2  of  30.3875.6 

— Cernuschi  (H.)  Or  et  argent.  Paris,  1874. 
8^  25. 1545. 1 

— Great  Britain,  House  of  commons.  Report 
from  the  committee  on  the  depreciation  of 
silver;  with  minutes  of  evidence.  London, 
1876.     f".  25.1558.20 

—  -The  same.  Extracts  of  papers  from  the 
government  of  India,  (in  continuation  of 
the  above).  London,  1877.  V.  25.1558.20 

Report,  with  minutes  of  evidence,  from  the 

committee  on  the  high  price  of  gold  bul- 
lion.     London,  1810.     f*.  25.1558.21 

The  same.     London,  18 10.  8*.     25.1545.27 

[Bound  with  Pamell,  On  financial  reform]. 

— HoLLiNGBERY  (R.  H.)  Handbook  on  gold 
and  silver.     [Anon.]     London,  1878.     8°. 

— Jacob  (W.)  Historical  inquiry  into  the  pro- 
duction and  consumption  of  the  precious 
metals.  London,  1831.  2  v.  8'.  25.1545.12 
— King  (C.)  Statistics  of  the  production  of  the 
precious  metals  in  the*  United  States. 
Washington,  1881.     1.  8*'.  28.1798.4 

— RiCARDO  (D.)  High  price  of  bullion  a  proof 
of  the  depreciation  of  bank  notes.  4th  ed. 
London,  181 1.     8**.  25.1544.20 




— Seyd  (E.)  Bullion  and  foreign  exchanges, 
with  reference  to  universal  coinage.  Lon- 
don, 1868.     8'.  25.1545.15 

Fall  in  the  price  of  silver,  with  reference  to 

India.  London,  1876.  8°.  25.1545.22 
Sff^  aitOy  Exchange,  Gold,  Money,  Silver. 

Balow  (Friedrich  Wilhelm),  graf  von  Denmwits. 
b.  1755.     d,  1816. 

— Varnhagen  von  Ense  (C.  A.  L.  P.)  General 
graf    Billow  von    Dennewitz.      Leipzig, 

1874.  I6^  V.  14  of  9.556.3 
Banker  hill  {Battle  of,  June  17,  1775). 

— Boston.  Celebration  of  the  centennial  anni- 
versary of  the  battle  of  Bunker  hill. 
Boston,  1875.     8*.  3. 146. 1 

— BuGBEB  (J.  M.)  Memorial.  Bunker  hill, 
1775.  June  17th,  1875.  Boston,  1875. 
16  pp.     8".  3.158.  Box  2 

— Ellis  (G.  E.)  History  of  the  battle  of  Bunker's 
(Breed's)  hill,  on  June  17,  1775.     Boston, 

1875.  8%  3. 146. 15 

—  -The  same.     With  an  account  of  the  monu- 

ment.    Boston,  1875.     32**.  3.140.23 

—Everett  (E.)  Oration  on  the  seventy-fifth 
anniversary  of  the  battle  of  Bunker  hill. 
Boston,  1850.     77  pp.     8^  3.146  14 

The  same.  3.158.  Box  2 

— Frothingham  (R.)    Bunker  hill  battle. 

pp.  121-206  of  4. 173. 13 

Centennial:  battle  of  Bunker  hill.     Boston, 

1875.     16'*.  3. 140. 18 

—Putnam  (D.)  Letter  relative  to  the  battle  of 
Bunker  hill.  pp.  227-250.    v.  i  of  3.163.2 

—Sketches  of  Bunker  hill  battle  and  monu- 
ment. [Anon,]  4th  ed.  Charlestown, 
1 85 1.     18*.  3.140.22 

— Swett  (S.)  Notes  to  his  sketch  of  Bunker-hill 
battle.     Boston,  1825.     24  pp.     8". 

3.158.  Box  2 

^Who  was  the  commander  at  Bunker  hill  ? 

Boston,  1850.  39  pp.  8\  3.158.  Box  2 
.Snr,  a/itf.  United  States,  {Rtvoluticnaiy  war). 

Bunker  hill  fnonament. 

— Bunker  hill  monument  association.  Pro- 
ceedings at  the  meeting,  June  18,  1866. 
Boston,  1866.     8'.  3. 146. 12 

^The  same.    June  17,  1867.     Boston,  1867. 

8%  3. 146. 12 

— Frothingham  (R.)  History  of  the  Bunker 
hill  monument.       pp.  337-359  of  4. 173. 13 

—Packard  (A.  S.)  History  of  the  Bunker  hill 
monument,   pp.  239-269.     v.  3  of  3.166.2 

— Smillie  (J.)  and  Mallory  (R.  P.)  Panoramic 
view  from  Bunker  hill  monument.  Bos- 
ton, 1848.    8%  3. 146. 16 

—Swett  (S.)  Original  planning  and  construc- 
tion of  Bunker  hill  monumenL  Albany, 
1863.     II  pp.     8^  3.158.  Box  2 

—Warren  (G.  W.)  History  of  the  Bunker  hill 
monument    association.      Boston,    1877. 

8^  3. 145. 1 

Bnnsen  (Christian  Carl  Josias,  barvn  von),     b, 

1791.   d,  i860. 
— BuNSEN  (F.  W.)    Memoir  of  baron  Bunsen. 

London,  1868.    a  v.    8*".  9.541.26 

—  -The  same.    2d  cd.     Philadelphia,  1869.     2 

V.     p.  8".  9.541.25 

— MUller  (F.  M.)  Bunsen,  [with  Bunsen's 
letters,  1848-59].    pp.  343-492, 

V.  3  of  22.1383.33 

Bunsen  (Frances  Waddington,  baroness  von),  b, 

1791.     d.  1876. 
—Hare  (A.  J.  C.)    Life  and  letters  of  Frances. 

baroness  Bunsen.     New  York,   1879.     2 

V.  in  I.     p.  8*.  9.541.27 

Bnnyan  (John),    b.  1628.   .</.  1688. 
— Cheever  (G.  B.)    Lectures  on  the  Pilgrim's 

progress,  and  on  the   life  and  times  of 

John  Bunyan.    4th  ed.    New  York,  1845. 

8^  22. 1336. 1 1 

— Froude  (J.  A.)    Bunyan.     New  York,  1880. 

i8\  6.343.8 

— Macaulay  (T.  B.)    John  Bunyan. 

pp.  27-49  of  6.367.21 
—Philip  (R.)     Life,  times,  and  characteristics 

of  John  Bunyan.     New  York,  1839.     12**. 

— Stebbing  (H.)     Memoir    of   John  Bunyan. 

pp.  v-xl.  V.  I  of  22.1336.4 

Buonaparte.     See  Bonaparte. 
Buonarroti  (Michael  Angelo).  b,  1474.   d,  1564. 
— Black  (C.  C.)     Michael  Angelo  Buonarroti: 

the  story  of  his  life  and  labors.     London, 

1875.     8"*.  Art  room.  A.4.26 

— Clement  (C.)     MicheUAnge.     2e  6d.     Paris, 

1867.     I2^  Art  room.  B.1.9 

— DuppA  (R)    Life  and  literary  works  of  Michel 

Angelo  Buonarroti.     London,  1806.    4°. 


^The  same.  London,  1846.  16*.     30.1893.35 

— Fisher  (J.)  Facsimiles  of  original  studies  by 
Michael  Angelo.     London,  1872.     8"*. 

Art  room.  B.4.16 

— Grimm  (H.)    Life  of  Michael  Angelo.     Tr.  by 

F.  E.  Bunn^tt.     Boston,  1865.    2  v.     I2\ 


Rafael  und  Michelangelo.     Boston,  [1869], 

I6^  30.1896.25 

— Harford  (J.    S.)     Life  of  Michael   Angelo 

Buonarroti.     2d  ed.     London,  1858.     2  v. 

8^  12.724.3 

—Perkins  (C.  C.)  Raphael  and  Michel  Angelo. 
Boston,  1878.     8*.  30.1894.21 

— RusKiN  (J.)  Relation  between  Michael  Angelo 
and  Tintoret.    London,  1872.    45  pp.    8**. 


— Sixty  outlines  from  the  works  of  Michel  An- 
gelo Buonarroti.  [AnonA  London,  1863. 
f*.  Art  room.  A.4.3 

— Sweetser  (M.  F.)  Michael  Angelo.  Boston, 
1878.     I8^  Art  room.  A.1.6 

—Wilson  (C.  H.)  Life  and  works  of  Michel 
Angelo  Buonarroti.     London,  1876.     8% 


— WiTTE  (L.)  Michelangelo  Buonarroti.  Leip- 
zig. 1878.     16'*.  12.724.24 

See,  aiso.   Architecture,   Arts    (FiMe\   Colonna 
(Vittoria),  Paintiofif,  Renaissance,  Sculpture. 

Barckhardt  (Johann  Ludwig).   b.  1784.  d.  1817. 
— Memoir  of  Burckhardt.    [Anon,]   pp.  17-128. 

V.  40  of  27. 1667. 1 
Burgher  (Gottfried  August),     b,  1748.    d,  1794. 
— DOring  (H.  J.  M.)    (Jottfried  August  BUrger: 

ein  biographisches  denkmal.    G5ttingen, 

1847.     16".  9.541.30 

— Ehestands-geschichte.       [Anon.]      Berlin, 

i8i2.     16°.  9.541. 31 

— Schlegel  (A.  W.  von).  Blirger,  1800.  pp.  64- 

139.  V.  8  of  9.564.4 

Burghlcy,  lord.     See  CccU  (W.) 





Burgojne  (John),    b,  1730.    d,  1793. 

— Documents  in  relation  to  the  part  taken  by 
Vermont,  in  resisting  the  invasion  by 
Burgoyne  in  1777.     pp.  161-249. 

V.  I  of  4. 197. 12 

— Eelking  (M.  von).  Memoirs,  and  letters  and 
journals,  of  general  Riedesel,  during  his 
residence  in  America.  Tr.  by  W.  L. 
Stone.   Albany,  1868.    2  v.    8".     3.146.22 

— RiEDESEL  (F.  C.  L.  von  M.  von).  Letters  and 
memoirs  relating  to  the  capture  of  the 
German  troops  at  Saratoga.  From  the 
German.  New  York,  1827.  12*.    3.141.10 

The  same.     Tr.  by  W.  L.  Stone.     Albany, 

1867.     1.  8^  3.146.6 

—Stone  (W.  L.)  Campaign  of  general  John 
Burgoyne.  Albany,  1877.  12**.  3. 140. 13 
S44,  aU0,  Schuyler  (P.) 

Bnrs^oyne  {Sir  John  Fox),     b,  1782.    </.  1871. 

— WrottEsley  (G.)  Life  and  correspondence 
of  sir  John  Burgoyne.  London,  1873. 
2  V.     8*.  6.343.9 


— Ba&ante  (A.  G.  P.  de  B.  de).  Histoire  des 
dues  de  Bourgogne  de  la  maison  de 
Valois,  1364-1477.  Nouvelle  6d.,  enrichie 
de  notes  par  Gachard.  Bruxelles,  1838. 
2  V.     1.  8*.  7.426.3 

— MoLiNET  (JO  Chroniques.  Paris,  1827-28. 
5  V.     8**.  vv.  43-47  of  8.461. 1 

iitty  alsOf  France. 

Borg^undy  (Charles,  duke  of).  See  Charles,  the 
boldy  Charles,  the  hardy, 

Borg^undy  (Philip,  duke  of).  See  Philip,  the 

Burke  (Edmund),     b,  1730.     d,  1797. 

— Correspondence,   1744-97.      Ed.  by  C.  W. 

*   Fitzwilliam   and    R.    Bourke.      London, 

1844.     4v.     8\  21.3293.12 

— BissET  (R.)  Life  of  Edmund  Burke.  2d  ed. 
London,  1800.     2  v.     %°,  6.343.13 

— DiLKE  (C.  W.)    Burke,     pp.  309-384. 

v.*2  of  21. 1305.6 

— MoRLEY  (J.)    Burke.     New  York,  1870.     I8^ 


Edmund  Burke:  a  historical  study.  Lon- 
don, 1867.     p.  8'.  6.343.15 

— Prior  (J.)  Memoir  of  the  life  and  character 
of  Edmund  Burke.  3d  ed.  London,  1839. 
8".  6.343. 1 1 

^The  same.     New  ed.     Boston,  1854.     2  v. 

16°.  6.343.12 

—Robertson  (J.  B.)  Lectures  on  the  life, 
writings,  and  times  of  Edmund  Burke. 
London,  [1868].     16*.  6.343.14 

Burleigh,  lord.     See  Cecil  (W.) 

Burmah,  or  Birmah.     (Afranma), 

— Anderson  (J.)  Mandalay  to  Momien,  1868 
and  1875.     London,  1876.     8^     1 1.694. 5 

— Bell  (H.  G.)  Narrative  of  the  late  military 
and  political  operations  in  the  Birmese 
empire,  [1824-26].  Edinburgh,  1827. 
24**.  V.  2  of  1. 10. 21 

— Crawfurd  (J.)  Journal  of  an  embassy  to  the 
court  of  Ava.  2d  ed.  [1826-27].  Lon- 
don, 1834.     2  V.     8**.  II. 692.10 

— GOUGER  (H.)  Personal  narrative  of  two  years* 
imprisonment  in  Burmah,  [1824-26].  2d 
ed.     London,  1862.     12''.  11.692.20 

— Griffith  (W.)  Journals  of  travels  in  Assam, 
Burma,  and  neighbouring  countries, 
[1835-40].  Arranged  by  J.  M'Clelland. 
Calcutu,  1847.     8^.  11.684. 10 

— Histoire  de  la  conqudte  de  la  Birmanie  par  les 
Chinois.  Traduite  du  Chinois  par  C.  Im- 
bault-Huart.  ^ 

[Journal  aaUtique,  -te  tir.,  r.  iil. 

— Knowles  (J.  D.)  Life  of  A.  H.  Tudson,  mis- 
sionary to  Burmah,  [1813-26].  Philadel- 
phia, 1830.     18*".  4*214.4 

— POLLOK  (F.)  Sport  in  British  Burmah,  [1848- 
74].     London,  1879.     2  v.     8"*.  Xi.692.11 

— Sangermano  (  .)  Description  of  the  Bur- 
mese  empire,  [1782-1808].  Tr.  by  W. 
Tandy.     Rome,  1833.     4*'.  11.2698.  i 

— Symes  (M.)  Embassy  to  the  kingdom  of  Ava 
in  1795.  New  ed.  Edinburgh,  1831.  2 
V.     24*.  1. 10.21 

— WAYI.AND  (F.)  Life  and  labors  of  Adoniram 
Judson,  [in  Burmah,  1813-50].  Boston, 
1853.     2  V.     12'.  4.314-3 

—Wilson  (H.  H.)  Narrative  of  the  Burmese 
war,  in  1824-26.     London,  1852.     12"*. 


Bnmes  (5tr  Alexander),    b,  1805.    d.  1841. 

— Kaye  (J.  W.)  Sir  Alexander  Burnes.     66  pp. 

V.  2  of  XX. 678^. 7 

Burnet  (Gilbert),    b,  1643.    d.  171 5. 

— Burnet  (T.)  Life  of  bishop  Burnet.  [By  his 
son?]    pp.  231-315.  V.  6  of  6.290.10 

—Lawrence  (E.)  Gilbert  Burnet  pp.  232- 
311.  V.  I  of  6.347.6 

Barney  (Frances).     See  D'Arblay  (F.  B.) 

Bumouf  (Eugdne).    b,  1801.    d,  1852. 

— Barthblemy  Saint-Hilaire  (J.)  Notice  sur 
les  travaux  de  M.  Eugene  Bumouf.  pp. 
vii-xxxi.  22.3375.1 

Bums  (Robert),     b,  1759.     d.  1796. 

— Correspondence.    London,  1834.     2  v.    16'. 
w.  6,  7  of  18. 1082.9 

The  same.  pp.  225-400  of  18.1082.2 

— Correspondence  between  Bums  and  Clarinda. 
Ed.  by  W.   C.    M'Lehose.      Edinburgh, 

1843.   I2^  6.343.22 

— Carlyle  (T.)    Bums.     pp.  265-326. 

V.  I  of  2X.  1302.24 

The  same.     pp.  1-53.  v.  14  of  6.2360.1 

— Chambers  (R.)  Life  and  works  of  Robert 
Burns.     Philadelphia,  1854.     4  v.     I6^ 


—Cunningham  (A.)  Life  of  Robert  Bums. 
London,  1834.     16".         v.  i  of  x8. 1082.9 

— CuRRiE  (J.)  Life  of  Robert  Burns.  Liver- 
pool, 1800.     S",  V.  I  of  18.1082. 5 

— GUNNYON  (W.)  Biographical  sketch  [of  Burns, 
with  appendix],  pp.  i-lxxviii.  of  18. 1082.2 

— Lockhart  (J.  G.)  Life  of  Robert  Bums. 
Edinburgh,  1828.     8*.  6.343.20 

The  same.   Edinburgh,  1828.  24".    6.343.21 

— Shairp  (J.  C.)  Robert  Burns.  New  York, 
1879.     12'.  6.343.19 

— Tyler  (S.)  Robert  Burns;  as  a  poet,  and  as 
a  man.   New  York,  1848.   I2^   18.1082.18 

— Walker  (J.)  Account  of  the  life  and  charac- 
ter of  Robert  Burns.  [Af$on.]  pp.  xiii- 
cxxx.  V.  I  of  18.1082.6 

— Wilson  (J.)  On  the  genius  and  character  of 
Burns.  New  York,  1851.  I2\    18.1082.17 




Bysantine  empire. 

Boms  (William  Chalmers),    b.  1815.    d,  1868. 

— Burns  (L)  Memoir  of  the  Rev.  W.  C.  Bums. 
5th  ed.  New  York,  1870.  p.  8'.    6.343.23 

Borr  (Aaron),     b.  1756.     d.  1836. 

— Private  journal,  during  his  residence  in  Eu- 
rope; with  selections  from  his  correspon- 
dence. Ed.  by  M.  L.  Davis.  New  York. 
1858.     2v.     8*.  4.203.22 

— Cheetham  (J.)  View  of  the  political  conduct 
of  Aaron  Burr.     New  York,  1802.     8^ 


—Davis  (M.  L.)  Memoirs  of  Aaron  Burr; 
with  selections  from  his  correspondence. 
New  York,  1852.     2  v.     8**.  4.203.21 

— PartonQ.)  Life  and  times  of  Aaron  Burr. 
New  York,  1858.     I2\  4203.17 

The  same.     13th  ed.  New  York,  i860.  12"*. 


— Todd  (C.  B.)    Col.  Aaron  Burr. 

pp.  80-130  of  3.138^.11 
Stey  ait0^  Blennerhasaet  (H.),  Hamilton,  (A.) 

Burr  family. 

— Todd  (C.   B.)    General  history  of  the   Burr 

family  in  America.     New  York.  1878.  8'. 

Bnrsfelde,  (A  convent  in  northern  Germany), 
— Leuckfeld    (J.    G.)       Antiquitates    bursfel- 

denses.  .  .  .  Leipzig,  1713.    4'*.    9.530.2 

— Frsedley  (E.  T.)  Practical  treatise  on  busi- 
ness.    17th  thousand.    Philadelphia,  1853. 

I2\  25.1552.29 

-»  -The  same.     35th  thousand.     Philadelphia, 

1856.     12*.  25.1552.30 

— Kirkland   (F.)    Cyclopaedia    of  commercial 

and  business  anecdotes.     New  York.  1865. 

2  v.     8°.  25.1558^.6 

— Laing    (J.)    Theory    of   business.     London, 

1867.     p.  8^  25.1552.36 

—Mathews  (W.)     Getting  on  in  the  world. 

32d  thousand.     Chicago,  1877.     12''. 

— MoNTEFiORB  (J.)      Commercial  and   notarial 
precedents:  consisting  of  forms  required 
m  transactions  of  business.  London,  1802. 
4'.  25.i558tf.i 

—Rhode  (F.  L.)  Praktisches  handbuch  der 
handels-correspondenz  in  deutscher,  fran- 
zOsischer,  englischer,  italienischer,  und 
spanischer  sprache.  7e  aufl.  von  B.  Leh- 
mann.    Frankfurt  am  Main,  1876.     8"*. 


Sft.  mlto.   Banking,  Book-keeping,    Commerce, 
Cooperation,  Finance. 

Batler  (Joseph),    b,  1692.    d.  1752. 
—Collins    (W.    L.)      Butler:    [a   biography]. 

Edinburgh,  1881.     16''.  6.343.27 

Batler  (William  Archer),     b.  18 14.     d,  1848. 
—Woodward  (T.)    Memoir  of  W.  A.  Butler. 

V.  I  of  22.1342.20 
—Lang  (V  )    Die  fabrikation  der  kunstbutter, 

sparbutter,   und  butterine.     Wien.    1878. 

16*.  30.1872.20 

Batterflies.     See  Lepidoptera. 
Bazton  {Sir  Thomas  Fowell).  b,  1786.    d.  1845. 
— Buxton  (C.)    Memoirs  of  Sir  T.  F.  Buxton. 

I2th  thousand. -London,  1855.  8"*.  6.343.29 

Byron  (Anne  Isabella  Millbanke-Noel,  lady),  b. 
1792.    d.  i860. 

— Stowe  (H.  B.)  Lady  Byron  vindicated:  a 
history  of  the  Byron  controversy.  Boston, 
1870.     16*.  6.2362.1 

Byron  (George  Gordon  Noel,  6M  ^tfwif).  b.  1788. 
d.  1824. 

— Anecdotes  of  lord  Byron.  [Anon,]  Lon- 
don, 1825.     24"*.  6.344.2 

— Brockedon  (W.)  Finden's  illustrations  of  the 
life  and  works  of  lord  Byron.  London, 
1833-34.     3v.     8*.  18. 1083.8 

— CoLTON  (C.  C.)  Remarks  on  the  talents  of 
lord  Byron,  and  the  tendencies  of  Don 
Juan.  V.  2  of  2Z.  1302.48 

— Elze  (F.  C.)  Lord  Byron  :  a  biography. 
[From  the  German].     London,  1872.    8"*. 


— Galt  (J.)  Life  of  lord  Byron.  New  York, 
1830.     18'*.  32.2010.4 

— Gottschall  (R.)    Lord  Byron,     pp.  239-357. 

V.  4  of  16,990.6 

— Hayward  (A.)  Byron  and  Tennyson,  pp. 
305-359.  V.  2  of  2X.1311.3 

— Hunt  (J.  H.  L.)  Lord  Byron,  and  some  of  his 
contemporaries.  London,  1828.  4°.  6.344.1 

— K5sTER  (H.)  Ueber  die  originalitftt  des 
byronschen  Manfred:  eine  philologische 
untersuchung.  Flensburg,  1842.  25  pp. 
s,  4".  18. 1078^.  Box  I 

— Macaulay  (T.  B.)  Moore's  life  of  lord 
Byron.  pp.  116-128  of  2Z.1313.4 

— Moore  (T.)  Letters  and  journals  of  lord 
Byron;  with  notices  of  his  life.  New 
York,  1830-31.     2  V.     8*.  6.343.33 

The  same.     Philadelphia,  1853.     2  v.  in  i. 

8".  6.343.32 

— Morley  (J.)    Byron,  pp.  249-290.  2Z. 1314.39 

— NiCHOL  (J.)     Byron.     New  York,  1880.     12*. 


— Schmidt  (J.)    Lord  Byron. 

pp.  1-49  of  16. 1005.3 

— Trelawny  (E.  J.)  Recollections  of  the  last 
days  of  Shelley  and  Byron.  London, 
1858.     p.  8°.  6.371. 10 

— ViLLEMAiN  (A.  F.)    Byron  une  esquisse. 

pp.  350-395  of  17. 1032. 13 

Byzantine  empire. 

— Cantacuzenus  (J.  A.  C.  P.)  Historiarum 
libri  IV.,  [1328-57]  graece.  J.  Pontanus 
latine  vertit,  et  notas  addidit.  Venetiis, 
1729.     f*.  14.858.11 

— Chronique  de  la  conqu6te  de  Constantinople, 
et  de  r^ublissement  des  Fran9ais,  [1204- 
1314];  en  vers  [grecs],  traduits  en  Fran- 
9ais  par  J.  A.  Buchon.  [Anon.]  Paris, 
1825.     8**.  v.  4  of  8,451.1 

— Cinnamus  (J.)  De  rebus  gestis  Johannis  et 
Manuelis  Comnenorum,  historiarum  libri 
IV.  C.  Tollius  edidit.  Trajecti  ad  Rhe- 
num,  1652.     s.  4\  14.2851. 17 

— Du  Cange  (C.  D.)  Histoire  de  I'empire  de 
Constantinople  sous  les  empereurs  fran- 
9ais,  [i  199-1382].  Nouvelle  6d.  par  J. 
A.  Buchon.     Paris,  1826.     2  v.     8  . 

vv.  I,  2  of  8.451. 1 

— DucAS  (M.)  Historia  byzantina  a  Joanne 
Palaeologo  i.  ad  Mehemeten  11.  graece, 
studio  L  Bullialdi.     Venetiis,  1729.     f^ 



Byrantine  empire.        SUBJECT-CATALOGUE  OF  THE  LIBRARY 


— FiNLAY  (G.)     History  of  the  Byzantine  and 
Greek  empires  716-1453.  London,  1853- 

54.    2v.    8^  X4.853.3 

— Labbe  (P.)      Corpus    byzantinae    historiae. 

Parisiis,  1647-60.     3  v.     T.  x A.  867. 5 

— MousKES  (P.)    Chronique  m^trique  de  la  con- 

?udte  de  Constantinople  par  les  Francs, 
1204].    pp.  339-405-  V.  3  of  8.451.1 

— NiEBUHR  (B.  G.)   Corpus  scriptonim  historiae 
byzantinae.    Bonnae,  1828-55.    48  v.    8°. 

14.862. 1 
— PoujouLAT  (B.)  Histoire  de  Constantinople, 
comprenant  le  bas-empire  et  Tempire 
ottoman.  Paris,  1853.  2  v.  8*.  11.702.13 
— ScHLOSSER  (F.  C.)  Geschichte  der  bilder- 
stUrmenden  kaiser  des  ostrdmischen 
reichs.     Frankfurt  am  Main,  1812.     8**. 

14.2851. 14 
— Valenciennes  (H.  de).    Continuation  de  I'his- 
toire  de  Ville-Hardouin,  [1207-12 14].  pp. 
1 17-158.  V.  I  of  8.454.1 

— ^ViLLE  Hardouin  (G.  de).  De  la  conqueste  de 
Constantinople,  [i  198-1207].  pp.  9-1  ii. 
V.  I  of  8.454.1 
— ZoTZENBERG  (H.)  M6moire  sur  la  chronique 
byzantine  de  Jean,  6vSque  de  Nikion. 
[Journal  asiatique,  76  s^.,  tv.  xo,  x3,  13]. 
Set,  also^  Constantinople,  Greece,  Roman  empire, 

Cable,  (submarine).  See  Atlantic  cable.  Tele- 
graphy, (submarine). 


— HiLDENBRAND  (W.)  Cable-making  for  suspen- 
sion bridges,  with  special  reference  to  the 
East-river  bridge.  New  York,  1877.  18*. 
No.  23  of  26.1620.1 

Cabot  (George).     ^.1751.    d,  1823. 

— Lodge  (H.  C.)  Life  and  letters  of  George 
Cabot.     Boston,   1877.     8°.  4.203.25 

Cabot  or  Gabota  (John),    b.  1420.   d.  1498. 

— Avezac-Macaya  (M.  a.  P.  d').   Letter  on  the 

voyages  of  John  and  Sebastian  Cabot, 
pp.  499-514,  2d  series,  v.  i  of  3.166.3 
— Kohl  (J.  G.)   Expeditions  of  John  and  Sebas- 
tian Cabot,  1497-98.     pp.  121-146. 

2d  series,  v.  i  of  3.166.3 
Cabot  (Sebastian),     b,  \xil'    d,  1557. 
— Hayward  (C.)    Life  of  Sebastian  Cabot    pp. 

89-162.  v.  9  of  3.138^.6 

Cabol,  {Afghanistan). 
— Elphinstone  (M.)    Account  of  the  kingdom 

of  Caubul,  and   its  dependencies,  [1808]. 

New  ed.  London,  1842.  2  v.  8*.   11.693.13 
—Eyre  (V.)  Military  operations  at  Cabul,  which 

ended  in  the  retreat  and  destruction  of  the 

British  army,  1842.     London,  1843.     12**. 

— Engelmann  (G.)     Cactaceae  of  the   United 

States  and  Mexican  boundary.  28.1748.22 
and  Bigelow  (J.  M.)    Description   of  the 

cactaceae  [near  the  -thirty-fifth   parallel]. 

pp.  27-58.     24  pi.     V.  4,  pt.  3  of  3. 108. 13 
Caedmon.    d.  about  680. 
— BouTERWEK  (C.  W.)   De  Cedmone  brevis  dis- 

sertatio,  Elberfeldae,  1845.  8'.   15.2954.4 

— Elus  (H.)  and  Palgrave  (F.)  Account  of  an 
illuminated  manuscript  of  Caedmon's  par- 
aphrase, of  the  loth  century,  pp.  329- 
343-  V.  24  of  5.2296.1 

Caernarvon,  {North  Wales), 

— Pughe  (D.  W.)  History  of  Caernarvon  castle 
and  town.     Caernarvon,  [i860].     16**. 


Caesar  (Caius  Julius),    b.  100  b.c.    d,  44  B.C. 

— Fallue  (L.)  Etudes  arch^ologiques  sur  I'his- 
toire  de  Jules  C6sar  par  I'empereur  Napo- 
leon III.     Paris,  1867.     I8^        12.746.25 

— Froude  (J.  A.)  Caesar:  a  sketch.  New  York, 
1879.     p.  8^  12.746.17 

— GuiscHARD  (C.)  M^moires  sur  plusieurs  points 
d'antiquit^s  militaires.  Les  campagnes  de 
Jules  C6sar  en  Espagne.  Berlin,  1774. 
4  V.  in  I.     4*.  12.753-2 

— Lamartine  (A.  M.  L.  P.  de).  C6sar.  pp.  151- 
409.  V.  34  of  8.505.1 

— Mommsen  (C.  M.  T.)  Rechtsfrage  zwischen 
Caesar  und  dcra  senat.  Breslau,  1857. 
58  pp.     1.  8^  I3.8i8<^.i2 

The  same.  12.746.2 

— Napoleon  hi.  Histoire  de  Jules  C6sar. 
[avec  les  temps  ant6rieures,]  [Incom- 
plete]. Paris,  1865-66.  2V.  1.8"^;  12.746.23 

The  same.     Atlas,     f^.  12,748.23 

The  same.    History  of  Julius  Caesar.    New 

York,  1866.     2  V.     8  .  12.746.20 

The  same.     New  York,  1866-67.     2  v.     p. 

8\  12.746.19 

The  same.     Geschichte  Julius  C&sars.     Au- 

torisirte    ilbersetzung.      Wien,    1865-66. 
2  V.     8**.  12.746.22 

— Tizio  (R.)  Ad  Caesaris  commentarios  de 
bello  gallico  praelectiones  quatuor.  Bo- 
noniae,  1598.    s.  4°.  14.884. 14I 

S*9y  4Ut9y  Alesia,  Gaul,  Rome.  {History\  especially 
as  written  by  Arnold,  and  Men  vale. 


— DoLOMiEU  (D.  de).  M6moire  sur  les  trem- 
blemens  de  terre  de  la  Calabre  ult6rieure, 
pendant  Tannic,  1783.     pp.  387-411. 

V.  4  of  12.718. 3 

The  same.  Dissertation  on  the  earth- 
quakes in  Calabria  Ultra,  .  .  .  1783.  pp. 
273-297.  V.  5  of  2.45.5 

— Elmhirst  (P.  J.)  Occurrences  during  a  six 
months*  residence  in  Calabria  Ulteriore, 
in  1809-10.  London,  1819.    8**.     12.714.4 

— Lear  (E.)  Journals  of  a  landscape  painter  in 
southern  Calabria,  [1847-48.  London], 
1852.     8".  12.715.1 

— Strutt  (A.  J.)  Pedestrian  tour  in  Calabria 
and  Sicily,  [1841.    London],  1842.    12'. 

12.713. 13 
See^  also^  Robbers. 


— Turpyn  (R.)  Chronicle  of  Calais,  in  the  reigns 
of  Henry  vii.  and  viii.  Edited  by  J.  G. 
Nichols.    London,  1846.    s.  4°.     0. 314. 35 

Calas  (Jean),     b,  1698.     d.  1762. 

— Parton  (J.)  The  tragedy  of  Jean  Calas,  and 
his  household.  In  v.  2  of  8.488.38 

—Voltaire  (F.  M.  A.  de).  Traits  sur  la  tole- 
rance, k  I'occasion  de  la  mort  de  Jean 
Calas.    pp.  39-308.  V.  30  of  8.490.1 





Calculus,  (infinitesimal). 

General  works. 
*— Airy  (G.  B.)    Elementary  treatise  on  partial 

differential  equations.     2d  ed.     London, 

1873.     16*.  26.1603.3 

— Bertrand  (J.)    Trait6  de  calcul  diff6rentiel  et 

du  calcul  integral.     Paris,  1864-70.     2  v. 

4*.  26.1606.3 

— Bezout  (6.)    Principes  de  calcul.     pp.  1-206. 

V.  I  of  26. 1607. 19 
The  same.  First  principles  of  the  differential 

and  integral  calculus.     From  the  French. 

Cambridge,  [Mass.],  1824.  8'*.    26.3592.1 
— Boucharlat  (J.  L.)    El^mens  de  calcul  dif- 

f6rentiel    et    de  calcul  integral.     4e  6d. 

Paris,  1830.     8*.  26.1603.14 

The  same,  se  6d.  Paris,  1838.  8°.  26.1603.13 

The  same.  7e  fed.  Paris,  1858.  8''.  26.1603.13 

— Carnot  (L.  N.  M.)     Reflexions  sur  la  mfeta- 

physique  du  calcul  infinitfesimal.     2e  fed. 

Paris,  1813.     16*.  Observatory. 

^The  same.  4e  fed.  Paris,  i860.  8".  26.1603.16 

—Church  (A.  E.)    Elements  of  the  differential 

and    integral    calculus.       Improved  .ed. 

New  York,  1858.     8%  26.1603.21 

The  same.     Revised  ed.     New  York,  1870. 

8'.  26.1603.22 

— CoURNOT  (A.  A.)    Traitfe  felfementaire  de  la 

thfeorie  des  fonctions,  et  du  calcul  infinitfe- 

simal.     Paris,  1841.     2  v.  8**.  26.1603.25 
— Davies  (C.)     Elements  of  the  differential  and 

integral  calculus.     2ded.     Hartford,  1838. 

8\  26.1603.29 
The    same.     Improved    ed.     Philadelphia, 

1844.     V.  26.3592.9 

— De  Mc 

ioRCAN  (A.)    Differential  and  integral 

calculus.     London,  1842.  8*.    26.1603.32 

— DoCHARTY  (G.   B.)    Elements  of    analytical 

geometry,  and  of  the  differential  and  in- 

te^l  calculus.     New  York,  1865.     12°. 

[Gtger].  26.3592.26 

— DOlp  (IL)    Aufgaben  zur  differential  und  in- 

tegrairechnung.    3e  aufl.     Giessen,  1878. 

8\  26.1603.35 

— DUHAMEL  (J.  M.  C.)    Elfements  de  calcul  in- 

finitfesimal.    3e  fed.  par  J.  Bertrand.  Paris, 

1874-76.     2  V.     8**.  26.1603.38 

— EuLER  (L.)    Introductio  in  analysin  infinitor- 

um.     Ed.  nova.    Lugduni,  1797.  2  v.   4*'. 

— Freycinet  (C.   de).     De  I'analyse  infinitfesi- 

male.      Etude  sur  le  haut  calcul.     Paris, 

i86a     8\  26.1603.46 

— Gilbert  (P.)    Cours  d'analyse  intinitfesimale. 

2e  fed.     Paris,  1878.     8\  26.1603.48 

— Grelle  (F.)    Elemente  der  theorie  der  von 

reellen  variabeln  abhftngigen  funktionen. 

Hannover,  1874.     8*.  26.1591.45 

—Hemming  (G.  W.)    Elementary  treatise  on  the 

differential  and  integral  calculus.     2d  ed. 

Cambridge,  [Eng.],  1852.  8^    26.1603.54 
— Hermite    (C.)    Cours    d'analyse    de  I'fecole 

poly  technique.  Paris,  1873.  8°.  26.1603.57 
— Lacroix  (S.  F.)    Traitfe  du  calcul  diffferentiel 

et  du  calcul  intfegral.   2e  fed.     Paris,  1810- 

19-     3  V.     4*.  26. 1604. 1 

—  -Traitfe  felfementaire  de  calcul  diffferentiel  et 

de  calcul  latfegraL    4e  fed.     Paris,  1828. 

i%  26, 1604.4 

The  same.  Elementary  treatise  on  the  dif- 
ferential and  integral  calculus.  Tr.  [by 
C.  Babbage,  G.  Peacock,  and  J.  F.  W. 
Herschel].  Cambridge,  [Eng.],  1816.   8^ 


— Lardner  (D.)  Elementary  treatise  on  the 
differential  and  integral  calculus.  Lon- 
don, 1825.     8%  26.3592.8 

The  same.  26.3637.11 

— LiPSCHiTZ  (R.)  Differential-  und  integral- 
rechnung.     Bonn,  1880.     8**. 

V.  2  of  26. 1604. II 

— McCartney  (W.)  Principles  of  the  differen- 
tial and  integral  calculus.  Philadelphia, 
1844.     8^  26.1604.12 

—Mayer  (J.  T.)  Vollsiandiger  lehrbegriff  der 
hdhern  analysis.  G(>ttingen,  1818.  2  v. 
p.  8^  26.1604.19 

—MoiGNO  (F.  N.  M.)  Le9ons  de  calcul  difffe- 
rentiel et  de  calcul  intfegral,  d'aprfes  les 
mfethodes  de  Cauchy.  Paris,  1840-44.  2 
V.     8°.  26.1604.31 

— Peacock  (G.)  Collection  of  examples  of  the 
applications  of  the  differential  and  inte- 
gral calculus.  Cambridge,  [Eng.],  1820. 
8**.  26.1604.43 

— Peirce  (B.)  Elementary  treatise  on  curves, 
functions,  and  forces.  Containing  ana- 
lytic geometry  and  the  calculus.  Boston, 
1841-46.     2  V.     12**.  26. 1595. II 

—Price  (B.)  Treatise  on  infinitesimal  calculus. 
2d  ed.  Oxford,  1862-68.  4  v.  8".  26.1605.2 

— Rryneau  (C.)  Usage  de  Tanalyse,  en  em- 
ployant  le  calcul  diffferentiel,  [et]  pour  dfe- 
couvrir  les  rfegles  du  calcul  intfeg^.  pp. 
144-423.  V.  2  of  26.1606.21 

—Ryan  (J.)  Differential  and  integral  calculus. 
New  York,  1828.     8^  26.3637.5 

— SchlOmilch  (O.)  Compendium  der  h&heren 
analysis.  3e  aufi.  Braunschweig,  1868- 
74.     2  V.     8^  26. 1605.  II 

—Smyth  (W.)  Elements  of  the  differential 
and  integ^l  calculus.  Portland,  1854. 
12".  26.1605.20 

— Sturm  (J.  C.  F.)  Cours  d'analyse  de  I'fecole 
polytechnique.  5e  fed.  par  E.  Prouhet. 
Paris,  1877.     2  V.     8°.  26.1605.24 

— Todhunter  (I.)  Treatise  on  the  differential, 
and  the  elements  of  the  integ^  calculus. 
2d  ed.     Cambridge,  [Eng.],  1855.     I6^ 


— Whewell  (W.)  Differential  calculus.  In- 
tegral calculus,  pp.  109-172  of  26.1602.38 

— Wolstenholme  (J.)  First  principles  of  the 
differential  and  integral  calculus.  Lon- 
don, 1874.     8"*.  26. 1605. 36^ 

Differential  calculus, 
— Boole  (G.)    Treatise  on  differential  equations. 
2d  ed.     Cambridge,  [Eng.],  1865.     I6^ 

The  same.     Supplementary  volume.    Cam- 
bridge, [Eng.  J,  1865.     16°.        26.1600.28 

Treatise  on  the  calculus  of  finite  differences. 

Cambridge,  [Eng.],  i860.  16°.  26.1600.27 

— Euler  (L.)    Institutiones  calculi  differentialls. 

Petropoli,  1755.     4**.  26.1603.43 

— Haddon  (J.)    Examples  and  solutions  in  the 

differential  calculus.  London,  1851.     18°. 






— Herschel  (J.  F.  W.)  Collection  of  applica- 
tions of  the  calculus  of  finite  differences. 
[With  the  appendix  to  his  translation  of 
Lacroix's  Calculus].  Cambridge,  [Eng.  ], 
1820.     p.  8**.  26.1601. 7 

—Hind  (J.)  Principles  of  the  differential  calcu- 
lus. 2d  ed.  Cambridge,  [Eng.].  1831. 
S\  26.1603.60 

— Hymers  (J.)  Treatise  on  differential  equa- 
tions.    Cambridge,  [Eng.],  1839.     8". 


The  same.     2d  ed.     London,  1858.     8°. 


— Miller  (W.  H.)  Elementary  treatise  on  the 
differential  calculus.  Cambridge,  [Eng.], 
1833.     8".  26.1604.26 

The  same.  26.3592.7 


— Pell  (M.  B.)  Geometrical  illustrations  of  the 
differential  calculus.  Cambridge,  [Eng.], 
1850.     34  pp.     p.  8'.  26.1598.  Box  I 

— Price  (B.)  Treatise  on  the  differential  calcu- 
lus.     London,  1848.     8*^.       Observatory. 

—Rice  (J.  M.)  aw^  Johnson  (W.  W.)  Elemen- 
tary treatise  on  the  differential  calculus. 
Revised  ed.     New  York,  1879.     8°. 


—Williamson  (B.)  Elementary  treatise  on  the 
differential  calculus,  containing  the  theory 
of  plane  curves.  3d  ed.  London,  1877. 
16*.  26.1605.35 

The  same.     4th  ed.     London,  1880.     16**. 


— WooLHousE  (W.  S.  B.)  Elements  of  the 
differential  calculus.  6th  ed.  London, 
1874.     18'.  26.1605.37 

—Young  (J.  R.)  Elements  of  the  differential 
calculus.  London,  1831.   18°.  Observatory. 

The    same.      [Ed.]    by    M.    O'Shannessy. 

Philadelphia,  1833.     8".  26.1605.42 


Integral  calculus, 

— Agnesi  (M.  G.)  Analysis  of  quantities  infi- 
nitely small.  Of  the  integral  calcu* us. 
Tr.  by  J.  Colson.     pp.  1-245. 

V.  2  of  26.1606.19 

— Collection  of  examples  on  the  integral  cal- 
culus. [Anon.]  Cambridge,  [Eng.],  1835. 
8''.  26.1603.45 

— Condorcet  (J.  A.  N.  C.  de).  Essais  d'ana- 
lyse.     Paris,  1765-68.     4  v.  in  i.     8". 


— Earnshaw(S.)  Partial  differential  equations. 
A  new  method  of  integrating  them.  Lon- 
don, 1871.     16".  26.1600.51 

— Eddy  (H.  T.)  Method  of  integrating  the  square 
roots    of    quadratics,     pp.  733-747.     8"*. 
26.1598.  Box  I 

— EuLER  (L.)  Institutiones  c«»icuU  integralis. 
Ed  3a.     Petropoli,  1824-27.     3  v.     4**. 

26. 1603.42 

— GrUttefien  (E.)  Integration  zusammenge- 
setzter  functionen,  nach  der  methode  der 
unbestimmten  coefficienten.  Berlin.  1865. 
8^  26.1600.81 

— Leseur  (T.)  and  Jacquier  (F.)  El6mens  du 
calcul  integral.     Parme,  1768.     2  v.     4". 


—Neumann  (C.)  Vorlesungen  Uber  Riemann's 
theorie  der  ahel'schen  integrale.  Leipzig, 
1865.    8^  26.1604.36 

— Riemann  (B.)  Partielle  differentialgleich- 
ungen,  und  deren  anwendung  auf  physika- 
lische  fragen.  Herausg.  von  K.  Hatten^ 
dorff.  2e  aufi.     Braunschweig,  1876.     8*. 


— Todhunter  (L)  Treatise  on  integral  calculus 
and  its  applications.  Cambridge,  [Eng.], 
1857.     16.  26.1605.29 

—Williamson  (B.)  Elementary  treatise  on  the 
integral  calculus.  2d  ed.  London,  1877. 
16**.  26.1605.36 

The  same.     3d  ed.     London,  1880.     16*. 


—Young  (J.  R.)  Elements  of  the  integral  cal- 
culus.    London,  1831.     18*.     26.1605.43. 

The  same.  Observatory. 

Set,  also^  Definite  intesrals,  DeriTations,  Elliptic 
integ[rals.  Fluxions,  Functions,  Interpolation^ 
Maxima  and  minima.  Variations. 
Note.  Many  important  pa^>ers  oppn  this  mode 
of  mathematical  inquiry,  exist  in  this  library  coq* 
cealed  in  the  collected  worics  of  mathematicians; 
as  Bemouilli,  Leibniu,  Newton.  Many  others- 
have  been  printed  only  in  the  pages  of  the  period- 
icals where  they  first  appeared ;  as  the  Acta  eni- 
ditorum  (^36.3594),  and  the  Transactions  of  the 
Royal  society  of  London.  Part  of  the  controversy 
on  the  invention  of  the  calculus,  may  be  seen  in 
Collins'  Commercium  epLstolicum  (a6. 1600.45),  and 
the  Commercium  mathematicum  of  Leibnitz  and 
Bemouilli^  (35.x 588. 11).  References  to  these  may 
be  found  in  the  article  Infinitesimal  calculus,  of 
the  Encyclopedia  britannica. 

Calderon  de  La  Barca  (Pedro).  3.  1600.  d, 

— Heiberg  (J.  L.)  De  Petro  Calderone  de  La 
Barca  dissertatio.     Hafniae,  1817.     16''. 


— Klein  (J.  L.)  Die  dramen  des  Calderon,  von 
1662  bis  zu  seinem  tode.  Leipzig,  1875. 
8".  v.  II,  2  of  Z9.3131.1 

— TiCKNOR  (G.)  Calderon,  his  life,  dramas,  and 
various  works.,    pp.  346-412. 

V.  2  of  Z7.1041.2 

— Trench  (R.  C.)  Calderon,  his  life  and  genius, 
with  specimens  of  his  plays.  New  York, 
1856.     12%  19.3143.4 

— Ulrici  (H.)  Calderon  in  relation  to  Shake- 
speare,    pp.  464-511.  In  19. 1135.43 

Caldwell  (Charles),     b.  1772.    d,  1853. 

— Autobiography.  With  notes  bv  H.  W. 
Warner.  Philadelphia,  1855.  8  .  4.203.26 

Caldwell  (David),    b,  1725.    d,  1824. 

— Caruthkrs  (E.  W.)  Sketch  of  the  life  of  Rev. 
David  Caldwell.  Greensborough,  1842. 
8*^.  4.203.27 


—Court  de  G£belin  (A.)  Histoire  civile,  reli- 
gieuse,  et  mythologique  du  calendrier. 
Paris,  1776.     4*.  V.  4  of  2.66.1 

— Holder  (W.)  Discourse  concerning  time,  the 
natural  day,  and  solar  year.  2d  ed.  Lon- 
don, 1 701.     16*.  26. 3643.  a 

— Kastner  (A.  G.)  Beschreibung  eines  runi- 
schen  calendars,     pp.  390-4O9. 

V.  2  of  19.3182. io> 

— Lalande  (J.  J,  L.  de).  Du  calendrier.  pp. 
211-273.  V.  2  of  26.1656.8. 

— Moore  (F.)  Companion  to  Moore's  Alma- 
nack; or,  an  explication  of  the  calendar. 
London,  1776.     16*.  26.1650.1 

\ln  a  vol.  Ittttred  "  Diaries,  etc.,  X776'*J. 





— MUNCKER  (P.)  De  intercalatione  variarum 
gentium  libri  quatuor.  Lugduni  Bata- 
vorum,  1680.     8^  2.2051. 14 

— Philippus  (M.  F.  M.  p.  M.)  Disquisitio  as- 
trononiica  de  correctione  calendarii.  In- 
golsudii,  1699.     140  pp.     s.  4*". 

26.1655.  Box  I 

-Piper  (F.)  Kalendarien  und  martyrologien 
der  Angelsachsen,  so  wie  das  maityro- 
logium  der  herrad  von  Landsperg.  Ber- 
lin, 1862.     8*.  15.2954.29 

— Rassius  (J.)  Calendarium  romanum  aethnicae 
▼etustatis.  Sangalli,i584.  s.  4**.  26.1651. 17 

— Reisch  (L.)  Synoptica  horologii  astronomic! 
expUcatio.  [Obcrdorflf?  1750?].  38  pp.  s. 
4'.  26. 165 1. 17 

— SoLBRiG  (C.  F.)  Ueber  jahrform  und  jahr- 
rechnung:  ein  beitrag  zur  historischen 
chronologic.  Salzwedel,  [1815?].  30  pp. 
s.  4'.  2.58^.11 

— Verrius  Flaccus.  Fastorum  anni  romani 
reliquiae,  ex  tabularum  fragmentis  Prae- 
neste  nuper  effossis  coUectae,  studio  P.  F. 
F[ogginii].     Romae,  1779.     T.     12.758.3 

^The  same.     pp.  315-355.     v.  4  of  12.764. 12 

— VoiGT  (J.  H.)  Colloquium  calendario-graphi- 
cum,  von  vergleich  des  alten  julianischen 
[und  des]  neuen  gregorianischen  calen- 
ders, in  einen  corrigirten  reichs-calender. 
Hamburg,  1668.    102  pp.    s.  4°. 

26.1655.  Box  I 

— Welsch  (G.  H.)  Commentarius  in  Ruzname 
Naurus;  sive,  tabulae  aequinoctiales  novi 
Persarum  .  .  .  anni.  Augustae  Vindeli- 
corum,  1676.     s.  4**.  26.1651. 17 

— Worm  (O.)  Fasti  danici,  universam  tempora 
coroputandi  rationem  antiquitus  in  Dania 
observatam  exhibentes.  Hafniae,  1633. 
r.  10.596.1 

S^f^  oZmt,  Almanacs,  Chronology,  Time. 
N0/f,    The  calendars  of  various  nations  are  dis- 
cussed in  the  opening  volumes  of  the  Art  de  vM- 
fierles  dates. 

Calhoan  (John  Caldwell),     d,  1782.     ^.  1850. 

— jKJtKiNS  (J.  S.)  Life  of  John  Caldwell  Cal- 
houn.    Auburn,  1857.     12°.  4.204.^ 

—Thomas  (J.  P.)  Carolina  tribute  to  Calhoun. 
Columbia,  1857.     8°.  4.204.1 


— Abbot  (H.  L.)  Report  upon  explorations  from 
the  Sacramento  valley  to  the  Columbia 
river,   1855.  v.  6,  pt.  i  of  3. 108. 13 

— Blake  (W.  P.)  Report  of  a  geological  recon- 
naissance in  California,  in  1853.  New 
York,   1858.     4^  29.1818. 13 

— Brace  (C,  L.)  New  west;  or,  California  in 
1867-68.  New  York,  1869.   I6^     3.161.23 

—Bryant  (E.)  What  I  saw  in  California,  1846- 
47.     New  York,  1848.     12*.  3. 161. 21 

The  sanne.     3d  ed.    New  York,  1849.     '2*. 

3. 161. 21 

— COLTON  (W.)  Three  years  in  California, 
[1846-48].  New  York,  1852.  I2^  3. 161.22 

—"Commercial  Herald"  review  of  the  trade 

of  California  and   the   Pacific  coast,  for 

1876.     San  Francisco,  1877.     136  pp.     8**. 

28.1797.  Box  I 

— Cronise  (T.  F.)  Natural  wealth  of  California, 
comprising  history,  geography,  and  com- 
merce. San  Francisco,  1868.  1.  8^  3.161.6 

— Dall  (C.  H.)  My  first  holiday;  or,  letters 
home  from  Colorado,  Utah,  and  Califor- 
nia, [1880].  Boston,  1881.    I6^     3. 161. 16 

— Dana  (R.  H.)  Two  years  before  the  mast. 
[AfUfn,]  New  York,i842.  18°.  32.2030.21 

— Forbes  (A.)  California:  a  history  of  upper 
and  lower  California,  comprising  an  ac- 
count of  the  climate,  commerce,  etc. 
London,  1839.     8°.  3. 161. 14 

— Fremont  0-  C.)  Report  of  the  exploring  ex- 
pedition to  the  Rocky  Mountains,  Oregon, 
and  north  California,  1842-44.  Washing, 
ton,  1845.     8'.  3.104.2 

— Gift  (G.  W.)    Something  about  California: 
Marin  county,  and  the  sanatarium  of  San 
Rafael.     San  Rafael,  1875.     32  pp.     8"*. 
28.1797.  Box  I 

— Greeley  (H.)  An  overland  journey  from 
New  York  to  San  Francisco,  in  1859. 
New  York,  i860.     I2\  3. 161. 18 

— Hittel(J.  S.)  Resources  of  California.  San 
Francisco,  1863.     12'*.  3.161.15 

The  same.    6th  ed.     San  Francisco,   1874. 

p.  8^  3.161.15 

— Kneeland  (S.)  Wonders  of  the  Yosemite 
valley,  and  of  California.  3d  ed.  Boston, 
1872.     1.  8^  3-161.7 

— Letts.(J.  M.)  California  illustrated,  [1849- 
50].  4th  thousand.  New  York,  1853. 
8^  3.161.13 

—Mayer  (E.  B.)  State  of  California,  pp.  367- 
399.  V.  2  of  3.123.2 

— Message  from  the  president  of  the  United 
States,  transmitting  information  on  Cali- 
fornia and  New  Mexico.  Washington,. 
1850.     8^ 

[United  States:  House,  Executive  documenU,  3x8t 
congress,  xst  session,  v.  5]. 

— NORDHOFF  (C.)  California:  for  health,  pleas- 
ure, and  residence.  New  York,  1874. 
8^  3.161.12 

Northern  California,  Oregon,  and  the  Sand- 
wich Islands.     New  York,  1875.     8°. 

3. 161. 1 1 

— Parke  (J.  G.)  Report  of  explorations  from 
San  Francisco  bay  to  Los  Angeles,  west 
of  the  coast  range,  1854-55.    42  pp. 

V.  7,  pt.  I  of  3. 108. 13 

— Taylor  (B.)  El  dorado;  or,  adventures  in  the 
path  of  empire,  [1849].  i8th  ed.  New 
York,  i860.     12**.  3.161.24 


—Taylor  (B.  F.)  Between  the  gates,  [1878]. 
8th  ed.     Chicago,  1880.     12*.       3. 161. 25 

— TUTHILL  (F.)  History  of  California.  San 
Francisco,  1866.     8*.  3. 161. 10 

— Whitney  (J.  D.)  Geological  survey  of  Cali- 
fornia. Vol.  I.  Report  of  progress, 
1860-64.  Philadelphia,  1865.  4**.  29.1814.9 

— Williams  (A.)  Pioneer  pastorate.  San  Fran- 
cisco, 1879.     8^  3. 162. 1 

— Williamson  (R.  S.)  Report  of  explorations 
in  California,  near  the  thirty-fifth  and 
thirty-second  parallels,    1853.     43  pp. 

V.  5.  pt.  1  of  3. 108. 13 

—Woods  (D.  B.)  Sixteen  months  at  the  gold 
diggings,  [1849-50].  New  York,  185 1. 
'<»*  3. 161. 20 

ion,  Indians,  Pacific 


See,  also.  Chinese  immii 

See^  also,  Chinese  immignUion,  Indians,  Pacdic 
slope,  San  Francisco,  Sierra  Nevada,  Yosemite 





Canfomia,  Lower.     Sef  Lower  California. 

Caliphs  (Khalifah,  smetesaan  of  Mnhammrd). 

— »B4Ti>iTff-Boin  (G.  B.)  Storia  delle  relazioni 
Ticendevoli  deir  Europa  e  dell'  Asia,  dalla 
•decadenza  di  Roma,  fino  alia  distruzione 
"del  califato.     Firenze.  1837.     2  v.     4**. 

vv.  3,  4  of  XX. 697. 16 
Set,  also,  Bagdad,  Saracens. 

Calisthenics.     Se^  Gymnastics. 

Callimachns,  d.  240  b.c. 

— Arnaud  (G.  d').  Animadversiones  ad  Calli- 
machum.     pp.  5^5.  14.2855.23 

— DiLTHEY  (C.)  De  Callimacbi  Cydippa.  Lip- 
siae,  1863.    8*.  1^.884. 13 

— Naeke  (A.  F.)  [Prolegomena  in]  Callimachi 
Hecalen.     Bonnae,  1845.     8  .     14.884.14 

— PoHL  (G.)  Ad  Callimachi  hymnos,  et  ad 
graeca  illorum  scholia  parisiensium  codi- 
cum  duonim  variae  lectiones.  Posen, 
i860.     24  pp.     4**.  X4.866.  Box2 

— Schneider  (O.)  De  Callimachi  operum  tabula 
quae  extat  apud  Suidam  commentatio. 
Gotha,  1862.     16  pp.     4"*.    X4.866.  Box2 

Callinus.    640  b.c.  ? 

— Franck  (J.  V.)  Callinus;  sive,  de  origine 
carminis  elegiaci  tractatio.  Altonae,i8i6. 
8\  14-914.24 


— Chappe  d'Auteroche  (J.)  Revolution  des 
Calmouks-Zongores  en  1757.  De  leur 
religion  ei  mythologie.     pp.  290-314. 

V.  I  of  XO.608.3 

— De  Quincey  (T.)  Flight  of  a  Tartar  tribe, 
[1771].     pp.  210-284.       V.  I  of  2X.1304.1 

— HoMMAiRE  DE  Hell  (X.)  History  and  re- 
ligion of  the  Kalmucks. 

pp.  221-263  of  XX. 691. 5 
See,  also,  Tartars. 

Caloric.     See  Heat. 

Calvert  {Sir  George),     b,  1582.     d,  1632. 

—Mayer  (E.  B.)  Calvert  and  Penn;  or,  the 
growth  of  civil  and  religious  liberty  in 
America.  Baltimore,  1852.  16".    6.363.28 

Calvert  (Leonard),     b.  1606.     d.  1647. 

— BURNAP  (G.  W.)  Life  of  Leonard  Calvert, 
pp.  1-229.  V.  X9  of  3.138^1.6 

See^  also,  Maryland. 

Calvin  (John),     b.  1509.    d.  1564. 

— AUDIN  (J.  M.  V.)  Histoire  de  la  vie,  des 
ouvrages  et  des  doctrines  de  Calvin,  se 
6d.   Paris,i85o.  2  v.  in  i.   I8^  31.1950. 14 

— BizE  (T.  de).  Life  of  John  Calvin.  Tr.  by 
F.  Sibson.  With  notes  by  an  American 
editor.  Philadelphia,  1836.  12".  31. 1950. 13 

— Froude  (J.  A.)  Calvinism.  New  York,  1871. 
16°.  22.1390.59 

The  same.     48  pp.  21. 1306.7 

—GuizoT  (F.  P.  G.)  Saint  Louis  and  Calvin. 
London,  [1870].     16*.  8.483.39 

—Henry  (P.)  Life  and  times  of  John  Calvin. 
From  the  German  by  H.  Stebbing.  New 
York,  1851-52.     2  V.     8**.  31. 1952.9 

The  same.     New  York,   1854.     2  v.   in   i. 

8^  3X. 1952.8 

— Kampschulte  (F.  W.)  Johann  Calvin:  seine 
kirche  und  sein  staat  in  Genf.  Leipzig, 
1869.     8^  31.1951.8 

—Merle  D'AuBiCNfe  (J.  H.)  Calvin's  early 
Struggles,  studies,  and  conversion,  pp. 
381-402.  V.  I  of  3X.  195 1. 21 

— TwxKDiK  <W.  K.)  Calvin  and  Scrvetus. 
EcBnburgh,  1846.     16**.  3X.  1950. 16 

Camaroons  Mountains,  {western  Africa), 

—Burton  (R.  F.)  Abeokuta  and  the  Camaroons 
Mountains.     London,  1863.     2  v.  p.  8''. 

XX. 654.11 


— Feer  (L.y    Etudes  cambodgiennes:  la  collec- 
tion hennecart  de  la  bibliothdque  nation- 
[Joumal  asiatique,  je  s^r.,  v.  9]. 

Cambridge,  {England), 

—Metcalfe  (W.)  New  Cambridge  guide.  2d 
ed.     Cambridge,  [Eng.],  1868.       5.273.6 

Railway  traveller's  walk  through  Cambridge. 

5th  ed.     Cambridge,  [Eng. J,  1873.     16^. 
No.  37  of  5.273. II 

Cambridge  uniyersity. 

— Bristed  (C.  a.)  Five  years  in  an  English 
university.     New  York,  1852.     2  v.     12'. 


— Cambridge  universitv  calendar  for  1875. 
Cambridge,  [Eng.j,  1875.  12**.  Art  room. 

— Classical  examinations;  or,  a  selection  of 
the  question  papers  [proposed]  in  the 
university  of  Cambridge.  Cambridge, 
[Eng.],  1830.     8*.  24,1495.6 

The    same.     Second    series.      Cambridge, 

[Eng.],  1831.     8\  24.1495.6 

—Cooper  (C.  H.)  and  (T.)  Athenae  cantabri- 
gienses,  1500-1609.  Cambridge,  1858-61. 
2v.     8^  6.338/2.1 

— Drury(H.)  ArundinesCami;  sive,  musarum 
cantabrigiensium  lusus  canori.  Ed.  3a, 
Cantabrigiae,  1846.     8^  18.1052.6 

— Dyer  (G.)  History  of  the  university  and  col- 
lege of  Cambridge.  London,  18 14.  2  v. 
8\  24.149511 

—Everett  (W.)  On  the  Cam.  Lectures  on 
the  university  of  Cambridge,  in  England. 
Cambridge,  [Mass.],  1865.  16".  24.1494.22 

— Gradus  ad  Cantabrigiam ;  or,  new  university 
guide  to  colloquial,  or  cant  terms.  By  a 
brace  of  Cantabs.  [Ancn.]  London, 
1824.     8".  24.1495.8 


— Hartshorne  (C.  H.)  Book  rarities  in  the 
university  of  Cambridge.  London,  1829. 
8**.  16.9^2.10 

— History  (A)  of  the  university  of  Cambndge, 
its  colleges,  halls,  and  public  buildings. 
[Anon.]  London,  1815.  2  v.  4".  24.1498.7 

— Le  Keux  (J.)  Memorials  of  Cambridge:  a 
series  of  views,  with  descriptive  accounts 
by  T.  Wright  and  ii.  L.  Jones.  London, 
1841-42.     2v.     8**.  24. 1495. Q 

— Mill  (J.  S.)  Prof.  Sedgwick's  discourse  on 
the  studies  of  the  university  of  Cambridge, 
pp.  121-185.  V.  I  of  21. 1314.24 

— Report  of  her  majesty's  commissioners,  ap- 
pointed to  inquire  into  the  state  of  the 
university  of  Cambridge:  with  the  evi- 
dence.    London,  1852.     f^       24.1498.14 

— Romilly  (J.)  Graduati  cantabrigienses,  ab 
anno  1760  ad  1846.  Cantabrigiae,  1846. 
8".  16.1003.6 

— Sedgwick  (A.)  Discourse  on  the  studies  of 
the  university.  4th  ed.  Cambridge, 
[Eng.],  1835.     p.  8^  24.1492.14 

— Smith  (J.  J.)  Cambridge  portfolio.  London, 
1840.     2  V.     4^  24.1498.1^ 





— Socius.  i^sfudtm,)  Facetiae  cantabrigieiises. 
3d  ed.     London,  1836.     16".     24.1494.26 

— Wainewright  (L.)  Literary  and  scientific 
pursuits  which  are  encouraged  in  the  uni- 
versity of  Cambridge.    London,  18 15.  8°. 


Cambridge,  {Massachusetts). 

Harvard  college, 

— Catalogue  of  the  library  of  Harvard  col- 
lege. [By  B.  Peirce].  Cambridge,  1830- 
34.     3v.  in4.     8^  16.1003.5 

^Thesame.     First  supplement.     Cambridge, 

1834.     8^  16.1003.5 

— QuiNCY  (J.)  The  history  ot  Harvard  univer- 
sity.    Boston,  i860.  2  V.  1.  8"*.  24.1496.7 

— Sibley  (J.  L.)  Biographical  sketches  of  grad- 
uates of  Harvard  university,  1642-1677. 
Cambridge,  1873-81.     2  v.     8'.    4.i98a.2 

— Vaille  (F.  O.)  and  Clark  (H.  A.)  The  Har- 
vard  book.  .  .  .  Cambridge,  [Mass.], 
1875.     2  v.    L4^  24.1498.7 

Harvard  observatory, 
— Bond  (W.  C.)    History  and  description  of 
[Harvard]      observatory.        Cambridge, 
[Mass.],     1856.    4**.  Observatory. 


.  rlaxvard  obeervatoiv  annals;  v.  z,  pt.  xl. 
— Pickering  (E.  C.)    Annual  report  of  the  di- 
rector of  Harvard   college  observatory. 
Cambridge,  [Mass.],  1877-80.    2  v.      8°. 

Mount  Auburn. 
— Bigelow  (J.)    A  history  of  the  cemetery  of 

Mount  Auburn.    B<^ton,  i860.     16°. 

Camden  (William),    b,  1551.    d.  1623. 
— Lawrence  (E.)    William  Camden,     pp.  164- 

189.  V.  I  of  6.347.6 

— Marsh  (G.  P.)    The  camel.  28.3733-1 

\Jn  Smithsonian  report,  1854,  pp.  98-iaa]. 

Cameos.     See  Gems. 

Cameron  (Sir  Ewen).    b,  1629.     d,  17 19. 

— Drummond  (J.)  Memoirs  of  sir  Ewen  Came- 
ron of  Locheill,  chief  of  the  clan  Came- 
ron. [Ed.  by  J.  Macknight].  Edinburgh, 
1842.     4".  6.336.18 

Cameroons  Mountains.    See  Camaroons. 

Camisards.    See  Huguenots. 

Camoens  (Luis  de).    b.  1524.    d.  1579. 

— Mickle  (W.  J.)  Life  of  Luis  de  Camoens. 
pp.  260-281.  V.  I  of  18.3052.7 

—Montgomery  (J.)  and  others.  Camoens.  pp. 
295-333.  V.  3  of  12.738^.12 

—  -The  same.  32. 2012.  i 

Campagna  o(  Rome. 

— Canina  (L.)  Campag^a  romana  esposta  nello 
stato  antico  e  moderno.  [Roma],  1845. 
folded  8^  12.736.5 

— PiALB  (L.)  Pianta  della  campagna  romana. 
Roma,  1855.     folded  12".  12.735.24 

Se*t  mis0^  Rome. 

Campbell  (Alexander),    b.  1788.    d.  1866. 

—Richardson  (R.)  Memoirs  of  Alexander 
Campbell,  [with]  a  view  of  the  religious 
reformation  he  advocated.  Philadelphia, 
i86S-7a     2  V.     8".  4.204.3 

Casq^bell  (Archibald),  9/^  earl  of  Argyle.    d. 

— Hume  (Sir  P.)    Narrative  of  the  expedition  of 

the  earl  of  Argyle,  1685.     London,  1809. 

4^  5.308.14 

Campbell  (John),  2d  duke  of  Argyle.    b,  1678. 

d.  1743. 

— Campbell  (R.)  Life  of  John,  duke  of  Ar- 
gyle.    London,  1745.     8*.  6.341. 18 

Campbell  (John  McLeod).    b.  1800.    d.  1872. 

— Memorials,  being  selections  from  his  corres- 
pondence. Ed.  by  D.  Campbell.  Lon- 
don, 1877.     2  V.     p.  8°.  6.344.6 

Campbell  (Thomas),     b.  1777.    d.  1844. 

— Beattie  (W.)  Life  and  letters  of  Thomas 
Campbell.  London,  1849.  3  v.  8*.  6.344.5 

— Redding  (C.)  Literary  reminiscences  of 
Thomas  Campbell.  London,  i860.  2  v. 
p.  8^  6.344.4 

Camper  (Peter),    b.  1722.    d.  1789. 
— Jardine  {Sir  W.)    Memoir  of  Camper,     pp. 
17-82.  V.  21  of  27. 1667. 1 

Campion  (Edmund),    b.  1540.    d.  1581. 
— Simpson  (R.)    Edmund  Campion:  a  biogra- 
phy.    London,  1867.     8".  6.344.7 

Campistron  (Jean  Gualbert  de).    b.  1656.    d. 

1723.  , 

— Alembert  (J.  L.  d*).  Eloge  de  Campistron. 
pp.  193-225.  V.  8  of  8.500.2 


— ScHELE  (R.  H.)  Hygini  et  Polybii,  de  castris 
romanis,  quae  exstant.  Cum  notis  atque 
dissertationibus.    Amstelodami,  1660.    s. 

4^  13.793.20 

— Stevin  (S.)  Castram6tation  descrite  selon 
I'usage  de  Maurice  de  Nassau.  Ley  den, 
1618.    r.  30.3878.3 

5V#,  alsc^  Fortification. 

Canada.     Description,  residence,  and  travels. 

— Alexander  {Sir  J.  E.)  L'Acadie;  or,  seven 
years'  explorations  in  British  America, 
[1841-47].     London,  1849.     2  v.     12*. 


— BONNYCASTLE  {Sir  R.  H.)  Canada,  and  the 
Canadians.  New  ed.  London,  1849. 
2  V.  in  I.     18*.  3. 1 13. 10 

— Census  of  Canada.  1870-71.  [Par  J.  C.  Tach6]. 
Ottawa,  1873.     2  V.     8°.  3.113.2 

— Geological  survey  of  Canada.  Reports  of 
progress,  1853-56,  1866-69.  Toronto, 
1857,  and  Montreal,  1870.     2  v.     8**. 

29.1812. 1,  29.1812.8 

— Haliburton  (T.  C.)  Bubbles  of  Canada. 
[Anon.]     London,  1839.     8*.  3.1134 

— Heriot  (G.)  Travels  through  the  Canadas. 
London,  1807.     4^  3- 113. 1 

— Jameson  (A.  M.)  Winter  studies  and  summer 
rambles  in  Canada,  [1836-38].  London, 
1839.     3  V.     I2^  3.115.2 

The  same.     New  York,  1839.     2  v.     12**. 


— Marshall  (C.)  Canadian  dominion.  Lon- 
don, 1871.     8".  3.113.9 

— Martin  (R.  M.)  [British]  possessions  in 
North  America,     pp.  145-272.        3.105.2 

— Ogden  (J.  C.)  Tour  through  upper  and  lower 
Canada,  [1794?]  2d  ed.  Wilmington, 
1800.     12  .  2.2031.  II 





— Rae  (W.  F.)  Columbia  and  Canada,  [1876]. 
2d  ed.     New  York,  1879.     8\        3.104.8 

Newfoundland     to    Manitoba.     [1880-81]. 

New  York.  1881.     I6^  3.115.8 

— Saugrain  (C.  M.)  Dictionnaire  universel  de 
la  Nouvelle  France.  v.  3  of  7.388.1 

— SiLLiMAN  (B.)  Tour  from  Hartford  to  Que- 
bec, in  1819.     New  Haven,  1820.     12  . 


— SwEETSER  (M.  F.)  Maritime  provinces:  a 
guide  to  the  coasts  of  Canada.  Boston, 
1875.     16".  3. 1 1 3.24 

—Traill  (C.  P.)  Backwoods  of  Canada, [1832- 
34].     [Anon.]  London.  1836.  I8^   1.11.2 

Historical  memoirs, 

—Franklin  (B.)  Interest  of  Great  Britain  con- 
sidered, with  regard  to  her  colonies  and 
the  acquisitions  of  Canada  and  Guada- 
loupe.     53  pp.  V.  4  of  4.235. 1 

— Head  {Sir  F.  B.)  Narrative  [of  his  adminis- 
tration   in    Canada,  1835-38].     London, 

1839.  8".  3.II3-7 
— M^MOIRES  sur  le  Canada,  depuis  1749  jusqu'^ 

1760,  par  S—  de  C— .  \Anon^  Qu6bec, 
1873.     8^  3- "3. 5 

— Murray  (H.)  Historical  and  descriptive  ac- 
count of   British  America.     New  York 

1840.  2  V.     18**.  3. 113. 26 

The  same.  32.2030.17 

— Parkman  (F.)    Count  Frontenac.  and   New 

France  under  Louis  xiv.,  [1672-1701]. 
Boston,  1877.     8\  3. 1 13.  II 

Old  regime  in  Canada,  [1643-1763].  Bos- 
ton, 1874.     8".  3. 113. 12 

Samuel  de  Champlain  and  his  associates, 

[1542-1635].     pp.  163-420.       .     3.113.13 

— Quebec  literary  and  historical  society. 
Manuscripts  relating  to  the  early  history 
of  Canada.  2d  and  4th  series.  Quebec, 
1866-75.     2v.     8^  3.115.23 

Third  scries  of  historical  documents.  Que- 
bec. 1871.    8\  3.113.6 

—Relations  des  J6suites  dans  la  Nouvelle 
France,  [161 1-79].  Qu6bec,  1858.  4  v. 
8^  3.115.1 

— Warburton  (G.)  Conquest  of  Canada.  [Anon.] 
New  York,  1850.     2  v.     12*.  3. 115. 6 

Hochelaga;  or,  England  in  the  new  world, 

t 1 844-47.  Anon.]  Ed.  by  E.  Warburton. 
.ondon,  1846.     2  v.     18.  '3.113.14 

Sef,  a/so,  Abnaqui  Indians,  British  America, 
British  Columbia,  Fur  trade,  Hudson's  Bay  terri- 
tory, Labrador,  Lakes  of  North  America,  Mani- 
toba, Montreal,  Newfoundland,  Nova  Scotia, 
Quebec,  St.  Lawrence  River,  United  Sutes 
{jF'reiicA  attd  Indimn  war). 


— Chapman  (W.)  Observations  on  the  various 
systems  of  canal  navigation.  London, 
1797-     4**.  26.3626.6 

—Debauve  (A.)    Des  canaux. 

V.  19,  pt.  2  of  26.1625.5 

The  same.     At/as.     4". 

V.  19,  pt.  2  of  26.1628.25 

— Frisi  (P.)     Essay  on  navigable  canals.     Tr. 

by  J.  Garstin.     pp.  149-184.       26.3627.4 

The  same.     New  cd.     pp.  181-226. 

— Fulton  (R.)  Treatise  on  the  improvement 
,         of  canal  navigation.     London,  1796.     4**. 


— Jackson  (L.  D.)  Canal  and  culvert  tables. 
London,  1878.     8^  26. 3626.  i& 

—Phillips  (J.)  General  history  of  [our]  inland 
navigation.     London,  1792.     4**.    5.266.6 

— Tanner  (H.  S.)  Descriptions  of  the  canals 
and  railroads  of  the  United  States.  New 
York,  1840.     8\  26.1635.9 

Stty  mUo^  Atrato  •hip<aiial,  Darien  ship-canal, 
Ganc^es  canal,  Interoceanic  communication,  Nica- 
rmfoia  canal.  North  sea  canal,  Ourcq  river,  Pana- 
ma canal,  Suez  canal,  Tehuantepec  ca^ial. 
AUo^  Enj^ineering,  Hydraulics,  Water  supply,  of 
various  cities. 

N0t9.  The  catalofifue  of  the  public  library  of 
Boston,  in  its  article  United  Sutes^  refers  to  the 
names  of  many  canals,  considered  in  the  legisla* 
tion  of  congress  as  objects  of  appropriation. 

Canary  Islands. 

— Abreu  de  Galineo  (J.  de).  History  of  the  dis- 
covery and  conquest  of  the  Canary  Is- 
lands: from  a  Spanish  manuscript.  [With] 
a  description  of  the  islands,  including 
modem  history,  by  G.  Glas.  London » 
1764.     4^  zz.666.9 

— Conquest  of  the  Grand  Canaries,  by  shippcs 

of  the  United  Provinces,  1599.     [Anon  ] 

PP-  353-366  of  2.48.8 

— Murray  (E.)  An  artist's  life  In  the  Canary 
Islands,  [1832-48].  London,  1859.  2  v. 
8*.  10.625.2 

Sggy  aisp^  Atlantic  islands,  Teneriffe. 


— Gamet  (J.  M.)  Th6orie  nouvelle  sur  les 
maladies  canc6reuses,  nerveuses,  et  autres 
affections  du  m^me  genre.  le  partie. 
Paris,  1772.     8*.  29.3831.  lo 

Candia.     See  Crete. 

CandoUe  (Augustin  Pyramus  de).     b.  1778.    d. 

— Buek(H.  W.)  Genera  candolleana;  seu,  index 

ad  A.  P.  de  CandoUe  Prodromum  regni 

vegetabilis.     Berolini,  1840-74.     4  v.  in  2. 

8°.  28.1732.16 

— Flourens  (M.  J.  P.)    Memoir  of  Pyramus  de 

CandoUe.     Tr.  by  C.  A.  Alexander. 

[Smithsonian  report,  1859,  PP*  37>-383]. 

Canitz  (Friedrich  Rudolf  Ludwig),  baron  von.  b. 
1654.     d.  1699. 

— Varnhagen  von  Ense  (C.  A.  L.  P.)  Freiherr 
Friedrich  von  Canitz.     pp.  1 17-168. 

v.  10  of  9.556.5 

Canning  (George),     b.  1770.     d.  1827. 

— Memoir  of  the  right  hon.  George  Canning. 
[Anon.]  pp.  7-104  of  1. 10.27 

— Stapleton  (A.  G.)  George  Canning,  and  his 
times.     London,  1859.     8".  6. 344. 11 

Political  life  of  George  Canning,  from  1822 

to  1827.  2d  ed.  London,  1831.  3  v. 
8*.  6.344.10 

Cannon.     See  Ordnance. 

Canon  law.     See  Law,  (Canon), 

Canopus,  {inscription  at). 

— Lepsius  (C.  R.)  Das  bilingue  dekret  von  Ka- 
nopus,  mit  Ubersetzung  und  erklHrung 
beider  texte.  ler  theil.  Berlin,  1866.  36 
pp.     8  pi.     V.  1 1.647. 1 

— Sharpe  (S.)  The  decree  of  Can  opus,  in  hier- 
oglyphics and  Greek,  and  an  explanation. 
London,  1870.  12  pp.  16  pi.  120  pp. 
8'.  11.646.191 





Canova  (Antonio),    b,  1757.     d,  1822. 

— CicoGNARA  (L.)    Biographical  memoir,     pp. 

i-xL  V.  I  of  30.1896.12 

— Memes  (J.  S.)    Memoirs  of  Antonio  Canova. 

Edinburgh,  1825.     8**.  13.725.10 


— Epistolae  cantuarienses,  1187-1199.   [Afum.] 
Ed.  by  W.  Stubbs.    London,  1865.     8'. 
V.  2  of  5.2295.2 

— Guide  to  Canterbury  and  the  cathedral,  with  a 
map  of  the  city.  [Anon.]  Canterbury, 
[1880].    68  pp.    I6^     No.  23i  of  5. 273. 1 1 

— Stanley  (A.  P.)  Historical  memorials  of 
Canterbury.  6th  ed.  London,  1872. 
i6%  5-2735 

— Thomas,  of  Elmham,  Historia  monasterii  S. 
Augustini  cantuariensis.  Ed.  by  C.  Hard- 
wick.  .  .  .  London,  1858.  8'.  5.2304. 11 
St*^  ai*0^  Becket  (Thomas  a). 

Canton.    (Kwang-chow  Foo). 

— Gray  {Mrs,  J.  H.)  Fourteen  months  in  Can- 
ton, [1877-73].     London,  1880.     16*. 


Canute,  {king  of  England),     b,  995.     d,  1035. 

— CNUToms  regis  g^sta;  sive,  encomium  Emmae 
reginae.     [Anon,]    pp.  509-525- 

V.  19  of  9.528.1 

Caoutchouc,  {India  rubber). 

—Caoutchouc  and  gutta-percha.  [Anon.]  Tr. 
from  the  **  Aus  der  Natur."  38.3733.1 
[/«  Smithsonian  report,  1864,  pp.  ao6-3ao]. 

— Maigne  (W.)  Nouveau  manuel  du  fabricant 
d'objcts  en  caoutchouc.  Paris,  1880.  2 
V.  in  I.     24*.  30.1870.40 

Cape  Ann,  {in  Massac husetis). 

— THOR.NTON  (J.  W.)    landing  dt  Cape  Anne. 

With  a  history  of  the  colony,  1624-1628. 

Boston,  1854.     8'.  4. 173. 12 

Cape  Colour,  or  Cape  of  Good  Hope. 

— Barnard  {lady  A.  L.)  Extracts  from  the  jour- 
%Dal  of  a  residence  at  the  Cape  of  Good 
Hope.  [1797-98].     pp.  369-476. 

V.  3  of  6.356.16 

— Le  Vaillant  (F.)  Travels  in  the  interior  dis- 
tricts of  Africa,  1780-S5.     pp.  I-175. 

V.  21  of  3.2030.1 

—Martin  (R.  M.)    Cape  of  Good  Hope. 

pp.  473-497  of  3.105.2 

— Napier  (E.  E.)  Excursions  in  southern  Africa, 
[1846-47!,  including  a  history  of  the  Cape 
colony.  London,  1849.  2  v.  I2\  z  1.662.25 

—Ten  Rhyne  (W.)  Account  of  the  Cape  of 
Good  Hope,  and  the  Hottentotes,  1673. 
pp.  829-845.  V.  4  of  3.58.4 

— Theal  (G.  M.)  Compendium  of  the  history 
and  geography  of  South  Africa.  Londoii, 
1878.     2v.ini.     8*.  XI. 662.7 

S€*^  alsoy  Africa,  {Southtrti). 

Capel  (Arthur,  baron),     b.  1603.     d.  1649. 

—Lewis  {lady  M.  T.  L.  V.)  Life  ot  Arthur,  lord 
Capell.     pp.  247-304,  1-279. 

vv.  I,  2  of  6.338^.3 

Cml  (Arthur),  earl  of  Essex,     d.  1683. 

—Enquiry  into  the  barbarous  murther  of  the 
late  earl  of  Essex.  [Anon.  London], 
1684.     8.  4%  6.351.3 

Capital.    See  Political  economy. 

Capital  panisliment. 

— Cheever  (G.  B.)  Punishment  by  death:  its 
authority  and  expediency.  New  York, 
1842.     I2\  34.1474.39 

— Mittermaier  (J.  C.  A.)  Capital  punishment. 
[Tr.  andj  ed.  by  J.  M.  Moir.  London, 
1865.     16''.  34.1474.41 

— Punishment  of  death.  Articles  from  the 
Morning  Herald.  [Anon,]  London,  1836- 

37.    2v.    I2^  34.1474.43 

See^  aito^  Punishments. 

Note.  Victor  Hufifo^s  novel,  "Claude  Gueux: 
the  last  day  of  a  coudemned  man,'*  is  a  powerful 
plea  in  favoi  of  the  abolition  of  capital  punish- 

Capponi  (Niccol6).    b.  1484.    d.  1539. 

— tSegni  (B.)  Vita  di  Niccol6  Capponi.  pp.  271- 

378.  [Classici  italiani]. 

Captivity.     See  Prison  discipline,  Prison  life. 
Capachins.     See  Franciscan  order. 
Caracci  family.     See  Carracci. 
Caraffa  £Eunily. 
— Reumont  (A.  von).     Carafas  of  Maddaloni: 

Naples  under  Spanish  dominion.     From 

the  German.     London,  1854.     p.  8°. 

Caraffa  (Anna),  princess  of  Stigliano,     b,  about 

1610.     d.  1645. 
—St.    John  (H.  R.)    Court  of  Anna  Carafa, 

[1630-45].    London,  1872.    8'.     13. 732.1 
Caraffa  (Livia  Doria).     b.  1745.     d.  1779. 
— Prose,  e  verse  per  onorare  la  memoria  di 

Livia  Doria  Caraffa.      [Anon,      Parma, 

1784].     4^.  18.3050.19 

Carausias  (Marcus  Aurelius  Valerius).     </.  293. 
— De  Peyster  (J.  W.)    History  of  Carausius. 

Poughkeepsie,  1858.  8'*.  Art  room.  B.3.14 
Cardano  (Girolamo).    b,  1501.    d.  1576. 
— MoRLEY  (H.)     Jerome  Cardan.     The  life  of 

Girolamo  Cfardano  of   Milan,  physician. 

London,  1854.     2  v.     12**.  12.724. 10 

— Bargrave  (J.)    Pope  Alexander  the  seventh, 

and  the  college  of  cardinals.  Ed.  by  J.  C. 

Robertson.  London,  1867.  s.  4**.    5.316.  i 
— Williams  (R.  F.)    Lives  of  the  English  cardi- 
nals.   London,  1868.    2  v.    8°.     6.338^.10 

5>r,  also^  Popes. 
Cards,  {playing). 
— Chatto  (W.  a.)    Facts  and  speculations  on 

the  origin  and  history  of  playing  cards. 

London,  1848.     8**.  17. 1027.6 

— Taylor  (E.  S.)    History  of  playing  cards. 

London,  1865.     16**.  17.1027.25 

Carew  {Sir  Peter),     b.  15 14.     d.  1575. 
— Vowell,  or  Hooker  (J.)    Lyffe  of  sir  Peter 

Carewe,  who  dyed  1575.     pp.  96-151. 

v.  28  of  5.2296.1 
Carey.    See  Cary. 
Caribs,  {natives  of  the  West  Indies), 
— Sheldon  (W.)     Brief  account  of  the  Caraibs, 

who  inhabited  the  Antilles,     pp.  365-433. 
V.  I  of  4. 173. 1 
— Parton  (J.)    Caricature,  and  other  comic  art. 

New  York,  1877.     8*-     Art  room.  B.3.22 
—Wright  (T.)     History  of  caricature  and  gro- 
tesque in   literature  and  art.      London, 

[1865].     8^  Art  room.  A.3.18 





Carisbrooke  castle,  (^IsU  of  }Vight\ 

— Stratton  (W.  T.)  Guide  to  Carisbrooke  cas- 
tle.    Newport,  1880.     23  pp.     8**. 

No.  3  of  5.273. 11 

Carlaverock  castle,  {Dumfriesshire,  Scotland). 

— Siege  of  Carlaverock,  a.d.  1300;  with  a  his- 
tory of  the  castle  by  N.  H.  Nicolas. 
[AnonJ]     London,  1828.     4*.      18. 1076.5 

CmiXos^  {prince  of  Spain),     b.  1545.     d.  1568. 

— Helfferich  (A.)  Don  Carlos  von  Spanien. 
[Leipzig,  1859].     18*.  10.624.21 

—Schiller  (J.  C.  F.  von).  Briefe  fiber  Don 
Cailos.     pp.  265-312.        V.  10  of  9.555.2 

Don    Carlos,    infant    von    Spanien.       Ein 

dramatisches  gedicht.     pp.  1-274. 

V.  3  of  9.555.2 

Carlovingians,  {immediate  successors  of  Charles 

— B5HMER  (J.  F.)  Urkunden  sflmmtlicher  karo- 
linger  in  kurzen  ausziigen.  Frankfurt  am 
Main,  1833.     4*.  9.526.2 

— Eginhard.  Annales,  [741-829.  Ed.]  G.  H. 
Pertz.     Hannoverae,  1854.     loi  pp.     8**. 

The  same.    Annales  des  rois  Pepin,  Charle- 
magne, et  Louis-le-d6bonnaire.     116  pp. 
V.  3  of  8.463.2 
Sets  alto,  France,  {History),  German  empire. 

Carlyle  (Alexander),     b.  1722.    </.  1805. 

— Autobiography.     [Ed.    by  J.    H.    Burton]. 

Boston,  1861.     12'*.  6.344.15 

Carlyle  (Jane  Welsh). 

— Carlyle    (T.)    Reminiscences  of   his    wife, 
pp.  323-510  of  6.338^.14 
Carlyle  (Thomas),     b.  1795.    d.  1881. 
—[Autobiographical]  reminiscences.     Ed.  by 

J.  A.  Froude.     New  York,  1881.     8^ 

6. 338a.  14 
—Bayne  (P.)    Thomas  Carlyle.     199  pp. 

— Conway  (M.    D.)     Thomas  Carlyle.      New 

York,  1881.     12*.  6.344.16 

— Froude  (J.  A.)    Thomas  Carlyle,  .  .  .  1795- 

1835.  New  York,  1882.  2  v.  8°.    6.344.17 
—Greg  (W.   R.)    Kingsley  and  Carlyle.     pp. 

113-145.  31.1306.34 

—Schmidt  (J.)    Thomas  Carlyle.     pp.  80-180. 

16.1005. 3 
— Taine  (H.)      Id6alisme   anglais:    6tude    sur 

Carlyle.     Paris,  1864.     18*.       23.1433.24 
Camot  (Lazare  Nicolas  Marguerite),     b,  1753. 

d.  1823. 
— Arago  (D.  F.  J.)    Carnot.     pp.  511-633. 

V.  I  of  26.1652.8 
The  same.     Carnot.     Tr.  by  W.  H.  Smyth, 

B.  Powell,  and  R.  Grant.     116  pp. 

2d  series  of  8.478^.23 
— Maccall  (W.)     Lazarus  Camot.     pp.   255- 

283.  V.  2  of  8.478^.1 

Caro  (Annibale).    b.  1507.     d,  1566. 
— Lettere.     Colla  vita  dell'  autore  da  A.  F. 

Seghezzi.     Milano,  1807.     3  v.     8''. 

[Classici  italiani]. 
Caroline  Amelia  Elizabeth,  {consort  of  George 

IV.  of  England),     b.  1768.     d.  1821. 
— Brougham  (H.)    Speech  in  defence  of  queen 

Caroline,     pp.  75-200.     v.  9  of  6. 2342. 11 
—Nightingale   (J.)      Memoirs    of    Caroline, 

consort  of  George  the  fourth.     6th  ed. 

London,  1820-22.     3  v.     8%        5.304.20 

Caroline  Matilda,  {consort  of  Christian  vij.  of 
Denmark),     b.  1751.     d.  1775. 

— Smyth  (G.)  Memoirs  of  Caroline  Matilda, 
queen  of  Denmark,    pp.  154-345. 

V.  I  of  6.355.6 

Carracci  family,  16th  century, 

— Bolognini  Amorini  (A.)  Vite  dei  Carracci. 
Bologna,  1840.  88  pp.  8^  30.1916.  Box  I 


— Markland  (J.  H.)  Early  use  of  carriages  in 
England,  and  modes  of  travelling  of  our 
ancestors,    pp.  443-476.  v.  20  of  5.2286.1 

Carter  (Elizabeth),    b.  171 7.    d,  1806. 

— Letters  to  Mrs.  Montagu,  between  1755  and 
1800.  London,  1817.   3  V.    8".     6.2366.18 

— Series  of  letters  between  Mrs.  Carter  and 
Miss  Talbot,  1741-70.  [With]  letters  to 
Mrs.  Vesey,  1763-87.  London,  1809. 
4v.     8".  31.3294.3 

— Pennington  (M.)  Memoirs  of  Mrs.  E.  Car- 
ter, with  her  poems.  2d  ed.  London, 
1808.     2  V.     8*.  6.2362.5 

Cartesian  philosophy.     See  Philosophy. 


— Chateaubriand  (F.  A.  R.  de).  Voyage  de 
Tunis,     pp.  40-73.  V.  8  of  8.506.1 

— Davis  (N.)  Carthage  and  her  remains:  ac- 
count of  excavations  and  researches. 
London,  1861.     8**.  1 1.653.3 

— Heeren  (A.  H.  L.)  Historical  researches 
into  the  politics,  intercourse,  and  trade  of 
the  Carthaginians.  From  the  German. 
2d  ed.     London,  1850.     8^.  11.645. 4 

— Mt^NTER  (F.)  Religion  der  Karthager.  2e 
aufl.     Kopenhagen,  1821.  s.  4**.  1 1.653.6 

— RoDET  (L.)    Sur  les  inscriptions  ph^niciennes 
de  Carthage, 
[journal  asiatique,  6e  b^.,  vv.  12,  13]. 

— Smith  (R.  B.)  Carthage,  and  the  Carthagin- 
ians.    2d  ed.     London,  1879.     p.  8°. 

II. 653.13 

Rome  and   Carthage.      The    Punic    wars. 

[Abridged    from    the  preceding].       New 
York,  [1881].     I6^  12.740.21 

^e^,  aiso,  Punic  language,  Tunis. 
Note.    The  history  of  Carthafire  may  best  be  seen 
in  that  of  Rome,  late  in  the  period  of  the  repub- 

Cartwright  (Thomas),     b.  about  1535.     d,  1603. 

— Brook  (B.)  Memoir  of  the  life  and  writings 
of  Thomas  Cartwright.  London,  1845. 
8^  6.344.20 

Cartwright  (Thomas),  bishop  of  Chester,  b, 
1634.    d.  1689. 

— Diary,  August,  1686-October,  1687.  Lon- 
don, 1843.     s.  4^  6.314.22 

Carving,  {at  table). 

— BoKE  of  keruynge,  ed.  by  F.  J.  Furnivall.  pp. 

261-288.  18. 1072.4 

— Grimod  de  la  ReyniAre  (A.  B.  L.)  Manuel 

des  amphitryons.     [Anon.'\     Paris,  1808. 

8".  30.387320 

Carving,  {of  wood).     See  Engraving,  Sculpture. 

Carvosso  (William),     b.  1750.     d.  1834. 

— Memoir,  written  by  himself,  ed.  by  [B.  Car- 
vosso]. New  York,  1837.  32.6.345.28 

Cary  (Lucius),  viscount  Falkland,  b,  16 10.  d. 
._  1643. 





—Lewis  (lady  M.  T.  L.  V.)  Life  of  Lucius 
Carey,  viscount  Falkland.     246  pp. 

V.  I  of  6. 338a.  3 

Casa  (Giovanni  della).     b,  1503.    d.  1556. 

— Casotti  (G.  B.)    Notizie  intorno  alia  vita  ed 

alle  opere  di  Giovanni  della  Casa.     88  pp. 

[Classici  italianij. 

\Jn  Casa*s  Opcre,  v.  2]. 

Casanbon  (Isaac),    b,  1559.    d.  1614. 

— Greswell  (W.  p.)  Casauboniana.  Oxford, 
1840.     8°.  V.  2  of  17.1027.9 

— NiSARD  (C.)    Isaac  Casaubon.     pp.  309-456. 

17. 1042. 5 

Cashgar.     See  Kashgar. 


—Knight  (W.  H.)  Diary  of  a  pedestrian  in 
Cashmere  and  Thibet,  [i860].  London, 
1863.    V,  11.684.21 

Casimir  v.  (John),  king  of  Poland,  b.  1609. 
d.  1672. 

— Plebanski  (J.  C.)  De  successoris  designandi 
consilio,  vivo  Joanne  Casimiro  Polono- 
mm  rege.    Berolini,  1855.     8*.     xo.603  i 

Caspian  region. 

— Hommaire  de  Hell  (I.  X.  M.)  Travels  in 
the  steppes  of  the  (Caspian  sea,  etc., [1838- 
43].     London,  1847.     8*.  zz.691.5 

—ScHMiCK  (J.  H.)  Aralo-Kaspi-niederung  und 
ihrebefunde.  Leipzig,  1874.  S''.  29.1803.4 
See^  alsoy  Aral,  Ozus. 

Cassano  library. 

— DiBDiN  (T.  F.)  Descriptive  catalogue  of  the 
library  of  duke  di  Cassano  Serra,  now 
the  property  of  earl  Spencer.  London, 
1823.     L  8".  16,1016.3 


— CoLLADON  (L.  T.  F.)  Histoire  naturelle  et 
m^icale  des  casses,  et  particulidrement 
de  [ces]  employes  en  medicine.  Mont- 
pellier,  1816.     4**.  28.1748.23 

Castanis  (Christophorus  Plato).  ^.  1814.  ^. 

— Oreek  exile;  or,  a  narrative  of  his  captivity  on 
the  island  of  Scio,  with  adventures  in 
Greece  and  America.  Philadelphia,  1851. 
16*.  x4.851.22 


— MtLLER  (F.  M.)    Caste,    pp.  295-353. 

V.  2  of  22.1383.33 

Castelar  7  Rissoll  (Emilio).    b.  1832. 

— TowLE  (W.  M.)    Castelar.    pp.  124-153. 


Cast^^lione  (Baldassare),  conU,  b,  1478.  d, 

— Castiguone  (A.  P.)  Vita  del  conte  Baldassar 

Castiglione.    [Italian  and  English].    18  1. 

V.  I  of  23.1462.23 

— Serassi  (P.  A.)  Vita  del  conte  Baldessar 
Castiglione.  pp.xvii-xl.  [Classici  italiani]. 

Castile.     See  Spain. 


—King  (E.)  Observations  on  ancient  castles, 
pp.  364-413.  231-380.  w.  4,  6  of  5.2286.1 

Castrametation.     See  Camps. 

Castriot  (George).     See  Scander-Beg. 

Castfo  (Guillen  de).    b.  1569.    d,  1631. 

—Fox  (H.  R.  V.)    Guillen  de  Castro.     136  pp. 

V.  2  of  zo.624.15 

Cat  tribe,  The  {Felts), 

— MiVART  (S.)  The  cat.  An  introduction  to  the 
study  of  backboned  animals.  London, 
i88i.     8'.  27.1673.16 

Catacombs.     See  Rome. 


—Pi  y  Margall  (F.)  Espafla.  Obra  pinto- 
resca  acompafiada  con  texto.  Barcelona, 
1842.     4"*.  zo.626.2 

Catana,  (i«  Sicily). 

— HouEL  (J.)  Vue  de  Tamphithfeitre  de  Catane. 
Basreliefs  antiques  qui  sont  dans  le  muse- 
um de  Catane.     pp.  1 16-148,  1-20. 

vv.  2,  3  of  12. 718. 1 

Catharine  (j<7iit/,  of  Alexandria),     ^th  centutv. 

— Hardwick  (C.)  Historical  inquiry  touching 
saint  Catharine  of  Alexandria;  [with]  a 
semi-Saxon  legend.    Cambridge,  [Eng.], 

1849.   4^  15-2956.5 

—Legend  (The)  of  St.  Katherine  of  Alexandria. 
Edited.  .  .  by  James  Morton.  London, 
1841.     4*.  x8. 1056. 13 

Catharine  de*  Medici,  {consort  of  Henry  II.  of 
France),     ^.1519.     d.  1589. 

—Balzac  (H.  de).  Sur  Catherine  de  M6dicis. 
Nouvelle  6d.     Paris,  1876.     i6°. 

V.  37  of  20. 1 210. 1 

— Brantome  (P.  de  B.  de).  Catherine  de 
M6dicis.     pp.  158-248.      V.  63  of  8.462.1 

— EsTiENNE  (H.)    Discours  merveilleux  de  la 

vie  de  Catherine  de  M6dicis.    pp.  57-210. 

V.  2  of  7.2420.2 

Catharine  11.,  Alexiowna  (Sophia  Catharina 
Dorothea),  empress  of  Russia,  b.  1729, 
d.  1796. 

—Memoirs.  Written  by  herself.  [Ed.]  by  A. 
Herzen.  From  the  French.  London, 
1859.     p.  S''.  10.604.28 

—Catherine  ii.  and  Voltaire  (F.  M.  A.  de). 
Lettres.     312  pp.  v.  78  of  8.490.1 

Note.    Qu^rard  asserts  that  these  letters  cannot 
be  from  Catharine's  hand. 

—Jameson  (A.  M.)    Catherine  11.    pp.  198-248. 

V.  2  of  32.2010.26 

— Laveaux  (J.  C.  T.)  Histoire  secrete  des 
amours  de  Catherine  11.  [Anon.']  Paris, 
an  VII.  [1798].     8".  V.  3  of  zo.603.19 

— TooKE  (W.)  Life  of  Catharine  II.  ist  Am. 
ed.  Philadelphia,  1802.    2  v.  8*.  10.603.3 


—Bowles  (J.)  Prospects  of  all  the  cathedrals 
of  England  and  Wales.  [In  English  and 
French].     London,  1736.     4".        S.247.3 

— Coney  (J.)  Engravings  of  ancient  cathedrals, 
in  France,  Holland,  Germany,  and  Italy. 
London,  1842.     f°.  Cabinet  1.5.1 

— HowsoN  (J.  S.)  Essays  on  cathedrals.  By 
various  writers.     London,  1872.     8". 

31. 1982.9 

—Lowell  (J.  R.)  The  cathedral;  [a  poem].  Bos- 
ton, 1870.     16**.  17.  II 13. 15 

— Storer  (J.)  History  and  antiquities  of  the 
cathedral  churches  of  Great  Britain.  Lon- 
don, 1814-19.   4  V.  8",  Art  room.  A.2.15 

See,  mUoy  Architecture,  {Gcthic\  {Italy). 
Also.  Canterbury,  Ely,  Glasgow,  Hereford,  Lon- 
don, (5/./'tf«/'*),Man8,  Milan,  l^zxi^^Notre  Damu)^ 
Peterborough,  Salisbury,  Strasburg,  York. 

Catholic  church.     See  Roman  catholic  church. 
Catilina  (Lucius  Sergius).    b.  about  109  B.C.    d. 
62  B.C. 





— Beesly  (E.  S.)  Catiline,  Clodius,  and  Tibe- 
rius,    London.  1878.     8'.  12. 744-1 5 

— Cicero  (M.  T.)  Inveciivarum  in  L.  CatiK- 
nam  Hbri  quatuor.  88  pp.  v.  3  of  13.784.3 

— Sallustius  (C.  C.)  Bellum  catilinarium ;  sive, 
de  conjuratione  Catilinae.     489  pp. 

V.  I  of  12.763.3 

The  same.  History  of  Catiline's  conspiracy. 

Tr.  by  T.  Rose.     pp.  19-93. 

V.  I  of  12.763.20 

Cato  (Marcus  Porcius).     b.  234  B.C.    d,  149  B.C. 

— ^JORDAN  (H.)  Quaestionum  catonianarum 
capita  duo.     Berolini,  1856.     s.  8*. 

[In  M  vol.  Uittrtd  **  Varia  ad  res  el  liitcrai  Ro- 

Cat-stane,  {battle-stone,  Kirkliston,  Scotland). 

— Simpson  (J.  Y.)  The  cat-stane,  Edinburgh- 
shire :  is  it  not  the  tombstone  of  the 
grandfather  of  Hengistand  Horsa?  Edin- 
burgh, 1862.     s.  4^  6.334,8 

Catullas  (Caius  Valerius).  ^.  87  <yr94  B.C.  d. 
about  54  B.C. 

— Davies  (J.)  Catullus,  Tibullus,  and  Propcr- 
tius.     Philadelphia,  1877.     i6\    12.740.7 

— DuNLOP  (J.)  Caius  Valerius  Catullus,  pp. 
454-539.  V.  I  of  17. 1043. 15 

— Ellis  (R.)  Commentary  on  Catullus.  Oxford, 
1876.     8%  x3.782.13 

-^Heinsius  (N.)  Notae  ad  CatuUum.  pp.  633- 
653.  14.2856.7 

Caucasus  mountains. 

— Grove  (F.  C.)  The  **  frosty  Caucasus";  a  walk 
in  1874.  London,  1875.  p.  8^.    11.691.28^ 

— HoMMAiRE  DE  Hell  (L  X.  M.)  Travels  in 
the  steppes  of  the  Caspian  sea,  the  Cau- 
casus, etc.,  [1838-43J.  London.  1847. 
8°.  I1.691.5 

— MoUNSEY  (A.  H.)  Journey  through  the  Cau- 
casus. [1S66].  London.  1872.  8*.    XI. 691. 11 

— WiLBRAHAM  (R.)  Travels  in  the  trans-Cau- 
casian provinces  of  Russia,  in  1837.  Lon- 
don, 1839.  8^  10.604.13 
See,  al*0y  Circassia. 

Cauchy  (Augustin  Louis),  baron,     b.   1789.     d. 

— Valson  (C.  a.)    Vie  et  les  travaux  du  baron 

Cauchy.     Paris,  1868.     2  v.  in  i.     8°. 

Caulficld  (James),  earl  of  Charlemont.     b.  1728. 

d.  1799. 
— Hardy  (F.)     Memoirs   of  the   political    and 

private  life  of  James  Caulfield.     2d  ed. 

London,  1812.     2  v.     8"*.  6.344.35 


— Barrett  (T.  S.)  New  view  of  causation.  Lon- 
don, 1871.     18°.  23.1431. 18 

Causation.  pp.  29-48  of  23.1455.15 

— Brown  (T.)  Inquiry  into  the  relation  of  cause 

and  effect.     4th  ed.     London,  1835.     8**. 

— Hazard  (R.    G.)    Two  letters   on   causation 

and   freedom    in  willing,  addressed  to   J. 

S.  Mill.    London,  1869.     p.  S^    23.1420.2 

See,  also.  Final  causes,  Will. 

Cavendish  family. 

—Grove  (J.)  Lives  of  all  the  earls  and  dukes 
of  Devonshire,  descended  from  Sir  Wil- 
liam Cavendish.     London,  1764.     8**. 


Cavendish  (Georgiana  b,  Spencer),  duchess  of 
Devonshire,     b.  1757.     d.  1806. 

— Thomson  (K.  B.)and{}.  C.)  Georgiana,  duch- 
ess of  Devonshire,     pp.  159-186. 

v.  I  of  6.367.1 

The  same.     pp.  137-159.  6.367.2 

Caves,  and  cave-dwellers. 

— Buckland  (W.)  Reliquiae  diluvianae:  obser- 
vations on  organic  remains  contained  in 
caves,   etc.     2d  ed.     London,    1824.     4°. 


— Dawkins  (W.  B.)  Cave  hunting;  researches 
respecting  the  early  inhabitants  of  Eu- 
rope. London,  1874.  8"*.  2.55.13 
See,  eUso,  Earth,  EUora,  Loray  cavem,MaD.  iAn- 
tiquity  o/).  Peak  cavern. 

Cavour  (Camillo  Benso,  conte  di).    b.  18 10.     d. 

— BoTTA  (V.)     Discourse  on  the  life,  character, 

and  policy  of  count  Cavour.     New  York, 

1862.   8^  12.714. 1 

— Hay  ward  (A.)    Count  Cavour.  pp.  133-200. 

v.  I  of  2X.1311.3 
— La  Rive  (G.  de).     Reminiscences  of  the  life 

and  character  of  count  Cavour.     Tr.  by 

E.  Romilly.  London,  1862.  8"*.  12. 714. 3 
— Mazade  (C.  de).   Life  of  count  Cavour.  From 

the  French.  New  York,i877.  8'.  12.714.7 
— Speyer  (O.)    Camillo,  graf  von  Cavour.     pp. 

245-377.  V.  2  of  16.990.4 

— ViNEis  (    .)    Biografia  del  conte  di  Cavour. 

[Anon.]     100  pp.  25.1531.28 

Caxton  (William),     b.  1422.     d.  about  1491. 

— Blades  (W.)  Biography  and  typography  of 
William  Caxton.     London,  1877.     8  . 

17. 1027.7 

How  to  tell  a  Caxton.     London,  1870.  16". 

Art  room.  B.1.15 

~Bullen(G.)  Caxton  celebration,  1877.  Cat- 
alogue of  the  antiquities  and  appliances 
connected  with  printing.  London,  [1877]. 
16*.  17.1027.22 

—Knight  (C.)  The  old  printer,  and  the  modem 
press.  London,  1854.  16".  17. 1027.23 
See,  aUo,  Printing. 

Cecil  (Robert),  ist  earl  of  Salisbury,  b,  1550.  d, 

— CouRTENAY  (T.  P.)  Robert  Cecil,  earl  of 
Salisbury,     pp.i-197.        v.  5  of  6.347.12 

Cecil  (Robert  Arthur  Talbot  Gascoigne),  '^d  mar- 
quis of  Salisbury,     b.  1 830. 

— HiGGiNSON  (T.  W.)  Marquis  of  Salisbury, 
pp.  232-248.  6.347.9 

Cecil   (William),  1st  baron  Burghley.     b.  152a 

d.  159S. 
—Charlton   (W.  H.)    Life  of   William  Cecil 

lord  Burghley.     Stamford,  1847.     8^ 

— Macdiarmid   0)    William  Cecil,     pp.    105- 

207.  6.348.3 

— Macaulay  (T.  B.)    Narcs*  memoirs  of  lord 

Burghley.  pp.  108-135.  v.  2  of  21.1313.2 
—William  Cecil,  lord  Burleigh.     [Anon.]     pp. 

241-352.  v.  I  of  6. 347.  It 

Celibacy  of  the  clergy. 

—Taylor  (L)  Ancient  Christianity,  and  the 
doctrines  of  the  Oxford  tracts.  Philadel- 
phia, 1840.  12".  31.1942.27 
See,  alto,  Monasticism. 




Cellini  (Benvenuto).    i,  1500.    d,  1571. 

— Vita  da  lui  medetimo  scritta.    Con  note  da 

G.  P.  Carpaoi.     Milano,  1806-11.     2  v. 

8°.  [Classici  italiani]. 
The  same.     Memoirs,  written  by  himself. 

With  the  notes  of  G.  P.  Carpani.     Tr.  by 

T.  Roscoe.     New  ed.     New  York.  1851. 

2  V.  in  I.     p.  8".  x2.714.14 
The  same.    Leben.  von  ihm  selbst  geschrie- 

bcn.  Uebersetzt  von  [J«  W.  von]  Goethe. 

Wien,  1811.     2  v.     p.  8*.  13.714.22 

The  same.    Stuttgart,  x868.     2  v.     8". 

vv.  24.  25  of  9.563.2 
The  same.    Herausg.  von  F.  Strehlke.    Ber- 
lin, [1873].     16*.  V.  30  of  9.540.2 
Celts,  or  Gauls. 
— Bacmeister  (A.)    Keltische  brief e.     Herausg. 

von  O.  Keller.     Strassburg,  1874.     8**. 

— FoUQUET  (A.)    Des  monuments  celtiques,  et 

des  mines  romaines  dans  le    Morbihan. 

Vannes,  1853.     8^  7.386.21 

— Maclear  (G.  F.)    Conversion  of  the  west. 

The  Celts.     London,  [1881].     16*. 

— RiTSON  (J.)    Memoirs  of  the  Celts,  or  Gauls. 

London,  1827.     p.  8"*.  7.383.1 

— ^ScHOEPFLiN  (J.  D.)    Vindlciae  celticae.     Ar- 

gentorati,  1754.     4*.  7.386.10 

See^  •Uoy  Brittany,  Dniidism,  Gauls,  Hebridet, 
Highlandt  of  Scotland,  Ireland,  Orkneys. 

Celtic  Unguas^s. 

— CuNO  (J.  G.)     Vorgeschichte  Roms.     i  th. 

Die  Kelten.  Leipzig,  1878.  s.4*'.  z5.973.1i 
—Edwards  (W.  F.)  Recherches  sur  les  langues 

celtiques.     Paris,  1844.     8°.  15.932.9 

— Prichard  (J.  C.)   Eastern  origin  of  the  Celtic 

nations,  proved,  bv  a  comparison  of  their 

dialects  with  the  Sanskrit  and  Teutonic 

languages.  London,  1831.  8".     15.2936.9 
— ROGET  (D.  F.  L.)    Glossaire  gaulois.  .  .  .  2e 

6d.     Paris.  1872.     8^        V.  I  of  7.386.19 
— Zeuss  (J.  C.)    Grammatica  celtica.    Ed.  altera 

curavit  H.  Ebel.     Berolini,  187 1.     8**. 

Set^  aho^  Cornish  language,  Gaelic  -language 
Welsh  language. 

Celtic  literature. 

—Arnold  (M.)  On  the  study  of  Celtic  litera- 
ture.    Lond6n,  1867.     8°.  17. 1023. 16 


— Berthault-Ducreux  (A.)  Th^orie  et  pra- 
tique des  mortiers  et  cements  romains. 
Paris,  1833.     8'.  26.1632.39 

— GiLLMORE  (Q.  A.)  Practical  treatise  on  limes, 
hydraulic  cements,  and  mortars.  5th  ed. 
New  York,  1874.     8'.  36.1632.45 

— Grant  (J.)  Experiments  on  the  strength  of 
cement.     London,  1875.     8*.     36.1632.41 

— Pasley  (C.  W.)  Observations  on  limes,  mor- 
tars, and  Puzzolanas,  with  rules  for  mak- 
ing cement.  London,  1838.  8^  26.1632.53 

— ToTTEN  (J.  G.)  Essays  on  hydraulic  and 
common  mortars,  and  on  lime-burning. 
From  the  French  of  Treussart,  Petot,  and 
Coiutois.  New  York,  1842.  8"*.  36.1632.49 

— ViCAT  (L.  J.)  Practical  and  scientific  treatise 
on  calcareous  mortars  and  cements. 
Trans,  by  J.  T.  Smith.  London,  1837. 
8*.  26. 1632.46 

5«r,  mlM^  Portland  cement. 

Cemeteries.    See  Cambridge,  (Mass,)    Mcuni 

Auburn^  Rome,  {Catacombs), 
Census.     See  United  Sutes,  {Census), 

Centennial  exhibition,  {Philadelphia,  1876). 

— Brazil.  L'empire  du  Br6sil  k  Texposition 
universelle  de  1876,  i  Philadelphie.  Rio 
de  Janeiro,  1876.     8°.  3.134.22 

Empire  of  Brazil  at  the  universal  exhibition 

of   1876,  in  Philadelphia.     [Anon,]     Rio 
de  Janeiro,  1876.    8''.  3.134.21 

The  same.     Kaiserreich  Brasilien  auf  der 

weltausstellung  von  1876,  in  Philadelphia. 
Rio  de  Janeiro,  1876.     8*.  3-134.23 

— Ericsson  (J.)  Contributions  to  the  centenifial 
exhibition.     New  York,  1876.     s.  4"*. 

26. 1627. 1 

— Ingram  (J.  S.)  Centennial  exposition  de- 
scribed and  illustrated.  Philadelphia, 
1876.     8^  3.105.5 

— Masterpieces  of  the  international  exhibition 
illustrated.  [Anon.]  Philadelphia,  1877. 
3  V.     L  8"*.  Art  room.  C.2.4 

— Official  catalogue  of  the  British  section. 
[Anon,]  London,  1876.  2  pts.  in  i  v. 
s.  4*.  30.3877.10 

— Portuguese  special  catalogue.  [Anon,]  n.  p., 
1876.    8".  30.3877.12 

— Report  of  the  New  Jersey  commissioners  on 
the  centennial  ejchibition.  [Anon.]  Tren- 
ton, 1877.     8^  30.3877.11 

— Strahan  (E.)  An  gallery  of  the  exhibition. 
Philadelphia,  1877.  4^*.   Art  room.  A.4.14 

— United  States  centennial  commission.  In- 
ternational exhibition,  1876.  Reports. 
Philadelphia,  1879.    11  v.    8**.     30.3876.1 

The  same.     Washington,  1880.    9  v.     8^ 

Centipedes.     See  Myriapods. 

Central  America. 

— Bastian  (A.)  Isthmus  and  Guatemala,  [1876]. 
pp.  344-440.  V.  I  of  3.136.5 

—Belly  (F.)  A  travers  TAm^rique  Centrale, 
[1858-67].    Paris,  1867.  2  V.  8".     3.125.9 

— Habel  (S.)  Sculptures  of  Santa  Lucia  Cosum- 
alwhuapa,  in  Guatemala.  Travels  in  Cen- 
tral America,  [1862-69].  Washington, 
1878.  90  pp.  8  pi.  4*.    V.  22  of  38.3748.1 

— Map  of  Central  America.  [Anon,]  London, 
[1852].     folded  12'.  3.126.27 

— Morelet  (A.)  Reisen  in  Central- Amerika. 
[Vom  Franz(5sische]  von  H.  Hertz.  Jena, 
1872.     8°.  3. 125. 10 

— Reichardt  (C.  F.)  Centro-Amerika.  Im  in- 
teresse  der  deutschen  auswanderung. 
Braunschweig,  1851.     8*.  3.125.23 

— Roberts  (O.  W.)  Narrative  of  voyages  and 
excursions  in  Central  America,  [1816- 
23].  [Ed.]  by  E.  Irving.  Edinburgh,  1827. 
18*.  1.20.25 

— Squier  (E.  G.)  Notes  on  Central  America. 
New  York,  1855.     8*.  3132.14 

— Stephens  (J.  L.)  Incidents  of  travel  in  Cen- 
tral America,  Chiapas,  and  Yucatan, 
[1839-40].     New  York,  1841.     2  v.     8°. 

Trollope  (A.)    West  Indies  and  the  Spanish 
Main,  [1859].  London,  1859.  8°.    3.126.2 
— Wagner  (M.)    Naturwissenschaftliche  reisen 
im  tropischen  Amerika,  [1856-59].    Stutt- 
gart, 1870.     8*.  3.125.11 




-Herschel  (J.  F.  W.)  Collection  of  appHca- 
tions  of  the  calculus  of  finite  differences. 
[With  the  appendix  to  his  translation  of 
Lacroix's  Calculus].  Cambridge*  [Eng.], 
1820.     p.  8".  20.1601. 7 

-Hind  (J.)  Principles  of  the  differential  calcu- 
lus. 2d  ed.  Cambridge,  [Eng.],  1831. 
8*.  26.1603.60 

-Hymers  (J.)  Treatise  on  differential  equa- 
tions.    Cambridge,  [Eng.],  1839.     8". 


The  same.     2d  ed.     London.  1858.     8°. 


-Miller  (W.  H.)  Elementary  treatise  on  the 
differential  calculus.  Cambridge,  [Eng.], 
1833.    8".  26.1604.26 

The  same.  26.3592.7 


-Pell  (M.  B.)  Geometrical  illustrations  of  the 
differential  calculus.  Cambridge,  [Eng.]. 
1850.     34  pp.     p.  8*.  26.1598.  Box  I 

-Price  (B.)  Treatise  on  the  differential  calcu- 
lus.    London,  1848.     8^.       Observatory. 

-Rice  (J.  M.)  a«</ Johnson  (W.  W.)  Elemen- 
tary  treatise  on  the  differential  calculus. 
Revised  ed.     New  York,  1879.     8*. 


-Williamson  (B.)  Elementary  treatise  on  the 
differential  calculus,  containing  the  theory 
of  plane  curves.  3d  ed.  London,  1877. 
16°.  26.1605.35 

— The  same.     4th  ed.     London.  1880.     16'. 


-WooLHOUSE  (W.  S.  B.)  Elements  of  the 
differential  calculus.  6th  ed.  London, 
1874.     18^.  26.1605.37 

-Young  (T.  R)  Elements  of  the  differential 
calculus.  London,  183 1.   18°.  Observatory. 

— The  same.  [Ed.]  by  M.  O'Shannessy. 
Philadelphia,  1833.     8^  26.1605.42 


Integral  calculus, 

-AoNESi  (M.  G.)  Analysis  of  quantities  infi- 
nitely small.  Of  the  integral  calcu'us. 
Tr.  by  J.  Colson.     pp.  1-245. 

V.  2  of  26.1606.19 

-Collection  of  examples  on  the  integral  cal- 
culus. [Anon.]  Cambridge,  [Eng.].  1835. 
8".  26.1603.45 

-Condorcet  (J.  A.  N.  C.  de).  Essais  d'ana- 
lyse.     Paris,  1765-68.     4  v.  in  i.     8**. 


-Earnshaw(S.)  Partial  differential  equations. 
A  new  method  of  integrating  them.  Lon- 
don, 1871.     16°.  26.1600.51 

-Eddy  (H.  T.)  Method  of  integrating  the  square 
roots    of    quadratics,     pp.  733-747.     8*. 
26.1598.  Box  I 

-Euler  (L.)  Institutiones  Cc^iculi  integralis. 
Ed  3a.     Petropoli,  1824-27.     3  v.     4**. 

26. 1603.42 

-GrUttefien  (E.)  Integration  zusammenge- 
setzter  functionen,  nach  der  methode  der 
unbestimmten  coefficienten.  Berlin.  1865. 
8*.  26.1600.81 

-Leseur  (T.)  and  Jacquier  (F.)  El6mens  du 
calcul  integral.     Parme,  1768.     2  v.     4**. 


-Neumann  (C.)  Vorlesungen  Uber  Riemann's 
theorie  der  ahel'schen  integrale.  Leipzig, 
1865.    8^  26.1604.36 

—RiEMANN  (B.)  Partiellc  diffcrentialgleich- 
ungen,  und  deren  anwendung  auf  physika- 
lische  fragen.  Herausg.  von  K.  Hatten* 
dorff.  2e  aufi.     Braunschweig,  1876.     8°. 

26. 1623.  iS 

— ToDHUNTER  (I.)  Treatise  on  integ^ral  calculus 
and  its  applications.  Cambridge,  [Eng.], 
1857.     16  .  26.1605.29 

—Williamson  (B.)  Elementary  treatise  on  the 
integral  calculus.  2d  ed.  London,  1877. 
16'.  26.1605.36 

The  same.     3d  ed.     London,  1880.     16*. 


—Young  (J.  R.)  Elements  of  the  integral  cal- 
culus.    London,  1831.     18*.     26.1605.43. 

The  same.  Observatory.. 

.S>#,  alta.  Definite  intcflrals.  Derivations,  Elliptic 
intefi[rals,  Fluxions,  Functions,  Interi>oUtion». 
Maxima  and  minima,  Variations. 
JVotf.  Many  important  papers  upon  this  mode 
of  matheouitical  inquiry,  exist  in  this  library  con* 
cealed  in  the  collected  works  of  mathematicians; 
as  Bemouilli,  Leibniu,  Newton.  Many  others 
have  been  printed  only  in  the  pages  of  the  period- 
icals where  they  first  appeared ;  as  the  Acta  eni- 
ditorum  (36.3594),  and  the  Transactions  of  the 
Royal  society  of  London.  Part  of  the  controversy 
on  the  invention  of  the  calculus,  may  be  seen  in 
Collins*  Commercium  epistolicum  (36.1600.^5),  and 
the  Commercium  matbematicum  of  Leibnitz  and 
Bemouilli^  (35.1588. 11).  References  to  these  may 
be  found  in  the  article  Infinitesimal  calculus,  of 
the  Encyclopedia  britannica. 

Calderon  de  La  Barca  (Pedro),    d.  1600.    d. 

— Heiberg  (J.  L.)    De  Petro  Calderone  de  La 

Barca  dissertatio.     Hafniae,  18 17.     16*. 

— Klein  (J.  L.)  Die  dramen  dcs  Calderon,  von 

1662  bis  zu  seinem  tode.     Leipzig,  1875. 

8*.  V.  ir,  2  of  X9.3131.1 

— TiCKNOR  (G.)   Calderon,  his  life,  dramas,  and 

various  works.,    pp.  346-412. 

V.  2  of  X7.1041.2 
— Trench  (R.  C.)  Calderon,  his  life  and  genius, 

with  specimens  of  his  plays.     New  York, 

1856.     12%  X9.3143.4 

— Ulrici  (H.)    Calderon  in  relation  to  Shake- 
speare,    pp.  464-511.  /n  19. 1135.45 
Caldwell  (Charles).     ^.  1772.    d,  1853. 
— Autobiography.      With    notes    bv    H.    W. 

Warner.  Philadelphia,  1855.  8  .  4.203.26 
Caldwell  (David),    d,  1725.    d,  1824. 
—Caruthrrs  (E.  W.)  Sketch  of  the  life  of  Rev. 

David  Caldwell.     Greensborough,    1842. 

8".  4.203.27 


— Court  de  G£belin  (A.)  Histoire  civile,  reli- 
gieuse,  el  mythologique  du  calendrier. 
Paris,  1776.     4'.  V.  4  of  3.66.1 

— Holder  (W.)  Discourse  concerning  time,  the 
natural  day,  and  solar  year.  2d  ed.  Lon- 
don, 1 701.     16*.  36. 3643.  a 

— Kastner  (A.  G.)  Beschreibung  eines  runi- 
schen  calendars,     pp.  390-409. 

V.  2  of  19.3182. 10. 

— Lalande  (J.  J.  L.  de).  Du  calendrier.  pp. 
211-273.  V.  2  of  36.1656.8. 

— Moore  (F.)  Companion  to  Moore's  Alma- 
nack; or,  an  explication  of  the  calendar. 
London,  1776.     i6\  36. 1650.  i 

[/«  a  V0l.  Utttrtd  *'  Diaries,  etc.,  177^'*]. 





— MuNCKER  (P.)  De  intercalatione  variarum 
gentium  libri  quatuor.  Lugduni  Bata- 
vonim,  1680.     8^  3. 2051. 14 

— Philippus  (M.  F.  M.  p.  M.)  Disquisitio  as- 
tronomica  de  correctione  calendarii.  In- 
golstadii,  1699.     140  pp.     s.  4"*. 

36.1655.  Box  I 

—Piper  (F.)  Kalendarien  und  martyrologien 
der  Angelsachsen,  so  wie  das  martyro- 
logium  der  herrad  von  Landsperg.  Ber- 
lin, 1862.     8*.  15.2954.29 

— Rassius  (J.)  Calendarium  romanum  aethnicae 
vetusutis.  Sangalli,i584.  s.  4**.  36.1651. 17 

— Rkisch  (L.)  Synoptica  horologii  astronomici 
explicatio.  [Oberdorflf?  1750?].  38  pp.  s. 
4*.  36. 165 1. 17 

— SoLBRiG  (C.  F.)  Ueber  jahrform  und  jahr- 
rechnung:  ein  beitrag  zur  historischen 
chronologie.  Salzwedel,  [1815?].  30  pp. 
s.  4^  3.58^.11 

— ^Verrius  Flaccus.  Fastorum  anni  romani 
reliquiae,  ex  tabulanim  fragmentis  Prae- 
neste  nuper  eflfossis  collectae,  studio  P.  F. 
F[ogginii].     Romae,  1779.     T.     13.758.3 

^The  same.     pp.  315-355.     v.  4  of  13.764.12 

— VoiGT  (J.  H.)  Colloquium  calendario-graphi- 
cum,  von  vergleich  des  alten  julianischen 
[und  des]  neuen  gregorianischen  calen- 
ders, in  einen  corriginen  reicbs-calender. 
Hamburg,  1668.    102  pp.    s.  4''. 

36.1655.  Box  I 

— Welsch  (G.  H.)  Commentarius  in  Ruzname 
Naurus;  sive,  tabulae  aequinoctiales  novi 
Persarum  .  .  .  anni.  Augustae  Vindeli- 
conim,  1676.     s.  4"*.  36. 165 1. 17 

— Worm  (O.)  Fasti  danid,  universam  tempora 
computandi  rationem  antiquitus  in  Dania 
observatam  exhibentes.  Hafniae,  1633. 
r.  10.596. 1 

5>r,  als0^  Almanacs,  Chronology,  Time. 
NtU,    The  calendars  of  various  nations  are  dis- 
cussed in  the  opening  volumes  of  the  Art  de  vM- 
fier  les  dates. 

Calhoun  (John  Caldwell),     b,  1782.     d,  1850. 

— Jknki.ns  (J.  S.)  Life  of  John  Caldwell  Cal- 
houn.    Auburn,  1857.     12°.  4.204.^ 

—Thomas  (J.  P.)  Carolina  tribute  to  Calhoun. 
Columbia,  1857.     8".  4.204.1 


—Abbot  (H.  L.)  Report  upon  explorations  from 
the  Sacramento  valley  to  the  Columbia 
river,  1855.  v.  6,  pt.  i  of  3. 108. 13 

—Blake  (W.  P.)  Report  of  a  geological  recon- 
naissance in  California,  in  1853.  New 
York,  1858.     4^  39.1818. 13 

—Brace  (C.  L.)  New  west;  or,  California  in 
1867-68.  New  York,  1869.   \b\     3. 161.23 

—Bryant  (E.)  What  I  saw  in  California,  1846- 
47.     New  York,  1848.     I2^  3. 161. 21 

^The  same.     3d  ed.     New  York,  1849.     12'. 

3. 161. 21 

— COLTOM  (W.)  Three  years  in  California, 
[1846-48].  New  York,i852.  12".  3.161.22 

—'•Commercial  Herald"  review  of  the  trade 

of  California  and  the   Pacific  coast,  for 

1876.     San  Francisco,  1877.     136  pp.     8^*. 

38.1797.  Box  I 

— Cronise  (T.  F.)  Natural  wealth  of  California, 
comprising  history,  geography,  and  com- 
merce. San  Francisco,  1 868.  L  8^  3.161.6 

— Dall  (C.  H.)  My  first  holiday;  or,  letters 
home  from  Colorado,  Utah,  and  Califor- 
nia, [1880].  Boston,  188 1.    16'.     3. 161. 16 

— Dana  (R.  H.)  Two  years  before  the  mast. 
[Anon.]  New  York,  1842.  18'.  33.2030.21 

— Forbes  (A.)  California:  a  history  of  upper 
and  lower  California,  comprising  an  ac- 
count of  the  climate,  commerce,  etc. 
London,  1839.     8**.  3. 161. 14 

— Fremont  (J.  C.)  Report  of  the  exploring  ex- 
pedition to  the  Rocky  Mountains,  Oregon, 
and  north  California,  1842-44.  Washing- 
ton, 1845.     8^.  3.104.2 

— Gift  (G.  W.)    Something  about  California: 
Marin  county,  and  the  sanatarium  of  San 
Rafael.     San  Rafael,  1875.     32  pp.     8^ 
38.1797.  Box  I 

— Greeley  (H.)  An  overland  journey  from 
New  York  to  San  Francisco,  in  1859. 
New  York,  i860.     12**.  3. 161. 18 

— Hittel(J.  S.)  Resources  of  California.  San 
Francisco,  1863.     12**.  3. 161. 15 

^The  same.    6th  ed.     San  Francisco,   1874. 

p.  8^  3.161.15 

— Kneeland  (S.)  Wonders  of  the  Yosemite 
valley,  and  of  California.  3d  ed.  Boston, 
1872.     1.  8^  3.161.7 

— Letts.(J.  M.)  California  illustrated,  [1849- 
50].  4th  thousand.  New  York,  1853. 
8^  3. 161. 13 

— Mayer  (E.  B.)  State  of  California,  pp.  367- 
399.  V.  2  of  3.123.2 

— Message  from  the  president  of  the  United 
States,  transmitting  information  on  Cali- 
fornia and   New   Mexico.     Washington,. 

1850.  8^ 

[United  States:  House,  Executive  documents,  sist 
congress,  xst  session,  v.  5]. 

— NoRDHOFF  (C.)  California:  for  health,  pleas- 
ure, and  residence.  New  York,  1874. 
8\  3.161.12 

Northern  California,  Oregon,  and  the  Sand- 
wich Islands.     New  York,  1875.     8°. 

3. 161. 1 1 

— Parke  (J.  G.)  Report  of  explorations  from 
San  Francisco  bay  to  Los  Angeles,  west 
of  the  coast  range,  1854-55.    42  pp. 

V.  7,  pt.  I  of  3. 108. 13 

— Taylor  (B.)  El  dorado;  or,  adventures  in  the 
path  of  empire,  [1849].  i8th  ed.  New 
York,  i860.     12*.  3. 161.24 


—Taylor  (B.  F.)  Between  the  gates,  [1878]. 
8th  ed.     Chicago,  1880.     12*.       3.161.25 

— TUTHILL  (F.)  History  of  California.  San 
Francisco,  1866.     8*.  3. 161. 10 

— Whitney  (J.  D.)  Geological  survey  of  Cali- 
fornia. Vol.  I.  Report  of  progress^ 
1860-64.  Philadelphia,  1865.  4°.  39.1814.9 

— Williams  (A.)  Pioneer  pastorate.  San  Fran- 
cisco, 1879.     8**.  3. 162. 1 

— Williamson  (R.  S.)  Report  of  explorations 
in  California,  near  the  thirty-fifth  and 
thirty-second  parallels,    1853.     43  pp. 

v.  5,  pt.  1  of  3.108.1.'^ 

— Woods  (D.  B.)  Sixteen  months  at  the  gold 
diggings,  [1849-50].  New  York,  185 1. 
18  .  3. 161. 20 

Set,  also,  Chinese  immigration,  Indians,  Pacific 
slope,  San  Francisco,  Sierra  Nevada,  Yosemite 

slope,  : 





Callfomia,  Lower.     !>ec  Lower  CaliforniiL 

CaUphs  (Khaliiah.  smeantn  oi  llnhMiiifri). 

— Baudblu-Boni  (G.  B.)  Scoria  delle  relazioni 
vicendevoli  dell*  Europa  e  dell'  Asia,  dalla 
<decadenza  di  Roma,  nno  alia  distruzione 
-del  calif ato.     Firenze,  1827.     2  v.     4". 

w.  3,  4  of  XX. 697. 16 
St*,  alM»^  Bagdad,  Saracens. 

Calisthenics.     Ste  Gymnastics. 

Callimachas,  d,  240  b.c. 

— Arnaud  (G.  d').  Animadversiones  ad  Calli- 
machum.     pp.  56-95.  14.2855. 23 

— DiLTHEY  (C.)  be  Callimachi  Cydippa.  Lip- 
siae.  1863.    8**.  IA.884.13 

— Naeke  (A.  F.)  [Prolegomena  in]  Callimachi 
Hecalen.     Bonnae,  1845.     8  .    14.884.14 

^-PoHL  (G.)  Ad  Callimachi  hymnos,  et  ad 
graeca  illorum  scholia  parisiensiam  codi- 
cum  duonim  variae  lectiones.  Posen, 
i860.     24  pp.     4*.  X4.866.  Box2 

— Schneider  (O.)  De  Callimachi  operum  tabula 
quae  extat  apud  Suidam  commentatio. 
Gotha,  1862.     16  pp.     4^    X4.866.  Box2 

Callinus.    640  b.c.  ? 

— Franck  (J.  V.)  Callinus;  sive,  de  origine 
carminis  elegiaci  tractatio.  Altonae,i8i6. 
8\  ^  X4-9^4.24 


— Chappe  d'Auteroche  (J.)  Revolution  dcs 
Calmouks-Zongores  en  1757.  De  leur 
religion  et  mythologie.     pp.  290-314. 

V.  I  of  10.608.3 

— DeQuincey  (T.)  Flight  of  a  Tartar  tribe, 
[1771].     pp.  210-284.       V.  I  of  21.1304. 1 

— Hommaire  de  Hell  (X.)  History  and  re- 
ligion of  the  Kalmucks. 

pp.  221-263  of  XI.691.5 
See,  also,  Tartars. 

Caloric.     See  Heat. 

Calvert  {Sir  George). 

b,  1582.     d,  1632. 

—Mayer  (E.  B.)  Calvert  and  Penn;  or,  the 
growth  of  civil  and  religious  liberty  in 
America.  Baltimore,  1852.  16°.    6.363.28 

Calvert  (Leonard),     b.  1606.     d.  1647. 

— Burnap  (G.  W.)  Life  of  Leonard  Calvert, 
pp.  1-229.  V.  19 of  3.i38a.6 

See,  also,  Maryland. 

Calvin  (John),     b.  1509.    d.  1564. 

— AuDiN  (J.  M.  V.)  Histoire  de  la  vie,  des 
ouvrages  et  des  doctrines  de  Calvin,  se 
6d.  Paris,i850.  2  v.  in  i.   18".  31. 1950.14 

— BAzE  (T.  de).  Life  of  John  Calvin.  Tr.  by 
F.  Sibson.  With  notes  by  an  American 
editor.  Philadelphia,  1836.  12**.  31. 1950.13 

— Froude  (J.  A.)  Calvinism.  New  York,i87i. 
I6^  22.1390.59 

The  same.     48  pp.  21. 1306.7 

— GuizoT  (F.  P.  G.)  Saint  Louis  and  Calvin. 
London,  [1870].     16''.  8.483.39 

— Henry  (P.)  Life  and  times  of  John  Calvin. 
From  the  German  by  H.  Stebbing.  New 
York,  1851-52.     2  V.     8".  31. 1952.9 

^The  same.     New  York,   1854.     2  v.   in   i. 

8".  31. 1952.8 

— Kampschulte  (F.  W.)  Johann  Calvin;  seine 
kirche  und  sein  staat  in  Genf.  Leipzig, 
1869.     8°.  31. 195 1.8 

^Merle  D'AuBiGNfe  (J.  H.)  Calvin's  early 
^struggles,  studies,  and  conversion,  pp. 
381-402.  V.  I  of  31. 195 1. 21  I 

— TwiUMB  (W.  IC.)  Calvin  and  Servetus. 
Edinburgfa,  1846.     16''.  31. 1950. 16 

Camaroons  Moantains,  {western  A  fried), 

—Burton  (R.  F.)  Abeokuta  and  the  Camaroons 
Mountains.     London,  1863.     2  v.  p.  8"*. 

XX. 654.  II 


— Feer  (L.)'    Etudes  cambodgiennes:  la  collec- 
tion hennecart  de  la  biblioth^ue  nation- 
[Journal  aaiatique,  7^  s^r.,  v.  9]. 

Cambridge,  {England). 

—Metcalfe  (W.)  New  Cambridge  guide.  2d 
ed.     Cambridge,  [Eng.].  1868.       5.273.6 

Railway  traveller's  walk  through  Cambridge. 

5th  ed.     Cambridge,  [Eng.J,  1873.     16^. 
No.  37  of  5.273.11 

Cambridge  university. 

— Bristed  (C.  a.)  Five  years  in  an  English 
university.     New  York,  1852.     2  v.     12*. 


— Cambridge  university  calendar  for  1875. 
Cambridge,  LEngJ.  1875.  12'.  Art  room. 

— Classical  examinations;  or,  a  selection  of 
the  question  papers  [proposed]  in  the 
university  of  Cambridge.  Cambridge. 
[Eng.],  1830.     8^  24.1495.6 

The    same.     Second    series.      Cambridge, 

[Eng.],  1831.     8^  34.1495.6 

— Cooper  (C.  H.)  and  (T.)  Athenac  cantabri- 
gienses,  1500-1609.  Cambridge,  1858-61. 
2v.     8*.  6.338<i.i 

— Drury(H.)  Arundines  Cami ;  sive,  musarum 
cantabrigiensium  lusus  canori.  Ed.  3a, 
Canubrigiae,  1846.     8**.  18. 1052.6 

— Dyer  (G.)  History  of  the  university  and  col- 
lege of  Cambridge.  London,  1814.  2  v. 
8°.  24. 1495.  II 

— Everett  (W.)  On  the  Cam.  Lectures  on 
the  university  of  Cambridge,  in  England. 
Cambridge,  [Mass.],  1865.  16''.  24.1494.22 

— Gradus  ad  Cantabrigiam;  or,  new  university 
guide  to  colloquial,  or  cant  terms.  By  a 
brace  of  Cantabs.  [Ancn,']  London, 
1824.     8**.  24.1495.S 


— Hartshorne  (C.  H.)  Book  rarities  in  the 
university  of  Cambridge.  London,  1829. 
8".  16.992.10 

—History  (A)  of  the  university  of  Cambridge, 
its  colleges,  halls,  and  public  buildings. 
[Anon.]  London,  1815.  2  v.  4**.  24.1498.7 

— Le  Keux  (J.)  Memorials  of  Cambridge:  a 
series  of  views,  with  descriptive  accounts 
by  T.  Wright  and  H.  L.  Jones.  London, 
1841-42.     2v.     8**.  24.1495.Q 

— Mill  (J.  S.)  Prof.  Sedgwick's  discourse  on 
the  studies  of  the  university  of  Cambridge, 
pp.  121-185.  V.  I  of  2X.  1314.24 

— Report  of  her  majesty's  commissioners,  ap- 
pointed to  inquire  into  the  state  of  the 
university  of  Cambridge:  with  the  evi- 
dence.    London,  1852.     V.       24.1498.14 

— Romilly  (J.)  Graduati  cantabrigienses,  ab 
anno  1760  ad  1846.  Cantabrigiae,  1846. 
8°.  16. 1003.6 

— Sedgwick  (A.)  Discourse  on  the  studies  of 
the  university.  4th  ed.  Cambridge, 
[Eng.],  1835.     p.  8\  24.1492.14 

— Smith  Q.  J.)  Cambridge  portfolio.  London, 
1840.     2  V.     4^  24.1498.1^ 





— Socius.  {pseudoH.)  Facetiae  cant&brlgleiiaes. 
3d  ed.     London,  1836.     16".     34.1494.26 

— Wainewright  (L.)  Literary  and  scientific 
pursuits  which  are  encouraged  in  the  uni- 
versity of  Cambridge.    London,  1815.  8*". 


Cambridge,  {Massachusetts), 

Harvard  college, 

— Catalogije  of  the  library  of  Harvard  col- 
lege. [By  B.  Peirce].  Cambridge,  1830- 
34.     3v.  tn4.     8°.  16. 1003. 5 

^Thesame.     First  supplement.     Cambridge, 

1834.     8'.  16.1003.5 

— QuiNCV  (J.)  The  history  ot  Harvard  univer- 
sity.    Boston,  i860.  2  V.  1.8°.  34.1496.7 

— SrBLEY  (J.  L.)  Biographical  sketches  of  grad- 
uates of  Harvard  university,  1642-1677. 
Cambridge.  1873-81.     2  v.     8°.    4.198^.2 

— Vaille  (F.  O.)  and  Clark  (H.  A.)  The  Har- 
vard  book.  .  .  .  Cambridge,  [Mass.], 
1875.     2v.     L4'.  24.1498-7 

Harvard  observatory. 
— Bond  (W.   C.)    History  and  description  of 
[Harvard]      observatory.        Cambridge, 
fMass.],     1856.    4*.  Observatory. 

^    anrard  obsenratonr  annalsf  v.  x,  pt.  xl. 
— Pickering  (E.  C.)    Annual  report  of  the  di- 
rector of  Harvard    college  observatory. 
Cambridge,  [Mass.],  1877-80.    2  v.      8**. 

Mount  Auburn, 
— BiGELOW  (J.)    A  history  of  the  cemetery  of 
Mount  Auburn.    Boston,  i860.     16**. 

Camden  (William),    b.  1551.    d.  1623. 
— Lawrence  (E.)    William  Camden,     pp.  164- 
189.  V.  I  of  6.347.6 


— Marsh  (G.  P.)    The  camel.  38.3733.1 

[In  Smithaooian  report,  1854,  pp.  98-122]. 

Cameos.    See  Gems. 

Cameron  (Sir  Ewen).    b,  1629.    d,  17 19. 

— Drummond  (J.)  Memoirs  of  sir  Ewen  Came- 
ron of  Locheill,  chief  of  the  clan  Came- 
ron. [Ed.  by  J.  Macknight].  Edinburgh, 
1842.     4*.  6.336.18 

Cameroons  Mountains.    See  Camaroons. 

Camisards.     See  Huguenots. 

Camoens  (Luis  de).    b,  1524.    d.  1579. 

— MiCKLE  (W.  J.)  Life  of  Luis  de  Camoens. 
pp.  260-281.  V.  I  of  18.3052.7 

— Montgomery  (J. )<!»</ <?//4^j.  Camoens.  pp. 
295-333.  V.  3  of  12. 738^.  12 

T-  -The  same.  32. 2012.  i 

Campagna  o(  Rome. 

— Canina  (L.)  Campagna  romana  esposta  nello 
stato  antico  e  moderno.  [Roma],  1845. 
folded  8*.  12.736.5 

— PiALE  (L.)  Pianta  della  campagna  romana. 
Roma,  1855.     folded  12".  Z2. 735.24 

Ste^  ais^j  Rome. 

Campbell  (Alexander),    b,  1788.    d,  1866. 

—Richardson  (R.)  Memoirs  of  Alexander 
Campbell,  [with]  a  view  of  the  religious 
reformation  he  advocated.  Philadelphia, 
1868-70.     2  V.     8**.  4.204.3 

Camilbeil  (AxxOilbald),  9/^  earl  of  Argyle,     d. 

— Hume  (Sir  P.)    Narrative  of  the  expedition  of 

the  earl  of  Argyle,   1685.     London,  1809. 

4^  5-308.14 

Campbell  (John),  2^  duke  of  Argyle,     b,  1678. 

d'  1743. 

— Campbell  (R.)  Life  of  John,  duke  of  Ar- 
gyle.    London,  1745.     8''.  6.341. 18 

Campbell  (John  McLeod).     b.  1800.    d,  1872. 

— Memorials,  being  selections  from  his  corres- 
pondence. Ed.  by  D.  Campbell.  Lon- 
don, 1877.     2  V.     p.  8".  6.344.6 

Campbell  (Thomas),     b.  1777.    d,  1844. 

— Beattie  (W.)  Life  and  letters  of  Thomas 
Campbell.  London,  1849.  3  v*  S*"*  6- 344*  5 

— Redding  (C.)  Literary  reminiscences  of 
Thomas  Campbell.  London,  i860.  2  v. 
p.  8^  6.344.4 

Camper  (Peter),    b,  1722.    d,  1789. 
— ^Jardine  {Sir  W.)    Memoir  of  Camper,     pp. 
17-82.  V.  21  of  27. 1667. 1 

Campion  (Edmund),     b.  1540.    d.  1581. 
— Simpson  (R.)    Edmund  Campion:  a  biogra- 
phy.    London,  1867.     8*.  6.344.7 

Campistron  (Jean  Gualbert  de).    b,  1656.    d. 

1723.  , 

— Alembert  (J.  L.  d*).  Eloge  de  Campistron. 
pp.  193-225.  V.  8  of  8.500.2 


— ScHELE  (R.  H.)    Hygini  et  Polybii,  de  castris 

romanis,  quae  exstant.     Cum  notis  atque 

dissertationibus.    Amstelodami,  1660.     s. 

4'.  13-793.20 

— Stevin  (S.)     Castram^tation  descrite   selon 

Tusage  de  Maurice  de  Nassau.    Leyden, 

1618.   f^  30.3878.3 

See^  ti2s0y  Fortification. 

Canada.     Description^  residence^  and  travels, 

— Alexander  {Sir  J.  E.)  L'Acadie;  or,  seven 
years'  explorations  in  British  America, 
[1841-47].     London,  1849.     2  v.     12**. 


— BoNNYCASTLE  {Sir  R.  H.)  Canada,  and  the 
Canadians.  New  ed.  London,  1849. 
2  V.  in  I.     18*.  3. 1 13. 10 

—Census  of  Canada,  1870-71.  [Par  J.  C.  Tach6]. 
Ottawa,  1873.     2  V.     8**.  3.113.2 

— Geological  survey  of  Canada.  Reports  of 
progress,  1853-56,  1866-69.  Toronto, 
1857,  and  Montreal,  1870.     2  v.     8"*. 

39.1812. 1,  29.1812.8 

— Haliburton  (T.  C.)  Bubbles  of  Canada. 
[Anon.]     London,  1839.     8°.  3-1 13.4 

— Heriot  (G.)  Travels  through  the  Canadas. 
London,  1807.     4'.  3.1131 

— Jameson  (A.  M.)  Winter  studies  and  summer 
rambles  in  Canada,  [1836-38].  London, 
1839.     3  V.     I2^  3.115.2 

The  same.     New  York,  1839.     2  v.     12°. 


— Marshall  (C.)  Canadian  dominion.  Lon- 
don, 1871.     8".  3.113.9 

— Martin  (R.  M.)  [British]  possessions  in 
North  America,     pp.  145-272.        3.105.2 

— Ogden  (J.  C.)  Tour  through  upper  and  lower 
Canada,  [1794?]  2d  ed.  Wilmington, 
1800.     12  .  3.2031. II 





— Rae  (W.  F.)  Columbia  and  Canada.  [1876]. 
2ded.     New  York,  1879.     8*.        3.104.8 

Newfoundland     to    Manitoba,     [1880-81]. 

New  York.  1881.     i6'.  3.115.8 

— Saucrain  (C.  M.)  Dictionnaire  universe!  de 
la  Nouvelle  France.  v.  3  of  7.388.1 

— SiLLiMAN  (B.)  Tour  from  Hartford  to  Que- 
bec, in  18 19.     New  Haven,  1820.     12  . 


— SwEETSER  (M.  F.)  Maritime  provinces:  a 
guide  to  the  coasts  of  Canada.     Boston, 

1875.   I6^  3.113-24 

—Traill  (C.  P.)  Backwoods  of  Canada, [1832- 
34].     [Anon.]  London,   1836.   i8'.   1.11.2 

Historical  memoirs, 

—Franklin  (B.)  Interest  of  Great  Britain  con- 
sidered, with  regard  to  her  colonies  and 
the  acquisitions  of  Canada  and  Guada- 
loupe.     53  pp.  V.  4  of  4.235. 1 

— Head  {Sir  F.  B.)  Narrative  [of  his  adminis- 
tration   in    Canada,  1835-38].      London, 

1839.  8"-  3.  "3.7 
— M^moires  sur  le  Canada,  depuis  1749  jusqu'ik 

1760,  par  S—  de  C— .     [A turn.]   Qu6bec, 

1873.   8^  3. 1 13. 5 

— Murray  (H.)  Historical  and  descriptive  ac- 
count of   British   America.     New  York, 

1840.  2  V.     I8^  3. 1 13. 26 

The  same.  33.2030.17 

— Parkman  (F.)    Count   Frontenac,  and   New 

France  under  Louis  xiv..  [1672-1701]. 
Boston,  1877.     8\  3. 1 13.  II 

Old  regime  in  Canada,  [1643-1763].  Bos- 
ton, 1874.     8^  3. 113. 12 

Samuel  de  Champlain  and  his  associates, 

[1542-1635].     pp.  163-420.       .     3.113.13 

— Quebec  literary  and  historical  society. 
Manuscripts  relating  to  the  early  history 
of  Canada.  2d  and  4th  series.  Quebec, 
1866-75.     2v.     8'.  3.115.23 

Third  series  of  historical  documents.  Que- 
bec. 1871.     8*.  3.113.6 

— Relations  des  J6suites  dans  la  Nouvelle 
France,    [1611-79].     Qu6bec,    1858.     4  v. 

8^  3.115.1 

— Warburton(G.)  Conquest  of  Canada.  [Anon.] 
New  York,  1850.     2  v.     12".  3. 115. 6 

Hochelaga;  or,  England  in  the  new  world, 

[1844-47.  Anon.]  Ed.  by  E.  Warburton. 
London,  1846.     2  v.     18.  3.113.14 

Sfe,  a/sa,  Abnaqui  Indians.  British  America, 
British  Columbia,  Fur  trade,  Hudson's  Bay  terri- 
tory, Labrador,  Lakes  of  North  America,  Mani- 
toba. Montreal.  Newfoundland,  Nova  Scotia. 
Quebec,  St.  Lawrence  River,  United  Sutes 
{French  ami  Iiuiimn  wmr). 


— Chapman  (W.)  Observations  on  the  various 
systems  of  canal  navigation.  London, 
1797.     4**-  26.3626.6 

— Debauve  (A.)    Des  canaux. 

V.  19,  pt.  2  of  26.1625.5 

The  same.     At/as.     4*. 

V.  19,  pt.  2  of  26.162S.25 

— Frisi  (P.)     Essay  on  navigable  canals.     Tr. 

by  J.  Garstin.     pp.  149-184.       26.3627.4 

The  same.     New  ed.     pp.  181-226. 

26.3624. 18 
— Fulton  (R.)  Treatise  on  the  improvement 
,  of  canal  navigation.     London,  1706.     4". 


—Jackson  (L.  D.)  Canal  and  culvert  tables. 
London,  1878.     8\  26. 3626.1  a 

—Phillips  (J.)  General  history  of  [our]  inland 
navigation.     London,  1792.     4*".    5.266.6 

— Tanner  (H.  S.)  Descriptions  of  the  canals 
and  railroads  of  the  United  Sutes.  New 
York,  1840.     8*.  26.1635.9 

S**^  ml»0t  Atrato  thip<anal,  Darien  ship-canal, 
Gani^es  canal.  In teroceanic  communication,  Nica- 
ngyuk  canal,  North  aea  canal,  Ourcq  river,  Pana- 
ma canal,  Suez  canal,  Tehuantepec  canal. 
Ai*0^  En^neering,  Hydraulics,  Water  supply,  of 
various  cities. 

Note.  The  catalogue  of  the  public  library  of 
Boston,  in  its  article  United  Sutes.  refers  to  the 
names  of  many  canals,  considered  in  the  legisla- 
tion of  congress  as  objects  of  appropriation. 

Canary  Islands. 

— Abreu  de  Galineo  (J.  de).  History  of  the  dis- 
covery and  conquest  of  the  Canary  Is- 
lands: from  a  Spanish  manuscript.  [With] 
a  description  of  the  islands,  including 
modem  history,  by  G.  Glas.  London, 
1764.     4^  zx. 666.9 

— Conquest  of  the  Grand  Canaries,  by  shippes 

of  the  United  Provinces,  1599.     [Anon] 

pp.  353-366  of  2.48.8 

— Murray  (E.)  An  artist's  life  in  the  Canary 
Islands,  [1832-48].  London,  1859.  2  v. 
8*.  zo.625.2 

.9>#,  at*0,  Atlantic  islands,  Teneriffe. 


— Gamet  (J.  M.)  Th6orie  nouvelle  sur  les 
maladies  canc6reuses,  nerveuses,  et  autres 
affections  du  m^me  genre.  le  partie. 
Paris,  1772.     8".  29.3831.10 

Candia.     See  Crete. 

Candolle  (Augustin  Pyramus  de).     b.  1778.     d. 

1 841. 
— Buek(H.  W.)  Genera  candolleana;  seu,  index 

ad  A.  P.  de  Candolle  Prodromum  regni 

vegetabilis.     Berolini,  1840-74.     4  V.  in  2. 

8*.  28.1732.16 

— Flourens  (M.  J.  P.)    Memoir  of  Pyramus  de 

Candolle.     Tr.  by  C.  A.  Alexander. 

[Smithsonian  report,  1859,  pp.  971083]. 

Canitz  (Friedrich  Rudolf  Ludwig),  baron  von.  b. 

1654.     d.  1699. 
— Varnhagen  von  Ense  (C.  A.  L.  P.)  Freiherr 

Friedrich  von  Caniu.     pp.  11 7-168. 

V.  10  of  9.556.3 

Canning  (George),    b.  1770.    d.  1827. 

— Memoir  of  the  right  hon.  George  Canning. 
[Anon.]  pp.  7-104  of  1. 10.27 

— Stapleton  (A.  G.)  George  Canning,  and  his 
times.     London,  1859.     8".  6. 344. 11 

Political  life  of  George  Canning,  from  1822 

to  1S27.  2d  ed.  London,  1831.  3  v. 
8^  6.344.10 

Cannon.     See  Ordnance. 

Canon  law.     See  Law,  (Canon), 

Canopus,  {inscription  at). 

— Lepsius  (C.  R.)  Das  bilingue  dekret  von  Ka- 
nopus,  mit  iibersetzung  und  erklXrung 
beider  texte.  ler  iheil.  Berlin,  1866.  36 
pp.     8  pi.     f*.  II.647.1 

— Sharpe  (S.)  The  decree  of  Canopus,  in  hier- 
oglyphics and  Greek,  and  an  explanation. 
London,  1870.  12  pp.  16  pi.  120  pp. 
8".  1 1.646.191 





CanoTa  (Antonio).    ^.  1757.    d,  1822. 

— CicoGNARA  (L.)    Biographical  memoir,     pp. 

i-xl.  V.  I  of  30.1896.12 

— Memes  (J.  S.)     Memoirs  of  Antonio  Canova. 

Edinburgh,  1825.     8**.  12.725. 10 


— Epistolae  cantuarienses,  1187-1199.    \AnonJ\ 
Ed.  by  W.  Stubbs.     London,  1865.     8^ 
V.  2  of  5.2295.2 

— Guide  to  Canterbury  and  the  cathedral,  with  a 
map  of  the  city.  \Anon.'\  Canterbury, 
[1880].    68  pp.    i6*.     No.  23i  of  5. 273. 1 1 

— Stanley  (A.  P.)  Historical  memorials  of 
Canterbury.  6th  ed.  London,  1872. 
16".  5-2735 

— Thomas,  of  Elmham.  Historia  monasterii  S. 
Augustini  cantuariensis.  YA,  by  C.  Hard- 
wick.  .  .  .  London,  1858.  8**.  5.2304. 11 
S€*y  «U*0^  Becket  (Thomas  a). 

Canton.    (Kwang-chow  Foo). 

— Gray  {Mrs.  J.  H.)  Fourteen  months  in  Can- 
ton, [1877-78].     London,  1880.     16". 


Canute,  {king  of  England),     b,  995.     d.  1035, 

— Cnutonis  regis  gesta;  sive,  encomium  Emmae 
reginae.     [Anon.']    pp.  509-525' 

V.  19  of  9.528.1 

Caoutchouc,  {India  rubber). 

—Caoutchouc  and  gutta-percha.  [Anon.]  Tr. 
from  the  **Au£der  Natur."  28.3733.1 
[/»  Smithftonian  report,  1864,  pp.  ao6-aao]. 

— Maigne  (W.)  Nouveau  manuel  du  fabricant 
d'objets  en  caoutchouc.  Paris,  1880.  2 
V.  in  I.     24*.  30.1870.40 

Cape  Ann,  {in  Mc^sachusetts). 

—Thornton  (J.  W.)    landing  at  Cape  Anne. 

With  a  history  of  the  colony,  1624-1628. 

Boston,  1854.     8**.  4. 173. 12 

Cape  Colony,  or  Cape  of  Good  Hope. 

— Barnard  {lady  A.  L.)  Extracts  from  the  jour- 
wial  of  a  residence  at  the  Cape  of  Good 
Hope,  [1797-98]-     pp.  369-476. 

V.  3  of  6.356.16 

— Le  Vaillant  (F.)  Travels  in  the  interior  dis- 
tricts of  Africa,  1780-S5.     pp.  1-175. 

V.  21  of  3.2030.1 

—Martin  (R.  M.)    Cape  of  Good  Hope. 

pp.  473-497  of  3.105.2 

— Napier  (E.  E.)  Excursions  in  southern  Africa, 
[1846-47!,  including  a  history  of  the  Cape 
colony.  London,  1849.  2  v.  12".  11.662.25 

—Ten  Rhyne  (W.)  Account  of  the  Cape  of 
Good  Hope,  and  the  Hottentotes,  1673. 
pp.  829-845.  V.  4  of  2.58.4 

— Theal  (G.  M.)  Compendium  of  the  history 
and  geography  of  South  Africa.  Londoii, 
1878.     2  V.  in  I.     8*.  IX. 662. 7 

S*€^  alto^  Africa,  {Soutktni). 

Capel  (Arthur,  baron),     b.  1603.     d.  1649. 

—Lewis  {lady  M.  T.  L.  V.)  Life  ot  Arthur,  lord 
Capell.     pp.  247-304,  1-279. 

vv.  I,  2  of  6.338^.3 

Capel  (Arthur),  earl  of  Essex,     d.  1683. 

— Enquiry  into  the  barbarous  murther  of  the 
late  earl  of  Essex.  [Anon.  London], 
1684.     s.  4^  6.351.3 

CapitaL    See  Polhical  economy. 

Capital  punishment. 

— Cheever  (G.  B.)  Punishment  by  death:  its 
authority  and  expediency.  New  York, 
1842.     12".  24.1474.39 

— Mittermaier  (J.  C.  A.)  Capital  punishment. 
[Tr.  and]  ed.  by  J.  M.  Moir.  London, 
1865.     16''.  3^.1474.41 

— Punishment  of  death.  Articles  from  the 
Morning  Herald.  [Anon.]  London,  1836- 

37.   2v.    I2^  24.1474.43 

5##,  aUOy  Puniahments. 

N9te.     Victor  Hu{|fo*s  novel,   "Qaude  Gueux: 

the  last  day  of  a  cowdemned  man,'*  is  a  powerful 

plea  in  favoi  of  the  abolition  of  capital  punish- 


Capponi  (Niccol6).    b.  1484.     d.  1539. 

— tSegni  (B.)  Vita  di  Niccol6  Capponi.  pp.  271- 

378.  [Classici  italiani]. 

Captivity.     See  Prison  discipline,  Prison  life. 
Capuchins.     See  Franciscan  order. 
Caracci  family.     See  Carracci. 
Caraffa  family. 
— Reumont  (A.  von).     Carafas  of  Maddaloni: 

Naples  under  Spanish  dominion.     From 

the  German.     London,  1854.     p.  8**. 

Caraffa  (Anna),  princess  of  Stigliano.     b.  about 

16 10.     d.  1645. 
— St.   John  (H.  R.)    Court  of  Anna  Carafa, 

[1630-45].    London,  1872.    8**.     12. 732.1 
Caraffa  (Livia  Doria).     b.  1745.     d.  1779. 
— Prose,  e  verse  per  onorare   la  memoria  di 

Livia   Doria  Caraffa.      [Anon.      Parma, 

1784].     4^.  18.3050. 19 

Carausins  (Marcus  Aurelius  Valerius),     d.  293. 
— De  Peyster  (J.  W.)     History  of  Carausius. 

Poughkeepsie,  1858.  8**.  Art  room.  B.3.14 
Cardano  (Girolarao).     b.  1501.    d.  1576. 
— MoRLEY  (H.)     Jerome  Cardan.     The  life  of 

Girolamo  Cardano  of   Milan,  physician. 

London,  1854.     2  v.     12**.  12.724. 10 

— Bargrave  (J.)    Pope  Alexander  the  seventh, 

and  the  college  of  cardinals.  Ed.  by  J.  C. 

Robertson.  London,  1867.  s.  4".    5.3x6.1 
— ^WiLLiAMS  (R.  F.)     Lives  of  the  English  cardi- 
nals.   London,  1868.    2  v.    8*.     6.338^.10 

Set^  also^  Popes. 
Cards,  {playing). 
— Chatto  (W.  A.)    Facts  and  speculations  on 

the  origin  and  history  of  playing  cards. 

London,  1848.     8°.  17. 1027.6 

—Taylor  (E.   S.)    History  of  playing  cards. 

London,  1865.     16**.  17.1027.25 

Carew  {Sir  Peter),     b.  15 14.     d.  1575. 
— VowELL,  or  Hooker  (J.)    Lyffe  of  sir  Peter 

Carewe,  who  dyed  1575.     pp.  96-151. 

V.  28  of  5.2296.1 
Carey.    See  Cary. 
Caribs,  {natives  of  the  West  Indies). 
— Sheldon  (W.)     Brief  account  of  the  Caraibs, 

who  inhabited  the  Antilles,     pp.  365-433. 
V.  I  of  4. 173. 1 
— Parton  (J.)    Caricature,  and  other  comic  art. 

New  York,  1877.     8"*.     Art  room.  B.3.22 
—Wright  (T.)    History  of  caricature  and  gro- 
tesque  in   literature  and   art.      London, 

[1865].     8^  Art  room.  A.  3. 18 



Subject-catalogue  of  the  library 


Carisbrooke  castle,  (IsU  of  Wight), 

— Stratton  (W.  T.)  Guide  to  Carisbrooke  cas- 
tie.     Newport,  i88o.     23  pp.     8". 

No.  3  of  5. 273. 1 1 

Carlaverock  castle,  {Dumfriesshire,  Scotland). 

— Siege  of  Cariaverock,  a.d.  1300;  with  a  his- 
tory of  the  castle  by  N.  H.  Nicolas. 
[Anon.]     London,  1828.     4".      z8. 1076.5 

CSLTloSy  {prince  of  Spain),     b.  1 545.     d.  1 568. 

— Helfferich  (A.)  Don  Carlos  von  Spanien. 
[Leipzig,  1859].     18*.  zo.624.21 

—Schiller  (J.  C.  F.  von).  Briefe  ttber  Don 
Cailos.     pp.  265-312.        V.  10  of  9.555.2 

Don    Carlos,    infant    von    Spanien.       Ein 

dramatisches  gedicht.     pp.  1-274, 

^     ,     .      .  V.  3  of  9.555.2 

Carlovmg^ans,  {immediate  successors  of  Charle- 

— B5HMER  (J.  F.)  Urkunden  sAmmtlicher  karo- 
linger  in  kurzen  ausziigen.  Frankfurt  am 
Main,  1833.     4'.  9.526.2 

— Eginhard.  Annales,  [741-829.  Ed.]  G.  H. 
Pertz.     Hannoverae,  1854.     loi  pp.     8**. 

9-521. 5i 
The  same.   Annales  des  rois  Pepin,  Charle- 
magne, et  Louis-le-d6bonnaire.     116  pp. 
v.  3  of  8.463.2 
Sti^  also^  France,  {History),  German  empire. 

Carlyle  (Alexander),     b.  1722.    </.  1805. 

— Autobiography.     [Ed.    by  J.    H.    Burton]. 

Boston,  1861.     12''.  6.344.15 

Carlyle  (Jane  Welsh). 

— Carlyle   (T.)    Reminiscences  of   his    wife, 
pp.  323-510  of  6.338^.14 
Carlyle  (Thomas),     b.  1795.     d,  1881. 
—[Autobiographical]  reminiscences.     Ed.  by 

J.  A.  Froude.     New  York,  1881.     8^ 

— Bayne  (P.)    Thomas  Carlyle.     199  pp. 

— Conway  (M.    D.)     Thomas  Carlyle.      New 

York,  1881.     I2^  6.344.16 

—Froude  (J.  A.)    Thomas  Carlyle,  .  .  .  1795- 

1835.  New  York,  1882.  2  v.  8**.    6.344.17 
— Greg  (W.    R.)    Kingsley  and  Carlyle.     pp. 

113-145.  21.1306.34 

— Schmidt  (J.)    Thomas  Carlyle.     pp.  80-180. 

16. 1005.3 
— Taine  (H.)      Id6alisme   anglais:    6tude    sur 

Carlyle.     Paris,  1864.     18**.       23.1433.24 
Carnot  (Lazare  Nicolas  Marguerite),    b.  1753. 

d.  1823. 
— Arago  (D.  F.  J.)    Carnot.     pp.  511-633. 

V.  I  of  26.1652.8 
The  same.     Carnot.     Tr.  by  W.  H.  Smyth, 

B.  Powell,  and  R.  Grant.     116  pp. 

2d  series  of  8.478^.23 
— Maccall  (W.)     Lazarus  Carnot.     pp.   255- 

283.  V.  2  of  8.4780.1 

Caro  (Annibale).    b.  1507.     d.  1566. 
— Letterk.     Colla  vita  dell'  autore  da  A.  F. 

Seghezzi.     Milano,  1807.     3  v.     8". 

[Classic!  italiani]. 
Caroline  Amelia  Elizabeth,  {consort  of  George 

IV.  of  England),     b,  1768.     d.  1 82 1. 
— Brougham  (H.)    Speech  in  defence  of  queen 

Caroline,     pp.  75-200.     v.  9  of  6.2342. ii 
—Nightingale   {].)      Memoirs    of   Caroline, 

consort  of  George  the  fourth.     6th  ed. 

London,  1820-22.     3  v.     8'.         5.304.20 

Caroline  Matilda,  {consort  of  Christian  vii.  of 
Denmark),     b,  1751.     d.  1775. 

— Smyth  (G.)  Memoirs  of  Caroline  Matilda, 
queen  of  Denmark,    pp.  154-345. 

V.  I  of  6.355.6 

Carracd  family,  itth  century. 

— BoLOGNiNi  Amorini  (A.)  Vite  dei  Carracci. 
Bologna,  1840.  88  pp.  8".  30.1916.  Box  I 


— Markland  (J.  H.)  Early  use  of  cfirriages  in 
England,  and  modes  of  travelling  of  our 
ancestors,   pp.  443-476.  v.  20  of  5.2286.1 

Carter  (Elizabeth),     b,  1717.    d.  1806. 

— Letters  to  Mrs.  Montagu,  between  1755  and 
1800.  London,  1817.    3  V.    8^*.     6.2366.18 

— Series  of  letters  between  Mrs.  Carter  and 
Miss  Talbot,  1741-70.  [With]  letters  to 
Mrs.  Vesey,  1763-87.  London,  1809. 
4v.     8^  21.3294.3 

— Pennington  (M.)  Memoirs  of  Mrs.  E.  Car- 
ter, with  her  poems.  2d  ed.  London, 
1808.     2v.     8^  6.2362.5 

Cartesian  philosophy.     See  Philosophy. 


— Chateaubriand  (F.  A.  R.  de).  Voyage  de 
Tunis,     pp.  40-73.  V.  8  of  8.506.1 

— Davis  (N.)  Carthage  and  her  remains:  ac- 
count of  excavations  and  researches. 
London,  1861.     8°.  xi. 653.3 

— Heeren  (A.  H.  L.)  Historical  researches 
into  the  politics,  intercourse,  and  trade  of 
the  Carthaginians.  From  the  German. 
2d  ed.     London,  1850.     8°.  11.645.4 

— MCnter  (F.)  Religion  der  Karthager.  2e 
aufl.     Kopenhagen,  1821.   s.  4**.   IX.653.6 

— Rodet  (L.)    Sur  les  inscriptions  ph6niciennes 
de  Carthage, 
[journal  asiatique,  6c  B<r.,  w.  xa,  13]. 

— Smith  (R.  B.)  Carthage,  and  the  Carthagin- 
ians.    2d  ed.     London,  1879.     p.  8°. 

II. 653.13 

Rome  and    Carthage.      The    Punic    wars. 

[Abridged    from    the  preceding].      New 
York,  [1881].     I6^  12.740.21 

See,  also,  Punic  language,  Tunis. 

Note,    llie  history  of  Carthage  may  best  be  seen 

in  that  of  Rome,  late  in  the  period  of  the  repub- 


Cartwright  (Thomas),     b.  about  1535.     d,  1603. 

— Brook  (B.)  Memoir  of  the  life  and  writings 
of  Thomas  Cartwright.  London,  1845. 
8°.  6.344.20 

Cartwright  (Thomas),  bishop  of  Chester,  b, 
1634.     d.  1689. 

—Diary,  August,  1686-October,  1687.  Lon- 
don, 1843.     s.  4".  6.314.22 

Carring,  {at  table), 

— BoKE  of  keruynge,  ed.  by  F.  J.  Furnivall.  pp. 

261-288.  x8. 1072.4 

— Grimod  de  la  ReyniSre  (A.  B.  L.)  Manuel 

des  amphitryons.     \Anon.'\     Paris,  1808. 

8%  30.3873-20 

Carving,  {of  wood).     See  Engraving,  Sculpture. 

Carrosso  (William),    b.  1750.    d.  1834. 

— Memoir,  written  by  himself,  ed.  by  [B.  Car- 

vossol.     New  York,  1837.     32*.  6.34528 

Cary  (Lucius),  viscount  Falkland,     b,  1610.     d, 
—  1643. 





—Lewis  {lady  M.  T.  L.  V.)  Life  of  Lucius 
Carey»  viscount  Falkland.     246  pp. 

V.  I  of  6. 338a.  3 

Casa  (Giovanni  della).     b,  1503.    d,  1556. 

— Casotti  (G.  B.)    Notizie  iniorno  alia  vita  ed 

alle  opere  di  Giovanni  della  Casa.     88  pp. 

[Classic!  italianij. 

[/«  Casa*s  Opere,  v.  i]. 

Casanbon  (Isaac),    b,  1559.    d,  1614. 
—Greswell  (W.  p.)    Casauboniana.     Oxford, 

1840.     8°.  V.  2  of  17.1027.9 

— NiSARD  (C.)    Isaac  Casaubon.     pp.  309-456. 

17. 1042. 5 
Cashgar.     See  Kashgar. 
—Knight  (W.  H.)    Diary  of  a  pedestrian  in 

Cashmere  and  Thibet,  [i860].     London, 

1863.    8*.  xx.684.21 

Casimir  v.  (John),  king  of  Poland,    b.  1609. 

d,  1672. 
— Plebanski  (J.  C.)    De  successoris  designandi 

consilio,  vivo  Joanne  Casimiro  Polono- 

rum  rege.    Berolini,  1855.     8".     xo.603  i 
Caspian  region. 
— HoMMAiRE  DE   Hell  (I.  X.  M.)    Travels  in 

the  steppes  of  the  Caspian  sea,  etc., [1838- 

43].     London,  1847.     8".  xx.691.5 

— ScHMicK  (J.  H.)    Aralo-Kaspi-niederung  und 

ihrebefunde.  Leipzig,  1874.  8°.  29.1803.4 

Sff^  ahe^  Aral,  Oxus. 

Cassano  library. 

— DiBDiN  (T.  F.)  Descriptive  catalogue  of  the 
library  of  duke  di  Cassano  Serra,  now 
the  property  of  earl  Spencer.  London, 
1823.     1.  8'.  X6.1016.3 


— CoLLADON  (L.  T.  F.)  Histoire  naturelle  et 
mMicale  des  casses,  et  particulidrement 
de  [ces]  employes  en  m^icine.  Mont- 
pellier,  1816.     4"*.  28.1748.23 

Castanis  (Christophorus  Plato),  b,  1814.  d, 

— Orekk  exile;  or,  a  narrative  of  his  captivity  on 
the  island  of  Scio,  with  adventures  in 
Greece  and  America.  Philadelphia,  185 1. 
I6^  x4.851.22 


— MCller  (F.  M.)    Caste,    pp.  295-353. 

V.  2  of  22.1383.33 

Castelar  7  Rissoll  (Emilio).    b,  1832. 

— TowLE  (W.  M.)    Castelar.    pp.  124-153. 


Castig^one  (Baldassare),  conte.  b,  1478.  d. 

— Castiguone  (A.  P.)  Vita  del  conte  Baldassar 

Castiglione.    [Italian  and  English].    18  1. 

V.  I  of  23.1462.23 

— Sbrassi  (P.  A.)  Vita  del  conte  Baldessar 
Castiglione.  pp.xvii-xl.  [Classici  italiani]. 

Castile.     See  Spain. 


—King  (E.)  Observations  on  ancient  castles. 
pp.  364-413, 231-380.  w.  4,  6  of  5.2286.1 

Castnunetation.     See  Camps. 

Castriot  ((George).     See  Scander-Beg. 

Castfo  (Guillen  de).    b,  1569.    d,  1631. 

—Fox  (H.  R.  V.)    Guillen  de  Castro.     136  pp. 

v.  2  of  xo.624.15 

Cat  tribe,  The  (Felis). 

— MiVART  (S.)  The  cat.  An  introduction  to  the 
study  of  backboned  animals.  London, 
i88i.     8^  27.1673.16 

Catacombs.     See  Rome. 


—Pi  y  Margall  (F.)  Espafla.  Obra  pinto- 
resca  acompaflada  con  texto.  Barcelona, 
1842.     4**.  XO.626.2 

Catana,  {in  Sicily), 

— HouEL  (J.)  Vue  de  ramphith64tre  de  Caune. 
Basreliefs  antiques  qui  sont  dans  le  muse- 
um de  Catane.     pp.  116-148,  1-20. 

w.  2,  3  of  X2.718.1 

Catharine  {saints  of  Alexandria).     4IA  centufv. 

— Hardwick  (C.)  Historical  inquiry  touching 
saint  Catharine  of  Alexandria;  [with]  a 
semi-Saxon  legend.  Cambridge,  [Eng.], 
1849.    4^  15.2956.5 

—Legend  (The)  of  St.  Katherine  of  Alexandria. 
Edited.  .  .  by  James  Morton.  London, 
1841.    4*.  x8. 1056. 13 

Catharine  de'  Medici,  {consort  of  Henry  II,  of 
France),     b.  1 5 19.     d.  1589. 

—Balzac  (H.  de).  Sur  Catherine  de  M^dicis. 
Nouvelle  6d.     Paris,  1876.     I6^ 

V.  37  of  20. 1 2 10. 1 

— Brantome  (P.  de  B.  de).  Catherine  de 
M6dicis.     pp.  158-248.      V.  63  of  8.462.1 

— EsTiENNE  (H.)    Discours  merveilleux  de  la 

vie  de  Catherine  de  M6dicis.    pp.  57-210. 

V.  2  of  7.2420.2 

Catharine  11.,  Alexiowna  (Sophia  Catharina 
Dorothea),  empress  of  Russia,  b.  1729. 
d.  1796. 

—Memoirs.  Written  by  herself.  [Ed.]  by  A. 
Herzen.  From  the  French.  London. 
1859.     p.  8^  10.604.28 

—Catherine  ii.  and-  Voltaire  (F.  M.  A.  de). 
Lettres.     312  pp.  v.  78  of  8.490.1 

Nott.    Qu^rard  asserts  that  these  letters  cannot 
be  from  Catharine^s  hand. 

—Jameson  (A.  M.)    Catherine  11.    pp.  198-248. 

V.  2  of  32.2010.26 

— Laveaux  (J.  C.  T.)  Histoire  secrete  des 
amours  de  Catherine  11.  [Anon.]  Paris, 
an  vn.  [1798].     8".  v.  3  of  xo.603. 19 

— TooKE  (W.)  Life  of  Catharine  n.  ist  Am. 
ed.  Philadelphia,  1802.     2  v.  8".  10.603.3 


—Bowles  (J.)  Prospects  of  all  the  cathedrals 
of  England  and  Wales.  [In  English  and 
French].     London,  1736.     4°.        5.247.3 

— Coney  (J.)  Engravings  of  ancient  cathedrals, 
in  France,  Holland,  Germany,  and  Italy. 
London,  1842.     C  Cabinet  X.5.1 

— HowsoN  (J.  S.)  Essays  on  cathedrals.  By 
various  writers.     London,  1872.     8*. 


—Lowell  (J.  R.)  The  cathedral;  [a  poem].  Bos- 
ton, 1870.     i6'.  1 7.  II 1 3. 1 5 

— Storer  (J.)  History  and  antiquities  of  the 
cathedral  churches  of  Great  Britain.  Lon- 
don, 1814-19.  4  V.  8".  Art  room.  A.2.15 

Stt,  mUo^  Architecture,  {Gothic),  {Italy). 
Alsoy  Canterbury,  Ely,  Glasgow,  Hereford,  Ijotl' 
don,{St.PaHrs)M'aiB,  Milan,  Psin9s{Notre  Damu), 
Peterborough,  Salisbury,  Strasburg,  York. 

Catholic  church.     See  Roman  catholic  church. 
Catilina  (Lucius  Sergius).    b,  about  109  B.C.    d. 
62  B.C. 





— Beesly  (E.  S.)  Catiline,  Clodtus,  and  Tibe- 
rius,    London,  1878.     8*.  12.744.15 

— Cicero  (M.  T.)  Invectivarum  in  L.  CatiK- 
nam  Hbri  quatuor.  88  pp.  v.  3  of  13.784. 3 

— Sallustius  (C.  C.)  Bellum  catilinarium;sive, 
de  conjuratione  Catilinae.     489  pp. 

V.  I  of  12. 763. 3 

The  same.  History  of  Catiline's  conspiracy. 

Tr.  by  T.  Rose.     pp.  19-93. 

V.  I  of  13.763.20 

Gate  (Marcus  Porcius).     b.  234  B.C.    d,  149  B.C. 

—Jordan  (H.)  Quaestionum  catonianarum 
capita  duo.     Berolini,  1856.     s.  8*. 

[In  m.  vol.  Utttrtd  "  Varia  ad  res  et  litteras  Ro- 

Cat-stane,  {battle-stone,  Kirkliston,  Scotland). 

— Simpson  (J.  Y.)  The  cat-stane,  Edinburgh- 
shire :  is  it  not  the  tombstone  of  the 
grandfather  of  Hengistand  Horsa?  Edin- 
burgh, 1862.     s.  4%  6.334.8 

Catallus  (Caius  Valerius).  ^.  87  i;r94  b.c.  d. 
about  54  B.C. 

— Davies  (J.)  Catullus,  Tibullus,  and  Proper- 
tius.     Philadelphia.  1877.     16".    12.740.7 

— DuNLOP  (J.)  Caius  Valerius  Catullus,  pp. 
454-539.  V.  I  of  17. 1043. 15 

— Ellis  (R.)  Commentary  on  Catullus.  Oxford, 
1876.     8%  x3.782.13 

-^Heinsius  (N.)  Notae  ad  Catullum.  pp.  633- 
653.  14.2856.7 

Caucasas  mountains. 

—Grove  (F.  C.)  The  •*  frosty  Caucasus";  a  walk 
in  1874.  London,  1875.  p.  8*.    11.691. 28^ 

— HoMMAiRE  DE  Hell  (L  X.  M.)  Travels  in 
the  steppes  of  the  Caspian  sea,  the  Cau- 
casus, etc.,  [1838-43J.  London.  1847. 
8^  II..691.5 

— Mounsev  (A.  H.)  Journey  through  the  Cau- 
casus.[i866].  London,  1872.  8*.    XI. 691. 11 

— WiLBRAHAM  (R.)  Travels  in  the  trans-Cau- 
casian provinces  of  Russia,  in  1837.  Lon- 
don, 1839.  8\  10.604.13 
Ste,  al*0^  Circassia. 

Cauchy  (Augustin  Louis),  baron,     b.  1789.     d. 

— Valson  (C.  a.)    Vie  et  les  travaux  du  baron 

Cauchy.     Paris,  1868.     2  v.  in  i.     S**. 

Caulfield  (James),  earl  of  Charlemont.     b.  1728. 

d.  1799. 
—Hardy  (F.)     Memoirs   of   the   political    and 

private  life  of  James  Caulfield.     2d  ed. 

London,  1812.     2  v.     8*.  6.344.35 


— Barrett  (T.  S.)  New  view  of  causation.  Lon- 
don, 1871.     18".  23.1431. 18 

Causation.  pp.  29-48  of  23.1455.15 

— Brown  (T.)  Inquiry  into  the  relation  of  cause 

and  eflfeci.     4th  ed.     London,  1835.     8**. 


— Hazard  (R.    G.)    Two  letters   on  causation 

and   freedom   in  willing,  addressed  to   J. 

S.  Mill.    London.  1869.     p.  S*.   23.1420.2 

See,  aUo^  Final  causes.  Will. 

Cavendish  family. 

—Grove  (J.)  Lives  of  all  the  earls  and  dukes 
of  Devonshire,  descended  from  Sir  Wil- 
liam Cavendish.     London,  1764.     8*". 


CaTendish  (Georgiana  b.  Spencer),  duchess  of 
Devonshire,     b.  1757.     d.  1 806. 

— Thomson  (K.  B.)fliw/(J.  C.)  Georgiana,  duch- 
ess of  Devonshire,     pp.  159-186. 

V.  I  of  6.367.1 

^Thesame.     pp.  I37-I59-  6.367.2 

Caves,  and  cave-dwellers. 

— Buckland  (W.)  Reliquiae  diluvianae:  obser- 
vations on  organic  remains  contained  in 
caves,   etc.     2d  ed.     London,    1824.     4". 

29. 1 816. 5 

— Dawk  INS  (W.  B.)  Cave  hunting;  researches 
respecting  the  early  inhabitants  of  Eu- 
rope.    London,  1874.     8*.  2.55.13 

St*.  aUo^  Earth,  Ellora,  Loray  cavem,MaD.  {An- 
tiquity  of).  Peak  cavern. 

Cavour  (Camillo  Benso,  contt  di).    b.  18 10.     d. 

— BoTTA  (V.)    Discourse  on  the  life,  character. 

and  policy  of  count  Cavour.     New  York, 

1862.     8^  12.714. 1 

— Hayward  (A.)    Count  Cavour.  pp.  133-200. 

v.  I  of  21.1311.3 
— La  Rive  (G.  de).     Reminiscences  of  the  life 

and  character  of  count  Cavour.     Tr.  by 

E.  Romilly.     London,  1862.  8*.  12. 714. 3 
— Mazade  (C.  de).    Life  of  count  Cavour.  From 

the  French.  New  York,i877.  8*.  12.714.7 
— Speyer  (O.)    Camillo,  graf  von  Cavour.     pp. 

245-377.  V.  2  of  16.990.4 

— ViNEis  (    .)     Biografia  del  conte  di  Cavour. 

[Anon.]     100  pp.  25.1531.28 

Caxton  (William),     b.  1422.     d.  about  1491. 

—Blades  (W.)  Biography  and  typography  of 
William  Caxton.     London,  1877.     8\ 


How  to  tell  a  Caxton.     London,  1870.  16''. 

Art  room.  B.1.15 

— Bullen  (G.)  Caxton  celebration,  1877.  Cat- 
alogue of  the  antiquities  and  appliances 
connected  with  printing.  London,  [1877]. 
16**.  17.1027.22 

—Knight  (C.)  The  old  printer,  and  the  modem 
press.  London,  1854.  i6**.  17. 1027.23 
S<f,  alcOy  Printing. 

Cecil  (Robert),  \st  earl  of  Salisbuty.  b.  1550.  d. 

— CouRTENAY  (T.  P.)  Robert  Cecil,  earl  of 
Salisbury,     pp.i-197.        v.  5  of  6.347.12 

Cecil  (Robert  Arthur  Talbot  Gascoigne),  '^d mar- 
quis of  Salisbury,     b.  1 8 30. 

— HiGGiNSON  (T.  W.)  Marquis  of  Salisbury, 
pp.  232-248.  6.347.9 

Cecil   (William),  ist  baron  Burghley.     b.  1520. 

d.  159S. 
—Charlton  (W.  H.)    Life  of  William  Cecil 

lord  Burghley.     Stamford,  1847.     8\ 

— Macdiarmid   0)    William  Cecil     pp.    105- 

207.  6.348.3 

— Macaulay  (T.  B.)    Nares*  memoirs  of  lord 

Burghley.     pp.  108-135.  v.  2  of  21.1313.2 
—William  Cecil,  lord  Burleigh.     [Anon.]    pp. 

241-352.  V.  I  of  6. 347.  It 

Celibacy  of  the  clergy. 

—Taylor  (I.)  Ancient  Christianity,  and  the 
doctrines  of  the  Oxford  tracts.  Philadel- 
phia, 1840.  12".  31. 1942.27 
See,  also,  Monasticism. 





Cellini  (Benvenuto).    h,  1500.    d.  1571. 
—Vita  da  lui  medcfimo  scritta.    Con  note  da 

G.  P.  Carpani.     Milano,  1806-11.     2  v. 

8°.  [Classic!  italiani]. 
The  same.     Memoirs,  written  by  himself. 

With  the  notes  of  G.  P.  Carpani.     Tr.  by 

T.  Roscoe.     New  ed.     New  York.  185 1. 

2  V.  in  I.     p.  V.  x2.714.14 
The  same.    Leben.  von  ihm  selbst  geschrie- 

ben.  Uebersetzt  von  (J*  W.  von]  Goethe. 

Wien,  181 1.     2  V.     p.  8*.  Z3. 714.22 

The  same.    Stuttgart,  1868.     2  v.     8". 

w.  24,  25  of  9.563.2 
^The  same.   Herausg.  von  F.  Strehlke.   Ber- 
lin. [1873].     i6".  V.  30  of  9.540.2 
Ctlts.  or  Gauls. 
— Bacmeister  (A.)    Keltische  briefe.     Herausg. 

von  O.  Keller.    Strassburg.  1874.     8**. 

15. 2932. 2 
— FouQUET  (A.)    Des  monuments  celtiques,  et 

des  ruines  romaines  dans  le    Morbihan. 

Vannes.  1853.     8^  7.386.21 

— Maclkar  (G.  F.)    Conversion  of  the  west. 

The  Celts.     London,  [1881].     16^. 

31. 1947.6 
— RiTSON  (J.)    Memoirs  of  the  Celts,  or  Gauls. 

London,  1827.    P-  8"*.  7- 383. 1 

— ^ScHOEPFUN  (J.  D.)    Vindiciae  celticae.     Ar- 

gentorati,  1754.    4".  7.386.10 

JSrr,  al*0.  Brittany,  Druidism,  Gauls,  Hebridet, 
Highland t  of  Scotland,  Ireland,  Orkneys. 

Celtic  lansfoares. 

— CuNO  (J.  G.)     Vorgeschichte  Roms.     z  th. 

Die  Kellen.  Leipzig,  1878.  s.4'.  15.973. 11 
—Edwards  (W.  F.)  Recherches  sur  les  langues 

celtiques.     Paris,  1844.     8".  X5.932.9 

— PRICHARD  (J.  C.)  Eastern  origin  of  the  Celtic 

nations,  proved,  by  a  comparison  of  their 

dialects  with  the  Sanskrit  and  Teutonic 

languages.  London,  1831.  8"".     15.2936.9 
— RoGET  (D.  F.  L.)    Glossaire  gaulois.  .  .  .  2e 

6d.     Paris.  1872.     8*.        v.  I  of  7.386.19 
^Zeuss  (J.  C.)    Grammatica  celtica.    Ed.  altera 

curavit  H.  Ebel.     Berolini,  1871.     8". 

Set^  4iiW,  Cornish  language,  Gaelic  -language 
Welsh  language. 

Celtic  literature. 

—Arnold  (M.)  On  the  study  of  Celtic  litera- 
ture.    Lond6n,  1867.     8".         17. 1023. 16 


— Berthault-Ducreux  (A.)  Th6orie  et  pra- 
tique des  mortiers  et  cements  romains. 
Paris,  1833.     8*.  26.1632.39 

— Gillmork  (Q.  a.)  Practical  treatise  on  limes, 
hydraulic  cements,  and  mortars.  5th  ed. 
New  York.  1874.     8*.  36.1632.45 

—Grant  (J.)  Experiments  on  the  strength  of 
cement.     London,  1875.     8".     36.1632.41 

— Pasley  (C.  W.)  Observations  on  limes,  mor- 
tars, and  Puzzolanas,  with  rules  for  mak- 
ing cement.  London,  1838.  8*.  26.1632.53 

— ToTTEN  (J.  G.)  Essays  on  hydraulic  and 
common  mortars,  and  on  lime-burning. 
From  the  French  of  Treussart,  Petot,  and 
Courtois.  New  York,  1842.  8"*.  36.1632.49 

— ViCAT  (L.  J.)  Practical  and  scientific  treatise 
on  cilcareous  mortars  and  cements. 
Trans,  by  J.  T.  Smith.  London,  1837. 
8*.  26.1632.46 

5«r,  rniMy  Portland  cement. 

Cemeteries.     See  Cambridge,  {Mass,)    Mount 

Auburn^  Rome,  (Catacombs), 
Census.     See  United  States,  (Census). 

Centennial  exhibition,  (Philadelphia,  1876). 

— Brazil.  L'empire  du  Br^sil  k  Texposition 
universelle  de  1876,  i  Philadelphie.  Rio 
de  Janeiro,  1876.     8°.  3.134.22 

Empire  of  Brazil  at  the  universal  exhibition 

of   1876,  in  Philadelphia.     [Anon,]     Rio 
de  Janeiro,  1876.    8".  3.134.21 

The  same.     Kaiserreich  Brasilien  auf  der 

weltausstellung  von  1876,  in  Philadelphia. 
Rio  de  Janeiro,  1876.     8^  3.134.23 

—Ericsson  (J.)  Contributions  to  the  centenrfial 
exhibition.     New  York,  1876.     s.  4**. 

26. 1627.  z 

— Ingram  (J.  S.)  Centennial  exposition  de- 
scribed and  illustrated.  Philadelphia, 
1876.     8".  3.105.5 

— Masterpieces  of  the  international  exhibition 
illustrated.  [Anon,]  Philadelphia,  1877. 
3  V.     1.  8*.  Art  room.  C.2.4 

— Official  catalogue  of  the  British  section. 
[Anon,]  London,  1876.  2  pts.  in  i  v. 
s.  4'.  30.3877.10 

— Portuguese  special  catalogue.  [Anon,]  n.  p., 

1876.  8^  30.3877.12 

— Report  of  the  New  Jersey  commissioners  on 
the  centennial  exhibition.  [Anon,]  Tren- 
ton, 1877.     8^  30.3877.11 

— Strahan  (E.)  Art  gallery  of  the  exhibition. 
Philadelphia,  1877.  4"*.   Art  room.  A.4.14 

— United  States  centennial  commission.  In- 
ternational exhibition,  1876.  Reports. 
Philadelphia,  1879.    11  v.    8**.     30.3876.1 

The  same.    Washington,  1880.    9  v.     8'. 


Centipedes.    See  Myriapods. 

Central  America. 

— Bastian  (A.)  Isthmus  und  Guatemala,  [1876]. 
pp.  ^-440.  V.  I  of  3.136.5 

— Belly  (F.)  A  travers  TAmferique  Centrale, 
[1858-67].    Paris,  1867.  2v.  8".     3.125.9 

— Habel  (S.)  Sculptures  of  Santa  Lucia  Cosum- 
alwhuapa,  in  Guatemala.  Travels  in  Cen- 
tral America,  [1862-69].  Washington, 
1878.  90  pp.  8  pi.  4**.    V.  22  of  28.3748.1 

— Map  of  Central  America.  [Anon,]  London, 
[1852].     folded  12*'.  3.126.27 

— Morelet  (A.)  Reisen  in  Central- Amerika. 
[Vom  FranzGsische]  von  H.  Hertz.  Jena, 
1872.     8°.  3. 125. 10 

— Reich ardt  (C.  F.)  Centro- Amerika.  Im  in- 
teresse  der  deutschen  auswanderung. 
Braunschweig,  1851.    8'.  3- 125.23 

— Roberts  (O.  W.)  Narrative  of  voyages  and 
excursions  in  Central  America,  [t8i6- 
23].  [Ed.]  by  E.  Irving.  Edinburgh,  1827. 
18*.  1.20.25 

— Squier  (E.  G.)  Notes  on  Central  America. 
New  York,  1855.     8*.  3- 132. 14 

— Stephens  (J.  L.)  Incidents  of  travel  in  Cen- 
tral  America,  Chiapas,  and  Yucatan, 
[1839-40].     New  York,  1841.     2  v.     8*. 

— Trollope  (A.)  West  Indies  and  the  Spanish 
Main,  [1859].  London.  1859.  8°.  3.126.2 
— Wagner  (M.)  Naturwissenschaftliche  reisen 
im  tropischen  Amerika,  [1856-59].  Stutt- 
gart, 1870.     8*.  3. 125. 1 1 





—Wells  (W.  V.)  Historical  sketch  of  Central 
America.  pp.  449-522  of  3.124.7 

.SW«  o/nv  Guatemala,  Honduras,  Interoceanic 
canals,  Nicaragua,  Panama,  San  Salvador,  Te- 
huantepec,  Yucatan. 


— Beyrich  (E.)  Ucber  einig^e  cephalopoden  aus 
dem    muschelkalk   der   Alpen.      Beriin, 

1867.  4**.  27.1726.3 
Ceramics.    See  Pottery. 

Cereals.    See  Grain. 

Cenrantes  Saavedra  (Miguel  de).    b,  1547.    d. 

— BowLE  (J.)    Letter  to  Dr.  Percy,  concerning 

a  new  edition  of  Don  Quixote.     London, 

1777.    8.  4'-  20.1226.3 

— Merim^  (P.)    Cervantes. 

pp.  1-54  of  8.47&1.22 
—Montgomery  (J.)  and  others,   Cervantes,    pp. 

120-188.  V.  3  of  12.738^.12 

The  same.  32. 201 2.  i 

— Navarrete  (M.  F.  de).     Vida  de  Miguel  de 

Cervantes,    cvii  pp.        v.  i  of  20.1226.5 
-^RoscoE  (T.)    Life  and  writings  of  Miguel  de 

Cervantes  Saavedra.    London,  1839.    16*. 

Z.I. 12 
— Flower  (W.   H.)    Recent  memoirs  on  the 

cetacea,    by    Eschricht,    Reinhardt,   and 

Lilljeborg.  London,  1866.  V.    27.1688.21 
— Gray  (J.  E.)    Synopsis  of  the  whales  and 

dolphins  in  the  British  museum.  London, 

1868.  4^  27.1676.2 
— Hamilton     (R.)       Amphibious     camivora. 

Whales,  etc.    London,  [1840].    2  v.    16°. 
w.  25,  26  of  27. 1667. 1 

— Sars  (G.  O.)  Om  individueile  variationer  hos 
r5rhvaleme,  og  de  deraf  betingede  ulighe- 
der  i  den  ydre  og  indre  bygning.  KjOben- 
havn,  1868.    46  pp.    8**.      27.1676.  Box  3 

—Van  Beneden  (J.  P.)  and  Gervais  (P.)  Ost6- 
ographie  des  c6tac6s  vivants  et  fossilcs. 
Paris,  1868-80.     2v.    4*.  29.1868.2 

The  same.     Atlas.    L  f^  29.1867.2 

Sety  aUoy  Whales. 

Ceylon.    (Sinhala). 

— BALDt  (P.)  Description  of  the  isle  of  Ceylon, 
pp.  667-829.  V.  3  of  2.58.4 

— Bennett  (J.  W.)  Ceylon,  and  its  capabilities. 
[Colored  plates].     London,  1843.    4**. 

XX. 696.9 

— Cordiner  (J.)  Description  of  Ceylon,  with 
narrative  of  a  tour  round  the  island  in 
1800.  London,  1807.   2  v.   4".     xx.696.12 

— De  Quincey  (T.)    Ceylon. 

pp.  247-287  of  21. 1304. 1 

— Martin  (R.  M.)  Ceylon,  pp.  369-402  of  3.105.2 

— Percival  (R.)    Account  of  the  island  of  Ccy- 
.   Ion.     London,  1803.     4*.  X  1.685.9 

— ^Tennent  {Sir  J.  E.)  Ceylon;  an  accoimt  of 
the  island.  4th  ed.  London,  i860.  2  v. 
8^  IX.684.22 

—Wolf  (J.  C.)  Reise  nach  Zeilan,  [1759-64]. 
Berlin,  1782.    8%  15.975. 18 

Se«^  alscy  Cingalese  language. 


— Candolle  (A.  P.  de).  Description  du  chail- 
letia, nouveau  genre  de  plantes.  Paris, 
[1811].    4^  28.x748.28 


— Lenormant  (F.)  Chald6e  et  Assyrie.   309  pp. 

V.  2  of  2.60.7 

— Loftus  (W.  K.)    Travels  and  researches  in 

Chaldaea  and  Susiana,  in  1849-52.     New 

York.  1857.    8".  11.703.9 

— Rawlinson  (G.)    Chaldaea.     179  pp. 

V.  I  of  2.65.4 
Sett  «/*»,  Babylon. 

Chaldee  language. 


— Buxtorf  (J.)  Lexicon  chaldaicum,  talmudi- 
oun,  etrabbinicum.  Editum  a  J.  Buxtorfio 
filio.     Basileae,  1640.    f^.  x^.988.2 

Lexicon  hebraicum  et  chaldaicum.    Ed.  4ta. 

Basileae,  1631.     8*.  x5.980.13 

— Castell  (E.)  Lexicon  heptaglotton,  hebrai- 
cum, chaldaicum,  etc.  Londini,  1669.  2 
V.     f**.  22.1368.2 

— Gesenius  (W.)  Lexicon  manuale  hebraicum 
et  chaldaicum  in  veteris  testamenti  libros. 
Post  ed.  3am.  Lipsiae,  1833.  8^  15.982.7 

The  same.     Hebrew  and  English  lexicon  of 

the  Old  Testament,  including  the  Biblical 
Chaldee.  Tr.  by  E.  Robinson.  Boston, 
1836.     8*.  15.982.8 

— NoLD  (C.)  Concordantiae  particularum  ebraeo- 
chaddaicarum.     Hafniae,  1679.    s.  4". 


— ScHEiD  (E.)  and  GrOnewoud  (J.  J.)  Lexicon 
hebraicum  et  chaldaicum  manuale  in  codi- 
cem  sacrum  veteris  testamenti.  Pars  i. 
Trajecti  ad  Rhenum.  1805.   4^*.     15.983.2 

— Schindler  (V.)  Lexicon  pentaglotton,  he- 
braicum, chaldaicum,  syriacum.  talmudico- 
rabbinicum,  et  arabicum.  Hanoviae, 
1612.     V,  X5.938.8 

— Sim  on  IS  (J.)  Lexicon  manuale  hebraicum  et 
chaldaicum  in  veteris  testamenti  libros. 
Ed.  G.  B.  Winer.  Ed.  4ta.  Lipsiae, 
1828.     %\  X5.98fi.5 

Stty  alsoy  Hebrew  language. 


— MoRTHLAND  (C.)  Brevis  introductio  ad  gram- 
maticam  hebraicam  et  chaldaicam.  Glas- 
guae,  1721.     8**.  x5.980.16 

— RiGGS  (E.)  Manual  of  the  Chaldee  language. 
Boston,  1832.     8^.  x5.983.12 

— Tremellio  (E.)  Grammatica  chaldaea  et  syra. 
[Genevae],  1569.    f^  22.i378.d 

— Winer  (G.  B.)  Grammatik  des  biblischen  un8 
targumischen  chaldaismus.  Leipzig,  182.3 
8^  x5.981.24 

Chald&isches  lesebuch,  aus  den  targumim 

des  alten  testaments  ausgewfthlt.  Leipzig, 
1825.     8^  x5.981.28 

Challenger  expedition  round  the  world,  X875- 

— Spry  (W.  J.  J.)  Cruise  of  her  majesty's  ship 
••Challenger."    New  York,  1877.     p.  8°. 


—Thomson  (Sir  C.  W.)  Voyage  of  the  *•  Chal- 
lenger." The  Atlantic:  a  preliminary 
account.     London,  1877.     2  v.    8*. 


and  others.    Preliminary  reports  from  the 

••Challenger."  [London,  1876].  8%  2.43.9 

Report  on  the  scientific  results  of  the  voyage 

of  H. M.S.  ••Challenger."  Zoology.  Lon» 
don,  1880-81.    3  V.  4%  27.1678.8 




Chmlmers  (Thomas),    b,  1780.    (L  1847. 

— Correspondence.  Ed.  by  W.  Hanna.  New 
York,  1853.     I2^  6.344.25 

— Hanna  (W.)  Memoirs  of  the  life  and  writings 
of  Thomas  Chalmers.  New  York,  1850- 
52.    4v.     12%  6.344-23 


— Moffat  Q.  C.)  Life  of  Thomas  Chalmers. 
Cincinnati,  1853.     la*".  6.344.24 

Chambers  (Robert),    b,  1802.    d.  1871. 

— Chambers  (W.)  Memoir  of  Robert  Chambers; 
with  autobiographic  reminiscences.  Edin- 
burgh, 1872.     la'*.  6.344.28 

^The  same.    3d  cd.    New  York,  1872*     16*. 


Chambers  (William),    b,  i8oa 

— Autobiographic  reminiscences  of  William 
Chambers.  Edinburgh,  1872.  16°.  6.344.28 

Chambersbnrg^,  {Pennsyhania), 

— Garrard  (L.  H.)  Chambersburg  in  the  colony 
and  the  revolution.  Philadelphia,  1856. 
8'.  4.192.6 

Chambrun  (Joseph  Dominique  Aldebert  de 
Pineton,  camU  de).     b,  1821. 

— PRIVAT  (C.)  Fragments  politiques:  comptes 
rendus  de  la  presse.    Paris,  187a.    8*". 


Champagne,  {France), 

—Tomes  (R.)  The  Champagne  coimtry,  [1865- 
67].    New  York,  1867.     i6'.  7.383.8 

Champlain  (Samuel  de).    b.  1567.    d,  1635. 

— Parkman  (F.)  Samuel  de  Champlain,  and  his 
associates.  pp.  163-420  of  3. 113. 13 

Chance.     See  Probability. 

Chancellors  of  England. 

—Campbell  (J.)  Lives  of  the  lord  chancellors 
of  England.  From  2d  Lond.  ed.  Phila- 
delphia, 1847-48.     7  V.     8*.  6.338^.3 

ChancellorsriUe,  (Battle  of.  May  2,  3,  1863). 

—Doubled AY  (A.)  Chancellorsville  and  Gettys- 
burg.    New  York,  1882.     12%       3.150.5 

Chandler  (Zachariah).    b.  1813.    d-  1879- 

— Memorial  addresses  on  the  life  and  character 
of  Zachariah  Chandler,  delivered  in  con- 
gress, 1880.    Washington,  1880.     8**. 


Channing  (William  Ellery).    b,  1780.    d,  1842. 

—Brooks  (C.  T.)  William  Ellery  Channing:  a 
centennial  memory.     Boston,  1880.     16**. 


—Channing  (W.  H.)  Life  of  William  Ellery 
Qumning.  Centenary  ed.  Boston,  1880. 
p.  8%  4-204.5 

—Memoir,  with  extracts  from  his  correspond- 
ence. [Ed.  by  W.  H.  Channing].  Lon- 
don, [1880].    2  V.    p.  8*".  4.204. 5i 

— Peabody  (E.  p.)  Reminiscences  of  William 
Ellery  Channing.     Boston,  1880.     la"". 


Chantrer  (Sir  Francis),    b.  1782.    d,  1841. 

— Jones  (G.)  Sir  Francis  Chantrey.  Recollec- 
tions of  his  life,  practice,  and  opinions. 
London,  1849.     i^"**  ^•344-32 

Chapman  (George),    b,  1559.    d,  1634. 

—Memoir  of  George  Chapman.  [Anon.]  pp. 
T-xliv.  V.  I  of  19. 1 142.4 

—Swinburne  (A.  C.)  George  Chapman:  a 
critical  essay.  London,i875.  i6\  6.344.33 


— Kant  (L)  Anthropologie  in  pragmatischer 
hinsicht.  Herausg.  von  J.  H.  von 
Kirchmann.    2e  aufl.    Berlin,  1S72.     la**. 

23. 1443.21 

— La  BruyMe  (J.  de).  Caractferes.  Paris, 
1818.     2v.     8^  23.1464.40 

The  same.     Paris,  1844.     16°.      23.1460.13 

— Martineau  (H.)  Household  education.  Bos- 
ton, 1877.     32°.  24.1492.47 

—Smiles  (S.)  Character.  New  York,  [1872]. 
I2^  21. 1315.38 

Self-help;    with  illustrations  of    character. 

Revised  ed.  Boston,  1865.  12**.     6.347.17 

^Thesamc.  New  York, [1872].  I2^  6.347.18 

— Theophrastus.  Characteres.  Recensuit  et 
perpetua  adnotatione  illustravit  F.  Astius. 
Lipsiae,  1816.     8*".  14.913. 37 

Characters:  an  English  translation  by  R.  C. 

Jebb.      [Greek  and  English].     London, 
1870.     16*.  x4.913.39 

The  same.    Caract^res,  tr.  par  [J.  de]  La 

Bruyfere,    avec    des    notes    par    J.    G. 
Schweigh&user.    pp.  259-461. 

V.  2  of  23.1464.40 

The  same.  pp.  434-526  of  23.1460.13 

— Whipple  (E.  P.)  Character,  and  characteristic 
men.     Boston,  1871.    16''.        2Z.  1326.30 

5>#.  also.  Education,  Gentleman,  Humor,  Morals, 
Ridicule,  Satire. 


— Anecdotes  of  beneficence.     London,  1823. 

24°.  V.  I  of  1. 17.2 

— Parsons  (J.  U.)  The  philanthropies.  Practical 

workings  of  Christianity.     Boston,  1874. 

18°.  22.1347.  Box  I 

Charlemagne,  emperor  of  the  west,     b.  742.    d, 

— BuL?iNCH    (T.)      Legends    of   Charlemagne. 

Boston,  1872.     12**.  20.1223.9 

— Charlemagne:  an  Anglo-norman  poem,  of  Uie 

1 2th  century,  first  published  by  F.  Michel. 

London,  1836.     16°.  18.3060.10 

— Des  faits  et  gestes  de  Charles-le-grand,  par  un 

moine  de  Saint-Gall.     [Anon,]     pp.  163- 

268.  V.  3  of  8.463.3 

— DiPPOLDT  (H.  C.)    Lcben  kaiser  Karls  des 

grossen.     Tubingen,  18 10.     8^     9.541-33 
The  same.  Neue  ausg.   Tubingen,  1812.  8*" 

-Eginhard.    Annales,  [741-829. 
Pert!.     Hannoverae,  1845. 

Ed.]  G.  H. 

loi  pp.     8®. 


^The  same.     Annales  des  rois  Pepin,  Charle- 
magne, et  Louis-le-d6bonnaire.     116  pp. 
V.  3  of  8.463.2 

^Vita    Karoli   magni.     [Ed.]   G.    H.    Peru. 

Ed.  altera.     Hannoverae,  1845.     44  pp. 
8'.  9.521.6 

The  same.    Vie  de  Charlemagne,     pp.  117- 

161.  V.  3  of  8.463.3 

— Fierabras.  The  \yi  of  the  noble  and  crysten 
prince,  Charles  the  grete.  Tr.  from  the 
French  by  William  Caxton,  with  introduc- 
tion, notes,  etc.,  by  S.  J.  H.  Herrtage. 
[Anon.]    London,  1880-81.     8*.     18.1070 

— Jacobs  (    .)  Zur  geschichte  Karls  des  grossen: 

das  jahr  813.  Cottbus,  1863.     37  pp.    4"*. 

7.386.  Box  I 

— ^JaffA  (P.)  Monumenta  Carolina.  Berolini, 
1867.     6\  .  8.482-2ii 





^JAMES  (G.  P.  R.)  History  of  Charlemagne. 
New  York,  1845.     18°.  32.2020.13 

—  -The  same.     2d  ed.    London,  1847.     8*. 


— Kaklamagnus  saga  ok  Kappa  Hans,  i  norsk 
bearbeidelat  fra  det  I3e  aarhundrede. 
[Anon.]  Udgivet  af  C.  R.  Unger.  Chris- 
tiania,  i860.    8^  Z8.3082.8 

— TURPIN.  HistoiT  of  Charles  the  great  and 
Orlando.     56  pp.  v.  i  of  18.3052. 13 

Charlemont,  ear/  of.    See  Caulfield  (J.) 

Charles  L,  king  of  England,    b,  1600.   d,  1649. 

— ^ASHBURNHAM  (J.)  Narrative  of  his  attendance 
00  Charles  the  first  to  the  Scotch  army, 
and  the  Isle  of  Wight  London,  1830. 
2  V.    8^  5.291.2 

—Borough  {Sir})  Notes  of  the  treaty  at  Ripon 
between  Charles  i.  and  the  covenanters, 
1640.  Ed.  by  J.  Bruce.  London,  1869. 
s.  4%  6.316.8 

— Cook  (J.)  King  Charles  his  case;  or,  an  ap- 
peal  to  all  rational  men  concerning  his 
tryaL  5.298.2 

iin  Ludlow*8  Memoin,  appendix,  pp.  x-aoj. 

^•Disraeli  (I.)  Commentaries  on  the  life  and 
reign  of  Charles  the  first.  London,  1828. 
2v.     8°.  5.303-17 

•^txdSv  fladtXixff.  The  pourtraicture  of  his 
sacred  majesty  in  his  solitudes  and  suf- 
ferings. [By  J.  Gauden.  London],  1648. 
8*.  Art  room.  B.1.18 

— FORSTER  (J.)  Arrest  of  the  five  members  by 
Charles  the  first.     London,  x86o.     p.  8  . 


—Francisco  de  Jesus.  Hecho  de  los  tratados 
del  matrimonio  pretendido  por  el  prin- 
cipe  de  Gales  con  la  infante  Maria.  Ed. 
and  tr.  by  S.  R.  Gardiner.  London, 
1869.    s.  4*".  6.316.9 

— Gardiner  (S.  R.)  Personal  government  of 
Charles  I.,  1628-1637.  London,  1877. 
2  V.     8'.  5.303. 13 

— GuizoT  (F.  P.  G.)  Histoire  de  Charles  ler, 
[1625-49].  9e  6d.  Paris,  1866.  2  v. 
16**.  vv.  I,  2  of  5.290.6 

Projet  de  marlage  royal.    Paris,  1S63.  iS**. 

6.341. II 

—HiLLiEK  (G.)  Narrative  of  the  attempted  es- 
capes of  Charles  the  first  from  Carisbrook 
castle.     London,  1852.     p.  8".      5. 290. 11 

— Historic  reprints  of  our  old  English  news- 
papers, published  in  the  reign  of  Charles 
the  first.     [Anon.]     London,  n.d.     4°. 


— Johnson  (G.  W.)  Fairfax  correspondence. 
Memoirs  of  the  reign  of  Charles  the  first. 
London,  1S48.     2  v.     8°.  5.294.7 

— King's  cabinet  opened;  or,  certain  secret  let- 
ters and  papers  written  with  the  king's 
own  hand.     pp.  340-363.  5.308.15 

— Letters  to  queen  Henrietta  Maria.  Ed.  by 
J.  Bruce.     London,  1856.   s.  4".  6.315.20 

— Lilly  (W.)  Observations  on  the  life  and 
death  of  Charles  I.   pp.  169-282.  6.341.23 

— Ludlow  (E.)  Letters  concerning  the  tyranny 
of  the  first  four  years  of  king  Charles; 
with  a  detection  of  Hollingworth's  disin- 
genuity  in  his  defence  of  Charles  i.  Lon- 
don, 1812.    4*.  S*3oS.i3 

—Mackintosh  (Sir  J.)  Refutation  of  the  claim 
on  behalf  of  Charies  i.  to  the  authorship 
of  the  BIKON  BA2IAIKH.     pp.  505-540. 

V.  I  of  6.235S.4 

^Masbres  (F.)  Select  tracts  relating  to  the 
dvil  wars  in  England,  in  the  reign  of 
Charles  the  first.  London,  1815.  2  v. 
4'.  5.306.17 

—Milton  (J.)  Eikonoklastes;  in  answer  to 
"  Eikon  basilika."    pp.  301-496. 

V.  X  of  34.1508.  x8 

^The  same.  6.2353.4 

—  -Pro  populo  anglicano  defensio,  contra  Sal- 
masii  Defensionem  'regiam.  Londini, 
1651.     I2^  Art  room.  B.I. 25 

^  -The  same.  Defence  of  the  people  of  Eng- 
land, in  answer  to  Salmasius'  Defence 
of  the  king.  pp.  1-313.  v.  i  of  24.1502. 18 

The  same.  6.2353.4 

Second  defence  of  the  people  of  England; 

in  answer  to  **  The  cry  of  the  royal  blood 
to  heaven  against  the  English  parricides." 
[Tr.  by  J.  Wrongton].     n.  p.,   n.d.     8*. 


— Perrinchibp  (R.)  Life  of  Charles  i.  pp.  i- 
74.  S.2SS.4 

— Saumaise  (C.  de).  Ad  Johannem  Miltonum 
responsio.  Londini,  1660.  12**.  24.i5oa2a 

— Toland  (J.)  Complete  history  of  Icon  ba- 
silike.    pp.  82-172.  6.361.9 

— View  of  the  reign  of  king  Charles  the  first. 
[Anon,]    pp.  327-340.  5.308.10 

The  same.  5.308.15 

—Wordsworth  (C.)  "  Who  wrote  eikqn 
BA2IAIKH?"  considered  and  answered. 
London,  1824.     S".  24. 1503.  i 

Charles  IL,  king  of  England,    b.  1630.  d.  1685. 

— Carrel  (J.  B.  N.  A.)  Counter  revolution  for 
the  re-establishment  of  popery  in  Eng- 
land,  under  Charles  u.,  and  James  11. 
London,  1846.     12".  5.290.2 

— Davenport  (R.  A.)  Attempt  of  Charles  11. 
to  recover  the  English  crown;  his  defeat  at 
Worcester;  and  his  wanderings,  pp.  48- 
135.  V.  I  of  X.10.8 

— Ewald  (A.  C.)  Life  and  times  of  Algernon 
Sydney.  London,  1873.  2  v.  8\  6.371.28 

— Evelyn  (J.)  I^te  news  from  Brussels  un- 
masked, and  his  majesty  vindicated,  pp. 
193-204.  6.2358.1 

— GlTY  (H.)  Moneys  received  and  paid  for  se- 
cret services  of  Charles  il.  and  James  li., 
1679-88.  [Ancn,]  Ed.  by  J.  Y.  Aker- 
man.     London,  1851.     s.  4^  6.315.9 

— Hughes  (J.)  Boscobel  tracts  relating  to  the 
escape  of  Charles  the  second,  after  the  bat- 
tle of  Worcester,  [1651].  2d  ed.  Edin- 
burgh, 1857.     8%  5.306.22 

ChBx\^%V  ,y  king  of  France,     b.  1337.     </.  1380. 

— Christine  de  Pisan.  Livre  des  fais  et 
bonnes  meurs  du  sage  roy  Charles  v. 
pp.  581-637.  V.  I.  of  8.454.1 

Set,  alto^  Du  Guesdin  (B.),and  Edward,  the  black 
prince  of  England. 

C\i9LX\<t%V\,y  king  of  France,  b.  1368.  d.  1422. 
— Des  Ursins  (J.  J.)    Histoire  de  Charles  vi., 

et  de  son  r^gne,  1380-1422.  pp.  333-569. 
V.  2  of  8.454*1 

Siey  «/r#,  BoucicauU 





— Fenin  (P.  dc).  M^moires  de  Charles  vi., 
1407-22.     pp.  305-556.        V.  5  of  8.452.1 

— Journal  d'un  bourgeois  de  Paris,  sous  le 
rdgne  de  Charles  vi.  [Atton.]  pp.  629- 
699.  237-300.  w.  2,  3  of  8.454. 1 

— ToDi^RE  (L.  P.)  Les  illustres  chevaliers  sous 
Charles  vi.     Paris,  [1855].     8^      7.431.9 

Charles  VII.,  iifi^  of  France,  b,  1403.  d. 
1461.  See  Coeur  (Jacques),  Dare  (Jeanne), 
and  Henry  v.  of  England. 

Charles  VIII.,  king  of  France,  b,  1470.  d. 

— CoMMiNEs(P.  de).  Historical  memoirs  of  the 
reign  of  Charles  VI n.  pp.405-597.  7.422.2 

The  same.     pp.  93-290.         v.  2  of  7.421. 16 

Charles  IX.,  king  of  France,     b.  1550.    d.  1574. 

— M£rim£e  (P.)  Chronique  du  r^gne  de  Charles 
IX.     Paris.  1874.     12'.  20. 1232. 2i 

S«».  aUo^  Coligny,  Guises,  Huguenots,  St  Bar- 

Charles  V.,  emperor  of  Germany,  b.  1500.  d. 

— Comment  AIRES  [sur  sa  vie].  Publics  par  Q. 
M.  B.  C.  de]  Kervyn  de  Lettenhove. 
Bruxelles,  1862.     8**.  9.524.0 

— Correspondence  [with]  his  ambassadors  [to] 
England  and  France;  with  biographical 
notices  [and  his]  itinerary,  1519-51.  Ed. 
by  W.  Bradford.     London,  1850.     8^ 


— Mameranus  or-DY.  Naves  (N.)  Kurtze  erze- 
lung  der  geschichten  keysers  Caaroli  des 
V.     pp.  80-103.  9-510.15 

— Maurus  (H.)  Von  der  bekrdnung  keyser 
Caroli  dess  fttnfften.  Latin  beschriben: 
ins  Tetttsch  bracht  von  P.  Fabricius.  pp. 
105-159.  9-510.15 

— Melancthon  (P.)    De  electione  et  corona 
tione    Caroli    v.    caesaris    historia.     pp.. 
473-514.  V.  20  of  31.1996. 1 

—Robertson  (W.)  History  of  the  reign  of 
Charles  the  fifth.  America,  [Philadel- 
phia?]. 1770.     3  V.     8**.  9.524.11 

The  same,      ist  Am.  from  loth  Lond.  ed. 

New  York,  1804.     3  v.     8°.  9.524.10 

^The  same.  With  an  account  of  the  empe- 
ror's life  after  his  abdication,  by  W.  H. 
Prescott.     Boston,  1857.  3  v.  8".  9.524.1 

— Sabinus  (G.)  SchOne  und  lustige  beschry- 
bung  etlicher  rathschlegen  in  erwelung 
eines  keysers,  wie  s61ichs  Caroli  dess  v. 
[Herausgabe]  P.  Fabricius.  MOlhusen, 
1561.   8\  9.510.15 

—Stirling-Maxwell  {Sir  W.)  Cloister  life  of 
the  emperor,  Charles  the  fifth.  3d  ed. 
London,  1853.     p.  8".  9.524.14 

5<r,  alw,  Fnmcis  i.,  king  of  France^  Henry  viii., 
king  of  England y  Reformation. 

Charles  XL,  king  of  Sweden,  b.  1655.  d. 

— KoRT  utkast  til  konung  Carl  den  xites  his- 
toria,    [Anon.]    Stockholm,  1788.     16". 


Charles  XIL,  king  of  Sweden,  b.  1682.  d. 

—Frederick  ii.  Reflexions  sur  les  talents 
militaires,  et  sur  le  caract^re  de  Charles 
XI I.,  roi  de  SuMe.     pp.  69-88. 

V.  7of9.55i.i 

—  -The  same.  Reflections  on  the  character 
and  military  talents  of  Charles  xii.  pp. 
111-146.  V.  5  of  8.2494.1 1 

— KoRT  utkast  til  konune  Carl  xiites  lefver- 
nes-beskrifning.       [Anon.]      Stockholm, 

1788.   I6^  10.594.37 

— Nemeitz  (J.  C.)  M6moires  concernant  le 
comte  de  Stenbock,  pour  servir  d'6clair- 
cissement  k  I'histoire  militaire  de  Charles 
xii.     Francfon  sur  le  Mayn,  1745.    i6*. 

10. 593.26 

— Nordberg  (J.  A.)  Kort  utdrag,  utur  then 
fifwer  konung  Carl  den  tolftes  lefweme 
och  kongliga  dater.  F5rfattadt  af  N. 
Gylling.  Stockholm,  1745.  s.  4**.  10.594.13 

The  same.     Leben  Carl  des  zw5lften.  [Ver- 

teutscht  von  J.  H.  Heubel.     Hamburg], 
1745-51.     3v.     i\  10. 598. 1 

—Voltaire  (F.  M.  A.  de).  Histoire  de  Charles 
xii.     Paris,  1784.     8^      V.  23  of  8.2485.1 

The  same.     History  of  Charles  xii.     From 

the  French.     2ded.     London,  1732.     8°. 

to.  594.23 

^The  same.      Ed.  by  O.  W.  Wight.     New 

York,  1864.     12'.  10.594.30 

The  same.     Storia  dl  Carlo  xii.     Tradotta 

da    G.    Filippi.      3a    ed.      Norimberga, 
[1840].     I6^  xo.593.27 

Charles  XIV.,  John  [Bemadotte],  king  of  Swe- 
den,    b.  1764.     d.  1844. 

— Meredith  (W.  G.)  Memorials  of  Charles 
John,  king  of  Sweden  and  Norway.  Lon- 
don, 1829.     8"".  10.594.5 

Charles,  of  Anjou,  king  of  Naples  and  Sicily, 
b.  about  1225.     d.  1285. 

— Conspiration  ^de  Jean  Prochyta.  [Anon]. 
Paris.  1827'     8^  V.  6  of  8.451. 1 

Se*^  also^  Sicilian  vespers. 

Charles,  the  bold,  duke  of  Burgundy,  b.  1433. 
d.  1477. 

— Barante  (A.  P.  de).  Histoire  de  Charles  le 
t^m^raire,  due  de  Bourgogne.  pp.  271- 
344.  V.  2  of  7.426.3 

— Chastellain  (G.;  Chronique  des  dues  de 
Bourgogne.     Paris,  1827.     2  v.     8**. 

vv.  42,  43  of  8.461. 1 

— COMMINES  (P.  de).  M6moires  sur  les  guerres 
qui  furent  entre  Louis  onziesme,  et  le 
comte  de  Charolois,  depuis  due  de  Bour- 
gogne.    Paris,  1875.     3  V.     8". 

vv.  10-12  of  8*452.1 

—  -The  same.     Historical  memoirs. 

pp.  9-276  of  7.422.2 

^The  same.    342  pp.  v.  i  of  7.421. 16 

— Kirk  (T.  F.)  History  of  Charles,  the  bold, 
dtu^e  of  Burgundy.  Philadelphia,  1864- 
68.     3  V.     8^  7.422.1 

— La  Marche  (O.  de).  M6moires.  Londres, 
1785.     2  V.     8^  vv.  8,  9  of  8.452.1 

The  same.     pp.  301-577.        v.  3  of  8.454.1 

5>#,  alsoy  Louis  xi.,  king  0/  Franco. 

Charles,  the  good,  count  of  Flanders.         d.  1127. 

— Galbert  (  .)  Vie  de  Charles- le-bon.  pp. 
231-433.  V.  8  of  8.463.2 

Charles  Edward,  the  young  pretender.  See 
Stuart  (C.  E.  L.  P.  C.) 

Charles,  prince  of  Spain.     See  Carlos. 

Charleston,  {South  Carolina).  Washington  light 

— Account  of  the  revival  of  the  company,  with 
the  proceedings  of  its  sixty-sixth  anniver- 
sary, 1873.  Charleston,  1873.   4".  4.194.1 





Charlestown,  (Massachusetts).  Ursulim  con- 

— Whitney  (L.)  Burning  of  the  convent.  A 
narrative  of  [its]  destruction  by  a  mob,  as 
remembered  by  one  of  the  pupils.  Bos- 
ton, 1877.     ^6  •  4.172.26 

Charon,  of  Lampsacus,  ^th  century  B.C. 

— Creuzer  (G.  F.)  Charon  lampsacenus,  ejus 
aetas,  ingenium,  fides,     pp.  87-132. 


Charriere  (Isabelle  Arabelle  E.  de).  b.  about 
1740.    d.  1805. 

— Kavanagh  (J.)  Madame  de  Charri^re.  pp. 
99-124.  V.  2  of  8.4780.8 

Chartography.     See  Map  drawing. 

Chase  (Salmon  Portland),     b.  1808.     d.  1873. 

— ScHUCKERS  (J.  W.)  Life  and  public  services 
of  Salmon  Portland  Chase.  [With]  the  eu- 
logy by  W.  M.  Evarts.  New  York,  18^4. 
8'.  4*204.6^ 

— Warden  (R.  B.)  Account  of  the  private  life 
and  public  services  of  Salmon  Portland 
Chase.     Cincinnati,  1874.     8".      4.204.6^ 

Chateaubriand  (Fran9ois  Auguste,  vicomte  de). 
b,  1768.     d.  1848. 

— M6M01RES  d'outre-tombe.  Paris,  i860.  6  v. 
1.  8\  v.  1-6  of  8.506.1 

— Alison  (A.)    Chateaubriand,     pp.  7-27. 


—Greg  (W.  R.)    Chateaubriand,     pp.  184-245. 

21. 1306.34 

— Sainte-Beuve  (C.  a.)  Chateaubriand,  pp. 
7-82.  V.  I  of  8.481.2 

Chatham,  \st  earl  of.     See  Pitt  (W.) 

Chatterton  (Thomas),     b.  1752.     d.  1770. 

— Dix  (J.)  Life  of  Thomas  (Chatterton.  London, 
1837.     16*.  6.344.38 

— Gregory  (G.)  Life  of  Thomas  Chatterton. 
clx  pp.  V.  I  of  X  8. 1083.37 

— Masson  (D.)  Chatterton.  A  story  of  the 
year  1770.     pp.  178-345.  x8. 1078^1. 13 

—Wilcox  (C.)  Life  of  Thomas  Chatterton. 
[.^non.]  pp.  xvii-clxvii.  v.  I  of  18. 1083.36 

The  same.    pp.  vii-cxxxii.  v.  i  of  18.1087.1 

Chaucer  (Geofifrey).     b,  about  1340.     d.  1400. 

— Clarke  (C.  C.)   Life  of  Geofifrey  Chaucer,  pp. 
1-57-  V.  I  of  18.1084. 10 

Memorial  of  Geofifrey  Chaucer,     pp.  1-50. 

X  8. 1084.4 
—  Dunham  (S.  A.)    Chaucer,     pp.  125-172. 

V.  I  of  6.348.10 

The  same.  32.2031.13 

— Furnivall  (F.  J.)  Life-records  of  Chaucer. 
London,  1875-76.     2  pts.  in  i  v.     8°. 

—Godwin    (W.)      Life   of    Geofifrey    Chaucer. 
London,  1803.     2  v.  4**.  6.346.4 

— Lowell  (J.  R.)    Chaucer,     pp.  1-121. 


The  same.     3d  ed.  i8.i078<^.23 

— Nicolas  {Sir  N.  H.)    Life  of  Chaucer,  pp.  i- 

116.  v.  I  of  18. 1084.6 

— Pauli  (R.)    Two  poets,  Gower  and  Chaucer. 

Tr.  by  E.  C.  Ott6.     pp.  204-244.  5.263.9 

—Smith  (A.)    Geofifrey  Chaucer,     pp.  214-248. 

21. 1315.40 

— Speght  (T.)    Life  of  Gefifrey  Chaucer.     9  1. 

x8. 1088.12 

^The  same.     6  1.  x8. 1088. 11 

— Urry  (J.)    Life  of  Geofifrey  Chaucer.     10  1. 

x8. 1088.2 
—Ward  (A.  W.)    Chaucer.     New  York,  1880. 

I8^  6.344.39 

Criticism^  and  illustraticH, 

— Albert ano,  of  Brescia,  Liber  consolationis 
et  consilii,  ex  quo  hausta  est  fabula  galli- 
ca  de  Melibeo  et  Prudentia,  quam  Chau- 
cer inter  Canterbury  Tales  recepit,  Ed. 
T.  Sundby.   Londini,  1873.  8'.  X8.1071.6 

— Cromie  (H.)  Ryme-index  to  the  Ellesmere 
manuscript  of  Chaucer's  Canterbury  tales. 
London,  1875.    8**.  X8.1071.9 

The  same.  London,  1875.  obi.  4*,  x8.io66.ii 

— Ebert  (A.)  Review  of  Sandras's  £tude  sur 
Chaucer.  Tr.  by  J.  W.  V.  Hoets.  pp.  3- 
28.  X8.1071.4 

— Fleay  (F.  G.)  Guide  to  Chaucer  and  Spen- 
ser.    London,  1877.     i^^         x8. 1084. 12 

— Furnivall  (F.  J.)  Temporary  preface  to  the 
six-text  edition  of  Chaucer's  Canterbury 
tales.     London,  1868.     8%  X8.1071.9 

Trial-forewords  to  my  **  Parallel-text  edi- 
tion of  Chaucer's  minor  poems."  London, 
1871.     8^  X8.1071.9 

— Lindner  (F.)  Alliteration  in  Chaucer's  Can- 
terbury tales,     pp.  197-226.        X8.1071.4 

— Lucas  (N.  L)  Geofifrey  Chaucer.  Waren- 
dorf,  1852.  10  pp.   s.  4*.  18.1078^.  Box  I 

— Originals  and  anaJogues  of  some  of  Chau- 
cer's Canterbury  tales.  [Anon].  London, 
[1872-76I.    8".  X8.1071.9 

— Payne  (J.)  Use  of  final  -e  in  early  English, 
and  especially  in  Chaucer's  Canterbury 
tales,     pp.  83-154.  X8.10714 

— Sandras  (E.  G.)  £tude  sur  G.  Chaucer  con- 
sid6r6  comme  imitateur  des  trouvdres. 
Paris,  1859.     8^  X8.1071.7 

— Simon  (H.)  Chaucer  a  Wicliffite.  An  essay 
on  Chaucer's  Parson,  and  Parson's  tale, 
pp.  227-292.  18. 107 1. 4 

— Thynne  (F.)  Animadversions  uppon  the 
corrections  of  Chaucer's  workes  [by 
Speght].  Ed.  by  G.  H.  Kingsley.  Re- 
vis'd  ed.  by  F.  J.  Furnivall.  London, 
1875.     8^  x8. 1073.23 

The  same.     London.  1876.     8*.     18.1071.9 

— Todd  (H.  J.)  Illustrations  of  the  lives  and 
writings  of  Gower  and  Chaucer.  Lon- 
don, 1810.     8^  X8.1084.1 

— Tyrwhitt  (T.)  Essay  on  the  language  and 
versification  of  Chaucer,     pp.  1-66. 

V.  I  of  X8.1086.1 

The  same.     pp.  11 7-196.     v.  lof  x8. 1084.6 

—Weymouth  (R.  F.)  On  "  here"  and  **  there" 
in  Chaucer,     pp.  309-355.  X8.1071.4 

Cheiroptera.     See  Bats. 

Chelonians.     See  Turtles. 

Chemistry.         Analytical  chemistry, 

— Bolton  (H.  C.)    Application  of  organic  acids 
to   the   examination  of    minerals.     New 
York,  1877-80.     2  pts.     36,  16  pp.     8**. 
30.1938.  Box  I 

— Cairns  (F.  A.)  Manual  of  quantitative  chem- 
ical analysis.     New  York,  1880.     8". 






— Caldwell  (G.  C.)  Agricultural  qualitative 
and  quantitative  analysis.  New  York, 
1869.     12'.  30.1934.25 

—Church  (A.  H.)  laboratory  guide  specially 
arranged  for  agricultural  students.  3d 
ed.    London,  1874.     12°.  30.1933.6 

— Classen  (A.)  Elementary  quantitative  analy- 
sis. Tr.  by  E.  F.  Smith.  Philadelphia, 
1878.     12*.  30.1934.20 

— Crookes  (W.)  Select  methods  in  chemical 
analysis.  London,  1871.  12**.    30. 1932. 11 

— Fleischer  (E.)  System  of  volumetric  analy- 
sis. From  2d  Germ.  ed.  by  M.  M.  P. 
Muir.     London,  1877.     p.  8**.  30.1934.22 

— Frankland  (E.)  Experimental  researches  in 
pure,  applied,  and  physical  chemistry. 
London,  1877.     8**.  30.1935-14 

— Frbsenius  (C.  R.)  Manual  of  qualitative 
chemical  analysis.  From  last  Eng.  and 
Germ.  eds.  by  S.  W.  Johnson.  New 
York,  1866.     8'.  30.1934.4 

^Thesame.  New  York,  1880.  8*.  30.1936.13 

System  of  instruction  in  quantitative  chem- 
ical analysis.  From  last  Eng.  and  Germ, 
eds.  by  S.  W.  Johnson.  New  York,  1874. 
8".  30.1934.5 

The  same.  New  York,  1880.  8*.  30.1936.14 

— Galloway  (R.)  Manual  of  qualitative  analy- 
sis. From  5th  Lond.  ed.  Philadelphia, 
1872.     12*.  30.1934.21 

—Hoffmann  (F.)  Manual  of  chemical  analysis 
as  applied  to  the  examination  of  medici- 
nal chemicals.  .  New  York,  1873.     8'*. 


— Klaproth  (M.  H.)  Analytical  essays  towards 
promoting  the  chemical  knowledge  of 
mineral  substances.  From  the  German. 
London,  1801-04.     2  v.    8*.      30.1931.8 

— Mohr  (F.)  Lehrbuch  der  chemisch-analyti- 
schen  titrirmethode.  4e  aufl.  Braun- 
schweig, 1874.     8**.  30.1934.15 

— Mott(H.  a.)  Chemist's  manual:  a  practical 
treatise  on  chemistry.    New  York,  1877. 

r.  30.1935.8 

— Normandy  (A.)  Commercial  hand-book  of 
chemical  analysis.     London,  1850.     12". 


— Odung  (W.)  Course  of  practical  chemistry 
for  medical  students.  5th  ed.  London, 
1876.     p.  8'*.  30.1934.40 

—Post  (J.)  Handbuch  der  analytischen  unter- 
suchungen  zur  beaufstchttgung  des  chem- 
ischen  grossbetriebes.  Braunschweig, 
1881.     8  .  30.1934.41 

— Rammelsberg  (C.  F.)  Guide  to  a  course  of 
quantitative  chemical  analysis.  Tr.  by  J. 
Towler.     New  York,  1872.  8''.  30.1934.8 

—Sutton  (F.)  Systematic  handbook  of  volu- 
metric analysis.     London,  1863.     16''. 

The  same.    2d  ed.     London,  1871.     8**. 

30.1934.  II 
^Witting  (W.  A.  E.)    De  elementis  anorgani- 
cis    graminum    quae    nominantur  acida. 
Berolini,  1851.  50  pp.  8°.  28.1736.  Box  2 
'-WOhler  (F.)     Hand-book  of  inorganic  analy- 
sis.    [Tr.]  by  A.  W.  Hofmann.  London, 

1854.  16'' 


&v,  o/ttf.  Agricultural  chemistry ^lowpipe  analy- 
sis. Poisons,  Spectrum  analysis,  Water. 


—Nicholson  (W.)  Dictionary  of  chemistry. 
London,  1795.     2  v.     4**.  30.1898^.1 

— Storer  (F.  H.)  First  outlines  of  a  dictionary 
of  solubilities  of  chemical  substances. 
Cambridge,  [Mass.],  1864.     1.  8*. 

30. 1898^.2 

The  same.  30. 1 898a.  5 

— Ure  (A.)  Dictionary  of  chemistry,  on  the 
basis  of  Nicholson's.     London,  1821.    8"*. 


— Watts  (H.)  Dictionary  of  chemistry,  and  the 
allied  branches  of  other  sciences.  With  3 
supplements.     London,  1868-79.  ^  v.  8°. 

General  works. 

— AccuM  (F.)  System  of  theoretical  and  practi- 
cal chemistry.     London,  1803.    2  v.     8". 


— Barker  (G.  F.)  Text-book  of  elementary 
chemistry.     Louisville,  [1870].     12''. 


— BXyer  (A.)  Ueber  die  chemische  synthese. 
MUnchen,  1878.  22  pp.  4"*.  30.1938.  Box  i 

— Bergman  (T.)  Essay  on  the  usefulness  of 
chemistry.  From  the  [Latin].  London, 
1784.    8*.  30.3911. 7 

— Berthelot  (M.)  Essai  dc  m^canique  chi- 
mique.     Paris,  1879.     2  v.  8"*.   30. 1936. 9 

— Berzelius  0'  jo  Trait6  de  chimie.  2e  6d. 
Traduite  par  Esslinger  et  F.  Hoefer,  sur 
la  5e  6d.  k  Dresde.  Paris,  1845-50.  6  v. 
8*.  30.1932.6 

— Black  (J.)  Lectures  on  chemistry.  Published 
by  J.  Robison.  Edinburgh,  1803.  2  v. 
4  .  30.3913.2 

— Bloxam  (C.  L.)  Chemistry,  inorganic  and 
organic.  From  2d  Eng.  ed.  Philadel- 
phia. 1873.     8\  •  30.1935-9 

— Boerhaave  (H.)  Elements  of  chemistry. 
From  the  Latin  by  T.  Dallowe.  London, 
1735.     2  V.  in  I.     4".  30. 1938. 1 

New  method  of  chemistry.     From  the  Latin 

by  P.  Shaw.     2d  ed.     London,  1741.  2  v. 
4  .  30.3913.4 

— Boyle  (R.)  Experiments  about  the  produc- 
tion of  divers  particular  qualities.  Lon- 
don, 1676.     8*.  26. 3610. 1 1 

Origine  of   formes  and  qualities.     2d  ed. 

Oxford,  1667.     8**.  26.3610.9 

Sceptical  chymist.  [With]  experiments  about 

the    producibleness  of   chymical   princi- 
ples.    Oxford,  1680.    8°.  30.391 1. 9 

— BtJcHNER  (P.  T.)  Lehrbuch  der  anorgani- 
schen  chemie.     Braunschweig,  1871.    8*^. 


— CoMSTOCK  (J.  L.)  Elements  of  chemistry. 
30th. ed.  New  York,i839.  I2\  30.3913.12 

— CoOKE  (J.  P.)  Chemical  problems  and  reac- 
tions. Philadelphia,  1868.  12°.  30. 1933.13 

First    principles    of    chemical    philosophy. 

Boston,  1870.     p.  8'.  30.1934.39 

New  chemistry.     New  York,  1874.     12**. 

30. 1933- 12 

Religion  and  chemistry.      New  York,  1864. 

8^  22.1385.43 

—  -The  same.  Newly  revised  ed.  New  York, 
1880.     12°.  22.1385.44 





— Daniell  (J.  F.)  Intrpdnction  to  the  study  of 
chemical  philosophy.     Lx)ndon,  1839.   ^''< 


-Debauve  (A.)    Chlmie.    pp.  145-272. 

V.  2  0126.1625.5 

-Donovan  (M.)  Treatise  on  chemistry.  Lon- 
don, 1832.     i6'.  30.1933.35 

The  same.  32.2032.15 

-EuoT  (C.  H.)  and  Storer  (F.  H.)  Manual 
of  inorganic  chemistry.  3d  ed.  New 
York,  1869.     p.  8**.  30.1934-37 

-Faraday  (M.)  Experimental  researches  in 
chemistry  and  physics.  London,  1859. 
8°.  30. 1935. 1 1 

^Subject  matter  of  a  course  of  lectures  on 

the   non-metallic  elements:  arranged    by 
J.  Scoflfcm.  London,  1853.  16*.  30.1933.32 

-FouRCROY  (A.  F.)  Elements  of  natural  his- 
tory and  of  chemistry.  Tr.  [by  W.  Ni- 
cholson].   London,  1788-89.     5  v.     8**. 

30.3911. 8 

^The    same.     General    system  of   chemical 

knowledge.     Tr.  by  W.  Nicholson.  Lon- 
don, 1604.     II  V.  in  10.     8".      30.3912.1 

-FowNES  (G.)  Chemistry,  as  exemplifying 
the  wisdom  of  God.  New  York,  1844. 
12°.  22.1390.54 

-Galloway  (R.)  First  step  in  chemistry.  4th 
ed.     London,  1868.     16".  30.1933.33 

— Second  step  in  chemistry.  London,  1864. 
16°.  30.1933.34 

-Gmelin  (L.)  Handbuch  der  anorganischen 
chcmie.  Heidelberg,  1872-75.  6e  aufl. 
von.  K.  Kraut.     3  V.     8^  30.1932.8 

-Gren  (F.  a.  C.)  and  Bucholz  (C.  F.)  Grund- 
riss  der  chemie.  3e  ausg.  Halle,  1809. 
2  V.     8**.  30. 391 1. 3 

-GuYTON  de  Morveau  (L.  B.),  Maret  (H.), 
and  Durande  (J.  F.)  £l6mens  dechy- 
mie.  Dijon,  1777-78.  3  V.  24°.  30.3911.10 

-Henry  (W.  C.)  Memoirs  of  the  researches 
of  John  Dalton.     London,  1854.     8**. 


-JACQUIN  (J.  F.)  Elements  of  chemistry.  From 
the  German  by  H.  Stutzer.  London,  1799. 
8°.  30.39". 5 

-Kemp  (T.  L.)  Phasis  of  matter:  an  outline  of 
modern  chemistry.     London,  1855.     2  v. 

p.  8^  30.1933.15 

-Marcet(J.  H.)  Conversations  on  chemistry. 
[Anon.]  New  Haven,  1813.  12".  30.1930.8 

-Miller  (W.  A.)  Elements  of  chemistry: 
theoretical  and  practical.  4th  ed.  Lon- 
don, 1867-69.     3  V.     8°.  30.1935.5 

— The  same.  From  3d  London  ed.  New 
York,  1869-71.     3v.     8\  30.1935.4 

-Murray  (J.)  Elements  of  chemistry.  4th  ed. 
Edinburgh,  1 8 17.     2  v.     8^        30.1931. 4 

— System  of  chemistry.  4th  ed.  Edinburgh, 
1819.     4v.     8°.  30.1931.5 

-Naquet(A.)  Principles  of  chemistry.  [Ed.] 
by  T.  Stevenson.  Tr.  from  2d  ed.  by  W. 
Cortis.     London,  1868.     8^     30.1935.10 

-Nicholson  (W.)  First  principles  of  chemis- 
try.    2d  ed.  London,  1792.  8".  30.1931. 6 

-Orfila  (M.  J.  B.)  Practical  chemistry.  From 
the  French  by  J.  R.  Coxe.  Philadelphia, 
1881.     8%  30.3911.4 

— Prout  (W.)  Chemistry,  meteorology,  and  di- 
gestion, considered  with  reference  to  nat- 
ural theology.  New  ed.  Philadelphia, 
1836.     8'.  22.1381. 19 

— Regnault  (H.  V.)  Elements  of  chemistry. 
Tr.  by  T.  F.  Betton.  Ed.  by  J.  C-  Booth 
and  W.  L.  Faber.     2d  ed.     Philadelphia, 

1853.  2  V.  8^  30.3913.5 

— Reynolds  (J.  E.)  Six  short  lectures  on  ex- 
perimental chemistry.     Dublin,  1874.    8°. 


— RoLFE  (W.  J.)  and  Gillet  (J.  A.)  Elements 
of  chemistry  and  electricity.  4th  ed.  Bos- 
ton, 1868.     p.  8^  30.1933.10 

— RoscoE  (H.  E.)  ««</ ScHORLEMMER  (C.)  Trea- 
tise on  chemistry.  New  York,  1878-^2. 
3  V.     B\  30.1935*6 

— Shuttleworth  (U.  J.  K.)  First  principles 
of  modern  chemistry.  London,  1868. 
I6^  30.1933.25 

—South  Kensington  museum  conferences. 
Chemistry.     New  York,  [1877].     i6'. 


— Thenard  (L.  J.)  Traits  de  chimie  616men- 
taire,  thfeoriaue  et  pratique.  Paris,  1813- 
16.     4  V.     8.  30. 1930. 1 

—Thorpe  (T.  E.)  Manual  of  inorganic  chemis- 
try. London,  1874,  and  New  York,  n.  d. 
2  V.     16**.  30.1933.36 

—Tidy  (C.  M.)  Hand-book  of  modern  chemis- 
try.    London,  1878.     8**.  30. 1935. 17 

— Turner  (E.)  Elements  of  chemistry.  4th 
Am.  from  3d  Lond.  ed.,  by  F.  Bache. 
Philadelphia,  1832.     12%  30. 1930.4 


—Williamson  (A.  W.)  Chemistry  for  students. 
New  ed.     Oxford,  1868.     16'.  30.1934.51 

The  same.     3d  ed.     Oxford,  1873.     16*. 

30. 1934. 5« 

—Wilson  (G.)  Inorganic  chemistry.  [Ed.]  by 
H.  G.  Madan.     London,  [1872].     i6% 


— WuRZER  (F.)  Handbuch  der  populftren  chemie. 

3e  aufl.     Leipzig,  1820.  p.  8".  30. 3913.13 


— Brande  (W.  T.)  General  view  of  the  progress 
of  chemical  science,  to  the  end  of  the  sev- 
enteenth century,  pp.  1-79.  v.  3  of  1.25.  i 

— HoFMANN  (A.  W.)  Life-work  of  Liebig  in 
chemistry.     London,  1876.  8'.  30.1933.3 

— Kopp  (H.)  Entwickelung  der  chemie  in  der 
neueren  zeit.     Mtlnchen,  1873.     8**. 

30. 1935.20 

— RoDWELL  (G.  F.)  Birth  of  chemistry.  Lon- 
don, 1874.     16".  30.1933.28 

—Toll  (J.)  Fortuita;  in  quibus  tota  fabularis 
historia  ad  chemiam  pertinere  asseritur. 
Amstelaedami,  1687.     s.  8%       14.2852. 15 

— WuRTZ  (A.)  History  of  chemical  theory.  Tr. 
by  H,  Watts.     London,  1869.     p.  8. 


^The  same.  30. 1934. 1 8 

Sfe,  alsoy  Alchemy,  and   the  lives  of  eminent 

Industrial  chemistry. 
—Booth  (J.  C.)  and  Morfit  (C.)    On  recent 
improvements  in  the  chemical  arts.  Wash- 
ington, 1852.     8**.  v.  2  of  28.3734.1 





— Knapp  (F.  L.)  Chemical  technology.  Tr. 
by  £.  Ronalds  and  T.  Richardson,  ist 
Am.  cd.  by  W.  R.  Johnson.  Philadel- 
phia, 1848-49.     2  V.     8**.  30. 1936. 1 1 

— MuspRATT  (S.)  Chemistry;  as  applied  to  the 
arts  and  manufactures.  Glasgow,  [i860]. 
2  V.  in  7.     1.  8**.  30.1936.3 

The  same.     Glasgow,  [i860].     2  v.    1.  8^ 


— Payen  (A.)  Precis  de  chimie  industrielle.  6e 
6d.  par  C.  VincenL  Paris,  1877.  2  v. 
8**.  30. 1936. 16 

The    same.    Industrial    chemistry.     Based 

upon  [his]  *'  Precis  de  chimie  industrielle." 
Ed.  by  B.  H.  Paul.     London,  1878.     8^ 


— Smith  (G.)  Laboratory;  or,  school  of  arts. 
6th  ed.  London,  1799.  2  v.  8°.  30.1931. 7 

— ^Smith  (J.  L.)  Progress  and  condition  of  sev- 
eral departments  of  industrial  chemistry. 
Washington,  1869.     8*.  v.  2  of  30.3875.6 

— Wagner  (R.  J.  von).  Handbook  of  chemical 
technology.  Tr.  from  8th  German  ed.  by 
W.  Crookes.     New  York,  1872.     8°. 


Ste,  mIs0.  Agriculture  {fiktmisiry  §f)^  Arte  (Jndut- 
trial)^  Bleaching,  Brewing,  Dyeing,  Metallurgy, 

—Bolton  (H.  C.)    Ancient  methods  of  filtra- 
tion.    New  York,  1880.     8  pp.     8*. 

30.1938.  Box  I 
—Griffin  (J.   T.)    Chemical  handicraft:  a  cata- 
logue of  chemical  apparatus.     London, 

1877.    8^  30.1935-21 

— VioletteQ.  M.  H.)  Nouvelles  manipulations 
chimiques  simplifi^es.  2e  6d.  Paris,  1847. 
8*.  30.3913.6 

—Williams  (C.  G.)  Handbook  of  chemical 
manipulation.     London,  1857.     12°. 


— GiBBS  (O.  W.)  Inaugural  dissertation  on  a 
natural  system  of  chemical  classification. 
Princeton,  1845.     59  PP-     8^    30. 1935.18 

— GinrroN-MoRVEAU(L.B.)flm/^/>4/'rj.  M6thode 
de  nomenclature  chimique.  Paris,  1787. 
8".  30.1898^1.13 

—Mitchell  (S.  L.)  Explanation  of  chemical 
nomenclature.     New  York,  1801.     8\ 

30. 391 1. 7 

— Wetherill  (C.  M.)  Brief  sketch  of  the  mod- 
em theory  of  chemical  types.  28.3733.1 
\ln  Smithsonian  report,  1863,  pp.  153-1681. 

Organic  chemistry, 

—Armstrong  (H.  E.)  Introduction  to  the  study 
of  organic  chemistry.  Carbon,  and  its 
compounds.     London,  1874.     16°. 


— Barfoed  (C.  T.)  Lehrbuch  der  organischen 
qualitativen  analyse.  Autorisirte  ausg. 
Copenhagen,  1881.     p.  8*.        30.1933.14 

— Blyth  (A.  W.)  Manual  of  practical  chemis- 
try.    Foods  and  poisons.     London,  1879. 

^^**-         ^,    ,  30.1934.45 

— Frankland  (E.)    Lecture  notes  for  chemical 

students,     v.  ir.  Oiganic  chemistry.     2d 

ed.     London,  1872.     i6%  30.1933.7 

— Gorup-Besanez  (E.  F.  von).  Anleitung  zur 
qualitativen  und  quantitativen  zoochemi- 
schen  analyse.    3e  aufl.     Braunschweig, 

1871.   8^  30.1934.9 

— Liebig  (J.  von).  Organic  chemistry,  in  its  ap- 
plications to  agriculture  and  physiology. 
Ed.  by  L.  Playfair.  2d  Am.  ed.  bv  J. 
W.  Webster.  Cambridge,  [Mass.],  184 1. 
I2^  28.1743.22 

— Prescoit  (A.  B.)  Outlines  of  proximate  or- 
ganic analysis.     New  York,  1875.     12*. 


— ScHORLEMMER  (C.)  Manual  of  the  chemistry 
of  the  carbon  compounds.  London,  1874. 
%\  30.1925.7 

— Wheeler  (C.  G.)  Medical  chemistry.  2ded. 
Philadelphia,  1879.     12*.  30. 1933. 17 

Outlines    of    modem    chemistry,    organic. 

New  York,  1877.     12'*.  30. 1933. iS 

— W5hler  (F.)  Outlines  of  organic  chemistry. 
[Ed.]  by  R.  Fittig.  Tr.  from  8th  German 
ed.  by  L  Remsen.  Philadelphia,  1873. 
12*.  30.1935.25 

Stt^eUs^t  Aniline,  Anthracene,  Beer,  Fennenta^ 
tion.  Food,  Oils,  Sugar,  Urine,  Vinegar,  Wine. 


—American  chemist.  Ed.  by  C.  F.  and  W.  H. 
Chandler.  New  York,  1871-76.  7  v.  L  8*. 


— Annalen  der  physik  und  chemie.  Herausg. 
von  J.  C.  Poggendorff.  Berlin  and  Leip- 
zig, 1824-77.     160  V.     8*.  10.2603 

^The    same.      Erg&nzungsbttnde.      Leipzig, 

1842-78.     8  V.     8**.  10. 2603 

^The  same.    Jubelband.     Leipzig,  1874.    8". 


The  same.     Namen-  und  sach-registem  zu 

b.  1-150,  ergilnzungsbande,  nebst  jubel- 
band. Von  W.  Barentin.  Berlin  and 
Leipzig.  1845-75.     3v.     8'.  xo.2603 

The  same.     Neue  folge.     Herausg.  von  G. 

Wiedemann.  Leipzig,  1877-80.     11  v.  8**. 


^The  same.     Beibllltter.     Leipzig,  1877-80. 

4  V.     8^  ZO.2625 

— Annales  de  chimie.  Par  [Guyton]  de  Mor- 
veau  [et  d'autres].  Pans,  1789-1815.  96 
V.  in  48.     8".  9.2542.1 


The  same.     Table  g6n6rale  des  volumes  i 

k  60.     Paris,  an  ix.  (i8oi>-o7.     2  v.     8*. 


^The  same.  Annales  de  chimie  et  de  phy- 
sique, par  Gay-Lussac  et  Arago.  [2e 
s6rie].  Paris,  1816-40,  reprinted  1830- 
40.     75  V.     %\  9.2562.1 

The  same.     3e  s6rie.    Paris,  1841-63.  69  v. 

S*«  9.2553 

^The  same.     Par  Chevreul  [et  d'autresj.    4e 

s6rie.  Paris,  1864-73.  30  v.  8^    9.2554.1 

The  same.     5e  s6rie.     Paris,  1874-80.  21  v. 

8*.  9.2564.1 

— Berichte  der  Deutschen  cfaemischen  gesell- 
schaft  zu  Berlin.  (Redacteur,  H.  Wichel- 
haus).     Berlin,  1868-80.     13  v.  in  21.  8"*. 

30. 1922. 1 

The    same.        Generalregister,     (1868-77). 

E^arbeitet  von  C.  Bischoff.  Beriin,  1880. 
8".  30. 1922. 1 




— Bulletin  de  la  8oci6t6  chimique  de  Paris. 
Nouvelle  s6rie,  v.  27-32.  [PubU6  par  M. 
E.  Willm  ct  d'autrcs].  Paris,  [1877-79]. 
6  V.     S**.  30.1922.3 

— Chemical  news.  Ed.  by  W.  Crookes.  Lon- 
don, 1860-80.  42  V.  in  21.  s.  4*".  30. 1924. 1 

— Chemisches  central-blatt.  Dritte  folge,  v.  7- 
II.     Leipzig,  1876-80.  5  V.  8*.  30.1922.2 

— ^Jahres-bericht  ilbcr  der  chemischen  techno- 
logie.  Herausg.  von  J.  R.  von  Wagner. 
Leipzig,  1856-81.     26  V.     8°.      30.1921.1 

^The  same.     Generalregister  ilber  band  i 

bis  XX,  bearbeitet  von  F.  Gottschalk.  Leip- 
zig, 1866-76.    2v.ini.     8**.       30.1921. 1 

— ^Journal  ftlr  praktische  chemie.  Herausg.  von 
O.  L.  Erdmann  und  [andere].  Leipzig, 
1834-80.     130  V.     8^  30.1911.1 

— ^Journal  of  the  chemical  society  of  London. 
[Ed.  by]  H.  Watts,  v.  16-38.  Loo- 
don,  1863-80.     24  V.     8**.  30. 1920. 1 

— Justus  Liebig's  annalen  der  chemie.  v.  201- 
205.     Leipzig,  1880.     5  V.  16°.  30.3912.2 

— Zeitschrift  ftir  analytische  chemie.  He- 
rausg. von  C.  R.  Fresenius.  Wiesbaden, 
1862-80.     19  V.     8°.  30. 1923. 1 

The  same.      Autoren-  und  sach-rpgister  zu 

den  biUiden  i-x.  Bearbeitet  von  W.  Cas- 
selmann.  Wiesbaden,  1872.  8*.  30. 1923.  i 

— Zeitschrift  ftir  das  chemische  grossgewerbe. 
Herausg.  von  J.  Post.     Berlin,  1877-80. 

5  V.   p.  8^  30.3914. 1 

—Zeitschrift  ftir  physiologische  chemie.  He- 
rausg. von  F.  Hoppe-Seyler.  Strassburg, 
1877-80.     4v.  m3.     S\  29.3866.14 

Physiological  chemistry, 
— Hoppe-Seyler  (F.)  Handbuch  der  physiolo- 
gisch-  und  pathologisch-  chemischen  ana- 
lyse. 4e  aufl.  Berlin,  1875.  8*.  29.3866.6 
— ^Johnston  (J.  F.  W.)  Chemistry  of  common 
life.  9th  ed.  New  York,  1859.  2  v. 
12**.  30.3924.15 

— Lehmann  (C.  G.)  Physiological  chemistry. 
Tr.  from  ad  ed.  by  G.  E.  Day.  Ed.  by 
R.  E.  Rogers.     Philadelphia,  1855.    2  v. 

,    8^  30.1935.7 

•^LlEBiG  (J.  von).  Researches  on  the  chemis- 
try of  food.  Ed.  from  Eng.  ed.  by  E. 
N.  Horsford.     Lowell,  1848.     12°. 

— Thudichum  (J.  L.  W.)  Manual  of  chemical 
physiology.     New  York,  1872.     8"*. 

•SIry,  aisoy  Phjrsiolofi^. 

— Sharples  (S.    p.)    Chemical    tables.     Cam- 
bridge, [Mass.],  1866.     12**.      30.1934.36 

Set^  aisoy  Allojrs,  Atoms.  Combustion,  Crystal- 
lization, Disinfectants,  Distillation,  Druijs,  Ex- 
plosives, Fire,  Gases,  Medicine,  Metallurgy, 

Aiso^  Ammonia-cobalt  bases,  Iodides,  Iron,.  Man- 
fi^anese.  Nitrous  oxide,  Ozone,  Phosphorus,  Sul- 
phides, Sulphurets,  Sulphuric  acid. 

Chenier  (Andr6  Marie),     b.  1762.     d.  1794. 

— Latouche  (H.  de).  Sur  la  vie  et  les  ouvrages 
d'Andrfe  Ch6nier.     xx  pp.  8.502.2 

— Sainte^Beuve  (C.  a.)  Mathurin  Regnier  et 
Andr6  Chenier.  Quelques  documents 
in6dits  sur  Andr6  Ch6nier.  pp.  159- 
208.  V.  I  of  8.481.3 

Chenier  (Marie  Joseph).     ^.1764.     </.  1811. 

— Arnault  (A.  V.)  Notice  sur  Ch6nier,  avec 
ses  fun6railles.     pp.  vii-xlviii. 

V.  I  of  8.502.7 

— Daunou  (P.  C.  F.)  Notice  sur  M.  J.  Ch6nier. 
xxiii  pp.  8.502.3 

Cherubini  (Maria  Luigi  Carlo  Zanobio  Salva- 
tore),     b.  1760.     d,  1842. 

— Bellasis  (E.)  Cherubini:  memorials  illustra- 
tive of  his  life.     London,  1874.     p.  8*". 

30. 1904.  II 


— Bainbs  (T.)  and  Fairbairn  (W.)  Lancashire 
and  Cheshire,  past  and  presenL  London, 
1867.     2v.     4*.  5.268.6 

5!m,  alsoy  Chester. 

Cheshire  dialect. 

— WiLBRAHAM  (R.)    Attempt  at  a  glossary  of 

some  words  used  in  Cheshire,   pp.  13-42. 

V.  19  of  5.2286.1 

The  same.     2d  ed.     London,  1826.     16". 


— Barrington  (D.)  Historical  disquisition  on 
the  game  of  chess,    pp.  16-38. 

V.  9  of  5.2286.1 
— BiLGUER  (P.  R.  von).     Handbuch  des  schach- 
spiels.  5e  aufl.  [von  Von  der  Lasa].  Leip- 
zig, 1874.     1.  8  .  Art  room.  C.2.13 
— Cook  (E.  B.)  American  chess-nuts.  New  York, 

1868.   8^  30-3874.4 

— Cox  (H.)  On  the  Burmha  game  of  chess, 
compared  with  the  Indian,  Chinese,  and 
Persian  game.     pp.  480-504. 

V.  7  of  11.685. 1 

— Danican  (F.  A.)  Analyze  des  echecs.  Par 
Philidor.     Londres,  1749.    8"*.  30.3874.10 

^The    same.     Nouvelle    6d.      Philadelphie, 

[Amsterdam,  1820].     12".  30.3874.10 

— Lewis  (W.)  Oriental  chess;  or,  specimens  of 
Hindoostanee  excellence  in  that  game. 
London,  181 7.     2  v.     24°.         30.3874.19 

— Madden  (F.)  Historical  remarks  on  the  an- 
cient chess-men  discovered  in  the  isle  of 
Lewis,     pp.  203-291.        V.  24  of  5.2296.1 

— Pohlman  Q.  G.)  Chess  rendered  familiar  by 
tabular  demonstrations.     London,    18 19. 

8^  30.3874.1 

—Staunton  (H.)     Chess-player's  companion. 

London,  1861.     16**.  30.3874- 1' 

^The  same.  London,  1875.   16*'.     30.3874.11 

Chess  praxis.     A  supplement  to  the  chess 

player's  hand-book.     London,  i860,     p. 

8^  30.3874.11 

— Trait6  th^orique  et  pratique  du  jeu  des  echecs. 

2e  6d.     [Anon.]     Paris,  1786.     12*. 


Sefy  a/so,  Morphy  (P.) 

—Jackson  (F.  A.)  and  Keen  (G.  B.)    Catalogue 
of  the  chess  collection  of  the  late  George 
Allen.     Philadelphia,  1878.     89  pp.     8^ 

Chester,  {Etiglatid). 

— Evans  (W.  H.)  Chester  guide,  and  handbook 

to   Eaton   hall.     3d  thousand.     London, 

[1864].     I6^  5-272.4 

— Hughes  (T.)   Stranger's  handbook  to  Chester 

and  its  environs.     Chester,  [1870].     16'. 

5- 273. 1 1 




Chester  county,  (Pennsylvania), 

— Darungton  (W.)  Flora  cestrica:  plants  of 
Chester  coun^.  West-Chester.  1837.  12"*. 


Chester  plays. 

— Wright  (T.)  Chester  plays:  a  collection  of 
mysteries  upon  scriptural  subjects.  Lon- 
don, 1843-47.     2v.     8*.  X9.1131.9 

Chesterfield,  earl  of.     See  Stanhope  (P.  D.) 

Cherrense  (Marie  b,  de  Rohan  de  Luynes, 
duchesse  de).     b.  1600.    d,  1679. 

— Cousin  (V.)  Secret  history  of  the  French 
court  under  Richelieu  and  Mazarin;  or, 
life  and  times  of  madame  de  Chevreuse. 
Tr.  by  M.  L.  Booth.  New  York,  1871. 
la".  7-425I5 

^The  same.  New  York,  1873.  12".     7.422.16 

Chevy  chase. 

— Ancient  ballad  of  Chevy  chase,  in  Latin  and 
English  verse,     pp.  176-203  of  20. 1227.39 

— Chevy  chase,  a  poem.  Founded  on  the 
ancient  ballad.  \Anon,'\  London,  1813. 
4".  x8. 1056. 10 

Chiapas.     See  Central  America. 


— ^Twenty-third  anniud  report  of  the  board  of 
education,  1877.  Chicago,  1877.  167  pp. 
8**-  24.1486.  Box  3 

Child  family,  in  America. 

—Child  (E.)  Genealogy  of  the  Child.  Childs, 
and  Childe  families.     Utica,  1881.     8**. 


Children,  {Health  and  employment  of). 

— Chavasse  (P.  H.)  Aphorisms  on  the  training 
of  a  child.     2d  ed.     London,  1877.     16°. 


— Eberle  (J.)  Treatise  on  the  diseases  and 
phjrsical  education  of  children.  3d  ed. 
Philadelphia,  1837.     8**.  20.3817.3 

—Great  Britain.  Children's  employment 
commission.  First  report  to  the  queen. 
Mines.     London,  1842.     f**.        24.1528.2 

—Saint-Simon  (C.  H.  de).  L'Ouvrier  de  huit 
ans.     4e  6d.     Paris,  1867.  16*^.  24.1527.5 

—Smith  (G.)  Cry  of  the  children  from  the 
brickyards  of  England.  2d  ed.  London, 
1871.     8'.  24.1525.33 

—Stephens  (F.  G.)  English  children  as  painted 
bjr  Sir  Joshua  Reynolds.  London,  1867. 
4  •  Art  room.  B.4.T 

— Struve  (C.  a.)  Ueber  die  erziehung  und  be- 
handlung  der  kinder  in  den  ersten  lebens- 
jaren.  Hanover,  1803.    p.  8**.  23.3444.16 

^The  same.     Familiar  view  of  the  domestic 

education  of   children.    From  the    Ger- 
man.    London,  1802.     8*.  29.3817.6 
—Underwood  (M.)  Treatise  on  the  diseases  of 
children.      From  6th  Lond.  ed.      Phila- 
delphia, 1818.     3  v.  in  I.     8**.     29.3817.7 
— Wiluch  (A.  F.  M.)    Introductory  lectures  on 
the  education  and  treatment  of  children. 
London,i8o2.  8**.  pp.  17-117  of  29.3817.6 
Children,  {Mental  and  moral  welfare  of).     See 

Crime,  Education. 

—Brewer.  Brower,  or  Brawern  (H.)  Voyage 
to  the  kingdom  of  Chili,  1642-43.  From 
the  High  Dutch,     pp.  501-523. 

v.  I  of  2.58.4 

— Caldcleugh  (A.)  Travels  in  Chili,  1820.  pp. 
1-49,  316-373.  vv.  I,  2  of  3. 134. 1 1 

The  same.     Reisen  in  Chile. 

pp.  278-377  of  3.133.5 

— Gardiner  (A.  F.)  Visit  to  the  Indians  on  the 
frontiers  of  Chili,  [1838-39].  London, 
1841.     12*.  3.133. 12 

— Molina  (G.  I.)  Geographical,  natural,  and 
civil  history  of  Chili.  From  the  Italian. 
London,  1809.     2  v.  in  i.     8*.        3.136.8 

— OvALLE  (A.  de).  Historical  relation  of  the 
kingdom  of  Chile.  Translated  out  of 
Spanish.  London,  1703.  V,  v.  3  of  2.58.4 

— SftvE  (E.)  Chili  tel  qu'il  est  v.  i.  Valpa- 
raiso, 1876.     8'.  3.136.6 

.S>#,  o/w,  America  {Souik)^  Andes,  Araucania, 

Chimay  (Th6r^se  Cabarrus,  madame  Tallien, 
princesse  d€).     b.  1775.     ^-  iS35- 

— Chaluce  (A.  E.)     Madame  Tallien. 

pp.  1-47  of  8.478a.  12 


— Armstrong  (R.)  Chimneys  for  furnaces,  fire- 
places, and  steam  boilers.  New  York, 
1873.     I8^  No.  I  of  26. 1620. 1 

China.  Antiquity, 

— Amyot  (  .)  Antiquity  des  Chinois  prouv^ 
par  les  monumens.    pp.  1-364. 

V.  2  of  IX. 678a.  I 

— Chalmers  (J.)  Origin  of  the  Chinese:  [their] 
connection  with  western  nations.  Lon- 
don, 1870.     p.  8%  I z. 694. 20 

— Ko.  Essai  sur  Tantiquit^  des  Chinois.  Paris, 
1776.     4^  V.  I  of  xx.678tf.i 

Description,  travels,  etc. 

—Abbott  (J.)  China  and  the  English.  [Anon."] 
New  York,  1835.     24°.  xx.690.9 

— ^Abeel  (D.)  Joumsd  of*  a  residence  in  China 
and  the  neighboring  countries,  from  1829 
to  1833.  New  York,  1834.  12°.    xx.694.21 

— AMPi»E  (J.  J.)  De  la  Chine,  et  des  travaux  de 
R6musat.  pp.  i-i  50  of  x  1.2697.4 

— Amyot  (  .)  Introduction  i  la  connoissance 
des  peuples  de  la  Chine,     pp.  1-238. 

V.  14  of  xi.678tf.2 

—Anderson  (A.)  Narrative  of  the  British 
embassy  to  China,  in  1792-94,  under  earl 
Macartney.     Philadelphia,  1795.     12". 


^The  same.  New  York,  1795.  12*.     xx.690.6 

— Anderson  (J.)  Mandalay  to  Momien:  a  nar- 
rative of  two  expeditions  to  western 
China,  i868  and  1875.    London,  1876.  8". 


—Barrow  (J.)  Travels  in  China,  [1792-94]. 
1st  Am.  ed.     Philadelphia,  1805.     8'. 


— Bastian  (A.)  Reisen  in  China  von  Peking 
zur  mongolischen  grenze,  [1864-65].  Jena, 
1871.     8^  xx.694.6 

— Bell  (J.)    Journey  from  St.  Petersburgh  to 


1 7 19.    pp.  183-442,  1-220. 

vv.  I,  2  of  Xi.691.23 

— Cordier  de  Launay  de  Valeri  (L.  G.  R.) 

Tableau  topograph ique  et  politique  de  la 

Chine.      Berlin,  1806.    4'*.  X  1.696. 14 

—Davis  {Sir  J.  F.)    Chinese:  a  description  of 

the  empire  of  China  and  its  inhabitants. 

New  York,  1836.     2  v.     i8\         xx.690.8 

The  same.  32.2030.5 





London,  1857.     2  v. 

*—  -The  same.     New  ed. 


-De  Fonblanque  (E.  B.)    Niphon  and  Pc-chc- 

li;  or,  two  years  in  Japan  and  northern 

China,  [1859-61].    2d  ed.    London,  1863. 

8°.  zz.694.14 

— Fortune  (R.)  Journey  to  the  tea  countries  of 

China,  [1S48-51].     London,  1852.     8^ 

zz. 694.12 

—  -Residence    among    the    Chinese,    1853-56. 

London,  1857.     8*.  zz.694.10 

—  -Three  years'  wanderings  in   the  northern 

provinces  of  China,    [1843-46].      2d  ed. 
London,  1847.     8".  zz.694.13 

—  -Yedo  and  Peking.     Journey  to  the  capitals 

of  Japan  and  China,  [1860-62].     London, 
1863.     8*.  zz.697.7 

^^RAY  (J.  H.)  China.  A  history  of  the  laws, 
manners,  and  customs  of  the  people.  Ed. 
by  W.  G.  Gregor.  London,  Z878.  2  v. 
8^  xx.694.7 

— GCtzlaff  (C.  F.  a.)  Journal  of  two  voyages 
along  the  coast  of  China,  in  1831  and 
1832.  New  York,  1833.  12°.  zz.694.19 

—Hue  (E.  R.)  Chinese  empire,  [1845-46]. 
[From  the  French].  2d  ed.  London, 
1855.    2  V.     p.  8%  zz.678^.10 

The  same.  zz.694.8 

The  same.     Journey  through  the  Chinese 

empire.     New  York,  1855.     2  v.     12". 


Travels    in    Tartary,   Thibet,   and    China, 

1844-46.     Tr.  by  W.  Hazlitt.     London, 
1852.     2  V.     p.  8".  zz.693.20 

— Id£e  g6n6rale  de  la  Chine,  et  de  ses  premiers 

relations  avec  TEurope.     [Arum,\    68  pp. 

V.  5  of  zz. 678^.1 

— Lange  (L.)  Journal  of  [his]  residence  at  the 
court  of  Pekin,  1721-22.  From  the 
French,     pp.  221-423.      v.  2  of  zz.691.23 

— Le  Comte  (L.)  Memoirs  and  observations 
made  in  a  journey  through  the  empire  of 
China,  [1685-92].  From  the  [French]. 
2d  ed.     London,  1698.     8*.  zz.2692.5 

— M'Ghee  (R.  J.  L.)  How  we  got  to  Pekin. 
A  narrative  of  the  campaign  in  China  of 
i860.     London,  1862.     8^  zz. 694.9 

—Martin  (W.  A.  P.)  The  Chinese;  their  edu- 
cation, philosophy,  and  letters.  New 
York,  1881.     I2^  zz. 694.29 

— Medhurst  (W.  H.)  China;  its  state  and  pros- 
pects, with  reference  to  the  spread  of  the 
gospel.     Boston,  1838.     12''.       ZZ. 694.26 

— MiMoiRES  de  la  Chine.  [Anon.]  Paris,  1788- 
83.     II  V.     I2^  v.  16-26  of  3Z.  1970.4 

— Mendoza  (J.  G.  de).  History  of  the  great 
and  mighty  kingdom  of  China,  [1580-83]. 
Ed.  by  G.  T.  Staunton,  London,  1853- 
54.     2  v.     8^  2.51.23 

Nate.    Contains  the  recitals  of  various  explorers 
and  residents. 

— Navarrete  (D.  F.)  An  account  of  the  em- 
pire of  China,     pp.  1-424.      v.  i  of  2.58.4 

--Nevius  (J.  L.)  China,  and  the  Chinese.  New 
York,  1869.     12**.  zz.694.25 

— Oliphant  (L.)  Narrative  of  the  earl  of  El- 
gin's mission  to  China  and  Japan,  in  1857- 
59.     New  York,  i860.     8**.  zz. 694.1 

-Power  {Sir  W.  T.)  Recollections  of  a  three 
years'  residence  in  China,[i848-5i].  Lon- 
don, 1853,     Z2'.  zz.694.16 

-PuMPELLY  (R.)  Residence  in  China,  [1862]. 
pp.  203-364.  z  z .  694. 1 7 

-RiCHTHOPEN  (F.  von).  China.  Ergebnisse 
eigener  reisen  und  darauf  gegrttndeter 
studien.  Berlin,  1877-82.  2  v.  4**.  zz.696.3 

-Simpson  (W.)  Journey  through  China,  [1872- 
73].  pp.  99-308  of  1.34.7 

-SiRR  (H.  C.)  China,  and  the  Chinese:  their 
religion,  character,  customs,  and  manu- 
factures. London,  1849.   2  v.  8*.zz.694.3 

-Staunton  {Sir  G.)  Account  of  an  embassy 
to  the  emperor  of  China,  [1792-94],  from 
the  papers  of  earl  Macartney.  2d  ed. 
London,  1798.     2  v.    4*.  zz. 696.2 

^The  same.     Philadelphia,  1799.     a  v.  in  i. 

8^  zz.2692.2 

-Taylor  (B.)  Visit  to  India,  China,  and 
Japan,  in  1853.  i6th  ed.  New  York, 
i860.     I2^  ZZ.690.7 

-Thomson  (J.)  Straits  of  Malacca,  Indo-China, 
and  China,  [1862-72].  New  York,  1875. 
8'.  zz.694.2 

-PiTMPELLY  (R.)  Geological  researches  in 
China,  Mongolia,  and  Japan.  Washing- 
ton, 1867.    4'.     143  pp.    9  pi. 

V.  15  of  28.3738.1 

History^  etc, 
-Amyot  (    .)    Abr6g6  chronologique  de  l*his- 
toire  de  Tempire  chinois.     pp.  74-308. 

V.  13  of  zz.678<j.2 
-Belcher  {Sir  E.)    Details  of  the  naval  opera- 
tions in  China,  1840-41.     pp.  139-241. 

V.  2  of  2.33.3 
-BiOT  (E.)    M6moire  sur  le  syst^me  mon6taire 
des  Chinois. 

[Journal  a.«datique,  yt  s^rie,  v.  4,  pp.  97-141,  ao^* 
asa,  441-467]. 

-Callery  (J.  M.)  and  YvAN  (M.)  History  of 
the  insurrection  in  China,  [1850].  Tr. 
by  J.  Oxenford.     New  York,  1853.     12*. 

zz. 694.27 

-GtTZLAFF  (C.  F.  A.)  Sketch  of  Chinese  his- 
tory, ancient  and  modern.  New  York. 
1834.     2  V.     12°.  zz.694.24 

-KwoNG  Ki  Chiu.  Historical  sketch  of  the 
Chinese  dynasties,  pp.  851-882.  Z5.925.S 

-Orleans  (P.  J.  d*).  History  of  the  tvro  Tar- 
tar conquerors  of  China.  From  the  French 
by  [G.  G.  F.  Egerton,  earl  of]  EUesmere. 
London,  1854.     8*.  2.51.20 

-Pauthier  (G.)    M6moires  sur  Tantiquit^  de 
I'histoire,  et  de  la  civilisation  chinoises. 
[Journal  asiatique,  6e  s^r.,  w.  10, 11]. 

-People  of  China;  or,  a  summary  of  Chinese 
history.  [A  mm,]  Philadelphia,  1844. 
24*.  zz.690.10 

-Shuck  (J.  L.)  Portfolio  chinensis;  or,  a  col- 
lection of  authentic  Chinese  state  papers. 
Macao,  1840.     8^  24.1473.4 


-Edkins  (J.)  Religion  in  China.  2d  ed.  Bos- 
ton, 1878.     p.  8".  22.1382.19 

-Hardwick  (C.)  Religions  of  China,  pp.272- 
346  22.1391.30 





— Leggb  (J.)  Religions  of  China.  London, 
1880.     16*".  22.1382.25 

— Stuhr  (P.  F.)  Chinesische  reichsreligion,  und 
die  systeme  der  indischen  philosophie  in 
ihrem  verhftltniss  zu  ofifenbarungslehren. 
Berlin,  1835.     8*".  23.1411.21 

j«r,  «/f»,  Buddha,  Canton,  Confocius,  Cochin 
China,  Corea,  Opium,  Tartary,  Thibet,  Yun-nan. 

Chinese  immieration  into  Calif omia^  etc. 

— Brooks  (B.  S.)  Brief  touching  the  Chinese 
question  referred  to  the  joint  commission 
of  congress.  San  Francisco,  1877.  104 
pp.     12°.  3.162.  Box.  I 

^Thc  same.  Appendix,  consisting  of  docu- 
mentary evidence  and  statistics.  San 
Francisco,  1877.^  160  pp.  12°.  3.162.  Box.i 

— KsNNEDY  (J.  C.  G.)  Argument  reviewing 
the  report  of  the  joint  committee  [onj 
Chinese  immigration.  Washington,  1878. 
36  pp.     8'.  3. 162.  Box  I 

— KwANG  Chang  Ling.  Why  should  the  Chi- 
nese go?  San  Francisco,  1878.  16  pp. 
12*.  3.162.  Box  I 

— -Report  of  the  joint  special  committee  to  in- 
vestigate Chinese  immigration.  Wash- 
ington, 1877.  8''.  4.2222.1 
[United  Sutes  senate,  44th  congress,  ad  session, 
reports,  V.  3I. 

— Sbward  (G.  F.)  Chinese  immigration  in  its 
social  and  economical  aspects.  New 
York,  1881.     p.  8'.  3.162.7 

— Williams  (S.  W.)  Chinese  immigration.  New 
York,  1879.  48  pp.  8'.  3.162.  Box  i 
S4ty  aUo^  California. 

Chinese  language.    Dictionaries, 

— Callery  (J.  M.)  Dictionnaire  encyclop6- 
dique  de  la  langue  chinoise.  Specimen. 
Paris.  1842.     1.  8*.  X5. 2986.7 

— Maclay  (R.  S.)  and  Baldwin  (C.  C.)  Alpha- 
betic dictionary  of  the  Chinese  language 
in  the  Foochow  dialect.  Foochow,  1870. 
8\  15.2986. 12 

— Medhurst  (W.  H.)  Dictionary  of  the  Hok- 
KS^n  dialect  of  the  Chinese  language. 
Macao,  1832.    4*.  15.938. 1 3 

—Morrison  (R.)  Dictionary  of  the  Chinese 
language.     Macao,  1815-22.     6  v.     4^ 

— SCHOTT  (W.)    Vocabularium  sinicum.     Bero- 

Uni,  1844.     4**.  Z5.2986.4 

— Smith  (F.  P.)    Vocabulary  of  proper  names 

in  Chinese  and  English.     Shanghai,  1870. 

L  8'.  15.2986.5 

Grammars^  and  general  works, 

— CiBOT  (P.  M.)  Essai  sur  la  langue,  et  les  car- 
actires  des  Chinois.  [Anon.']  pp.  133- 
266,  282-430.  w.  8,  9  of  X  1.678^.1 

— Du  Ponceau  (P.  S.)  Dissertation  on  the 
Chinese  system  of  writing.  Philadelphia, 
1838.     8*.  15. 2986.  II 

— Edrins  (J.)  China's  place  in  philology.  Lon- 
don, 1871.     p.  8'.  15.2986. 18 

—  -Grammar  of  the  Chinese  colloquial  lan- 
guage.    2d  ed.     Shanghai,  1864.     8^. 

15.2986. 10 

Progressive  lessons  in  the  Chinese  spoken 

language.     3d  ed.     Shanghai,  1869.    12°. 

15.2986. 15 

— Julien  (S.)  M6thode  pourd6chififrer  les  noms 
sanscrits  dans  les  livres  chinois.  Paris, 
1861.     8".  zz.2687.29 

— McIlvainb  (J.  S.)  Grammatical  studies  in 
the  colloquial  language  of  northern  China. 
Shanghai,  1880.  104  pp.  12°.    15.2986.13 

— Summers  (J.)  Rudiments  of  the  Chinese  lan- 
guage.    London,  1864.     16''.    15. 2986. 16 

Chinook  language.  {Indians  of  Washington 

— GiBBS  (G.)  Alphabetical  vocabulary  of  the 
Chinook  jargon.  New  York,  1863.  23 
pp.     8'.      ^  15.976. 12 

Dictionary  of   the  Chinook  jargon.     New 

York,  1863.    43  pp.     8^  15.976. 12 

The  same.     Washington,  1863.    43  pp.   8*. 

15.958^.  Box  4 

The  same.    Washington,  1863.    43  pp.  8*. 

V.  7  of  28.3734.1 

ChiromySy  (a  species  of  lemur).     See  Aye-aye. 

Chiroptera.    See  Bats. 

Chisolm  massacre,  (29th  April,  1877). 

— Wells  (J.  M.)  Chisolm  massacre:  a  picture 
of  '*  Home  rule"  in  Mississippi.  2d  ed. 
Washington,  1878.     p.  8*.  4. 176. 13 

Chittenden  (Simeon  Baldwin),    b.  1814. 

— Proceedings  at  the  complimentary  dinner 
given  to  Simeon  B.  Chittenden,  on  his 
retirement  from  business.  New  York, 
1875.     p.  8^  4-204-7 

Chiusa,  {Piedmont).    Abbey  of  San  Mickele. 

— Claretta  (G.)  Storia  diplomatica  dell'  antica 
abbazia  di  S.  Michele  della  Chiusa.  To- 
rini,  1870.     8°.  Z2. 726.7 


— ^Ampi^re  ()•  J»)  ^«  ^  chevalerie.  pp.  131- 
265.  V.  I  0/0.481.1 

— CuTTS  (E.  L.)  Knights  of  the  middle  ages, 
pp.  311-460.  a.93.6 

— DiGBY  (K.  H.)  Broad  stone  of  honour;  or, 
the  true  sense  and  practice  of  chivalry* 
London,  1846-76.     5  v.     16**.  2Z.  1303.2a 

— ^James  (G.  p.  R.)  History  of  chivalry.  New 
York,  1831.     18'.  2.93.24 

— La  Curne  de  Saint  Palaye  (J.  B.)  Memoirs 
of  ancient  chivalry.  Tr.  by  [S.  Dobson], 
London,  1784.     8**.  2.93.3 

— Mennens  (F.)  Deliciae  equestrium,  sive,  mili- 
tarium  ordinum.  Coloniae  Ag^ppinae, 
1613.     8°.  2.2061.15 

— Mills  (C.)  History  of  chivalry;  or,  knight- 
hood and  its  times.  Philadelphia,  1826. 
2  V.  in  I.     8".  2.93.2 

The  same.     Philadelphia,  1844.  8**.     2.93.  i 

— Scott  {Sir  W.)    Essay  on  chivalry. 

pp.  162-226  of  2.93.17 
Sett  eUMOy  Arthur,   Crusades,  Heraldry,  Middle 
ages,  Romances  of  chivalry. 
AUo^  Knig:hts  hospitallers,  Knights  of  Malta,  Or- 
der of  the  elephant. 

Choate  (Rufus).    b.  1799.    d.  1859. 
— Brown  (S.  G.)    Life  of  Rufus  Choate.    2d 
ed.     Boston,  1870.     p.  8**.  4.204.8 

— LoRiNG  (J.  S.)    Rufus  Choate.     pp.  588-595. 

_     .  3.138^.5 

Choisy  (Fran9ois  Timol^n   de).     b.  1644.     d. 

1724.  - 

— Alembert    (J.    L.   d*).     Eloge  de  Tabb^  de 

Choisy.     pp.  61-110.  V.  3  of  8.500.2 

— Costa  Alvarenga  (P.  F.  da).   ConsideracOes 

sobre  a  cholera-morbus  epidemica  no  hos- 

piul  de  S.  Jos6  de  Lisboa.     Lisboa,  1856. 

39  PP'     8'.  29.3825.  Box.  4 





— Fechnsr  (G.  T.)  Schutzmittel  ftir  die  cholera. 
Von  Dr.  Mises.     Leipzig,  1833.     16". 

28.3811. 15 

—Woodward  (J.  J.)  Report  on  epidemic  cholera 
and  yellow  fever  in  the  army,  1867. 
Washington,  1868.     4**.  28.3818. 10 

Chopin  (Fr6d6ric  Frangois).     b.  1810.    d,  1849. 

— Karasowski  (M.)  Frederic  Chopin;  his  life, 
letters,  and  works.  Tr.  by  E.  Hill.  Lon- 
don, 1879.     2  V.     I6^  30.1904.18 

—Liszt  (F.)  Life  of  Chopin.  Tr.  by.  M.  W. 
Cook.  Philadelphia,  1863.  18".  30.1903.36 

Chorley  (Henry  Fothergill).    b.  1808.    d.  1872. 

—Autobiography,  memoir,  and  letters.  Com- 
piled by  H.  G.  Hewlett.  London,  1873. 
3  V.     p.  8**.  6.344.41 


— AusLEGth^GE  der  evangelien  gepredigt  durch 
M.  Luther.     Wittemberg,  1531.     1.  8"*. 

22. 1 346. 1 

Note,  A  icrap-book  of  illustrations,  colored  by 
hand,  cut  from  some  unknown  edition  of  Luther's 
sermons,  the  text  being  discarded. 

— Beecher  (H.  W.)  Life  of  Jesus,  the  Christ. 
Parti.  New  York,  1871.  1.  8^  22.1387.37 

— BiDA  (A.)    Christ  in  art;  or,  the  gospel  life  of 

*  Jesus.     [Ed.]   by    E.    Eggleston.      New 

York,  [1874I.     1.8*.         Art  room.  C.  1.3 

— Db  Wette  (W.  M.  L.)  De  morte  Jesu  Christi 
expiatoria  commentatio.  Berolini,  1813. 
s.  4".  22.1387.35 

— D0RER  (A.)  Humiliation  and  exaltation  of 
our  Redeemer,  33  prints.  Ed.  by  J.  Al- 
len. London,  1856.  s.  4**.  Art  room.  A.  1.4 

The  same.    London,  1867.     s.  4". 

Art  room.  A.  1.3 

— Ellicott  (C.  J.)  Historical  lectures  on  the 
life  of  Christ.     Boston,  1863.     13°. 

22.1387.  II 

— Farrar  (F.  W.)  Life  of  Christ.  New  York, 
1874.     2  V.     8".  22.1387.10 

— Grosart  (A.  B.)  The  prince  of  light  and  the 
prince  of  darkness  in  conflict;  or,  the 
temptation  of  Christ.  London,  1864.  16*. 


— Harwood  (P.)  German  anti-supernaturalism. 
Six  lectures  on  Strauss's  **  Life  of  Jesus." 
London,  1841.     8**.  22.1387.34 

— Hase  (C.  a.)  Leben  Jesu.  3e  aufl.  Leip- 
zig, 1835.     16*.  22.1387.19 

— Hughes  (T.)  Manliness  of  Christ  Boston, 
1880.     16**.  22.1393.1 

— Krummacher  (F.  a.)  Ueber  die  kranken- 
heilungen  Jesu.  Herausg.  von  F.  W. 
und  E.  W.  [Krummacher].  Elberfeld, 
1845.     40  pp.     8^.  22. 1387. 1 

— Leask    (W^)     Footsteps    of   Messiah.      New 


York,  [1847].     12' 

— Morris    (R.)    Legends    of    the    holy    rood; 

symbols  of  the  passion,  and  cross-poems. 

London,  1871.     8".  18.1073.4 

— Neander  (A.)    Leben  Jesu  Christi.     4e  aufl. 

Hamburg,  1845.     8'.  22.1387.7 

— Parker  (J.)    Ecce  Deus.     Essays  on  the  life 

and  doctrine  of    Jesus  Christ.     [AnonJ\ 

Boston,  1868.     13**.  22.1394.10 

— Plumptre  (E.  H.)    Christ,  and  Christendom. 

London,  1867.     8*.  22.1394.34 

—Renan  (J.  E.]    Vie  de  J6sus.    2e  6d.     Paris, 

1863.  8  .  22.1353.15 
^Thesame.     Berlin,  1863.  p.  8".  23.1387.17 

The  same.     Life  of  Jesus.    Tr.  by  C.   E. 

Wilbour.  New  York,  1864.  i8'.  22.1387.16 

— RtcKERT  (F.)  Leben  Jesu.  Evangelien-har- 
monie.     pp.  5-310.  v.  XX  of  9.554.3 

— Salvador  (J.)  Leben  Jesu  und  seine  lebre. 
Ausdem  Franz6sischen  von  H.  Jacobson. 
Dresden,  1841.     3  v.     8".  22.1387.4 

— SCHENKEL  (D.)  Character  of  Jesus  portrayed. 
From  3d  German  ed.  by  W.  H.  Fumess. 
Boston,  1866.     3  V.     p.  8**.       22.1387.13 

—Sears  (E.  H.)  Fourth  gospel  the  heart  of 
Christ.     6th  ed.     Boston,  1877.     8% 


— Seeley  (J.  R.)  Ecce  homo:  the  life  and 
work  of  Christ.  [AnonJ]  Boston,  1869. 
13*.  22.1395.35 

— Strauss  (D.  F.)  Christus  des  glaubens,  und 
der  Jesus  der  geschichte.     pp.  1-147. 

V.  5  of  9.567.3 

Leben  Jesu  ftir  das  deutsche  volk.    4e  aufl. 

Bonn,  1877.     3  v.   8**.  w.  3.  4  of  9.567.3 

The  same.  The  life  of  Jesus  critically  ex- 
amined. Tr.  from  4th  German  ed.  Lon- 
don, 1846.     3  v.     8*.  22.1387.6 

—Taylor  (J.)  Life  of  Jesus  Christ.  [Ed.]  by 
C.  P.  Eden.     London.  1847.     8°. 

V.  3  of  22. 1334.6 

—Trench  (R.  C.)  Christ,  the  desire  of  all  na- 
tions, pp.  161-333.  22.1346.18 

— Ullmann  (C.)  Sinlessness  of  Jesus.  Tr. 
from  7th  ed.  by  S.  Taylor.  Edinburgh, 
1870.     p.  8\  22.1387.14 

— Vida  (M.  G.)  Jesus  Christus.  Ein  latein- 
isches  heldengedicht;  deutschen  gesungen 
von  J.  D.  Mtiller.     Hamburg,  1811.     8*. 


— Vita  Christi.  [A  manuscript  arranged  for 
the  seven  days  of  the  week],    s.  8  . 

Art  room.  A.  1.7 

Ste^  als0y  Atonement,  Christian   religion.  Evi- 
dences, God,  Miracles,  Theology,  Trinity. 


Advent^  and  state  of  the  world* 

—  DOllinger  (J.  J.  L  von).  Gentile  and  the 
Jew  in  the  courts  of  the  temple  of  Christ. 
[Tr.  by]  N.  Darnell  London,  1863.  3  v. 
8°.  3i.1944.15 

— Fisher  (G.  P.)  Beginnings  of  Christianity. 
New  York,  1877.     8°.  31. 1945.  iS 

— Hausrath  (A.)  Neutestamentliche  zeitge- 
schichte.     Heidelberg,  1868-73.     3  v.  8**. 


— Jarvis  (S.  F.)  Chronological  introduction  to 
the  history  of  the  church:  an  inquiry  into 
the  true  dates  of  the  birth  and  death  of 
Christ     New  York,  1845.    8^   31.1945.8 

— Kepler  (J.)  De  vero  anno  quo  Dei  filius  hu- 
manam  naturam  assumpsit  commenta- 
tiuncula.     Francofurti,  1614.    s.  4*. 


— Le  Seneschal  (M.)  Trias  evangelica;  sive, 
de  anno,  mense,  et  die  Christi  nati.  Leo- 
dii,  1670.    4'.  31- 1946.7 


— Coleman  (L.)  Ancient  Christianity  exempli- 
fied in  the  life  of  the  primitive  Christians. 
Philadelphia,  1853.     8*".  22.1385.39 

^Antiquities  of  the  Christian  church.    An- 

dover,  1841.     8'.  31. 1943-4 





Apostolical  and  primitive  church,  popular 

in  its  government,  and  simple  in  its  wor- 
ship.    2d  ed.     Boston,  1844.     12''. 

31. 1942.16 

^Neander  (A.)  Memorials  of  Christian  life  in 
the  early  and  middle  ages.  Tr.  by  J.  £. 
Ryland.  London,  1852.  p.  8".  31.1943.21 

— Smith  (W.)  and  Cheetham  (S.)  Dictionary 
of  Christian  antiquities.  Boston,  1875, 
and  London,  1880.    2  v.    8''.    31.1946.13 

General  works, 
— AUGUSTINUS  (A.)    De  civitate  Dei  libri  viginti 

duo.     Venetiis,  1732.    f°.  21.3308.1 

The  same.    The  city  of  God.     Tr.  by   M. 

Dods.     Edinburgh,  1871.     2  v.     8*. 

— Chateaxjbeiand  (F.  a.  de).    G6nie  du  Chris- 

tianisme.    Paris,  [i860].    2  v.  in  i.    I.  8''. 

vv.  3,  4  of  8.506.1 

The  same.     Beauties  of  Christianity.    Tr. 

by  F.  Shoberi.     [Ed.]  by  H.  Kett.  Lon- 

don,  1813.     3  v.  m  i.    8*.        22.1385.22 
— EccE  DEUS-HOMO:  the  work  and  kingdom  of 

Christ.  [Atum.]  Philadelphia,  1868.   I3^ 

— EccE  ecclesia:  showing  a  natural  church  with 

a  sensible  religion.    [Arum.]    New  York, 

x868.     x6^  31.1982. 19 

— GuizoT  (F.  P.  G.)  M6ditation8  sur  Ta  religion 

chr^tienne.    Paris,  1868.    S'*. 

▼.  3  of  22.1391. 18 
—  -Meditations  sur  I'essence   de    la   religion 

chr^tienne.     se  6d.     Paris,  1866.     8% 

V.  z  of  22.1391. 18 
^The  same.    Meditations  on  the  essence  of 

Christianity.      From  the  French.      New 

York,  1865.     Z2^.  22.1391.20 

— -The  same.  New  York,  1867.  I2^  22.1391.20 
^Lessing  (G.  E.)    Von  dem  zwecke  Jesu  und 

seiner  jUnger.     Neue  aufl.     Berlin,  1784. 

16'.    •  22.1387.18 

The  same.     pp.  285-415.      v.  15  of  0.554-3 

— Priestley  (J.)    History  of  the  corruptions  of 

Christianity.     Birmingham,    1782.     2  v. 

8".  3X.1941.3 

— QciNET  (E.)     Christianisme  et  la  revolution 

fran^aise.     281  pp.  v.  i  of  8.504.4 
^The  same.     Christianity,  from  the  birth  of 

Christ  to  the  French  revolution.     Tr.  by 

C.  Cocks.  London,  1846.  16".  31. 1973. 23 
^-Se3CLER  (J.  S.)    Beantwortung  der  fragmente 

eines  ungenannten  vom  zweck  Jesu  und 

seiner  jilnger.  Halle,  1779.  8°.  22.1387.5 
— Stanley  (A.  P.)  Christian  institutions:  essays 

on    ecclesiastical   subjects.      New  York, 

1881.     12°.  31.1982. 17 

J^,  o/ttf.  Church  history,  Evidences  of  revealed 

Christina  An^^nsta,  fueen  of  Sweden,    b,  1626. 

d,  1689. 
— Alembert  (T.  L.  d*).  M^moires  sur  Christine. 

pp.  5-88.  V.  4  of  8.500.2 

— WooDHEAD    (H.)      Memoirs    of    Christina, 

queen  of  Sweden.     London,  1863.     2  v. 

p.  8*.  ID.  594. 1 1 

Christmas  carols. 
— RBorEiL  de  no^  nouveaux  en  Fran9ois  et  en 

patois.    Besan9on,  n.  d.    8".    30.1901. 19 
—Weight  (T.)     Specimens  of  old  Christmas 

carols.    London,  1841.     16^. 

V.  4  of  18.3092. 1 

Chronographic  apparatus.    See  Time. 

Chronology.  Ancient, 

—Clinton  (H.  F.)  Fasti  hellenici.  The  civil 
and  literary  chronology  of  Greece  to  the- 
death  of  Augustus.  Oxford,  1827-34.  3 
V.     4'.  14.866. 1 

^The  same.     Fasti  hellenici,  civiles  et  litte- 

rarias  Graecorum  res  explicantes.  Ex  2a 
Anglici  exemplaris  editione  conversi  a  C. 
G.  Krtlgero.    Lipsiae,  1836.    4*.     2.58^.5 

— CoRSiNi  (E.)  Fasti  attici,  in  quibus  archontunr 
Atheniensium  series  describuntur.  Flo- 
rentiae,  1744-47.  2  v.  in  i.  4*.  z4.856.16 

— EusEBius  Pamphili,  Chronicorum  canonum- 
omnimodae  historiae  libri  duo,  interprete 
Hieronymo.  Studio  J.  J.  Scaligeri.  Ed. 
altera.     Amstelodami,  1658.     f^      2.68.1 

— Georgius,  syncellus,  Chronographiae  ab 
Adamo  usque  ad  Diocletianum  collectio. 
Ex  recensione  W.  Dindorfii.  Bonnae, 
1829.     2v.     8^  Z4.862.1 

— Gordon  (J.)  Chronologia,  annorum  seriem 
ad  nostra  usque  tempora  complectens. 
Burdigalae,  1611.     8**.  2.2051.1^ 

— Malalas  Q.)  Chronographia.  Ex  recensione 
L.  Dindorfii.  Bonnae,  1831.  8°.  14.872.1 

— ^^Marsham  (Sir  J.)  Canon  chronicus  aegypti- 
acus,  ebraeus,  graecus.  Lipsiae,  1676. 
s.  4*".  2.2051. 12 

—Newton  (Sir  I.)  Chronology  of  ancient  king- 
doms amended.  London,  1728.  4*".  2.583»6 

^The  same.     New  ed.     London,  1770.    4*. 


— NiCEPHORUS.  Chronographia  brevis.  pp.  735- 
788.  V.  I  of  14.862. 1 

— Parian  chronicle;  or,  the  chronicle  of  the 
Arundelian  marbles.  [Ed.  by  J.  Robert- 
son].    London,  1788.     8^  14.865. 19 

— Ptolemaeus  (C.)  and  others.     Table  chrono-' 
logique    des    r^gnes,   traduite    pair    [N.] 
Halma.      [Greek  and   French].      Paris, 
1819.     4^  26.1658.15 

— Stewart  (Sir  J.  D.)    Apologie  du  sentiment 

de  Newton  sur  1  ancienne  chronologie  des 

Grecs.     \Anon.\    Francfort  sur  le  Mein, 

1757.     4  .  2.2050.5 

General  works, 

— Art  de  verifier  les  dates  [par  dom  Clement, 
continu6e  par  des  autres].  Paris,  1819-44. 
42  V.     8**.  Revolving  case.  B.i 

— Blair  (J.)  Chronology  and  history  of  the. 
world  to  1753,  illustrated  in  56  tables. 
London,  1754.     f**.  2.68.1 

^Thesame,to  1788.  London,  1788.  f**.  2.68.1 

^The  same.     With  additions  [by  H.  Ellis]. 

New  ed.     London,  185 1.    1.  8**.      2.58^.3 

The  same.  Revised  to  1856  by  J.  W,  Rosse. 

London,  1856.  p.  8^  Revolving  case.  A.  16 

— Bredow  (G.  G.)  Weltgeschichte  in  tabellen. 
4e  ausg.    Altona,  1816.     V,  2.68.2 

— DuMBECK  (F.  J.)  Historiae  universae  tabulae 
synchronisticae  ab  rerum  primordiis  ad 
nostram  diem.  Berolini,  1820.  V,    2.68.3 

— Hales  (W.)  New  analysis  of  chronology.. 
London,  1809-12.   3  v.  in  4.   4'.     2.58^.9 

The  same.    2d  ed.    London,  1830.    4  v. 

8°.  2.2050. 1 

— Helwig  (C.)  Historical  and  chronological 
theatre.  Done  into  English..  London, 
i6a7.    r.  2.2050.x 





— Lenglet  du  Fresnoy  (N.)  Chronological 
tables  of  universal  history.  From  the 
French.  London,  1763.  2  v.  8*.  2.2051. 10 

—Nicolas  (H.)  Chronology  of  history.  Lon- 
don, 1833.     I6^  32.2012.6 

— ScHAFER  (A.)  Geschichtstabellen  zum  atis- 
wendiglemen.  3e  aufl.  Leipzig,  185 1. 
8^  2.2051.8 

Technicat  works, 

— Bevekidge  (G.)  Institutionum  chronologi- 
carum  libri  duo.  Ed.  altera.  Londini, 
1705.     8.  4*.  2.2051.9 

— BOckh  (A.)  Ueber  die  vierjfthrigen  sonnen- 
kreise  der  alten,  vorzOglich  den  eudoxi- 
schen.     Berlin,  1863.     8".  2.58^1.9 

— Beown  (C.  p.)  Camatic  chronology.  The 
Hindu  and  Mahomedan  methods  of  reck- 
oning time  explained.  London,  1863. 
1.  8^  XX.683.1 

— Daunou  (P.  C.  F.)  Chronologie  technique, 
litigieuse,  positive.  Paris,  1843.  4  v. 
8".  V.  3-6  of  2.94. 1 

— Ideler  (C.  L.)  Handbuch  der  mathematischen 
und  technischen  chronologie.  Berlin, 
1825-26.     2  V.     8'.  2.58^.7 

Rechcrches  historiques  sur  les  observations 

astronomiques  des  anciens,  traduites  de 
TAUemand  par  [N.]  Halma.  Paris,  18 19. 
4*.  26.1658.15 

— SCALIGER  (J.  J.)  De  emendatione  temporum. 
Postrema  ed.  Coloniae  AUobrogum, 
1629.    f^  2.68.8 

— Strauch  (A.)  Breviarium  chronologicum. 
Done  into  English  by  R.  Sault.  2d  ed. 
London,  1704.     S'*.  2.2051. 13 

— Ulugh  Beigh.  Epochae  celebriores,  astrono- 
mis  Arabum,  etc.,  usitatae.  Recensuit 
J.  Gravius.     Londini,   1650.     8°. 

Sety  ahoj  Bible,  Calendar,  Christian  era,  Dates, 
History  {univtrtal)^  Time. 


— Davis  (C.  H.)    Chronometer  rates  as  affected 

by  change  of  temperature.     Washington, 

1878.    4^  26.1658.2 

Chrysippus.    b.  280  B.C.    d,  207  b.c. 
— Bergk  (T.)^  Commentatio  de  Chrysippi  libris 

ntpl  ditog>aTtxSv,     Cassel,  1841.      39 

pp.     4^  14.866.  Box  2 

Chrysostom  (Saint  John),     i.  347.     </.  407. 
—Butler  (A.)    Life  and  writings  of  Saint  John 

Chrysostom.     pp.  1 19-147. 

v.  I  of  31.1946.6 
— Lardner  (N.)    John  Chrysostom.     pp.  534- 

570.  v.  4  of  22.1376. 1 

— Palladii  de  vita  S.   Johannis  Chrysostomi 

dialogus.        Cura     et     studio     Emerici 

Bigotii.     Luteciae  Parisiorum,  1680.     4**. 

—Stephens  (W.  R.  W.)    Saint  Chrysostom,  his 

life  and  times.     London,  1872.     8°. 

31. 1944.10 
Church  and  state.  ^     v^   v 

— BiRKS  (T.  R.)  Church  and  state  with  reference 

to  present  controversies.     London,  i86g. 

P-  8^  24.1506.15 

— Chalmers  (T.)    On  church  and  college  estab- 

lishments.     Glasgow,  [1849].     I2^ 

V.  17  of  22. 1 330. 1 

—Coleridge  (S.  T.)  On  the  constitution  of  the 
church  and  state.  Ed.  by  H.  N.  Coleridge. 
London,  1839.     16*".  24.1506.26 

— Gladstone  (W.  E.)  The  state  in  its  relations 
with  the  church.  4th  ed.  London,  1841. 
2  V.     S\  24.1506.12 

— Harwood  (G.)  Disestablishment;  or.  a  de- 
fence of  the  principle  of  a  national  church. 

London,  1876.     8 

24. 1 506. 1 

— Hovey  (A.)  Religion  and  the  state.  Boston, 
1874.     i6\  24.1506.23 

^Keller  (E.)  Kirche,  staat,  und  freiheit;  oder, 
die  encyclica  vom  8  December  1864,  und 
die  prinzipien  von  1789.  Ueborsetzung 
nach  der  2ten  aufl.     Mainz,  1866.     8". 


— Marheineke  (P.)  Reform  der  kirche  durch 
den  staat.  Leipzig,  T844.  18**.    24.1500.15 

— Noel  (B.  W.)  Essay  on  the  union  of  church 
and  state.     2d  ed.     London,  1849.     ^''* 

Su^  altc^  Llt>erty  of  conscience.  Toleration. 

Church  goTemment. 

— Atterbury  (T.)  Rights  of  an  English  convo- 
cation vindicated,  in  answer  to  Wake's 
Authority  of  Christian  princes.  2d  ed. 
London,  1701.     8^  3X.i955.i5 

— Cardinal  Bellarmine's  Notes  of  the  church 
refuted,  in  a  series  of  tracts.     London, 

1840.  8**.  31. 1965. 10 
— Coleman    (L.)      Apostolical    and    primitive 

church,  popular  in  its  government,  and 
simple  in  its  worship.  2d  ed.  Boston, 
1844.     12°.  32. 1942. 16 

— Cooper  (T.)  Admonition  to  the  people  of 
England:  against  Martin  Mar-prelate. 
[Ed.  by  J.  Petheram].  London,  1847. 
I2^  31. 1983.12 

— Hall  (E.)  Puritans,  and  their  principles.  New 
York,   1846.     S\  3X.1983.5 

— Hammond  (H.)  Dissertationes  quatuor.  qui- 
bus  episcopatus  jura  adstruuntur.  Lon- 
dini, 1651.     s.  4**.  31.1982. 16 

— Hodge  (C.)  Discussions  in  church  polity. 
New  York,  1878.     8^  31.1982.  i 

—Hooker  (R.)  Of  the  lawes  of  ecclesiastical 
polilie.     London,  [1639].     f*.     32. 1986.4 

The  same.    Arranged  by  J.  Keble.    Oxford, 

1841.  3  V.     8^  31. 1982.7 
— King  (Sir  P.)    Enquiry  into  the  constitution, 

discipline,  and  worship  of  the  primitive 
church.     [Anon,]    London,  [1719].     8*. 

31.1982. 15 

The  same.  London,  1839.    32".     31.1982.27 

— Miller  (S.)  Letters  concerning  the  constitu- 
tion and  order  of  the  Christian  ministry. 
New  York,  1807.     12*.  31. 1984. 34 

— Milton  (J.)  Of  reformation  in  England,  pp. 
363-419.  v.  2  of  6.2353.4 

Reason  of  church  government  urged  against 

prelaty.     pp.  438-508.        v.  2  of  6.2353.4 

—Petheram  (J.)  Puritan  discipline  tracts. 
London,  1843-60.    6  v.  in  4.     la"*. 


— RusKiN  (J.)     Notes  on  the  construction  of 

sheepfolds.    New  York,  1872.    40  pp.    8'. 

30.1891. 14 

—Wise  (J.)    Vindication  of  the  government  of 

New-England  churches.  Boston,  1772.  8*. 






5>#,  »Uoy  Aoglo-Saxon  church.  Church  and  ttate. 
Church  history.  Congregational  church,  Bngland 
{£kurch\  Bptscopal  caurch,  Biinistry,  Popes, 
Picsbytarian  church. 

Church  history. 

— Alzog  (J.)  Handbuch  der  universal-kirchen- 
geschichte.  8e  aufl.  Mainz»  1866-^7. 
a  V.    8^  3Z.1946.8 

— AuBi(B.)  Histoire  des  persecutions  de  T^gHse. 
3c  6d.  Paris,  1875-78.  2  v.  ^6^  32.1943. 22 

.— Bakonio  (C.)  Annates  ecclesiastic!  [ad  annum 
H97].    Antverpiae,  161X-70.     12  v.    V, 

31.1948. 1 

— Beatus  rhenanus^  or  BiLDE  (B.)  Autores  his- 
toriae  ecclesiasticae.     Basileae»  1535.     V, 


— BuNSEN  (C.  C.  J.)  Christianity  and  mankind. 
London,  1854.     7  v.     8*".  32. 1944. 12 

— Burton  (E.)  History  of  the  Christian  church, 
to  the  conversion  of  Constantine.  ist  Am. 
cd.  by  G.  W.  Doane.  New  York,  1839. 
12*.  31.1941. 16 

— Campbell  (G.)  Lectures  on  ecclesiastical  his- 
tory.  London,  1800.   2  v.    8**.     31.1941.6 

—  -The  same.  Philadelphia,  1807.  8°.  31.1941. 7 

•^-Eusebius  Pamphili,  Ecclesiastical  history  [to 
A.D.  324].  Tr.  by  C.  F.  Crus6.  Boston, 
1836.     8*.  3X.1941.1 

— Fleury  (C.)  Ecclesiastical  history  [to  a.d. 
870],  with  the  chronology  of  Tillemont 
London,  1727-32.     5  v.     4*.       32. 1946.4 

— Fox  (J')  Acts  and  monuments  of  matters 
happening  in  the  church  [to  the  reign  of 
Elizabeth].  Eighth  time  imprinted.  Lon- 
don. 1641.     3  V.     f".  31.1958. 5 

— Gessel  (T.)  Historia  sacra  et  ecclesiastica, 
ad  annum  1625.  Trajecti  ad  Rhenum, 
1659.    s.  4^  32.1941. 15 

^<7i£SELBR  (J.  C.  L)  Text-book  of  ecclesiastical 
history.  From  3d  Germ.  ed.  by  F.  Cun- 
ningham.    Philadelphia,  1836.     3  v.     8**. 

^The  same.     Compendium  of  ecclesiastical 

history.     4th  ed.     Tr.  by  S.   Davidson 

and  J.  W.    Hull.      Edinburgh,    1853-55'. 

3  V.     8*.  31-1944.7 

— Gregory    (G.)      History    of    the    Christian 

church.     New  ed.     London,  1795.    2  v. 

8^  31.1941.5 

— GtJERiCKE  (H.  E.  F.)  Manual  of  church  his- 
tory. Tr.  by  W.  G.  T.  Shedd.  First  six 
centuries.  Andover,  1857.  8°.   32.1945.10 

— Hase  (C.)  Kirchengeschicbte.  3e  aufl.  Leip- 
zig. 1837.     8\  31.1944.23 

— Haweis  (T.)  Impartial  history  of  the  church 
of  Christ.     London,  1800.     3  v.     8*". 

32.1941. 8 

— Horn  (G.)  Historia  ecclesiastica  ^  condito 
mundo  ad  nostra  tempora.  Lugduni  Bata- 
vorum,  1665.     12*.  31. 1941.25 

— JORTiN  (J.)  Remarks  on  ecclesiastical  history 
[to  1503].     London,  1805.     3  v.     8". 


^The    same.       Discourses    concerning    the 

Christian  religion;  and  remarks  on  eccle- 
siastical history.    London,  1805.    3  v.    8**. 


— Kaye  Q.)    Ecclesiastical  history  of  the  second 
and  third  centuries.  2d  ed.  [Anon.]  Cam- 
bridge, [Eng.],  1829.     8'.  31.1943.3 
— Lawrence   (E.)      Historical    studies.      New 
York,  1876.     8'.                          32.1964.8 

— Lectures  on  foreign  churches,     xst  series. 

Edinburgh,  1845.    p.  8"*.  32. 195 1.26 

— Lenglet    du    Fresno y    (N.)      Histoire   de 

r^glise.  Paris,  1739.  18°.  32.1940.  i 
— Merivale  (C.)    Conversion  of  the  northern 

nations.  New  York,  1866.  8*.  32.1942.12 
Conversion  of  the  Roman  empire.     New 

York,  1865.     8°.  32. 1942. 1 1 

— Milman  (H.  H.)  History  of  Latin  Christianitv 

to  the  pontificate  of  Nicolas  v.,  [1452J. 

London,  1854-55.  6  v.  8".  32.1964.2 
— MosHEiM  (J.  L.  von).     Ecclesiastical  history, 

to  the  beginning  of  the  eighteenth  century. 

Tr.  by  A.  Maclaine.    London,  1803.    6  v. 

8'.  32.1943.12 
^The  same.  Institutes  of  ecclesiastical  his- 
tory.    Tr.  by  T.  Murdock.     New  Haven, 

1832.  3v.  8.  32.1944.2 
Historical    commentaries  on  the  state    of 

Christianity  during  the  first  325  years. 
Tr.  by  R.  S.  Vidal  and  J.  Murdock.  New 
York,  1853.     2  V.     8*.  32.1944.6 

— Neander  (J.  A.  W.)  Allgemeine  geschichte 
der  christlichen  religion  und  kirche  [bis 
1414].  Hamburg,  1825-52.  6  v.  in  11. 
8^  3x.1945.21 

The  same.    General  history  of  the  Christian 

religion  and  church.  Tr.  from  2d  ed.  by 
J.  Torrey.    2d  Am.  ed.    Boston,  1848-54. 

5v.  8^  3X.1945.4 

^The  same  [in  part].  History  of  the  Chris- 
tian religion  and  church,  during  the  first 
three  centuries.  Tr.  by  H.  J.  Rose. 
Philadelphia,  1843.     8°.  31.1945-6 

— OvERBECK  (T.)  Studien  zur  geschichte  der 
alten  kirche.  ites  heft.  Schloss-Chemnitz, 
1875.     8*.  32. 1943. 10 

— Pressens£  (E.  de).  Early  years  of  Christianity. 
The  martyrs  and  apologists.  Tr.  by  A. 
Harwood.     New  York,  1871.     p.  8*. 


— Priestley  (J.)  General  history  of  the  Chris- 
tian church,  to  the  fall  of  the  western  em- 
pire.    Birmingham,  1790.     2  v.     8*. 


— Russell  (J.)    Essays  on  the  history  of  the 

Christian  religion.    2d  ed.    London,  1873. 

8^  31.1943.6 

— Schneider    (C.    F.    T.)     Compendium    der 

&lteren  kirchengeschicbte.     Berlin,  1859. 

8^  32.1944.18 

— Smith  (H.    B.)     History  of   the  church  of 

Christ,    in    chronological    tables.       New 

York,  1859.     1.  f".  31. 1947. 1 

— Spittler  (L.  T.)    Grundriss  der  geschichte 

der  christlichen  kirche.     5e  aufl.  von  G.  J. 

Planck.  Reutlingen,  1814.  8°.  32.1944.22 
— Stanley  (A.  P.)    Lectures  on  the  history  of 

the  eastern  church.     From  2d  Lond.  ed. 

New  York,  1869.     8'.  32.1943.2 

— Stebbing    (H.)      History    of    the    Christian 

church,  [to  the  15th  century].     London, 

1833.  2  V.     i6*.  32.1942.40 

^The  same.  32.2012.5 

— Tillemont  (L.  S.  L.  de).      M6moires  pour 

servir  k  I'histoire  eccl^siastique  des  six 
premiers  sixties.  Bruxelles,  1706-30. 
10  V.  in  30.     18''.  31. 1940.2 

— Trench  (R.  C.)  Lectures  on  medieval  church 
history.  New  York,  1878.  8%    3x.1945.1S 





— M'Clintock  (J.)  and   Strong  (J.) 
paedia  of  Bi 

— TuRRETiN  (T.  A.)  Historiae  ecclesiasticae 
compendium,  a  Christo  nato  usque  ad  an- 
num 1700.  Genevae,i734.  p.S".  32.1941. 19 

— Uhlhorn  (G.)  Conflict  of  Christianity  with 
heathenism.  Tr.  from  3d  German  ed.  by 
E.  C.  Smyth  and  C.  J.  H.  Ropes.  New 
York,  1879.     p.  8**.  22.1396.32 


— Cave  (W.)  Scriptorum  ecclesiasticorun)  his- 
toria  literaria,  a  Christo  nato  ad  saeculum 
XIV.  Ed.  novissima.  Genevae,  1720. 
f".  31.1958. 1 

-Wharton  (H.)  and  Gerv  (R.)  Appendix  ad 
Historiam  literariam  W.  Cave,  in  qua  de 
scriptoribus  ab  1300  ad  15 17  agitur. 
Genevae,  1720.     f*.  3X.1958.1 



blical,  theological,  and  eccle- 
siastical literature.    [A-ReJ.     New  York, 
1874-79.     8v.     8^  x.23.3 

— Archiv  ftlr  alte  und  neue  kirchengeschichte, 
herausg.  von  C.  F.  StJludlin  und   H.  G. 
Tzschirner.       Leipzig,     1813-22.       §    v. 
8**.  X7.3024.2 

See^  aiso^  Albi&^enses,  Anglo-Saxons,  Apostles, 
Apostolic  age,  Conffresational  church.  Councils, 
Denmark,  Enffland^  Fathers,  Franks,  French 
reformed  church.  Friends,  Greek  church,  Jansen- 
ism, Lutheran  church.  Martyrs,  Missions.  Monks, 
Popes,  Presbyterian  church,  Puritans,  Reforma- 
tion, Roman  Catholic  church.  Saints,  Scotland, 
Sects,  Slavonic  nations,  Waldeoses. 

Church  music. 

— Mendelssohn-Bartholdy  (J.  L.  F.)  Kirchen- 
musik.  No.  i.  Aus  tiefer  noth.  Arrangirt 
von  M.  C.  Eberwein.     Bonn,  n.  d.     V. 

Setj  €UsOy  Masses,  Oratorios. 

Church  of  Eng^land.     See  England  {Church). 

Church  of  Scotland.     See  Presbyterian  church. 

Churchill  (Charles).     ^.1731.    d.  1764. 

— Forster  (J.)    Charles  Churchill. 

PP-  255-328  of  6.338/2.13 

— TooKE  (W.)  Life  of  Charles  Churchill,  pp. 
xvii-cxii.  v.  i  of  28.1050.  i 

^The  same.  pp.  xvii-xciii.  v.  i  of  18.1084. 18 

Churchill  (John),  ist  duke  of  Marlborough,  b. 
1650.     d.  1722. 

—Alison  (A.)  Life  of  John,  duke  of  Marl- 
borough.    Edinburgh,  1852.     2  v.     8*'. 


— BucKE  (C.)  Life  of  John,  duke  of  Marlborough. 
London,  1839.     16". 

—Campbell  (J.)  Military  history  of  Eugene  of 
Savoy,  and  of  John,  duke  of  Marlborough, 
[^mw.l  London,  1736-37.  2  v.  V,  6.368.1 

— Gleig  (G.  R.)  Life  of  John,  duke  of  Marl- 
borough,    pp.  318-359.  1-227. 

w.  I,  2  of  32.2031.7 

— Lediard  (T.)  Life  of  John,  duke  of  Marl- 
borough. 2d  ed.  London,  1743.  2  v. 
8**.  6.360.22 

See^  altff.Axmt^iatuen  oy  England),  Blenheim 
House,  Bugene,  {princt  0/  Savoy)^  Louis  xiv. 
{.king  0/ Prance). 

Churchill  (Sarah  b,  Jennings),  u/  duchess  of 
Marlborough,    b,  i66a    d,  1744. 

— Thomson  (K.  B.)  Memoirs  of  Sarah,  duchess 
of  Marlborough.    London,  1839.    2  v.    8^ 


Sarah,  duchess  of  Marlborough.     50  pp. 

V.  I  of  6.367.1 

Gibber  (Colley).     b.  1671.    d.  1757. 

— Apology  for  [hisj  life,  written  by  himself. 
New  ed.  by  £.  Bellchambers.  London, 
1822.     8^  19.1158a.  14 


— Simpson  (J.  H.)  Coronado's  march  in  search 
of  the  "Seven  cities  of  Cibola,"  and  dis- 
cussion of  their  probable  location. 

[In  Smithsonian  report,  1869,  pp.  30^340]. 

Cibyra,  (an  ancient  city  of  Lycia), 

— Spratt  (T.  A.  B.)  and  Forbes  (E.)  Travels 
in  Lycia,  Milyas,  and  the  Cibyratis,  [1842]. 
London,  1847.     2  v.     8'.  ix.702.9 

Cicero  (Marcus  Tullius).     b.  106  B.C.    d.  43  B.C. 

— Epistolae  ad  Atticum,  ad  Quintum  fratrem, 

et    quae    vulgo    ad    familiares    dicuntur. 

Recensuit  C.  G.  Schtltz.     Halae,  i8o8-i2. 

6  V.     8°.  X3.786.7 
The  same.  SSmmtliche  briefe  uebersetzt  von 

C.   M.   Wieland.     Zurich,   1808-21.     7  v. 

8°.  1^.786.12 
Letters  to  several  of  his  friends.     [Tr-]  by 

W.    Melmoth.      5th  ed.      London,   1799. 

3  V.     8^  21.3294.17 
Lettres  k  Atticus.     Avec  le  texte  latin.     Tr. 

par  L.    Mongault.      Paris,    17 14.      6   v. 

12^  13.788.13 

— BrI^ckner  (C.  a.  F.)    Leben  des  M.  Tullius 

Cicero.     Gdttingen,  1852.     v.  i.     8\ 

— Collins  (W.  L.)    Cicero.     [Life  and  review 

of  works].     Edinburgh,  1871.     16"*. 

12.741. 15 
— CoRRADO  (S.)      Quaestura,    partes  duae,   de 

Ciceronis  vita  et  libris,  [cum  emendation- 

ibus].     Lipsiae.  1754.     S'*  13.782.26 

— De  Quincey  (T.)    Cicero,     pp.  1-59. 

V.  2  of  21. 1304.2 

— DuBois-GucHAN  (E.  p.)    Rome  et  Cic6ron. 

Paris,  1880.     I6^  x2.741.16 

— Fabricius  (F.)    M.  Tullii  Ciceronis  historia, 

per  consules  descripta,  et  in  annos  dis- 

tincta.     pp.  237-346.  V.  9  of  13.788.5 

— Forsyth  (W.)  Life  of  Marcus  Tullius  Cicero. 

2d  Am.  ed.     New  York,  1865.  2  v.  p.  8^ 

12.741. 13 
^The  same.     New  York,  1869.     2  v.     p.  8°. 

12.741. 13 

The  same.     3d  Am.  ed.     New  York,  1871. 

2  V.  in  I.     p.  8''.  22.741. 12 

— Gerlach  (F.  D.)  Marcus  Tullius  Cicero: 
redner,  staatsmann,  schriftsteller.  Basel, 
1864.     p.  8*.  15.972.9 

— HuGUES  (G.  d').  Une  province  romaine  sous 
la  r6publique.  £tude  sur  le  proconsulat 
de  Cic6ron.    Paris,  1876.    i8**.     12.738^.5 

— Kelsall  (C.)  On  the  different  opinions  which 

have  been  formed  of  Cicero.  On  the  villas 

of  Cicero.     On  the  monuments  of  Cicero. 

pp.  135-225  of  12.723.8. 





— Lamartine  (A.  M.  L.  P.  de).     Cic6ron.     pp. 

39-149.  V.  34  of  8.505. 1 
The  same.     Marcus  Tullius  Cicero.     [From 

the  French],    pp.  335-437-     v.  i  0(2.90.1 
— MiDDLETON  (C.)  History  of  the  life  of  Marcus 

Tullius  Cicero.     8th  ed.     London,   1767. 

3  V.     8^  12. 741. 6 
The  same.     New  ed.     London,  1801.     3  v. 

8".  12.741-5 
The  same.  From  a  Lond.  ed.  Boston,  1818. 

3v.     S\  12. 741.4 

— Plutarchus.  Vita  Ciceronis,  graece  et  latine, 

intcrprete  Xylandro.     pp.  1027-1060. 

V.  2  of  14.874.2 
The  same.      Philerote   Bochio    inierprele. 

14  pp.  V.  I  of  13.788. 1 
The  same.     La  vie  de  Cic6ron,  traduite  par 

Ricard.     pp.  293-320.        v.  2  of  24.906.3 
The  same.      Translation   called   Dryden's. 

pp.  35-94.  V.  5  of  X4.906.7 

— SuRi.NGAR  (W.    H.    D.)    M.  Tullli   Ciceronis 

commentarii  rerum  suarum;  sive,  de  vita 

sua.      Accesserunt    annales    ciceroniani. 

Leidae,  1854.     8^  22.742.  i 

— Trollope  (A.)    Life  of  Cicero.     New  York, 

1881.     2  V.     12".  12.741. 14 

— Tyerell  (R.  Y.)    Cicero  as  a  public  man, 

[mod]  in  his  private  life.     pp.  ix-lv. 

V.  I  of  13. 786.3 
— ViLLEMAiN  (A.  F.)    Notice  sur  Cic6ron. 

pp.  27-58  of  x7.1032.13 

A^47//.  **By  far  the  most  complete  and  critical 
examination  of  all  points  relating  to  Cicero  and 
his  times,  is  contained  in  Dnimann's  Geschichte 
Roms.'*  (13.745.5).  Wm.  Ramsay. 
The  best  English  authority  00  the  subject  is  the 
article  just  quoted,  found  in  Smith's  Dictionary 
of  Greek  and  Roman  biography.    (3x.xoo6.x) 

Commentaries  and  Dissertations, 
(i).  Ethical  writings, 
— Calcagnini    (C.)    Disquisitiones    aliquot    in 
libros  officiorum  M.  T.   Ciceronis. 

pp.  257-264  of  13.785.35 
— Manuzio  (A.)    Commentarius    in   M.  Tullii 
Ciceronis  tres  libros  de  ofiBciis. 

pp.  1-167  of  13.785.41 
— Melanchthon  (P.)  Prolegomena  in  Officia 
Ciceronis.  pp.  532-614.  v.  16  of  31. 1996.  i 
— TuRNftBE  (A.)  M.  T.  Ciceronis  de  officiis 
libri  tres,  Erasmi,  Betuleij  faliorumque] 
commentariis  illustrati.  [Anon.]  Parisiis, 
1562.     s.  4'.  13.785.35 

Lv*i||«i«  J. 

—Walter  g.)  M.  T.  Ciceronis  philosophia 
moralis.  Ad  viam  quandam  et  rationem 
revocata.  Prag,  1877-79.  2  pts.  in  i  v.  8**. 

(2).  Philosophical  writings, 

— Brikgsr  (A.)  Beitrage  zur  kritik  einigcr  phil- 
osophischer  schriften  des  Cicero.  Posen, 
1873.     4".  13. 786. 23 

— Gedike  (F.)  Ciceronis  historia  philosophiae 
antiquae  ex  omnibus  illius  scriptis  collecta. 
Berolini,  1815.     8*.  x3.786.22 

— Reid  (J.  S.)  Cicero  as  a  student  of  philoso- 
phy, .pp.  i-lxiii.  13.782.22 

The  same.  13.786.18 

— WoPKENS  (T.)  Lectionum  tuUianarum  libri 
tres.    Amstelodomi,  1730.  8'.    13. 782. 25 

(3).  Political  writings, 
-Creuzer  (F.)    M.  Tullii  Ciceronis  de  legibus 
libri  tres.     Accedunt  annotationes  [vario- 
rum].     Francofurti  ad  Moenum,  1824.  8''. 

-Gratama  (M.  S.)   Dissertationes  de  M.  Tullii 
Ciceronis  de  republica,  et  de  legibus  libris. 
Groningae,  1827.     106,  152  pp.     8**. 

13.806.  Box  3 

— TuRN^BE  (A.)  In  Ciceronis  academicas  quaes- 

tiones,  de  fato,  de  legibus,  commentarii. 

X3. 788.15 

(4).  Religious  writings, 
-Hartfelder  (C.)    Quellen  von  Ciceros  zwei 

biichern  de  divinatione.     Freiburg,  1878. 

23  pp.     4°.  X3.806.  Box  3 

— HiRZEL  (R.)    Untersuchungen  zu  Cicero's  De 

natura  deorum.     Leipzig,  1877.     8**. 

13. 783. 5  » 
-Lengnick  (C.  F.  B.)    Ad  eroendandos  expli- 

candosque    Ciceronis    libros    de    natura 

deorum  dissertatio.  Halls  Saxonum,i87i. 

50  pp.     8".  13.806.  Box  4 

-ScHiCHE  (T.)     De  fontibus  librorum  Ciceronis 

qui  sunt  de  divinatione.     Jenae.  1875.  43 

pp.     8^  13.806.  Box  3 

-Wetzel  (J.  C.  F.)    Erkiarende  anmerkungen 

zu  Cicero's  drei  biichern  vom  wesen  der 

gdtter.     Braunschweig,  1799.     16''. 


(5).  Rhetorical  writings, 

-Everts  (G.  E.  J.)  Annotationes  selectae  in 
M.  Tullii  Ciceronis  orationem  pro  Sulla. 
Noviomagi,i835.  91pp.  8*.  X3.806.  Box  3 

-Ferracci  (M.  a.)  Epistolarum  libri  sex,  in 
quibus  omnia  fere  quae  in  orationibus  M. 
Tullii  dubia  occurrunt  polemice  illustran- 
tur.     Venetiis,  1738.     4".  13.784.2 

-Frotscher  (C.  H.)  Doctissimorum  interpre- 
tum  commentaria  in  Ciceronis  orationem 
pro  P.  Sulla.  Lipsiae,i832.  V,  13. 784. 26 

-Garatoni  (G.)  Ad  Ciceronis  orationem  pro 
Cn.  Plancio  curae  secundae.  Bononiae, 
1815.     s.  4^  13.784.22 

-Hanedoes   (A.)      Dissertatio    de    M.    Tullii 
Ciceronis  pro  Q.  Roscio  comoedo  oratione. 
Lugduni-Batavorum,  1844.     84  pp.     8*". 
13.806.  Box  3 

-Klerk  (J.)  Dissertatio  de  M.  Tullii  Cicero- 
nis oratione  pro  M.  Coelio.  Lugduni 
Batavorum,  1S25.     8**.  x3.784.27 

-Madvig  (J.  N.)  De  eroendandis  Ciceronis 
operibus,  praesertim  rhetoricis.  Hauniae, 
1834-42.     2  V.     8^  X4. 2854. 5,6 

-POORTMAN  (C.  A.)  Dissertatio  dc  M.  Tullii 
Ciceronis  oratione  pro  Flacco.  Lugduni 
Batavorum,  1835.  154pp.  8^  13.806.  Box  4 

-Rau  (S.  J.  E.)  Variarum  lectionum  liber,  ad 
Ciceronis  orationes  pertinens.  Lugduni 
Batavorum,  1834.     8*.  13.784.28 

-Sluiter  (J.  W.)  In  M.  Tullii  Ciceronis  di- 
vinationem  in  Q.  Caeciliiun.  Lugduni 
Batavorum,  1832.     112  pp.     8°. 

X3.806.  Box  3 

-Van  Dam  (Y.  D.)  [Dissertatio]  in  Ciceronis 
orationem  pro  P.  Sextio.  Lugduni  Bata- 
vorum, 1824.     56  pp.     8*.   X3.806.  Box  4 





— VoLLSNHOVEN  (H.)  Disputatio  de  emenda- 
tione  aliquot  loconim  orattonis  tullianae 
pro  M.  Caelio  Rufo.  Lugduai  Batavo- 
nim,  1839.     108  pp.    8"*.     23.806.  Box  4 

General  criticisms, 
— DeCrung  (A.)    Cicero's  bedeutung  fOr  die 

rOmische  Itteratur.     Augsburg,  1866.     p. 

8*.  X5.97a-9 

— EsTiENNE  (H.)    In  M.  T.  Ciceronis  quamplu- 

rimos    locos    castigationes.      [Genevae], 

1557.     8*.  15.950.15 

— Freund  (W.)  Prftparation  zu  Cicero's  werken. 

Leipzig,  [1871-77].     12  V.  io  4.     16". 

13. 783.12 
— Klotz  (R.)    Adnotationes  ad  Ciceronis  epis- 

folarum    ad    Atticum     missarum    libros. 

Upsiae,  1869.     2  pts.     9,  20  pp.     4**. 

13.806.  Box  3 
— Meyer  (P.)  Untersuchung  fiber  diefrage  der 
,  echtheit  des  briefwechsels  Cicero  ad  Bni- 

tum.     Stuttgart,  1881.     8**.         x3.786.20 
— ScHiRLiTZ    (S.    C.)    Vorschule  zum   Cicero. 

Wetzlar,  1837.     8°.  13. 782.27 

— ScHOTT  (A.)    Cicero  a  calumniis  vindicatus. 

pp.  135-201.  V.  I  of  13.797. 1 

Phraseology  of  Cicero, 

— Baumhauer  (M.  M.  von).  Disquisitio  de  aris- 
totelia  vi  in  Ciceronis  scriptis.  Trajecti 
ad  Rhenum,  1841.     8".  13.786.21 

— Ernesti  (J'  a.)  Clavis  ciceroniana;  sive,  in- 
dices rerum  et  verborum  in  opera  Cicero- 
nis.    Ed.  4a.     Halae,  1777.     8". 

V.  8  of  13. 782. 28 

The  same.     Oxonii,  1783.     4°. 

V.  10  of  13. 788. 5 

— EsTiENNE  (H.)  Ciceronianum  lexicon  grae- 
colatinum,  ex  variis  g^ecorum  scripto- 
rum  lods  a  Cicerone  interpretatis  collcc- 
tum.     [Genevae],  1557.     8^.       15.950. 15 

— HoLTZE  (F.  W.)  Phraseologia  ciceroniana. 
Numburgi  ad  Salam,  18S0.     8\  15. 960. 8 

— Merguet  (H.)  Lexikon  zu  den  reden  des 
Cicero.  Jena,  1877-80.  2  v.  4*.    13.783^ 

— Stinner  (A.)  De  eo  quo  Cicero  in  epistolis 
usus  est  sermone.  Oppeln,  1879.  72  pp. 
8^  13.806 

Cid,  {cl  Seid\  Roderigo  Diaz  Bivar,  called,  b. 
about  1035.     d,  1099. 

—Chronicle  of  the  Cid.  [Anon.']  From  the 
Spanish  by  R.  Southey.  ist  Am.  ed. 
Lowell,  1846.     8*'.  28.3052. 1 

The  same.  pp.  175-466  of  x8. 3052.17 

— Cid.  Nueva  edicion.  [Anon,]  Barcelona, 
1848.     %\  18.3052.2 

The  same.     Translations  [by  J.  H.  Frere]. 

pp.  409-437.  V.  2  of  6.2345.6 

The  same.      fUebersetzt  von   J.    G.    von 

Herder].       Herausg.  von   WoUheim    da 
Fonseca.     Berlin,  [1869].     16°. 

V.  4  of  9.561.4 

— QuiNTANA(M.  J.)  El  Cid  campeador.  Tr. 
by  T.  R.  Preston.    39  pp.  10.624. 11 


—Barker  (W.  B.)  Lares  and  penates;  or, 
Cilicia  and  its  governors  from  the  earliest 
times  to  the  present  day.  Ed.  by  W.  F. 
Ainsworth.  London,  1853.     8*.    11. 702. 5 

— Preuss  (R.  W.)  De  Cilicia  Romanorum 
provincia.     Regimontii,  1859.  43  pp.    %\ 



—Roget  (D.  F.  L.)  baron  de  B.  Les  Cimm6* 
riens.     Paris,  1873.     119  pp.     S*. 

V.  2  of  7.386.19 


— CuLTURAdas  plantasquedfto  a  qutna.  [Anon.] 
Lisboa,  1864.  120  pp.  8*.  28.1736.  Box  2 

— Markham  (C.  R.)  Travels  in  Peru  and  In- 
dia, while  superintending  the  collection  of 
chinchona  plants.     London,  1862.     8*. 


Cincinnati,  OAio,     Board  of  education, 

—47th,  51st,  52d  annual  report,  for  1876,  1880, 
1882.     Cincinnati,  1877-82.     3  v.     8^ 


Public  library, 

— Catalogue  of  the  public  library  of  Cincinnati. 
[By  W.  F.  Poole].     Cincinnati,  1871.  8% 

16. 10 14. 10 

The  same.    Bulletins  of  books  added  during 

1879-80.     Cincinnati,  1879-81.     2  v.    4'. 

X  6. 1008.3 

Cincinnati  (Society  of  the). 

— ^Johnston  (A.)  Some  account  of  the  society 
of  the  Cincinnati,  [with  the]  journal  of  the 
general  meeting  in  1784.  Philadelphia, 
1858.    8*.  T.  6of4.i9i.4 

Cingalese  language. 

— RuftLL  (J).  Grammatica  of  singaleesche  taaU 
kunst.    Amsterdam,  1708.    4*.    15.986.6 

Cinq-Mars  (Henri  Coiffier  de  Ruz6),  marquis 
de.    b.  1620.    d.  164a. 

— FoNTRAiLLES  (L.  d*A.  de).  Relation  des 
choses  particuli^res  de  la  cour,  pendant  la 
faveur  de  M.  de  Cinq-Mars.  pp.  243- 
266.  V.  3  of  8.454.3 

— ViGNY  (A.  de).  Cinq-Mars;  ou,  une  conjura- 
tion sous  Louis  XIII.  loe  6d.  Paris,  1852. 
12**.  20.1232.35 


— Porta  (G.  B.)  De  occultis  literamm  notis; 
seu,  artis  animi  expiscandi  enodandique 
libri  IV.  Argentorati,  1603.  8*.  XO.595.19 

Circassia,  (Tcherkessia). 

— LoNGWORTH  (J.  A.)  Year  among  the  Circas- 
sians, [1838-39].  London,  1840.  2  v. 
12**.  11.700.20 

— Mackie  (J.  M.)  Life  of  Schamyl;  and  narra- 
tive of  the  Circassian  war  of  independence. 
Boston.  1856.     12'.  xi.700.12 

— Oliphant  (L.)  Trans-Caucasian  campaign 
of  the  Turkish  army  under  Omer  Pasha, 
[1854].  Edinburgh,i856.  p.  8**.  XX.691.24 
See^  a/t0t  Caucasus. 

Circassian  language. 

— LoEWE  (L.)  Dictionary  of  the  Circassian  lan- 
guage.    London,  1854.    8'.  Z5. 927.1 


— Bachmann  (P.)  Lehre  von  der  kreistheilUUg. 
Leipzig.  1872.     8^  26.1591. 2 

— Ferrel  (W.)  Converging  series  expressing 
the  ratio  between  the  diameter  and  the 
circumference  of  a  circle.  Washington, 
1873.    6  pp.     4'.  V-  18  oi  28.3738.1 

— HouLSTON  (W.)  Circle  secerned  from  the 
square.     London,  1862.     22  pp.     4"*. 

26.158S.  Box  I 





— MONTUCLA  (J.  E.)    Histoire  des   recherches 

sur  la  quadrature  du  cercle.    Nouvelle  6d. 

Paris,  1831.     8*.  25.1584.4 

— Shanks  (W.)    Contributions  to  mathematics, 

comprising  the  rectification  of  the  circle  to 

607  places  of    decimals.     London,  1853. 

8'.  26.1595.43 

— TowNSEND  (R.)     Chapters  on  the    modern 

geometry  of  the  point,  line,  and  circle. 

Dublin,  1863-65.     2  V.   8°.        26.1595.58 

Ste^  mltc.  Curves. 

Circumstantial  evidence. 

— Phillipps  (S.  M.)  Famous  cases  of  circum- 
stantial evidence.     New  York,  1875.     8**. 

24.3525. n 


— Darwin  (C.)  Monograph  on  the  sub-class 
Cirripedia.     London,  1851-54.     2  v.     8**. 


Cistercian  order. 

— Arbois  de  Jubainville  (H.  d*).  Etudes  sur 
r^tat  int6rieur  des  abbayes  cisterciennes, 
au  douzi^me  et  au  trizei^me  si^cle.  Paris, 
1858.     8^  31.1961.6 

— Lemire  (A.)  Chronicon  cisterciensis  ordinis. 
Coloniae  Agrippinae,  1614.     s.  8". 

31. 1970.2 
See^  o/rv,  Bernard  (5/.),  CUirvaux  abbey. 


— Bucke  (C.)  Ruins  of  ancient  cities ;  with  ac- 
counts of  their  rise,  fall,  and  present  con- 
dition. London,  1840.  2  v.     i6^    2. 60. 11 

— Cities  and  principal  towns  in  the  world. 
[AnonJ]     London,  1830.     v.  i.     16*. 


The  same.  31. 2012. 3 

— KuHN  (E.)  Ueber  die  enstehung  der  stSdte 
deralten.     Leipzig,  1878.     8  .  24.1501.1 

— Vaughan  (R.)  Age  of  great  cities.  2d  ed. 
London,  1843.     8°.  24.1526.28 

Citizenship.     See  Political  science. 

Civil  law.     See  Law  (Roman,  or  civil). 

Civil  service  reform. 

—Eaton  (D.  B.)  Civil  service  in  Great  Britain: 
a  history  of  abuses  and  reforms.  New 
York,  1880.     8^  24.1512. 19 

— Report  of  the  civil  service  commission,  1874. 

Washington,  1874.     S'«  4.2212 

[In  House   executive  documents,  43d  congress, 
xst  seasion,  v.  x6,  no.  aaxj. 

Civil  war  in  the  United  States.     See  United 

—Barker  (T.   C.)    Aryan  civilization:    based 

on  the  work  of  [Fustel]  de  Coulanges. 

London,  1871.     16°.  24.1521. 18 

—Buckle  (H.   T.)    History  of  civilization  in 

England.      From  2d   London   ed.     New 

York,  1861.     2v.     8*.  5.285.1 

^The  same.     New  York,  1863.     2  v.     8". 

The  same.     New  York,  1876.     2  v.     p.  8°. 


— Condorcet  (J.   A.    N.  de  C.  de).     Esquisse 

d'un   tableau  htstorique  des  progrds  de 

Tesprit  humaln.     5e  6d.     Milan,  an  vi., 

[1798].     8'.  8.503.3 

The  same.     Outlines  of  an  historical  view 

of  the  progress  of  the  human  mind.  From 
the  French.     London,  1795.     8". 

23. 1432.  II 

— Dean  (A.)    History  of  civilization.     Albany, 

1868-69.   7  v.   8^  5.245.5 

— Draper  (J.  W.)  Intellectual  development  of 
Europe.     5  th  ed.     New  York,  1868.     8**. 


— Douglas  (J.)  Advancement  of  society  in 
knowledge  and  religion,  ist  Am.  from 
2d  Edinburgh  ed.     Hartford,  1830.     12°. 


— Eichhorn  (J.  G.)  Allgemeine  geschichte  der 
cultur  und  litteratur  des  neueren  Europa. 
GSttingen,  1796-99.     2  v.     8°.   17.3027.  i 

— Ferguson  (A.)  Essay  on  the  history  of  civil 
society.     6th  ed.     London,  1793.     8". 


— Goguet(A.  Y.)  Origin  of  laws,  arts,  and 
sciences.  From  the  French.  Edinburgh, 
1 761.     3  V.     8".  24.1522.50 

The  same.  Edinburgh,  1775.  3  v.  8  .  2.91.  i 

— GuizoT  (F.  P.  G.)  Histoire  de  la  civilisation 
en  Europe  depuis  la  chute  de  Tempire  ro- 
main.     iie  6d.  Paris,  1871.   i8°.   5.245.7 

The  same.     General  history  of  civilization 

in  Europe,  from  the  fall  of  the  Roman 
empire.  From  the  French.  Oxford,  1837. 
8^  5.245.6 

Histoire  de  la  civilisation  en  France  depuis 

la  chute  de  I'empire  romain.  loe  6d. 
Paris,  1868.     4  v.     18'.  7431. 2 

^The  same.     I2e  6d.  Paris,  1872.    4  v.  18'*. 


^The  same.     History  of  civilization,   from 

the  fall  of  the  Roman  empire  to  the 
French  revolution.  Tr.  by  W.  Hazlitt. 
New  York,  1850.     4  V.     12*.  7.431. i 

— Harris  (G.)  Civilization  considered  as  a 
science.  New  ed.     New  York,  1873.  16*. 


— Hellwald  (F.  von).  CuUurgeschichte  in 
ihrer  natUrlichen  entwicklung  bis  zur  ge- 
genwart.  2e  aufl.  Augsburg,  1876-77. 
2  V.     8°.  17. 1022. 12 

— HiTTELL  (J.  S.)  Brief  history  of  culture.  New 
York,  1875.     I2\  24.1523.27 

— Home(H.)  Six  sketches  on  the  history  of 
man.  Philadelphia,  1776.     8".     25.1550.4 

— ■  -The  same.  2d  ed.  Edinburgh,  1778.  4  v. 
8°.  24.1523.33 

— Magoon  (E.  L.)  Westward  empire;  or.  the 
great  drama  of  human  progress.  New 
York,  1856.     12".  21.1314.1 


— Progress  of  nations:  a  study  in  analytical 
history.     [Anon,]    London,  1861.     8°. 


—Robertson  (W.)  View  of  the  progress  of 
society  in  Europe,  from  the  subversion  of 
the  Roman  empire  to  the  beginning  of 
the  sixteenth  century,     pp.  1-328. 

V.  I  of  9. 524.  II 

The  same.     424  pp.  v.  i  of  4.232.3 

— Seaman  (E.  C.)  Essays  on  the  progress  of 
nations,  in  civilization,  wealth,  and  popu- 
lation.    New  York,  1868.     2  series.     12*. 


— Stuart  (G.)  View  of  society  in  Europe,  in 
its  progress  from  rudeness  to  refinement. 
2d  ed.     London,  1783.     4%        24.1518.3 





— Taylor  (W.  C.)  Natural  history  of  society 
in  the  barbarous  and  civilized  state.  Lon- 
don, 1840.     a  V.     12".  24.1526.4 

^The  same.     New  York,  1841.     2  v.     12^. 


— Voltaire  (F.  M.  A.  de).    Essai  sur  les  moeurs 

et  I'esprit  des  nations, et  sur  les  principaux 

faits  d'histoire  depuis  Charlemagne,  jus- 

qu'  k  Louis  xiii.     Paris,  1784.     4  v.     8**. 

V.  16-19  o^  8.2485.1 

— Weber  (G.)  Geschichte  dervolker  und  staaten 
im  tlbergang  vom  mittelalt^r  zur  neuzeit. 
Leipzig,  1872.  V.  9  of  2.82.1 

Sre,  aU0y  History  {Philosophy  o/).  Luxury,  Social 

Clainraux  abbey.     {Champagne ^  France). 

— Arbois  de  Jubainville  (H.  d').  Etudes  sur 
r6tat  int6rieur  des  abbayes  cisterciennes, 
et  principalement  de  Ciairvaux,  au  dou- 
zi6me  et  au  treizi^me  si^cle.  Paris,  1858. 
8\  31.1961.6 

Clallam  lang^uage. 

— GiBBS  (G.)  Alphabetical  vocabularies  of  the 
Clallam  and  Lummi.  New  York,  1863. 
40  pp.     8".  No.  II  of  15.976.3 

Clarendon,  earl  of.     See  Hyde  (E.) 

Clarke  (Adam),     b.  1760.     d.  1832. 

— Account  of  [his]  life,  by  one  intimately  ac- 
quainted with  him.  Ed.  by  J.  B.  B. 
Clarke.     New  York,  1833.   12°.    6.344.47 

Clarke  (Edward  Daniel),     b.  1769.     d.  1822. 

— Otter  (W.)  Life  and  remains  of  Edward 
Daniel  Clarke.     New  York,  1827.     8^ 


Clarke  (Samuel),     b.  1675.     d.  1729. 

— Zimmermann  (R.)  Samuel  Clarke's  leben  und 
lehre.     Wien,  1870.     88  pp.  4°. 

23.1428.  Box  I 

Classical  antiquities.     See  Antiquities. 

Classical  learning.     Dictionaries. 

— Anthon  (C.)  Classical  dictionary,  containing 
proper  names  mentioned  in  ancient  au- 
thors, with  coins,  weights,  and  measures. 
New  York,  1844.     8^  16.997.5 

— Hederich  (B.)  Reales  schul-lexicon.  zur 
geographie,  chronologic,  histoire,  u.  s.  w. 
3e  aufl.     Leipzig,  1748.     8*".        15.2962.4 

— Lempriere  (J.)  Classical  dictionary,  contain- 
ing proper  names  mentioned  in  ancient 
authors.  New  ed.  by  C.  Anthon.  New 
York,  1833.     2  V.     8°.  16.997.4 


— BiBLiOTHEK  der  alten  litteratur  und  kunst. 
GQttingcn,  1786-94.     10  v.  in  3.     s.  8*. 


— Bidermann  (J.  G.)  Selecta  scholastica.  Num- 
burgi,  [1745].  2  V.  in  i.     s.  8°.    14.2850.8 

— Borremans  (A.)  Variarum  lectionum  liber. 
Amstelaedami,i676.     s.  8°.  14.2850.9 

— Bos  (L.)  Animadversiones  ad  scriptores 
quosdam  graecos  et  latinos.  Franequerae, 
1715-     8".  14.2850.4 

— BoTFiELD  (B.)  Prefaces  to  the  first  editions 
of  the  Greek  and  Roman  classics.  Lon- 
don, 1861.     4**.  17. 1048.8 

—Christ  (J.  F.)  Noctium  academicarum  libri 
quatuor.  Halae  Magdeburgicae,  1727-29. 
"  °*'  14.2850.17 


— Crusius  (C.)  Probabilia  critica,  in  quibus 
veteres  graeci  et  latini  scriptores  emen- 
dantur.     Lipsiae,  1753.     8".       14. 2854. 19 

— CuPER  (G.)  Observationum  libri  quatuor,  in 
quibus  multi  auciorum  loci  explicantur. 
varii  ritus  eruuntur,  et  nummi  illustran- 
tur.  Ultra jecti,  Daventriae,  1670-78.  2 
v.  in  I.     i6\  X4.2850.7 

— Dawes  (R.)  Miscellanea  critica,  iterum  edita. 
Curavit  T.  Burgess.     Oxonii,  1781.     8^. 


— Gellius  (A.)  Noctium  atticarum  libri  viginti. 
Ejc  recensione  M.  Hertz.  Lipsiae,  1871- 
77.     2  v.  in  I.     16°.  13-791.36 

The  same.     Attic  nights.     Tr.  by  W.   Be- 

loe.     London,  1795.     3  v.  8°.   14. 878/^.1 2 

— Gruterus  (J.)  Lampas;  sive,  fax  artium 
liberalium;  hoc  est,  thesaurus  criticus. 
Francofurti,  1602-12.     6  v.  8°.   14.2S60.1 

— Herauld  (D.)  Adversariorum  libri  duo. 
Parisiis,  1599.     s.  8°.  14.2850.16 

— Hermann  (J.  G.  J.)  Opuscula.  Lipsiae,  1827- 
28.     3  v.     %\  14.2S54.10 

—  (J.  M.)  Emendationum  libri  duo. 
Accesserunt  antibarbarae  latinae  sermonis 
observaiiones.  Ed.  F.  Heusinger.  Gothae, 
1751.     s.  8°.  14.2S50.11 

— Heyne  (C.  G.)  Opuscula  academica.  Gottin- 
gae,  1 785-1802.     5  v.     8.  14.2854.13 

— Horrkus  (P.)  Miscellaneorum  criticorum 
libri  duo,  ex  variis  graecis,  latinis.  Leo- 
vardiae,  1738.     8°.  14.2851.22 

—Junius,  or  Jonghe  (A.)  Animadversorum 
libri  sex,  in  quibus  infiniti  pene  autorum 
libri  corriguntur.     Basiliae,  1556.     i6\ 


— Koppiers  (P.  H.)  Observata  philologica. 
Lugduni  Batavorum,  1771.  8°.   14.2S51.8 

— Lt^BKER  (F.)  Gesammelte  schrifien  zur  phi- 
lologie  und  padagogik.     Halle,  1852.    8  \ 


— Miscellanea  philologa  et  paedagcgica.  Edi- 
derunt  gymnasiorum  Batavorum  doctores. 
Nova  series.     Amstelodami,  1851.     8\ 


— Muret  (M.  A.)  Variarum  lectionum  libri 
xvin.  Ed.  nova.  Halis  Saxonum,i79i- 
1828.     2v.ini.     8".  14.2854.14 

— Nake  (A.  F.)  Opuscula  philologica.  Ed.  F. 
T.  Welcker.     vol.  i.     Bonnae,  1842.    8\ 


— Niebuhr  (B.  G.)  Kleine  historische  und 
philologische  schriften.  2e  sammlung. 
Bonn,  1843.     8^.  14.2854.3 

— Orville  (J.  P.  d').  Critica  vannus  in  inanes 
Joannis  Cornelii  Pavonis  paleas.  \Anon.'\ 
Amstelaedami,  1737.     8°.  14. 2850.2 

— Passow  (F.  L.  C.  F.)  Opuscula  academica. 
Disposuit  N.  Bachius.     Lipsiae,  1835.  8*. 


Vermischte  schriften.      Herausg.    von    W. 

A.  Passow.   Leipzig,  1843.     8".   14. 2854.9 

— PoRst)N  (R.)  Tracts  and  miscellaneous  criti- 
cisms, collected  by  T.  Kidd.  London, 
1815.     8'.  14.2856.9 

The  same.     2d  ed.     London,  1826.     1.  8^. 


— Reuvens  (C.  J.  C.)  Collectanea  litteraria; 
sive,  conjecturae  in  Ovidium,  Plauium, 
Aristophanem,  et  alios.  Lugduni  Bata- 
vorum, 1815.     8^  .    z4.2852.11 





The  same.  14.2855.26 

— RiTSCHL  (F.)  Opuscula  philologica.  Lipsiac, 
1866-79.     5  V.    S*.    And  pi.  to  V.  4.     4**. 


—Sears  (B.),  Edwards  (B.  B.),  and  Felton 
(C.  C.)  Classical  studies:  essays  on  an- 
cient literature  and  art.  Boston,  1843.  I2^ 


— Struve  (C.  L.)  Opuscula  selecta.  Lipsiae, 
1854.     2  V.     8".  X4.2854.1 

—Toll  (J.)  Fortuita.  Amstelaedami,  1687.  s. 
8\  14.2852. 15 

— Triller  (D.  W.)  Observationum  crilicarum 
in  varios  graecos  et  latinos  auctores  libri 
quatuor.  Francofurti  ad  Moenum,  1742. 
8°.  14.2850.5 

— ^Vettori  or  ViCTORius  (P.)  Variarum  lectio- 
num  libri  xxv.     Florentiae,  1553.     T. 


— Voss  (J.  H.)  Anmerkungen  und  randglossen 
2u  Griechen  und  ROmern.  Herausg.  von 
A.  Voss.     Leipzig,  1838.     8^   14.2855.10 

— Wesseling  (P.)  Observationum  variarum 
libri  duo.  Edidit  C.  H.  Frotscher.  Lip- 
siae, 1832.     8".  14. 2851.6 

— Wolf  (F.  A.)  Analecta  litteraria,  maxime 
eniditae  antiquitatis  litteris  et  artibus  il- 
lustrandis.     Berolini,  1817-18.     2  v.     8°. 


5>r,  also.  Antiquities  {Classical),  Chronology, 
Coins.  Geocraphy,  Greek  literature,  Latin  litera- 
ture, Mythology,  Philology  {Classical)^  Philoso- 
phy (.-<  ncienty 

A  iso  the  collceted  works  of  famous  scholars,  as 
Bcntley,  Erasmus,  Lipsius,  Parr,  and  others.  In 
the  correspondence,  moreover,  and  forensic  ad- 
dresses of  such  eminent  Grecians  and  Latinists  as 
Gudius,Melanchthon.  Scaliger,much  will  be  found 
illustrating  the  classics. 

Classical  literature. 


— BoHN  (H.  G.)  General  catalogue.  Pt.  2. 
Section  i.  Greek  and  Latin  classics. 
London,  1850.     8*.  16. 1002.6 

— BrCggemann  (L.  W.)  View  of  the  English 
editions,  translations,  and  illustrations  of 
ancient  Greek  and  Latin  authors.  Stettin, 
1797.     8°.  17.1031.15 

— DiBDiN  (T.  F.)  Introduction  to  the  knowl- 
edge of  rare  editions  of  the  Greek  and 
Latin  classics.  3d  ed.  London,  1808.  2 
v.     8°.  16.990.10 

-tEngelmann  (W.)  Bibliotheca  scriptorum 
classicorum,vom  1700  bis  zu  1846.  6e  auti. 
Leipzig,  1847.     8^,  16.993.14 

The  same.     Supplement-heft:  von  1847  bis 

1852.     Leipzig,  1853.     8^  16.993.18 

The  same.     8e  aufl.,  vom  1700  bis  1878,  neu 

bearbeitet  von  E.  Preuss.  B.  i,  scriptores 
graeci.     Leipzig,  1880.     8°.         16.993.19 

—Herrmann  (C.  H.)  Bibliotheca  scriptorum 
classicorum,  vom  1858  bis  1869.  Halle, 
1871.     8"*.  x6.993.20 

—Moss  (J.  W.)  Manual  of  classical  bibliogra- 
phy.    2d  ed.     London,  1837.     2  v.     8". 


— Repertorium  der  classischen  philologie.  He- 
rausg. von  G.  MUhlmann  und  E.  Jenicke. 
Leipzig,  1845-47.     3V.     8".      14.2855.17 

— Mahly  (J.)     Geschichte  der  antiken  literatur. 
Leipzig,  1880.    2  V.  in  i.   16*'.   X7. 1022. 19 

— Matthia  (A.)  Manual  of  the  history  of 
Greek  and  Roman  literature.  Tr.  from 
3d  ed.     Oxford,  1841.     I6^      17. 1042.21 

— Morris  (C.)  Manual  of  classical  literature. 
Chicago,  1880.     12*.  17. 1044. 14 

— Passow  (F.)  Grundztlge  der  griechischen  und 
r6mischen  litteratur-  und  kunstgeschichte. 
2eausg.  Berlin,  1829.     s.  4**.    17. 1043. 16 

— Teuffel  (W.  S.)  Studien  zur  griechischen 
und  romischen  literaturgeschichte.  Leip- 
zig, 1871.     8".  17.1045.9 


— Bibliotheca  critica  nova.  Edentibus  L  Bake, 
[et  aliis].  Lugduni  Batavorum,  1825-31. 
5  V.  in  6.     8°.  15.958^.1 

— Classical  journal.  London,  1810-29.  40 
V.     8^  13.818a.  I 

— JahrbC'cher  ftir  classische  philologie.  He- 
rausg. von  A.  Fleckeisen.  Leipzig,  1868- 
80.     26  V.     8**.  15.2941. 1 

The  same.    Supplementbander,  7-11.    Leip- 

ziR»  1873-S0.     5  V.     8°.  15.2942.1 

The  same.    Repertorium,  1826-75.    Leipzig, 

1877.     8^  15.2942. 1 

— ^Jahresbericht  Ober  die  fortschritte  der  clas- 
sischen alterthumswissenschaft,  1873-78. 
Herausg.  von  C.  Bursian.  Berlin,  1875- 
80.     16  V.  in  5.     8°.  15.2985. 1 

— Journal  of  classical  and  sacred  philology. 
Cambridge,  [Eng.],  1854-55.     2  v.     8^ 


— Leipziger  studien  zur  classischen  philologie. 
Leipzig,  1878-79.  2  V.  in  i.  8°.    15.2965.6 

— Museum  criticum;  or,  Cambridge  classical 
researches,  Cambridge,  [Eng.],  1814.  2 
V.     8".  13.818^.2 

i — Rheinisches  museum  fQrphilologie.geschichte, 
und  griechische  philosophie.  Bonn,  1827- 
31.     5V.     8\  I5-2974I 

^The  same.  Rheinisches  museum  fttr  philolo- 
gie.   Bonn,  1833-41.    8  V.    8**.     15.2974.  i 

The  same.  Neue  folge.   Frankfurt  am  Main, 

1842-80.     35  V.     8^  15.2984. 1 

— Revue  de  philologie,  de  litt6rature,  et  d'his- 
toire  anciennes.  Nouvelle  s6rie.  Paris, 
1877-80.     4V.     8^  15.2943.2 

Classical  study. 

— Schelle  (C.  G.)  Welche  alte  klassische 
autoren  soil  man  auf  schulen  lesen  ?  Leip- 
zig, 1804.     2  V.     16".  24.1490.4 

— Taylor  (S.  H.)  Method  of  classical  study. 
Boston,  1861.     I2^  24.1493.20 


— Urquhart  (D.  H.)  Commentaries  on  classi- 
cal learning.  London,  1803.  8".  24.1494.7 
See^  also^  Education. 

Classification  of  animals.     See  Zoology. 
Classification  of  the  sciences.     See  Science. 
Claudius  Dnisus  Nero  Gennanicus  (Tiberius), 

emperor  of  Rome,     b.  10  B.C.     d,  54  A.  D. 
— Lehmann(H.)  Claudius  und  seine zeit.  Gotha, 

1858.     8^  12.744.29 

Clausilia,  («  family  of  snails), 
— BoETTGER  (O.)     Clausilienstudien.      Cassel, 

1877-     4'.  29. 1856. 1 

— Cook  (G.  H.)    Report  on  the  clay  deposits  in 

New  Jersey.  Trenton, 1878.  8".  29.1815. 2 





Clay  (Henry),     d.  1777.    d.  1853. 

— Private  correspondence.  Ed.  by  C.  Colton. 
Boston,  1856.     8"*.  4-304.9 

— Prentice  (G.  D.)  Biography  of  Henry  Clay. 
Hartford,  1831.     I2\  4.204. 11 

— Sargent  (E.)  Life  and  public  services  of 
Henry  Clay.  New  ed.  New  York. 
1848.     S**.  4*204. 10 

— Swain  (J.  B.)  Memoir  of  Henry  Clay.  pp. 
7-198.  V.  I  of  21. 1295.21 

ClemenSy  aUxandrinus,  about  a.d.  200. 

— Le  Clerc  (J.)  Life  of  Clemens  alexandrinus. 
62  pp.  of  31.1941.17 

Clement  XIV.,  pope^  {Giovanni  Vincenzo  An- 
tonio GanganelliJ.     b,  1705.     d.  1774. 

— Interesting  letters,  with  anecdotes  of  his  life. 
From  the  French  of  Lottin.  2d  ed.  Lon- 
don. 1777.     2  V.     12^.  21.3291. 2 

The  same.  Dublin,  1777.  4  V.  12*.  2X.3291.3 

— Milman  (H.  H.)  Clement  xiv.  and  the  Jesuits, 
pp.  244-295  of  21.1314.31 

Cleopatra,  queen  of  Egypt,  b.  69  B.C.   d.  30  B.C. 
— Stahr  (A.  W.  T.)    Cleopatra.     Berlin,  1864. 

8^  12. 744. 18 

Cleopatra's  needle.    See  Obelisks. 

— Babington  (C.)  Mr.  Macaulay's  Character  of 
the  clergy  in  the  seventeenth  century, 
considered.,  Cambridge,  [Eng.],  1849.  8*". 


—Church  (The).  [Biographies.  Anon!]  pp.  193- 

264.  V.  I  of  0.348.7 

— Crockford's  clerical  directory  for  1881.    13th 

issue.     London,  1881.     8''. 

Revolving  case.  D.7 
— Headley  (J.  T.)    Chaplains  and  clergy  of  the 
revolution.     New  York,  1864.     12°. 


— Michelet  (J.)     Priests,  women,  and  families. 

Tr.  by  C.  Cocks.     3d  ed.     London,  1846. 

16°.  31.1973.22 

— Milman  (H.  H.)   Relation  of  the  clergy  to  the 

people.  pp.  374-445  of  21.1314.31 

— Mirk  (J.)   Instructions  for  parish  priests.  Ed. 

by  E.  Peacock.     London,  1868.   '  8^ 

— Sprague  (W.  B.)    Annals  of  the  American 
pulpit.     New  York,  1857-69.     9  v.     8^. 

16  997.1 
— Taylor  (J.)    Clerus   Domini;  or,  a  discourse 
of  the  office  ministerial,     pp.  1-6 1. 

V.  I  of  22.1334.6 

—Taylor  (J.   B.)      Lives   of  Virginia  baptist 

ministers.    2d  ed.    Richmond,  1838.    12". 


^The  same.     2d  series.     New  York,  i860. 

I2^  3.196. 19 

See,  also.  Bishops,  Cardinals,  Celibacy,  Fathers, 
Missionaries,  Monks,  Popes. 

Clermont-Tonnerre  (Fran9ois  de).  b,  1629.  d. 
1 701. 

— Alembert  (J.  L.  d*).  Apologie  de  Clermont- 
Tonnerre.     pp.  143-191.      V.  4  of  8.500.2 

CleyeUnd  dialect. 

—Atkinson  (J.  C.)  Glossary  of  the  Cleveland 
dialect.     London,  1868.     s.  4"*.     25.921.8 

^The   same.      Additions.      London,    1876. 

8  pp.     8*.  15.920. 14 

Cleves,  {in  Germany), 

— Stam-buch  der  grafen  und  herzogen  yon 
Cleve.  [Anon^  Arnhem,i679.  f.    9.518.9 

Clifford  (Anne).   ,b,  1589.     d,  1676. 

—Coleridge  (H.)    Anne  Clifford. 

pp.  241-292  of  6.3380.6 

The  same.     84  pp.  v.  2  of  6.348. 11 


— Becquerel  (A.  C.)  Forests,  and  their  climatic 
inHuence.  [From  the  French].  -28.3733.1 
[Smithftooiao  report,  1869,  pp.  394-4x8]. 

— Clark  (J.)  Influence  of  climate  in  the  preven- 
tion and  cure  of  chronic  diseases.  2d  ed. 
London,  1830.     8^  29.3825.3 

—Humboldt  (F.  H.  A.  von).  Recherches  sur 
les  causes  des  inflexions  des  lignes  iso- 
thermes.     pp.  103-359.       v.  3  of  ZI.695.2 

— SCHMICK  (J.  H.)  Gezeiten.  Weitere  studien 
an  parallel'flutkurven.  Leipzig,  [1876]. 
8^  2.43.23 

—Williamson  (H.)  Observations  on  the  climate 
in  America,  compared  with  [thati  of  the 
other  continent.  New  York,  181 1.  8  .  2.43.6 

— Woeikof  (A.  L  von).  Gletscher-  und  eiszeiten 
in  ihrem  verhiUtnisse  zum  klima.  Berlin, 
1881.     57  pp.     8*.  26.1655.  Box  2 

See,  also,  Asia,  Dublin,  London,  United  States. 
Also,  Clouds.  Dew,  Hygrometry,  Meteorology^ 
Mountains,  Ocean,  Rain,  Storms.        .y 

Clinton  (De  Witt),     b.  1769.     d.  1829^^ 

— HosACK  (D.)  Memoir  of  De  Witt  Clinton. 
New  York,  1829.    4^  4.208.1 

— Renwick  (J.)  Life  of  De  Witt  Cmton.  New 
York,  1845.     i8'.  32.2011,6 

Clinton  {Sir  Henry),    b,  1738.    </.  1795. 

— Narrative  relative  to  his  conduct  during  the 
campaign  of  1 78 1.  Philadelphia,  1865.  4*". 


Clinton  (Henry  Fynes).     b,  1781.    d,  1852. 

— Literary  remains;  consisting  of  autobiogra- 
phy, literary  journal,  and  essays.  Ed.  by 
C.  J.  F.  Clinton.     London,.  1854.     12'. 


Clive  (Robert,  lord),     b,  1725.     d  1774. 

— Gleig  (G.  R.)    Robert,  lord  Clive.   pp.  1-114. 

V.  3  of  32,203i.7 

Clocks.     See  Time-pieces. 

Clodius  Pulcher  (Publius).    d.  52  B.C. 

— Beesly  (E.  S.)  Catiline,  Clodius,and  Tiberius. 

London,  1878.     8**.  z2.744.15 

—Stevens  (P.)    Report  on  clothing  and  woven 

fabrics.     Washington,  1870.     8*". 

V.  6  of  30.3875.5 


—Howard  (L.)  Essay  on  the  modifications  of 
clouds.     3d  ed.    London,  1865.    4''. 


— PoftY  (A.)  Comment  on  observe  les  nuages 
pour  pr^voir  le  temps.  3e  6d.  Paris, 
1879.     8\  26.3646.25 

New  classification  of  clouds.  38.3733.x 

[/»  Smithsonian  report,  1870,  pp.  43^45^1  • 

Clough  (Arthur  Hugh),     b,  18 19.     d,  1861. 

—Memoir  of  Arthur  Hugh  Clough.  With  a  selec- 
tion from  his  letters.  Ed.  by  his  wife. 
269  pp.  V.  I  of  x8. 1084.27 

— HuTTON  (R.  H.)  Arthur  Hugh  Clough.  pp. 
156-179.  2x.1312.11 





—Norton  (C.  E.)    Memoir  [of  Clough].    pp. 

iz-xxxvi.  z  8. 1084. 30 

— Detmold  (W,)    Essay  on  club-foot,  and  some 

analogous    diseases.      New  York,    1840. 

8^  29.3835.15 

— Mezger  (J.  G.)  Behandeling  van  distorsio 
pedis  met  fricties.  Amsterdam,  1868. 
53  PP-     8°.  29.3825.  Box  4 

— QuiMBY  (I.  N.)  New  mode  of  treatment  of 
congenital  talipes.  Jersey  City,  1875. 
12  pp.     8**.  29.3825.  Box  4 


—Fairfield  (F.  G.)  Clubs  of  New  York.  New 
York,  1873.     12^  24.1522.38 

— TiMBS  (J.)  Clubs,  and  club  life  in  London. 
London,  [1872].     p.  8**.  24.1526.22 

Clyde  river. 

— Report  of  sir  John  Hawkshaw  as  to  the  puri- 
fication of  the  river  Clyde.  With  minutes 
of  evidence.     Edinburgh,  1876.     f*. 

Alumni  room. 

Coad  (John). 

—Memorandum  of  the  providences  of  God  to  an 
unworthy  creature,  during  the  rebellion  in 
1688.     London,  1849.     32°-  ^•344>55 

Coal,  and  coal-mines. 

—Bow  EN  (E.)  Anthracite  coal  formation  [of 
Pennsylvania].         pp.  120-235  of  4.192.8 

— Daddow  (S.  H.)  aftd  Bannan  (B.)  Coal,  iron, 
and  oil:  a  work  on  our  mines  and  mineral 
resources.     Pottsville,  Pa.,  1866,     8'. 


— D'Alignv  (H.  F.  Q.)  Report  on  the  manu- 
facture of  pressed,  or,  agglomerated  coal. 
Washington,  1869.    8**.     v.  5  of  30.3875.5 

— Fairley  (W.)  The  ventilation  of  coal  mines. 
New  York,  1882.  18**.  No.  58  of  26.1620.  i 

— Hair  (T.  H.)  Series  of  views  of  the  collieries 
in  Northumberland  and  Durham.  With 
descriptive  sketches  by  M.  Ross.  London, 
1844.     V,  28. 1798. 1 

— Hazard  (E.)  History  of  the  introduction  of 
anthracite  coal  into  Philadelphia,  pp. 
155-164.  v.  2  of  4.191.4 

— ^Jevons  (W.  S.)  Coal  question;  probable  ex- 
haustion of  our  coal  mines.  London, 
1865.     8^  29.1806.19 

— ^Johnson  (W.  R.)  Report  on  American  coals 
applicable  to  steam  navigation.  Washing- 
ton, 1844.    8**.  29.1806.20 

— Le  Conte  (J.)  Lectures  on  coal.  28.3733.1 
[Smithsonian  report,  1857,  PP'  119-X68]. 

— Macfarlane  (J.)  Coal-regions  of  America. 
New  York.  1873.     8^  29.1806.22 

— Pechar  (J.)  Coal  and  iron  in  all  countries  of 
the  world.     Manchester,  [1878].     8**. 


—Percy  (J)    Coal.    pp.  266-353  of  30.1876.17 

— Reports  of  the  inspectors  of  mines,  of  the  an- 
thracite coal  regions  of  Pennsylvania, 
1877.    Harrisburg,  1878.    8**.     28.1785.20 

— Saward  (F.  E.)  Coal  trade.  New  York, 
1876.     78  pp.     8'.  28.1798.  Box  2 

— Shkafer  (P.  W.)  Diagram  of  the  progress  of 
the  anthracite  coal  trade  of  Pennsylvania. 
Pottsville,  1879.     1.  i\   rolled. 

Alumni  room. 

—Sweet  (S.  H.)  Special  report  on  coal:  show- 
ing tu  cost  in  the  state  of  New  York. 
New  York,  1 866.     8'.  29.1806.24 

—Taylor  (R.  C.)  Statistics  of  coal.  2d  ed.  by 
S.  S.  Haldeman.     Philadelphia,  1855.     8^ 


— Thorpe  (T.  E.)  and  others.  Coal,  iis  history 
and  uses.  London,  1878.   8**.     29.1806.16 

— Williams  (C.  W.)  Elementary  treatise  on  the 
combustion  of  coal  and  the  prevention  of 
smoke.    London,  1858.    12".     26.1642.35 

— Williams  (J.)  Natural  history  of  the  strata  of 
coal.     265  pp.  V.  I  of  28.1791. 15 

Stty  aUoy  Fuel,  Gas,  Oil,  Petroleum. 


— Allen  (J.  A.)  On  the  coatis  (genus  nasua,. 
Storr).  Alumni  room. 

[/»  Bulletin  of  geological  survey  of  the  territories, 
V.  5,  pp.  i53-«74]- 

Cobb  (Howell),     b.  1816.    d.  1868. 

— BoYKiN  (S.)  Memorial  volume  of  the  Hon. 
Howell  Cobb.    Philadelphia,  1870.    p.  8\ 


Cobbett  (William),     b.  1766.    d.  1835. 

—Rogers  (J.  E.  T.)  William  Cobbett  pp. 
139-185.  v.  I  of  6.367.23. 

Cobden  (Richard),     b,  1804.    d,  1865. 

— Apjohn  (L.)  Richard  Cobden  and  the  free- 
traders.   London,  [1881].    p.  8**.     6.345.3 

—Bourne  (H.  R.  F.)  Richard  Cobden,  and 
the  commerce  of  the  present,  pp.  365- 
422.  V.  2  of  6.347.3 

— M'GiLCHRiST  (J.)  Richard  Cobden:  a  bi- 
ography. New  York,  1865.    16°.     6.345.2 

— MoRLEY  (J.)  Life  of  Richard  Cobden.  Bos- 
ton, 1881.     8^  6.345.4 

Cobham,  lord.     See  Oldcastle  {Sir  J.) 

Cochin  (Pierre  Suzanne  Augustin).  b,  1823. 
d,  1870. 

— Falloux  (A.  F.  P.  de).  Augustin  Cochin^ 
Tr.  by  A.  Craven.     London,  1877.     8**. 


Cochin  China. 

— BoRRi  (C.)  Account  of  Cochin-China.  [From 
the  Italian],    pp.  787-838.     v.  2  of  2.58.4 

The  same.    Relation  de  la  nouvelle  mission 

au  royaume  de  La  Cochinchinc.  Traduile 
par  A.  de  La  Croix.     Lille,  1631.     s.  8°. 

z  1.690. 1 1 

— Francis  (G.)  Cochinchine  fran9aise  en  1864. 
Paris.  1864.     8*.  1 1.693. 11 

— Grammont  (L.  de).  Notice  sur  la  basse 
Cochinchine.     Paris,  1864.  8%   I x. 693. 11 

— Pallu  (L.)  Histoire  de  Texp^dition  de  Cochin- 
chine en  1861.  Paris,  1864.  8".  zz. 694.11 

— Roy  (J.  J.  E.)  Souvenirs  d*un  ancien  mis- 
sion naire  k  la  Cochinchine.  Nouvelle  6d. 
Tours,  1864.     8*.  ZZ.693.H 

— Thomson  (J.)    Saigon,  or  Cochin  China. 

pp.  164-178  of  zz.694.2 
See^  aU0y  Tonquin. 

Cochin-Chinese  language. 

— MoRRONE  (G.  M.)  Vocabulary  of  the  Cochin- 
Chinese  language.  Lexicon  cochin-sinense 
latinum.  pp.  125-375  of  z5.2986.11 

— PiGNEAUX  (J.  G.  p.)  and  Taberd  (J.  L.)  Dic- 
tionarium  anamitico-latinum.  Serampore, 
1838.     4".  z5.948.13 

— Taberd  (J.  L.)  Dictionarium  latino-anamiti- 
cum.     Serampore,  1838.     4*.      z5.948.13 

Cocktmrn  (Henry  Thomas,  lord\  b,  1779.  d. 





— Memorials  of    his  time.     Edinburgh.  1856. 

8^  6.345.5 

— Journal,  a  continuation  of  the  memorials, 

1831-54.     Edinburgh,  1874.     2  v.     8". 

— Greene  (J.  R.)    Manual  of  the  sub-kingdom 

coelenterau.     2d  ed.     London,  1863.  16". 


Sce^  alto^  Corals,  Hydrozoa. 
Coeur  (Jacques),     b.  about  1400.     d.  1456. 
— CosTELLO  (L.  S.)    Jacques  Coeur,  the  French 

argonaut,  and  his  times.     London,  1847. 

8^  8.482.23 

— Wanklyn  (J.   A.)    Tea,    coffee,  and   cocoa. 

London,  1874.     16^.  30. 1934.34 

Coffin  (Levi),     b,  1799.     d, 
—Reminiscences  of  the  labors  of  a  lifetime  in 

behalf  of   the  slave.     Cincinnati,  [1876]. 

12".  24.1474.16 

Coins  and  coinage,  {including  medals). 

Ancient  coins, 

— Addison  (J.)  Dialogues  upon  the  usefulness 
of  ancient  medals,     pp.  53-204. 

V.  3  of  6.2340. 1 

— Arbuthnot  (J.)  Tables  of  ancient  coins,  ex- 
plained in  dissertations.  London,  1727. 
4**.  2.96.2 

— Blaramberg  (  .)  Choix  de  mfedailles  an- 
tiques d'Olbiopolis,  ou  Olbia.  Paris,  1822. 
8°.  2.96.13 

— CadalvAne  (E.  de).  Recueil  de  m6dailles 
grecques  in6dites.  Europe.  Paris,  1828. 
4°.  2.96.28 

— Card  WELL  (E.)  Lectures  on  the  coinage  of 
the  Greeks  and  Romans.  Oxford,  1832. 
8\  2.96.16 

— Daunou  (P.  C.  F.)     Des  m6dailles  et  des  in- 
scriptions, comme  monuments  d'histoire. 
pp.  178-214  of  2.94.1 

—  Eckhel(J.  H.)  Doctrina  numorum  veterum. 
Vindobonae,  1792-1828.     8  v.     4°.  2.96.6 

— Edwards  (J.)  Catalogue  of  the  Greek  and 
Roman  coins  of  Yale  college.  New 
Haven,  1880.     8°.  2.96.7 

— Frolich  (E.)  Annales  regum  Syriae,  numis 
veteribus  illustrati,  ab  obitu  Alexandri  ad 
Pompeii  adventum.     Viennae,  1744.     f. 

II. 708.7 

— Garrucci  (R.)     Numismatica  constantiniana. 
pp.  236-261  of  30. 1886. 1 

— Grasse  (J.  G.  T.)  Handbuch  dcr  alten  nu- 
mismatik,  bis  auf  Constantin  d.  grosse. 
Leipzig,  [1853-54].     8°.  2.96.14 

— Gronovius  (J.  F.)  De  sestertiis,  seu  subseci- 
vorum  pecuniae  veteris  graecae  et  ro- 
manaelibri  iv.  Lugduni  Batavorum,i69i. 
s.  4".  2.96.10  ■ 

— Head  (B.  V.)    Guide  to  the  select  Greek  and 
Roman   coins   exhibited    in    electrotype.  ' 
British  museum.     New  ed.  London,  1880. 
8°.  2.96.15^ 

— Landi  (C.)  Selectiorum  numismatum,  prae- 
cipue  romanorum,  expositiones.  Lugduni 
Batavorum,  1695.     s.  4**.  2.96. 11 

— Leake  (W.  M.)  Numismata  hellenica:  a  cat- 
alogue of  Greek  coins.  [With]  supple- 
ment.    London,  1856-59.     2  v.  in  i.    4". 


-Madden  (F.  W.)  History  of  Jewish  coinage, 
and  of  money  in  the  [Bible].  London, 
1864.     1.  8^  2.96.5 

-MoMMSEN  (C.  M.  T.)  Geschichte  des  romi- 
schen  milnzwesens.     Berlin,  i860.     8^. 


-Paruta  (F.)  and  Agostini  (L.)  Sicilia  nu- 
mismatica, studio  S.  Havercampi.  Ed. 
nova.     Lugduni  Batavorum,  1723.     V. 

12. 738. 1 

-RiNCK  (E.  G.)  De  veteris  numismatis  poten- 
tia  et  qualitate  lucubratio.  \Anon!\  Lip- 
siae,  1 701.     s.  4°.  2.96.24 

-Saint  Non  (J.  C.  R.  de).  Description  som- 
maire  des  m6dailles  de  la  Sicile.  pp.  363- 
386.  V.  4  of  12. 718.3 

-Schlager  (J.  C.)  Commentarius  de  numis 
antiquorum  in  thesauro  fridenciano. 
[Hamburgi,  1730?]     f^.  2.98.^ 

Note.  Coins  characteristic  of  ancient  states  are 
figured  in  Smith's  Dictionary  of  Greek  and  Ro- 
man (geography,  in  connection  with  each  article 
admitting  it. 

General  works  and  collections, 

-Akerman  (J.  Y.)  Numismatic  manual.  Lon- 
don, 1840.     8°.  2.96.12 

-Bom  (G.  T.)  Catalogus  eener  verzameling 
munten  nagelaten  door  T.  D.  Engel.  Am- 
sterdam, 1871.     s.  4".  2.96.17 

Catalogus  der  penningen  en  munten  nagela- 
ten door  Jamieson,  Feijens,  Landr6,  en 
Van  der  Wallen.  Amsterdam,  1870.  s. 
4*.  2.96.20 

Collection   de    monnaies   antiques,    laiss6e 

par  feu  J.  Baart  de  la  Faille.  Amster- 
dam, 1870.     41  pp.     s.  4**.  2.96.18 

-Green  (B.  R.)  Numismatics,  pp.  619-650. 
Revolving  case.  E.i 
[Encyclopaedia  metropolitana,  v.  5]. 

-HOMANS  (L  S.)  Coin  book.  [Anofi.]  Phil- 
adelphia. 1872.     S°.  25.1545.9 

-Humphreys  (H.  N.)  Coin  collector's  manual. 
London,  1853.     i  v.  in  2.     p.  8*.  2.96.26 

-Prime  (W.  C.)  Coins,  medals,  and  seals,  an- 
cient and  modern.  New  York,  1861.  s. 
4^  2.96.15 

-Snowden  (J.  R.)  Description  of  ancient  and 
modern  coins,  in  the  collection  at  the 
mint.     Philadelphia,  i860.     8''.         2.96.8 

— Description  of  the  medals  of  Washington; 
of  national  and  miscellaneous  medals,  etc., 
in  the  museum  of  the  mint.  Philadelphia, 
1861.     1.  8°.  2.96.3 

Medieval  coins, 

-Adamson  (J.)  Account  of  the  discovery  of  a 
number  of  the  Anglo-Saxon  coins  called 
stycas.  V.  25,  pp.  279-310, 

v.  26,  pp.  346-348  of  5.2296.1 

-Adler  (J.  G.  C.)  Museum  cuficum  borgia- 
num  Velitris.     Romae,  1782.  4"*.  2.96.23 

-Clarke  (W.)  Connexion  of  the  Roman, 
Saxon,  and  English  coins,  deduced  from 
observations  on  the  Saxon  weights  and 
money.     London,  1767.     4".  2.96.4 

-Fountaine  (A.)  Numismata  anglo  saxonica 
et  anglo-danica  breviter  illustrata.  pp. 
161-188.  v.  2  of  X5.2958.1 

-Hedler  (J.  C.)  Diatribe  de  nummis  scypha- 
tis  Nordmannorum,  quos  vulgo  regen- 
bogenschilslein  appellant.  Berolini,  1830. 
s.  4".  ,  2.96.27 





— Keder  (N.)  De  argento  ninis,  scu  Uteris 
gothids  insign^ito.     Lipsiae,  1703.    s.  4". 


— Lindsay  (J.)  Notices  of  remarkable  medie- 
val coins.  Cork,  1849.  10  pp.  4*".  2.96.21!^ 

— Nesselmann  (G.  H.  F.)  Orientalischen  mUn- 
zen  des  akademischen  milnzcabinets  in 
KQnigsberg.     Leipzig,  1848.  8".  2.96.23I 

— Thwaites  (E.)  Notae  in  Anglo-snxonum 
nummos.  [Anon.]  Oxoniae,  1708.  s. 
8*.  15.2954.27 

Modem  coins. 

— Cardonnel  (A.  de).  Numismata  Scotiae;  or, 
a  series  of  the  Scottish  coinage,  from  the 
reign  of  William  the  lion  to  the  union. 
Edinburgh,  1786.     4**.  6.338.1 

—Dumas  (E.  C.  J.  B.)  Notes  sur  remission  en 
France  des  monnaies  d6cimales  de  bronze, 
(1852-1865).     Paris,  1868.     4**.       2.96.22 

— Ede  (J.)  View  of  the  gold  and  silver  coins  of 
all  nations,  in  engravings.  London,  1808. 
sq.  16".  2.96.21 

— Grueber  (H.  a.)  Guide  to  the  English 
medals  in  the  king's  library.  British 
museum.     London,  1881.     16".      2.95.26 

— Saulcy  (L.  J.  F.  C.  de).  Souvenirs  numis- 
matiques  de  la  revolution  de  1848.  [Anon.] 
Paris,  [1850].     4^  2.96.25I 

— TiNDAL  (N.)  Metallick  history  of  the  reigns 
of  William  and  Mary,  Anne,  and  George 
1.     London,  1747.     V.        v.  5  of  5.288.6 

— Vertue  (G.)  Medals,  coins,  and  other  works 
of  Tnomas  Simon.  2d  ed.  London,  1780. 
4%  2.98.6^ 

See,  alsa.  Copper  coinage,  Gold,  Money,  Silver, 
Weights  and  measures. 

Coke  {Sir  Edward),     d.  1552.     </.  1633. 

—Campbell  (J.)  Life  of  Sir  Edward  Coke, 
pp.  245-357.  V.  I  of  6.338.1 

— WooLRYCH  (H.  W.)  Life  of  sir  Edward 
Coke.     London,  1826.     8".  6.345.8 

See^  also^  Bacon  (F.),  Raleigh  (W.) 

Colbert  (Jean  Baptiste).     b.  1619.    </.  1683. 

—James  (G.  P.  R.)  Life  of  Jean  Baptiste  Col- 
bert,    pp.  137-201,  3-75. 

vv.  I.  2  of  8.485. 1 1 

The  same.     pp.  108-219.      v.  3  of  5.243.23 

iS>r,  also.,  Louis  xiv.,  Mazarin  {jCardinat)^  Politi- 
cal economy  {History), 

Colbnni  (Zerah).     b,  1804.    d,  1840. 

— Memoir;  written  by  himself.  Springfield,  1833. 

12*.  4.204.15 

Cold.    &^Heat. 
Cold  winter,  1614. 
—Cold  yeare,  16 14.     A  deepe  snow  in  which 

men  and  cattell  have  perished.     [Anon.] 

London,  1872.     8°.  v.  2  of  18.1075.8 

Colebrooke  (Henry  Thomas),  b,  1765.    d.  1837. 
— Mth,LER  (F.    M.)    Life  of  Colebrooke.     pp. 

359-416.  v.  4  of  22.1383.33 

Colenso  (John  William),     b.  1814.      See  Bible 

{Commentaries t  Pentateuch), 
Coleoptera.     See  Beetles. 
Coleridge  (Samuel  Taylor),     b.  1772.    d.  1834. 
—Coleridge  (S.)    Mr.  Coleridge's  obligations 

to  Schelling,  and  his  religious  opinions. 

pp.  xi-cxl.  v.  3  of  0.2344.4 

— Cottle  (J.)  Reminiscences  of  Samuel  Tay- 
lor Coleridge  and  Robert  Southey.  New 
York,  1847.     12°.  6.345.13 

— De  Quincey  (T.)  Coleridge  and  opium  eat- 
ing,    pp.  122-164.  V.  2  of  21.1304.1 

Samuel  Taylor  Coleridge,     pp.  153-259. 

v.  I  of  21.1304.1 

— Gillman  (J.)  Life  of  Samuel  Taylor  Cole- 
ridge.    V.  I.  London,  1838.  8°.    6.345.12 

— HoRT  (F.  J.  A.)    Coleridge,     pp.  292-351. 

21. 1302.16 

— Memoir  of  [Coleridge.     Anon,]    pp.  xxi-ciii. 

V.  I  of  18. 1087. 1 

— Shairp(J.  C.)    Coleridge. 

pp.  90-203  of  x8. 1078a.  23 

Coleridge  (Sara),    b.  1802.    d.  1852. 

—Memoir  and  letters.  Edited  by  [E.  Cole- 
ridge].    London,  1873.     2  v.     p.  8". 


The  same.  New  York,  1874.  p.  8°.  6. 2363. 11 

Colet  (John),    b.  1466.    d.  1519. 

—Knight  (L.)  Life  of  Dr.  John  Colet.  Lon- 
don, 1724.     8°.  6.345.15 

Colig^i  (Gaspard  de).     ^.1517.     ^.1572. 

— Besant  (W.)  Gaspard  de  Coligny.  New 
York,  1879.     I6^  8.482.25 

— Courtilz  de  Sandras  (G.)  Vie  de  Gaspard 
de  Coligny.   [Anon.]  Cologne,  1791.  12  . 

5>/,  atso^  Huguenots. 

Coliseum.     See  Rome. 

College  of  New  Jersey.    See  Princeton. 


—Account  of  college-commencements  for  1873. 
Washington,  1873,     2  pts.     8*. 

24.1485.  Box  2 
[Circulars  of  the  bureau  of  education,  no.  3,  5— 

— Baird  (W.  R.)  American  college  fraternities. 
Philadelphia,  1879.     12**.  24.1493.19 

— Hall  (B.  H.)  Collection  of  college  words 
and  customs.  [Anon.]  Cambridge, 
[Mass.],  1851.     12%  24.1493.13 


—Huntington  (F.  D.)  Home  and  college.  A 
public  address.     Boston,  i860.     12°. 


— Nightingale  (A.  F.)  Handbook  of  require- 
ments for  admission  to  the  colleges  of  the 
United  States.     New  York,  1879.     1.  8°. 

24. 1494. 1 

— Olin  (S.)  College  life:  its  theory  and  prac- 
tice.    New  York,  1867.     12".   24.1493.28 

— Porter  (N.)  American  colleges,  and  the 
American  public.  New  Haven,  1870. 
12%  24.1493.23 

The  same.     New  ed.    With  after-thoughts. 

New  York,  [1878].     12°.  24.1493.23 

—Richardson  (C.  F.)  and  Clark  (H.  A.)  The 
college  book.  Boston,  1878.  4*'.  Art  room. 

—Smith  (F.  H.)  College  reform.  Philadel- 
phia, 185 1.     12**.  24.1493.30 

— Thwing  (C.  F.)  American  colleges  :  their 
students  and  work.  New  York,  1878.  16". 


—Tyler  (W.  S.)  Prayer  for  colleges.  New 
York,  1855.     12".  24.1493.17 

The  same.     New  ed.     Boston,  n.  d.     12*. 






—  -The  same.     New  ed.     Boston,  1877.     12°. 

24.1493  17 

— Wayland  (F.)  Thoughts  on  the  present  col- 
legiate system  in  Uie  United  States.  Bos- 
ton, 184a.  i6".  24.1493.36 
Se*^  also^  Amhentf  Bruotwick,  {Bcwd0in\  Cam- 
bridge, {Harvard^  Cbarlottesrille,  {yir^inta 
univ9rttty\  Etoo«  Hanover,(/>«r/jw««M),  IllinoU, 
Itbaca.  iC^rtuil)^  Jeffenoo,  New  Haveo,  (Ki/r), 
New  York,  {jC^luw^ia.  C^Uegt  o/tht  city  0/ New 
York\  Philadelpllia,  (Girard  and  Univtrsiiit  0/ 
Pennsylvania^  l^oughkeepsie,  (f'^astar),  Prince- 
ton, (C^/^r/r  0/ New  Jersey),  Providence,  {Br0wn\ 
St.  Louis,  iwaskinit0n\  WiUiams,  Winchester. 
Als0y  Education,  uniyersities. 

Collier  (Arthur),    b,  1680.    d,  1733. 

—Benson  (R.)  Memoirs  of  the  life  and  writings 
of  the  Rev.  Arthur  Collier.  London, 
1837.    8%  6.345.16 

Collins  (William),     b  1721.     d.  1759. 

—Nicolas  {Sir  H.)  Memoir  of  William  Collins, 
pp.  v-xliiof  18.1050. 1 

The  same.  pp.  v-xlii  of  18.1087.1 


— Cronica  presulum  et  archiepiscoporum  colo- 
niensis  ecclesie.  pp.  1-64.  v.  i  of  9.521.3 

— Plan  von  Coeln  und  Deutz.  Coeln,  1854. 
sq.  I6^    folded.  9. 5 10. 17 

Nets.  The  mediaeval  annals  of  Cologne  may  be 
found  in  vols,  i,  16,  and  17  of  the  Monumenta 
historica  Germaniae,  edited  by  Peru. 

Colombia  {United  States  of  Colombia), 

— Bastian  (A.)  Columbien,  [1875-76].  pp. 
205-343.  V.  I  of  3. 136.5 

— Cochrane  (C.  S.)  Journal  of  a  residence  and 
travels  in  Colombia,  1823-24.  London, 
1825.     2  V.     8\  3. 122.14 

Stey  als0y  Atrato,  New  Granada,  Panama. 

Colombo  (Cristoforo).     See  Columbus  (C.) 


—Brougham  (H.)  Inquiry  into  the  colonial 
policy  of  the  European  powers.  Edin- 
burgh, 1803.     2  V.     8*.  24.1504.6 

— Creasy  (E.  S.)  Imperial  and  colonial  consti- 
tutions of  the  Britannic  empire.  London, 
1872.     8^  24.1513.7 

— Heisterbergk  (B.)  Entstehung  des  colonats. 
Leipzig,  1876.     8^  12. 745.1 

— Martin  (R.  M.)  History  of  the  colonies  of 
the  British  empire.     London,  1843.     8**. 


— Raynal  (G.  T.  F.)  Philosophical  history  of 
the  settlements  and  trade  of  the  Euro- 
peans in  the  E^t  and  West  Indies.  Tr. 
by  J.  O.  Justamond.  London,  1873.  8 
V.     8^  Xi.2686.8 

Colonization,  {African), 

—Alexander  (A.)  History  of  colonization  on 
the  western  coast  of  Africa.  2d  ed.  Phil- 
adelphia, 1840.     8°.  1 1.654. 1 

—Brown  (I.  V.)  [Origin  of  the  colonization 
society].  pp.  99-155  of  4.205.14 

— Everett  (E.)  Colonization  of  Africa,  pp. 
167-1S5.  V.  3  of  2i.r295.8 

—Freeman  (F.)  Plea  for  Africa.  2d  ed.  Phil- 
adelphia, 1S37.     12**.  24.1474.17 

—Jay  (W.)  Inquiry  into  the  character  and  ten- 
dency of  the  American  colonization  so- 
ciety.    3d  ed.     New  York,  1835.     12°. 

See^  als0y  Liberia,  Sierra  Leone,  Slavery. 

Colonna  (Vittoria).    3.1490.    </.  1547. 

—Harford  (J.  S.)  Memoir  of  Vittoria  Colon- 
na.   pp.  252-325.  V.  2  of  12.724.3 

— Trollope  (T.  A.)  Life  of  Vittoria  Colonna. 
New  York,  1859.     24°.  12. 720.  a 

Color,  (iif  ar(), 

— Bezold  (W.  von).  Theory  of  color  in  its  rela^ 
tion  to  art  and  art-industry.  Tr.  by  S.  R. 
Koehler.     Boston,  1876.  p.  8*.  30.1891.8- 

— Chevreul  (M.  E.)  Moyens  de  d^finir  et  de 
nommer  les  couleurs  d*aprds  une  m^- 
thode  pr6cise  et  experimentale.  Paris, 
1861.    f°.  X6.3006.1 

—  -Principles  of  harmony  and  contrast  of  col- 
ours, and  their  applications  to  the  arts. 
Tr.  by  C.  Martel.  3d  ed.  London,  1872. 
i6".  30.1891.30 

—Hay  (D.  R.)  Principles  of  beauty  in  colour- 
ing, systematized.  Edinburgh,  1845.  s.  4"*. 

30. 1893. 19 

— Hatdon  (B.  R.)    On  colour,    pp.  247-296. 

V.  I  of  30.1893.10 

— Malepeyrb  (F.)  Practical  treatise  on  the 
manufacture  of  colors  for  painting.  Tr. 
bv  A.  A.  Fesquet.  Philadelphia,  1874. 
8*.  30. 1 872. 2S 

— Massoul  (C.  de).  Treatise  on  painting,  and 
the  composition  of  colours.  From  the 
French.  London,  1797.  p.  8*.    30.1891.27 

— Merrikield  (M.  p.)  Harmony  of  colours  as 
exemplified  in  the  exhibition  [at  the  crys- 
tal palace,  1851].     London,  [1851].     4*". 


The  same.  Art  room.  C4.  i 

See^  alsoy  Decoration,  Dyeing,  Paiotiog. 

Color,  {in  science), 

— Allen  (G.)  Color-sense:  its  origin  and  de- 
velopment.    Boston,  1879.     p.  8**. 


— Benson  (W.)  Principles  of  the  science  of 
colour  in  the  decorative  arts.  London, 
1868.     4''.  30.1888.21 

— BoETTicHER  (P.  A.)  Initia  chromatologiae 
arabicae.     Berolini,  1849.     8^. 

30.1916.  Box  I 

— Boyle  (R.)  Experiments  and  considerations 
touching  colours.     London,  1664.     8**. 


— Chevreul  (M.  E.)  Expose  d'un  moyen  de 
d^finir  et  de  nommer  les  couleurs.  Atlas. 
Paris,  1861.     14  pi.     V,  16.3006.1 

— Dove  (H.  W.)  Darstellung  der  farbenlehre 
studien.     Berlin,  1853.     8°.         26.1643.9 

— Goethe  (J.  W.  von).  Zur  farbenlehre.  Tu- 
bingen, 1810.  2  V.  8**.  And  atlas.  Stutt- 
gart, 1842.     4*.  26.1643.37 

The  same.     Stuttgart,  1874.     16*. 

V.  15  of  9.550.1 

— GuiLLEMiN  (A.)  Lumifere  et  les  couleurs. 
Paris,  1874.     i6%  26.1643.42 

— MoiGNO  (F.  N.  M.)  On  accidental,  or  sub- 
jective colors.     From  the  [French]. 

28.3733- 1 
{In  Smithsonian  report,  1866,  pp.  211-253]. 

— Rood  (O.  N.)  Modern  chromatics,  with  ap- 
plications to  art  and  industry.  New 
York,  1879.     I2^  26.1643.51 

— Warm  ANN  (  .)  Untersuchungen  ilber  das 
wesen  des  lichtes  und  der  farben.  Leip- 
zig, 1873.  8^  26.1643.19 
Sety  alsoy  Light,  Optics,  Sight. 





Color  blindness. 

— CoHN  (H.)  Studien  fiber  angeborene  farben- 
blindheit.     Breslau,  1879.     8\  29.3835.3 

—Holmgren  (F.)  Color-  blindness  in  its  rela- 
tion to  accidents  by  rail  and  sea.  Tr. 
[from  the  French]  by  M.  L.  Duncan. 
Washington,  1878.     8\  28.3733.1 

[/«  Smithsoman  report,  z877«  pp.  131-aoo]. 

— ^Jeffries  (B.  J.)  Colorblindness:  its  dangers 
and  its  detection.     Boston,  1879.     12''. 

26. 1643.40 


— Bowles  (S.)  Switzerland  of  America.  A 
summer  vacation  in  Colorado,  [186S]. 
Springfield.  1869.     18*.  3.162.9 

— Dall  (C.  H.)  My  first  holiday;  or,  letters 
from  Colorado,  Utah,  and  California, 
[1880].     Boston,  1881.     16°.        3. 161. 16 

— FossETT  (F.)  Colorado:  a  historical  and  statis- 
tical work  on  the  mining  region.  Denver, 
1876.     p.  8'.  3. 161. 5 

— Greatorex  (E.)  Summer  etchings  in  Colo- 
rado, [1873].  New  York,  1873.  8**.  3.162.8 

— Hayden  (F.  V.)  Annual  reports  of  the  geo- 
logical and  geographical  survey  of  the 
territories,  embracing  Colorado,  1873-76. 
Washington,  1